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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  November 29, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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>> saturday night a local business working 25 years this surprise is badly damaged by a devastating fire and darren wilson walks away from the force from the furgeson police officer what he hopes it will ak blish. >> an a continuing effort to find a local college student missing since thanksgiving day. another day of searching ended with dozens in manayunk praying for the safe return to shane mc. friends and family all they really know right now is that the west chester university senior walked out of a bar early thursday and now they're trying
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to figure out what happened next. "action news" reporter skep live in manayunk tonight with the latest on the search for shaichbility kenneth. >> walter, police are still looking for tips tonight. his parents asking president don't check alleyways and just about every business in manayunk have a flier on their window and so many ask, where is shane? >> saturday night was sposs to be a planned christmas tree lightsing in manayunk. instead this community cancelled and lit cannedeled and prayed for safe return of shane montgomery. >> you keep praying. people open up their heart and people open up it's unbelievable. >> friends and concerns neighborhood sit at the parka cross from the kildare pub on main street. he left 1:45 thanksgiving morning on foot to walk possibly back to parents' roxboro home.
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he never made it. >> when you see people coming out and supporting even people they don't know and just supporting that's what you need at this time is support and love. >> after the emotional vigil evening mass at st. john baptist catholic church was dedicated to shane. >> this place of worship turned into the command center for intenseer is. >> he always wore zip-ups. >> hundreds packed the church before hitting the streets and philadelphia police marine units served manayunk can sal. a non-profit was helping focusing on this section of the city. >> it's not expanding. there's no reason to believe he wentz far from the area. we don't have anything. the cellphone was pinged in the area. >> like so many other's shane's best friend is trying to remain optimistic. >> i pray everything is safe and that we'll hopefully find him.
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>> investigators are looking for surveillance video in this area to figure out which direction shane walked when he left that bar. parts of the schuylkill were checked today and in the morning at 10 the philadelphia police marine unit will search that canal again, walter. reporting live in manayunk. kenneth moton, "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> meanwhile police in southwest philadelphia aaalso need your help finding a missing teenager with awesome. kalif adams disappeared yesterday morning on the 6200 block of carpenter street. he stands 4 foot 10 inches tall and he's known to viing the y on chestnut street. if you call him -- see him call police. >> this final week of november was a cold one. it looks like the month will end one a warm-up. action cam was in center city tonight we found people bundling up in near freezing temperatures. fortunately you won't need
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layers tomorrow. >> i think we need this. >> yes. >> it's been cold. >> temperatures in the 30s. stuck in the 30s. and they rebound as early as tomorrow. we'll show you temperatures outside after high today of 39. we're hitting 38 now in city and you look at the numbers along the coast beach thich sea isle city. temperatures climbing in mid to upper 40s. that's indication of warmer air working its way into much of the delaware and lehigh valleys. satellite 6 and action radar shows you locked in with the cloud cover. there's a frontal boundary lifting north. once that boundary lifts to the north the warmer air comes on in. check out the temperatures across the east coast. 48 philadelphia. off south alwest 58 in cincinnati and 58 in s louis and we'll tap that a piece of that milder air early as tomorrow. >> patchy fog north and west. especially snow pack on the ground. this could lead to patchy fog for some locations north and west. otherwise he mostly cloudy tonight and it will turn milder
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sunday. we'll talk about those details wanter with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. >> thank you, melissa. >> new tonight the police officer who killed michael brown resigned from the furgeson police department. darren wilson was on administrative leave since the shooting took place on august 9. this week a grand jury announced he would not face criminal charges linked to unarmed teenager's death. in a statement today, wilson wrote "it is my hope my resignation will allow the community to heal". >> a local car dealership celebrating 12th anniversary this beekd was all but leveled during a two alarm fire overnight thiss with a team nissan dealership delsey drive, vine land, new jersey. the fire broke out 5 a.m. it was moving quickly and off duty firefighters helped out. no word how to started. >> in wilmington, delaware a
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15-year-old behind bars after shooting himself in the leg. investigators discovered the victim last sunday near the intersection of 28 and washington street. the boy told officers he was shot. but police say the ensuing investigation revealed the gunshot wound wasself up picture toed and he has been taken into custody and charged with filing a false police report and i will legal weapon's possession. >> a pharmaceutical sdindz to save drug users from heroin overdose is more readily available across pennsylvania starting today. key provisions of a law passed back in september have gone into effect. it puts the drug maloxine peter nonas narcan in the hands himly of police and private citizens as well. before even medics could administer narcam which reverses affects of opiate and oxycodone. >> they're allowed to sell to iing frenz and relatives of drug
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addicts. >> cyber monday is around the corner. sandwiched in the middle small business charity. it's annie mccormick i'll tradition of. >> president obama and daughter's meantime were among those patronizing small businesses today. xhapter in chief, along with sasha and mall he atook a look at politics and pros in washington. it's "action news" reporter annie mccormick has a report. it's all about supporting america's small businesses childly regarded as back mope bone of the u.s. economy. >> i was pleasantly surprised to come out on the street and see people on the street. it was nice to see. >> shops in manayunk, fishtown, doylestown and across the bridge to haddenfield, until nnl were just a few hoping customers shopping small dropped large christmas catch. >> i think it's huge. >> republican bank paraded down the streets until one of their small business lenders and honda's gourmet kitchen feet fewering the local entrepreneur.
