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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 9, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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>> we are following the latest developments. >> police search for gunman after shots are fired during busy wal-mart near philadelphia mills mall. >> and, snow showers move through the region this morning, not amount to go much but could still make travel tricky. good morning, it is friday, the ninth of january i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. we start things off first with the traffic and weather together with katie and vet tore y morning, ladies? good morning, and good morning, yep you guys said it. we've got some snow out there. absolutely going to mean that traffic and weather together go hand-in-hand today. but luckily i carry for the that this is short lived event. we will start to brighten up for sunshine here as the day progresses, but we have to address what's going on out there first and for most on storm scan three almost like a cold front sipping on through here do have steady snow falling right now all outer most fringe of clipper system, stowe will be quick to move through, light in terms of moisture but just enough to make for big travel headaches. currently feels like more in the teens across most of the board here, at least some improvement from yesterday. it is breezy outside will stay that way through the day. >> watch for slick travel, certainly watch for reduced visibility, and anywhere you run into those snow showers. vittoria? >> thank you so much katie. you know, katie is absolutely right. we've been seeing some of the snow showers sprinkle
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specifically on parts of the schuylkill, 476, earlier on 95, so you are going to notice just little bit of that flurry coverage, on some of our majors, so just be careful out there. that's on top of rush hour traffic that we're now dealing with. area bridges however are still moving okay. if you are headed down toward eighth and vine, using westbound side, i would say you might catch the little snag there, right at the end. but, as we take a look at speed censors look at the schuylkill expressway, seven is your average there headed westbound, heaviest pocket approaching city avenue, out through to the stretch of gladwynn eastbound, it is practically the entire lent between the stretch of 202 and the boulevard. then again approaching the vine street expressway. ninety-five southbound, seeing delays out of the northeast down through to the vine. if you are traveling in montgomery county, this accident here, fairfield road, near jefferson street, it was a vehicle that had gone into a house. so if you are traveling, in the residential areas be minds full of that black ice and snow and slick spots and just take your time and give yourself more time this morning. ukee? >> updating breaking news, police in france reportedly made contact with the men suspect in the terror attack on saturday ear call newspaper. >> security has then trapped outside the city holding hostage and saying they want to die as matters. elaine could be picks up the story now from paris. >> massive manhunt for fugitive brothers has now shifted to a town 25 miles northeast of paris. >> french media say, two
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runways have now been closed. >> hundreds of police and security officers are on the scene. that bridges the manhunt much closer to paris in from the northern towns police searching last night. >> say 32 year old sharif and his 34 year old brother said, targeted the offices of charlie hebdo killing 12 people. the newspaper had long track record of mocking islam and other religions. but whether that was their motivation, is still unclear. french media describes them as brother of algeria descent raise in the foster care, and became drawn to jihad in department hood. younger brother cherif, battling in iraq, report his older brother was linked to a yemen terrorist network and traveled therefore training in 2011. staff at the weekly charlie hebdo already back at work, they've moved into temporary offices at a major newspaper here in paris and they've promised massive pre print of 1 million copies. >> i feel proud of these people the fact they are willing to stands up, different breed, and small world of cartoonist cents. >> the likes of the famed eiffel tower were dark last night in tribute to the victims of the country's deadliest test or -- terror attacks in decades. today charlie hebdo honorary member of the city today. cbs news, par us. >> developing right now divers are trying to reach the tail of the airasia plane that crashed in the java sea nearly two weeks ago search teams heard pings that may have come from the black boxes but haven't been able to reach them as every yet. goal to reach joined balloons
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to bring the tail to the surface. >> developing right now, what started asset link a debt ends in gunfire in northeast philadelphia. >> a man shot another man in the philadelphia mills parking lot. used to be the franklin mill. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer joins us at the scene to tell us more. nicole? >> reporter: ukee, erika happened about 75 feet from the entrance to the 24 hour wal-mart here to my left, not far from the philadelphia mills, otherwise known as the franklin mills mall. but, yes, you can imagine the concern that police officers had given the fact that customers and employees were so close by. in northeast philadelphia, the parking lot after 24-hour wal-mart becomes the scene of an early morning shooting. >> this wal-mart was open for business. there were cars in the parking lot, not many, but there were customer cars in the parking lot, there were several customers in the wal-mart, there was about 20 employees in the wal-mart. so we're very fortunate that there was no one else injured and in one was struck by stray gunfire. >> shots fired possibly over monday that i was owed to the victims. but, instead of collecting that debt, police say the 26 year old man was shot in the chest, the arm and the leg. all while he sat in the passenger seat of a car. >> the shooting victim, age 26 initially was driven to holy redeemer hospital by a family member. who i believe is 28 year old brother. >> after receiving the 911 call police found shattered glass, and spent shell casings, about 75 feet from the entrance of that wal-mart. not far from philadelphia mills mall. evidence of a crime they say was caught on surveillance
