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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 19, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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rateest own this investigation. >> jen. >> good morning. ukee and diana good morning. we're coming you to live from cheltenham where we confirmed this is a deadly fire. a lot of firefighters remain on scene. their work for the most part is complete. fire investigators work is now just beginning. just getting underway. we saw a couple members of fire marshall office step on scene. they started taking pictures and collected evidence. up fort in thely we confirmed this is a deadly fire. weaver coming you to live from the lynwood gardens apartment cheltenham on john russell circle near manager way. officials tell thus fire broke out 4:30 this morning in come bound three and crews worked quickly to get the apartments evacuated and it appears it was too late for one person and took fire crews one hour to get the fire out of control and ep upon searching units 6 a.m. crews found one person left inside. we're working to get you more information back out here, live on scream, fire investigators. >> the investigation is now getting underway to figure out the cause of the fire and details surrounding how this person died. as soon as we get you that information we'll bring it straight you to on air and on-line at cbs eyewitness news on the cd philly. >> the other story this morning black ice. penndot crews were out in force overnight treating roadways with salt in preparation for icy spots this morning. and time to to check weather and terrific together. >> good morning, diana yesterday today will be one of the days.
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so we actually even still have a moisture generally off to an early start, it will be a wind that condition continues to kick in as i day progresses that more than anything may help us dry out. we're however flirting with freezing in a lot of locations now. as soon as the sun peaks through the clouds which it will and certainly as the wind picks up it helps us chief a drying as the day goes on. we'll start to see the rots. >> let's go to what is going on around the region to the hole. we expect the 40s this afternoon. in the poconos ask for sick travel for any time. >> and even though it's stepicily prove freezing that ground is definitely very, very cold. so that's our big story today. that silent hazard of stick travel from being frozen but chilly week in general it coming our way. wednesday there's a new system headed our way. it's a clipper situation. it stands to bring us light snow accumulation. we'll talk more about that as the hour progresses, jess. >> thanks, katie. good morning everybody 3:0 with and we check out how things are doing open. >> headed to center city no problems there. and over on the ben franklin bridge we have restricted speeds due to slippery companies on most of the bridges. so 35 miles an hour on ben. betsy, and walt whitman. all lanes open headed westbound to philadelphia. no problems.
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one lane and eastbound lane headed to energy we're losing not a lot of volume there as well. sgle with sliply condition for route 2 and 5 a5 willow grove park mall. check and see if you're affected by that. the rest of us doing okay. no problems amtrak new jersey transit or dart and we have an apartment fire in cheltenham and southbound russell circle near mather way and take cheltenham avenue. out in cheltenham accident church at bent road. no problems certaintyly for anything at philadelphia international airport. ukee back to you. >> thank you jess. the airport is working hard to keep runways clear for you. if you have a flight this morning we're joined on the phone right now by spokesperson diane jerase. >> good morning how are you you. >> doing great. >> any delays or conditions of the runways we need an update please a lot of people have flights on this holiday. >> well, fortunately pretty much flight operations returned to normal. obisely that was not the case yesterday. pretty much pretty much everything is oneing son and as always we recommend that nip scheduled to fly today that they they can niingtd. >> and eye dan quite a backlog yesterday from the icy conditions outside. can you talk a bit about what happened to all of those people's. >> pretty at the much took okay
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of their passengers very much. obviously thats with a situation that. >> our crews wept out immediately and sanded down roads leading into the airport. when the ramp ways and that situation was addressed right away. we're sure that the arrow lanes did ak indicate their paerms. >> what is the the positive poetle getting that clear as quickly as possible. >> well, obviously we have reend up in we were prepared to have our crews go out immediately and sand down run way and everything he nap that situation was addressed also. >> there's a number folks can call in case they wants to make sure about their flight? >> that's 1-800-phl give gate. >> we appreciate your time thanks for joining us. have a good day. happy king day. >> thank you. >> other us in no suspects in the shoeing out golden poyd see secret rate of speed frt secret rate of speed secret a driver tried to pass newcastle county police officer sure ountding outer perimeter of the area. that person was taken into custody for resisting arrest and not charged in relation to the shooting. mobile 3 giving us a live look in ill with ming ton delaware right now. and a little later this hour. vice-president joe biden will attend the organization of minority women's annual martin luther king, jr. martin luther king, jr. breakfast there.
