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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  August 17, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

11:00 pm
11:01 pm
(club music playing)
11:02 pm
(gunshot) (women scream)
11:03 pm
♪ there's hope (man on radio chattering indistinctly) man over radio: f1 to zebra, tap1 to zebra. let's all be out on standby. roger. (indistinct chattering) i think north-northeast, 40 knots six. about two clicks past the point of prediction.
11:04 pm
cop 1: delta team, delta team. he's about 50 meters away. can you see? cop 2: delta. copy that. (camera humming) he's headed your way. he's headed your way. he's on the move. let's all be out on standby. roger. pick him up right now. all right, let's roll.
11:05 pm
(machine hums) (sniffs) (guns cocking) (exclaims) (shouting)
11:06 pm
hold your fire! hold your fire! everybody hold back out there! hold back! let him run. he ain't going anywhere. (siren blares) (tires squeal) back away! back away! get it out of here! go on, get it out!
11:07 pm
go! they're gone. nobody's gonna hurt you. put that gun down. put it down. don't make me. (screams)
11:08 pm
let's say you're shopping at lowe's and you remember you need some replacement line for your string trimmer. but what gauge line do you need? no clue. i guess you could call your wife. no, no. it can't be that thick. not like a big straw. like a little coffee stirrer straw. a little thinner maybe. check out the awesomeness of mylowe's. it keeps track of everything you buy so you and your wife don't have to. that's awesome. [ male announcer ] we scan. mylowe's remembers. your life gets easier. mylowe's. sign up in your lowe's store today. lowe's. never stop improving. [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. ♪ school's out for summer [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna need a lot of stuff. stock up now and get 15% off school supplies
11:09 pm
through september 21st when you buy a back to school savings pass. staples. that was easy. the car he drives, and the chips he loves. ♪ yah! ah! [ male announcer ] ruffles ultimate presents... ♪ [ crunches ] ..."tangy honey mustard." deeper ridges for ultimate flavor.
11:10 pm
..."tangy honey mustard." ♪ the smartest people in the world know smart begins with better sleep, and better sleep begins with comforpedic, the better memory foam™. from the really smart people at beautyrest. but when you have [ a picky eater... ] enjoying breakfast together is a pretwon't touch this.g. it can be a bit of a dance. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together.
11:11 pm
can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. no-charge scheduled maintenance. check. and here's the kicker... 0% apr for 60 months. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. that's right... [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering.
11:12 pm
could be considered inappropriate for a murderer to appear at his victim's burial, detective. just here to pay my respects. respect? for the blood of my child?
11:13 pm
my orphaned grandson? your son made his choice. and you make your choice, detective. today you choose to pursue a vendetta against me. against my family. detective, your position offers you far more opportunity for arrogance than safety. (sirens blaring) (firecrackers exploding) (jaan playing)
11:14 pm
(in cantonese)
11:15 pm
my son is dead. my condolences. (exhales deeply) a child is irreplaceable.
11:16 pm
which brings us to your task. it involves a cop. that's why we want an outsider. after that, your obligation to me ends.
11:17 pm
11:18 pm
11:19 pm
stevie: dad, come on. does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. a dry mouth isn't. wherever your sutwist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ female announcer ] volume without fear of clumps. covergirl clump crusher. big green brush, curved to crush.
11:20 pm
200% more volume. zero clumps. clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. your life is a game of chance. chronic migraine, but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins.
11:21 pm
put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred.
11:22 pm
before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work.
11:23 pm
(in cantonese)
11:24 pm
11:25 pm
11:26 pm
there's been a problem. (cell phone ringing) yeah, this is eddie. eddie, it's john. hey, what happened? the piece wasn't where i left it? i put it there myself. it was there. i need a passport. can you help me? yeah, i'll just call bob brewer. no problem. no. he works for mr. wei. everybody works for wei. what do you want? i want someone who doesn't. (sighs) i know this broad. i try not to use her too much 'cause she's a pain in the rear, you know what i mean? her name's meg coburn. meg coburn? yeah, she's in the auto building, you know? i'll hook you up in the morning. where you gonna be? better if you don't know. all right, johnny boy. watch your back, huh?
11:27 pm
(sirens blaring) (makes me wanna die playing) (doorbell buzzes) meg: yeah? meg coburn? never heard of her.
11:28 pm
eddie. eddie sent me. great. all right. well, just hang on a second. (clicks) all right, come on in. (buzzes) can i help you? i need a package. a package? what's the package? papers, you know?
11:29 pm
no, i don't know. i'm kind of slow that way, so i think you're gonna have to be very specific. i want forged documents to china. okay. you said "forged." we'll do it. now have a seat. or not. i don't have much time. all right. china? mainland? well, what you need is gonna cost you. at least a grand. how soon did you say you needed this?
11:30 pm
from here i go to the airport. one hour. that soon? all right, back up. you have to back up because i'm taking your picture. it won't come out. smile and say "flight from prosecution." okay, what's your name? john. and? john lee. thank you. you sure you want john lee? 'cause aren't there like a billion john lees in china? yeah, all right. john lee it is.
11:31 pm
i can fix that. (buzzes) yeah? meg coburn? never heard of her. (exclaims)
11:32 pm
11:33 pm
(gun cocks) this way! (gagging) (siren blares) (grunts)
11:34 pm
cop: all right, hold it right there! ♪ over a thousand styles hundreds of fits dozens of washes and one very happy you. sears has the brands you love. so you found a few yeah, a few don't miss the big one day sale this saturday. and at sears, members earn points on every qualifying purchase. this is the jean scene. this is sears. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. you love it. you've gotta have it. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible.


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