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video. >> and, not only was the crime caught on surveillance video that information from that victim also will help police track down this man they say they do have an idea who have they are searching for meantime the wal-mart store is open for business, that victim, by the way in guarded condition. that's the latest live in northeast philadelphia nicole brewer, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> nicole, thank you for that update. fire damages a restaurant at a popular bucks county shopping center t all happened last night at peddlers village in lahaska. chopper three, over the scene, at earl's bucks county. the fire chief says a grease fire ignited in the kitchen and quickly spread. take a look at some photos here from police of that fire. everyone was able to get out safely, but that kitchen was completely destroyed. whether we got here, the fire was blowing through the roof in the kitchen. we managed to control the fire, and contain it to the kitchen area. we kept it out of the restaurant. but i'm afraid the kitchen's been destroyed. i'm afraid they'll be out of business for awhile. >> now, we have talk to representative from peddlers village who told us the shopping center will evaluate the damage sometime today and try, try to figure out when the restaurant can possibly reopen. >> well, search crews will be back out today to look for the body of a worker prepared dead in a bucks county silo collapse. it happened sometime around midnight thursday at riverside cement. that is in the riverside industrial complex in bristol township on north radcliff road. family members say the victim is 48 year old tony gay re he will. working in a trailer, near the
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silo when it went down. police on routine patrol made the discovery hours later. u.s. department of labor occupation safety and health administration, osha, is investigating the facility. erika? >> ukee, today family and friends will get to say their final good-byes to shane montgomery. funeral mass will follow at 9:00 a.m. after viewing at saint john the baptist church in manayunk. that's where search teams gathered after the 21 year old disappeared thanksgiving morning, following a night out with friends. thirty-six days later divers recovered his body from the schuylkill river. >> it is heart wrenching nobody should go through something like this. >> you'll be in our prayers for many years to come, because no parent should ever have to bury their child. >> now shane's family requests in lou of gift, donations in his name can be sent to the garden state underwater recovery unit, or friend of saint john the baptist. >> the search continues now for 40 year old teacher christopher tollie. the philadelphia man has been missing since tuesday. folsy a teacher at the middle bucks institute of technology in warwick. police say, he suffers from bipolar dis offered and has not been taking his medication. if you see him you're asked to contact police. >> well, happening today president obama will unveil an initiative to make some community college free. the president released a preview of the initiative yesterday, in a videotaped message from air force one. >> put simply, what i would like to do, see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it, something that we can accomplish, and it is something that will train our
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work force so we can compete with anybody in the world. >> the president will unveil the proposal and how he hopes to pay for it, in knoxville tennessee. now the plan would cover part-time and full time student who maintain a 2.5 grade.average t would only apply to schools that offer credit towards a four-year agree or occupational training programs, that award degrees in high demand fields. erika? >> 7:10 right now. and across the pennsylvania top prosecutors breaks the law. more on growing trouble that could land kathleen kane in court. >> also, ahead freak accident at a school kills a little boy, involves a school cafeteria bench. >> bus crash c caught on camera. coming up: what did he not do that sent him crashing through the winds she will. >> ♪ ♪ it's the weekend ♪ ♪ >> hey, family, it is friday, we made it. weekend's coming up. katie has your forecast, we'll check that and more on the other side. so glad you're with us on this friday. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. get a fios triple play for just $79.99 a month online for two years and get a $400 bonus with a two year agreement! hurry! it's your last chance. this offer ends january 17th. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> terrifying, albuquerque new mexico, pick-up truck driver who struck the bus ran a red light. >> take a look at the aftermath, the bus smashed into the concrete sign, amazingly, the bus driver only suffered some scratches. officials say he could be punish for not wearing a seatbelt. >> i am telling you. >> check out this daring escape during police chase in houston. you can see the two suspect hop out of the van and then they jump right off that i will vat dollars highway. that's a 20-foot drop. they quickly got away, got up, ran away, but police did catch both men, in a nearby neighborhood. >> oh, all right just past 73 we want our traffic and weather together. >> good morning, erika we start it in with hyper localized zoom on storm scan3 you can see this darker shade of purple. almost essentially right up and down i95 right now. your a starting to see it shift over into new jersey, obviously, but this is going to be all part of a greater system, that will sweep
