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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 8, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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after a silo collapses. it happened just after 3:00 this morning at the the riverside industrial complex, on the 7900 block of north radcliff street. stay with "eyewitness news" throughout the morning for updates on the efforts of first responders on the scene. other other top story philadelphia's first fire death of the year claims the life of a disable veteran. we will have a live report good morning, it is thursday january 8th i'm ukee washington. i'm erika von tiehl. we are following more breaking developments overnight in paris where there has been even more violence as the nation remembers the victims of the terror attacks. but first here at home in the grips of dangerous cold when we will check in with katie and vittoria. good morning. >> good morning. this is one of the mornings where folks need to give themselves extra time to warm up the vehicles. it is so cold outside that it is as erika says frank lip dangerous. you need to be very careful walking out the door. layer up adequately try to limit your exposure to the cold if you can, it is tough if you are a mail worker or deliver goods for a living here you are stuck out in the cold anyway but try to dot best you can here. storm scan three is totally empty. we are in for a beautiful sunrise but a beautiful looking day looks be deceiving. you're below zero just on the thermometer in mount pocono but factor in the wind which frankly isn't as bad as it was last night and earlier yesterday. it is still, feeling like it is below zero every where
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everyone getting in on that sub zero cold. so frigid conditions as we said and we can again expect full sunshine but even though we officially are expecting highs in the lower 20's which is 20 below the normal. it will feel in better. doing math here it feels in better than about 40 degrees colder then the normal. bright but bitter as a result cold air is going to be reenforced by tomorrow, we will discuss reasons for that coming up later in the show but pretty quiet weather coming our way in the meantime, it is just cold outside. vittoria, over to you. >> traffic wise it is just rush hour and some black ice, and delays, and delays and delays and delays. not such a simple recipe traffic wise. we have a lot of different things affecting our commute. schuylkill expressway is rush hour westbound approaching city avenue but you do have patches of black ice. that earlier caused a spin out on the westbound side of the cue kill approaching conshohocken. we are still trying to recover from that residual delay, that area, and now on top of that rush hour traffic is what had news for us. forty-two freeway traveling north bound we are seeing a few more vehicles out there so expect volume approaching creek road making your way down 295. all and all new jersey is not awful. heading back over into pennsylvania in philadelphia specifically northbound on the roosevelt boulevard at harbison avenue we have a accident right outside the acme there. traveling in that intersection we will give yourself more time or try to avoid it. as ukee mentioned that breaking news story with the silo collapse you want to watch out for this
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intersection the at industrial park drive at north radcliff street erika. >> thank you. new from overnight fire fighters rescued an elderly man from this smoking home fire in ogontz but victim died a short time later a at the hospital. "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer joins us from that scene with the very latest nicole good morning. >> reporter: good morning erika. you can see the scene mostly clear here but investigation still very much underway. fire officials trying to determine what caused a fire on the first floor of a row home that ultimately killed the man living inn side. inside this row home in ogontz ape deadly fire ripped through first floor claiming life of the military veteran who appears to have been disabled. >> process of the fire we found one older adult male on the first floor. this person was transport ed to the hospital by medic 29, once we get to the hospital he was pronounced. >> reporter: victim's death marks first fire fatality of the year. fire officials say the home has working smoke detectors and elderly victim may have been cooking. >> right now it appears that the origin is first floor kitchen area. we don't know for sure, we are still investigating that appears to be where the origin is. we want to remine people that if you cook make sure you don't leave your cooking unattended. >> reporter: fireplaced under control in about a half an hour displaced three family members not home at the time. fire fighters had to contend not only with the flames but freezing temperatures. >> more difficult to put the fire out because your adrenaline rush is down a bit
