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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  October 22, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the latest. >> reporter: monica and rick the president has been briefed on the shootings as ottawa is just north and west of the canadien u.s. border. it erupted just before 10:00 a.m. and they call it a fluid sitdation and we know that members of parliament had to go hiding for cover when the gun fire erupted. in downtown ottawa, two separate shooting incidents led to widespread panic. it captured the scene inside of the parliament building, police officers firing shots at the armed man that burst in. at least 30 shots were heard and members of parliament were holding their weekly caucus meeting. >> thought it was construction, and the security comes down and i rushed to the back of the parliament building. >> a soldier standing guard at
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the canadian war memorial was killed. it's not clear how many gunmen were there but they confirm that one male suspect is dead. >> all the necessarily resources were activated and deployed immediately when we became aware of the incident. they will continue to be here for as long as needed. witnesses heard rapid gun shots in the matter of seconds. >> heard a shot and there was a guy with a rifle around on the back corner. and just pow, pow. >> most of downtown hot wa was put on lock down and residents were asked to stay away from the downtown area while the investigation continued. we are asking the communities to continue to be aware and vigilant. >> now the national hockey league canceled tonight's ottawa-senators game.
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and the embassy was also placed on lockdown out of precaution. >> the coverage of the ottawa tack continues at, we have full details about the shooting preand you can see a video from inside of parliament when the gun fire erupted . time to talk weather with a midweek system of rain, and wind and chill. >> sky 6 shows a dreary evening out there, when will it all clear up? cecily tynan is at the big board. >> we'll clear out completely by friday, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that there is a band of some heavy rain that is beginning to move offshore near the toms river area and we have heavy rain in the salem county area 15 minutes ago and now it's over smyrna. and you can see how this is all moving to the south and west. the reason why we are stuck in the clouds and damp dreary
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weather, is a low pressure off the coast of delmarva, this is what is just kind of spinning, it's cut off from the jet stream and high pressure to the north then is causing the system from moving much. and tomorrow during the day it is working up to the north and east and it brings us a slow, drying trend, it's wet and cool with temperatures in the 50s and wind gusts currently out of the north from 23 to 32 miles per hour. it's a raw day, a great day for indoor activities. the timeline showing what so expect from now and 8:00 this is where we get the steady rain moving into the atlantic, from tonight into early thursday, on and off showers, thursday morning still showers around, by the afternoon winds shift from the northwest and that pulls down drier air and it will be cloudy and breezy and cool. and we'll finally turn the faucet off and we'll talk about the return of sunshine and a
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much nicer weekend. >> thank you cecily. in other news, a woman was killed and her husband injured in this accident in fairmount park, police say that a car slam into them head-on, on martin luther king drive and sweet briar drive. isabella decker died and her husband alexander suffered minor injuries, what caused the driver to lose control and slam into them is still under investigation. a tribute to a popular dirt biker scared drivers and pedestrians yesterday. >> today police admitted they could have handled it all differently. >> vernon odom is live now in olney with the story. >> reporter: rick, police, politicians and regular people from all over town, say this type of incident happens daily
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around the city, they are looking for ways to prevent it. >> yesterday afternoon, at least 100 dirt bike and atv owners that police call a band of rogues and knuckle heads took off on broad to a south philly funeral. they ignored red lights and rode on sidewalks and kutd off normal traffic including school buses and tankers and went against one-way traffic and most of these vehicles are illegal to operate insides of philadelphia. police chose not to take action, because of a non-pursuit policy. >> imagine what would have happened. they all would have went up on the sidewalks, rush hour is approaching and kids are getting out of school. >> it was loud and crazy, no respect for the pedestrians, it was reckless. >> they turned out for the
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funeral of tyrell tyler, he was murdered gang land style in southwest philadelphia. police say they have confiscated 80 vehicles in recent months but they must proceed with caution. >> it's unacceptable to the department and we'll look at strategies moving forward and what to do if an event like this happens again, what the enforcement mechanisms looks like we understand the concern by the police but we have to figure out how to stop these events. >> they have been dealing with this dirt bike-atv problem for decades. >> it's amazing nobody got hurt. >> there was no arrests of any of these people, i have to call arrogant, yet fun loving bikers. vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you vernon armed
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robbers assaulted a man in the logan section of philadelphia last night. the bandits pushed them into a house in west somerville and hit him in the head with the butt of a gun. they were seen running away with a tv and gaming system. and this woman is wanted for committing fraudulent activity at td bank and susquehanna bank. now a check of the "action news" traffic report on a wednesday. lets go live to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> soggy, sloppy, slippery, slow. it's a mess as we head home on this wednesday afternoon, not helping the situation on 95 northbound is a broken down vehicle by the exit for the b betsy ross bridge, it's locked up through penn's landing and the betsy ross bridge.