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>> we did this cigarette to support the local community it's a big part of the missing community. >> we miss small town experience of holidays. >> four years ago small business saturday began with shop's small slogan urging americans to pick local stores over big box chains. >> each year, small businesses like late attitudes and lodge attitudes here in manayunk continue to see more and more people come out on the day as they realize the more they spend here stays here. >> snav small businesses are backbone of america. >> it's a neighborhood. >> most of our owners live within five miles of main street. the money spending here they're literally going to eat at the restaurants next to their store. they're spending money locally and supporting local non-profits and community groups sales on this day in the past two years
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surfaced 5 billion dollars. owners are embracing it and shoppers making it a yearly tradition like plaque friday and cyber monday this date feels more personal. >> our customers are neighborhoods, friends, people we met socially. >> in manayunk, annie mccormick, for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> meantime first numbers are in after black friday and looks good if you factor in all of the shopping done on thanks diving day as well. u.s. shoppers spent 9.1 million at stores yesterday down 7% from black friday of last year however thanksgiving day shoppers spends 3.2 million dollars a 24% jump and a lot of retailers opening on thanksgiving day. the report suggests a whole lot of people bailed early on thanksgiving dinner with goal after voiding the black friday madness. >> christmas arrived early for a family in chester county. santa claus surprised this
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little girl and friend and free christmas tree in tir their home right there in spring citych the family was showsen because lilly suffers from a rare condition called heat ear owe taxi a birth defect has had her undergo surgeries or expensive daycare. i give lilly and parents something to small about this holiday season. still to know at 10 a youngster is reunited with his mother after spending five years held captive by his daughters. where police saw him earlier today and it's true what they say. big can playch the proovr this big is commerceed off a flights we'll show you what happens. >> the photo touching moment that unfolded in middle of the furgeson link protest which we that unfolded in middle of the furgeson link protest which we come right
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>> today a judge acquitted hasni mubarak on murder charges for demonstrateers during egypt unriseing in 2011. 86-year-old and regime were eventually forced out of office. judge said mubarak made mistakes
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and should not have been jailed. >> a youngster reported missing from mother owe four years ago was found alive hidden inside his father's home in georgia. it was an anonymous tip that led them to the home overnight when they found the boy hidden behind a false wall. although sometimes forced to hide neighbors that didn't know anything about the case since the mother was left out of state they saw the youngster playing outside never realizing anything was wrong. >> it was right up on her nose and could have knot done something every -- >> the young man didn't seem like on the end of the strip. you never know behind closed doors. >> his mother and stepmother have been charged. >> and a few minutes ago we reported officer darren wilson resigned in the wake of brown's death.
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this photo was taken during a furgeson resulted demonstration in port land, oregon this week. a 12-year-old african-american with tears streming down his face holding a white police officer. three hug. heart told the officer he was concerned about police brutality against black children and the officer said "yes i know, i'm sorry." pouter full photo was taken moments later as the two embraced. >> time for a check of the accuweather forecast with meteorologist melissa magee. melissa. >> walter, we had a chilly start to the weekend. temperatures in the 30s. temperatures rebound quickly across the delaware and lehigh valley. climbing up to 39 degrees today that was yesterday's high. wilmington the high only in upper 30s. that's freezing mark with allentown and trenton.