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and now you feel the cold more. it is difficult after the fire but during the initial attack, the the main thing is being safe from slippery streets and steps and things like that. >> reporter: that fire was contained to that single will row home so neighboring homes were not affect. we are told that home did have working smoke alarms, unfortunately, it was not enough to save the life of that servicemen. we are live from the ogontz section of the city nicole brewer, "eyewitness news" at cw filly nicole thank you. no one was hurt in this house fire in grays ferry overnight. fire fighters were call to the 1300 block of grove street just before midnight, although, it was quickly placed under control dit in the take licensing for what the tore freeze forcing fire fighters to spread out some salt ukee. so cold that officialness philadelphia and several counties in new jersey have issued a code blue. delaware declared a code purple which is similar and open shelters across the state. it was 13 degrees in center city philadelphia overnight. folks waiting say the secret is layers. same goes for those who work out doors, they do not have the option of staying inside. bottom line if you have been stall, now is the time to dig out your hat and gloves. >> i have a hoodie on and a sweater and another shirt. >> how do you feel. >> okay for the moment. >> where is your hat and gloves. >> i'm too busy getting kid ready in the morning i forget to dress myself. >> come on my man you have got to get it done. there are those that embrace the cold. skaters at penns landing say drop in temperature is perfect
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backdrop to enjoy winter fest. to learn more about staying safe in this dangerous cold visit cbs we have set up a cold weather survival guide to help you keep your family and yourself safe this winter. we're following breaking news a shooting in the paris suburb kills a police officer and wound another person. the officer was stopping to investigate a traffic accident when a gunman opened fire hitting her and a street sweeper. that gunman is still on the loose. it is unclear however if this latest shooting is related to the terrorist attack on the at tear california magazine that killed ten journalist and two police officers. one suspect has surrendered. a manhunt is on for two others. as alfonso van marsh reports it is a national day of mourning in france. >> reporter: bells of paris's notre dame cathedral chimed today in remembrance of victims in yesterday's deadly massacre. earlier this morning french police raided an apartment east of the city as part of the massive manhunt for two remaining fugitives whom authorities say carried out the attack. now they are circulating this wanted poster with new images of the men 34 year-old said kouachi and his three two-year old brother shariff. the massive manhunt for french nationals began yesterday, officials say that the suspects stormed the paris offices of charlie hebdo with machine guns and opened fire. masked gunman exchange gunfire with police outside. in the end, 12 people were dead including the magazine's editor, several cartoonist and two police office are. >> this appeared to be well organize, well planned well
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executed. >> reporter: in a video released just days ago a french jihad i in another use issued a chilling order urging follow tours commit violence in france for helping in the u.s. led effort against isis. al qaeda also recently called for murder of charlie hebdo's head for for depictses of the prop het mohammad. authorities have not yet determined if either group is behind the attack. alfonso van marsh for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. cartoonist angered by the attack in paris are responding by picking up their pens and honoring their fallen collogues. this one reads he drew first. another read weapons of mass creation. in philadelphia pulitzer prize winning cartoonist sidney wilkinson was working on her response for today's daily news. wilkinson says the attack will not change how she does her job that would be disrespecting my collogues at charlie hebdo they deserve better. >> if would you like to see more cartoon from around the world just go to twitter and search hash tag, jesuis charlie. the viewing for west chester university senior shane montgomery is tonight. loved ones are invited to saint john the baptist church in manayunk from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. second viewing is set for tomorrow before the funeral mass at 10:00 a.m. search teams gathered at the church after he went missing on his way home from kildares irish pub thanksgiving morning. his body was pull from the schuylkill river on saturday. a preliminary hearing is scheduled this afternoon for donna krupp the montgomery county woman charged with setting her neighbors home
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on fire last month. pennsylvania state police blamed limerick township police detective ernie morris for her son's incarceration on unrelated charges. this fire destroyed that detective's home and killed a family cat. protesters are demanding absing following a deadly police involved shooting in cumberland county new jersey. the group marched through the streets of bridgeton, they are angry over the death of 36 year-old jeremy reid, reid who had a criminal record was shot to death by two bridgeton police office are following a traffic stop on the 30th of december. it is in the clear what led to the traffic stop. but demonstrators questioned if the shooting was justified. >> i want justice for my husband, so i will walk with y'all, i will talk with y'all because my husband with want me to. >> authorities said handgun was revealed at the scene forcing officers to open fire. in 194 read was sentenced to 15 years in prison for shooting at three new jersey state troopers. the officers who shot reid are on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation. police in bucks county are on the hunt for burglars who struck on new years eve, we will tell you about the pricey items they may off with. also back on stage bill cosby returns to performing and it is a mixed reaction. terrifying trip for one family when their van slams into the back of a big rig, that is only the beginning, we will be right back. do you want a healthier mouth? plus a whiter smile? you can have both!
