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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  January 9, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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tonight, several dropping stories as we come on the air. the deadly mudslides. we're on the scene right now. houses and cars swept away in california. the death toll growing tonight. a 14-year-old pulled from the mud alive. president trump just days after the book "fire and fury," the author claiming white house insiders told him the president does not read, does not listen. today, the president spending 55 minutes on live television, negotiating on immigration, the dreamers and his wall. and what the president said today when asked if he would beat oprah in 2020. the major development involving the dossier about donald trump and russia.
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what we now know tonight. and there's breaking news this evening coming in on steve bannon. the schoolteacher who argued the teacher should get a raise after learning the superintendent was getting one. that teacher then on the floor in the hallway and halfcuffed. and tonya harding, all these years later. tonight, acknowledging for the first time something we had not heard before after that attack on nancy kerrigakerrigan. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. a lot of news to get to. and we begin with those scenes of devastation coming in now, after the wildfires, now staggering amounts of rain triggering deadly mudslides tonight in california. mud and debris rushing downhills, onto major highways, shutting down the 101. multicar accidents. this truck losing control at an interchange of the i-5 freeway. a
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the mud and the wreckage alive. but not everyone has been saved. and the death toll is growing. abc's matt gutman leads us off from california. >> reporter: tonight, rescuers trudging through chest-high mud in the fran sick search of missing. >> we have multiple reports of people trapped. >> reporter: five inches of of rain surging through creek beds with titanic force. >> it's our worst fear coming to life for us right now. our people are out there trying to do the best work they can and perform as many rescues as they possibly can. >> reporter: the thomas fire, largest in california history, denuded the nearby hills of vegetation and anything that would absorb the water. overnight, the famed 101 freeway overrun. we're retreating here and you can actually feel debris hitting our car right now. closed for 30 miles in both directions. and you can see how fast that water is moving here. i mean, that is a torrent of water. >> reporter: at least eight killed and
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rescuers piled in overnight, gingerly pulling out this 14-year-old girl, so mud-spattered, it's hard to make her out. dogs were sent padding through the deep slop. skirting around eucalyptus trees that had snagged siding, cars, and whole chunks of homes. firefighters are telling us that foundation right there, it had a house on it. that house is now over there, smashed up against those trees. that crew on the rooftop searching for signs of life. you think someone is in there? >> we have a strong feeling someone is in that house. >> reporter: some neighborhoods impassable, helicopters and high water vehicles taking families like ben hyatt's to safety. >> i immediately ran and woke up jack and pushed him to the top bunk bed. i was worried that it was just going to keep coming and coming. i woke up my wife and we just did not know what to do, we were just surrounded by mud. >> reporter: the debris field was a miles-long ribbon of mud, boulders and the remains of people's homes.
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>> look at all the water that came down through this dam, destroyed, it looks like, several vehicles and that rv right there. >> reporter: that slide also causing a gas leak and bringing mandatory evacuations. >> and matt gutman reporting in tonight from montecito. and we know just a devastating scene there. you've been reporting in all day on this. and this area us with not under a mandatory evacuation? >> reporter: that's right, david. stunningly, this area was under a voluntary evacuation order, and we're told by officials that the areas that were under that mandatory evacuation order, only 10% to 15% of those people left. that's because people did not think the water could come down with such crushing force. now, officials tell me they fear that there are more victims here in this debris. david? >> all right, just incredible scene tonight. matt gutman leading us off. matt, thank you. now, to major developments from the white house. just days after the release of that bombshell book "fire and fury" that claimed
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his fitness to lead. reporters and cameras invited into a meeting on immigration, playing out for 55 minutes on television. showing america the president at work. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl was in the room. >> reporter: today, the president still dealing with fallout over a book portraying him as dim witted and unstable made a dramatic effort to show the opposite. leading a free-wheeling negotiation between democrats and republicans on immigration. and, in a white house first, letting it all play out before the television cameras. >> this should be a bill of love, truly, should be a bill of love. >> reporter: at issue, the looming march 5th deadline for the so-called dreamers. undocumented immigrants who were brought into the country as children and now could soon face deportati deportation. >> it's daca. we've been talking about daca for a long time.
