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tv   Nightline  ABC  February 10, 2010 11:35pm-12:05am EST

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>> >>night onnightlin" the y americstopd. the city of btherly l and the ti capalo e big apple, what happenwh the planes a ground,chls are clednd the gernment go home? today, wfound out. >>snowmen. on the d wn snowfall rds were stted up and do the ea c, our camerawere therto finout just w was braving blizrdand how. , the hugging saint. would make ansted 3 milliope, including more d more americansek this man's brief embrace? it the inside stor of w shs become a spiri sursr. >> announcer: fromhe global resoces of abc news, wh martin bashir and nta mcfadd in new york city, and terrn
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in washington this nighe,february 10t 10. > go eveng, i'm terr moran. what a day here. what a beautif day, ally it s,oss much of e country, as well.thhistoric, the awesome wi of010 devered otr izzarday tt d and paralyzed huection of the country. ashe sw fell so did sevel s. ousas oflights cced. more than 100,000 mes withou por, and more than a million studen ahome with a snow da d now ta task igging ou but noeverne wasnowb. our john donn epped into the storm. rorter:gave us us todaiteral, thisnowfall here in theast. put us alln ld. waingt, d., government frozen in e moment mebody'sot tshovel out the sue court now. and lookt the aiort named
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after ronald reaga new rk cy, differe airport,ide, same nothing goinon. was o great north sou izzaelered momt lenc y humans, from hiberning ions of northern virgin tthe side alls of histicilelphia to t 1001 adde strip malls that tell youou'ron som b-highinew jerse this one, by the way, mea u.s. post ofce >> neitherain nor sl hail snow. evenere, noby ho not that i bla them.because erody ay he today, by and rge, jus ey told us to. >>t e you doing ouide? that's wt u ha to qu. >> if you don't have to go out, stay home. >> don'tomoutside. its brutald. >> repter: but does thatake the who disobeyed orders
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out there anyy ju ignont of threality that was this madness in the sn no, i y,ecse i knofo a facthamany of thosetud forth were serving highepurpose, like the at thi ner with a 2on the b sig and where insideck the -owner is on tne tling onof his workers, yes, he shouldome in. ande'retill ope we're going be op, too. eporter: becse nick's higher purposes integrity. they'ren 24 hoursthat's what it mea. have you evecled bau of wer fore? >>everlosed before. >> reporter:nd christina, one of theew waitressewho ed for the rninsht, her hier ppose? reliabilit i an, you knowith a snow likehis, y kinof get a . ople wilundersta if you don't show up. >> right. but you come amuch ayou can. you really t come, they derstand and you a reliable wh you do co.>> reporter: and there
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were jobs too. the hier cse of racy thman who meases the snowfa, and now wenow the seon accumation in waingtonc. hasroken a record set i99.nererds alson baltimor aniladelphia and what abo everyuy wit owplow? they're e re v.i.sf is mont. surethey cldtahome and rm, t th wouldn't be t righthing to >> my name i, i'm out plowing snow todayor the virginia department of trsportation. pele were giving us ths up, clping. pele ustood the gnude of this snowll and the fact they had to wait. >> rorter: andn ington so shutted up at anybo could goick starright the icicles, wasn't grand likehis nner, from georg >> you don't see whiton li isand i have ner run dn e milef nnsylvania avenue in washington, d.c. >>eporter: it once in a li so, he ized t ment. and asor seizinghe moment, well, the wieather you youtubers were at it, ading outdoorso
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conditn ibe to thgrtegood, or maybe n definite not. t if iwas fun, well, good for that, too. but for spirio return to new jeeylate afternoon ment of highzzaran another rip ma that habeen evacuad. >>he insan office is closthe bashs closed. the ba is clos e g grminglace is clos >>inw where the lights were sti on. >> the p alum till open. reporter: mike and chelle weren't ttincuomers he at theetsylum, b t stedn r their own higher cause. >> when e'livestock here t taken cof, it to eatnd drink wer, so, 're he to make se evyo take of, everyoneas e essentials they needo make it toughs orm. >>eporter: you aree to preserve le? >> we are. >> rorter: and you have her
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aff, as well?>> yes, yes. we ha sffbuwe didn't wantok any the stafmembs coming in,rying to travel ts ndf weather. reporr: howbouthat? seemwe'rl int togeth, whether 're out inheeath or not i'john donvan for "nightline" in a car in a blizzard in new jersey >> well done, john d to af those diggg out tonit,r tomorrow mning, st warm.thanks to john dan von whe co bk,e'll itchrs. is issible one wan to hug ilon people? meet a irl star who says yesanthe pilgrims flocking to r ms. here's a little ick pick up by booking mfamily ip wh expedia.first i thelighi want. then a gre hot kids willove. yeah but's e really cool part. when ik th the same me.. voila!
