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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  June 29, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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standoff, a man wanted in baltimore barricades himself inside. heel low. i'm jessica kartalija. >> don scott. >> the standoff and arrest of a man in baltimore county. police are looking into whether he used gasoline to set a home on fire. wjz is live at the scene. mike hellgren has the latest developments. >> reporter: dpoof -- good afternoon. the man in custody is 54-year- old randall martin. you can see the quite extensive damage to this home. we're told by police no one inside was injured. wjz was on the scene of a fire that broke out around 4:00 this morning. people were inside the home at the time. it's in the 4300 block of norfolk avenue. police say there were reports that someone used a gas can to
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start the fire. investigators developed information that person lived in baltimore county. that's when they notified the police. >> he refused to come out. we were not sure if he had weapons. the fact that he barricaded himself in the house, we took some action in shutting down the area. >> reporter: the home is on bellmore road and they negotiated with the man until they ended the standoff. >> he is in custody. a warrant will be served. baltimore county officers will also sfer a warrant. >> reporter: police say they're looking into whether the man's wife was held against her will during the standoff. no officers were injured. >> hopefully we'll find out the motivation. >> reporter: another live look at the damage here in northwest baltimore. police tell us that mr. martin
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faces first degree arson charges and he is being held. reporting live in northwest baltimore. >> and stay with wjz and for instant updates on this story as it unfolds. we're following breaking news in harford county where the chopper is over the scene of a car crash. >> reporter: we're at route 42 in harford county. a two-vehicle accident has resulted in the fatality of one of the drivers. the other driver was transported to a local hospital. maryland state police do have route 152 closed about a mile either side of old joppa road. they're -- it's expected this road will be back open in the
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next hour. baltimore city will conduct a systematic review of rape cases found unfounded. the issue came up after our media partner the sun. they have more rape cases than any other in the country. nearly one third have been deemed unfounded. that's five times the national average. a group of government and law enforcement representatives will now conduct a case by case review. >> a wild police chafe. we go to ron with the story oar door all started at a 7-eleven on reisterstown road. the officers discover add stolen ac cow a. the man tried to run over the officer. the officer started shooting and dave chase in his cruise are. five cars were seriously damaged before a second officer was able to stop the suspect. the officer was struck,
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received injuries to his leg and arm and is out of the hospital. >> the man has not been identified to us. a man was hit and killed last night while walking along the baltimore beltway. as it struck 41-year-old alvarino virgil. his vehicle had broken down 500 feet from where he let. the families of the nine who killed in last year's metro crash will receive benefits. the final report from federal investigators on the cause of the crash is expected next month. the families of four other metro workers and one contractor will also lee ceive a benefit. >> we're looking at a slightly less hot and humid day. temperatures are expected to
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drop again over the next few days. we're live with the complete first warning weather. good afternoon, bernadette. well, we start the transition today. this is our setup. we have a cold front making its way through. behind it cool air, very refreshing air. ahead of it the role heat has been sur -- real heat has been suppressed off to the south. the dew point is starting to drop. it's down to 60. you don't have quite that thickness in the air we had the last couple of days. wait until you see this swing in temperatures. now another thing we need to talk about, tropical storm alex, the latest update, it is still a tropical storm. you can see it spinning over the waters, probably going to make a landfall either the northern parts of mexico or texas as a strong category one
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or two. even though it's making its way off to the northwest a lot of moisture getting pulled off to the east. it will have its effects on this entire region. as far as the cleanup and relief efforts, there will be rounds of heavy rains and the potential for severe weather, something we'll keep you updated on. meanwhile, alex isn't expected to just push more oil in land but disrupt cleanup operations. crews may have to stay docked in barges as barriers have all been ordered to shore after high waves caused them to bang into each other. let's take a live look at the broken well on day 71 of the spill. alex isn't expected to affect relief wells. the coast guard said big waves won't stop a thanker that's
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sunking oil through. those relief wells are expected to be complete sometime in mid- august. on capitol hill, the senators got right down to business on day two of elena kagan's confirmation hearings. they're grilling her on the constitution and her time at harvard law school. >> reporter: elena kagan returned to the hot seat, ready to tackle some tough questions. it's day two of her confirmation hearings for the supreme court. one of her supporters, senator patrick leahy got things started. he gave kagan a collapse to explain her decision to ban military recruiters from harvard law school. >> did you ever bar recruiters from access. >> they had access to harvard students every day i was dean.
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>> reporter: that wasn't enough for republicans on the committee. some charged kagan with hurting the u.s. effort in afghanistan and putting politics before the law. >> i know you are an outspoken leader against the military policy. i know you acted without legal authority to reverse harvard's policy and deny the military equal access to campus. >> i always tried to make sure that i conveyed my honor for the military and i also tried to make sure that the military had excellence access to our students. >> reporter: despite the opposition from republicans, kagan's path to the high court ben appears clear. democrats hold the majority. there's little doubt they'll be able to pull together enough votes to confirm her. >> the president's hoping the confirmation happens in time for kagan to take her seat before the court's next term,
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which is in october. still to come, russian spies. 11 people are accused of spying on the u.s. oprah tops the list of those celebrities once again. find out who else made that list. take lag live look -- taking a live look outside. bernadette woods will be back with the first warning forecast. ,,,,,,
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it's the little things in life that make me smile -- spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum, and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in. it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try super poligrip free.
