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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 22, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> it is a quiet night around the delaware valley. people are out and about enjoying some dry conditions. but we are tracking a weekend storm and you can see it on storm scan3. this system dumped a lot of snow in texas so what's it going bring for us? the answer could depend on where you live. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. meteorologist kathy orr is tracking this developing situation along with another one in the cbs3 weather center. kathy. >> we have been eyeing this one for a long time now watching it develop and it is getting stronger. a lot of moisture with this system and it continues to make its way across the keep south bringing with it severe weather and it could be on our doorstep tomorrow morning at this time. we're talking about snow moving from south to north into the delaware valley. we expect a very fast moving system that will bring a lot of warm air with it. there's no area of high pressure to the north to real lock in the cold air so the warm air will dominate. we'll start off as rain and we'll change over to snow -- i should say we'll start off as snow change over to rain which is the on that assist what usually happens. we're looking a the mainly snow especially through the poconos and lehigh valley. along the i-95 corridor snow changing over to rain and then south jersey and delaware just mainly rain as it mob up from the south and that warm air will work its way from the south to the north. now, as far as the time line between 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night and midnight the snow will begin from south to
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north. between about 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., that's when we'll have the steady accumulation saturday morning. between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. changing to rain for most of the region from philadelphia northward and between 1 o'clock and 4 o'clock saturday afternoon it comes to an end. here's a look at all our computer models and you can see generally between 1 to 2 inches for philadelphia but as you go farther north, some higher accumulations. coming up we'll break down the snow amounts depending on where you live an few more weather components with this as well, a little bit of ice. we'll talk about that later in the broadcast. chris we'll send it to you. >> thanks kathy. to the scandal that has the nation talking tonight did the new england patriots intentionally and illegally deflate footballs to gain a competitive advantage in the afc championship game over the weekend. social met works have been buzzing all day and they really took off after the man under center spoke out. cbs news correspondent omar villafranca tells us what tom brady had to say about the allegations. >> reporter: the new england patrios used some familiar plays in the blame game over under inflated footballs. at his morning news conference coach bill belichick handed off to quarterback tom brady. >> tom's personal preferences on his footballs are something that he can talk about in much better detail. >> i didn't alter the ball in any way. >> reporter: brady says he has no idea what happened to the game balls after he approved them before sunday's afc championship so brady punted. >> i have to explanation for it. i don't know what happened
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between the time that i touched it and really until monday morning i had no idea what happened with the balls. >> reporter: swapped clear. after sunday's game 11 of the 12 patriot game balls were found to be 2 pounds under the nfl's required air pressure. the mystery is how they got that way. under inflated balls can be easier to grip and catch especially in cold rainy weather. belichick has tried trick plays before. in 2007, he was fined half a million dollars after the patriots were caught videotaping another team's signals. this time belichick says he did nothing wrong. >> can't think of anything that i would have done differently based on what i knew then, based on what i know now. >> reporter: but he added he knows more now about nfl air pressure rules than ever before. omar villafranca for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> don't we all. well, we'll have much more on this story tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> don't necessarily think i could recall the time where a natural occurrence of a ball just became deflated out of the blue. i think that it would have to be done, you know, by a person. >> a former philadelphia eagles ball boy weighs in on deflate-gate. he's sharing an interesting point of view on how something like this could happen. don't miss what he has to say tonight at 11 o'clock on cbs3 "eyewitness news." and what do you think about deflate-gate? connect with us on twitter and facebook and let us know using the hashtag cbs3. >> new tonight a deadly shooting in south philadelphia. "eyewitness news" in the 1400 block of ritner street. police say a man in his early 20's was shot dead after getting into an argument with
