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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  November 8, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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well, today someone did. the obama administration issued new rules that will improve access to care for 62 million americans. it's an idea the president said he would impose himself by executive order after congress declined to pass gun control legislation. the move comes after the movie massacre in colorado that left 12 dead, the shootings in newtown, connecticut, that killed 27, the washington navy yard attack in which 12 died, and the shooting at l.a.x. one week ago. 88 dead in 12 mass shootings in just over a year. major garrett is at the white house with more on what all this means. major? >> reporter: scott, mental health professionals have sought this change for decades, both to improve treatment and to lift aa long-standing stigma. today's announcement means insurance companies must now provide the same benefit coverage for illnesses of the mind they have long provided by for every other kind of illness. in atlanta today, health and
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human services secretary kathleen sebelius described a new world for those suffering from mental illness or substance abuse. >> imagine what it would mean if people felt as comfortable saying they were going for counseling as they do saying they're going for a flu shot or physical therapy. >> reporter: patients with broken bones or heart attack symptoms are routinely admitted to emergency rooms and insurers are contacted later. before today, patients reporting severe depression or suicidal tendencies often had to be approved by insurance companies before they were admitted. treatment could be delayed or coverage denied. now that disparity will no longer exist. the new rules are a result of obamacare and a 2008 law that called for mental health parity. they're also the last of 23 executive actions to reduce gun violence that president obama took when congress voted against stricter gun control legislation after the sandy hook school shooting. these new rules also forbid insurers from denying coverage
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for out-of-state treatment of mental illness or substance abuse. scott, this means these patients can now travel for treatment in the same way patients suffering from cancer or other ailments have been able to for years. >> pelley: major, thanks very much. in the latest mass shooting, the t.s.a. officer killed last week was remembered today. at l.a.x. and airports across the country, normally bustling security lines came to a halt as screeners and passengers bowed their heads in honor of t.s.a. officer tkpwer rar doe hernand hernandez. moving to the economy, today's jobs report beat expectations. the labor department said 204,000 jobs were created in october in spite of the government shutdown that lasted 16 days. the unemployment rate did tick up one-tenth of one point to 7.3%, but that was because furloughed federal workers were
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counted among those who were out of work. the news gave wall street a lift. the dow gained 167 points today to close at 15,761, another all-time high. anthony mason takes a look. >> reporter: the job market shrugged off the government shutdown. not only was hiring stronger than expected in october, august and september were revised up as well, adding another 60,000 jobs to the economy. and with the holidays approaching, the help-wanted sign is going up at retailers. amazon is adding 70,000 seasonal workers to help pack and ship customer orders says kelly cheeseman. >> it's a 40% increase over last year and we expect that thousands of those employees will stay on in long-term roles. >> reporter: wal-mart, the nation's biggest private employer, will add 55,000 jobs. up 10% from last year. toys "r" us, 45,000, the same as 2012. but target, with 70,000 hires,
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is cutting its holiday work force by 20%. overall, this year's seasonal hiring is expected to about equal last year's as the economy refuses to kick into overdrive. >> it's not particularly robust but i don't see it as particularly fragile, either. >> reporter: dean mack zi chief u.s. economist at barkley's. >> we think next year is somewhat better than this year but it won't be a sea change where we're booming again. >> reporter: the jobs number was not severely affected by the shutdown because most employees remained on the payroll but, scott, the federal government did shed another 12,000 jobs last month. >> pelley: anthony, thanks very much. now, for a more complete picture, we want to show you the underemployed numbers we got today. when you add the number of unemployed with those who can find only part-time work and those who've given up looking the number comes to 21.6 million americans. the percentage of americans in the labor force-- either working or looking-- fell last month to
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a 35-year low. today one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall howled across the philippines, reeking havoc. typhoon haiyan is 75 miles wide, that's smaller than hurricane katrina but with much stronger winds. seth doane has the latest. >> reporter: winds approaching 150 miles an hour and blinding rain battered coastal villages in central and southern philippines, flooding and downed trees made roads impassable. this town on cebu island was reduced to scrap wood. rough seas tossed a crew of 15 from a barge off the. coast. rescuers were unable to save one man thrown overboard. the typhoon was moving quickly, at about 25 miles per hour, so fast it may have limited the
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mudslides and severe flooding, a major cause of deaths. the full extent of the damage won't be known for days. fears about the storms high winds meant more than 700,000 were e evacuated ahead of the tie phone, that included those living in shelters after a 7.2 earthquake shook the area last month. joe curry is an aid worker with catholic relief services in the philippines. >> yesterday there were tremors, in the past few weeks there's been a lot of aftershocks, people are afraid to go back to their houses. there isn't much choice. people had to evacuate to schools, government buildings. some which had been compromised by the earthquake. >> reporter: the storm is expected to pick up strength as it heads out into the south china sea. vietnam is expected to get a direct hit this weekend and then, scott, it's heading here to china where officials have already warned people of high
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seas and monster waves. >> pelley: seth, thank you very much. there are reports tonight of major progress to work out a deal with iran over its nuclear program. iran is hoping to ease is sanctions that have crippled its economy. well, tonight secretary of state john kerry and european diplomats are in geneva trying to iron out details. liz palmer is there. liz? >> reporter: g, scott. well, it's after midnight here in switzerland and secretary kerry just came out of his meeting, face to face meeting with iran's foreign minister an hour ago. they met for more than four hours. the iranians are saying these talks are at a critical stage and i met one of the iranian politicians in the elevator just a short while ago. he said they were looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow morning. the diplomatic firepower being marshalled is impressive. we've now got the foreign ministers of britain, france, germany and russia all suddenly changing their plans to be here in geneva.