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and in at 3 poconos had chilly temperature of 24. >> as you look at the numbers outside tonight still along the 95 corridor you can feel the chill. 38 in philadelphia, north and west of allentown 30. reading 3. but along the coast look at the numbers. 46 in beach haven and 40 from the boardwalk to sea isle city and indication that milder air will work its way impressing into much of the delaware and lehigh valleys. here's satellite 6 and action radar. fair amount of cloud cover overhead today. >> there's a frontal boundy actually lifting off north. this warm front will lift to the north and underneath that you tap into the milder air coming in from the south. and i want to show you when particles across much of the delaware and lehigh valleys and not much of a breeze to contend with. if you look at the parts calls they're coming southeast, southwest direction. that southernly component well
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get well above average. mostly cloudy. fog original and west of town. especially you have know back on the ground. milder air. southerly whipped over that cold pack. otherwise dropping to 35 city and slowly rising as we get into the hour and during the day sunday. >> tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon a quick rebound with southwesterly flow. 55 in the city. 54 wilmington and 56 high temperature in atlantic city. coming up walter we'll take a look at the forecast get ready for the 50s as well as 60s. >> i like the 50s 60s. >> me, too. >> thank you, melissa. in case you needed here is more proof pigs can can't fly. a woman boarded a u.s. air lines flight when the pig and her
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boarded. almost immediately the pig freaked out defecated near the cabin and firefighters took no time taking it off the mean. emotional support animals are allowed on planes under law if they're not disruptive. >> a homeless nap virginia came through this week courtsey of shawn harded -- nia lives at a shelter and post ready he quest phone sign for a family to take him in for the holiday. he received several invitations but chose mack plea more, he felt app instant condition and quickly developed with this sweet cup. >> you know he pulled me in for a rug. >> i was looking for that this year. you know? because i used to do is it with my family you know. i miss that. i miss it's just not the same.
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>> in addition to the warmp male and good company some of the macklemore friends and coworkers helped neil to get back on his feet shadele stays there as well. in well the sixers are just not good. i try to avoid their west start and worst in history. buy is one thing.
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deciding between buying food and health care is something else. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance that costs as little as a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, visit to learn more.
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snv you can see runners bundled up braving the cold morning in support of communities in east africa. share joy 5k races nonprovide fresh drinking water to people in uganda and south saddam. it was a huge success last year and organizeers decided to make it annual event. >> time now for a check on sports. jeff skversky is live in the "action news" sport center, hey, jeff. >> sixers trying to avoid the worst start in history. sixers never lost the first 16
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of the it before. sixers facing dallas. two weeks ago going they look much better tonight. ncw with awww. k.j. mrk daniels. look at the first whip. not turnovers, tell ling, dallas takes them down. richard jefferson to free. lose 110 to 1:13 worst start in team wristry two away from nba record. >> no problems like playing in the big apple have not won a regular season game there at madison square garden nearly four years. >> flyers any new york they blow a third period. lead against raivrpers and scored 3 thimz and a third on ray emery and that gives nude yark alevel and fly areas rounded met and in.