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another man. that suspect fled in a dark colored suv. no word tonight on the identity of that victim. right now a manhunt is on for a suspect who attacked and brutally beat a high school student on a trolley. and tonight our natasha brown is live at septa headquarters in center city with new information about what septa is doing to protects young riders. natasha. >> reporter: well, we can tell that you septa officials tell us that they have never had to deal with a vicious attack like this on a student and with more than 100,000 students depending on their transit system every day they say they take their safety very seriously. >> natasha, i've seen the video and it's outrageous what happened to this young girl. >> reporter: septa police chief thomas nestell has seen the trolley surveillance video of a vicious attack on a 17-year-old student. eyewitness video gives us a jarring glimpse. shay is still wearing the scars that began on the 15 septa trolley wednesday morning on her way to school. she got onto the crowded trolley at broad and girard and moments later was pummeled by a male passenger. >> my bag kept bumping this man and he was getting mad that my bag was bumping him. he started calling me out of my name. he hit me like three or four times in my face and i have a broken notice and a black eye. >> i'm a nurse in the emergency room. i see it every day but the last thing i would ever want to see is site on my child. >> reporter: as many as 100,000 public and parochial students in philadelphia ride septa to and from school. lar ray harvey is one of them. >> i get on at 9 o'clock. i come to school with my friends and go home with my
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friends so i'm in the real that scared. >> reporter: septa police know these students are care of their transit system and they take their safety very seriously. >> during school time is a high time for service and it's also high ridership of young riders. >> reporter: the beating has left this honor roll student traumatized police more vigilant about bringing her attacker to justice. well, we understand there are clear images of this attack as well as the suspect involved in this assault on one of the many cameras that are located on that trolley so police tell us tonight it's only a matter of time before they find him. we're live at septa headquarters at 13th and market, natasha brown, "eyewitness news" on the cw philly better days ahead for that young lady. natasha thank you very much. breaking news at this hour. chopper three is live over what we're told is a deadly accident on i-495. police tell "eyewitness news" that a pedestrian was hit and killed on the highway there in edgemoor. it happened around 8 o'clock tonight. the crash remains under investigation. well, new at 10 o'clock, a lavish lifestyle but was it funded by fraud? tonight a bucks county family and two others are staring down charges in what authorities say was an insurance fraud scheme. it's alleged the family repeatedly set their own mansion on fire and all for cash. diana rocco is live in lahaska tonight outside of a fire department that authorities say was victimized by the scam. diana. >> reporter: chris, over the last five years this fire company responded to that buckingham mansion three times. the last time homeowners there
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accused volunteer firefighters of stealing millions in jewelry. well, that is when investigators became suspicious. this wealthy bucks county woman has been charged with defrauding insurance companies of more than $20 million to fund an excessive and lavish lifestyle here at her mill dollar buckingham home known at claremont. police say her husband daughter a prominent bucks county attorney, son daughter-in-law and two others were in on it. $3 million was seized from bank accounts, $1.2 million in jewelry, six ferraris, two rolls-royces a ford cobra and four other vehicles worth nearly $3 million. after investigators say the family was setting fires and filing false claims. firefighters responded to this blaze in october of 2013. that fire and two others at the home over the last five years were undetermined. the family then filed claims for lost items with overinflated values. 2 million in drapes, $10 million in lost or stolen jewelry. authorities say risoldi claimed the jewelry was stolen by volunteer firefighters. to date insurance companies paid out $20 million for items never damaged. the money was used for other real estate ventures and to purchase luxuries. the suspects turned themselves in. they have been released and are facing future russ fraud charges. attorneys suspect fraudulent insurance glimpse claims go back 20 to 30 years. live in lahaska diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly a former philadelphia police detective are arraigned on charges he helped his girlfriend try to get away with murder.