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sounds like a throwback to the cold war. the government has uncovered a russian spy ring. 10 were arrested, including 3 in arlington, virginia. authorities said they worked with coded radio transmissions. federal prosecutors said this appears to be part of a bigger conspiracy. the father of the smes by in oregon filed for divorce from his wife terri earlier this week. she was the last person to see hormon. she dropped him off ondown 4th.
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women have claimed three of the top five spots on forbes newest sell will be brit power list -- celebrity power list. oprah, sell lean doion and lady gaga at number four. despite his personal troubles, tiger woods is at number five. >> i would have moved beyonce up. as you take another live look, steek around. your complete first warning forecast just two and a half minutes away. >> first, here's a look at today's med day stocks and last night's wenning numbers. are you making it easier for bacteria
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so i switched to the freestyle promise® program... a unique program that gives me... the support i need, free. free access to a certified diabetes educator... so i can ask about diet and the insulin i use. i got a free meter. and test strip discounts. so i can spend more on what i really want. i count on the freestyle promise® program. make it count for you! only the freestyle program gives you discounts, support, and more. enroll today. welcome back. the sun is out. it's still warm but much less humid. tomorrow the cooldown really settles. 89 in baltimore. it is 70 in oakland. the dew points have come down. upper 60s earlier today, down to 60 already.
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by the end of the day they'll be in the 50s. tomorrow the cooler air returns and it will come am on the northwestly winds. the cold front is making its way through earlier today. you can see a few showers with the front earlier today, but that is moving out. the sunshine coming in behind. it the cooldown will cook in -- come tomorrow. that's where most of the thunderstorms will be focused. for us, on the northern side much quieter and cooler. quiet tomorrow, thursday, friday, sad day -- saturday, even into sunday. in the tropics, this is alex. this is the center moving slowly off to the northwest. it is expected to become a hurricane later on today. winds have to be 74 miles an
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hour to be classified as a hurricane. it's up to 70 miles an hour. a lot of the rain and moisture from it will get pulled eastward and affect some of the oil cleanups. back here it's quieter. mixed clouds and sunshine, 93. temperatures are already up there. then tonight we're going down to 63. tomorrow we don't go up much. 82 for our high tomorrow. that was pretty much our morning low yesterday. that will be our high tomorrow. wait until you see the rest of the five-day forecast. that will be more the norm. >> incredible. >> thank you. still to come on wjz eyewitness news at 13, information on hormones being used to treat -- breast cancer. >> for constant updates and
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that first warning forecast, go that first warning forecast, go to ,, for constipation relief...
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fire than half of breast cancer patients finish their prescriptions for hormone therapy. it's prescribed for 65% of patients who are advised to take it for five years. it has a track record of
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preventing reoccurrence. younger women are more likely to stop taking it. there's evidence that a popular diabetes drug could be linked to heart risk. they will review adandy yay. the drug's maker glaxosmithkline says it doesn't increase the overall risk of heart attack, stroke or death. researchers looked at knee damage to ligaments and cartilage and found that surgery to fix them doesn't reduce the risk. be sure to check in with wjz today at 4, 5 and 6:00. parts of the gulf coast are under a hurricane warning. we'll vast latest on the path of tropical storm alex. not my child. a new survey about childhood
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obesity and what needs to happen. stay with us. the five-day forecast you'll the five-day forecast you'll want to see is coming up. . 3q i like to do all these fun things with my friends even with an overactive bladder. i don't always let the worry my pipes might leak compromise what i like to do. i take care with vesicare. because i have better places to visit than just the bathroom. (announcer) once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle, and is proven to reduce frequent, sudden urges and leaks, day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. tell your doctor right away if you have a serious allergic reaction, severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion.
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you have better things to join than always a line for the bathroom. so, pipe up and ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. welcome back. we don't think we're going to break any records. let's bring up the five-day
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forecast. tomorrow if you want relief from the heat, it's coming. 82 tomorrow. 80 on thursday. there's a chance we may not get out of the 70s on thursday. overnight lows going into the 50s. the air conditioners will get a braifnlgt the heat will start to build as we head towards sunday and monday. low 90s. don't miss tonight's prime- time lineup. at 10:00 it's "the good wife" immediately followed by eyewitness news at 11. get ready for cards you can taste. they're called tasties, a new line that comes with dissolvable strips you can eat. there's doughnuts and margarita. i have a question. down at the beach, people are talking about the traffic. down at the beach, similar
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forecast -- gorgeous. >> at this point it's looking really good. there's a storm that could be coming our way on monday. for saturday and sunday, right now we're looking pretty good. >> all right. hug your meteorologist weekend. have a great day. we'll sew you tonight. >> bye-bye. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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