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tv   ABC7 News at Noon  ABC  January 9, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] announcer: now, abc 7 news at noon on your side. adrianna: we have a warm-up on our hands. it is the first time we're hitting 40 degrees since christmas. you won't be breaking out your shorts, but it is a big improvement from the deep freeze we have had recently. steve rudin is here with a check of your forecast. steve: we are looking at better conditions in the afternoon hours and overnight. even w
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weekend school wake. belle haven country club, two hours ago, this was a much different scene. you can barely see anything at all. visibility down to 1/10 of a mile. now visibility has improved and temperatures are slowly beginning to rebound. he will show you what is going on as we look at visibility is across the region. at 10 miles at reagan national. visibility less toward cumberland, now at three miles. temperatures warming up. 43 in chevy chase. 45 in alexandria. as we move through the afternoon hours, we will look for a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures in the middle 40's, and then the warm-up. more on that in a few minutes. adrianna: temperatures might be getting warmer, but ice was a major problem during the morning commute and slick roads lead to a scary senior montgomery county after a school bus slid off the ro
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special needs student. john gonzalez has more on the live -- close call. around 9:00 this morning, countyr of a montgomery public school bus turned. he had on board one school and one high school student. he said he immediately felt county public school bushimself losings bus. the bus started sliding. he tried to pump the brakes, maneuver the steering will, but he could not. he lost control. the bus went off the road, now teetering off -- over a reading. the surface is very treacherous, icy. black told that was the ice caused this single-vehicle accident. fortunately, no one was injured. the driver, the school late, and the student were evacuated by paramedics at the same. no injuries, no transports. on a day when montgomery county
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two-hour delay, this happened here in potomac. >> state-controlled. john: brace yourself. >> brace yourself. i did everything. sit there, sit there. john: she said she was busy. >> yeah, dizzy. john: first responders have been able to stabilize the school bus where it is and they have been treating the road with chemicals and salt for the better part of 45 minutes, trying to get enough traction to finally bring in the big rig tow trucks to get this bus back up on the road. in potomac, maryland, john gonzalez, abc 7 news. adrianna: freezing temperatures may be gone, but they have left their mark in our area with dozens of waterman breaks, and there were even more this -- water main breaks, and there were even more this morning. ryan hughes has the latest headaches for homeowners. ryan:
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breaks all over the area. crews behind me work to fix and eight-inch main that ruptured in annandale, creating a 10-foot geyser. water shooting all over the place. power lines are still wet. on the ground, a sinkhole has formed on annandale road near state cresthill drive. it was reported at 6:00 this morning. crews were called into throw down salt and sand. 3a metro bus line delayed by a half-hour because of these breaks. there have been 6000 calls just this past weekend. >> some for water main breaks, some for frozen pipes. we have been dealing with about 20 to 40 waterman breaks per day. our guys have been working nonstop. ryan:
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we are told seven homes have been affected. we are told they expect to stay business -- break with temperatures climbing in the 40's and 50's, likely to cause more water main breaks. right now democratic and republican members of congress are meeting with the president at the white house, looking for a cover my sister the deportation of nearly 800,000 people brought to the u.s. illegally as children -- on the for a compromise deportation of nearly 800,000 people brought to the u.s. illegally as children. abc news has confirmed special counsel robert mueller told president trump's legal team it is likely he will request an interview with the president. it is likely not the first time he has made that none. in whiteent trump house meetings today, but sources say there is no word on when or if the president will meet with special counsel robert mueller's team. pres. trump:
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nothing wrong. let's be open and get it over with. investigating links to the trump campaign alerted the president's personal lawyers his office is likely to request an interview. >> if robert mueller asks you to commit -- speak to his committee, are you committed to do so. pres. trump: just so you understand, there has been no collusion. >> will he sit down to be interviewed, or will the legal team only allowed to respond in writing? he is likely to be asked about jamesan -- firing of comey, what he knew about the trump tower meeting with a russian lawyer set of by his son donald trump, jr., and what was the president's role in crafting the misleading statement about the meeting? robert miller's -- robert mueller's far-reaching probe has resulted in a guilty plea from mi
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related to conspiracy against the u.s.. we know the president and his legal team have been eager for investigation to end soon. talksna: the first between north and south korea in two years got off to a good start. send korea decided it will a delegation to the winter olympics in south korea -- south korea conducted not express -nuclearizbout de ation. there is no guarantee kim jong-un will not test another missile in the coming weeks. there is a pause in the talks as they try to pressure the north into giving up weapons. downtown silver spring is losing the centerpiece of its economic revitalization program. they are moving 1300 employees out of the discovery indications headquarter building.
