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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  July 14, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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it's 6:00 and there's a lot of left over rain. it could affect your drive. we'll have the latest of the first warning weather. sharon, check this out. look at the flow.
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i mean, winds are calm. that's not the wind moving the water. and that's water moving itself. we'll show you the rain from the overnight. and why that flow is heavy, we, we basically got drenched, particularly around 2:00, 3:00, and that's hitting the streams, creeks and rivers around the area about this time i'm expecting the next time we get the graphic, that's the flood watch for cecil county. it will be extended or ending right now. throughout the day, we'll keep the chance of a few thunderstorms and pop up showers in the forecast with a high of 90 and 73 degrees now. so, what's the rain done to the rush, here's sharon with traffic control. >> well, the latest problem is probably not weather related. it's a disabled vehicle in the fort mchenry tunnel.
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on 895, another accident and a downed tree in white hall. and green street and main street and standing water on the jfx at the southbound lanes at the base of the northern parkway onramp. all lanes are open. and there's a live look at the beltway. everything is looking good on the jfx north of the beltway. remember, wjz-13 is always on, for traffic information any time, go to don, back to you. >> here's what people are talking about today. wounded in a terrorist attack in uganda. a 16-year-old is scheduled for surgery to repair her leg. >> reporter: the maryland teen injured in the terrorist attack
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is with the missionaries from this church in pennsylvania. they're praying for her quick recovery. the suicide bombing at this restaurant injured this 16-year- old from howard county and six other missionaries traveling with her grandmother's church in pennsylvania. >> i'm thankful to be alive. because, if i was sitting two seats to the left, i would have lost my life. >> faith kept the congregation together and they plan to continue the work in uganda. >> we see what happens when evil is so prevalent that danger lurks. we have to face that. >> reporter: this church member's son also suffered injuries in the explosions. >> he had a hole in his leg and you could see the bone and he couldn't see out of his left eye. >> the phones are ringing constantly and folks around the
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country are sending e-mails to us offering prayers and encouragement. >> reporter: members of the group could have come home days earlier, but chose to stay. >> that says something about the generosity of her spirit. >> reporter: all are expected to survive. >> what's up guys, it's your old friendnate. >> reporter: he was killed in the blast. >> even when bad things happen to good people, god is still good. and four are behind bars after police found a suicide vest in a disco hall in uganda. a suspected rapist is back behind bars this morning after
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he was released from jill. the police tracked him down on east chase street. he's accused of raping a woman in herring run park. he's also investigated for a separate sexual assault. now, a month after the hell train stranded passengers in the sweltering heat, the mta is extending an offer to the passengers. andrea fujii has more. >> reporter: good morning don and everyone. the mta is giving out vip day passes to those 900 or so passengers allowing them to ride for free. some are wondering whether that's enough. >> reporter: it was june 21st, maryland was in the middle of a record breaking heat wave and the taken broke down for two hours.
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they had no air-conditioning and no water. >> reporter: two went to the hospital. >> it was hot. >> reporter: now, the maryland administration is offering them five vip passes. each is good for a free round trip train. >> i think they can be hit miss and they've tried with some of the hot weather. at times, they have to back up and bus people around and miss stops and everything. >> reporter: the family and friends can also use them and the mta says they cannot be sold. >> we're trying to find out why they have a problem and who do we need to talk to. >> reporter: the passes would be worth $70 what about the frequent commuters who buy monthly pass. the sun questioned whether the cards would be of much value. they'll have to give up their unlimited monthly pass.
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that means their new total bill would be saving $17. now, the mta blamed the break down on the hot weather that day and since has had two notable break downs since the hell train. and officials responded by having the emergency locomotives on stand by. thank you, andrea. if this 19-year-old federal authorities investigating lance armstrong issued grand jury subpoenas.
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they're considered a significant step into the investigation. it started this year when floyd landis said they engaged in doping together in the mid- 2000s. armstrong denies it. the baseball world honored the yankee's owner after he passed away. >> in his memory, please join us for a moment of silence. >> he's credited with rebuilding the dynasty into a billion dollars business. however, he'll be remembered for winning seven championships. he expected perfection and that rubbed off on the players.
