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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 14, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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we are following two breaking stories including a burglary suspect on the run. he ditched his car and goods after an overnight chase and crash. we are live with the search for suspect still on the run this morning. also breaking news right new a deadly fire in delaware county. three people escaped safely escaped, flames in the home in yeadon. one woman died on the porch. now investigators there are trying to figure out what sparked that fire. >> it happened in the 1800 block of providence road. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer is there right now with more on this story nicole, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ukee and erika. we are learning more about that 76 year-old woman, victim in this fire fatality. we're told by family members her name is marilyn crammer, again, 76 years old. we are told she was not well and is staying with relatives when this fire broke out. they tell us that they smoke on the front porch a and that is what started these flames. in yeadon delaware county an elderly woman was found dead on her front porch victim of the fatal fire on providence road. >> crew is a arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the front porch area when they did their sides up they entered the building to find fire in the front porch area. >> reporter: with heavy smoke making its way to the second and third floor and sent fire damage through the roof, fire officials a say it took 20 minutes to get the the flames under control. freezing temperatures made a tough job all the more difficult for these volunteer
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fire fighters. >> we have encountered a lot of ice and crews are walking gingerly on the ice. we were able to get salt down right away, but we're waiting for the major salt trucks to get here. >> reporter: smoke alarms alerted occupants of the home to the fire allowing the victim's three elderly relatives to get out safely. now they are staying with family as fire fighters finish the job as investigators work to find a cause. and back here live you can tell crews have since left the scene. so pretty clear here other than restoration crews looking at that age, again they imagined to get out of the side door but unfortunately that 76 year-old woman was stuck on the front porch. the investigation is still underway. the cause of the fire is still unknown. that is latest from yeadon delaware county, nicole brewer for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> nicole, thank you. >> 703:67:89 lets head outside to the sky deck and katie you were saying less wind today. >> less wind and that means even though it is still cold i can see my breath in front of me on the sky deck. it doesn't feel quite as harsh. still heavy coat, scarves mittens weather for sure but that is sort of the least of our worries. down across southern most branch of the area specifically cape may county and over across the bay into delaware. as we go out to mobile three traveling on route 47 right now, there you go, sure as day, we've got the that snow coming down. it is coming down at a good clip. you can see off to the right-hand side there, there
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is definitely snow sticking to the ground and even though it may not necessarily sticking as easily and accumulating on the roadways it will definite definitely potentially slick. here's y storm scan three is showing you what is up. from philadelphia on north you don't to have worry about this. thinks northern fringe of the system gathering plenty of moisture from the atlantic. so, kent sussex counties in delaware and across the pay. maybe as far north as cumberland county and atlantic county you will find some snow falling here this morning. eventually in mixing with some sleet or some rain, as temperatures climb somewhat. but total amounts here in terms of snow, it is generally a coating to an inch at absolute most. watch for slick travel in these areas but further north you bow in isn't a issue. as we go down the shore, it is rain and know showers through midday and that system will rotate away and we will have to just as quickly as it came. in the poconos we have a shot of sees some sunshine. we will hit 22 degrees. mainly just clouds around philadelphia. so with that said rule of thumb today is this further south you travel more likely it is you will find some precipitation. because vittoria it is so cold outside it could ease lids be very slick in some of these communities. >> thanks, katie. that is a really big worry for a few water main breaks we have been dealing w we are taking a look at a video of the water main break that occurred earlier in camden. i will step out of the way so you want see crews actively attend to go that. some of the water was bubbling up on mount evefram just beyond ferry avenue in camden, new jersey. the as cruits continued to work on that as katie was
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mentioning some of that water we again to turn very slick and frozen. so, troubling in this area are still difficult and we will be dealing with the the southbound side of mount evefram making your way beyond ferry avenue. the north bound side has been alternating both lanes of traffic, so it has been getting by, however, very slowly and it is something to be mindful of and to avoid. also another area to avoid would be another water main break in montgomery count that i caused an earlier accident. susquehanna a road at limekiln pike icy road conditions and police are directing traffic in that area we will have rush hour, 95 schuylkill, four to 22, the the list goes on so give yourself some more time erika. >> vittoria, thank you. back to the breaking news in bensalem bucks county where police pursuit of two burglary suspects leads to the crash. one suspect was taken into custody but another is still on the loose. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao joins us live from the police department with the latest information, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. these burglary suspects, certainly didn't give up easily. police say that they crash their car into a ditch and then they ditched that car, and then fled this scene. of course, the hunt is still on for that second suspect this morning and searches included k-9 units and heat seeking equipment. hard to believe any one could runaway from a crash like this. a car up ended in a bensalem ditch at the the corner of have state road and tennis avenue. the the impact is so strong that the front end was torn off and smashed in. two suspects did make it out and run in the woods.