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>> and pull people around the country will participate in this day of service to honor dr. day of service to honor dr. king. >> eyewitness news girard college in philadelphia. preparations are underway this horng and it's been city ace's signature site for the last six years and they'll celebrate 50 anniversary of voting rights act and ask for help for job seekers. >> dr. king was civil rights ak visit and champion of economic justice and we will have our fourth annual jobs and opportunity fair with 500 job seekers choosing among 24 employers with real sglobz record 1 35,000 volunteers are expected to turn out today the event cakes off less than a half hour. >> for a full list of he enter. >> app a few steps from where dr. >> app a few steps from where dr. king got freedom the chosen ep ministries opens a new location. eyewitness cameras were on hand 40 and lancaster aevl. dr. king addressed crowd of 10,000 at that intersection in 1965. it prats a homeless outlet sglam oprah winfrey and track of sell tam to it to lamb lamb snom they retraced steps of civil rights protesters beaten and tier gassed by police in 1965 gassed by police in 1965. the actors took part in the dare's event. look ow that turned out. that's something special there. >> inches from death a 26 car pileup in oregon left this man sandwiches between his drug and
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two semis. coming up next with two cap any what you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay. da! >> this is incredible story driver in oregon nearly crushed in su vuxt sandwiched between two tractor-trailers. >> this morning he's thankful to be alive. >> a chain reaction crash on interstate 84 involving more than 70 vehicles saturday left caleb whittby with enough tloom to survive. >> when i realized what happened i looked out the back passenger window and coye see lights coming at me. so at that time i could just pray and close my eyes and hold open tight to the steering wheel. >> and caleb was able to walk away with the wreck with a bruce and few scratches. his suv totaled. a dozen people were hurt and thankfully no one died in the crash. let's look at traffic and weather together. >> it's unbelievable. what we saw in way of freezing rain. we had a lot of rain but problem it froze when it it hit. i think freezing rain is biggest
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travel hazard we have. you can not necessarily tell by looking at it that it's frozen over. here's how we d we did pick up quite a bit of rain. as you all know it rained all day yesterday from trenton down to smyrna and mount hallly vort and i'll class a couple ages here. the storm itself is obviously long gone at this point. we can expect high pressure to take its place. in between high and low pressure that wind kicks up today. skies that are overcast clear for sun. mid upper 30s around the board. here's the thing. this is too marginal for my taste. we're above freezing and ground is cold enough. i want you across the board here to just expect that it could be slick out there. if it looks wet it's likely still icy. please just keep that in mind. we don't want to see nor accidents. meanwhile around the region we're on par here out towards the great lakes reeming don't a little milder to the south. this is kind of par for the course when it comes to air temperature. as whipped kicks in today it will be slow to improve with wind gusts but maybe high 35. some sunshine and high pressure regaining control and this guy comes on through. it's a clipper system. sneaky and speedy. when it gets here it's wednesday afternoon and night that we see light snow. we likely also see rain with it too through the south eastern portion of our area. it's going to be not necessarily most tried and true classic clipper system eave ever seen but comes along wednesday. meanwhile in the meantime
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temperatures seasonable. low 40s. wind will get you today. i can attest from being on the sigh kack. watch for slick travel. >> good morning, everybody we're starting things off on the schuylkill. right around the conshohocken. everything moving great. east or west. and currently speed restrictions in that area bridges actually from ben franklin bridge you can see there 35 mimes an hour and pretty much the same story on betsy ross and walt whitman also 35 miles an hour. speed restriction there's due to slippery conditions. we want to urge you to use caution. everything from mass transit has problems but everything is back to normal. and we have a water main break he in newark. main street westbound at the university of delaware between academy street and college avenue blocking out the right-hand lane. back to you. >> thanks, jess. no one wants to get a flat tire while driving but in frigid temperatures like these you need a plan in case it happens. >> many are popping the trunk to find a spare tile and only to find zilch. tips creasingly colon for new cars to be sold without a spare. >> you lift this up and this is what you see. >> it's what he didn't see that surprised him. when his 2011 chevy camaro got a flat he discovered the car didn't have a spare tire it had this pump insglaed did you think to ask if there's was a spare. >> no again i automatically assumed a spare came with the car. >> your reaction when you see a