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through our area. and it is just a clipper. little further to the north but obviously still clipping up no pun intended here right now, with basically the exact same poor timing, as what we saw with the last one. now, i am not expecting we will end up with as much accumulation as we saw last time, already wasn't very much. but it is definitely going to slow you down out here. so please slow things down, see basically starting to see any activity fizzle, across central western pennsylvania, with this clipper t all sweeps away to the north left with much colder air in its wake. outside we go, definitely gray skies, sign every things to come, but no flakes flying at this hour. 30 degrees, 30 degrees actually, being reported outside middle township high school. not shabby. but, you know, that said, most of are you really just stuck into the teens or into even single digit territory here this morning, it is not as harsh as yesterday, but it is still cold. >> talk nothing better than 20 degrees for feels like value, it is still cold enough it requires the heavier layers. so, be red which that. and i tell you what, that wind is back it, will hang out for awhile too. now, obviously seeing some snow showers flurries, whatever you want to call it, enough to slow you down. but, i would say by noon, it is out of here. actually see skies brighten up. then tomorrow, it is almost a repeat performance whatever we saw yesterday. 20 degrees fully sunny skies but it is cold outside. feels more like single digits, too. so if you have to take your holiday decorations down, i would wait until sunday. >> good point. >> just wait one more day. >> hey young lady.
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>> hey everyone, good morning, you know, traveling right now on the majors, it is rush hour. that's for sure. and because we've seen few flurries, sprinkled all over, some of our majors like 95, the schuylkill, the blue route, that's adding to your rush hour delay. but let's talk about an accident that we're now dealing with on the roosevelt boulevard. traveling in the southbound direction, of the boulevard approaching broad street, you will notice a line of activity in this shot here. and the accident blocking the right hand lane, actually firetruck blocking the right hand lane. so again southbound roosevelt boulevard, approaching broad and unfortunately we are used to seeing southbound delays, at this time, making your way down through to the schuylkill. so this will only affect your rush hour commute even more, than what we're used to seeing. so be minds full of that if that's where you're headed. elsewhere, like 95, well, 95, looks like it stopped snowing this this area, which is great. only flurry or two. but southbound 95, still going to be slow out of the northeast down through to the vine. and again rush hour traffic. and you'll see that same rush hour traffic pattern on the schuylkill, traveling on the westbound side of the pa turnpike, out of the area of ft. washington, making your commute down toward by the looks of these censors here, down toward the stretch of valley forge. if you are traveling in delaware county, 95, not awful, so there is a bright spot for you however, if you're traveling mass transit paoli -- paoli thorndale regional rail line experience willing 20 minute delays due to platforms being frozen really so, definitely be mindful of that this morning. erika? >> vittoria, thank you. the philadelphia inquirer reports a grand jury is
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recommending criminal charges against pennsylvania attorney general, kathleen kane. the grand jury in montgomery county is investigating allegations that kane leaked secret information from 2009 grand jury to the philadelphia daily news. montgomery county district attorney, risa furman, would review the grand jury recommendations. it could be weeks or longer before she makes a decision, if she will pursue charges against cane. fuhrman had no comment. according to the inquirer report recommended charges of perjury and contempt of court against kane. >> which indicates to me that when she appeared before the grand jury, and testified the grand jury determined that she had not told the truth. >> that's very troubling charge if true. >> now kane's personal attorney, lonnie davis released a statement says in part the attorney general has done nothing wrong or legal and to my knowledge there is no credible evidence that she has. she told the truth to the grand jury at all times. i hope the district attorney will reach the same conclusion. >> now in a rare reference to the sexual abuse allegations against him bill cosby told women at his comedy tour in canada quote, you have to be careful about drinking around me. he reportedly made that comment after a woman got up and walk past the stage. he asked her where she was going and she replied to grab a drink from the lonnie. more than a dozen women have accused cosby of drugging and raping them in end count that's span decades. he has never been charged though, with any wrong-doing. >> jury selection begins in the murder trial of new england patriots, aaron
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hernandez, prosecutors asked a judge to grant hernandez's fiancee immunity if she agrees to testify against him. they say the 25 year old killed semi pro-football player owed end lloyd in june of 2013. body found in a industrial area near hernandez's house in massachusetts. >> now, a tragic accident in bergin county, new jersey. a seven year old boy dies after a folding bench collapses on top of him. police say the 108 pounds bench had been secured to the wall of the gym of berkley street elementary school in new milford. it fell open, though, and hit brandon jordan right in the head wednesday. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. some local parent are upset with the school. >> i'm very angry right now. i found out from facebook that a child died in my son's school. >> i've seen them. they don't look very safe. i mean, i've never been comfortable with them. but i'm not completely shocked that one could fall. >> it is not clear what caused that bench to fall. police say they don't anticipate criminal charges at this point. >> our time now 7:20. and gloves are part of the winter weather gear, you probably have been wearing lately. >> oh, ya. coming up next we'll tell you why animal caretakers are putting mittens on these kulae's, also, we'll show you one little guy who looks like he's getting his hands pampered. >> how about that? i want one. first though here's a look at what's coming un tonight here on the "cw philly". be right back. no matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down.