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2003, which was the magnet for the downtown makeover and revitalization. last september, the company announced it was spending $10 million to renovate and consolidate maryland operations. they also got $1 million in loans from the state and montgomery county to fund the changes. thousands of dollars worth of counterfeit air dorton -- air jordan shoes were seized at dulles airport. 400 pairs worth nearly $55,000 of the counterfeit nike's arrived at the airport last month. they were headed to an address in alexandria the real shoes could cost upwards of $300 a pair. mounting concerns for parents and students at the cloverly elementary school after a school and was arrested on child pornography charges. parents were left with little answers. suzanne kennedy has more on the questions left unanswered. suzanne:
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concerned about their children's safety after the arrest of a part-time aide. sean kelley is charged with distribution of child pornography. he was arrested on friday. a letter went out a living him he had been arrested. last night, parents voiced their concerns, asking for more transparency and more information about what has been happening. police recovered images that were shared and downloaded to the internet. none of them are believed to be of montgomery county students. -team first reported in october he had been put on administrative leave. counselors are being made available to help students cope with the development and also for students to report whether or not they were victimized. in silver spring, suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news.
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adrianna: alabama crowned the kings of college football once again. the crimson tide pulled off an epic comeback to beat the georgia team in the national title game in atlanta. the firstminated half. they led at halftime, 13-0. in the second half, the head coach benched is starting quarterback for a true freshman that did not play in a meaningful game all season long. he led the crimson tide in the comeback. they erased a 13-point deficit to win their fifth national chairmanship in nine seasons. nick sabin when we lost last year on the last play of the game, we said don't waste the failing. it was a lesson we all wanted to learn. the
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something from that. i could not be prouder of a bunch of coaches, players, and people in our organization that contribute to the success of the university of alabama. his sixthit is national title, tying their bryant. vegas has already made alabama the favorite to repeat next season. next at noon, two young children dead after routine checkups at the same dental office, and other parents are suing. are the dentists that fault? details i had, plus -- >> three, two, one -- ignition, left off. adrianna: another botched spacex mission. what went wrong this time? that story is coming up. here is a quick check of traffic in our area with eric smith. eric: thank you. good afternoon. a quiet
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area today. not much happening in virginia for i-95 headed south. there is no backup for the southbound right. toward fredericksburg ,orthbound, into stafford approaching court house wrote, you have the right length block. -- right lane blocked. jimlid jim as a result -- as a result. -- work of the works on zone. into downtown silver spring, southbound colesville road, dale drive is dealing with mid-day work zones. , it is the street left side blocked off for both directions. looking at northbound directions. overall,for sure, but traffic is getting through the area and this is a typical work zone at this point. around the beltway, things are still looking good past connecticut aven.
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road either. always welcome news. (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program.
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at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing)
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(colonial penn jingle) adrianna: developing right now, a judge in pennsylvania has sentenced four men in the 2013 hazing death of a fraternity pledge. all were students. the sentences range from 10 months to three years in jail. the judge banned the fraternity from operating in pennsylvania for 10 years. an arizona family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit after their four-year-ol
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januaryan infection in of 2016. she was hospitalized and died soon thereafter. argues they fail to meet the basic standard of care. >> they took half of my heart. they took something from it they could never come back. autria: just last month, -- adrianna: just last month, a two-year-old boy died after getting a crown and feel at the same location. wrongdoing.denies a powerful storm pounding the west. thousands are forced to evacuate as concerns about flooding and mudslides mount in the same areas devastated by recent wildfires. matt gutman is in the middle of all of it. matt: the first major winter rainstorm lashing the same parts of california scorched by wildfire in the fall.
