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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 13, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." and breaking right now, the deadly or the nay doles touching down across several states. more than 20 million americans on alert for severe storms tonight. in the middle of this country and moving east. also, the tropical storm that just turned into a hurricane. also this evening, the first case of ebola transmitted in america. the 26-year-old nurse from dallas and her little dog, both in isolation. and we ask here, how long does ebola last on surfaces, on your skin? and the new scare on the plane that landed in boston. the pictures coming in. the 911 call just coming in from inside a school bus tonight. 80 students on board. they say the driver begins to swerve. you'll hear the terrified calls. what was the driver on? and the deadliest catch. our ginger zee out to sea with the men of that hit program, on
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board that ship, just as a massive storm moves in. the pictures and what she pulled off. hold on, ginger. good evening and it's gate to have you with us on a very busy monday night. we begin with the breaking news. the deadly tornadoes touching down right now. as i mentioned, more than 20 million people in the storm zone tonight and this is what they're facing. in louisiana, strong winds, rain, roshlts of tornadoes. a state of emergency there tonight. and you can see it on the radar at this hour. the severe storms moving in and marching east ward. tornado watches in effect as we come on the air. we are following that tropical testimony that's just been upgraded to a hurricane. more on that in a moment here, but first, abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano with the tornado worries right now. >> reporter: storms slamming middle america. winds so strong in ft. worth, texas, the roof of this tire
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shop and wall collapsing object the car below. in monroe, louisiana, trees uprooted, some crushing homes, power poles snapped and dangling from their own wires, making roads impassable, and this big rig tractor trailer, flipped on its side. it's now a massive system that started early in texas, growing into a squall line of severe storms stretching over 800 miles. at least six tornadoes, one hitting southwest arkansas shortly before dawn. >> my husband and i were sleeping in the bed and he heard it coming and he touched me and said, "hit the floor." >> reporter: one man was killed. his wife injured. along with three others in the close-knit little river county, where the community, along with their sheriff, try to cope. >> it could have been worse, but we feel the loss of one life is bad. >> reporter: the national weather service on site to determine the storm's strength. >> i think it was and ef-2. the main determination was the mobile home right behind me that was pretty much demolished, the
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foundation was separated from the frame of the mobile home, the walls were completely collapsed. >> reporter: no match for winds well over 100 miles per hour. >> the pictures are incredible. this is moving quickly. rob, what concerns you most? >> reporter: the concerns tonight is that it's holding together. still strong, even as the sun goes down in the eastern half of the country. here's where the storms will be headed. the bulls eye is across mississippi, alabama and in through tennessee. we've got tornado watches that will likely remain in place all the way through indiana. tomorrow, everything pushes to the east. we have big cities like atlanta under the gun for severe weather for yet another day. >> and rob, while we have you, the pictures of the tropical system comes in. this is tropical storm faye hitting bermuda hard late this weekend. and now new images tonight, the new threat, hurricane gonzalo. there off the coast of antigua. this was just upgraded to a hurricane. what's the new track? >> reporter: it's an impressive storm system. it's battering the islands of the caribbean. here's what we think is going to
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happen. it will likely graze puerto rico. the british virgin islands, hurricane warnings out right now. it will strengthen into a category 2 and 3 storm, peopling away from the u.s., but bermuda could get hit again. maybe as strong as a category 2 later this week. >> peopling away from the u.s. >> reporter: yes, sir. >> all right, rob, thank you. onto the other developing story we're following here tonight. the nut ebola patient, that young nurse, the first american infected with ebola right here in the u.s. and this new image. nina pham, just 26, right there with her dog, bentley. tonight, she and that dog in isolation. and a s.w.a.t. team of experts armed with decome contamination kits. one of them there disinfecting the doorway. what we are learning about how she contracted ebola. was it a breach at the hospital? and who else might be vulnerable now? and this evening, the chifling new warning from the cdc. there could be more cases. late today, these images from boston's logan airport, as well. that flight coming in from dube. teams of workers boarding a plane after a report of
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passengers with flu-like symptoms. abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser is standing by, but first, abc's tom llamas in dallas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, in this dallas hospital, the medical staff treating an ebola patient who is one of their own. nurse nina pham. just 26 years old. >> hope everything goes well and, you know, that she gets well real fast. >> reporter: pham, tonight, totally isolated. in stable condition. she was part of the team who treated thomas eric duncan, the first person to die of ebola in america. when she came to work each day, pham suiting up head to toe. a gown, a face macing and shield. two layers of gloves. and shoe covers. protected, but not as much as doctors in specialized bio containment hospitals, with chemical resistant jump suits, taping gloves to sleeves and suits to boots. pham had extensive contact with duncan and one day, we still don't know how, she became infected.
