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tv   Good Morning Washington 6am  ABC  January 12, 2018 6:00am-7:00am EST

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announcer: now, good morning washington on your side. autria: presidential profanity. >> it takes your breath away. it is in comprehensible these words came out of the mouth of the president of the united states of america. autria: the fallout from the comment that we cannot repeat and the outrage growing. out aftere running deadly mudslides. what happened overnight and why it is making the search for survivors in california harder. autria: rain today. winter tomorrow. eileen
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quickly it is going to change. it looks like christmas ornaments hanging. it is water droplets. it looks like frosting on the glass. larry: warmer weather and the water is here. eileen: warm and wet getting out the door. it changes coming as we head into the weekend. can you spot the cold front? it is 58 at reagan national. 23 in chicago. the cold air mass will arrive tomorrow. 64 in beltsville. 63 in sterling middle school. washington potomac, 61. you will need windshield wipers as you head into work. watch out for patchy fog. showers stream in from the south.
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virginia. the kids have the umbrella getting to the bus stop. they can leave the heavy coat at home. one of our directors is wearing shorts today. heavy rain roles in tonight. temperatures plummet while you are sleeping. wet pavement this morning and fog. leave extra time for the roads. this: we have had to do all week, between starting off with ice and snow, and now the rain. extra time will be in your favor. , lanes are open continuing to the beltway. new update on this power outage between fort totten and chillum. it is due to a speeder that tripped.
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without power. restoration estimated around 7:00 this morning. if you encounter a signal that is dark, treated as a four-way stop. that is our traffic watch. it back within our next 10 minutes, we will show you your commute and silver springs. autria: a death in waldorf. police trying to identify the woman found dead along old washington road. locate your screen. they hope these tattoos can help them find who this woman is. a black woman in her 30's with a design on her right inner wrist, a cherub on her shoulder. call police if you know who she might be. larry: a deadly crash on branch avenue in
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a woman was hit by an suv. was only quatro blocks from the one that happened wednesday night at saint barnabas road. developing overnight, trump's profanity making waves across the world. autria: the white house, not denying the comments. suzanne kennedy has more. suzanne: good morning. we are not going to repeat the language used and the white house is not denying it. the president saying he did not eant immigrants from s-hol countries coming into the united states. he was talking about immigrants haiti, el salvador, and other african countries. he said he would like to see more immigrants from countries such as norway. all of this putting in jeopay
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reforming daca. the president also reiterating the need for a border wall. many lawmakers taking to twitter, reviving charges the twit -- reviving charges the president is a racist. the white house did not deny his comments, saying the president supports immigration policies, but welcomes immigrants who can contribute to our society. reporting live, suzanne kennedy, good morning washington. and diplomatsers playing defense. many denouncing the president's message. reaction is swift from lawmakers, using strong words. let's look. in aor marco rubio,
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decide who we allowed to what countryed on they are coming from. he is one of many talking. , sheis chelsea clinton says immigrants from el salvador, haiti, and the countries in africa likely helped build your building. they have certainly helped build our country. tim kaine said all haitians have aids. nigerians live in cuts. this is who donald trump is. there is a moral vacuum in the white house. some actually defended the themdent, saying don't ask to describe some of those countries. you may be disappointed. james woods saying -- if the holes,rs are not from s- they should be thrilled to be going back from whence they came.
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trending on twitter. a lot of reaction on this one. tweeting, saying he is canceling a trip to england because of obama. he was scheduled to cut the ribbon at the u.s. embassy in london next month, but he says the decision to sell the old embassy for peanuts bad. rex tillerson will take trump's place at that grand opening. the president is heading to walter reed for his first full physical. the white house said it will give a readout of the results, but it is unclear how much information they will release. trump expects everything to go well and would he surprised if it does not. out of baltimore, we showed you this video.
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into the cold with nothing but the hospital down on her back. it left the man recording stuns. >> this is disgusting they would leave her unattended, half naked. let me get you some help. come on. the head of the medical center is responding, saying we absolutely failed and own that failure, demonstrating compassion to the woman who was discharged. autria: as we track the winter weather, slamming northeast arkansas. this is the system that is .eading our way eileen whelan is checking your forecast. you can check our stormwatch 7 weather app for everything you need to know.