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pump. >> um what zoo i do with this sgling that's a question many americans maying asking. according to aaa every major auto maker is building some cars without a standard spare tire. about 150 models in the past few years. luxury cars some don't have a spare or pump they come equipped with run flat tires that can be driven to a repair shop without air. the auto companies are making cars lightser to meet fuel economy standards. >> they're shaving every pound possible when you can eliminate a spare tire and putin nature a spare tire and putin natureer ket it should. >> do you think the dealer should have told you. >> i do. >> he used the pump to fill it up long enough to get it to a repair shop built if he has a blow out he'll be stuck on the side of the road. >> some donut spares just get you to a repair shot some ride on them weeks at a time. >> they don't look like they go far. >> i have to check my car. >> i know. >> helm watch responsible problem for teen aimers that don't want to help. >> find out what makes a difference in other products. >> we'll be back in a >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back
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completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. >> health watch this morning teenagers without good sleeping habits could be prone to problems later in life. >> teens are more likely to binge and use drugs if they have problems sleeping. parents should better monitor sleeping patterns to predict problems in life. >> researchers say it may be time to serve children and teens less pizza. new study linked frequent pizza eating to higher levels of saturated salt. especially from fast food chains it be limited for teens and younger adults. binge eatsing was recognized as eating disorder and researchers are looking for ways to treat it. viavan they're looking at to treat it. it could help binge eaters control impulses and, doctors say the medication has side effect and may not be right treatment for everyone. >> doctors recommend patient who suffer from binge eating see therapy or talk with eater disorder specialist before considering medication. >> women have turned to europe for beauty tips and products for
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years now. >> now ericia is attention with mainstream makeup companies adding ingredients inspired by that region to the lines. jessica dean takes a closer look. >> like many women allen white worry about her skin and recently discovered asian made product that come bats her biggest concern. >> there's one particular wrapped i started using to reduce redness on my face particularly around my nose and check area and it's really made a difference in my opinion. >> sales of skin care products are increasing each year. with sales anticipated at 12% growth 2014 and whopping 26% in anlts eye aging cad gory dermatologist debra gelman says west is looking east for solutions. >> many find asian have beautiful skin and now americans want to emlate asians and use the skin care that comes from asia. >> what makes these unique and desirable their natural exotic ingredients. >> some inceed grents they use are unusual. for example small mucous is very important ingreed glent asia never in the market. >> small mucous contains pep types and it's in a lab. >> other ingredients include bamboo sap green tea and sawky and companies like target, nordstrom, sephora and on-line retailers like soca gl hglam are moving in. >> we see small cream and cushion compact and bigger western brands using asian inspired innovative products. >> it comes down to taking time
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to make our skin as good as it can be versus covering up with makeup and finding the right product. >> it doesn't cause zero allen found her right fit for her face and can't wait to try other products for her other skin care needs. >> it opened up the world to me that maybe there's other products in the same line that could reduce other problems that i have. and now this jessica dean reporting. >> wow. >> wow. >> small mucous doesn't sound right. >> peptides. >> get sleep, jext rgens moist rise. >> i know do i. >> do i. >> we'll take a short break. eyewitness news on cw philly. see you in a bit >> minority women's breakfast in wilmington delaware we expect the vice-president to deliver remarks 8:45, 15, 20 minutes. >> there's no suspects in the shooting outside the vice-president delaware home saturday. secret service is investigating. bidens were not home at the time. >> let's get the holiday forecast with katie in the weather center. >> overall definitely day of improvement. there are less skill hazards you can over my shuler.