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pham lives very close to the hospital. less than a ten-minute drive. she lives in this upper middle class dallas neighborhood. you can see her apartment right here, it's roped off. there's a no trespassing sign on the front door. the machine that looks like a giant hair drier, a static sprayer, used to disinfect. and inside this tub, the extreme cleaning agent. >> so, this is a very high concentration of hydrogen peroxide compared to what you would have at home. this is a leer jet. >> reporter: at the cdc tonight, a race against time to find out if anyone else who treated duncan is infected. >> if this one individual was infected and we don't know how, within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected. >> reporter: when duncan was diagnosed, the cdc spoke to as many as 100 people who may have had contact with him. 48 are still under close watch,
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but nina pham was not in that group. the cdc believes that since she started showing symptoms, she's only been in contact with one close friend and her dog, bentley. and tonight, bentley's in quarantine, as well. david, we hear that nina pham is video chatting with her parents today, but some of her fellow nurses tell us, they're scared. they wonder if she did everything right, everything she was taught, but somehow still contracted ebola. david? >> tom llamas in dallas tonight. tom, thank you. let's get right to abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser. back with us tonight. in this case, rich, this nurse was wearing protective gear. so, if there was an opening on the skin, with the gear, how would she catch ebola on the skin? >> reporter: a couple ways. if there was a cut, it could be a direct infection. otherwise, if she touched her eye, her nose, her mouth with that hand, she could get infacted. >> a lot of people are going to wonder if she had ebola on the skin, how long is it contagious, dangerous on the skin without you knowing about it? >> reporter: it could be several hours. >> now in the meantime, this patient is in dallas tonight, that nurse,ed and with the
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breakdown there, where are hospitals that are absolutely ready for this in this country? >> reporter: well, there are four special bio containment hospitals, facilities around the country. look at this map. montana, nebraska, georgia, maryland. what i like about those places, for years, they've been practicing for just this kind of event. >> but there are only four hospitals. some people wonder, why not get the patient there or get the teams from one of those hospitals down to dallas right away? >> reporter: that's a conversation a lot of people are having. >> all right, dr. besser, thank you. we turn now to those stunning new images, and the new allegations, a school bus driver under arrest tonight, accused of driving under the influence of prescription medication. that bus, swerving out of its lane. the terrified students, parents on board calling 911. abc's clayton sandell with more on the case tonight. >> reporter: the calls flooded in from drivers who knew something was wrong. >> whoever is driving this thing can't maintain a lane. >> reporter: that thing? a school bus speeding down this utah highway today kaurrying
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nearly 80 elementary school kids and adults on a field trip. >> it's going to be a school bus swerving all over. >> reporter: one of the worried callers? we are concerned with our bus driver. >> reporter: a chaperone on the bus. >> she can't stay in the lane. she's crossing the double lines and the adults are getting scared. oh! oh! >> what happened? >> she almost hit the van next to us. >> reporter: when troopers finally caught up, they say 39-year-old pulse driver lycia martinez failed roadside tests. she was arrested for driving under the influence of as many as four prescription medications. >> they were prescription medicataions prescribed to her, and they were -- it sounds like they were anti-anxiety, muscle relaxer-type of medication. >> reporter: nobody was hurt in utah, and most bus rides are safe. more than 25 million kids take them every day. 20 times safer than getting a ride with a parent. but at the end of the day, safety depends on that person
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behind the wheel. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. now to a mystery in chicago. a suburb there tonight, a small plane crashing in a clearing in a densely packed neighborhood. somehow missing all of the houses and the families inside. some residents revealing they thought they heard the plane circling. the pilot landing the plane without killing anyone on the ground, though the crash did kill people people on board. an investigation is under way tonight. we're going to turn now to that controversy in one small american town that is making headlines across the country. sayreville, new jersey. that storied football team, and those gruesome allegations of hazing. tonight, the football season is canceled, and now, a much bigger question. will their entire football program be sacked for good? and is that too far? abc's linsey davis is there. >> reporter: the high school football season in sayreville, new jersey, canceled. now the powerhouse program suspended indefinitely amidst allegations of sexual hazing. >> in terms of the charges that've been filed, i will be