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with colgate total® advanced whitening. [ male announcer ] it removes more surface stains to whiten 30% better. and it improves mouth health. healthier plus whiter. [ male announcer ] colgate total® advanced whitening. 30% more whitening. angry crowd protests outside a canadian venue that helps ted bill cosby's first performance of 2015, as comedian faces new abuse allegations. >> the group chanted and held up signs over the venue's decision to let cosby take the stage despite numerous sexual assault allegations against him. but as he prepared for the show, lawyer gloria alred introduced three new accusers during a news conference in los angeles. woman all claimed cosby drugged them before he assaulted them. >> my next recollection was being back in the dressing room alone with cosby. i was lying down, cosby was on top of me kissing me forcefully. >> last thing i remember about that night was struggling to walk down the hall way trying to get out of the hotel. >> because would the men claim these incidents occurred in the 1980's and 90's the statute of limitations run out for both criminal and civil cases. from celebration to devastation as bucks county homeowners return returning from new years eve parties discover they have been robbed p3 homes in the meadow brook development and two homes in the wood land development in
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lower makefield township were burglarized new years eve. they broke in through the back door and then went right for jewel willry valued at hundred you this dollars collectively. two of the most unique pieces a heart shaped diamond encrusted phillies pendant with the name engraved on the back, and a bracelet made of up brazil gold coins. lets get our traffic and weather together. here's katie. >> ukee, it will be a very cold day. we have been talking about it all week now. here we it in the worst of it this morning with wind chill advisories still in effect. our win child values will be sub zero. they are and they will stay that way for a few more hours. sunnies new popping up, over the horizon and you can see it leading to a beautiful view here for you here outside cut town area middle school. frost, crunchy grassy affect as i like to call it here with what is left from the snow from recent days but beautiful crystal clear skies for you. 5 degrees. it is rough stuff. it feels so much colder when you factor in what is still noticeable breeze. it ever been again, sub zero as we stand right now. mount pocono the one that stand out where we are at 19b low zero in terms of the feels like value. storm scan three empty locally. we have some very light lake enhanced snow falling. none of that will affect us here today. problem is it kicks right back in from this guy the next clip inner line will move across the u.s. much like predecessor did but it will steer clear of us to the north essentially. looking at future weather we are jumping into tomorrow morning where portions of our area had a shot to see a
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flurry, note that is future weather picking up that it will fall across poconos, northern new jersey, travelers on i80. seventy-eight as a new york commuter might run into that. watch for. that we will clear out completely. we are in for quiet weather but cold weather over the course of the weekend. here's where we stan on the thermometer. you cannot the go by anyone of these days feels like single digits today at best. it will feel like teens at best tomorrow and then come saturday you are stuck back with those lower 20's and sunshine with colder wind chill values as the breeze continues to kick in. so it is a 20-degree sandwich out there, vittoria. >> 20-degree sandwich. i like that. i like sandwiches. good morning, traveling out and about on the roadways, it is rush hour you'll find it sprinkled out and about all over the place where would you usually find it. take a look the at the schuykill expressway westbound on 76 that would be your delay right around the area of belmont. if you are heading in the eastbound direction we will see heavier traffic not so much around this area but as you make your way around conshohocken curve heading out of the area of the blue route and approaching vine street expressway westbound we have another delay out of university down through the vine street expressway. over now to the ben franklin bridge doesn't look awful out there you may hit that pocket of traffic at eighth and vine but primarily we are not seeing that big big delay stretching from state to state. so all and all the bridges look pretty good. we have an accident however on the roosevelt boulevard into f street. traveling not too far from the olney section we will run into
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that. also in delaware southbound i-95 at church man's road we have a disable vehicle causing a little bit of the delay in that area mass transit, if you are traveling new jersey transit, this is, really just for the northeast corridor they are anticipating delays between 15 and 30 minutes traveling around new york city, to and from penn station. if you are traveling, new jersey transit, would i say for the river line that would be 15 minute delays there as well. there is a disable train. erika. >> thanks, variety tore y shock in st. petersberg florida. a father is taken in for questioning accused of throwing his five-year old daughter from a bridge killing her. an officer saw it all happen. he says that is what happened. he followed a chrysler pt cruise eras it reached speeds of hundred miles an hour only to watch as that driver suddenly got out and threw that little girl over the rail and sped away. it took search teams an hour to find her. she was pronounced dead at the hospital overnight. that suspect was pulled over in the next county. white out conditions are being blamed for a deadly 18 car pile up on a western pennsylvania highway. we have just discovered wreckage on i80 in clarion county. two people were killed including a trucker hit the by a car when he got the out to help other victims. thirty more people were hurt in the chain reaction crash. police say that snow made it the virtually impossible for drivers to see. and talk about a terrifying ride for the family inside that van. a tractor trailer dragged them down the northwestern michigan highway for 16 miles.