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you might see a flurry here or there. would not be surprised by that. you don't have to worry about precip here today to make it icier. because the temperatures are hovering near freezing in every location you have to factor are in if it looks wet, it could be slick. we'll eventually get to low 40s today with whipped continuing to hike up here as the day progresses. it's cold. it is coldest time of year. nothing is terribly atypical. by wednesday a clipper rolls through and it's the next shot for snow accumulation. jess. >> thank you katie. coming up on 8:30 monday morning thankfully it's a holiday with slippery conditions and slippery roadways you can see there's not a lot of cars to really battle with on any majors in the brewed route arouingt ukee back to you. >> thank you. our next update 8:55 up next cbs this morning remembering ref rant dr. martin luther king. >> you can find us on these channels. thank you, cable for the slower internet upload speeds. for fewer video on demand titles. thank you cable, because if we never had you... ...we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability - 8 years running. plus, fios has the fastest wi-fi available from any provider. period. see the difference for yourself. get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two full years! plus, get a $300 bonus with a two-year agreement.
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>> breaking news one person found dead after fire rips through several units at win jp wood apartment complex in chelten township. >> more. >> ukee diana, a number of firefighters remain on the scene cheltenham this morning. a couple fire fighters brought out a couple of garbage cans filled with smoldering items. they sprayed them down with water. they're taste hose back to the file as we speak and also remaining on scene fire investigators. everyone once in a while you see the flashlights on top floor and unfortunately we confirmed this is a deadly fire in cheltenham this morning starting 4:30 this morning and now crews remain open the scene hours later. details still limited. but we're coming you to live from lynwood gardens apartment in cheltenham on john russell circle near manager way and officials tell us it took them and hour to get the fire under control. of course, crews are working quickly to get the apartments evacuated and it does appear it was too late for one person. right around 6:00 this morning once the fire was under control crews went back inside taking a look around and they found one person dead inside. details still limited. we're trying to get you more information about the person that died here in the main time and we've been speaking with people in the area and they say it's a saturday for the community take a listen. >> this is wonderful place to live and it's a saturday for them regardless it's a wonderful safe place to live and i was sorry do hear someone
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purposelyed in the fire. >> and back out here live you can see firefighters working to make sure all of the fire is completely out. they just dumped a couple of garbage cans filled with items open the ground there and now you can see they're spraying them down with water. again the details are limited about the person that died here and fire investigators are on the scene going through this building and pretty meticulously taking evidence. as soon as we get you more information we bring it you on air and on-line. live in cheltenham. eyewitness news, cw philly. >> thank you for that. traffic and weather. >> katie. >> ukee, hi, everybody. in the wake of the storm we can report that wet weather is now long gone. although storm scan three may look otherwise. if you saw a flurry perhaps a quick raindrops. okay, i'll give you that. this is upper level moisture that generally speaking is leaving clouds. it's not hitting the ground and verifying as any snow or? i showers. so looks can a lot of times be does he receiving on storm can and this definitely proof positive. we take you to sky cam three. we see a little glimmer of sun reflecting off liberty place. currently temperature 36. because that wind is kicking in i would like to tell you we'll start to see any of the slick spots start to melt away. because we're still somewhat close to freezing in a lot of locations just give it until the early afternoon. when temperatures across most of the board will have moved into the 40s before you can completely disregard the possibility of any lack ice out there. okay. if it looks wet expect it could be slick today as we look
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forward in the forecast again looks conceiving it's the silent hazard that is the problem at hand. we think it could be slick out there. that means of course you have to slow it down. jess. >> thanks, katie. good advice. with it being a holiday pretty much not a lot of volume across the board. you can always count on the schuylkill expressway to give us something right around city avenue and westbound lanes here headed to king of prussia area you can see some of the delay and backup and over on the ben franklin bridge speed restrictions here at 35 mimes an hour and also the same for walt whitman bridge and betsy ross as well. headed westbound to the city you can see everything moving fine with all lanes open losing out one lane in eastbound lanes headed into new jersey without setting anybody back too much in cheltenham that fire department has a lot of activity on the scene. now a downed pole due to philadelphia. that is out there with police on the scene as well. take governor printz boulevard or 495 to get by. ukee back you to. thank you jess. taking sports this evening. seattle seahawks celebrating a second trip to the super bowl in come back fashion last nights. marshawn lynch 24 yard run and green bay packers did not pull over they managed 48 yard field goal with 14 seconds left to force over time. russell wilson of the sea hawngz shook off a bad start to this game including four interceptions to win on touchdown pass to jaman curse