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making that very, very difficult but very, very important decision as to whether to continue to have a football program here in sayreville. >> reporter: over the weekend, police made individual arrests. seven players as young as 15, facing varying charges from aggravated sexual assault, to consipiracy and criminal restraint. >> there were pervasive, wide-spread, and generally accepted and tolerated acts of harrassment, intimidation and bullying going on within that program. >> reporter: the complaints charge that last month, four victims were held against their will in the locker room on four separate incidents, subjected to improper sexual touching and assault. prior to the arrests, some parents and players expressing their discontent to the school world last week, that the entire team of roughly 80 kids was being punished for the acts of a few. >> it's not fair how our season was taken away. >> and by making then stop the season, you're making them all look guilty and that's not fair to them. >> reporter: no adults have been charged at this time. according to the super inden dent, the team's long-time coach also a physical education teacher, is expected to continue
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to report to work. but this past weekend's homecoming game, canceled. instead, hundreds attended an anti-butlying rally nearby, in support of the victims. >> i'm coming here to support these vick tums, the families and our town. >> reporter: david, those seven students are expected to appear in family court as early as tomorrow. the prosecutor's office has 30 days to determine if they're going to try them as adults. but either way, those found guilty of sex crimes would have to register on the sex offender list for at least 15 years. david? >> linsey, thank you. overseas now, and to london this evening. scotland yard announcing three new terrorists -- among growing concern over isis in iraq. all yil eyes on baghdad tonight. reports that isis is closing in, now within ten miles of the capital. i want to bring in abc's martha raddatz tonight, and martha, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general martin dempsey, in that one-on-one with
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signaling that was the main concern here. >> reporter: that's true, david. it is alarming how close isis is to baghdad, infiltrating the towns where they have sunni supporters who are still dissatisfied with the iraqi government. this is inspite of hundreds of u.s. air strikes. more than 1,000 bombs dropped. the u.s. had to call in apache attack helicopters recently to protect the airport. the chairman of the joint chiefs telling me that iraqi security formss were being overrun by isis, just about 12 miles from the airport and if the apatch cheaps hadn't been called in, it was a straight shot to the airport. but the chairman says he's confident isis will not take baghdad itself. but it is also clear that eye si isis has a presence there with the number of suicide bombings increasing, david. >> indeed. those final ten miles so concerning. martha, thank you. now to the breaking news from north korea tonight. is there an end to that mystery? this was the last time their leader, kim jong-un, was seen as
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a concert. that was september 3rd. then, out of view for 40 days, conspicuously absent. the conspiracy theories range from medical issues to a political coup. tonight, a new twist. reports that he has reappeared, taking a tour of a new housing completion, though pictures have no, ma'am cot in on that. back here at home tonight and the shocking images we've seen too often. those inflatable bounce houses that are, of course, a magnet for young children. but when the wind blows, they can send children into the air, crashing back to earth. and it has happened again. two children involved this time, and abc's mara schiavocampo has more. >> reporter: a fall weekend cut short when this bounce house was blown into the air, two toddlers inside. the boys' parents watching in horror. >> we see the bouncy house come up off the ground then it takes off and slams both of our children into the ground. >> reporter: the bouncy house flying up to 50 feet at this new
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hampshire apple orchard. >> there are multiple patients. one is unconscious. >> reporter: a 2-year-old boy with critical injuries was airlifted to a boston hospital. his 3-year-old friend also hospitalized. this is the latest in a string of incidents involving bounce houses this year alone. in july, two were injured in nevada when a dust devil launched an inflatable slide 300 feet. >> oh, my god. and in june, two colorado children were trapped inside a bounce house as winds repeatedly slammed it into the ground. inflatable fun going horribly wrong. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> mara, thank you. and there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. want to save thousands of dollars in medical bills right now? the new way to get round the clock personal care for you and your family. the real money team is standing by tonight. also, the stunning sight coming in this evening. look at this. flying right through through the golden gate bridge.