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the soil in place. >> there is nothing slowing it down. matt: right now thousands are under mandatory and voluntary evacuation orders. fears over landslides growing. hay, and using sand, sheets of plastic. this family is facing its second mandatory evacuation in less than a month. we first met them in december -- cars packed, as the thomas fire tour through. >> what are you afraid of? is it slowing? matt: now leaving again. it was little macy's first day back at school since the fires. the family is arming itself with sandbags and makeshift waterways, hoping to fight off another disaster. >>
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would be devastating -- absolutely devastating. ignition. liftoff. adrianna: well, what went up apparently disappeared. launch mayt spacex have lost its payload, a satellite. the top-secret military satellite has not been spotted by u.s. officials since it's florida launch. when asked if it fell back to earth and burned in the atmosphere, spacex said it does not comment on launches of this nature. the consumer electronics show kicks off and there are some hot gadgets on cap. what can you expect to see -- tv's everywhere. that includes the prototypes of the roll up television by lg. get ready for big car announcements as well.
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thinking $1 billion into self-driving technology. they plan to roll out the services. more roomen making for wearable fitness tech including smart shoes and more. now you can wear big brother. steve: i love that roll up tv -- that was cool. you just roll it up, it is 60 inches. adrianna: why not leave it on the wall? what if you want to move it to the kitchen? adrianna: a 65 inch tv? itve: i do not know how much weighs. adrianna: you have 65-inch wall space all over your house? you do live in a mansion. steve:
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i can assure you of that. let's talk about the weather. look up this morning, couldn't see anything. looking really nice at national harbor. i just dropped my remote control. you know what that means -- good luck for our tuesday. i just made that up. .7 degrees that is the current temperature at 30 -- reagan national airport. temperature, -- and even cumberland looking a lot better. to 2.5ibility down miles. 41 in gaithersburg. 45 in leesburg. closer to the bay, 49 in annapolis. leonards town, 46 degrees. as we widen the view, called the stared off to the north and west of us. look at the milder temperatures, beginning to b
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the d.c. metro. feels like 54 degrees in richmond. clouds are going to hang around longer. if you are watching a scene garrett, allegheny, the panhandle of west virginia, clouds are beginning to erode. you will need sunglasses later this afternoon. temperatures generally in the lower- to middle-40's. the evening rush hour, beyond the route -- look out for slick spots. temperature still above freezing, 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 with a sunset timeout 504 -- 5:04 p.m. we will see the coldest temperatures north and west of town. wind out of the north has just around five miles per hour. winds begin to change direction is removed to the day tomorrow. still on the chilly side. a cool start. upper-20's. afternoon temper
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just around 40 degrees. we are building on those temperatures. we will continue to build on those temperatures as we move through the middle of the week. thursday, highs around 55 degrees. the chance for a few showers during the afternoon hours. we warm things up on friday. unfortunately, friday will be an umbrella-type of day. lower-50's on saturday. a cold front will move through saturday. sunday and monday, we're talking daytime highs only in the lower-30's with wake up temperatures that will be in the teens. and next week, toward the end of the week, we start to build those temperatures up again. spotsthe lookout -- slick later on tonight. i'm a few few days ahead with milder air. adrianna: we will all take that. --ll much more ahead on new, at noon, but here is what you will see at 5:00 p.m. alison
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taking over everything you own and charging you hundreds every hour they are doing it. that is the reality at d.c. probate court. >> no family should go into probate court and lose what they have worked hard for. they are supposed to help, not hurt.
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adrianna: now to an honor for a local high school football team -- wise will be honored as one of the top football programs in the nation. they completed their third straight 14-0 season. they are one of 14 schools being honored.
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national rankings. after last night's national champ chicken, alabama's center drops to one knee and proposed to his girlfriend. could not really ask for a better place. the good news is she said yes. finally we are getting a break from the bitter cold temperatures. how long will it last?
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adrianna: all right, so we're talking about a warm up finally. steve: it will feel so much better. when i walked my dog, even though it felt -- it was just around freezing, it felt milder. 45 degrees for the daytime high tomorrow. -- today. tomorrow the middle 40's. a better chance for rain. the high around 60 will wash the salt away from the sidewalk. much colder sunday and monday. adrianna: a good spring tease. steve: a january thaw.