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so imagine ... what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in ... and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections urinary tract infections changes in urination, high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers.
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ask your doctor about invokana®. >> french law enforcement teams believe they are on the trail of the two brothers suspend in the wednesday's deadly terror attack on saturday ear call newspaper. they've believed to be holding a toss taj and linked to al quaida. >> developing story, police is her clinic for the gunman who shot 26 year old man three times outside franklin mills, the former franklin mills mall. the victim was rushed to holy redeemer hospital. president obama wants some community college credits to be yours for free. the president will have more details on his education plans when he addresses teachers groups, in tennessee later today. well veterinarians are scrambling to help kulae bears injured by australian while fires. >> being treated for severe burns. several suffered bad burns their paw's were badly burned trying to flee the fire's, they fitted the little guys with mittens helping the healing processment one's pause were immersed in alloe solution. handlers say the slow moving animals are at grave risk, in out back wild fires. oh get well soon. >> good to at lows get them and try to, you know, repair their little paw's. >> let them heal. >> being treated when loving care. >> unfortunately such slow moving creatures, you have wild fire moving quickly, do you have get out. >> and they suffer the consequences unfortunately. >> we'll take a short break. you're watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". good morning see you in a bit.
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>> good morning, i'm ukee washington, time for the frosty friday forecast with fehlinger. >> yes, and some flakes flying out, there as well, this morning, yep. you know what? this is timing, this is one of those timing is everything situations, where much like we saw earlier in the week, the first clipper, of the week, rolled through during the morning rush. and so is this one. rather this is the sort of the outskirt of the clipper at hand. so it is leaving behind almost a trail, like a frontal boundary passing by, with one solid line where you're stuck underneath the snow showers stuck with poor visibility, like travel. here is how it looks outside cut town area middle school, 20 degrees easing up on the they are mom term, but wind back later today we'll start to see the sun and then although quiet weekend definitely a chilly one. >> thank you so much. good morning everyone, wet her affected your commute little bit earlier on when it was flurrying just little bit. but, now, that that weather is sort of tapered off a bit dealing with rush hour, still slick spots on the roadway however, taking a look at the roosevelt boulevard, traveling southbound we're delayed approaching broad down through to the schuylkill. ninety-five southbound delay out of the northeast down through to the vine street expressway. and in the six is your average on the schuylkill, also anticipate delays for the paoli thorndale line. >> let's do it again at 7:55. up next on cbs this morning, forced to receive chemotherapy, a teenager loses her legal battle with the state of connecticut. for more local news weather
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and traffic following breaking news right now, police in france, say, they've spoken with the men suspected in the terror attack on a set ear call newspaper. security newspapers cornered brothers, said cherif kouachi inside business park outside of paris, they have a hostage and they say they want to die as matters. police say the men stole a car earlier this morning, shots were fired reportedly fired during the carjacking. twelve people died, wednesday when gunmen stormed the paris offices of charlie hebdo. among the dead, the papers' editor and two police officers. >> a nearby paris airport has closed, two runways as a stand-off continues we'll stay with this and bring you more information as soon as weight get it. >> philadelphia police just called our news desk and asked us to show her pick tear, essie, she is missing and her family is very, very concerned with the freezing temperatures. last seen last night around 11:00 p.m. on the 1400 block of north 12th street. she was wearing at the time a camel colored coat, a red hat and a red scarf. if you have seen miss sanders please essii sanders contact the police. >> also, developing right now a shooting in the parking lot