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flyers lose 5-. eight of the last in my opinion games overall this season. >> it's hard not to get frustrated but you know it's hard to be confident and you know when deposit box over and then they're scared to mack a player i seasons. >> nor for flyers and back to you walter in the dermatologist. >> it's fwining to -- joggers made their way to the annual christmas parade. made their way to the annual christmas parade. winney
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♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. including your favorite movie channels, blazing fast internet and $400 back. all for this amazing price online, guaranteed for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. so take the hint. and get more guaranteed today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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♪ >> the sounds of the season right there at the macy's in center city. entertaining shoppers and getting them into the holiday spirits and fittingly they played beneath the iconic nut cracker light show and juan maker or. >> scientists are trying to create a breathalyzer to bust you for marijuana. >> and ohio state football player that vapished before one of the biggest games of the year. >> and francis search for two >> missing west chester senior
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missing for three days. while people here look for shane a different search is underway ohio state university where a member of the football team disappeared before one of the biggest games of the year. we'll have a full report. >> and this wipt air bit less bitter for these local kids who got to pick out cool clothes to help them stay warm. first up, breaking news from germantown section of philadelphia. a suspect was shot on the unit block of west reeger street. investigators have not said what led to the gunfire of the wounded man was taken to the next. no further information released at this time. sting with and 6abc for the latest open the story. >> to find a missing college student that vanished after last being seen thanksgiving morning. police officers and dozens of volunteers spent the day search
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the area for 21-year-old shane montgomery. after surprise set she lit candles at can sal park. >> we just keep praying. that's what tonight s people open their heart and some. >> west chester university student was last seen leaving kildare early thursday morning. there's a 10,000 reward for information that leads to a break in the case. authorities wilt return to the manayunk canal at 10:00 tomorrow morning to resume their serve. tvrments while the search continues with shane in the delaware valley a similar scene is unfolding in another college community in ohio. ohio state football player costa car ageorge vanished wednesday missing thanksgiving and the big game against michigan. they're linked to how they treat
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this dis. >> 6' 5", 285 pounds. cost to carry gorge is married hard to missch the 22-year-old defensive lineman at the home game was in this public announcement. >> friend, family, members of the university community along with columbus police are part of ongoing search. >> posters of the missing senior were put up by volunteers. os university are worried. >> george was last seen wednesday night when he told friends he need aid walk to clear his head after a fight with his grishl friend. that mother he september a text message saying she was sorry but cop suggestions dressed this head up. >> we're very concerned he's not
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himself and maybe doesn't know what is going on. since then search parties fanned out guarding by maps in a search area. >> hopefully we can find them. >> police say they're hard at work. >> we'll continue to have detectives open the grounds and following up open the weeds and looking forward to a person. >> cost of his friends are sending him aim a heart felt police. >> please come back and we welcome you with broken arms. deirdre bript, "action news," new york. >> an apartment is set to reopen. frightened shoppers ran from nordstroms late last night when gun fire reinterrupted. a seasonable employee working at the time. and then he turned the dwun on himself. he died from his pounds and the woman remains in critical condition tonight. >> two youngsters from upstate new york are talking about spending 4 hours buried in a huge pile of snow.
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>> this was the scene after police and neighbors finally real lightsed 9-year-old jason rivera and elijah martinez were trapped. they were building a snow fort when a plow dumped more snow on top of them, 7 feet of snow. legs were draped but they wereable to breathe thanks to air pocket they created. >> motivating each other like to not go to sleep. keep moving our body. i knew if we would have fallen asleep we would have woken up -- probably not woken up because we were close. >> how about that. a search parties stood up when the parents didn't return after dark. a police officer noticed shovels boys were using while playing and they were recovered a short time later. i always expect guys to be just fine. >> lots of joys of being a sglaernt that's okay. >> that's the important part.
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i'll tell you the stuff kids do. it's note breaking. >> i understand. >> it was chilly today, walter. >> yes, it was. >> great news on the way as we get to the second half of the holiday weekend. these temperatures do warm-ups. something to look forward to here. sky6 live in hd looking at the center city sky line day. mostly cloudy. no issues with precipitation. quick snow showers this morning especially allentown and leevrl snow showers lifting out and warm front it moving in and these temperatures start to soar in the second half of the holiday weekend. >> if we look at the live lineup we'll prob ali dry. it's dry and quiet. we are. >> north and west of town there's that chill. 27 tanersville and slatington 30 and fleetwood, pottstown, 32. center city at this hour coming in at 38. upper 30s as well in chester.
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and check out the numbers across coastal sections of income energy. it's 46 at the boardwalk. 44 woodbrian. sea sea isle h aisle city warmer. it's an indication we're pap tapping into south westerly whipped as the cold front moves north and all that means we have better warm on the way for surprise. here's soot light 6 and action ray doctor. you can see the thick layer of cloud cover that's front lifting to the knowledge of us. south of that you tap into the mild area coming in south querlly brex. temperatures sunday, future tracker 6 and then tipped and temperatures in upper 0s. much better start. our eye in the sit write was 39. we'll climb above -- future tracker 63:30 tomorrow afternoon they may be middle and upper
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350s. poconos coming in at 95. here's the call from accuweather tomorrow. if you are north and west of that i-95 corridor sunshine and cloud. it's mild with high tem 58en town of 49 and down the shore we had neck. temperatures are better. much improved with that southwesterly wind flow. and lostly sunny, high temperature near normal up to 56 . >> here's the 7 day forecast. in the afternoon, climbing up to 55. monday, 61 degrees. first day of december by the way and warmth is overhead. late monday could be a couple showers and tuesday turning coder as the cold front moves through high temperature 4 3. we're tracking a front ol boundary lifting north and going west night. >> there could be precipitation before the air comes back by wednesday. high temperature then of 55. couple showers likely early in the day. up airport down this week. thursday, sun sheen and skloudz.
