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tv   ABC7 News at 5  ABC  September 19, 2019 5:00pm-5:25pm EDT

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literally in the lndfiup fally s streaking views of the nation's capitol, that you can only get from tngnop monument. w, the reporter: the t tickets k bfrutee it's tting there, at 8:30 a.m. is with they open up the counter to get the tickeir. thst person to get in line was 3:30 a.m. so all the tickets are gone foro today. the pe you can see over our should up in thes nva eletor, more ticg out. ifen lin ye ready to go forfo the 8:30 ntm, this is a monument that will be very well visited. >> this is very exciting, for years, it's been closed for renovations. we had the earthquake that y we are readyevator and oer
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tonapall get back in there. vicriaaseen covering this for hch sow, get e could go in. the technology is h muctoics w. >> the reporter: i did. along with my videographer, michael vaughan. we didt,ay, a was t37 k $11 million, a new security screening center, renovated elevator, and new exterior lights leading all to thisr day the grand opening of the hrshington monument. and a half years, this iconic memorial is open to the american public again andad it's h major renovations, majo security upgrades. it's footbeyal vllew tim t . p in ind,t i as the first time
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they've actually seen the views >> the reporter: cyniviera and her family traveled all the way from mexico city,to bust je o. the firste. >> the reporter: so you've never o.he t reporter: 5 are you extecid. yes, we are. >> the reportent thins this is a mo to america's first i the reporter: but a man fromh t. >> totally worth ti would have come ili earer, view>> yhe reporter: people yoomeet ireland, fromf m
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havean tot get in line at the get your ticketsthe ahe kids in town. allisononathan. ats the monday you'll here. let me run down some of them forumbl atios first we prhington. the monument stands 5 1/8 of an inch tall, that's to be exact. a lot of people the observatiok dec 500 feet. 896 ste victorial is made up ecm.he ty, something interesting about the stairs, used to let people ao uif they chose to. g
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they closed that down years ago t vandalism,re's others so tyet g or down and they ran a we'll conqutinue tohingn monument all evening long. ticko our web site,, we have lots moreou information f there, b we have to sayit viously, when they picked the date, they had no idea how the welding heum bidity. michelle, thenlh it whis uwes. >> iw, kno bette >> micther big storye:he o thest d.c. statehood in more than 25 years, the house orsight and reform committee hea the 51st sd
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tonight, we want to know, what do you think? should d.come a state in. bec head to to vote on the tnd we get mha ng.ori sam? >> the reporter: yes, well, you know, michelle, you hear a lot p state,bes, w heard.c.otaxonit of the marit ily the aroundld w vote in that house back there, so thousands, i think,thousand to make their views known. >> the 200 years -- e> te mhe repthororter: they ha maum go ne,.c.'an immiately thele
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hearsewg grty tess insisted that there, testify. >> mr. evans tried to obstruct ntan i misdeeds, thr the job ofngniea metro employees. seelnaegte, theass country. we havere nobody to h call in te senate to speak are us. >> the reporter: much partisan a democrat jerry con sayansound mt sure,sr near the hearing'ssewlgeta t aftehoe vote is crs. theakes 218esllas votsnateh
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ford, abc7.heay ming. let's check in with cefhi mete bis weken buttel eogolvenorhe i tsr erlectac washington monumen lt.k
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esau iben thenow a lnd g normals wi aft andrews.reon de, high pressure is going to keep control over our area. ang that is to be our t, ocont weather featu in theng. ow cool it is going to get for your early evening. we're down10:0p.m. widespread 40's andk iinute. >> nancycestpolie hav in a brazn attack of a man outside the washington hilton hotel in july. a 14- to be charged with aggravated assault. this is aifth arrest in the incident that happened right 18.thertel security camera. ino not life-threatening. >> to fairfax county. police identifying theriver killed when his car crashed into
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a house. this happene hath wakefield chapel road and little rroivunes morning. slice john kerry ofpo a two peha not hurt. >> michelle: amazon delivered and t bold prheomise todayne ereas r 10 billio items each abc 7 northern bureau chief tim barber gotamazon's jeff basos tk about h2q and amazon's big announcement. >> the reporter: we have asked jeff b morniast tingal in arlington to be sustainablend a