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ron did you have seen in this video exclusive to "eyewitness news" was led away in handcuffs after surrendering to police. he's charged with interfering with a murder investigation trying to help her girlfriend accused killer erica sanchez. >> he actively shieldedder hid her financed her flight, failed to disclose material evidence and facts to his fellow police officers. and even to arrange her escape from the jurisdiction. >> did you have was -- dove was a 16 year veteran of the course. a supreme court grants kathleen kane's motion to temporarily halt any legal action against her. that motion was filed in response to a grand jury recommendation that montgomery county's d.a. charge kane with leaking secret grand jury testimony. the court will hear kane's challenge in march to the legality of the special prosecutor involved in the investigation of her office. kane maintains she has done nothing wrong. well, the potential dangers of birth control. still to come here on "eyewitness news," researchers now believe that prolonged use of birth control can lead to a rare form of cancer. we'll have details on the risks next. kathy. >> we are waiting for a coastal storm to make its way up the eastern seaboard but the outer bands of cloud cover already making it toward the philadelphia area. we'll show you what to expect and when coming up. >> and we have heard the warnings but are we listening? as jim donovan shows us tonight, plenty of our online passwords simply are not good enough. we'll tell you how to keep your information safe. >> plus, it's the best philadelphia neighborhood you probably never heard of. the south philadelphia hot
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spot that's topping a new ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ >> we've got new information tonight on that huge fire at a north jersey apartment complex from last night. daylight did reveal the smoldering aftermath left by these towering flames. this is all that's left. the fire displaced more than a thousand people. late today we learned the fire was started by maintenance workers who were using a torch to fix a leak. new jersey governor chris christie toured the site today and says the government is there to help. >> i came up here just to let folks know that the state government is completely engaged, i've been engaged since all this started last night and will that continue to be here at the highest level to make sure that we're addressing the needs of the folks who have been really awfully, awfully affected by this. >> no one was killed in that fire remarkably although two civilians and two firefighters did sustain some minor
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injuries. >> on the health watch tonight a steady shows using birth control pills for more than five years may you increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. researchers in denmark studied women between the ages of 15 and 49 and they found long term use of hormonal contraceptives may raise the risk of a rare brain tumor. however oral contraceptives may lower the risk of other cancers. >> do you have strong passwords to your online accounts in this age of so many cyber security threats. experts are preaching extra precaution. >> as jim donovan finds out turns out lot of people are ignoring that advice. >> reporter: sony pictures, home depot, target. they've been hit by hackers but according to a new study many americans aren't getting the message and are still using weak passwords. the most common password people use is one two three four, five, six. number two the word password and number five, wwe rty. other bad passwords in the top 10 baseball, football and dragon. experts suggest using passwords of at least eight characters that include numbers, letters and characters and avoid using the same password on multiple web sites. >> information that may be more sensitive so financial information, your personal information you need to change your password and many recommend at least on a 30 day period. >> reporter: picking a password shouldn't be as easy as 123. you need to put some thought into pin numbers for smartphones. there are 10,000 possible combinations to form a four digit pin code.
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even tech savvy folks use pins that are easy to break 1234, all zeros and all ones are used most frequently. reporting for three on your side, jim donovan. >> a philadelphia neighborhood you may have never heard of is all of a sudden real hot. >> dickinson narrow center city 2015's second hottest neighborhood for real estate in the entire nation. dickinson narrow is that so sliver of south philadelphia. the median price of a home in dickinson narrow center city $192,000. >> it is a quiet night across the delaware valley and as you can see at jack frost/big boulder some skiers taking to the slopes. oops, took a little bit of a spill there but it is a pleasant night with clouds filtering in ahead of a coastal storm. this snow mainly man-made. mother nature will provide a little more come saturday. take a look at storm scan3 because we are looking at can conditions that are changing rapidly. we're watching the clouds lifting up from the south and we also are watching a bit of moisture right here to the south. some severe weather expected as well and all of this is moving toward the north and the east. it will be an east coast storm bringing snow bringing some ice and even bringing some rain, a good deal of rain and that's why we will keep some of these snow accumulations down. let's take a look at what our eyewitness weather watchers are saying tonight. some cold temperatures, some on the milder side. irwin said in doylestown it's 31 degrees 36 degrees, though, little bit milder in riverside by the delaware ron is reporting a light wind out of the north and skies that are mainly clear. in delaware where we saw some