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the truck driver had no idea that van hit his truck during a snow storm and then got wedged beneath the bumper. it took almost 30 minutes for police to arrive and pull over semi. >> 16 miles of complete and utter helplessness. we had no control of anything. it was just pure instinct and reaction at that point. so the terror and out of control, there is no way you can prepare for any of that. >> the van's horn and lights broke in the crash so they could in the use them to alert the driver. amazingly in one was seriously hurt. well, several days of rerent less rain washed away this cabin in the pacific northwest. take a look as the ground just gives way sending the the cabin plunging in the river outside seattle. a neighbor war that i had might happen and recorded it all, the home owner was out of town and fortunately no one was hurt. erika? 7:20 right the now. president obama is no stranger to controversy but it is his help tell that is causing a scare. we will explain. then a slittering surprise wait until you hear where this bowa constrictor was discovered. first though here's what is coming up tonight on the cw philly. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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we're following breaking news this morning chopper three live over bristol township bucks county where a worker is believed to be trapped in a collapsed silo. authorities are confident that they can reach the man, police officer on routine patrol discovered the collapse at 3:00 this morning. breaking news right the now a police officer is dead after a shooting in a paris suburb. another person is injured in that violence which comes as police search for two gunman involved in yesterday's deadly shooting. it happened at the the offices of the satyrical newspaper. a third suspect is in custody. first fire death in philadelphia in 2015 is a disabled veteran from ogontz. fire swept through this home on roselyn street earlier today. the causes still being looked into. our time 7:24. we have heard of snakes on a plane but this is getting ridiculous. >> san diego authority are looking for the owner of a snake that popped up out of the toilet. >> yeah. >> check it out a 5-foot 6-inch long bowa constrictor who came out of the toilet in a downtown san diego office. wild life officers say officials there they didn't know a snake could survive in the sewage system and they asked if snake has an attitude. >> it is a snipy kind of snake it bit within of our staff last night when we check it out. he is here waiting for an oner to show up. if no owner will place him with a rescue group who is here and can handle sem a
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aggressive snakes. >> nothing worse than a snake with attitude. >> animal control say snake was likely a pet that simply got too big to handle but thank goodness they found it before someone said, yes. >> oh, my. >> back to its owner hopefully. >> we will take a short break we will be right back good morning family see new a bit. hi, good morning i'm ukee washington. january cold is kick nothing big time. the here's katie, good morning. >> very big, and very uncomfortable way, that is for sure. good morning, everybody. cold start as we all well know and it is kind of cold that can be dangerous if you are not taking care. storm scan three quiet as can be. we are expect to go see full sunshine as is evident here with the bright blue skies and hint of yellow here. sun has yet to officially rise over the the horizon at middletown ship high school in cape may courthouse. 10 degrees is where we are starting off. we've got to throw out actual air temperatures. factor in the win. feeling no better than single digits right new and feels more like it, well below zero every where and we will keep this cold around right through the weekend, vittoria. >> good morning, everyone. with this cold we have seen many incidents already this morning and surprisingly even a a vehicle nair occurred earlier on i-95. right now, the incidents are very minimal but we still have black ice on the roadway that could potentially cause a big
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situation, so you do want to proceed with caution anywhere. the residential area and highway. looking at roosevelt boulevard southbound we have a case of the rush hour bug there we will fine same on the schuylkill i-95 watch for 15 minute delays for river line due to the disable delays and pen station going to and from new york. >> vittoria, thank you. up next on cbs this morning, investors have high hopes for emerging marijuana ma ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ we have learn a worker was trapped when that silo collapsed. chopper # live over the riverside industrial complex where a rescue mission is now underway. that silo was used to store powdered cement, that coupled with the broke up steel has made it a delicate operation. the just minutes ago we got an update from the fire marshall. >> we have multiple resources here including a technical rescue team, rescue efforts are underway. the family is on site. they have been briefed abe apprised of the situation. we have high hopes that we will bring this gentlemen out alive. >> we are told the police