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of philadelphia mills. >> one man is in the hospital, and another is on the run. "eyewitness news" reporter, nicole brewer, joins us now from the scene in northeast philadelphia. nicole, good morning. >> pretty good idea who they are looking for after as you mentioned the parking lot outside this 24 hour wal-mart, becomes a crime scene. >> roll video for you from overnight, where it all happened again not far from philadelphia mills formerly known as franklin mills mall. >> male told officials he was meeting up with somebody, to settle a debt of sort, when that person opened fire, shooting him in the chest arm and leg while he sat in the passenger side after car. >> at the time the driver fled the scene tacking him to holy redeemer hospital where he is in guarded condition. police say the incident which was caught on surveillance video could have been much worse considering the proximity to the wal-mart store. >> when the shooting took place this wal-mart was in business. not many, but customer cars in the parking lot several customers in the wal-mart becomes 20 employees in the wal-mart. >> and there was no one else injured, no one struck, by stray gunfire. >> take a look behind me, see the crime scene tape still up. still shattered glass here in the parking lot. they also found, a spent shell casing earlier this morning. meanwhile the wal-mart store which again is 24 hours is open for business. >> nicole brewer, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> nicole, thank you. meanwhile, police are investigating a murder, in
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southwest philadelphia. last night someone shot a man on the 5600 block of baltimore avenue. police found the victim on the front porch of a home with several bullets, that hit the front door. he died a few minute later of gunshot wound to the chest. so far no area he cents and no motive. >> also, a philadelphia police officer is out of the hospital, and a driver who allegedly ran him over is facing charges. officer joseph cokemer pulled over the car this happened at 32nd and susquehanna in strawberry mansion. the officer determined the license plate and registration did not match. investigators say that then took off ran over the officer's leg. charges against him include attempted murder and aggravated assault. >> 7:33, we want to check in with katie. seeing little more snow coming down. >> we certainly are, from the very same time of system that brought us snow earlier in the week, little different in terms every it placement here today. but the timing basically the exact same. and it does mean that the morning drive gets affected by t we start things offer first and for most out to atlantic city where the tell tail signs of shaky camera that wind is back, and you've also got the tall tell signs of the gray skies, the clouds building in, no snow here in ac, and next to storm scan three yes little line starting to move through here, it is generally right over our major highways, and creeping quickly off to the south and east. now, again, this is all part of larger clipper system. zoom out one time, see how it really fizzled clippers again by their very nature tend not to have ton every nature with
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them. this one does not either. so the radar may look worse than it actually is, but do keep in mind that slow travel, slick travel, poor visibility, through the typical morning rush highly likely, if you are finding those snow showers around. as we head to the noon hour, lunchtime, hey, it is all in the clear. we end one sunshine, so that's good news. but, as we go forward in this forecast, other good news is that the thermometer is easing up to 34 degrees today but keep in mind the wind is back, so again you can't go by the actual temperature factor in the win it, feels more like the teens or the 20's. vittoria? >> thank you so much. katie, if you are traveling on our majors, specifically the schuylkill expressway, you're going to notice still some flurries swirling around. which is causing our roadways to get little wet. and that's definitely going to affect your commute. also still dealing with patches of black ice and still snow. so if you are traveling on the schuylkill, anticipate delays both westbound and eastbound. this shot here right around the area of conshohocken, but also on the schuylkill, seeing delays around city avenue. even as you make your way around the vine street expressway. moving now to the ben franklin bridge, not seeing major delays in either direction. you supply little bit of westbound volume building approaching eighth and vine into philadelphia, but, for the most part our bridges are moving real well. take a look at the speed owns, six traveling on the schuylkill, as katie was saying, even though you can't really determine the temperature, same thing on the schuylkill. you might be traveling 06, you'll feel like you're not even moving. that's really traffic in general. ninety-five, seeing delays southbound, and the nor east, down through to the vine
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street expressway, pa turnpike westbound, seeing delays, throughout montgomery county and if you are traveling on the westbound side of the pa turnpike before valley forge we have accident there. and since we're here, if you are traveling on the eastbound side of 422 being expect delays out of trooper, and close to 20 minute delays if you are traveling paoli thorndale line. ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you. more than 2,000 j.c. penney workers will lose their jobs in just a few months, now that the chain plans to close dozens every stores of the total of 39 struggling stores across the country will shut down around the beginning of april. that includes the j.c. penney stores at the granite run mall, in media and the cumberland mall in vineland, new jersey. the florida developer area interested in buying the former revel casino in atlantic city has big plans for that property we understand. glenn straub says he wants to open a water park there he's also planning a high speed ferry service between revel and new york city. it is unclear if the property will continue to have gaming, though. revel closed september 2nd after a little more than two years of operation never having turned a profit. >> tarring set going small here in the big city. for years landlords have been trying to coach the big box retail tore open one of its big box stores in center city. but it is hard to find a big enough spares. so re the retailer plans to open as many as four target express stores. target express smaller with the merchandise tailored to sit dwellers, and student. >> our time now 7:37. let's get a check on business. >> mine watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, bit of rough start tort market in
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2015, at least back in positive territory now. what will investors watch today? >> that's right. good morning ukee, erika. today all about jobs. the government releases the december jobs report in about an hour from now. analysts are expecting another strong month of hiring, but the big question today are americans making mormony? there has been huge job growth. but american paychecks have not been keeping up. analysts say until that happens, the economy can't really take off. ukee, err dismay. >> jill, speaking of jobs, new survey out there shows getting a new job is the top new years resolution for a lot of americans. i know you have heard about it. what do you know? >> yes, that's right about 16% of americans say they want a new job this year, according to a survey by career builder that's not the only career focused resolution, 42% of people want to save more of their salary, others, say they want to be left stressed, and eat healthier at work. the top perks, people say they want, half day friday's, which ukee erika would mean we would be out of here by now. >> that's right! by right now. >> half day friday business. >> half day -- >> we would be out the door at 7:00. >> all right, let's go get some lunch gang, meet you there. >> see you ya there! >> you got t restaurants speaking of lunch require jacket anti- >> but in a massachusetts restaurant be sure to bring a hat, scarf, gloves, big coat, that springfield hot table restaurant you can get your food for free if you eat it outdoors. they call it the polar vortex challenge. diners say it is fun to eat outside in the snow.
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and the food so good there they're too long sit it outside. >> you know what? that food better be real good. >> ya, for a sandwich, to sit outside? >> hey, snow and the deep freeze is causing problems in part of our current -- country. we'll show you r next. >> kate get caught in a tight spot just doing what all of us are, looking for nice place to keep warm. >> ♪ ♪ step outside not just cool, it is down ride cold. >> oh, ya. >> and speaking every cool, some of the cool new gadgets at this year's consumer electronics show we want to show them to you. we'll do that on the other side. be right back. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ do you want a healthier mouth? plus a whiter smile? you can have both! with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30% better. and it improves mouth health. healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30% more whitening. we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast.
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highways, later today areas around the great lakes could see two to 4 feet in lake effect snow, and 40-mile an hour winds. elsewhere, cold temperatures could linger into the weekend. don champion, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". oh so cold. well, you can say it was a kit nay crisis when a kitten crawled into an s.u.v. and then got stuck. this all happened the day after christmas, in grapevine texas. the car owner hauled his lexus to the dealership, and the service technicians got right to work. now, they had to cut that kitten out from the grill. an employee named her rc, short for rescue cat. >> all right. >> just trying to stay warm like the rest of us. >> along with that the fact that the winds is starting to kick in will actually lead to some poor navigation, looks like, out on the tidal delaware river. that's where this trivia question comes from. >> a, water line, b stream gauge, c hydrometer, d hydro graph. who would like to take a stab? >> torrey since she got the last question correct. >> so she should start? >> yes. >> what do you think? >> a. >> a water line. the stretch has ended. erika? you didn't get a try last time. >> thank you. >> i'm going with c hydrometer. >> back to 50-50 shot. ukee? >> all right, hydro has to be in it, so go with the hydro graph. >> it must be. >> got to be. >> oh! >> that's great. >> that's the right one very