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it made a difference. >> he died from a heart attack in tampa florida. in 2008, his son, hal assumed the operations of the pinstripes. the 2010 all-star game is in the books and this time, the sun set on the new champions. check out the scene in anaheim, california. the sun is literally setting on the horizon. brian mccann gave the national league their first victory. and some baltimore city public school students will get a opportunity to swim with michael phelps today. the olympic gold medalist will give the students a lessons. it's part of the summer learning program and the michael phelps swim school.
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60 students will be given lessons. who better to get them from. >> i would like to hear the number one statement he would make when teaching someone who doesn't know how to swim how to swim it would be interesting. >> yeah. >> next time he's on, we'll ask that. we'll make a mental note. that would fascinate me. here's how you do it. >> and let's take a look at the day part and the first warning doppler. we shall had the -- [low audio]
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>> 73 degrees now 85 at lunch and 89 this evening , this afternoon and evening, maybe a pop up showers. and here's the radar. the heavy, steady rain is overnight and we've dropped the flash flood watch. here's the shot i was talking about. once again, look at the trees. that water moving is because of volume. and you can see all of these. >> i call them branches. they're in the water. >> it's not like there's a flash flood flow. that's a big body of water moving that slow. ron, good morning, how are you. well, that's the back river. man, they have a lot more water in there last night. we'll talk about that and the clean upunder way. lots of things going on here in essex. we'll tell you about it when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on.
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we're not done with the rain, but, we're done with the heaviest rain. we had a ton of rain moving over the area at 2:00 a.m. and we had for a time around the metro, flash flood warnings in effect. the last advisory was for cecil county, a flash flood watch. that was dropped at 6:00. we're talking about, this day, it's going to be a cloudy morning and maybe a few pop up showers and thundershowers. then, this evening, we'll get back to vacation weather and what we're talking about would be 55 at -- 85 at lunch and going for a high of 90. look at the calm winds in the
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background -- --] umid [low low audio [ the mid-to upper 70s in ocean city and back down to 73 in bel air and 73 in westminster and down to 74 and columbia, annapolis and kent island, all at 74 degrees. and look at this low rotating to and eventually through the area. that low is -- well, that energy is sitting to the west for the past few days and that's giving us the rain we've needed. now, it's back to vacation weather. as the high pressure sitting in [low audio] we'll keep it in the low
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90s friday and saturday and sunday. a chance of thundershowers on saturday and sunday. don, take it away. what awaits you on the way to work, here's sharon. >> good morning, everyone. we have a few problems that could get in your way, including a new accident. watch for it here on middle burro road. there's a wreck on fullton at brownsburg. take haul shop road instead. we have standing water on the jfx also at the base of the northern parkway onramp. watch for about six inches of water in the road there. there's a live look at the topside of the beltway. still, that's empty. a quiet ride on the jfx and the same goes for 95. a little busier and traffic's at full speed.
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>> this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. marty and don, back to you. >> let's go to the ronster. next to middle river. >> that's correct, that's correct. don, marty, good morning, we're live in essex this morning. you know, back river is one of the most beautiful waterways in maryland and for many years, it's been a dumping ground and now, change is coming. >> reporter: on the shore, on land, and on the water, for the past few weeks, workers and volunteers are cleaning up back river. >> i think the time is now. we have county support and local political support to finally clean the river up. >> reporter: they've had a trash problem for more than half of a century, 400 tires washing down this year.
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workers like molly williams and ben moore. >> i'm a biology major and everything i've learned in school directly applies to what i'm doing here. >> like, i write about the issues all of the time and i research it, but i've never had a opportunity to go out and make a difference. >> reporter: a difference that people are begining to see. >> there was always trash and stuff like that and the crabs are here now. >> reporter: now that all of the tires are retrieved, what happens next? >> the county will work with a contractor to have the tires recycle. they'll be properly disposed of. >> reporter: tomorrow is the back river clean up. >> and we're trying to improve the bay and this is where it begins. here, in the community. >> reporter: and we're back, live here in essex on the shores of the back river with
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some of the gentlemen involved in saturday's clean upand we have another one in october. jerry, you had a ton of people out here. yes, and you have to thank the volunteers and we had seven dumpsters. and i know, last year, they gathered 60-tons of material. i know they haven't counted it this year, but it's a lot of >> it's probably in the range of around 25-tons right now. we'll get the figured next week. >> delegate mike weir is here. there's a boom at the head waters here, correct? >> yes, 700-foot boom put in march and you can take a look right out here now. after a storm, this river would be covered with bottles and cans. that's pick it up. thank you, mike. >> we appreciate it.