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officer on patrol found the collapse and called for backup. personnel from five companies are now on that scene and they are aiding in the search. new from the the overnight now philadelphia record its first fire fatality of the new year, fire fighters rescued a disable veteran trapped by flames in the ogontz home but difficult not make it. >> "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer joins us at that scene with the very latest information, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. this home did have working smoke alarms, unfortunately not enough to save life of the man living inside. take a look it happened here in the 1800 block of roselyn street in the ogontz section. we are told that the fire started in the rear of this home and then extended through much of the first floor. when fire fighters arrived they found a man in his 70's who was disabled. he was taken the two hospital where he was pronounced dead marking first and hopefully last fire fatality of the year. he was alone at the time the of the fire but three family members have been displayed from that home. at this point investigators have not released the official cause but say unintended cooking may have been the reason. >> right now it a appears that the origin is first floor kitchen area. we don't necessity for sure. it is being investigated. that appears to be where the origin is. we want to remine people if you are going to cook make sure you don't leave your cooking unattended especially if you are taking medication that is make you drowsy. don't leave your cooking unattended. make sure you stay alert so you do not have a fire. >> reporter: another good remind they are time of the
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year with temperatures the the lowest we have seen. the chief urging folks to use caution when trying to heat their homes. if you are using a space heater leave yourself plenty of extra room. he spoke about the difficulty facing fire fighters obviously not only contending with flames but freezing temperatures. but unfortunate very tragic part of this story is that disabled military veteran, sus comes to his injuries. that is latest live from the ogontz section of the city nicole brewer "eyewitness news" at cw philly. >> nicole, thank you. now is a good time to make sure cbs philly weather app is on your smart phone and tablet. they will give you latest forecast whenever you you want. down load that on itunes and google will play but give that app a break right now and check in with katie, good morning. >> reporter: thinks where i come into get you out of the door safely and comfortable and it will take a a lot of extra layers this morning because cold we have got in store and that is currently out there definitely brutal stuff. you can see sunlight popping up over the horizon here jack frost big boulder, loving the cold. they can make as much snow as they like and it will not melt the away. even up this way it is brutal when we are dealing with the wind chills that we have, to even hit the slopes at all. storm scan three quiet as can be, we will expect full sunshine here it will be a beautiful looking day but looks can absolutely be deceiving. they are here today. looking at current wind speeds they are not that strong. we are from ten to 15, 20 miles an hour and turning more westerly at this point. it is not quite as harsh of a
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wind but it is still out there and still making it feel colder then the wind. everybody is in negative territory. right now we're feeling sub seer other across the game. our expected daytime high is 20 degrees. nothing better than that. that makes it the coldest day since last january on the 24th to be exact. so yes this is kind of cold that triggers memories of that polar vortex from last winter. it is back at a it again bringing additional pulses of cold for us over the course of the next couple of days. today is definitely the worst but we have another very cold day coming up on saturday as this gets reenforced again with another clipper system vittoria. >> so, now sun glare is going to affect your commute. we have black eyes, we have rush hour and sun glare. all giving you a recipe for slow travels. seventy-six westbound making your commute approaching the roosevelt boulevard just past gladwynn is where we will fine a big old heap of traffic. eastbound direction of the schuylkill we are seeing delays commuting out of 476, down to just past the curve. catch a break for a while and then get ready for more vial approaching vine street expressway around that same area westbound expect delays from university through the vine. here's i-95 as a awe approach cottman avenue right around construction zone. do not let this shot fool you. southbound i-95 we are seeing delays from the northeast down to the vine. it is scattered but there north bound 95 just a touch of traffic and girard and betsy ross bridge. we have improved a bit. we have a fire location not too far from kenneth square at
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red clay drive near fall brook drive and watch out for delays near new jersey transit system. specifically affecting northeast corridor and 15 minute delays for river line, ukee. a shooting on the edge of paris has killed a police officer and wounded a street sweeper. they have not link the shooting to the terror attack on a paris magazine that left 12 people dead. police continue their manhunt for two suspects in yesterday's shootings. thirty-four year-old said kouachi and his three two-year old brother shariff. an 18 year-old suspect surrendered to police. all three believed to have opened fire inside the offices of charlie hebdo a satyrical magazine that caricatures the prophet mohammad, one person described that scene. >> it was a very horrific scene with everything broken inside. many bodies inside. >> today is a national day of mourning in france. last night more than 150,000 people gathered for vigil is a cross the country. france has raised terror alert to maximum. 7:36. time for a check of business. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the the new york stock exchange and jill nice news, on wall street, a little bounce back, what is behind it do you think. >> reporter: once again it is mostly about oil. this time though prices stabilize even headed higher and that event is the market higher for the first time in two days. there was also some good news about jobs, payroll processor adp say businesses ramped up last month. if this pace continues then u.s. could return to full