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obviously, yes, stream gauge the way we measure the height of the body of water. >> i'm extremely disappointed. >> good. >> extremely disappointed. yes. no words for you. just kidding. let's take you out to what's going on, i mention the wind starting to kick, in all comes courtesy of yet another clipper system, here it is. >> so, slow it down out there vittoria will talk of course about everything it's left behind in terms of travel issues. meanwhile, here's how it feels with that system moving through. more like the teens hey that's actually an improvement from yesterday. where it was well below zero into the field like territory yesterday. you know, still coal. so not shorts and t-shirt weather yet obviously. meanwhile we have 34 degrees today, feeling more like the teens or low 20's at best, then the blustery conditions are helping that along come this weekend though, actually some real nice conditions if you still have outdoor activity i say sunday the better day still breezy and obviously cold is the day less wind and moderation on the thermometer coming our way for the second half of the weekends. vet tore crashes over to you. >> thank you so much, katie. good morning everyone, traveling the majors, you'll find rush hour sprinkled all over. let's talk first 95 area, 95 southbound approaching girard avenue there is shot here, seeing delays out of the northeast, and then making your way all the way down through to the vine street expressway. so, it is the usual stuff what we're dealing with on 95. northbound moving fairly well, not seeing anything major in delaware county, if you are traveling, on the southbound side of the roosevelt boulevard, take a look at this
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delay you've poaching kim i drive. out through to the area of the schuylkill but i would say even though it looks like it is breaking here i see folks making their way around the curve. i would anticipate traffic to stem back all the way to broad street. earlier disable vehicle not too long ago. i would imagine still trying to recover from that. eighteen your average on 95, five on the schuylkill, there you have the censors on the roosevelt, take a look at the blue route southbound, 476 making your commute out of the mid-county do you know through to the schuylkill, blue route northbound and southbound between 95 and media another slow spot. watch out for accident on the westbound side of the turnpike before valley forge eastbound delays on 422 out of trooper. ukee? >> sixers coming offer a lost to the milwaukee bucks. flyers play extra hockey for the second game in a row rj third period goal tied the capitols at the well in south philly, and that sets the stage for over time. where the caps, claude giroux, and jake voracek team up for game winner. fly guys win it three-two beat the senators in a shoot-out the other night. flyers and bruins at the well tomorrow afternoon. >> san francisco, los angeles as us finalist, only boston and rome have officially made their bid so far germany likely to smith hamburg or berlin, and france and hungary, are considering bids, as well, the international olympic committee will award the games in 2017. seems so long from now, so
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far out. but just wait. >> it goes, doesn't it? >> 7:47. you never really know what kind of gadget you'll see at the consumer electronic show. >> kara tsuboi. >> reporter: you can watching dancing robot bug and play drone pingpong. instead after ball, a drone outfitted when intel's real sense technology pingpong's back and forth as it senses and avoids players. >> real sense basically set of cameras that include the ability through infrared to see everything with a depth perceptive. >> several tech trends as wearable selfie drone. this prototype showed off it basic features. >> created can fly off take a picture of you comes right back to you. >> to give us a glimpse into the future, panasonic unveiled smart mirror, can change your looks and analyze your skin. in real time, it can show in you different make up, or with facial hair. >> and speaking of hair, for $700, it uses lazers, designed to stimulate hair growth on your head. red light 650 nanometers, it is absorbed in the outer determine is, initiate photo chemistry, photo chemistry kind of jumps start yourselves. >> the $1,500.01 wheel electric board aims to mimic the sensation of snow boarding on powder. >> i'm shifting to my right. i'm going right. and i shift my way back. and i'm kind of freaking. >> then there is the lamborgini of phones. literally. this and dried phone covered in letter clocks in at $600. cheaper than lamborgini, but
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still, in las vegas, kara tsuboi for cbs news. >> $600? >> ya, i'm with you. >> i would love if they have one thing like under $100. for only $600 did -- >> i know, so you want to be in pictures? want to be an extra in in the new new rocky movie? we'll tell you how coming up next. >> also this. >> i'm kevin frazier liam neice and back in the run in taken three, could oprah produce an oscar winner with the civil rights drama selma? ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. our "name your price" tool helps -- oh, jamie you got a little something on the back of your shoe there. a price tag! danger! price tag alert! oh. hey, guys. price tag alert! is this normal? well, progressive is a price tag free zone. we let you tell us what you want to pay and we help you find options to fit your budget. where are they taking him? i don't know. this seems excessive! decontamination in progress. i don't want to tell you guys your job, but... policies without the price tags. now, that's progressive. >> oprah winfrey generating a lot of oscar buzz, analemma a.m., with the taken triligy.