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through the travel time and the work zones, in bucks county, we have the disabled freight train blocking wood road and oxford valley road as alternates, in newtown, a truck struck a pole and a vehicle overturned in buck county. a lot of serious accidentses this is allentown road. in voorhees, we are watching a crash at victor boulevard but the better news comes in on the ben franklin bridge, all lanes reopen today and construction is over and the patco trains rolling over the ben are operating on new schedules. >> okay matt thank you. >> much more to come on "action news" tonight. >> that is right. the cdc is taking new steps to screen travellers who could carry the ebola virus. ali gorman has the details in health check.
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and we'll check back in with meteorologist, cecily tynan, on the update on the "action news."
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the cdc announced you efforts to screen travelers coming from the three west african countries battling ebola. ali gorman is at is the big board. >> first they will check anyone coming from these three countries to come through one of these five airports in the united states. these are the airports with entry screening, all travelers will be monitored for 21 days and in our area they will be followed by health officials. starting monday, six states including pennsylvania and knowledge, will monitor travelers returning from west african countries with ebola symptoms. anybody without symptoms will maintain contact with officials for 21 days, reporting their temperature and their symptoms. all travellers will be given an
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ebola care kit, like the one seen here, it contains information along with a thermometer, they are instructed to take their temperature twice a day for 21 days and also check for symptoms, a check and report ebola and care card is also provided with television numbers and who to call when they have symptoms. >> french researchers have came up with a faster way to detect the ebola virus, faster results will help to contain the virus. and another team in france announced they will start to test a drug made in japan and they are starting in guinea. >> the world health organization will start a clinical trial of a vaccine in january for health care workers treating patients in west africa. we have researchers here getting
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ready to test vaccines and there is no word yet when those will be ready to go. >> rick back to you. >> thank you ali. disabled veterans are getting help finding jobs thanks to st. joe's university. senator pat toomey unveiled the entrepreneur jump start program, a one year program of online and campus programs and workshops and it's free and the vets will have mentors from the business community to help when they start their own business. >> still to come, the government is expanding their warning with an airbag issue on millions of vehicles. when "action news" at 5:00
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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the u.s. government is returning owners of nearly 8 million owners of cars and trucks to get their airbags checked out. some mechanisms installed on various makes and models can ruptured and cause metal to fly
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out. it was put back in the spotlight when a woman killed in florida possibly by a piece of metal that flew from her airbag. another 300,000 vehicles were added to the warning today. go to our website at, to find out more. a new study reveals that dietary supplements may contain dangerous prescription drug ingredients, researchers bought supplements online and found steroids and weight loss drugs linked to heart attack. 17 still had the same drug that pomted recalls, the researchers believe that the manufacturers are failing at their oversight of the problem. a man in philly is helping kids hit home runs. cole hamels donated $5,000 for a new, portable baseball fence.
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hats off to this nonprofit for making athletic and artistic dreams come through. dennis williams says he has an open door policy with his constituents, he hosted open office hours today. where wilmington residents can stop by and express concerns, people signed up and took advantage. the public is invited to drop by for morning hours at 8:00 or afternoon hours at 4:00. mayor williams says it's a way to connect with citizens and get feedback on issues affecting their community. more to come on "action news" tonight, look at sky 6 hd at philadelphia international airport, by the way there is a ground delay in affect right now of over two hours, there was a ground stop because of the weather and now that is lifted. but still there is a two hour delay. also we want to remind to you go
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to facebook and like the 6 abc facebook page, check the like box and have access to all the stories we are following including updates on breaking news and weather. go to can you communicate with members of team. "action news" will be right back.