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as we speak, the search for victims of the california mudslides is growing more desperate and time may be running out. rescuers need to cover more ground than they first thought. 17 people are confirmed dead and more than 40 are missing. damageds destroyed or about 500 homes and businesses. survivors are questioning why authorities called for a voluntary evacuation instead of ordering people to leave. larry: students at washington middle school state home after a water pipe broke and flooded the school. time fored so be on that first bill this morning. a school's closing because of the flu. the rush to keep you and your family safe.
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want some inspirational stories for a change? you gotta check out the american dream. saturdays, 1pm, newschannel8
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every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong in a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. "what if" more of the came from renewable resources? "what if" the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent power outages? "what if" our grid were less vulnerable and more secure? "what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy...
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dominion energy.
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autria: you can leave the coat at home. eileen: temperatures across the mid-atlantic are in the 50's and 60's. the cold front slides through while you are sleeping. 2:00 a.m., 57. by 8:00 a.m., down to 37. a morning to be waking up in the dark. chillum, fort totten, university heights. it is a trip theater at new hampshire and south dakota avenue that cause this issue. estimated time to
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turn the power back on, between 7:00 and 9:00. between gaithersburg and potomac, stick with great seneca highway. look at theg a live commute in silver spring. >> most of us respected him for he hasearch, to find out been doing this for years is disgraceful. autria: one man trusted to protect america's past, what he is accused of stealing. wait
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it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. plus, 36 month financing available. ends monday. visit for a store near you.
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announcer: you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. morningope your friday is off to a good start. new developments from the sex scandal swirling around the news wo democratic lawmakers have called for him to resign. others want to see the facts. he has denied allegations he took nude photos of the woman and threatened to release them if she went public on their extramarital affair.
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dozens of arrests in new york, even city councilmember's, as people rally to support undocumented immigrants. protesters gathered after ice advocates detained a prominent immigration advocate during a routine check in. larry: mysterious foam began appearing around the community. tests are being conducted. epa believes it is soap originating from a local plan. autria: them in ochefu river bridge is back open. a beam was damaged after a garbage truck crashed into it. repairs were expected to take 60 .ays antonin
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guilty to stealing dog tags and more from college park. they were taken between 2012 and 2017. it was discovered after he gifted a dogue tag belonging to a former tuskegee airmen. been doingout he has this for years is disgraceful. larry: alabama defensive line coach sat his backpack down to inside it was a game day playbook, his phone, laptop, and passport. someone was caught on camera stealing it and walking out of the hotel. officials did not know about the theft
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autria: i wonder what was more valuable to him. it is a valuable backpack. the forecast is so good. who would have thought in the middle of january? take a look at this. you can see where the front is. temperatures climb into the upper 60's. a drastic change is coming. this morning, you are waking up and walking out to warm temperatures. you want the
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we will have scattered showers for the morning drive. 63 degrees by 11:00. i will show you our futurecast. these through the day. through lunchtime, we are still warm, catching a break in the action. not looking like heavy rain. it is while you are sleeping tonight we get these gusty thunderstorms. temperatures are going to nosedive. temperatures will be in the low to mid 30's. it will feel colder. whatever you are doing, you want the coat. and dry.d we have the parade you can watch on our sister station.
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julie: delays, looking through the raindrops drops, northbound i-95, a 20 minute ride towards the capital beltway. staying on par for those traveling. topside outer loop, a 17 minute ride leaving college park. a stalled car reported near college park. power outage is affecting 3600 people along new hampshire avenue and north capitol street. they hope to restore the power between 7:00 and 9:00. light encounter a signal on flash or dark, treated as
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a four-way stop. larry: a trend on social media. what teenagers are doing that could land them in the er. the flu is running rampant. public health emergencies are growing too alarming levels. >> tonight, we take you inside one of the best kept secrets. be more thano engineering and carpentry. >> the program were even the school is built by its students.
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announcer: you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. larry: people across the country are battling one of the worst flu season
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states were reporting illness. alabama declaring a public health emergency. season is hitting hard. children, some of the most vulnerable. >> they have shut down all classes. >> 45 people have died, including a one-year-old. quake site don't want my kids to get the flu. >> i don't want my kids to get the flu. >> in idaho, a school district shutting down. at schools across the country, warning signs posted, teaching kids about flu prevention. it is most dangerous to children under five because their immune systems are not as developed as those of older children. we will have more at 7:00 a.m.