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announcer: you are abc 7 news at noon on your side. adrianna: for the first time
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held high-level talks that resulted in a deal that includes the north agreed to send a delegation to participate in the upcoming winter olympics in south korea. >> breakthrough talks between north and south korea with rare access provided to news media. negotiators from the two rival nations coming together at the world's most militarized border, and for the first time in years, north korea agreed to send athletes, cheerleaders, and a performance troupe to the upcoming olympic games. the north koreans calling it a new year's gift. for the south, a reassurance their games will not be disrupted. the south also tried to bring up -nuclearization, but the result -- the response, nothing. there is no guarantee
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kim will not launch another missile in the coming weeks with pyongyang vowing to keep working to develop a missile that could reach the u.s. for now, the reaction from north and south korea -- full of optimism. in a joint statement, north and pledged to also resolve national problems on their own. president trump says he welcomes these talks, and if something could come out of this it would be great for all of humanity. adrianna: right now democratic and republican members of congress are meeting with the president, looking for a compromise to stop the deportation of nearly 800,000 children brought to the u.s. illegally. weather, i seek to start, and a bit of fall, but it has all cleared up and we e
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there right now. temperatures are slowly beginning to rebound as we move through the early afternoon hours. 37 at reagan national. chevy chase, 43. 41 in centerville. clinton, maryland, 43 degrees. visibility is a huge improvement from where we were. visibility across the area now at 10 miles, improving across western maryland. visibility the last hour was down to two miles. clear skies along the mason-dixon line. clouds will hang around longer around the immediate metro area, but brighter skies are on the way. we are gearing up for a big-time warm-up as we move towards the end of the week, and we are tracking our next big cold front for the middle of the upcoming weekend. , icenna: this morning caused a school bus to skin off the road in potomac. -- skid off the road in potomac. fortune,
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schools in montgomery county were on a two-delay because of those conditions. hogan i allocated and five dollars in emergency funding. dozens of city schools were closed because of cold weather and broken heaters. at one point, 60 buildings were close at the same time. as hogan announced the funding, he criticized school leadership. hogan: because the projects have been repeatedly prioritized and funded by the state, and then completely mismanaged by the city school system. >> it is messing up the kids education for the day. they need their education to learn to get what they got adrianna: going on. adrianna:the mayor says some of the school buildings are too old. she is working on a plan to decide what government should be closed permanent. >> he rolled out. we cannot ask
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my kids go to cleverly. >> we are looking at budget, achievement gap -- you cannot even keep them safe. adrianna: frustrations boiling dr. -- superintendent walked out of a meeting. part-time aide shawn kelley has been placed on administrative leave. thousands of dollars of counterfeit air jordan shoes are seized at dulles airport. u.s. customs and border protection said monday that 400 $55,000 of nearly the counterfeit nike's arrived at the airport last month. they were headed to an address in alexandria. the real shoes could cost upwards of $200. next at noon, the crimson tide roll to another national
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the georgia bulldogs. more on the gutsy coaching change that helped bring the championship trophy to sweet home alabama. we are breaking down the talks
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announcer: you are watching abc 7 news at noon on your side. adrianna: back now and 12:39 p.m. with so much happening in the world of politics, we are joined by abc political director rick klein. let's get into it and talk about the latest talks between north and south korea ahead of the olympic games. this has been two years in the making. what is the president's take on this?