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can save up to 4 buc.anwe all knothat cacomen etty handy. book flit anhotel, d save more. ere u book matrspedia. ♪ dot c ♪ ho: could swchintocoreal savyou % or more r inrance? did e caveman invent fire? ♪ sweet times knog at my fronor, what else could i ask for, tonight. ♪ ♪ bettetimeknocking.. hostcould switchin gei really save you 15or more onar insuran? host: isd "t tal jon too ta? liing a match ] ♪♪ [ le aouncer ] you've wanted quismokg smany tim but those dayme a went and the
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carets remained. ♪ today'a neday. tak toyour docr about preriptn trtmoptions and sut. and this me ake youtime. decisions,isions. whbenel prepareal toght? roted chken cipe , savory rice and lambtew. barks ]u're rig. tonighis aeef stewkindf nit. yove me another fi ce. lookt the beefy chunksall cked with protein, threal min-richegetabs,the wholesome grns. and u thkyou're getng spoiled. ito good for you too. [ annocer ]beful epared m. another healthful, florfubenel. ♪ ♪ [ male nor ] veryusiness y, bak ofmerica l nearly $3il dollars
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to individls, institutions schoolsorgazations and businsein eve corner of theconomy. america. growing stronger. every day.
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?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ tur >>we turn now a womanho aims a vy pressive achiement. shcalled amma,r ther, her nickname is e gging in e'trsfmed a small an ville in aestiti for lievers, in the wer her humatouch and her spirl teachings. claris warned ousands of others oc to r embrace for seri, aith matter ♪ >> reporter:t's 00 o a saay ternoon, and this woman has been huggi peopl for x hours. it will midghbe she
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finally nish for the day. ri that time, she will not go to e bathroom, will not stretch her legswillot tak break eat. shwill simply g. knn more commonly at amma, meaning moth, e hagged ose to 30 llion pele ross the world earning h thckname, the huggg sat, and catting he the role of irual perstar. when she's not traveling around e d,a lives here located in t same southern inan vla where s was bo intpoor fisng family 56 years amma's fame hskyrketed, the town has blossomed into a place of pilgrimage. as many 5,000 people w live and hundreds ofusands visit evy year. is ke a mecca. plaf , of dive lo >> l go. we is sit her >>epr: tis se of the
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hundreds of amicwho end much of thyear here. rn gretcn mcgregor, she s first inspired to siin983 after seeing phogrh of amma her ewere so alive, and just couldn'puher faceut ofy mind. ani felt that i had to com meer. d wh i tolmy famthat, ey were a little bit shocked, yoow. you're gng where to who, at? inan repte srtlyfter, she says herifchand rever, when sheaw amma heal a letter. >> and ithe story of chstminghe letter,nd she said, yowant to know t mirae,nd i said yes, and she id, the al miracles tha have thee r inside of you, and you dot ow it. ♪ >> rter: lifhis to is sple. peop flow a vegetaan diet, there nsming or drinking. residents arencouredo participe in at leaso hourofunta work
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da during fe time, acvities toh meditation,oga channgre par. there are ctures of amma everywhere you turn in this town, at cafes, in cupards, in el or thes. the fttore is lled wh ma posters, hes, necklace the's even aonthly amma magazi, which, mh ke oprah win fr'seatures amman evercover.>> pe look at a their are instantlremind of thgo, positive qliti that eyespiring to bngnto their life >> reporr: californian ban rv wasnspire to visit the townftereang about amma's exteivcharitabor. her organizationds hoals, a universitnd ns oschools. she fausly doned $46illion the victims of the southea ian tsunami. amm hahs pledging22
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million to help rebuild ho india, whichs unami has destroye reporter:nd she can aord to be gene. 200 heroundatn rak in whoing 8 millio the organization'sved costs are nimal,hanks in part to decad deteesho work arothe cck. aryopaid at l? >> no. wee alere o a voluntary basis d servg outf the tivaon to help oereople. >> repter:heighlight life in the wn is when amma emerges,o receive the tens o thounds of daiisits and gi out the hugs whh have ma her so faus. as ammkes her dete in her ms, the ououring she inspires is amazing. her saris stain with the sweat and tes ofheir emotions. it seems only fitting to experience the hug fir-hand. ♪
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thers no spiritual thunder bolt to spea, but its certainly the nice hug i've ev fm straer warm a unrhed, despite the lo line. she holdse clo like a ild. for rsme visitor jay brian,s a transformative exri, and well worth the long journey fflor >> jt being enrtured byer hen she ed at me th we madeye to contact, face to ceand it wn'ju a it a connecti >> rorter: is just ma's hs that aovinmore and moremecans to visit the town. in her home st t gornmentaunchea massive caaigncatalizing on therowi puly of spirtourism,bing
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itselfod'swn country yogi's beam wn fm billbo, promising to ce your le inust days. hell hi.>> amma kes no succlaims. when we armmoned f rare opportunitto talk th her, she ughs off the suggeion at s ia sain here's ndiffence bet creation a g,"he tells me. "it's like theaves in e ea though torms are differe thre one." ma sees go everyg. her ling quarts e derad with aicture of jesus chris, a men nora and a rse from tan. "no matterhat cuure, love i the same. firethe sa, it giv at." wh makes y h people? "it's likeing a river why it flows, or the sun y itives light," she says.
