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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  September 29, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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condition. two other patients taken to children's hospital besides her, a total of three. and one a female taken to another hospital. >> and you can see police are on the scene trying to determine exactly what happened. but again, a school bus accident in south philadelphia. a student has been transported to the hospital and we are continuing to follow the story and bringing you more information as it becomes available to us. skwloo in other news, concerns in new jersey. hours since they learned the death of a 4-year-old boy enrolled at yardville elementary school. they have not determined what respiratory illness caused the boy's death.t determined what parents are on edge tonight. >> and in minutes they will be hosting a meeting to address the tragedy and david henry live with the latest for us right now. david? >> well as you can imagine
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parents are very concerned here and that's why attendance was way off here at yardvil villviv elementary. >> i am not going to change my routine. my kids went to school, they will still go to dance, karate, cheer, what they always do. i am not very concerned. >> a 4-year-old boy died of an unidentified respiratory illness. so far they ruled out the flu. tests sent to test for entrovirus d68. it sickened hundred dollars -- hundreds of children. and they cleaned the classroom but many parents kept the kids home. the school buses were almost empty, a 40% absentee rate today. some parents are panicked others are not worried.
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>> why are you not concerned? >> with the cleaning and what has gone on now the school will be the cleanest it has been. >> no word on when the test results are available from the c.d.c. the school superintendent called for a meeting with parents to update them on the situation and to let them question the local health care department officials. there is not much new to tell them but they want to reassure them. >> are the kids any less safe here than anywhere else in this community? >> no, sir. we feel very confident the school is as safe as it can possibly be. >> the health department says there is no showing that he suffered from anything else before he died including asthma. if it was entrovirus d68 it would only the second this year. a long-time employee at the philadelphia zoo killed today
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while on the job. on girard avenue. the 57-year-old man working under a golf cart when it fell off a jack. the man was crushed. his name has not yet been released. an update on a live report from the zoo on "action news" at 6:00. the community are mourning the death of the company c.e.o. and his wife. the couple killed in a house fire over the weekend. very few details so far about how the fire started or how they died. new jersey correspondent nora muchanic live in the new jersey newsroom with more. nora? >> authorities say john sheridan died at the scene. his wife at the hospital. exactly how they died is still unclear. the police are treating their home in somerset county as a crime scene. >> both for he and joyce not to be here, it's everybody is asking why, what happened? >> the long time lobbiest knew
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john sheridan and his wife, joyce, for decades. sheridan the c.e.o. of the health system in camden and his wife a retired school teacher. >> the sheridans pronounced dead after a fire in the second-story bedroom in their home. and the task force is vec vecht -- investigating. they will not talk about how the fire started and saying autopsy results not available it will tomorrow. >> john as much of a mentor from a lobbying standpoint as i had. i looked up to him and what he represented. honest straight forward guy. >> he transcended politics. >> they described sheridan has a quiet behind-the-scenes guy seeing the expansion of cooper health. >> his compassion and commitment to that city and the work around health care was just so
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overwhelming. it is a tragic loss. >> the probe into the deaths continues, the house remains sealed off and under police guard. sheridan was state transportation governor under cain. and he built a tremendous reputation in health care. >> everybody in the hospital. >> and flags at half staff at cooper in honor of john sheridan. nora muchanic, channel 6 news." >> thank you. at the "action news" big board, one of the high moments of his life. former philadelphia police officer richard decoatsworth invited to sit with first lady, michelle obama in 2009 after being shot in the line of duty and hailed a hero. today, decoatsworth with another memorable moment in his life, he
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was released from jail. citing a lack of evidence, prosecutors at the district attorney's office dropped the rape and section crime charges against decoatsworth meaning he will no longer stand trial for the alleged owe -- owe fevenss. as a rookie cop he was shot in the face, but in he was charged with raping two prostitutes. and he pled guilty to lesser charges but withdrew the charges in april and set to go to trial in november. and now charges dropped due to insufficient evidence. and today decoatsworth is free to go for now. he was granted bail and released on his own recognizance. he and his mother spoke breekly after leaving the justice center. >> happy to be going to be with family. >> god is great. it is amazing. [crying]
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>> an emotional and thankful plea from his mother there. decoatsworth's legal troublts are not completely over. he is still facing charges in an unrelated incident, this one involves an alleged domestic incident with his girlfriend. he is scheduled to be back in court on that matter on october 15. >> thank you. the philadelphia police looking for three men who robbed a 7-eleven store at 12:45 this morning in the overbrook section of the city. detectives say that one of the suspects armed with an ak-47 when he demanded cash. all three fled in a vehicle no one was hurt. authorities are also investigating the death of a university of pennsylvania student. the 21-year-old found dead in a home in the 4000 block of sampson street last night. the police only calling the deaths suspicious, no other details released. the city of philadelphia getting $1 million worth of federal grants to help fight youth violence. the city won three competitive