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se tui onme ofoef b mon iaseros hs buia o ts, anyoneato tashe ranorter:i promisinog t by balan 2 1040,eah president trump scie t repter:mazoppos i ordering 100,000 electric vans, by 2023. it is also hoping t wind seo uan solar, allhi wletinvef i >> how are you going toheppec as in virgia. >> jus like all of our headquarters buildings,er climate t friendly
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picked arlington in part because ur more climate friely. >> id by the wave, we're going o work very hard with theo community t make sure our presence there ends up being atg force others tosu vestainability too. >> youan o c of any box and i believe we're going to iwonder enart arc c still w tuckie ngo the frequent sandy size oho lfiv ts. >> nancy: coming up, what's left the tropical depression imelda is slamming texas with rain anda closer look at the dangerous
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situation. >> michelle: what lawmakers were attacking as a als be a latest e thatt lef an are>>: chasmything the championship. game two tonight a 8:30 and we will te you to the court ahead.timeshington monumek upee anndll te you inside all the excitement next on abc7. don't go
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he d.ucn shhwagt theed w b s reporteperar aacllul w.eek who has been up and down that thing a few times. we're still waiti our turn. ni hhe reporter: people got up and be the and gon i top, 550 feet tall ane those views of washington,.c onm there. this is exciting for everybody who lives herero aun alldni indc tjeh out, you have t b
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thave toe there to get gain, the first day was somebod. i don't know if it's going to be that ely tomorrow,ut ift a few o , youay o within about 90 minutesor be preparede, o w a itot g here, right on the e mning tol y mi 37-month anxious to get in there.ack b stormme ildpi flooding andn rai t state, trapping sommes aeeeopl i cars. emerygealnclsws cre for rescues. vheeporter: se are
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rnanghegi t ground, as dan>>rous look at iso go. >> it wasust jnkerg down a fnd t the storm. >> we have stocked up on canned goods, eveinryettheg just a texm oneay c, ansdooee >> p cat inopastrtt e oveffryicd hundreds of callservice and usicde uear you i asm going to r
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please, stay where you are. >> theice:k tnr:te iharvey. ilorep r areaas hi nituation where w it's imelda ts mp fact, take a look at this. i have it started out right jusveover eastern parts ote some of those shades that youeees and os arhe myic mllovine:g at all. this is what it looks leak live i our a n d d c tnamreaser and going to continue through the nig tonight and i tshrghou pretty remarkable. it's not the same over on the eastern half of the country. look how dry the mid-atlantic. o
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itureho than what're the nssu 71 in b t t gthraaiem trehatunee t tem perature h,he t get a dew point temperature below0, 6 22%, meano get any du dew to form at that e temperature down to 34 degrees. it is drierf d.c. currently than it is in phoenix arizona, salt lake city, or denver extremely drivehere up i andnne in september, that does t
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happen very often here as you well know. as we go toni tght, humidity stays low, e winds will he lightding on out at 11:00 p.m. tonight, look at the winds, light tcross-the-board with you os teemrath a recipe for so at 6:00 a.m., beautiful clear skies, ndeinnge en.low. let t theburg afternoon and early evening. os t talk aborabe uppe tem 80 e 80, but sll, the winds are god tin cta
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th albeite light will cenhtigs cl if if tea bea tcehesy tonight. we have a preview, there's coming up in sports. etalne
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camaderi between the team. this is a player from belgium, p picturety p thieyth up, because that's usuallyutha just goes to show you, it's rom toihratnt makeson f
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run itowee tking facsy, from te 1990's. s popcorn. i'sm notesng to take thatmoi g , t's wayha>>
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t s give i all oto aheke ro thee,oun i insidell youlck. e.ightoung fodtksad tooheorte wo
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re o our coverage of the opingecenf seth oe theyhi redid evng
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and it's state of the art. >> people were serious about in talking 3:30 a.m., is when people started to linean to go up to tf the washienton mt. the landmark closed itsoo d after the damage from the 2011 earthquake and then five years later, there was an e bvator cable troke and then that prompted the national park service to close it again and this tim for t three years. honow, iset is back open, and we went out to talk with the first guy in line. vacation, it's part of the idea ofacatio t, i was supposed to go back yesterday, reopening today, ication t dayoe >> the reporter: well, a high ty ststem outsideitnd a v,'s goingv