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>> love that. kevin frazier from entertainment tonight more on what's new in theatres this weekend. >> i can do this. >> now! >> taken three finds liam hero, the murder err every his ex-wife, puts him on the run to clear his name, and protect his daughter from his past. >> i was always ready to face the consequence toss protect my family. >> i think that's why these films resonate with such a global audience, because of their core, there the love, sanctity of family, the lengths we'll go to protect that. >> don't forget the fight keep us coming back. >> what are you too long do? >> i'm going to finish it. >> in selma, pivotal march for equal voting rights led by martin luther king jr. recreated from help from oprah winfrey, producer on the film. >> it is unacceptable that they do get power that keep us -- >> oprah also co-stars in the movie, which is already nominated for four golden globes, including, best actor and, already an oscar favorite for a best picture nomination, but what mat tears her most, is the story. >> whether you do something like there is you're not doing it to get the awards, not for a nomination. great message of selma is look at the strategy and the design after campaign to get people their freedom and the right to vote. >> (movie clip). >> for entertainment tonight i'm kevin frazier back to you in. >> and selma director will be on talk philly at high noon today on our sister station
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cbs-3. and when you want to know what's happening in hollywood catch entertainment tonight every week night at 7:00 on our sister station cbs-3. >> hey, did you hear? rocky's back. and also heard sylvester stallone is reprieve his role as philly's favorite boxer. >> centers from grandson, who asked rock toy train him to fight. guest what? you can be part of all of this. i had a chance to speak with the casting director, diane on our 6:00 hour on cbs-3 about the film. diane says there is going to be showing part of the city never seen before on part on phil graham we want to see people from the neighborhoods that's who we really want to see. that helps tell the story. >> sure. >> you know? it helps paint the picture of the film. >> now, if you want to be an extra, you must be at least 18 years of able, and you can send your photo and information to diane through her website at heery casting. com. should be great experience, good luck to you as rocky returns, the film send titled once again creed. don't much more about the story line. >> don't be disappointed if you smith your photo and information and don't hear from her because it will be shooting from later this month, throuough april and march, indeed. >> we'll be back, good mornin >> good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. happy friday to you. want to check in, get your friday and your weekend forecast, good morning. >> yes, good morning erika. well we've certainly been dealt another morning commute that is less than ideal all
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courtesy of the outskirts and the fringe effect, of another clipper system. so it is almost like we're on repeat here with the forecast. but, there you have t over the last few hours the snow line has been moving on through. limited moisture, the bark worse than the bite on there is but definately mess with travel this morning but the flakes will get out of here as early as lunch hour, have sunshine returning 34 degrees, but still with some pretty brutal windchills out there. we bottom taught to 13 tonight, another cold saturday, coming up here, 20 degrees with sunshine easing by sunday. >> i hope no one plans to travel by boat, the schuylkill river, completely frozen over. so, if you are traveling out and about you want to be mine full not only slick spots on the roads but some black ice we had earlier snow sprinkle, this morning, which has seemed to peel off. still traveling on the schuylkill anticipate westbound delays out of the area of university down through to the vine. on the ben not awful but you will have rush hour delays on 95 and take a look, six on the schuylkill, not looking great. erika? >> vittoria, thank you. up next, your update is at 8: 25, next on cbs this morning, outbreak every measles that may have originated at disneyland. your local news weather and traffic continues on these channels, on the "cw philly".
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>> lards to believe but police in france dealing with another hostage situation there is one, at a supermarket, in eastern paris reports of this. >> now there is situation concerns yesterday's shooting after police officer, in the city. early report indicate the suspect in that case is holding one or more hostages, also reports at least one person has been shot. we are working to get video from the scene we'll bring you more information as this develops. >> police have made contact with the man suspected in terror attack, charlie hebdo. security force haves them con earned in a town outside of the city. may be holding host taj, there as well. correspondent and ton so van marsh picks up the story for you. >> the massive manhunt for two heavily armed fugitive brother, has now shifted to a business park north of paris near charles due gal airport. say the suspect stole a car this morning and are now holdup inside a printing shop. >> hundreds now on the scene officials reportedly made contact with the men. schools in the area went into lockdown and residents being told to stay in their homes. >> authorities say 34 year old said kouachi
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