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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  September 25, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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and plans to remain in the justice department until his successor is in place. obama praised the job that holder has done. >> he believes as i do, that justice is not just an abstract theory, it's a living and breathing principle. >> i will leave the department of justice but i will never, never leave the work. i will continue to serve and find ways to make our nation more true to its founding ideals. >> holder say former judge and prosecutor, and the fourth long evident serving attorney general in history. and news out of chicago where a huge fire has ignited and as can you see continued to erupt here. huge flames and thick smoke on chicago's west side, this is a
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manufacturing company that ignitded into flames this afternoon and scores of firefighters are on the scene and it's burning in the lawndale neighborhood on chicago's west side. we'll have more information when it becomes available. but a huge fire raining tonight from the city of chicago. back here the search continues in monroe township and pike, pennsylvania, for accused cop killer, eric frein. he has been on the run for weeks but police say they are closing in. john rawlins is live with more on the search. >> at 13 days this manhunt is clearly a marathon and not a sprint, heavily armed patrols continue day and not and that according to residents here, however they say there has been some very tense days in the last few days in this corner of the state. >> i just happened to look out the back door and all of a
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sudden they are marching through the yard with big guns and it was frightening, we met helen blackmore at her home in the middle of what has become a man hundred. a green sticker means -- >> it means they came in here and inspected the whole house and everything is fine. the crawl space and under the deck, everywhere. absolutely under everything. the search is under miles of heavy woods and homeowner, says one police officer tracted him to within yards of his house. >> he walked over that rock and over the hill and they followed the scent across the road. >> he was close? >> he was here we don't know when but he was here. >> for now frein remains on the loosz, it was september 12,
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using a high powered rifle frein killed officer dickson and wounded trooper douglas. some wonder if he slipped away and police think is he still in this area not far from his parent's home. >> you think he is still here? >> i don't know. >> just they get him. >> yeah. >> the last few days, there have been questions about what this is all costing, this has prompted a phone scam with people calling and saying they are soliciting money for the state police for this man hundred, today the real state police issued a statement, saying they do not in any way solicit money by the phone and urging people not to be hoodwinked by this scam. live in monroe county, john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you.
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after a string of sunny days, the rain returned and a soggy morning made for tough travel, and it was impossible to go somewhere without an umbrella. meteorologist, adam joseph at the big board with a first look at the forecast. >> watching that girl in the video, she still had the purse in the hand underneath the umbrella. a beautiful picture there despite that it was dismal as we look at double scan live, we have persistent grizzle in the area and low clouds and fog at the shore and the very cool breeze out of the northeast. right now double scan live showing from pottstown to malvern, spotty drizzle at times and wet roadways area wide, and south and east of the new jersey turnpike along 39 and the atlantic city expressway you bumped into the showers and you have to hit the windshield wiper and some extra water is spitting
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on the roads. from lancaster and reading from the lehigh valley and less than a .25 inch in the position, from wilmington an inch of rain, and the jackpot is closer to the coastal low where we saw 2 inches of rain over the last 24 hours. also, the winds gust to 31 in philadelphia and clocking in at 24 in the lehigh valley, and as high as 47 miles per hour right along the shore in lewes delaware where you get the wind coming in off the water, it doesn't hit land and there is no friction to slow it down. the raw northeasterly wind and temperatures in the 50s. a miserable night with patchy fog. however monica when we come back we'll show you the five-day forecast, we'll make you smile with the temperatures skyrocketing. >> thank you adam. stay on top of the changing weather situation with the new you can visit for storm tracker 6 radar and
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the hourly and seven-day forecast, and the latest videos from our meteorologists. >> in other news, two former school principals were arrested this morning for the cheating scandal. barbara mccreery and arthur milton changed wrong answers on standardized tests in order to boost scores. mccreery worked at technical bach high school and both face forgery charges. police are looking for a man that robbed the market here on tuesday, he pulled a gun from within his coat and ordered an employee to hand over cash, the employee didn't the gunman took off, if you have information please call police. the philadelphia, ncaa is urging more african-americans to vote before the upcoming governor's