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>> now, "good morning washington ," on your side. autria:
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stepping outside -- it feels like spring. larry: don't be fooled -- that winter weather is heading straight toward us. let's enjoy it while we can. i am larry smith. i am autria godfrey. eileen whelan is tracking the 60's. eric: it is unbelievable -- eileen: it is unbelievable. in landover. in ashburn, 62. it is kind of a springlike start to your finally friday, but it will not be sunny today. grab the umbrella heading out the door. some of the steadiest rain falling through charles county. those showers are moving off to at north towards bowie annapolis. picture the kids have the umbrella as they are waiting at the bus stop, but they will not even heavy coat.
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temperatures for the middle of april. you will get a little bit of a lull in the rain. if you are going out late tonight, it will be warm. 11:00, 60 degrees. after about midnight, we get gusty thunderstorms with a powerful cold front. julie, tomorrow morning at 7:00, these are your windchill temperatures. it will feel like the teens and 20's. coming up, i will let you know if we need to worry about any wintry precipitation with the cold. julie: so what you are saying is it will not be cold until we come home from the club? [laughter] eileen: exactly. crash, seneca road, police are on the scene. order their direction in to get by. eastbound randolph road at new hampshire avenue, only the left lane is able to squeeze by this crash. westbound, all lanes are open. delays in
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speeds passing landmark. within the hour, 14th street bridge, look for that to be a 25 minute ride. a huge power outage is affecting 3600 customers traveling between universepark and heights. john gonzalez is going to look at how they will restore power, which is estimated to be back between 7:00 and 9:00 this morning. that is our traffic watch. we will be back in the next 10 minutes, we are taking a look at 66 into centreville, autria. autria: a month-long mystery come into a partial close. mcmillan was last seen in april. family members say he was supposed to going on a date with ofoman he met on plenty fish. he was shot and killed in a d.c. apartment before his body was dumped in suitland. f
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orlesia: i knew something was wrong. he went to the wrong people's house. these were not the people that he thought they were. a second night, a second french avenue on prince george's county. a woman was crossing a road on iversen street when she was hit by an suv. look,st accident, take a only four blocks from the one that happened wednesday night on st. barnabas road. a man was hit and killed by a car. autria: a dangerous new trend happening online -- teens now eating type pots -- tide pots. ryan hughes, what on earth? ryan: it is a new craze taking over the internet. reportsheard consumer talking about the dangers that laundry caughts
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to toddlers. now there is the tide pod teensnge, which shows shooting on the detergent. in some cases, they are putting in frying pans, cooking them, then eating them. cause nausea, diarrhea, and in some cases, they can get into your lungs and cause breathing problems. larry: ok, ryan, thank you. now to a 7 on your side investigation, a six-year-old is given milk at his elementary throw.that burned his parkour total said he took a sip of his favorite trumoo fat-free till took too agent of his favorite fat-free
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burned his throat. parker: it was like 100 fires. i am shocked when you send your child to school, you do not expect that when your school gives him milk it will be anything other than milk. larry: lehigh valley dairy farms said someone made a mistake on the production line, and the chemical solution used to clean equipment ended up in the milk cartons. the boy's school pulled all of the milk and says they are no longer doing business from lehigh valley and is now purchasing milk from companies that provide clear cartons. autria: thousands of people waking up without power in d.c. john gonzalez is heading to south dakota avenue where this is all developing. outside today,ep you will feel the warm up. you will also be dealing with a little bit of this. some rain coming
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larry: take a look with us -- hundreds of people stuck on a train overnight in japan. the train was forced to stop in the middle of a trip because of a heavy
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10-hour-long evacuation. fortunately, the train did have electricity. i cannot imagine that. is the first thing that came to my mind -- oh no, did they not have heat on the train. larry: that is a good thing. iss no coming our way? -- snow coming our way? eileen: no. temperatures will be in the 50's and 60's, larry. i am pretty confident most of the rain will be out of here by the time the cold air fills in. 59 right now. it is on the breezy side, tracking some fog as well. the dew point is 59. ladies and gentlemen, do not stress too much on the hair and we have rain falling outside the region right now. we have a little bit of a lull. still see a warm but heavier rain starts to build back in after about 10:00, 11:00 tonight. it is while you're were