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employment by next year. we will take it. ukee and quarter. >> jill, fbi is sticking to its claim that north korea was behind the the sony hacking situation, what have you learned. >> reporter: fbi director james comby says evidence is clear, that the hackers got sloppy and mistakenly sent messages sent to ip addresses used exclusively by north korea. there were some reports that a former sony em will plea was actually the one who broke in the system. meanwhile netflix says it is working to make the interview available to the 53 million subscribers. sony canceled the general release of the film after the sign's tack and dress against movie goers, ukee and erika. >> i will check it out eventually. >> yes, once it is freon netflix. >> thanks, jill. for more money tips and fur from money just head to our web site. serious belt tightening in atlantic city. we have a live view from the sky cam beautiful morning. city council endorsed a financial recovery plan that includes tens of millions of dollars in layoffs and budget cuts. the plan comes at a time when atlantic city is finding a state overseer and additional millions of dollars in state aid. president obama is in arizona a to discuss ways to improve america's housing market but it is hotel where the president is staying that is grabbing headlines right now. it is called point hilton peak resort. local native american groups say the president should stay somewhere else because the word squall is a derogatory term. the obama administration says
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president's travel plans are dictated by, security needs. we are not the only ones experiencing this bitter blast. >> remind ourselves it could be so much worse. still ahead in other parts of the country they are dealing with the dangerous cold too. plus this. imagine having a bedroom that looks just like a firehouse i'm cleve bryan and i'll tell but a local fire department that is trying to help a sick little okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. we are not the only ones dealing with the bone chilling cold a lot of the country is caught in the bitter blast too and it could stick around for a while. don champion tells us how people are dealing with this dangerous cold. >> it is cold temperatures loan don't send a shiver down your body the frigid wind will. it is so cold in south carolina farmers covered their crops to protect from frost. in memphis, construction worker andrew pride pick the wrong day to work outside. >> wrapped uptight. you wrap uptight you will be cold. >> reporter: for yet another day bitterly cold air is blowing across much of the country dropping temperatures into the single digits. >> we have got wind chills and warnings with the boarder with canada right down into central
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florida and along the gulf coast so we are looking at sub zero wind chills out the the door. >> reporter: deep freeze is owe dangerous school district in south carolina to boston to kansas city a has canceled or delayed classes today. in minneapolis the cold air caused black eyes to form on roadways and chicago fire fighters like randy davis battled fires with ice sickles on their uniforms. >> when you get ice like this it gives you a shell so your body temperature stays warm. >> reporter: some workers in chicago escaped the cold by using a 5-mile long heated walkway, built underground it connects 50 buildings downtown. >> i'm on my lunch break, over to macy's. >> reporter: cities like chicago, and milwaukee, and don champion for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. just a reminder it could be so much worse. >> i have got to tell you cold inner birmingham, alabama. alabama. it is what i'm trying to say this morning. no kidding. the shivers are even in the studio this morning. lets take you out here guys as we check with our eyewitness weather watcher network. 9 degrees is current temperature sent in from spyke who has instant changed his profile. cutest little puppy i have ever seen. and we have bright sunshine, in bordentown. and, little bit cold, and temperatures feel colder when you factor in the wind. it is only five from mark who has bright full sunshine but it will not warm you up that much. he is in chats worth. across the delaware into south jersey and pennsylvania, we are seeing temperatures only
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heading at 6 degrees, despite the full sunshine in west chester this was sent from steve johnson clear, calm snow is crunchy and it is cool. that is a a lot of word that begin with the letter c. lets move things along here and take you out to the nationwide map where the entire eastern half of the united states is covered in what we're looking at right here wind child watches warnings or advisories. we are talking millions millions have of people that are a affect by this. we're obviously not alone here as i said earlier even parts of the deep south are feeling chill more than we are on the thermometer right now. wind chill expectations here they are lining up pretty well with these values. it is definitely the the coldest in the poconos but everyone is sub zero in terms of how it feels. those are numbers you need to factor in when you walk out the the door. the here's another clipper system folks that will speed across the you had, just bypass us to the north and it could touch off a quick snow shower or flurry further north of the city overnight into tomorrow. otherwise it will bring back the breeze it the brings back the cold by saturday we're back east below 20's here but we expect to generally stay dry as we head through the the weekend. that is a bright spot on this forecast vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. good morning everyone. we are trying to find a bright spot in your commute and it is difficult to do that. we have rush hour. we have sun glare adding a lot more volume on to the roadway and really it is just cold outside. i think people are in a hurry which is definite the liz a possible cause of some incidents that we have been