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grants from the department of justice that are used to support the city's already on-going effort to reduce violence and provide productive pathways to adulthood, including the city's new program called power core. >> everyone who comes to power core embraces the opportunity to serve the communities that they came from and the communities that they want to be a part of. >> power core is a new americore program, folks between 18 and 26 are working with city departments and hopefully on to other jobs. pennsylvania leaders reminding everyone that next monday is the last day to register to vote. october 6 is the deadline to register in the upcoming november 4 general election. voters elect candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, u.s. house of representatives and state house and senate. register at several locations including county voter registration offices or penndot centers. time right now for a check of the traffic report monday
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night. >> matt pellman with the low down on the low -- slow down. >> between villanova and the schuylkill, heavy traffic north of villanova. the delays stilling on to the schuylkill itself. westbound looking at pretty much a solid line approaching the roosevelt boulevard out to blue route are speeds like 11 miles an hour. and a school bus crash in south philadelphia by the melrose diner, an intersection you want to avoid at this point. working since april of 2011 to widen 202. over the weekend a third lane in each direction between 252 and 401. the bad news, where they merge down there was an accident this afternoon giving us speeds of 10 miles per hour. elsewhere on concord township watching an overturned vehicle crash giving us restrictions
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there by brewster's real ice cream. checking it again in a half-hour. >> sounds like a rocky road. and more to come, shipments of the flu shot experiencing delays. health reporter, ali gorman, will explain why coming up in "healthcheck." after a dry summer-like weekend, clouds and showers have returned today. i'll let you know when the sun is back in the accuweather forecast. monica? and thousands of folks crowd the streets of hong kong. details of this pro-democracy protest next. >> and those stories and much more as "action news at 5:00" continues in just a moment.
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>> we have more breaking news, this time from north philadelphia. chopper 6 over the scene of what was a man hole rescue here. we're looking at 17th and ontario in north philadelphia. a person rescued from a manhole. not sure if it was a worker or passerby. the person may have been loaded on the stretcher or in the process of being loaded on a stretcher. the fire crews and medics are
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trying to help this person before being loaded. and he is being treated and perhaps rushed in the hospital momentarily. he fell into a manhole and hopefully opt way to the hospital. trying to get the details of what happened at 17th and ontario. and we will keep an eye on the situation and bring you information as soon as it happened. a person treated at the scene after being rescued from a manhole here on the street. the police in hong kong are softening tactics against the pro-democracy demonstrators. that change after the use of tear gas brought out tens of thousands more to the streets. the protesters are demanding that china grant changes to the former british economy. >> and they recognize freedoms like the peaceful assembly and express. and the united states urges the hong kong authorities to exercise restraint and rges the
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protesters to express views peacefully. >> the large-scale demonstration grew out of student-led boycotts and protests starting last week. "healthcheck," as the republic flu shot clinics are about to get started there seems to be a glitch in the system. you may have to wait a bit for the vaccine. >> and ali gorman at the big board with more. >> depending on where you go. sfom hospitals and health departments may not have as many doses available right now as they had hoped. we are told one of the a-strains in the vaccine took extra time. as of september 19, 62 million doses had been shipped. that is behind what it should be. hospitals in the philadelphia and lehigh valley areas are expecting delays. now the city health department is waiting for the injectable vaccine but it does have good supplies of flumist, the nasal
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spray for healthy people of certain ages. and they hope that the rest will arrive soon. the problem is nowhere near the scale of shortages we had in past year. it is a delay, not a shortage, and many drugstores currently have good supplies. it could be a week until we know whether the respiratory virus affecting children nationwide a blamed for paralysis. and nine children in colorado developed a weakness in arms or legs and four tested positive for entrovirus 68. >> we don't know the information and that's why we are really asking people to say hey, what's going on around the nation? >> the government says entrovirus 68 has been confirmed in 277 people, mostly children in 40 states. the children with paralysis are all still in the hospital. we will continue to follow this story and watch more word from
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the c.d.c. rick and monica? >> thank you. and much more to come on "action news" monday night. a billionaire making a push to save an atlantic city casino. we explain when
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♪ >> billionaire icahn looking making a bid to save the trump taj mahal. a letter said he would consider bailing out the casino if the debt he had in its would converted to equity giving his ownership. and he wants them to reduce taxes and for the union to giving up pension and health insurance. saying the casino losing $7 million a month. executives think they will run out of money by december. workers gathered in center city to call for an increase in the minimum wage. >> no pay is not ok. [chanting] >> one of ten rallies in the state today. organizers marched to the
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governor's office. supporters of the increase say those living on annual age earn an income below the poverty line for a family of two. and much more to come on "action news at 5:00" tonight. looking live at penns landing. and cecily tynan standing by to see what our monday night looks like when we come right back.