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seattle wins 28- >> new england never traimd in yesterday's abc match-up and colton ray ran away from the scene. theyet athe colts 45-7. brady and belichick head to the super bowl for the sixth time together and won three of them. super bowl 49 is a week from sunday in arizona. >> i can't believe football season is over already. >> it is. >> super bowl 2 weeks ago. >> thursday night football was such a success this past season cbs and nfl will team up for another slate of games in prime time. don champion has what it means for upcoming season. >> get ready for more fireworks and action on the field. thursday night football will return. >> thursday night football is unbelievable and it's great and everybody is here. >> fans loved it and now the nfl announced it will continue partnership with cbs to produce and televise thursday night football for 2015 season and they'll simulcas. it the games. >> football starts here. >> debut surprise of football on cbs saw match-ups between rivals and they offered playoff caliber production every week. >> we have 4 k cameras and high end graphics. we have every bell and whistle available to the production team to use. >> an a touchdown. unstoppable ! >> after the new england patriots face seattle seahawks
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in super bowl february 1 super bowl 15 will air on cbs next season. don champion eyewitness news cw thursday. >> right now i want you to do me a favor pretend your another citizens bank park, close your eyes have your eyes closed? hire. >> number six. first base money man ryan howard ! >> okay open them now. ment 8 0 degrees and know that voice. that's unmistaken voice of mr. dan baker. he's being inducted to all sport museum of southern new jersey today. dan's quark with phillys eagles, big few. amissing 40 year career does it so well and one of the nicest owes goes you want to be. >> congrats. onlying out owe whammy ais getting ready for his speech to the nation that's next. >> tax hikes on well my and free college tuition. i'm susan mc guinness capitol hill with a preview of the state of the union address. >> if you have any doubt how popularet betty white is you won't after veeing what the crew of her show did for her birthday up next >> happy martin luther king, jr. day everybody. i hope you are relaxing from home and have the day off from school and work and rain is gone and slippery conditions and a lot of holiday events this day. we'll tell y you all about that coming up on the
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>> good morning, everyone, live look in wilmington, delaware, in a bit vice-president joe biden will take the podium for a martin luther king, jr. day event. >> the breakfast is held by minority women. there's no suspect in the shooting outside of vice-president's home saturday evening. secret service is investigating and bidens were not home at the time. president obama has taken the wraps off part of the state of the union address. >> he'll impose hire taxes on well my and use revenue to help middle class families. as susan mc guinness reports some republicans do not like the plan. >> honkerred down over the whitehouse work on spechp directs to as state of the up don't event. >> these are americans i'm looking for every day. >> in the weekly address we got a preview of what is to come. >> auto rising wages growing incomes and a stronger middle class. >> senior white house officials disclosed details saturday saying the president will unveil plans to reform the nation's task code by raising capitol gains rate on wealthiest americans eliminating what americans call the trusts fund loophole and imposing new fees on wall street firms and government would use 320 billion generated over ten years to fund free college tuition for some students and middle class tax credits. >> we should have debate in this country between middle class economics interim checks and see if we can come into agreement on the things we agree on. >> it's clear many proposals