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>> sam, good to see you. you're seeing changes. yes, big changes. and i've lived here my whole life and it's an incredible change. guys, this was unwritten by the chesapeake bay trust and we have another clean yum coming up in october and we'll tell you all about i. we're live in essex, it's close out here. >> man, i think that's my weather lead of how humid it really is. >> well, closer than close. and we'll have a great day and see you tomorrow. done. >> and the figure that rings out, 402 tires. they didn't get there by accident. >> well said. >> and coming up next on the morning edition. >> it's this lady's lucky day,
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she just won the lottery and she just won the lottery and this check is hers. ,,,,,, he inherited a $1.7 billion budget deficit... then an economic crisis. but martin o'malley went to work. cutting $5 billion in waste and government spending, while also making opportunities for middle class families
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a priority. freezing college tuition four years in a row, record investments in our schools, and tax credits for small businesses to create jobs. while other states are still struggling, martin o'malley is making the tough choices... to move maryland forward.
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when paula evans walked into the maryland lottery office yesterday, she had no idea she was the big winner. [ cheers and applause ] meet maryland's newest millionaire. >> i can't believe this. oh, my gosh! thank you, god. >> oh, my gosh! >> reporter: she sent in her scratch off ticket months ago and out of 44,000 entries, hers was picked. >> and i love multimatch, i get about $3 on that and i happened to say, okay, a million dollars, i'm going to buy a few. >> reporter: the maryland lottery awarded thousands and rarely do they get to surprise the winners. >> >> we love when we have big winners and a million dollars is still a pretty big win.
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>> reporter: she still takes home $657,000 after taxes. she's a single mom and she has three children. she won't be frivolous. >> i want to get my son through college and help my daughter and to take care of james, to make sure he receives the care he needs. >> reporter: and sharing the good news is half of the fun! heck yeah, baby! >> >> reporter: and there was hardly a dry eye in the crowd. this is one of the best days ever. my children are the best and this the second best thing. >> reporter: and she says she'll also use the winnings to help pay for her college classes towards the nursing degree. a great story, by the way and we'll tell you who didn't win last night. and still to come, another
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delay down south. i'm tara mergener in washington. the government is temporarily pulled the plug on testing a new cap that could be able to fix the oil spill in the gulf. getting a pass, the mta hands out free rides to some customers after the hell train ride that stranded 900 people in the sweltering heat. still no delays and we have more issues on the bellway. we'll tell you about that coming up. coming up on coffee with, a man who looks great in hi-def. those tattoos are popping with the new technology. yes, yes. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is jim hall. we have something in common, we both like to express ourselves. you'll meet a guy who who's a work of art and someone who sees the big picture and who
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can make your city happen. a fascinating story. >> oh, baltimore is wonderful, i would have worked for free -- >> but don't take it back. >> but i didn't. >> it's coffee with at 6:45. ,,,
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boss: and now i'll turn it over to the gecko. gecko: ah, thank you, sir. as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as motorcycle insurance... oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? um...maybe that one. ♪ (dance music plays) boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we were on motorcycle insurance. anncr: take fifteen minutes to see how much you could save on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance.
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and here's first warning doppler weather radar. we have a clear scan in the area now. look at the photo, we'll throw it in motion. we had heavy and soaking rains and real problems around 2:00 a.m. the skies may be brightening and that's a good thing. familiarly, we have showers in the forecast. we could have showers around this morning. low to mid-70s now and high of 90. this evening, about 87 degrees. how about the rush. here's sharon. well, everything's running
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at full speed. we have a problem on the beltway and it's on the inner loop at the lock raven off ramp. apparently, sand is on the ramp and that could be slippery. otherwise, an accident at exst essex and a vehicle into a pole and an overturned vehicle in fullton. you can take haul shop road instead. standing water is still an issue on the onramp. that's at the base of the ramp there. there's a look at the drivetimes and the speeds. i think we can live with that speed. everything's running smoothly and that's busier than that was an hour ago. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. toyota, buy right the first time and you'll save more in the long run. at the top of the news,
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another containment delay. let's look at the new cap fitted over the broken well head. this time, the government is asking bp to stop moving so quickly. here's tara merger in reporting for wjz. >> reporter: engineers are trying to see if the cap can fix the oil. the government's point man for the spill wants to see more nap sis first. he calls for the delay after reviewing the data. experts say going slow makes sense. >> woe don't want to get in a hurry, the last time, that caused a problem and that's why we're here, because of the drilling folks getting in a hurry. >> reporter: and as the crisis drags on, more than half of americans disaprove of the way that president obama is handling it. the white house says they'll make the 5th visit to the gulf
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coast season. and it's not clear how soon the cap test goes on. a robotic sub will shut a third valve, called the choke line. >> and the well may be counter intuitive to some. in this exercise, the high pressure is good. there >> reporter: that means that the cap can shut off the leak. the oil could be escaping somewhere else. >> reporter: the wells are still bp's permanent fix. they haul it on the second relief well. and that's close to intercepting the blown well. bp hoped to stop shutting the well on the cap last night.