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we should underline that any agreement that is reached -- if it is reached, that is, is going to be a preliminary one. concessions on both sides just to establish some trust and set the stage for the real wrufp more complex talks that would lead to a grand bargain. iran curbs its nuclear program in return for the lifting of sanctions by the united states and europe. those talks are still many months away. >> pelley: liz palmer at the talks in geneva. liz, thank you. the idea of rushing to a deal worries skeptics, including israel, saudi arabia, and at least one former u.s. defense secretary. bob schieffer sat down with leon panetta for "face the nation." >> let me ask you first about this situation on iran? what as you understand it is in this agreement that they're talking about? >> well, i really don't know particulars but i think we've got to be very careful and very skeptical. iran is a country that has promoted terrorism.
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they've had a hidden enrichment facility that we had to find out about so we have to make sure that even with some kind of interim agreement that we know what the next steps are going to be in order to ensuring that they really stand by their word. >> pelley: bob will have more of his interview with leon panetta this sunday on "face the nation." today the cbs news magazine "60 minutes" said it no longer has confidence in one of the sources used in a report about the 2012 terrorist attack on the u.s. diplomatic mission in benghazi, libya. in one of the interviews for that story, correspondent lara logan spoke to dylan davies, a consultant who managed security outside the u.s. compound. davies said he went to the scene during the attack and identified the body of ambassador christopher stevens in a hospital. davies told "60 minutes" he had given the same details to the f.b.i. but last night federal law
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enforcement sources told cbs news that in the f.b.i. interview davies told the agents that he did not go to the compound that night or to the hospital. part of davies' interview also appeared on this broadcast. lara logan said this on cbs "this morning." >> and after our report aired, questions were raised about whether his account was real after an incident report surfaced that told a different story about what he'd done that night. and, you know, he denied that report and he said that he told the f.b.i. the same story that he had told us. but what we now know is that he told the f.b.i. a different story to what he told us and, you know, that was the moment for us when we realized that we no longer had confidence in our source and that we were wrong to put him on air and we apologize to our viewers. >> pelley: dylan davies wrote
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a book about the attack. today the publisher of that book, simon & schuster, a division of cbs, stopped publication and ordered stores to return the books. the player who quit the miami dolphins claims a teammate physically attacked him. and the new world trade center lights up the sky when the "cbs evening news" continues. congested. beat down. crushed. as if the weight of the world is resting on your face. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. so you feel free. liberated. released. decongested. open for business. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] powerful sinus relief from the #1 pharmacist recommended brand. sudafed. open up. [ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums.
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>> pelley: today we learned that miami dolphins lineman
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jonathan martin will tell his story to the n.f.l.'s special investigator next week. martin left the dolphins amid allegations that he was harassed by teammate richie incognito. jim axelrod has more. >> reporter: this is the first sighting of jonathan martin since he left the miami dolphins. seen outside his parents' home in southern california. the latest statement from his lawyer, david corn well, said: but dolphin players defend richie incog veto, the suspended lineman alleged to be his tormenter. dmitri patterson is with the n.f.l. >> n.f.l. environment is different. it's not like a corporate america setting. it's different. it's a little different so things that guys take as a joke in here people may take serious outside. >> reporter: the dispute is playing out now as a series of
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dueling accounts and images, painting two portraits of incognito. one, the jocular teammate sitting with a smiling martin on a team flight. the other a bully repeatedly crossing the line, illustrated by this this complaint made to police by a volunteer at a dolphins charity golf tournament last year. the volunteer accused incognito of acting inappropriately, touching her body with a golf club. no charges were filed, but at least one former dolphin at the tournament apologized to the woman. we reached out to incognito and his agent today to ask about these allegations. there was no response. we can report, though, that incognito is also in southern california tonight. that's where, scott, his agent is based. >> pelley: jim axelrod at the dolphins' facility tonight. jim, thank you. this evening, new york city was treated to some light show. crews tested the lights on the 400 foot spire atop one world
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trade center, the former site of the twin towers. the spire reaches to 1776 feet and the illuminated beacon can be seen from 50 miles away. we'll boo b right back. [ doctor ] and in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. way to go, crestor! yeah! getting to goal is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors. because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. go, crestor! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah
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>> pelley: today the president had this to say about problems with the obamacare web site during a speech in new orleans: >> i promise you, nobody's been more frustrated. i wanted to go in and fix it myself but i don't write code.