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they sparked it 1:30, wednesday morning. after the crash, authorities searched the bloods. the other say is still on the the loose. at this point it remains unclear where this burglary call originated but apparently the suspects were after electronics, a large device spotted nearly falling out of the back of the car. again, that second burglary suspect at last check still on the loose this morning. police have since cleared the the scene there and including the area of the grand view apartments. we expect an update from bensalem police later this morning. reporting live from the bensalem police department, jan carabao for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> thank you jan. developing right now yemen's top al qaeda leader claims responsibility for last weeks terror attack in paris. seventeen people were killed, including staff members from the controversial french newspaper charlie hebdo. the latest issue hit news stand overnight with the cartoon of prophet mohammad on the cover. andrew spencer has the store i have of hot selling newspaper. >> reporter: at several kiosks, the in magazine was sold out before it was ever available. the early copies already reserved. they print $60,000. now they print 5 million of the latest issue. satyrical magazines returns for the first time since the terror attacks in paris left 17 people dead. including 12 in and around a the offices of charlie hebdo. front cover shows this sign reading suis charlie, held by the the prophet mohammad with the word all is forgiven. editorial from the editor in
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chief wrote quote for one week charlie, the the a theyes magazine has been performing more miracle than all of the saints and prophets involved the one of which we are most proud the same magazine we have already published. whatever message yet another cover send it has been mixed. >> i know they are publishing this to send a message to terrorist and say that look we are not going to be intimidated. that is fine. the at the same time it would be nice if they had shown sensitivity to the feelings of muslims. >> reporter: many of whom have have marched in the rallies denouncing the the a attacks. one of whom will a police officer is dead as a result of them. andrew spencer for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. also developing right now, a navy ship from singapore has found a few pieces of the crash air asia plane in the java sea. many of the 168 victims are believed to be in the main section of the plane. earlier this week recovery crew retreat the planes book boxes. >> a women is shot and killed and police do not believe this is was a random shooting. it happened at 12th and jefferson. investigators tell us 56 year-old kim jones was on her way to work when a gunman walked up and shot her in the back of the head. her family, wants justice. >> well, a person who, you know, never had any enemies and, you know, like i said, you knows was born and raised around here. everybody knew who she was. she caught the the bus every morning to work. so, it is like who would. investigators have not on die why she was targeted, they are looking a at nearby
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surveillance video to help. new this morning a catholic grade school in northeast philadelphia is closed for the day after several students call out sick. nazareth academy grade school posted the announcement on their web site. school officials say a number of students were out sick on monday, and on tuesday, and so today, they are send nothing a cleaning crew to disinfect the building. a facebook rant cost a central bucks west high school guidance counselor her job. school board voted nearly unanimously last night to terminate mary kate blankenberg. she was placed on leave in december after posting this threatening message on her face book page. it reads if my child cannot get to the eagles game due to protesters, i will personally shoot everyone of them. you've been warned, idiots. >> she made a mistake and she spoke about it and we all make them. i challenge any of you to think of your own lives and say have you never made a mistake. >> these decisions do not come lightly. there is no pleasure in but although i believe it is a correct recommendation. >> she was not charged with any crime over the post. time right now 7:10. serial robber is on the the run this morning. he has already struck ten times. see the man police are looking for right now. also subway passengers on edge after a smoking scare in the nation's wap toll. what they want to you know. >> he is only thrhree years old but he is a young crime sol versace, how that little boy helped police track down a stolen car after a frightening ride with him inside of it.