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room seemed to agree on providing legal status to the dreamers, but republicans insisted that more border security had to be part of the deal. democrats tried to convince the president to deal with the dreamers first, and at times, he seemed to agree. >> what about a clean daca bill now, with a commitment that we go into a comprehensive immigration reform procedure like we did back, i remember when kennedy was here. >> i have no problem -- i think that's what he's saying. we're going to come out with daca. we will do daca and then we can start on the phase two which would be comprehensive. >> would you be agreeable with that? >> i would like that. >> mr. president, you need to be clear. what senator feinstein is talking about, we don't want to be back here two years later. you have to have security as the secretary would tell you. >> but i think that's what she's saying. >> no, no. >> reporter: other times, the president seemed to insist the deal must include his border wall. is there any agreement without the wall? >> no. there wouldn't be. >> reporter: the wall has to be
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jon, you need the wall. i mean, it's wonderful, i'd love not to build the wall, but you need the wall. >> reporter: the president also seemed to push for come prehence i immigration reform, something most conservatives and trump supporters have been dead set against for years. >> i'll take all the heat you want to give me. i'll take the heat off the democrats and the republicans. my whole life has been heat. i like heat in a certain way. >> reporter: some republicans in the room asked the president to clarify where he stands. >> you have created an opportunity here, mr. president. and you need to close the deal. >> reporter: but the president said it is up to congress to work out the details, signaling he wants a deal even if it's not a perfect one. >> if they come to me with things i'm not in love with, i'm going to do it, because i respect them. i will be signing it. >> so, let's get to jon karl live in washington. jon, you've spent years covering the white house. you were in that room. what is the white house trying to accomplish here? >> reporter: well, first of all, david, this was the president's decision. he told his staff
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going to do it. just as they were going into the meeting. it's an effort to show a president that is in charge and able to work with democrats, something, david, that he simply has to do now that the republican majority in the senate is down to one seat. >> and jon, while we have you, there was news late today about the president's former chief strategist, steve bannon who was often quoted in that book "fire and fury" criticizing the president and his family. we know the president has cut him off and tonight, he's out at breitbart, as well? >> reporter: he is out, david. he infuriated the white house, infuriated the president, who now calls him sloppy steve. he tried to issue a mea culpa, but that was an apology that was not accepted. >> jon karl at the white house tonight. next, to the russia investigation, and to that controversial dossier on then candidate donald trump and russia. tension growing between senate democrats and republicans over where to release the transcript of an interview on the hill behind closed doors with the company behind that dossier. well, tonight, in a rare move, democratic senator
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feinstein has released the transcript on her own. abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas on what's in it. >> reporter: tonight, democratic senator dianne feinstein releasing the testimony of the man whose firm commissioned the infamous trump russia dossier. the firm, fusion gps, was hired by republicans and later by democrats to look into candidate trump's possible ties to russia. republicans, including president trump, have dismissed the largely uncorroborated dossier. >> it's very sad what they've done with this fake dossier. it was made up. >> reporter: but in a meeting with the senate judiciary committee, fusion gps co-founder glenn simpson fought back saying -- "it's political rhetoric to call the dossier phony. the memos are field reports of real interviews. there's nothing phony about it." the dossier was written by a former british spy named christopher steele. simpson told senators that steele became genuinely alarmed about what he was uncovering, and went to the fbi. "he thought from his perspective there was an issue.