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will be dead open arrival in capitol ill hill and reps controlling both. >> raising taxes of those more successful will not be helpful. >> and you can see the president deliver his state of the union address. live coverage begins tomorrow night sister station cbs 3. >> philadelphia won't be the only stop for pope francis in september and catholic news agency is reporting he's expected to arrive in washington d.c. september 22. he'll deliver a speech to congress and pope plans to visit new york on the 25. he's expected to address the un and general assembly and possibly visit ground zero. leader of the catholic church arrives in philadelphia on 26th of september for world meeting of families. the pope flew home to the vatican after record 6 million people attend his typeal mass in philippines and dedicated homilee to children saying it's important children feel welcome shareished and protected so they become missionaries of the faith. >> good morning, everybody this has been a morning of aftermath issues in the wake of the storm that was with us all day yesterday and you can see the retreat thankfully of all the rain and it's moving out speedily out of maine it was just in the last few hours still posing a pretty rough morning drive for some of the folks. you can see around the edge of the storm that counterclockwise rotation of wind nroe and it's allowing wind driven light flurries and light rain showers to fire up. most of it is not actually verifying at the ground level but if you saw a quick flurry or
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raindrops don't be surprised that that. things are nice and clear. little chilly to start the morning off here around say mid mississippi valley and high pressure will be what moves in here proofly for us come tomorrow and then we'll actually even through today we'll look ahead to wednesday where the clipper will get it back together. right now a little bit of more minor nuisance light snowfall ago cross the canadian valley. that's where the next system originates. it's classic alberta clipper and it's not exactly classic when it comes to what it will bring to our area. let's taw you all the way out to wednesday. we start off dry. morning drive is fine. mainly afternoon and nighttime 'vent. notice though it's almost like it's cutting border between pa and maryland here where we start to see enough mild air in place. some of you end up with rain showers out of this and last clipper brought light snow showers if you recall. further north you go the more likely it will be cold enough to bring in snow. notice how dark these shades of green become and purple become this is one of several models picking up on potential for maybe us get more moisture. looks like a little snowman doesn't it but that does basically mean that you have the possibility to pickp a couple inches along the way and namely off to the north. i would say if i had to if i had to go with my gut now i would say coating to inch or two philly and possibly higher amounts maybe as much as half of foot off to the north. we're talking lehigh valley, pocono region. you have to go far north up the northeast exception and it's out later on at night and thursday
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clear. here's one little general synopsis for you rain showers as well as light snow and possible accumulations for city coaching or inch or two rain confined south of philadelphia. we look at some snowments according to models what di tell you jump to tuesday. no problem. wednesday morning a okay and picks up and creates a bulls eye of 3 to 6" for some of you. that's what we look at here. temperatures flirting with freezing territory. if it looks wet through the morning drive even into the late morning assume it's icy. we don't want you to take a tumble down the front stoop or slip and slide on roadways. keep that in mind. that's generally temperature range across the board here. martin luther king, jr. day though featuring sun. starting overcast. blustery conditions kick in. clouds get scoured out and expecting temperatures into low 40s around the region as a whole. so again that's typical. it's late mid to late january. so this is usually the coldest time of year anyway and this is tried and true. it's exactly what we expect. wednesday, really is the one and only odd ball out where we end up with a system moving through. and it's juingtd leftover wind here today and sky is clearing and that silent hazard again of potential for black ice come wednesday, though, rain showers as well as lights snow depend on the locations and once the clipper lifts out which is will as they tend to do we're left in the 30s. in fact, thursday, friday, saturday are essentially carbon copy forecasts with high of 37. all three days and partly sunny skies all three days as well. jess over to you. >> thank you katie.
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good morning everybody, out of the hardest part of our morning commute so far no much the the way of volume. the main thing we've been stretching is extra time and slippery and heading on buy. and 24th street westbound to the schuylkill 2340 problems eastbound to 495 as well. otherwise on 202 around schuylkill expressway no problems here also. southbound or northbound looking okay. otherwise in pemberton new jersey there's an over turned vehicle mount misery road junction road use caution when traveling through the area. main street westbound near university of delaware between academy street and college avenue. left lane blocked there. back over to you. >> quite the surprise for her birthday. >> as she rises to set of cablele shows greated by massive hula dancing mob that shows casting crew organizeds the big party. turns 90 saturday. >> doing her thing and doing it well. >> look who is in town. supply silver ter stallone stops by the rocky statue and poses with fans. here's here to shoot the latest movie ceed. stars michael b. jordan as grandson of rocky friend apollo ceed. it was exhibition to me. >> i see a woman and kid moving towards the convoy. >> oscar knowledge named american snipder breaks the box off. it's a record for january and most trauma ever brought in opening weekend.