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two are in custody in the murder of albert row. one is a 35-year-old that used to work for hickman. police say her accomplice was a 23-year-old dante jeter. the workers have been terrified and are grateful for the arrests. i used to see teens outside. a couple of times, i asked the police to come before i came out of the car. >> reporter: he was found beaten to death in his office in 2006. no motive has been revealed. there were stranded in rail cars for two and a half hours and now, they're getting an offer from the mta. good morning, andrea. >> reporter: good morning, once again, don and good morning, once again, everyone. the mta continues to reassure
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their riders to the commitment of satisfaction, now, they're giving the passengers a peace offering. it was june 21st, maryland was in the midst of a heat wave and that's when this train broke down for two hours stranding the passengers in the high heat with no air-condition and no water. >> it was hot. >> reporter: now, the maryland transit administration is offering the passengers five vip passes. each is good for a free round trip on any marc train line. >> i think it works. >> reporter: family and friends will be able to use them, but they can't be sold. >> we need to find out why we're always having a problem. >> reporter: on a ride from
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penn station to union station, they would be worth $70, what about the frequent commuters? >> the baltimore sun questions whether or not the cards will be of much value. they'll have to give up their unlimited monthly pass. that cost $175 instead, purchase three weekly passes at $52 a piece. that means that the total bill would be about $17 cheaper. and amtrak has admitted to not putting the customers first that day. since then, the officials have prepared the locomotives and putting them on stand by and having water in trains in case of an emergency. and if you're on the train and want to download the form to get the pass, go to for it. in this morning's consumer watch, after the oring of the
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run away toyota vehicles, the ntsb says that some of the drivers were to fault. that suggests that the drivers were stepping on the accelerator instead of the brakes. it's not clear how many were studied. there's a big vote to pull the drug, avandia from the market. glaxosmithkline apparently covered up heart problems. the fda will make the final decision. the interim manager for the o's spoke with marc. there -- mark viviano. >> how have you felt that the players have dealt with you and your style of leadership.
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>> these guys are playing hard and great for me. i got nothing but praise for these guys. >> they've achieved nearly a -- and as for last night's game, the national league picked up the victory from 1996. the national league gave their only lead and he was named the mvp. we have a great coffee with coming up. >> i want you to look at the internet. i got this from the baltimore city paper. i try to read it every week. a whole lot is going on. they did a great story about a man that's a city planner. he organized for the community.
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he's tattooed himself from the top of his head to his toes in blue and black color. her's a beautiful interview. i said, you know what? the best coffee withs come from the backyard. we invited him to come in and talk about him. he's tattooed in blue and black, from head to toe. we have a web extra for you with him. [low audio] >> we have first warning weather and traffic coming up. , @ @@
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d.c., 75 and 76, pax river and now, down to 72 in west mincer and -- look at the low to the west. high pressure is going to build in from the northwest and back to vacation weather. and we have the rain we needed and now, we'll get back to summer fun. this day can't rule out a
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shower without a humid 90- degree high. overnight, we'll clear it out. and not all of the humidity will disappear. foggy overnight and 92 tomorrow and again, partly sunny and i'm not going to tell you, we're losing a ton of humidity, but enough. how about that? >> 93 friday and sunday and monday, 92 and 94 degrees. don? ready to hit the road? hi, don, good morning. not too much to get in the way. one of the bigger issues is some debris and it's not a big deal. there's apparently some sand on the end of the ramp. this is at middle burro road. we cleared up the accident in fullton and leading us with another problem on the jfx. that's at the end of the onramp. apparently, there's water in the road there. otherwise, we have no delays.