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time now for accuweather at
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the "action news" big board. cecily tynan is keeping an eye on the temperatures, the soggy temperatures, when can i give you the umbrella back? >> i'm hiding my umbrella because you need your umbrella. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that we are getting rounds of rain moving in from the atlantic and like i mentioned at the top of the newscast. there is one round moving into seaside heights and lakewood now and surf city, right over the garden state parkway, this is all moving in from the east as the low pressure continues to spin really going nowhere fast and we still have a batch of moderate rain south of salem, new jersey, over middletown and smyrna and the mouth of the delaware bay and we'll continue to see on and off showers tonight. and how much rain depends on where you are. allentown less than .10, and the rain never made it to the
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poconos. and wilmington a half inch. temperatures definitely chilly, philadelphia 56 degrees and allentown 56, and wilmington 55 and millville 54 and temperatures running about 10 degrees below average and then you have the fact that it's damp and dreary and a great day for napping, that is about it. satellite 6 along with action radar, the actual low pressure is here off the coast of delmarva and what it is doing is sitting there and barely moving at all over the next 24 hours, the reason why is we have the high pressure to the north and the low pressure is cut off from the jet stream and there is nothing to push it off to sea and by tomorrow morning it barely moved at all. and as we head to friday, the high pressure to the north really releases the hold and the low pressure moves away from us and that shifts the winds from the northwest, when you get winds from the northwest they are coming over land, that is a
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much drier flow of land and that clears the moisture and brings back the return of sunshine. it's still tropical storm season and we have tropical depression number nine, maximum sustained winds of 35 miles per hour. if you look at this satellite 6 along with action radar this moisture is moving over southern florida and releasing flooding rains and that is the only way this system affects the u.s. the track shows that tropical depression number nine heads over the yucatan peninsula, and weakens and reemerges over the northwest, it's not expected to become a tropical storm. tonight drizzle and showers and a raw wind, 49 in philadelphia and 45 in allentown and 50 in cape may, the five-day at 5:00 shows tomorrow on and off showers the first half of the day and cloudy and windy and a chilly day, 57 degrees, and friday the clouds break for sunshine and breezy and 65
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drlgs, the weekend is looking really nice, saturday is the milder of the two days, 67 degrees and cooler on sunday and 63 and back up to 65 degrees on monday under mostly sunny skies and then we have a warm-up on the way. adam joseph will talk about that in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. temperatures in the 70s. >> we look forward to that. wow. more to come in the next half hour, students and staff are evacuated from a local university after a fire breaks out in a chemistry lab, the flu season is fast approaching and students are making sure they are protecting in south jersey. >> the sixers dancers have a new look on the court thanks to a popular designer. >> how about those dresses? >> i didn't notice.
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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"action news" continues with adam joseph, jaime apody, rick williams and monica malpass. >> hello again, here is what is happening on "action news" tonight. attack in ottawa, the canada capital city is rocked by shootings at parliament and the
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war memorial. and a man armed with a machete is caught on tape at a convenience store. >> and it sounds like it came from the future but it's made to kbatd the ebola virus and it's made in our area. we'll continue to follow the attack in ottawa, two separate shootings in the downtown area, a suspect at another location was also killed but information is pouring in at this hour. sharrie williams is joining us at the big board with the latest. >> parliament members in canada call it a horrific day, they say there is more than one person involved that is possible but the city of ottawa is on lock down as we see the to areas where the gun fire erupted at the national war memorial and then on parliament hill.
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a chaotic scene inside of the parliament building in ottawa, police officers firing shots at an armed man that burst in,wity says that dozens of shots were heard and the smell of gun powder filled the building, lawmakers were holding their later caucus meetings. minutes before the shooting insides of parliament, canadian police say that a soldier standing guard at the national war memorial was killed. it's not clear how many gunmen there were but ottawa police confirm that one male suspect is dead and they are trying to confirm if there are other suspects. witnesses heard rapid gunshots in the matter of second zbliz heard a shot and i turned around and there was a guy