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its am'saturto give love. she items methe sa pontial is within all us. rhaps thathy so many are inspired to come to thtown, ave theives and devote themselveso this extraordinary being lf a worwa put their fai in something as simple love, and the power ofhe h tou. for "nightne,"'m clariss wardnindia. o, tt's a whole pheno based hs and charity. our anks to classa ward, on too. wh we comeack, fro faitto od. thins suddenlyn in the kitchen, but can can trust a inny cf? th foofor thought is tonight'"sign the times."
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tryinto be good our het? so icampbell's healy reest soup. w inat and cholester art healthy leve of sodium and ste u'll l gu mmmm! chefwe're kd of excited ou. nounr: campbell's healy reest. invests are dendinmoreor theirey . this te, 'm watching fe lika ha. i hateiddefees. why shou i have pay for sething at i shouldn' to y fo tdritrade' prin cle
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and it's raigforward... it's speld ouupfront. no hidden fees... no bait and itch. gotchas.d there'one flat re for onne eity ades... fobig coun.. or sma one that's e wa itughto be. timeor fsh tnking. ime for td ameriade.
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>> ann nnouncer"nightline continues from wngtoth terry moran. >> s let's talk about food, and e op wake it. we live in an a of celty chefs, andot sprisgly, ma othem enjoyg,s mu as th dcooking. for some, all that extra
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time autter in t kitchen haled extra large che whes. for e supersized, it'se wnze, and for remy hubbarkinnefs are a "sign the tes." >>eporr:ourmets. >>hat theyay in france, u cann trust a skinny chef >> reporter: thehold apecial ple in our chesterol-filled hearts. >> delicious. >> big. >> rorr: we tm y, like cesare casella. a the fat ime. >> repte it's 00 a.m. in his w york city op, a plac filledh meat a pignd meat anr eakfast, he'sarngs slices oa 4 pounpig. u aut fat le it's a good thing. >> the f is a ntasc g. ite you happ
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happy. yeah repr: hustomers expe to be f a they equate it wa meal. but tely, she's coat has be fitng little too tight.>>his is a x lae. >> they don'getbigg. >> reporter: so, hstting weht waters. and if you looou, it seems likee's not alone. latelythe largerhali lebrity gomapes aren qui so lge. bobby flay a mario bah tally are noticeably thinner. aln brown st 50 pounds. rocco dispirito lost 4 pounds. jacques torres30. 2008hef ofheeamichael sillpsilakisost 80 pounds. >>ome on out, art. >>eporter: a oprahevealed the neart, her forr persol , w 85 pous lighte >> i jusfelt tt, hey, i ha
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do somethin i was cewithiabetes,oo, and i was like, okayyou know y have to dsomeing. 's about bei responsible. ay, yoha responsible drinking. heo,espoible eating. we're going to lethicook for abt 20, 25 mutes. >> repor over a pot of low calorie gum bah liyae asked hand hisebty chef friendmit bear se blame for the sursizing amer isuratheir f with tv s anbest-sling book they are the culinary ave lentf ro stars that's wh i'malng about. >> reporte ty eld gnificant cuuralnfence. you gu havttenhe message th ameri is ady to get alier. >>ost definite. but i also believe that america has spoken, and thsang, y,e reallyreally nee inhe begning, when i start ou i really didn't think i
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d do it, ahe were op in my life at we lin't know iyou cado , but yoow what, i did it. >> repte of ursevanity py some rol member, thesshes are on tv, and that cliche about the camera adng ten pnd art says it's true. >> one time indid the oprah show and theyaid, y kw, a, why n't you chan tolor ofour jacket. wearlue jacks cause e everything. i wore a pplone. honey, i thought welch's w going to come aneze me. i looked lbig grap my familys made up of gat southe cks. natapplem lood t on "the next iron chef" but tis wh he looked ljust a coupf ars ago. >> i was a 245 pounds, 40-inch is i big. i haalways been big since waa ild. d ju something ccked when i had a so i tht -i want e arou for him. i wa to beble toave the energy tnot make exces to goto the pyground. i want to be that dad o is willing to do atever it kes
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to make sonappy. we're gog toatmeal t the wate >> repor he's out ope a staunt in new yo with soealthy optio. >> it's d to say, t the ol adof, you know, never trus a skin chef is -- thas thwn out the windo bui will say tre -- you kn, it's -- in ts instry, you don'get loof respect, i would say,you're a bigr guy. >> repter: reay? know,t's nd ocontry to, you know, what youieve, but it's aually tr. alrigh >> repter: for he whipped is new daily breakst >> it's t prtybut stes good. i haven't had a doug in 2 2 yea >> rely? dowe turn to them forn es is the t. much more avor. >>epter:e li so. in fact, he's on srted weight watchers le a few poundso he c gain them rig back. he wan to make room for even
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more meat. >> oka the 21s i lose 20 ds. >> reporr:0 un in a month? yeah. >> and no mo pig cheek? >> forne month.>>eporr:fterllhe only carries weight whis customers when he caies a lot of weight. i'm remyubrd f ightline" in york. >> pigek. mmm. all that temptn everywre they look. thanks tjeremy hubba for th. beight back. but first, jimmy kiml with at coming up next on a >> jimthes, terr ming up, ely bntb. smoove and mic fm edits. so, stay up and i estc
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