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front slides through. as i mentioned, it will be a windy, was three tomorrow, so feeling more likely 20's. the rest of your mlk holiday weekend is going to be cold. we will let you know if we have any snow for all of you snow lovers in the extended forecast coming up, julie wright. i know you've just wanted more snow. julie: [laughs] snow wassomething, but not it. we are taking to a stalled bus coming northbound out of brandywine, but now back in montgomery county with wires blocking between tschiffely square road and edison drive, we have live pictures from the scene. 28 still blocked off in each direction in macomber county, traveling through gaithersburg and potomac, closed until further notice. back to the maps, seneca highway, accident city with police on the
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a scratch on randolph road at new hampshire avenue now gone. we have a problem with a power outage in the district. this is causing about 3600 people to wake up in the dark this morning. you are going to find there are traffic signals out between michigan park in university heights. you want to treat that as a four-way stop. john gonzalez is heading to the scene. that is our traffic watch. we will be back in the next 10 minutes. we are looking at the right thing on 39, autria. 5autria: outrage across the globe. president trump's comments catching everybody by surprise. want some inspirational stories for a change? you gotta check out the american dream. saturdays, 1pm, newschannel8
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>> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side. larry: 6:45. breaking overnight, a suspicious death in waldorf. police are trying to identify the bodies out on old waldorf road. they are hoping the distinct tattoos will help
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who she is. she is a black woman in her 30's with a design on her right inner wrist and a cherub angel on her shoulder. call police if you know who she maybe. autria: developing overnight, people across the globe son. droppingesident trump an expletive when referring to other countries. suzanne kennedy is live with more. suzanne: some media outlets are choosing the word verbatim. we are choosing not to. the president's language albeit volcker. he said yesterday in a meeting that he did not want immigrants from "s-hole countries" to come into the united states. the president referring specifically to haiti, el salvador, and african countries a bipartisan immigration deal. instead, he would rather see immigrants from norway, whose primary three met with on wednesday. all of
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reforming daca. the president reiterating yesterday the need for a border wall. lawmakers reacting to the comments made in the overall office -- oval office quite swiftly. some saying he is a racist. were inundated with emails apologizing for the president's comments. thewhite house says president supports immigration policies that welcome those who can contribute to our society. this is a story we will be watching closely, and we will bring you the latest coming up in the day. reporting live from northwest washington, suzanne kennedy. autria: since the president made those remarks, reaction has been pouring in. everyone from lawmakers to late-night comedians. ryan hughes tracking at all. ryan: yes, strong reaction from both republicans and democrats. let's start with senator markey warrant from virginia. he said "the word
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is colder, but the idea that you can write off an entire nation is on namerican.- u not." we are all equal or another -- it has been almost a year under potus. i cannot say anything he says surprises me anymore. senator hatch says "i look forward to getting a more detailed explanation regarding the president's comments. part of what makes america so specialist we welcome the best and the brightest in the world, regardless of the country of origin." you can imagine late-night comedians had a field day. jimmy kimmel from last night. jimmy: the over silver lining as we got to hear wolf blitzer say this all day. s-hole.s s-hole. s-hole.
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alarm clock. ryan: blitzer watching his words. the country of norway is now trending on twitter as well. larry: that is not the only thing president trump was up to. he was up late tweeting, just before midnight, saying he canceled a trip to england because of barack obama. trump was scheduled to meet at the new u.s. embassy in london next month, and he said the decision to sell the old embassy for "peanuts" was a bad idea, calling out former president barack obama. in reality, that move was decided back in 2008 during the bush administration. secretary of state rex tillerson will now reportedly take trump's place at the grand opening. searches in california growing more desperate. rescue crews need to cover more they first thought. they try to find survivors buried in fast-moving mud. 17 people confirm
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years old. about 500 homes and businesses are destroyed. some people are questioning why authorities call for a voluntary evacuation instead of ordering people to leave. this morninges against a high school student accused of attacking to classmates. police say 19-year-old edwin aguilar martinez pulled a knife during a fight yesterday. morningned after the bell in capitol heights at central high school. he is facing a to murder, assault, and weapons charges. larry: happening today, a d.c. woman said a massage service at massage envy sexually assaulted her. 24-year-oldservice, habtamu gebreselassie, pleaded guilty last month. three other women say he also sexually assaulted them. autria