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rick: it is a thaw in the relationship, and it is not clear how president trump is responding. he has taken credit, but is also continuing his bellicose language toward north korea. there is even talk of a targeted military strike. it is not exactly fitting with circumstances on the ground, but most people are applauding the idea that north and south korea could talk to each other and open the door for north korean athletes to precipitate in the optics. adrianna: it is my understanding that the south asked the north about nuclear weapons and getting rid of them, and the north just ignored it. they made clear they are not going to give it up nuclear weapons, as they see it as a bargaining chip. it will not happen unilaterally, quickly. after the fire and the fury, the locked and loaded comments, it does appear we are a step or a step in a half away from the brink. adrianna: the other news of the day -- former arizona sheriff joe are pale announcing he is --joe arpaio
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running for senate. his chances of getting anywhere? rick: it is a crowded republican field. the key will be how president trump decides to endorse or not endorse any of the candidates. are several other candidates, including one that has steve bannon's backing, and a more establishment candidate. there are few states where the changing demographics, changing immigration, the wall, comes into focus sharper than right there in trying to replace jeff flake. adrianna: the last question regarding daca -- the meeting president trump is having right now with democrats and republicans. i'll be going to get any resolution on this because the president is steadfast in wanting a border, and the democrats are using this -- a border wall. the democrats are using this as a bargaining chip. i will getting anywhere in 2018? rick: negotiations are all o
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the president could change as deadline when it comes to the dreamers, but democrats view this as a defining moment for them, the party, and the country. they don't want to back down. i don't see progress in the issue of immigration. there are so many moving pictures -- pieces and priorities for all the players. adrianna: rick klein, thank you for your time. until next time. rick: thank you. adrianna: we could see the capitol behind him and that live shot. steve: at least we could see it. the visibility early this morning, with the fog and cold temperatures -- it was slick by the potomac river. as i was walking my dog, we were slipping and sliding. a relatively short walk, but it was ok. rehoboth beach, the snow beginning to melt. the blizzard from last week long gone. the temperature at reagan national stands at 37 degrees. the wind not much of a problem. feels-like temperature
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we will take considering how cold it has been around here. visibility looking good right now. we need to get the clouds to move out of here. temperatures are rebounding. middle 40's in winchester and leesburg. lower-40's in lawrence and. 42 in andrews. leonardtown road at 42 degrees. at 42l show you -- degrees. if you're looking for the colder air, had north and west. pittsburgh and columbus, feels-like temperatures are still in the middle- and the bump -- that is the warmer air -- upper-20's. the bump -- that is the warmer air that we will feel the next couple of days. clouds are breaking up. rockville, frederick, more sunshine. for the district in a good portion of southern maryland, clouds will hang around longer. i promise you, skies will clear.
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into the middle 40's by later this afternoon. sunglasses, you will need them -- drivetime home looking better than yesterday's. temperatures falling into the upper-30's and the sunset time at around 5:04 p.m. daytime hours get longer and longer. nighttime lows in the lower-20's in the northern and western suburbs. 20's inside the beltway. window be out of the north at five miles per hour. tomorrow looking good. a little on the cool side, slightly below average this time of year. starting the morning off with temperatures in the upper-20's, upper-30's by 11:00 a.m. by 2:00 p.m., temperatures will be in the lower- to middle-40's. we wrapped the temperatures up thursday and friday followed by a stronger cold front late in the day on saturday. that will drop
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let's talk about to 10-a temperature trend. 40's today. look at thursday, 55 degrees. a better chance for wet weather friday. you need an umbrella, but highs around 60 -- haven't seen that for a long time. lower-50's saturday. the cold front moves through. lower 30's sunday and monday. middle 30's tuesday and wednesday. back to the lower-40's by the end of next week. always a good time to download your stormwatch 7 weather app. just one many thought it could not get any better than last year's national chairmanship, alabama and georgia delivered a gem with an overtime thriller for the ages. alabama where in they regained their spot. amy: with the game on the
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line, alabama turn to a true freshman, tua tagovailoa, and boy did he deliver. >> touchdown. alabama wins. the crimson tide will not be denied. georgia hearts. the dogs barking in the first half. amy: alabama sacked their veteran qb in favor of tua tagovailoa, a five-star recruit from hawaii. >> throwing again. end zone. touchdown. amy: the 19-year-old orchestrated a 20-point comeback. , surveying theoa field, touchdown. amy: when alabama missed the last-second field goal, georgia fan stuff they had a shot at redemption in overtime.