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>> ♪ depend on where you live the roads could be dangerous this morning. katie will let you nose where we will see some snow in the area today, that is the mobile weather lab right there. there they are. right in front the of the headlights. we will talk more after the break. in a race, it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. >>xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn't require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn't have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. >>don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your
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doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe, with no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. ask your doctor about xarelto® today. you have to look closely but we have light snow falling. best to look off with the dark background with the tree line outside middletown ship high school. a light dusting falling here and also on the rooftops surrounding, the high school here. but, that said, it is something pretty well across sussex county in delaware. so, this system, it would a quick be develop. it will be quick to retreat. it is the not a huge storm. while you have a really nice little center offer moisture right new through sussex county you might end up with decent accumulation. when i say decent we're talking inch plus but overall thinks more nuisance system. not just for us but for everybody else included in the winter weather advisory. notice further extent, cape may county in new jersey and then kent county in delaware. you have to go further south if you are looking for more widespread coverage. that is how the storm is set up. philadelphia does not have to war bit. maybe you will see a few snow flakes but it will not amount to much. generally just cloudy. snowfall amounts are generally going todd toy a coat to go an inch max across the counties shaded in the white here.
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locally those fuzz get enough thumping here which we are finding through sussex county delaware it might add up to more than. that watching otherwise for cloud. further north you go you have no worries with this thing. it will start to clear things out here. we will look forward to the forecast for thursday. 36 degrees with the sunshine and high pressure regaining control. the breezy friday but milder, and, well, if you can call 39 degrees milder. milder then today. >> there you go. >> thinks beginning of the trend that will continue right through the weekend. it is looking up beyond today. >> i know. >> even philadelphia, we're fine. just further south you will find issues today. >> 40 degrees never looked so good. >> tell me bit. >> yeah, me too hey young lady, how are you. >> hey you guys. >> hey you guys. >> hi everyone. traffic wise it is busy out there schuylkill expressway 95, usual spots, give yourself some more time. the as katie was talking about, you will find slick spots on the majors. definitely watch out for that. that is where we will want to start with the vine street expressway. traveling on the westbound side of the vine, we are getting reports of some icy patches, around the parkway and also here using the the 26th street ramp. so bet thing to do here is to guess proceed this area and really any areas with caution. now if you are traveling on the vine street expressway, you are going to notice some delays, going to and from the schuylkill. so again giving yourself some more time as this proceeding in areas with caution and any area is your best move. traffic on i-95 southbound is slow, out of the area of academy. this shot here not too far
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from harbison. moving your way down through the vine street expressway. we are seeing delays traveling on the schuylkill expressway. you know that. take a look at the eastbound side. very heavy eastbound between blue route and vine street expressway. a half an hour commute there. southbound almost at a half an hour as well and traveling on the eastbound side of 422, a a 15 minute commute between oaks and 202. it is rush hour. no delays for mass transit erika. a kensington store owner is recovering after getting shot in front of his wife and son. the shooting happened last night in the 2900 block of d street. police say two men tried to rob the store and one pointed a gun at a customer's head. when the owner grabbed his gun the robber shot him in the shoulder. no one else was hurt. and, philadelphia police need help finding the serial robber whose terrorizing stores in west and southwest philadelphia. police say that cartel wright had committed ten robberies during his spree over the last few months. he is also known as kevin jones. wright, who is also wanted for a carjacking, ukee. commuters are demanding more information after an electrical malfunction fills a washington subway tunnel with smoke. sixty-one year-old virginia woman died and dozens went to the hospital. hundreds were stranded on the train, on monday, now officials say that something came in contact with the high voltage third rail. the mayor says that administration is reviewing its response. septa wants to let its riders know what to do in the event of the trouble underground and to reassure them that the authority is ready. they gave "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter an
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exclusive ride along. >> reporter: scenes like these from monday's deadly incident as smoke filled the metro continue until washington show what septa officials say they understand, very well, any emergency unfolding in a train underground can be especially frightening for passengers. >> we're in the dark. we're in a closed environment. you feel trap. all that is understandable. >> reporter: scott sour gave us an exclusive ride along look, at how it is protecting riders. the the first thing you need to know. >> stay in place. don't move unless is there a imminent threat. >> reporter: with more than 400 miles of rail, 18 are underground, and septa says that in the end of an emergency, that presents unique challenges. >> through is lots of situations you could trip and fall aside from the third rail itself which is electrified. >> reporter: septa says all tunnels is let with reflective signs every few feet. passengers and crew can pinpoint their exact locations for rescuers. >> so where ever you are, you are within about ten to 15 feet of another sign thaw can see where you are. >> reporter: if you are uncomfortable underground septa points out its tunnels are much closer to the surface than other major cities allowing first respond tours use these special street grates to get to passengers more quickly. all crews septa says are especially trained for continue tunnel incidents. the safety information available for riders on every card. >> just like would you read instructions on a airplane. >> reporter: finally septa says the transit authority is