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and the deadliest catch tonight. the wildly popular challenge. ginger zee out to sea this evening with those fish earlmen on board, just as a massive storm hits. the giant waves, as she tries to reel one in. and we'll show you what happened, coming up next here. when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement.
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they need him. meet dr. brian thornburg. everything you need is right in there? >> this is my mobile always. this and a computer so i have access to all the medical records. >> reporter: dr. thornburg's one of a growing number of concierge doctors. more than 10,000, who, for a fee, offer personalized care, round the clock access, often treating their patients at home, from checkups to the occassional stitch or two. our consumer health advocate, michelle katz says there can be hidden savings in concierge medici medicine. all right, michelle, break this down for us. >> they don't have to take off from work they don't have to find babysit earls. >> reporter: here's how they save. on top of their health insurance, the basiles pay dr. thornburg $100 a month for all their home care. four separate checkups at a doctor's office would have cost the basile's $750, even with their insurance. and by reducing emergency room visits. american families go, on average, twice a year, at a cost of $1,200 per visit.
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luca would have gone to an emergency room last year when he smacked into the kitchen counter. that's where you hit your chin? >> yeah. >> reporter: ow. ow is right, but -- >> brian came over, glued him back together, instead of going to the e.r. >> reporter: so by transitioning to home care, katz estimates the basile family saved about $2,000 this year. matt gutman, abc news, naples, florida. >> great tips, matt, thank you. when we come back here, ginger zee out to sea. when that storm hits with the team from "deadliest catch." you got to see this. also, the f-18 high above, drivers stunned. and the halftime show no one was expecting. and the halftime show no one was expecting. this moment going rival tonight. . but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work.
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straight to the index. just an or nard day on the golden gate bridge. but look again. that's an f-18 hurtling through the rafters, marking fleet week in san francisco. the best reason we've ever heard to lie about your age. anna stower wanted to join facebook. trouble is, you must be between 13 and 99 years old toll sign up. she turned 114 over the weekend.
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she logged in as a 99-year-old so friends could wish her a happy birthday. and something to cheer about tonight. at cheerleader surprised by her boyfriend, an air force captain popping the question. shell said yes. when we come back here, ginger zee, out to sea, and that moment the storm hits. ♪ ♪ ♪
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finally tonight, ginger zee joining the crew from that tv hit, "deadliest catch." she's tough, but even for ginger, this was a challenge. ♪ >> reporter: it's one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet -- crab fishing. in the violent bering sea. >> new crew member for today. >> put a smile on your face. >> reporter: i would work alongside the stars of discovery channel's hit show, "deadliest catch." and kwukly learn this is not just a show. >> there's a tradition on this boat, ginger. >> you have to bite the head off for good luck. whole head. >> and eat it? >> oh, yeah, you can. >> reporter: it's just days before the start of the king crab season. a major storm has churned the sea into a fury. like the wettest roller coaster ever. these waves are unbelievable.
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oh. definitely feel some seasickness. >> our guest, ginger -- is not feeling very well. oh, there she goes again. >> reporter: i'll be fine, just getting my sea legs. >> she seems like she's hanging in there. >> throw. >> nice! nice! >> good job! >> she's hired! >> reporter: i did it! well, got a blank again. >> no guarantee, is there? >> reporter: no. no guarantees. they call it one of the world's deadliest and most difficult jobs. and now, i know why. >> ginger, you are brave. and she's on her way back. and we'll see you right back here tomorrow night. good night.
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this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- a graphic artist from dallas, texas... a phd student in physics originally from boston, massachusetts... and our returning champion, an assistant professor from lansing, kansas...