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>> the wedding ringer starring local guy philly own kevin hart came in second with 21 million rounding off top five paddington taken 3 and "selma". >> i don't know about you i can't get enough of this. >> i can't get enough of this. >> a dover police officer proving he's a taylor swift fan and everybody loves it. >> guess what that includes taylor swift. >> why don't you come over baby and we can shake shake shake . >> that's master corporal jeff davis lip sivrping ing to shake it off. the dover police department put it video on its facebook page and said taylor swift if you're watching we're sorry. he knows this song so well because of his 10-year-old daughter taylor swift saw the video and said lololol the sassy guess she liked it. >> does that mean she got a big laugh out of it. >> huge laugh. >> she kept on laughing. >> so will you we'll be right back here it is again ♪ >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly.
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>> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. >> good morning, everyone, mobile 3 with a live look at wilmington delaware. vice-president joe bide ep will take the podium 9:15 or so they're getting start wtd opening remarks. the an you'll breakfast is held by annual organization of minority women. and there's no suspects outside of the shooting of his home that happened saturday and secret service is investigating. bidens were not home at the time. and if you want to watch the vice-president deliver his remarks here at this venue, we will be streaming it live for you at >> it's a beautiful day for it. i'm so glad the rain from yesterday is finally gone. >> yes finally is. and certainly we still have the breeze kicking in and it's chilly outside. we will see sun break through the clouds. just until the temperatures get well above freezing watch it could be slick. jess. >> definitely true for that. earlier accident creating
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several downed poles. closed until 9:30 harvey road you want to take governor printz boulevard or 495 to get by. >> thank for watching. for more local news weather traffic and sports we're always on for i >> and we're back in 30 seconds with one more check of traffic and pass have a great day. ...look you've really been letting us down. ...the half-fast job you did uploading our big proposal or updating our website. you're starting to make our business look half-fast. i'm gonna have to let you go. ouch.... was he talking to jim? no - our cable company. were you just talking about me? it's time to fire your half-fast cable internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch -- upload speeds as fast as downloads. so switch to fios internet and phone starting at $99.99 a month with a 2 year agreement and get $200 back. call now and switch to fios today. >> good morning i'm diana rocco update on breaking news this morning a deadly fire in cheltenham montgomery county it took firefighters more than an hour to control the fire at the lynnwood gardens apartments they found body of one victim inside one of the apartments and that person has not been identified. investigators are trying to figure oar out what started that fire. and now let's get a check of weather this morning. let's get over to katie in the weather center. >> thankfully the worst is over in terms of storm system that rolled through yesterday.
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that's gone. lingering moisture you see over my shoulder stromtracker 3. i want to point out what is going on. looks can be de receiving that's what is going on here. if you saw a raindrops or flurry i would not be surprised but you don't have to worry about additional icing or freezing out of this it is very modest precipitation and very modest moisture generally upper levels. partly sunny and blustery in the meantime today and temperatures in the low 40s. dropping down to 30 tonight. it's cold. seasonably so. mid delay january after all. these temperatures in next 7 days cold, again seasonable. mine while look ago head to wednesday specifically. light rain and snow coming our way courtsey of another clipper system and we stand a shot for coating to inch or two of snow in the city. >> jess. >> thanks, katie, thankfully because of the holiday not much in the way of volume. speed restrictions and icy conditions. specifically opt bridges why the ben franklin bridge has speed restriction of 35 same for the walt whitman and betsy ross. otherwise everything looking great headed westbound into city. no problems. 95 cottman avenue no problems there if you head southbound into the city. diana back to you. >> that is eyewitness news for now join us for talk philly at noon have a great >> new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at
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>> >>gordon: welcome to the 7 club $20 a month 4240 seven at least ten people were killed. >> protestors also turned out from yemen to pakistan and iran and afghanistan also to denounce the cartoon. >> protest turned deadly in the west african country. at least ten people with killed in 2 days of violent protest against charlie hebdo's newest cart
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