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monitoring the washington metro incident hoping to learn from it, and then make its underground system even safer. in center city, walt hunter, "eyewitness news" at cw philly. breaking news into us right now, part of the international space station has just been evacuated. cbs news has confirmed that two american astronauts and one italian collogue left their quarters because of an ammonia leak. all three are safe but they have moved, to the russian side of the iss and the the u.s. side has been sealed off. the crew, dealt with previous ammonia leak in may 2013. we will keep you updated a as we learn more about the breaking news copping in right now, erika. 7:20. we are updating the breaking news including a deadly fire and search for a suspect on the run after a police chase, hints of the presidential run in the governor state of the state address. message that is some people convinced that the governor has his eyes set on the whihite house. that is coming up. but first here's what is coming up tonight on the cw philly. breaking news, lead this look at today's headlines, an elderly woman is dead after a house fire in yeadon delaware county. investigators say fire may have started with cigarette smoking on a porch. three other people in the house were able to get out safely. a manhunt is underway for a second burglary suspect after police pursuit in bensalem bucks county evened with this crash. suspects jumped out a made a run for it. police arrested one of them. the other remains at large.
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chesterbrook school guider marry kate blank evenberg. she came under fire, after she allegedly, posted a threat against protesters at an eagles game on her face book page. well, a boy is safe with his mother after a wild ride in the family's stolen car. police say elizabeth walked out of the day care only to find someone driving off with her son, aidon strapped in the back seat. she left her cell phone in the car. police called it and her three-year old answered the phone, the thief quickly a wandond the car. police and aidon honked the horn so they could find them. >> can you tell them what you did? did you honk the the horn? you did. >> be careful even if you don't think it will happen to you. it can. it can. >> the mom says that she always left her car running when she dropped her younger brother off at day care but now, that will never happen again she says. brave you could search abe have a a little guy, honking th good morning, i'm ukee washington. we want to get you over to the weather center and check with kate which that forecast good morning. >> forecast is split depending on your location ukee. you can see we have a lot of moisture in a couple of area. not every where though. we will start things hyper local on storm scan three and take a look where the brunt of our system is affecting you. it is generally southern new jersey, and a good portion of the state of delaware but especially, down towards some
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of the delaware beaches, ocean pines, crossing the border in to maryland there. that is really where the brunt of the moisture is. you can see in the last few hours some of the leading edge of this has been rotating its way in to at least south central, new jersey but we have winter weather advisory posted for sussex don't dell want and cape may county until 1:00 p.m. live neighborhood network shows what one system can do we went from nothing on the board to the nice coating out there on the boardwalk plaza in rehoboth delaware. temperatures right at the freezing mark. we will see this start off as snow locally could be just over an inch but generally speaking, we're talking about a coating to an inch in all of the counties in white. notice it doesn't include philadelphia. this is a system that just barely clips us. rotating away leave a flurry behind and in philadelphia we hit 32. slow climb on the thermometer throughout the weekend. by sunday we may have our next coastal storm bringing in strictly rain. that is thinking at this point anyway vittoria, over to you. good morning everyone. the with the weather today and really with the weather that we have had for quite sometime we have still had some icy patches in area. so anyone, commuting out and about right now just give yourself some more time. and also make sure you are perceiving any highway, by what the with a precaution. we will look a the schuylkill. this delay is stemming back towards the area of approaching the the roosevelt boulevard about montgomery drive. rush hour is in fully affect. take a look at i-95 area
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southbound not too far away from the betsy ross bridge. we're jammed from academy all the way down through the vine street expressway. you may find brakes throughout that delay but still, it is only going to be for that much that you will have a break until you run into more brake lights, if you will. we have an accident on the egypt road in south trooper road. since we're on this map look at the eastbound side of 422 we have major volume out of the area of oaks down toward 202. so give yourself some more time. here are icy patches on the vine street expressway. westbound ramp to the ben franklin parkway and also 22nd street ukee. >> vittoria, thank you. lets do it again at 7:55. up next on cbs this morning, conquering the the impossible. two thrill seekers are closer to ever before, in making hist we're following breaking news, a burglary suspect is on the run after ditching his car after a chase, and crash. we're live with the search for the suspects. we are also on the scene of more breaking news in delaware county where a with man died in the early morning house fire. three other family members made it out of the home safely and now fire officials are beginning their investigation. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer joins us from that scene with the very latest information nicole, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning ukee and erika. delaware county's first fire fatality unfortunately a 76 year-old woman. her family calls her marilyn crammer. we actually spoke to her nephew a short time ago. he got the call around 3:00 this morning again, that the house had caught fire. it was his parent's house. fortunately his parents made it out okay. unfortunate news in all this is that his aunt that 76 year-old woman did not make it past the front porch. a according to the family she was staying at this home because she was not well. they were actually care for her. they tell us that this was a recurring problem and that is what started this fire early wednesday morning. when official as arrived they found heavy fire in the front of the home on the porch area and in the living room. they say that the smoke actually extended up through the second and third floors and again they found crammer dead on the the front porch. we spoke with deputy chief michael who tells us that the freezing temperatures made it a difficult job all of the more trying since water was freezing just as soon as it hit the ground. >> we encountered a lot of ice and crews are as you can see on the ice. we were able to get some salt down right away. but we're waiting until the major salt trucks get here to help us out. >> reporter: yeah, definitely a tough job for these volunteer fire fighters. but again, made all of the more difficult because there was a fire fatality involved here, again at 76 year-old woman found on the front porch, the the cause still being investigated. we're live in yeadon delaware
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county nicole brewer "eyewitness news" at cw philly. also breaking news right now the search is on for one of two burglary suspects whom police say led them on a brief car chase in bensalem bucks county overnight. our jane carabao joins us from the police department with the very latest information, jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, good morning. i was just able to speak with a couple of people here at the bend salem police department. a they tell me that officials are getting together new information and preparing to release that to us. just a as soon as we get it, we will pass it along to you. we know that at least one suspect has been caught, the other, is still on the loose after they crashed their getaway car into a ditch and if you look at the video, suspect's car up ended in the ditch at intersection of state road and kenneth avenue in bensalem. this started around 1:30 as a burglary call. there was a short police pursuit as you mentioned and that ended here. now once the two burglary suspects crashed their car authorities say they ran into the woods. now there was a large police presence earlier in the morning. authorities called in k-9 units and heat seeking equipment in this search. one of two suspects again has been caught by police. but again that second suspect is still at large and the scene is near grand view apartments. police were protect ago this area as well this morning. the car has been towed away from the scene and the scene is cleared. again, it is still unclear, all of the details, around this pursuit especially where this burglary call originated, but it does seem like the suspects were after electronics, a big box was seen coming out of the box of that car.
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again, just spoke with officials here on the scene. we are expecting new information, from the bensalem police department about this pursuit, and this search for a second suspect, very soon. we will keep you up to date. but for now we're live outside of the bensalem police department jan carabao for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> j. an, thank you. lets check with katie and check the forecast. we have some changes to day good morning. >> absolutely, storm system very quickly to develop off to the south will be messing with some of you most of us will be in the clear. we will keep the clouds around but not dealing with any precipitation but within spot that is dealing with precipitation is down across southern new jersey. look at this we have a good coating of snow out there as we go out to mobile three here traveling right now on 626 down through cape may county. this has been a very quick to accumulate round of light snow for this area meanwhile do i want to take to you another camera in our live neighborhood network outside beach patrol headquarters where we have nothing falling down at least that i can detect out there but that said, the radar would paint a different picture. classic example of the radar telling you something but it is not actually happening at the ground level. we have good moisture down through cape may county and sussex county in delaware. also up into kent county where we have winter weather advisories posted today. meanwhile the camera we just showed you margate city smack dab in the center, pretty soon we will find some snow flakes flying up that way but should not accumulate very easily. up through atlantic or cumberland counties. meanwhile weather winter advisories for counties in the purpose that he will includes
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those bottom three, temperatures at this time are below freeze ago cross the board. so the ground and the air is absolutely cold enough for producing this snow. but this system will sip on out of here this day planner is referencing, philadelphia that is why we're just saying flurry around, around the noon time hour. generally just going to be in the clear from this system in the city and then again, rule of thumb further south you travel the more likely it is that you will run into some slick travel, and then likely some wintry precipitation to go with it. variety tore y. thanks, so much, katie. good morning everyone. if you are traveling on our majors you'll find rush hour delays, there is no doubt bit. ninety-five, schuylkill expressway the eastbound side of the 30 bypass we have a lot going on. it is really just volume. we also have an accident however traveling, not too far away from the area of levittown bucks county so an accident bristol action forward valley road you could find a line blockage. fifty-five southbound open route 40 another accident situation to be care on are fult of. north bound side of 55 heading to the 42 freeway we will find delays there too and northbound volume on the 42 freeway. we have an accident in lower southford at french road and wambold road. water main break in montgomery county at susquehanna and limekiln. we have icy road conditions. so as a result something to try to avoid. police are still directing traffic in that area keep in mind traveling on i-95 schuylkill and 422, rush hour is upon us, erika. >> thanks, vittoria. police charged a mount laurel man with killing his