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>> time for accuweather at the "action news" big board. meteorologist cecily tynan standing by. what a wonderful weekend. >> oh, my. >> can we keep the streak going though? >> it's over. i wish we could rewind to the weekend. it was bright and sunny, temperatures in the mid 80s. and stormtracker showing a thin band of some showers that's moved in. it's right along the i-95 corridor. you can see past radnor it is over the blue route right now, media crossing route 30. it is just to the west of philadelphia. and this does extend farther down to the south where the rave -- rainfall a little heavier in wilmington. south to bear, glasgow, crossing 295. this is where we have the most substantial rain. that being said, it is not all that heavy. but live at sky 6 and looking at wilmington, the wilmington water front. and you see the parking lots are
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wet. and actually we could use the rain. this month the rain is a little less than 50% of normal. so we could use a good soaking. it is not going to happen with this system, but by the end of the week we could have more substantial rain as we start the weekend. a 69 in wilmington, allentown and reading 74. millville 72. trenton 71. not as warm as yesterday, yesterday's high 86. saturday was 84. now satellite 6, along with action radar showing what is going on. the weak disturbance, the low pressure off the carolina border. it is moving north and east. when is what is spreading some of the moisture our way, mainly in the form of clouds. futuretracker showing the wee hours of the morning it is around. patchy showers possible, nothing substantial. heading towards tomorrow morning getting only great lakes in the
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clouds. 10:00, brightening skies in philadelphia but still a possibility of a couple of pop-up showers in the afternoon. but generally tomorrow will be a lot brighter than today. it is looking pretty nice. the call from accuweather for tonight, seeing a spotty shower early. seasonably warm. not that chilly tonight. 62 in philadelphia, 56 in allentown. 58 in wilmington and 60 in cape may. and future tracker showing tomorrow another warm day. 3:00 in the afternoon about 79 degrees in philadelphia. the normal high for this time of the year only about 73. the 5day at five shows tomorrow brightening skies. and the possibility of a couple of spotty showers in the afternoon, 79 degrees. wednesday, some breaks of sun and 75. thursday will be the brightest day of the week, 74 degrees. and then on friday, 75 degrees as clouds thicken. friday night into saturday, some showers. and then some sunshine, 72 degrees. but sunday, temperatures will really be dropping and adam will talk about that in the accuweather seven-day forecast.
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not going to be in the 80s. >> oh, boy, here it comes. much more to come in our next half-hour. new information about the man charged in the disappearance of the university of virginia student, hannah graham. could just be involved in another disappearance. and wal-mart taking a surprising stance in response to a lawsuit filed by tracy morgan following a serious crash leaving him critically injured. and amanda again in trouble with the law, we the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. smoky double bacon sirloin. parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness
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or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. >> "action news" continues with adam joseph, jamie apody, rick williams and monica malpass. >> here's what is happening on "action news" monday night. a young man dies in a fire in a row home and the authorities are trying to figure out why and we have the latest. >> a mother under arrest for making her daughter settle the score with another girl using her fists. a new approach to safety in the classroom. students able to do the right thing without getting in trouble. reexplain. the details, the port richmond home going up in flames
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this morning did have working smoke detectors, but it was not enough to save an 18-year-old man killed trying to get out of the home in the 2700 block of helen street. they are trying to figure out how it got started as the family starts to grieve. and vernon odom live at the scene with more. >> the fire marshal probing all over the two-story row house today looking for a probable cause, but so far no ruling. peco investigators were here looking for faulty wiring due to possible pirating of electricity. the family says they were using candles for lights because utilities were shut off weeks ago. deep sorrow along he will loan street. a well-liked neighborhood kid perished in a pre-dawn blaze in his house on helen. christian rivera found on the first floor, the father of a toddler who was staying wi