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dealing w so vine street express waste if you are heading in the westbound direction you will notice delay approaching the the area of the schuylkill. eastbound is not awful but generally speaking in either direction around broad street area just expect traffic. also 42 freeway it is not awful but northbound approaching creek road to 295 we are seeing a delay, north bound 55. we are seeing delays a approaching the 42 freeway so be mindful of. that as we work our way to 422 westbound on ramp from arm and hammer boulevard we have an overturn tractor trailer incident. traveling in this stretch try to avoid it, and you will notice delays in that area also in kenneth square we have a fire location at red clay drive right around fall brook drive. fifteen minute delays for river line a if you are traveling northeast corridor and big delays close to 30 minutes, erika. a dream come true for a young boy battling cancer. fire fighters in burlington county are working to give him his dream bedroom. "eyewitness news", new jersey reporter cleve bryan, has details from willing bureau. >> reporter: five-year old johnnies an expert on everything that has to to with fire fighting equipment uniform and more importantly being brave. john's battle is for his life against an plastic gang leo glee home a a illness that requires removing a tumor from his brain that was half the side of his head. >> we are treading in the dark. doctors don't have any expectation. they had originally told us three to nine months. that was 18 months ago. >> reporter: but, being a fire fight are only thing cooler
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than having a roomful of model fire trucks is to have a fire truck bed in a room that looks just like a firehouse. that is what the evesham town hip fire department is trying to do for john. >> it will have brick on the wall like a fire station would. it will have a slide as opposed to a pole. >> reporter: fire department has taken john under their wings for more than a year and will build the fire fighter room not just for fun but to help with future medical need. they are partnering with the corner king come project a project that specializes in building dream reams for children facing extreme health challenges. >> we will do everything we can to make sure this boy is taken care of. >> reporter: department is hoping to build soon but they need to raise $10,000 to do the remodeling. >> i'm expecting more miracles from god. fact that he is doing so well right now it is a miracle. >> reporter: question is who wants to be part of the next miracle. i'm cleve bryan for "eyewitness news" at cw philly. you can help john by donating money to the evesham township fire department. their contact information you is on our web site at cbs with great news $1,500 has been raised. 7:47. with sister stephanie and yelly everything is better together. when one sister started having contractions the other was riding her the two university of pennsylvania. and, she went in labor too baby was born at 8:15. second enter the world 15 minutes laters. margaret and arlene will have quite a story to tell. one thing for sure though get used to sharing a birthday cake right ukee if the that right. >> that will be some party. steve mason will be back
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at practice sometime this morning, and tonight's game against washington capitols at the well in south philadelphia. flyers say he had an mri after practice yesterday and they say his soreness is not connected to the back problems that sidelined steve last month. hard night for your philadelphia 76ers last night. milwaukee bucks, got more than half of their shots and won with ease 97-77. the sixers struggled through 30 percent shooting, and just two for 25 from the beyond the three-point arc. sixers new on the road tomorrow night in brooklyn to play nets who have lost three straight games. eagles offensive lineman evan mathis makes it six eagles on the pro bowl roster. mathis replaced frankford jari evans who has an injury. evans plays for the saints. game is january 25th in arizona. it is official florida state quarterback jameis wins exton is turning pro. he alerted the the media yesterday. winston will be one of the topics in the draft this year. he lost only one game as fsu quarterback, and led seminoles to the national championship last season. got baggage off the field coming with him but hopefully that is behind him now as jameis winston turns pro. >> wait and see. 7:49. latest weapon in the war on crime is wearable. how your pant could stop hackers, plus this. the fans honor their favorite in tv, music and film i'm susan marquez in the peoples choice award. i'll have that story an
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the search for a trapped worker after a silo collapses in bristol township, bucks county chopper three over the riverside industrial complex on the 7900 block of north radcliff street. all that material is powdered cement. emergency crews are calling in k-9's to aid in the search. we just heard from the fire chief who told us he is optimistic they will be able to reach that worker. we of course will update you throughout the morning. word is that veteran entertainer bill cosby did not receive a very warm reception in canada. >> in fact, winners of the peoples choice awards plus milestones from our favorite actresses in this morning's eye on entertainment. susan marquez reports. >> reporter: three more women have come forward accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. they are the lateness a series of about 20 accusers who said that cosby drugged or assaulted them years ago. the comedian is currently on tour in canada where protesters have promised to heck will his three scheduled performances. >> some of the biggest names in tv, music and film were honored by their fans here in l.a. stars of the cbs series mom hosted peoples choice award. it was a big night for the big bang theory as cbs comedy won for best tv show and within of the stars won for best comedy tv actress. >> you fans have been unbelievable to our show. we love you.