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race and they held a news conference to announce a call to action, they say that too many people have yet to register and those that do fail to show up on election day, voter goes to the polls to choose governor tom corbett or his democratic challenger, tom wolf. sharrie williams is here now with a story of a life changing moment. >> it happened at philadelphia international airport when a man suffered a heart attack? >> reporter: and emergencies happen and every second counts, this was no different. on august 31st, dave schafer was planning to fly from philadelphia to houston for a surprise party for his son. he was caught off guard with a heart attack and there was an alert stranger that stepped in to help and today the good samaritan is being praised along with the philadelphia airport for being prepared for these types of emergencies. >> in the last 10 years, 18 lives are saved at the philadelphia international
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airport thanks to its automatic defibrillator program. dave schafer is one of the lives saved. >> the 18 lives are incredible. but hon of thely the fact that mr. schafer sits here makes every penny we spent on it worth it. >> they reached out to "action news" looking for the woman that helped to save his life. schafer went to get a cup of coffee and collapsed at terminal d. the woman grabbed the defibrillator and helped to revive him. they started to do the cpr and gave him the critical moments. >> the family found the good samaritan and spoke to her via face time last night. we know her as rita, a nurse from philadelphia, flying to her now home in california and saw
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schafer in distress. >> without her my dad would not be here today. the aed's are located within walking distance every 90 seconds throughout the philadelphia airport and today the red cross recognized the airport for supplying the machines and training their entire staff on how to use them. >> the schafer family was at the ceremony, there as a living testament that aed's worked. >> these machines ash the airport are critical, without these being so readily available, and they talk to you they tell you what to do, anybody can grab this machine and use it. >> this family as you can see is very thankful and fortunate they feel. mr. schafer you saw is in a wheelchair. but his son tells us his heart is getting stronger every day. thursday night, lets get a check of the "action news" traffic report out there. >> lets see how things are
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rolling in the traffic center. >> it's vest thursday, i didn't get the memo. have to coordinate that. >> tomorrow is shark skin friday. >> we'll see about that. rick and monica as you coordinate your drive home, a couple of spots to avoid, avoid the northbound roosevelt boulevard, it's slow from broad street and things are dismal, and damp and dreary and slow as well on the schuylkill and 95, you want to avoid the tacony palmyra bridge, betsy ross is a better bet, here is a spot, downed trees at gradiville road and several accidents in buck county one involving an overturned vehicle at buckingham and warwick watch for a crash at york road and bristol a rec along 15 not far away from the burlington bristol bridge. and big problems on the
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knowledge turnpike, a couple of fires between 4 and 3 and maybe some of the local roads would be better bets. >> thank you. much more to come on "action news" thursday, a big day in the big apple, yankees star, derek jeter takes his final at bat. >> and it's a common debate, does the flu shot really work. and what is the best type? they do the research for you, we have the answers next. >> those stories and much more when "action news" continues in just a moment.
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iraq's prime minister says their country uncovered a terrorist plot targetling the subways and the u.s. official say they are not aware of it. they were told of the plot today on the sidelines of the u.s. assembly. they are still assessing the validity of that threat.
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and the flu season is around the corner and it's time to get the shot. there are some other types to consider. registered nurse and reporter, ali gorman is at the big board. >> i want to tackle a few common myths, a lot of people think that the flu vaccine can give you the flu, that is absolutely false, it's not a live virus the flu mist is a live virus but very weak and cannot give you the flu, some people think the flu is a bad cold, absolutely false. if you ever had the flu you know it's much, much worse and that is why we recommend the vaccine. you can walk into any pharmacy these days and get a flu shot. health experts agree it's worth it to avoid the agony of the virus. you are on your back flat, high fever and muscle aches and body
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aches. so how affective is the vaccine. >> people under 60, 80% of the time. and over 60 half of that percentage. but the symptoms usually much lighter. the trivailant vaccine protects against three and you would have to pay $38 out of pocket. for children ages 2 to 8, the flu mist spray gives better protection than a shot but they may need a second dose given a month later. it's a weaken and active live virus, it shouldn't be given to people with low immune systems or pregnant women or anyone over
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50. many county health departments will start their flu clinics on october 21st. and we have a link on our website to help you find the closest spot. rick, i can't believe we are talking about flu season already. where did the summer go? >> time flies ali thank you. attention renters if you are having trouble with your landlords, here is nydia han with a preview. look at this photo, it was sent to me by the people that rent this apartment. find out what happened when i talk to the landlord of the apartment. find out what happened when they got back the precious video from newlyweds. now we are helping again. connecting them with generous people that can deliver the product. it happened on our "action news" facebook page,
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(postal worker) hey! millers!