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a security issue about whether a presidential candidate was being blackmailed." simpson testified the fbi revealed they also had "a voluntary source, someone who was concerned about the same concerns we had." his words left the impression that the source was a member of the trump team. but we're learning tonight that it was, in fact, an australian official who had spoken to a trump campaign adviser. over the summer, the republican chairman of the committee said he believed the transcripts of simpson's testimony would eventually come out. >> i presume that they will be released. >> reporter: four months later, democrats decided to do it on their own. >> i think people are entitled to know what was said. i see no problem with releasing it. >> all right, pierre thomas with us live tonight from washington. and pierre, some republican senators have called for a criminal investigation now of that former british spy who fusion gps now says sounded the alarm to the fbi. they're targeting him now for criminal investigation. and they're furious democrats released this testimony on their own? >> reporter: that's right. republicans say it's
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that senator feinstein released that transcript, and they say it severely undermines the committee's work. david? >> pierre, thank you. and one more note tonight. amid all the talk of oprah winfrey now intrigued about her and a possible run for president in 2020, tonight, what president trump has said when asked, could he beat oprah? here's abc's senior white house correspondent cecilia vega tonight. >> reporter: in the white house today, president trump had this prediction for a possible 2020 oprah run. >> i'll beat oprah. oprah would be a lot of fun. i like oprah. i don't think she is going to run. i don't think she's going to run. i know her very well. >> reporter: his daughter, ivanka, calling win free's golden globe's speech empowering and inspiring. >> so, i want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon. >> reporter: if megastar instantly catapulted into the political stratosphere. >> there will be no running for office of any kind for me.
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today, her best friend gayle king says she doesn't think oprah's position has changed. but -- >> i do think she's intrigued by the idea. i do think that. i also know, after years of watching the oprah show, you always have a right to change your mind. i don't think at this point she is actually considering it. >> reporter: the oprah show, something president trump knows a lot about. oprah once asking if he would run for president. >> i just don't think i really have the inclination to do it. i love what i'm doing, i really like it. >> also doesn't pay as well. >> no, it doesn't. >> reporter: his white house aides aren't laughing. they're already lobbing political hits. >> what advise would you give a political outsider, who seems intrigued about the idea of running? >> i'm not going to focus on anyone's campaign other than president trump's re-election. >> reporter: is she qualified? >> look, i disagree very much on her policies. is she a successful individual? absolutely. but in terms of where she
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would find a lot of problems with that. >> reporter: well, that's the white house. they say they welcome all challengers. as for democrats, president obama's former iowa director tweeted "call me." the democrats are definitely intrigued. >> what a moment you unearthed from the oprah show so many years ago there. thank you, cecilia. overseas tonight, a remarkable moment on the korean peninsula today. north and south korea meeting for the first time in two years. you'll member this moment, a north korean soldier defecting to the south there, shot multiple times by his fellow soldiers as he tried to defect. today, north korean representatives walking across that very same 3w0border to mee with the south. and what both sides decided about the olympics, and the moment the south told the north to let go of their nuclear weapons. abc's chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz in south korea tonight. >> reporter: officials from north korea walking briskly across the world's most heavily
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fortified border. inside that negotiating room, officials from the north on the left, the south on the right. cordial. shaking hands. the agree, for the first time in eight years, the north will send athletes to the winter olympics and a cheerleading group. the south even proposing the two countries march together at the opening ceremonies. the meeting wasn't all cordial. the south bringing up hopes for denuclearization, the north responding with silence, and later, expressing strong discontent at the mention. the backdrop of the meeting, the threat of war. kim jong-un could be just a test or two away from perfecting a nuclear-tipped missile that could potentially hit the united states. >> and martha raddatz reporting in from seoul tonight. and martha, what are the north koreans really trying to accomplish here, walking across that border, willing to negotiate with the south? what message are they trying to send to the u.s.? >> reporter: well, david, i think the north is
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and south korea, but the south koreans have promised the u.s. they will not soften their position on banning nuclear weapons or lifting sanctions. david? >> martha raddatz with us again tonight. thank you, martha. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. the schoolteacher arrested after asking for a raise. the teacher taking issue with the superintendent's raise, asking why teachers weren't getting one, as well. as you can see, that teacher then on the floor, handcuffed. we have more on this. also, the unsettling headline tonight for many involving alzheimer's and parkinson's disease. and our interview with tonya harding, all these years later. the one-on-one, the exclusive right here. and she acknowledges something for the first time, something we had never heard before. shawn evans: it's 6 am. 40 million americans are waking upa gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. today we're bringing you america's number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the