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>> mike and molly's melissa mccarthey won for favorite comedy movie ago rest. into the woods is close to the hundred million-dollar mark in the becomes office, merrill streep is nominated for golden globe for her role as the witch. she says that she took the part to fight the old stereotype. >> the concept of witches, of old women being demonized and sort of, you know, age being this horrifying, scary thing. >> american snipper star siena miller is heading to broadway she will take over for emma stone to star in cabaret, starting in mid-february. that is your eye on entertainment, susan marquez cbs news, los angeles. hearing good things about american snipper. >> yes, such good things. clint eastwood directed that. >> hure did. as crooks look for new ways to rip you off a software company thinks it can solve the problem. >> are in ton teamed up with designers at san francisco's beta brand to make ready jeans. will material in the pocket is made up of alloy we've men to a fabric. it creates a shield to protect credit card from digital pick pocket ing. >> it act like a little cage. it intercepts these signals and it spreads them out, so it does not allow any two-way communication. >> jeans are a little pricey. they are $168. beta brand says they will start shipping out those order next month but i think it would be greatest specially for fellows because you put your wallet back in there. >> yep but you have to be careful then 168 bucks maybe. >> i hear you. >> but it could be where things go. >> yes, it is going there
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heading that way. >> wonder if those pockets being. >> when you are walking. >> i like the way you walk. >> yes. >> we will take a short break, we will be right back. good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. the lets get right over to katie because it is cold weather, it is sticking around katie. >> it is erika, good morning, everybody. this will be one of the coldest mornings we have had since last january. so it definitely is a shock to the system and if you are not ready for it, it can be dangerous. that is why we will continue to advice people to layer up as necessary even though storm scan is totally clear. you will not to have shovel any additional snow away in the days ahead but it is just cold outside. high of 0 degrees. twenty below average. it feels like it is well below zero. the breezy and cold as we drop down to 18. some may see flier or a clipper passing by. that clipper well reenforce chill so win is back tomorrow and so is cold for saturday vittoria. >> not looking forward to that. you may in the look forward to the commute thaw are dealt with today. traveling on the majors i-95 and schuylkill worst spot for rush hour traffic. unfortunately a camera has swung around the opposite direction but if you are traveling westbound on street road at i-95 you will run into an accident situation. other situation i-95 around
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academy. we have disabled vehicle not causing too much problem because problem is rush hour. delays for river line and northeast corridor. vittoria, thank you. next up on cbs this morning united airlines flight attendants in a legal battle to get their jobs back. your local news continue with us on the cw phi chopper three over bristol township bucks county where there is an act i have search for a worker trapped in the silo at the riverside industrial complex now the silo used to store powdered cement. that coupled with broken steel has made it a delicate operation for sure. man's family is at the scene, personnel from five companies are on the scene right now aid nothing this search. also new this morning unattended cooking may be the cause behind a deadly overnight fire in philadelphia ogontz neighborhood. >> lets get to "eyewitness news" reporter nicole brewer, she joins us from the scene where fire fighters encountered tough conditions nicole, good morning. >> reporter: they did, good morning to both of you. fighting fire and also fighting frigid temperatures unfortunately, it was just too late for a disable military veteran living inside. inside this row home in ogontz a deadly fire rips through the first floor claiming the life of a military veteran who appears to have been difficulties abled. >> they found one older adult male on the first floor. this person was transport ed to the hospital by medic 29, once he got to the hospital he was pronounced.
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>> reporter: victim's death marks the
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