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cool day, high of 506789 as we get to friday, cloudy and evening rain likely. some of which would carry over toe next saturday. temperatures friday and saturday and upper 40s lower 50s. we're all over the map and will cover it for you first week of december. >> that's not a bad week. >> it's the nuisance in between. >> thank you. melissa. thanks to the salvation army and alumni chapter of psi alpha psi. >> they received a coupon for a coat in center city and they went on a hunt to few something worm and. >> find out when we broke the brutal running streak. >> a man from camden gunned down after a night out. they're hoping a reward will prompt someone to give information about his keller. prompt someone to give information about his keller. it's crime fighter's report.
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>> people driving under the influence of parj marriage could soon get busted the same way drunk drivers do. researchers are working on a brother lies to detect thc naturally occurring chemical to make pot smokers die. the only way to prove it it
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through a blood test right now. they're adapting technology used by airport security agents to detect more drugs and explosives. washington state legalized marijuana a few years ago. they're hoping to test them early next year. >> youngest of five adult children is gunned down after a night out with friends. his siblings are reaching out you to for help. here's rick williams with tonight's crime fighter report. >> lordes rivera remembers her brother fondly. >> he was like a ray of sunshine. he would help anyone in need. >> the 38-year-old father of two was a wonderful dad. >> he was such a hands on father you know everything was about the boys. everything. >> on friday july 18 sergio's family says he was walking home from a bar at 3:30 a.m.
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on 1100 block north 34 street cam. >> someone approached him and words were exchanged and they shot sglim sergio was shot multiple times and died at the hospital. citizens crime commission is administering 5,000 reward for information that leads to at rest and conviction of the person responsible. all you need to do is call 215-546-tips. all calls will remain anonymous. for his family they don't plan on giving up. > so we were suffering every day it's a struggle. >> it's not going to go away. my little brother will vl justice. my little brother will vl justice. >>
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>> if your weekend shopping frenzy is over and you cannot eat another bite of turkey go see a movie. including a children's favorite and return of big name starts you probably would not to fork for. here's matt o'donnell with a preview. horrible bosses two features all
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star cast in the sequel to 2011 blockbuster. >> truth be told pop and i we hit a rough patch lately. refusing to cover expenses, blah, blah, blah, timing could not be better. >> this was cool and all we're out not doing crime you know what i'm saying. >> right the kidnapping owe service actually. >> okay. >> no, no, it's on. >> it's off. >> it's totally on i sent the ran some bill to my dad. >> anyone, dale and kurt are fed up to aptsing to a slix investor pulls out the rug from under them. the three funds hatch a miss guided plan to kidnap the adult son to putp a ran symptom take control of their business. >> penguins of madagascar is a spin-off from madagascar film series. >> all right boys.