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>> pelley: well, plenty of programmers do write code and three of them have created their own web site that addresses some of the most annoying problems with john blackstone takes a look. >> reporter: in a san francisco office shared with other tech startups, three guys in their 20s saw as a challenge. this was a weekend project for you? >> weekends and evening, yup. >> reporter: with a few late nights, ning liang, george kalogeropoulos and jeffrey zeints formed it solves one of the biggest problems with the government site. >> they have it backwards in terms of what people want up front. >> reporter: people want up front -- >> prices and benefits so they can make the decision. so come to our web site, put in your zip code, in this case i put in a california zip code, you hit "find plans" and you immediately see the exchange plans available for that zip code. >> reporter: they have plenty of experience working at places like twitter and microsoft
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before setting out to build their own internet companies, but this project is a public service. >> there was no thoughts of, well, how do we make money with this? it's like this is a problem we know we can solve in a short period of time so let's just do it. >> reporter: using information buried in the government's own web site built by high-priced government contractors, they found a simpler way to present it to users. >> that's the great thing about having such a small team. you sit around a table and say "okay, how does this work? there's no coordination meetings or planning sessions, let's read the document and implement this." >> reporter: and the features keep coming. i looked at your web site and that tax subsidy section wasn't in there. >> we added this last night. >> reporter: that's supposed to be one of the more complicated parts of is working out what the subsidy will be. >> the subsidy calculation is fairly complicated but it wasn't too bad. >> reporter: you can't actually enroll on the site but they provide contact information for companies offering the plans.
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users who find a plan they like can go directly to the insurance company, scott, without ever using >> pelley: john blackstone, thank you, john. a hero was too embarrassed to share his secret. "on the road" with steve hartman is next. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more
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>> pelley: finally tonight, an old war veteran didn't want to close the book on his life until he conquered his toughest foe. steve hartman takes us back for another visit "on the road." >> reporter: inside a single-wide in cookson, oklahoma, a tortured soul lives alone. >> it's a hard life, let me tell you. but you ain't never lived hard until you go through what i've been through. >> reporter: 90-year-old ed bray served in world war ii. he was at normandy on d-day, has two purple hearts and more than a dozen other medals. but when we first met him in march he couldn't even read what they were for. not because it was too painful, but because he simply couldn't read. you know what that word is
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e-u-r-o-p-e? >> no. toughest thing that ever happened to me in my life is not being able to read. >> reporter: you said you were at normandy, though. >> yes. >> reporter: illiteracy can be that damning. >> i've covered this up for 80 years. nobody in this town knows i can't read. >> reporter: until he retired ed worked a civilian job at an air force base refueling planes. a coworker helped him with the forms and what not. at home his wife covered for him for 62 years until she died in '09. since then, ed has managed okay, but the soldier in him still refuses to surrender. >> i wanted to read one book. i don't care if it's about mickey mouse! i want to read one book before i die. >> over the years ed says many people have tried to school him but invariably either the teacher or student would get frustrated and give up. a few months ago a friend suggested he see a professor of reading education here at oklahoma's northeastern state university. >> he told me i was wasting my
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time. and i said "well, we'll just sit and chat a couple times a week, is that okay?" >> reporter: tobi thompson said their talks gave way to flash cards. >> everything started clicking. >> he got good at the sight words. >> one. >> reporter: the real breakthrough came in february when, at the age of 89, ed bray read this book about george washington. >> it gave me goose bumps and it still does. it still does. >> reporter: he read three more that week and though they were just third level biographies each one had the same dramatic ending. >> did you ever think you'd read that? >> this has change mid-whole life. i'm not the same guy i was when i started with tobi. i'm a different man now. >> reporter: today ed is at a sixth grade level and can now enjoy many of the benefits literacy provides. most notably -- >> this is ed bray!
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>> reporter: -- karaoke. ♪ make the world go away -- >> reporteriwe asked for him tos and read but he does it often. he said it has given him tremendous confidence. >> get in there and learn, baby, now. because you ain't gonna learn in that pine box! >> reporter: just learned to read and already a poet. >> and that's the truth! >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road" in cookson, oklahoma. >> pelley: before we go we want to note that texas christian university today named its college of communication in honor of our bob schieffer, a t.c.u. alum. congratulations, bob. that's the cbs news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. see you sunday on "60 minutes."
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tom cruise admits that katie left him in part because of scientology. >> and what we found inside his just-released court deposition. i'm nancy o'dell. >> i'm rob marciano. >> he just opened up the pandora's box. >> tom suing over headlines he chose scientology over suri. why didn't he see his daughter for 110 days? his admissions under oath in tonight's top story. >> plus, where we found tom's little girl with mom katie today. then -- suri in the paparazzi crosshairs.


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