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snow of course not long ago just yesterday tyler says in bear the winds are out of the west at 3 miles an hour. now, take a look at what's coming our way. this is our storm setup. area of low pressure riding up the eastern seaboard a classic coastal storm and this is going to be changing because it's going to be lifting the snow through early tomorrow morning but then it pushes all of this warm air in and that changes over to rain. in between a little bit of icing. so, this is what we expect. european model getting a better grasp on this, now agreeing with our american model. the storm little bit further east bringing milder air in. there's no high pressure system to blowing that cold. snow changes over to rain. it is moving very fast, once it passes cape hatteras moving 30, 35 miles per hour. we expect conditions are going to be changing pretty quickly around here as far as the timetable is concerned. between about 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night and midnight, right about this time the snow will begin from south to north. the steady snow will be overnight by 5:00 a.m. it changes to rain and by the afternoon it's out of here. snow amounts between one and 2-inches in the philadelphia area with locally higher amounts especially as you make your way to the lehigh valley it will change over to rain a little bit later there. so, 1 to 3 inches through philadelphia to the north and to the west. about one or two in the city. a coating to an inch through south jersey and just rain down the shore. and then after the snow, little bit of icing possible especially as you head toward the lehigh valley in pottstown and even doylestown right now we're coming up over .10 of ice then that changes over to rain. rain at least a half inch and that will help to keep our
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totals down. some of our models are saying up to an inch of rain but it's better rain than snow at this point. overnight mainly clear, the low 26. during the day tomorrow the clouds roll in, the high temperature only 38 degrees but a pleasant day and other exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, take a look. sunday's quiet. monday a clipper comes our way with some snow and then it's pretty cold after that. that's a look at the eyewitness weather seven-day forecast. we'll be back with beasley and sports >> the a pair of media events. coach belichick said he knew nothing about under inflated balls. his quarterback says the same. here they are at practice for super bowl xlix against seattle. the nfl hasn't commented on the controversy but the rules say tampering with the football is a $25,000 fine with a possibility of more disciplinary actions. >> got a group of guys excited you know we got the opportunity to play for a championship so to us at the end of the day that's all that matters that's what our focuses is. anything else that doesn't fall under that if it doesn't have to do with us beating seattle, i'm not interested and i don't think anybody in this locker room is interested. >> ryan days the eagles new quarterback coach 35-year-old played quarterback for chip kelly at new hampshire and went on to coach at temple and boston college. out in arizona six eagles are enjoying themselves at the pro bowl. they would rather of course be playing in the super bowl. connor barwin says they're just a few pieces away from making that happen.
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>> you know, we all need to improve, of course, at what we do individually, but i think as a unit we've got the right culture, the right kind of leadership and just a couple pieces and hopefully we can make next year a special year. >> college basketball temple faced off florida over on broad street tonight. the owls came into the contest riding a three game losing streak. temple took control in the first half. jessie morgan hit a 3-pointer and the owls had the nine-point lead. jessie finished with a season high 19 points. later the owls on the break and quentin goes in for the two handed jam. temple beat south florida 73 to 48. lasalle in action against rhode island. jarrel wright goes to work in the post and scores on the jump hook. he scored 18 points for the explorers but they trailed for most of the game. martin slams home two of his 14 points as the rams beat lasalle 59-47. sixers with the night off. they'll face local product kyle lowry and the toronto raptors tomorrow night. kyle will make his first all-star appearance in february. kobe bryant struggling to stay on the court. this time it's a torn right rotator cuff. it happened last night in the lakers loss to new orleans. before the season he played in just six games the previous 18 months. kobe is 36 years old. >> it's hard on the body. >> it's just hard on the body and he's been playing -- he went from high school to the pros so he's spent a lot of years there. >> lower merion high school. been a great career. we'll see new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time.
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sorry. get a free quote at >> got a story you would like us to investigate? e-mail your ideas to i-team at >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> for kathy, beasley and all of us here i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs3 isn't ♪
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