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>> taxi ! >> how about music. >> skipper. kowalsi, rick owe and private must join with the chic spy organization. is it is a task force dedicated to helping animals that cannot help themself and they wanted to stop theville an arkavias rhyme to not resort the war as we field it. >> pass over anne's pumpkin pie delicious. for phl17, i'm matt o'donnell. >> she said that with conviction. >> time to check on sports. jeff skversky is here and sixers on the wrong side of history. >> it's a bad movie. really bad movie you're watching
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here. we knew this team would be bad. but from bad? sixers trying to avoid the worst start in team history tonight in the 51 years of 76ers. they have never, ever, ever, started 0-6 teams. sixers facing dallas. a few weeks ago two tonight they look better. noel take another look at the third. sped, steal, slam, sixers come back to briefly take the lead and in the fourth, down 7, kj mc daniels for three. sixers within four looking for first win. they go ice cold nearly five minutes without a basket in fourth. know well miss lineup. other way. >> sixers lose 110-103 think fall 0-16 oh, no worst team start in history and two away from the nba record. >> so much respect and zero and
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16 to walk out on the floor and hug teammate and ak nooj signature and help people off the floor when they're down and play spirit and passion that the group plays with. >> san antonio up next monday. it's the garden of evil not only do the flyers lose last year's playoff series at madison square garden but ten straight regular season games to the rangers. this has been going on fearly 4 years. >> thank you. >> flyers out scored by 27 goals. embarassing stretch in north. john had your first of the day. tied at one. jake vorcheck flyers take the lead for seconds time at the garden over the last 45 months. well, flyers -- three times open the third in roy emery. and sdwrvrment miller flies past
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play areas round the net and in. flyers lose 5-2 and eight of the last nine game confidence is killing him right now. >> mental. you know i rulely believe that it's a confidence thing for sure. and i think the chemistry on the hockey team is kind of gone the other way. we need to get that back in our game. >> college football after 4-0 start james franklin, penn state falls apart on the stretch losing 6 of final 8 games and senior opening kickoff r. j. shell toon voids the tackle and another tackle 90 yard kickoff return penn state down 7-0. 7 second in the game. christian hackenberg for the end zone. picked off. hackenberg two more turnovers today. not a happy night in happy
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valley. penn state losses by 2 4 they still are eligible for a bowl game. temple bowl eligible with a win over cincinnati senior day. 2nd quarter p.j. walker losses ball and cincinnati recovers at the three and turns into this. temple losses third straight 14-6 final and i'll have one more dime try to qualify for a bowl. quidner fans fired up for division three playoff game. you'll love this running it in. runs away with 37-27 win and. >> gary start to the lasalle game. referee hit in the head by accident by a venderbility player. taken to the hospital. but he is okay. lasalle trying to rebound from first loss. they struggle all night. lasalle losses second straight,
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68-55 john janini always tougher on players and trying to get the best outcome for the guys going forward. >> thank you. >> one more sports note on the "people scene". mickey raork won his first match back in the boxing scene. he returned in moscow, russia. he defeat aid fighter less than half his age. elliot see more of california. took a break from acting to box and ended career 6 wins 2 draws took a break from acting to box and ended career 6 wins 2 draws this is his first match in 20
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ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat icken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself
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some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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>> somerton section of philadelphia is a wash. and heritage federal credit union had a 40 foot christmas tree and i will lump nated building with 35,000 lights tonight and crowd was serenaded by philadelphia boys choir and wonderful fireworks finale waseled the crowd. >> a check of the accuweather forecast. dazzling us with warm temperatures. >> you'll love it. >> relatively warm temperatures. >> all this time of year it is all relative. we'll show you the dates walter. 7:00 in the morning temperature 41. much better start. mostly sunny, 10 a.m., 46 degrees. 1:00 in the afternoon in lower 50s. we'll stay in the lower 50s at 4:00 with high temperature in the city of 55. meteorologist chris sowers will have the latest tomorrow morning on 6abc. >> that's what you call asle
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dazzle. >> the rest of the "action news" team will be on 6abc tomorrow morning starting at 6. new exhibit at the philadelphia museum of art goes behind the lepz of famous photographer and 6abc loves the arts takes a look at paul strand master of modern photographery. that story and more on 6abc tomorrow morning. thanks for joining us on "action news" at 10. "philly fued" is next. for melissa magee, jeff skversky and the entire "action news" team, i'm walter perez, good and the entire "action news" team, i'm walter perez, good night. you've been part of this family for as long as i can remember. and you just mean so much to all of us. the holidays wouldn't be the same without your crescent rolls. we got you a little something. we got you jeans. it's about time. pipin' hot pillsbury crescent rolls.
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11:00 pm
- welcome to philly pheud. i'm your referee for today's matchup. let's meet our competition, here is team blue. - hi, my name is tj. i'm with the avengers. i have amanda, jen and mike with me, and we are ready to kick some raven's butt. - philadelphia is known to be a tough city. let's meet team red. - what's up? i'm harrison with the rosemont ravens. this is luke, max and dan, and we are going to win. - we are in search for the team that knows the most about philly. - philly pheud on dhl 17 is presented by sugarhouse casino. philly loves a winner. - and here is your host, mike missanelli.


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