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slamming oprah winfrey. opera heard about rumors of sexual misconduct involving harvey weinstein but did nothing about it. he called her an example of "an commodious hollywood." actor mark wahlberg reportedly refused to approve christopher plummer replacing kevin spacey in "all the money in the world" unless he was paid for the reshoot. earlier this week, we learned michelle williams was paid less than $1000 for her participation in the recent. that pay discrepancy now taking center stage at the critics choice awards last night. larry: take a listen to this. >> i do want to say, by the way, thank you to the producers for paying us the same amount of money at mark wahlberg $1 million. >> say what now? >> i know, he took a
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pay cut, so it is really nice and generous of him. thank you so much. larry: one winner showed her appreciation for what has been done so far. in the best week, we have been witnessing a movement in the industry, in society, and i want to share this award with all be women and men who stand for what is right. autria: that is gal gadot. she dedicated her award to the victims of sexual assault. larry: eileen is here to get a check of the forecast. after a week of cold weather, we love talking about the 60's. eileen: i do. i really do. larry: you are blowing. eileen: blowing a little bit -- larry: you are glowing. glowing a little bit,
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unseasonably cold weather for much of next week i'm a but next weekend, temperatures climb a average.t above ryan hughes said eileen, i am heading to chicago, do i have any winter weather worries? i think you will be ok getting out, but anyone traveling today really wants to make sure you're looking ahead at your air carrier because this weather system will cause lots of delays. we have rain streaming in from the south. we will have waves of showers. make sure you have your stormwatch 7 weather app to track it. temperatures now in the 60's. we will be in the 60's all day long, but look at the cooler air coming our way. by midnight tonight, we are only one side of the front, but overnight tonight, temperatures just crash. by 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, 32 degrees. it will only feel like the 20's. it will be a blustery day tomorrow. you will notice the wind. going out tomorrow night, bundle up. 27. by 8:00, down to 22. it will feel like the teens.
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sunny and cold for the martin luther king jr. holiday. there is a parade you can watch on our sister station, news channel 8. a clipper system could bring us a little bit of light snow. we will keep you posted. julie: the only thing i am clipping is coupons. [laughs] oads right now, better news for those traveling northeast and northwest, michigan heights, a power outage affecting 3600 people. that the powerd is slowly starting to come on. if you have the intersection where the traffic lights are dark, you want to treat that as a four-way stop. mckendree road, we have a stalled bus tying up the center of the road and costing you time coming out of brandywine. in gaithersburg, quince orchard at great seneca highway, follow police direction to get by. allentown
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we had reports of a crash with police on the scene. >> you are watching "good morning washington," on your side.. -- that is our traffic watch. we will be back in the next 10 minutes. we are looking at your ride. larry: in just two weeks, monster jam is rolling into the arena. "good morning washington" wants to get you in for free. wins formber 7 tickets. good luck. autria: david letterman back on your tv. his new netflix series starts streaming today, and it is called "my next guest needs no introduction." he has president obama. he said even though he made bold moves in the oval office, he is not as confident on the dance floor. mr. obama: i have bad moves. i think the key is what we call staying in the pocket. david: sure. [laughter] mr. obama: you've got to stay in the pocket. i think everybody knows,
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dads who get out of the pocket, and they are trying stuff they cannot really pull off. autria: the series will be a total of six 60-minute episodes. he was mocked for wearing dad jeans. apparently now for his dad moves. larry: my parents say i do the -- my kids would say i do the obama. you keep it here. autria: forget the chapel, you do not need the fake elvis. if you go to vegas, you can now get married as soon as you land a. larry: you only have to make it to baggage claim. this is special for valentine's day weekend. autria: a wedding kiosk. larry: there should be a divorce kiosk. coming soon. [laughter] 60-secondme for your express. >> these words coming
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immigrants from "s-hole countries." to londonng a trip out of anger at for the u.s., blaming the obama administration's decision to sell the old mc for "-- old embassy for "peanuts." >> the remains are that of marty mcmillan, after telling his father he was going out on a date he met on the popular dating app lenny of fish. julie: 3600 people are waking up in the dark this morning. a number of traffic signals are out. larry: one community wants answers today for a serious foam around black creek township. jimmy: the over silver lining, you got to hear wolf blitzer say
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good morning, america. president trump sparks a firestorm with a vulgar offensive and divisive slur about immigrants from africa and haiti, said right in the oval office. swift reaction from overseas and both parties saying the president should apologize. what the white house stands by the president. we're live at the white house. in the path of the storm, 70 million from texas to maine bracing for a dangerous commute. cars spinning out, blizzard conditions across the midwest. temperatures plunging 30 degrees in just hours and now that


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