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tv   World News Now  ABC  January 10, 2018 2:37am-3:00am EST

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it should be a bill of love, truly, it should be a bill of love. >> the president went on to acknowledge the opposition to his comments from even his own party, but he said he's willing to take the heat. the russia investigation and newly released information on the dossier that featured scandalous allegations about president trump. the top democrat pulled an audible and released the document on her own. pierre thomas with the details. >> reporter: democratic senator dianne feinstein releasing the testimony from the dossier. the firm fusion gps was hired by republicans republicans and then democrats. >> it's very sad what they've done with this fake dossier. it was made up. >> reporter: but in a meeting with the senate judiciary committee, co-founder glen simpson fought back saying it's political rhetoric to call
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dossier phony. there were real interviews. there's nothing phony about it. it was written bay former british spy named christopher steele. steele became genuinely alarged abo -- alarmed from what he was recovering and went to the fbi, a concern about whether a presidential candidate was being blackmailed. the fbi revealed they had a voluntary source, someone who was concerned about the same concerns we had, the source was a member of the trump seem. but we're learning that it was in fact an australian official who has spoken to a trump campaign adviser. over the summer, the republican chairman of the committee said he believed the transcripts of simpson's testimony would eventually come out. four months later, democrats decided to do it on their own. >> i think people are entitled to know what was said. i see no problem with releasing
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it. >> reporter: republicans say it's confounding that senator feinstein released that transcript, that it severely undermines the committee's work. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. state department officials are offering a new theory about what caused that mystery illness in lafrn mohavana more than a y. they say a virus may have been used to sicken them. they don't know exact lay whly caused those people to get sick. there's no evidence that sonic waves were used against the americans. and a federal court has ordered state lawmakers in north carolina to redraw their congressional district map. those districts must be redrawn because the previous map was created to entrench republican control of north carolina's congressional delegation. the new map must be approved in two weeks, but state lawmakers plan to appeal the ruling. jeff
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record as he retains the title of world's richest man. >> $105 billion. it sends him past bill gates. poor bill. >> he's still in the 90s. >> bezos's title is greater than the record gates set. >> still making a lot more money than any of us will combined. >> speak for yourself. >> true. coming up. >> it's becoming increasingly uncomfortable, less legroom, now one major airline wants to do away with the reclining seat. plus, new warnings about this deadly flu season and how you can protect yourself. you're watching "world news now."
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because no mattergineer what life brings,rgent? our commitment to clean remains the same. now with 10x the cleaning power. tide, america's #1 detergent
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a video from houston. two people seen stuffing a teen into the trunk of a car. >> it happened in a fast food parking lot. the boy jumps out of the car, tries to run away, then he was
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caught, forced back into the trunk. police don't know if it was a kidnapping or whether everyone was just fooling around. it's about to get a little more uncomfortable flying in economy class. the cheap seating won't recline on british airways, instead, they'll be what they call "pre-reclined", already set at an angle. british airways will modify its existing aircraft. the planes with these seats will only be used for flights of four hours or less. >> i thought when they said not long, it would be an hour. >> four hours is pretty long. >> i'm passionate about this story. i like mine to recline. france is investigating the iphone slow down. last month apple apologized for secretly slowing down older
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phones. apple insist the slowdown was not part of a grand plan to force customers to buy new iphones. and the flu is hitting the u.s. harder and earlier this year with 46 states reporting widespread outbreaks. >> it's not too late to get the shot. although it's warned this season's vaccine will likely be less effective than previous years. elizabeth hur with more. >> reporter: hospitals across the country scrambling with an influx of patients with the flu. >> i went to the emergency room, she was, she was having fever of 103, 102. >> reporter: this texas mother and her three daughters, all sick with the virus are finally on the mend, but according to the cdc, flu cases are spiking and quickly spreading in nearly every state. arkansas and texas the hardest hit. the situation so dire overcrowded hospitals are now setting up tents, using hallways to treat emergency cases or even
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diverting non-emergency patients to other facilities. >> this is, i would say, the worst flu seen thason that i've. >> reporter: in california, at least27 people under the age 65 died this season compared to four last season. some pharmacies are also reportedly running out of tamiflu, the prescription medication that can help shorten and lessen flu symptoms. but makers of the drug tell abc news they have plenty in stock. and doctors say there is plenty of time to get your flu shot. >> the vaccine is still around. it is not too late to get it. if you are sick, those anti-viral medications that come in oral and intervenous form can be i have effective. >> reporter: another way to protect yourself is as easy as washing your hands carefully and often. elizabeth hur, abc news, new york. coming up, it's the
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undercover experiment that seems to be ripped from a movie. and back to school. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. ...from far away. but they harryonly see his wrinkles. if only harry used some... ...bounce, to dry. he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy.