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wife. kyle crosby was arraigned by video in mount holly. he is charge with the murder of his 26 year-old wife erika crippen and endangering lives of her two children. the crosby was apprehended in brooklawn monday night driving crippen's car. investigators are now searching for her body. she has not been seen for two weeks. but her family says close another won't happen until they can barry the young mother. >> no way i will allow him and his family to leave us out there with nothing no erika. >> crosby is being held on 1.2 million-dollar bail. new jersey governor chris christie says that new jersey is better off then when he came to office amid a sagging national economy. the governor praised his accomplishments during the past five years leading some to think he was hinting at a run for president. >> we are a nation bee set by anxiety and it is understandable. economic growth is low by post war recovery standards. america's leadership in the world is call into question because of a pattern have indecision and inconsistencecy. >> right now supporters of the governor christie are in the early stages of starting a political action committee which could be a first step toward a presidential run. a grand jury indict a bar tend inner ohio for threatening to kill house speaker john boehner. authorities say makal hoyt discussed poisoning boehner who is a member of the country club where he work. hoyt called police in october and reportedly blamed boehner for his problems. hoyt also said that the congressman was responsible for the ebola virus.
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the 44 year-old is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. right now the 7:38. time to check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange. jill yesterday's stock soared in the early going but ended up down. what are investors watching today. >> reporter: big banks like jp morgan chase will start reporting their recent earnings today. the this is a good barometer of the economy at large. also investors will be looking for how much the economic weakness in europe is spread to go other parts of the world. yesterday oil prices fell again. that dragged down the market. we did get good newts about jobs. there are more evening in the decade. for all those folks that wanting to gluten free and still want to enjoy their pizza and beer, you have good news for them. >> gluten free is more main street. course light, one of the biggest beer makers is launching its first gluten free beer in february called coors peak. it will be available in port land seattle to start w pizza hut is also going gluten free. they will offer a 10-inch gluten free pizza option at 24 hundred locations. ukee and erika. >> that will be popular. >> yeah, super bowl party what do you say. >> i can eat gluten so i do. but for those who can't. >> that is true. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. owner of the philadelphia land mark is being remembered this morning. abu-jamalnor silver who own ledgendry jim's steaks on south the street died yesterday. he gave up a a law career to go in the cheese stake bits and became sole owner of the
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south street location in 2011. silver passed away from complications of alzheimer's disease. he was 79 years old. hockey players has a tough tomb getting off of the ease. we will see trouble he had getting in locker room. try on one thing and see yourself in a rainbow of colors, i'm marley hall in new york with more on a new high tech mirror coming up. also closing in on history, progress two climbers are making on a daring fe at that many thought was not possible. >> ♪ those climbers are on the he can of glory at yesemite national park. we will show you more on the other side. look at the snow down south. >> wow. >> we will be right back katie has got that for you, see new a bit. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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yes, they are generally speaking seeing some very cold temperatures, and feeling cold temperatures. we will head out to the map view here where generally temperature readings at least away from the shore are in the lower 20's or teens at this point, but you know depending on your location we are seeing potentially something different. lets start things off, we will go with 19 degrees here. that was sent from ron russell. we have got plenty of clouds he is in riverside. we have a modest win at this point. it is out of the northeast but he is dry where he is. it is another chilly morning with that said. we will go further south. we will take you to the 20-degree mark where michael sent in from bellmawr. he says that he has got a little bit of the fine mixing here 20 degrees. sent in the last couple of minutes. one more we will go down the the shore here and check in here with james and he does have a little hint of some snow out there. 30 degrees. he had a comment too. just started snowing in oc. but starting to lay on the pavement. quick hitting system. so what we will find in terms of the accumulation will happen like that and then system well get out of here. lets go on a regional tour of storm scan three. you can see different pretty colors we have showing up on the map but it is also starting to rotate away even though earlier it looks like it was making a beeline north through kent and sussex or i should say new castle counties it started to rotate away already. so this system for one thing it does have moisture witt but it is not a huge storm.