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in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. next tonight here, to the abc news exclusive. tonya harding, back in the spotlight. there is a new movie about her and the olympics are, of course, approaching. and what she acknowledged for the first time to our amy robach, so many years after that attack on nancy
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>> reporter: tonya harding making a red carpet comeback at sunday's golden globes. >> tonya harding is here tonight. >> reporter: the former olympic figure skater brought to near tears. >> i'd like to thank tonya for sharing her story. >> reporter: harding's story hitting the big screen in "i, tonya," the feature film revisiting that infamous attack on nancy kerrigan. >> why? why? >> reporter: kerrigan, harding's competitor, clubbed in the knee after practice at the 1994 u.s. figure skating championships. harding's ex-husband, jeff gillooly and a team of assailants went to prison for the crime. but harding, who has always denied any involvement, now admitting for the first time she heard gillooly and others talk about going after another skater. you never said to jeff, "let's do this"? >> no. no. >> reporter: he never asked for your permission? >> no. >> reporter: and you were never part of the planning? >> no. i did, however, overhear the
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talking about stuff where -- "well, maybe we should take somebody out so we can make sure she gets on the team." and i remember telling them, i go, "what the hell are you talking about? i can skate." >> reporter: so, you heard them talking about doing something to someone before the attack on nancy, but nothing specific. >> this was, like, a month or two months before. but they were talking about skating and saying, "well, maybe somebody should be taken out so then, you know, she can make it." >> reporter: taken out? so, then, when you heard about the attack on nancy, did that pop back into your head? >> no. >> reporter: i heard them talking a month ago. >> i didn't know what was going on. >> back at the time, tonya harding pleaded guilty to conspiring. this abc documentary airs this thursday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here on abc. when we come back tonight, the teacher handcuffed and arrested after arguing the superintendent shouldn't be the only one getting a raids. you'll see the video after the break. and the story bin
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the dog on the train, the subway door closes, the leash there trapped. the owner on the other side. we'll be right back.
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. to the index of other news. the middle school tooeacher arrested in louisiana. deyshia hargrave was objecting to a nearly $30,000 raise for the superintendent, but no rasz for teachers or staff. the marshall ordering her out of the room. she was handcuffed in the hall, taken to jail. the state attorney now says no charges will be filed against her. there's also news in the fight against alzheimer's tonight. pfizer ending research for new drugs to combat alz hheimer's a parkinson's. pfizer laying off 300 people as a result. and this image getting our attention late today. a dog stuck on the "t" in boston. the subway closing on its leech. there was a problem with the train, but the doors did open, the dog and the owner were reunited. that
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finally tonight here, america strong. the boys gathered in one school auditorium who suddenly felt the love. >> how y'all doing, gentlemen? >> reporter: you're about to witness something extraordinary that happened at bily earl deade middle school in south dallas. they were organizing a "breakfast with dads" event for but they knew that some dads would not show. so, they posted this message online. please share, men needed. the reality of a great event like this is a lot of our kids will not have a dad present.
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more additional male mentors. and what happened next stunned them all. >> look at all these men here. isn't this amazing? >> reporter: hundreds of men showing up to mentor the boys. 600 filling the school auditorium. the look on the students faces said it all. sharing the simplest of life lessons. how to tie a tie. how to play the trumpet. and sometimes, just offering an ear. >> hi, david. he told us, it inspired him. >> it was pretty special. >> reporter: he smoet many fathers, like assistant chief of police join rodriguez, right there with sixth grader james cruz. >> when i walked in the room, words could not describe the feeling that came over me. >> it was a life-changing event. >> reporter: jameel tucker, a volunteer dad, too. >> your young men need us. >> reporter: which is exactly what they did. we love this story. and those messages they sent us today. thank you for watching here tonight. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow.
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exciting adventures are on the horizon. it's disney's sea & shore week. wheel... of... fortune! ♪ ♪ ♪ ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of america's game -- pat sajak and vanna white! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, jim! thank you. appreciate that. have a nice time at the puzzle board.


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