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okay, so you remember the concept for "21 jump street" where you had the adults who went back to high school? it's now happening in real life. >> are a new series is pulling back the curtain, sending adults back to school. deborah roberts has this for you. >> reporter: one high school. >> i don't think adults really get how hard it is to be a teenager right now. >> reporter: seven new students, one big secret. >> would you be willing to go back to high school undercover to find out what teens are facing today? >> reporter: did any of you find yourself for a moment thinking what the heck am i doing here? >> yes. >> reporter: these young-looking 20-somethings went undercover in topeka, kansas. they're all part of a&e's new docuseries, undercover high, which sheds light on challenges teens today are
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sexuality, social media and bullying. they thought they were being filmed for a report on high school life. only a few administrators knew the truth. they transformed themselves physically. >> the term brace face comes to mind. >> new cell phones with a new social media profile. >> reporter: and virtually to better fit the part. >> it's harder to be a student today. now you have what kind of social media do i post? who follows me? and it doesn't just end at school. >> reporter: in fact, a recent national survey found that 94% of american teens ages 13-17 use social media. the participants sometimes facing very real and unexpected threats. what surprised you the most about what's happening in our high schools and what teens are dealing with today? >> i can't imagine, it can't be said enough the impact of social media. >> reporter: the undercover experiment was
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high school relationships already fragile, were no doubt heightened in this case by the fact that only one side knew the true nature of the friendship. this senior was one of the popular kids, athlete and class president. he befriended gorgeorge,owing uo h him about a certain thing. >> i can't do certain things because i have a reputation. >> but are you really being yourself? >> no. no. >> reporter: you exposed some pretty personal moments in lives in this show. were you worried at all about putting these kids in a difficult situation? i mean, they're vulnerable. >> i think when it was as sensitive as somebody confronting their own sexuality, before we put that on television we really wanted to make sure on as many levels as possibl
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the student was in a place of comfort with that. >> reporter: i'm deborah roberts, in topeka, kansas. >> would you go back? >> ah. >> would you relive it? >> i'm just happy i did not have social media when i was in high school. >> oh, my gosh. no. >> just no. we're going to stay here. empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300.
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because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. ♪ ♪ blinded me with science ♪ she blinded me >> so it is our premiere weird science segment here. >> kendis wanted this outfit. no, dr. margaret in the house. science. >> this is what we wear for this segment. >> apparently. new girl getting stuck dressed up in costume. whatever, kendis. i'm here for two more days after this. >> alcohol substance. >> we were warned not to put these too close to our face. science is real. >> where a
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sunday you have the spacex launch of satellite is what they were supposedly launching. this was seen in the skies above america after that launch. a weird little spiral. >> it's alien. >> that's why they kept it a secret. >> i'm wearing a lab coat alien. >> it kind of reminds us and takes us back to that other spacex launch late last year where all of california was intrigued that they saw it in southern california. it resulted in an accident. did you see that video? >> oh, my gosh. >> so many people were caught looking up at the sky. >> don't live stream thins whgs while you're driving. >> don't look at the aliens. >> don't look at the aliens. ignore the spacecraft. >> nothing creepy here, but a japanese astronaut just got back from space. and he
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got back to earth, that he's three and a half inches taller. >> that's a lot. that's not a little growth spurt. >> yeah, i know. since arriving back from the space station on december 19th. it actually doesn't last very long. it's the most he's grown in three weeks since high school is what the astronaut says. >> i'm jealous. i want some height. the next weird science i'm excited about. it involves two of my favorite things on earth. sloths and avocados. this is a giant sloth, unfortunately, they're extinct. that is a 15-foot animal. but he's so large that the sloths were able to eat the avocados whole, and then they would digest the avocado pit. aka, they would poop it out. and they would fertilize and grow avocados. >> so we're eating sloth
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when we have avocados? >> you know, you said it, not me. we have to get to the last one. because also octopus. look at this amazing
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this morning on "world news now," swept away. >> the race is on to find people carried away by deadly mudslides that hit in the middle of the night nearly without warning. several people have been rescued covered in mud. we're on the scene. a federal judge issues a ruling impacting the nation's d.r.e.a.m.ers. those immigrants brought here illegally as kids. and an hour-long live meeting on immigration, the d.r.e.a.m.ers and the border wall. and a schoolteacher who argued that teachers, n


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