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this developed so fast and it will go out of here so quickly that yes, we have got decent moisture witt but that is only reason thaw will see any kind of, we will call it substantial accumulation quote unquote. even that we are looking at a coat to go maybe up to an inch worth of accumulating snow. it is not just snow, we will think that this will end up being a mixing of some snow, sleet and probably some rain before it is all said and done but it is generally through midday that count that is have shaded coloring here will to have deal with this. notice philadelphia not included. even if we did see a quick flurry here in the city, that is it. you are really left with clouds otherwise. further north and west no problems whatsoever. temperatures on the slow climb through thursday, friday and upcoming weekend too. by tomorrow high pressure back in control and keep control right in the weekend as well, vittoria. >> thanks, katie. good morning. everyone. it is rush hour out there. as you will notice when we get there ape throughout my report. it is heavy with traffic. traveling in the southbound direction of the roosevelt boulevard we are seeing delays beyond area of kelly drive exit beyond the schuylkill expressway. once we get to the schuylkill that is why traffic on the boulevard is so backup because it is pushing traffic traffic to moth even move: i mean it is no the moving. if you're traveling northbound side of the roosevelt boulevard we are looking great. no problems here. no problems in the area have bucks county either. however now we are taking you to the mid county toll plaza on 476 we're seeing delays out of this area southbound on the blue route, down through
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to the schuylkill expressway. you can see brake lights here around the curve. it is slow out there slow as well on 422. even 202 southbound, between allendale and the mall boulevard, we have the left lane blocked as a result of the accident. so that is causing delays. check out the the pa turnpike, westbound we are seeing delays out of the area of 309 and then down through the stretch at mid county. i-95 we are experiencing delays southbound, heavy backup there and speaking of backups, don't forget when i'm not around you can get updated traffic information about backups in your area any area with a new your drive app. it is a useful tool. down load that for the iphone and android by going to cbs philly to the come/your drive. >> all right vittoria, thank you. using only their hand and feet two climbers could inch their way in the history books sometime today. kevin jordanson and tommy cold well spent the the last two weeks clinging to the edge of yesemite's maaing massive el captain. they hope to scale the the first section of the rock without the the help of equipment other than safety ropes to stop a fall. >> this will really happen but we won't feel the whole immensity of it until they are standing on top. >> the condition of their body let alone the wall losing weight and become weaker but the smaller climbs that are easy will be just as hard as the hard parts. >> men are expect to make it to the summit sometime today, wow. in sports, sixers play for second night the in the row. they face raptors in toronto. toronto leads the the nba's atlantic division right now. last night in front of the home crowd an old favorite
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kyle korver showed off his range. he always had hat that three-point shot. he had 16 total point. kj mcdaniels nice move. double pump jam. he had 14 total points. but they could not be stop. this triple double led the hawks. they beat sixers 105-87. flyers face capitols later tonight the at verizon center in washington d.c. fly guys are facing an uphill battle for playoff spot but they have won three of their last four. keep it going, fellows. the quite a fall for this hockey player. a member of the flyers, who, wore flyers colors for uniforms, check it out. oh my. companiesing off the the ice and levels himself. the guy's name is mitchell a junior player who just got a game in misconduct. he was just not thinking a as he went off stick was too high, he had a little attitude. he stumbled away after that impact, and left his stick there on the ice. wow. >> he rolls it off. he went ought the tunnel. >> poor guy. >> that hearst to watch. >> it does. >> over and over again. >> oh, my gosh. >> yes. >> all right. 7:49. do you dread shopping for new clothes? trying on clothes at the store, cbs news correspondent marley had hall shows cutting edge technology that might just change the way that you shop. >> reporter: trying on clothes just got a little easier and a lot more high tech. >> you can try on multiple things virtually when in reality you have tried on one thing. >> exactly. >> reporter: it is a memory mirror by intel called the memo me.