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whatnd i f yo d/vote. o we'd love to heart ha w huyoa. eeriemorngiliags from washingto,
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d.c., the for nhi ankumbe it's erat vcansuby r wl board. >> the reporlite.p rntidenlltsinayg ths feseiaue . they safe the of theou people iy we should be a state and they'rd sh h iua h ofthte
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d countryat heav part ofs ner t cans d.c.ts citizens and res right here it titoln cut heftaodmohe oio tay, it just doesn't have enough p reporting live outside the rayburn officeepter: tom, thanks
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very much. it will be interesting to see what happens there and we'll foll >> inn theeanttown the nationa. we'v hvy stoneadtht ycraftsmansp sectionnd years t a top. a littleeoss it back into mll w bit. >> michelle: thank you guys. omalreves t o a cream nam inves recenttigae a
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at.eorming auscauc young typ tseinodtsf who snheir health. >> michelle: a new survey finds one in nine admit to vaping nicotine almo every day.ll2th graders stpat vaping vick teen in the investiting 530 vaping-related of pr d serces cretyontiipcr to nes mingaliforornia.ritid controllio statt
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sdardiver that allows it t fuelt anabc7 chi toha getth'ssuon join a them. cd
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sanitation and disease. rockingnada be able to dops
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i atlebwer's complaint.
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of tsh mr psero amins about as w conce ,n but the director of igeellichncm
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the house intelligee committ trp information about an urgent matter from the congress. >> the reporter: on twitter, trump called the report fake news and said, no matter who he speaksith, his bt interest is always with t canadian prime minister justin trudeau is askin for forgiveness, after hepoze r racist photo. that photo i trudeau wearing brown face for n reelectionafonte- hardr cesy r campaign. >> it was something that i didn't w tnk recognize, it
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was something racist to do. >> the reporte the leader of canada's conservative lar quote laakers aboutalerhe hd ein t umy. mda t finally backpe o t@ah@h@abc network h@y
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naey're exercgisheirey t thibpse today's stahood hearing. inded s
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the training pla declaredne ies.hibonj tid anak t treeo iffn ngo pilot ares managing toapeiig frceacanhu.rn ot cauonght in inj whole fleet of
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em still baffled by video purporting tdle ngseei pilot initiallyre the sne to see i ming in strange unfamiliar w that,itre'shis. ar. fi t'she elected s ayonywhreereline. near it. wsehere it'su try.
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ino the base s.ees fromoad u >> the reporter: at leaeost co wactan onwith trees and wnd r deck, trying to be sure thatthew up safe andur sece m, women, and herything else twet evhaea.av >> the reporter: part of this lenteor l the government owonss andmusetun abs a car goo od chuf lv's michael green. >> where it also fitsofit we fer frooveredal g i tnt a,r.
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>> the reporter: so mixedwith t cdionnghat it really isn't or sho't be.a r tri,us nds descending oov t.nofence iac erma. senato cortez st so from,f youro. wants to see rs
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fulsghaisoey takdermyo suto c,ae 8'shem m,is springfield. city o
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od phoenix, sittingit atig stors south of useme,usa,t j so we'll be talking abohat t justik you.-ill ankouahead a police. officer's rringeescu onthe extreme effora ut tsave life. comitprnswe
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iche me: ttgghery c couutnty, iehinl members takingayhe airft schedule and overbudget. tti two here in orlpu lros repnty pur for montgomery cou officials, trconsucle6-mi the redne a bet lin ne i oranbgrngeee line in new was the.migrll elmiw
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trns.6 i started saying i was tepter:e abo d$2illion project. corst tt sll the pase?it's a lnt informationor uyotell you, youon come out andl hat ll to get anyro
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y'all. >> the reporter: as it stands, the purple lines aimingo for mes tearane. ti m ieet's thngri plletoeeeo wy some local pitolice officersa ehe j t . wngkitrree imince
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after bei e ltng ehtears y in 26 years and the my s t as the team preparesa cro
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