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tide rolled. s. touchdown, alabama win adrianna: -- amy: to their sixth national chairmanship under head coach nick sabin. whenat were your emotions you watch the ball fly through the air? nick sabin: i cannot believe it. could not believe it. when i saw smitty come open, i thought this is it. alabama fans, the number 13 has never felt so lucky. --this moment feels the word world, but all glory goes to god. i cannot describe what he has done for me and my family. adrianna: all right -- check this out, after the game, to one's center dropping knee and proposing to his girlfriend in front of the winner's podium. for a greaterask place to do it, an
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an honor for a local football team -- wise high school in upper marlboro will be honored as one of the top programs in the nation. they completed their third -straight 14-0 season. they are one of 50 schools being honored today. 139 in the final ranking. some tips on shredding your debt. according to one survey, 53% of americans ranked saving money as their number one years resolution. abc's consumer correspondent techie with the -- becky with the trends. >> the japanese have unique ideas about self-improvement. the latest craze, it has been dubbed the -- method of home budgeting. >> when you start the beginning of the month with the system, your goals, what you are spenng
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will help you organize your decision-making process. >> enter hilly" it. >> moving out from her parents, you don't realize all the things you have to pay for on a month to month basis. >> they struggle to stick to their budget goals. what goals do you have around saving? >> i wish i had a cushion. i have some in savings, but it is not enough to feel 100% comfortable. >> those are problems the system aims to fix. it is a daily journal that requires a monthly planning session to allocate expenses. it is based on what financial planners call the envelope system of budgeting. you take your monthly income and dizzy it up. month -- money goes into the survival envelope first -- rent, food, transportation, medical, and phone. restaanoptional --
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shopping. then culture, movies, concerts, then extra or surprise expenses. >> one of the set goals to give us the motivation to do things like stick to a spending plan. >> a daily nudge in the direction of getting fiscally fit. we have
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kick off the new year with a deal that will save you money for the next 2 years guaranteed. os is here with a great offer a the 100% fiber-optic network. it starts with the fastest internet available. plus up to 200 channels. plus phone, plus showtime for 2 years. plus multi-room dvr service for 2 years. plus a 2 year price guarantee. all for just $79.99 per month online with a 2 year agreement. that's a lot of pluses, and over $800 dollars in savings. just think about having the best internet with the best showtime shows. it's what our customers expect. that's why fios has won the j.d. power award for "highest rank by customers for residential internet service
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so get the fastest internet available tv and phone plus showtime and multi-room dvr service included with a 2 year price guarantee for just $79.99 a month online with a 2 year agreement. stuck in a contract no problem we'll help you out with up to a $500 dollar credit for your early termination fee. get it all with fios. but hurry this offer ends january 17th. go to adrianna: this year will be a big one for britain's royal family -- prince harry's wedding, the birth of a royal baby, and today is another special day. >>
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she attended services this weekend, but has kept mum on specific plants. >> it will be a quiet celebration. it is not a milestone. just want to be with her family. >> charlotte celebrates her own milestone, heading to nursery school. the 2-year-old with a backpack showing off her love of horses in these photos taken by kate. she is set into the prestigious wilcox nursery school in london, which strives to maintain excellence and good manners. $18,000 a year for the princess in training. -- princess shalit, a young mirror -- charlotte, a young mirror image of queen elizabeth as a child. couple,he newest royal they are expected to make their first public appearance of the new year later today. her dad
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good match, i am very happy for them. harry is a gentleman. to him a fewken times on the phone, but he has never met him in person. adrianna: more details on the newest royal couple's public appearance. they visited a youth-led tv station. they will learn more about how to make social change using music and radio. launched station was as a platform for young people in south london to socialize and learn new skills in an environment where they can be confident and creative. (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program.
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at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing)
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(colonial penn jingle)
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adrianna: another reason to look forward to friday. steve: i know. temperatures near 60 degrees, but we have to get through today, tuesday, and friday. touches in the middle 40's. clouds increase on thursday. better chance for showers. 50's, with wake-up temperatures friday morning in the upper-40's. imagine what that will feel like. highs friday afternoon around 60. a few showers left over saturday. cooler air will start to funnel in later in the day. becauset colder air sunday and monday highs just around freezing. more below-average readings, but for a shorter period of time. adrianna:
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>> announcer: hope you're hungry! because we're satisfying your cravings all hour long and showing you how to eat well for less. "lettuce" rejoice as clinton teams up with actor hugh bonneville to make a spicy sensation. then, "chewsday tuesday" is back, and michael's letting our audience call the shots. plus, i'm baking an apple pie inside an apple. what the what? get ready for deliciousness, right now on "the chew." [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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