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>> it enables me to try on multiple colors and styles of the garment without going back in the dressing room. >> reporter: with just a touch of the screen you can see 360 views of each color as well as side by side comparison. the. >> the the the consumer san send that information in the smart phone and share it social media and get likes or votes from your friend. >> reporter: retail chain neiman marcus is testing the memo me at selection locations. the it is one of hundreds of new shopping innovations unveiled at this years national retail federation expo in new york city. also on display a a digital inventory tracker called the power shelf. >> if a shopper picks the last one up we can recognize that it is out, send that fur back to the least taylor to fix the shelf. >> reporter: power shelf tracks items using a sensor math that measure weight if you down load the store's app a blue teeth beacon send a coupon tour phone when you get close. >> it is really simple. >> reporter: that means more sales for retailers and more options for shoppers. marley hall for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> how about that. >> times are changing. >> it is. >> the the opposite of the oscars we have the word on the movies and stars just nominated for race ease this year. >> no one want to get them. >> and take already swift is in the giving nude generous gift she just sent to one of her ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress.
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uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. ♪ a big gig for ariana grande who will be performing at grammys next month. we will talk with the other big stars, set for music's biggest night coming up. >> ♪ what is the word ♪ >> and the word is fan apparently it pays to be a fan of popular taylor swift. >> grammy winner surprised a fan with a huge box of gifts, including one most college graduates would dream of swift gave her a check for $1,989 saying you are closer to paying off those student loans. you may remember that 1989 is the title of swift's latest chart topping album. >> how about that very nice. >> great gift. >> indeed good big names are set to perform at this years grammy award madonna will take the stage for the fifth time. she will share spotlight with ariana grande making her grammy debut. they air on our sister station, cbs-3, the date february 8th.
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well oscar winning film maker is taking his talents to the small screen. woody allen will write and direct a half an hour series for amazon. it will air on prime instant rid ohio and set today buy sometime next year. >> amazon is trying to catch up with netflix and now woody allen, come on. >> i'm telling you. >> such a talent still doing his thing. >> we will take a short break you're watching "eyewitness news" at cw philly. we will see you in a bit. good morning i'm erika von tiehl. >> absolutely. all depending upon your location we have a storm system that was quick to develop, and moisture pulling tonight from the open waters of the atlantic. northern fringe a affecting our southern most counties here, there are winter weather advisories posted, cape may, kent sussex counties until 1:00 p.m. this will be a system moving through quickly dump what it will dump and leave ate loan. we have seen a very fast coat to go an inch picking up through those aforementioned counties. up in philadelphia maybe a flurry otherwise, cloud, high of 32. we will go on a slow climb on that thermometer with more sunshine as high pressure takes control. maybe a new storm system by sunday. we will keep an eye on it back over to you. good morning everybody. traveling right now, on our
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area majors 95 specifically, if you are traveling in either direction, going to and from, the vine street expressway and cottman avenue it is totally jam. the southbound beyond that point, down toward academy but it is not too far from the neshaminy, traveling on route one, we have a disable vehicle and it is compromising the right-hand lane. traveling, in the northbound directions, you do want to give yourself some more time. look at ben franklin bridge a big hold up from new jersey in toward philadelphia, down toward eighth and vine and these speed sensors are giving you rush hour eight traveling on the schuylkill, 17 on i-95. the delays on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike for sure out of the 309 and mid county and watch out for disable truck on i-95 southbound on shoulder erika. >> next update 8:25. next up on cbs this morning do you suffer from chronic pain more than 8 million americans rely on you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then
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my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. we are following some two brking news stories including a burglary suspect on the run. he ditches his car and goods after an overnight chase and crash. we're live with the search for the suspect, still on, this morning. also, breaking news right new a deadly fire in delaware county. three people safely escaped the flames of this home in yeadon but one woman died on the porch. the deadly fire broke out overnight in the 1800 block of providence road. >> investigators are trying to figure out what spark the fire. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer is on the scene with the details nicole. >> ukee and erika just a difficult morning for this family. we spoke with a nephew who identified victim as 76 year-old marilyn crammer. he tells us that she was staying with his parents at the time. he believes she was spoking on the front porch when flames broke out early
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