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you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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as you may have seen there it was a down day on wall street. shares of apple stock fell for a second straight day after glitches with the new iphone and operator system came to light.
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apple stock ended the day below $100. >> this is the final home game for shortstop, derek jeter, ticket prices are going for $850 to say good-bye to jeter tonight who is retiring tonight of course. that is the going rate according to "forbes" magazine. making it the most expensive regular season game ever. they were officially eliminated from post season play yesterday and taken the stadium should be rocking any way as one of the most popular players in baseball call its quits. a delaware teacher whipped up a good meal today. kip invited students to create a pop-up restaurant, later tonight ticket holders will sit down to
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their multicourse deal and the
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time for accuweather at the "action news" big board. adam joseph is here to tell us about the rain. >> it's cleared in areas and
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patchy drizzle in spots but it will pull away tonight and especially on your friday. double scan live showing no concentrated rainfall, it's in pockets at this point. from philadelphia to trenton and wilmington as far west as chester county all the way to the shore you'll hit the pockets of patchy drizzle and light showers, mainly just light drizzle at this point. mainly at the shore, visible is reduced a little bid but in the last hour, visibility is around 2.5 miles and it improved some and eight miles in dover and wildwood coming in with 5 mile visibility. as we look live at sky 6 hd in cape may, the water was like a washing machine, really choppy and right now it's calmed down in cape may and some good breaker as long the shore, but
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we don't have the white caps earlier on during the day with minor tidal flooding and right now temperature-wise from the shore up to the lehigh valley, from 61 to 65 degrees, we look at the wind speeded there and we can see the trajectory of the winds especially in cape may county pushing the water out to sea as opposed to piling it up at the shore, 9 miles in allentown and 7 in lancaster, and we are reducing the numbers and that is the general trend overnight. the lows are pulling away and taking the heavy rain with it. the clouds are pulling out from the west. some lingering drizzle north and east and tomorrow morning, the sun was shining from west to east, lingering clouds at 11:00 in the morning at the immediate shore and even there from atlantic city to long beach island, a beautiful afternoon is expected with temperatures rebounding above normal by 3:30
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in the afternoon, anywhere from 73 and 77 degrees. tonight still kind of a raw, coolish night. 53 in allentown and 54 in millville and the breeze is out of the northeast and the five-day at 5:00, we turn things around here. big time tomorrow, with the sun returning and 77 and this is a picture perfect weekend, highs in the low 80s and wall-to-wall sunshine both days and clouds enter from the south and a low off the coast on wednesday to bring us sunshine but the majority of the day to be cloudy at 75, closer to normal. we'll have the seven-day forecast and let you know for the rest of next week in the next half hour. >> thank you adam. we'll take a quick break and more news to come in
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"action news" continues, with meteorologist, adam joseph, jaime apody, rick williams and monica malpass. hello again, here is what is happening on "action news" thursday night. a burlington county police
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department is on the hundred after a police officer is shot in his marked car. >> and a robber uses an unusual weapon to rob a dunkin' donuts store clerk. and the last person to see hannah graham university of virginia student alive. tonight he is in jail. and an officer sitsing in a police cruiser had no idea how close he came to being killed. it's not clear where that gunshot camerom or if the officer was the intended target. nora muchanic is outside now with the story. you spoke with that officer today? >> reporter: i did indeed monica and i have to tell you he is calm considering how close a call this was. a number of agencies are working this investigation, trying to locate the person possible for taking pot sh