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the slowest spots on 795 and 95. there's a life look to the right at harford road and no delays there and everything's looking good. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. buy right the first time and you'll save more in the long run. back to you. >> well, thank you very much. every once in a while, the perks are you get to meet unique people. jim is fascinating and by the way, we have a web extra for you. a guy in a conservative job, city planner. really, in his career, he helped revitalize portions of baltimore and mt. vernon. he started to express himself and this morning's coffee with is with jim hall. ladies and gentlemen, welcome
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jim hall. eyewitness news' morning edition. you look great in hi-def. you look fantastic. i've explained to the audience, your history, would you say a past life or you continued. >> it's me, i'm proud of the old life, and it's behind me, this is a new way of getting older, a wonderful way. >> we'll do a web extra, if you have any ink, you'll want to go to the web extra. i'll ask him the ink questions, like, how is it on your eyelids. >> we'll go there online. >> and you were telling me, unlike the tattoos that i have or other, symbolic of things, yours is more art. >> yes, it really system
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>> explain it. >> i've had a part of me that needed to be me and independant. when i decided to do it. i wanted to do it my way. i broke all of the rules. people do them like this and it's very few colors. three colors totals. >> blue, black and red. yes, and that's a tv color. and what was the family of shapes of all over the body and how could i make it all work. and so, having like black objects on blue fields and blue objects on black fields. it gives all kinds of ideas of what it would look like in a different world. >> and to bring someone in
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without a tattoo, the tlc that it takes. i mean, you have to cream yourself. >> well, really. he stays out of sun. >> i had my first swim cancer from being a water baby as a child. and i stay out of the sun. that's the main thing. i treat it like a piece of skin. >> i don't do a skin care. >> i have less problems with getting the tattoos, i let them dry out. >> following up on marty's question, nothing is a symbol of your life and feelings. it's just art. > >> one symbol. >> well, three.
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>> and you said that like 95% of the people see it as favorable. >> actually, baltimorians are polite and neat. i have all kinds of stories that are wild. i was in mt. vernon square. little kids love it. i had trouble getting them into the bus and they're little and they brought out their phone cameras. i've been on 5 now camera pictures. >> you didn't expect that. >> yeah. the tattoo is for me, that's a personal thing and about being me, not didn't, but something like climbing a mountain. i climbed a very high mountain. >> and you're still jim hall.
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>> yes, especially and bubblely at times. >> and nothing wrong with that. >> it's just so, people are so nice to me, they put up with me at home. >> yeah, incredible. >> what a treat it has been. i have to tell you, you were really one of baltimore's treasures. first off, for the work to plan the city and saving buildings and conserving the history and first thing, man -- well you're the painted guy. >> and baltimore has a history of treat treating -- well, johnny x. what was that. >> well, he was carried on his brother's back and he did all of the circuses and he came back and this is his home. that's a tradition of baltimore. we'll go into the break and do
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the traffic control and first warning weather. we 'going to jump online where we have more time. >> okay, that's a deal. excellent. thank you. >> and you know -- >> well, i didn't mean to grab it like that. the other one, he recently did it. >> doesn't that get sore. >> yeah, i leave bandages on it the first few days. we'll continue that. >> yeah, ahh! >> we'll continue that after this. [ cheers and applause ] [ music throughout ] [ male announcer ] looking for a complete picture of your money?
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temperatures in the 60s now. -- in the 70s now. it will be hot and humid and a high of 90 degrees. we'll lose rain out of the forecast by tonight. now, over to sharon gibala. hi, sharon. we're starting to see the first delays of the morning. take a look at this, the topside is jammed at harford row and also, you'll want to watch for debris at lock raven and that's on the off ramp. two accidents now. one in essex and an accident in the city at east belvedere. and also, meantime, water in the road at the end of the north parkway onramp at rain den road. other i-woo, there's the speeds
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on the beltway. 49 miles per hour there and the topside, that's the slowest spot at 95 and 216. this is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you've suffered a personal injury, call for more. back to you. thank you, anne arundel police say that a four-year-old cold case is solved. two are in custody for a murder for dr. row. the murderer's accomplice was a 23-year-old. and the mta is trying to help out several trapped on the train on june 21st. they're being given five marc day passes. >> and still ahead, news and
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weather and the government ,,,,,
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