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tv   ABC7 News at 6  ABC  January 8, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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flooding homes. schools and businesses. and the point of an icy night for the entire area. at this hour so far the roadways are wet but not iced over. michelle: with the sun setting, it could change in an instant. we have team coverage for you and the broad effect the cold snap is having. we will begin with the chief meteorologist bill kelly in the stormwatch7 weather center. a lot to get to, bill. bill: good evening. let me get to the advisory that we have in effect. the winter weather advisory for the shades you see in the purple, including the d.c. metro until 9:00. i doubt they will keep it up that long. that is where it is currently. what we're watching is where the tran cig continues -- transition continues to occur. a lot of places have rain. the roads by and large have been treated. if you have a treated road on salt on a sidewalk you will be fine. we will get massive icing on interstate 95 for examp
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if you are walking around and they are not sheltered and you are not thinking about it and you slip, that is where it will get dangerous. the line of the radar, where it transitions from the rain or sleet or wintry mix is parts of central fairfax county right around the central and morn part of the county. bowie is 234 the area that you could get sleep. the farther north you go the radar is picking up the wintry mix. by the time it hits the surface at your house where you are it is likely in the form of rain. that is the best area or the area most susceptible to getting a wintery mix. you can see temperatures reflected in that. frederick is 32. d.c. at 34. you get south, the fredericksburg, it's 40. the warm air will make its way to our area. it's not going to drop much at all. it's the mid-30's to 32
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we will talk about the specifics coming up. michelle: josh knight is in stormwatch7 continuing the team coverage. you have been tracking the changing conditions out there. what are you seeing now? josh: we are looking at rain. that's what we have found. at this point it's light as well. getting around on the highways, it's fine again. it's been treated and things are looking good. the only place we have seen issues are the sidewalks and the driveways. we are in damascus. we found slick spots again walking around. but the roads even there are looking good. there are a lot of crews out doing what they can to keep people safe. it's working. i'll send it back inside. nancy: get a check now from mobiletrak7. sam sweeney joins us. where are you and what are you seeing? sam: we are 95 south. you can see windshield wipers are working hard.
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freezing. the crews are on the side of the road. ready to roll as it starts to ice over. but slow down because it's raining. back to you. nancy: good advice. almost every school district had a change of schedule because of the weather. be the first to know by changes in the child's school going to weber/text to sign up -- still ahead we will delve in the other major problems from the cold, bursting pipes and the damage they are leaving behind. michelle: extreme measures to help people trapped by the cold snap. the virginia national guard releasing supplies airlifted to tangier island. those who live on the tiny island have been iced in as it freezes over. airlift included food, medical supplies and mail. look at this. impromptu waterfall that is creating a traffic ni
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the cause is a 12-inch water main that blew open flooding the interstate and as much as five feet of water. you see what it has done to the traffic there. multiple lanes in each direction have been shut down to allow repair work. nancy: more headaches from the travelers. water poured from the ceiling at j.f.k. airport. burst pipe flooding the international terminal there. the flight aware misery map showing average delay of half an hour at this point. 143 flights at j.f.k. were canceled because of the water main break. this is on top of last week's storm that grounded the airport to a halt. >> kept us on the plane for an hour and said the terminal was blooded affidavit there was no electricity and we couldn't get our bags. nancy: a feeder pipe broke likely due to the cold weather. take you to breaking news right now. in massachusetts, this is
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the crews are battling a massive fire. live look at the scene. flames are shooting from the roof. one person was taken to the hospital. with burns. the flames are engulfing a multifamily home. neighbors say they have been battling this for hours. firefighters on the scene for more than an hour at this point. alison: now to a disturbing discovery in maryland. four masseurs charged with sexual assault but allowed to keep their license. michelle: the item is digging for answers on this. montgomery county reporter kevin lewis shows us what he found. kevin: in the last year, the four ma sanel practitioners have -- massage practitioners have been accused of sexually assaulting female clients across the county. but despite the serious criminal charges we discovered all four of the massage licenses are still active and in good standing. >> i am surprised. i would think they
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revoked. >> it's terrible. >> you think if they are charged with something so crazy they shouldn't be able to continue what they are doing. >> maryland board of the massage therapy examiners says on average it receives 25 to 50 sexual assault complaints each year. there is only one person on staff assigned to all the places. not to mention billing complaint, hot stone and muscle injuries, human trafficking rings. 600 hours of classes and criminal background check are required to obtain a ma sanel license it's not foolproof. board chairman david cox is also a licensed therapist. >> the legal status of any individual licensee will be brought to the board attention. >> the massage board requested extra investigator and a leg
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but state funding is limited. >> a guilty plea in a brutal ms-13 murder. venus iraheta has admitted to first-degree murder, abduction and being in a gang. prosecutors say she admitted to stabbing 15-year-old damaris rivas to death and cutting a tattoo off her hand one year ago. the killing was revenge for the victim having sex with iraheta's boyfriend who was later murdered. theta too involved was a gift from iraheta's boyfriend. michelle: look at this. nine pounds of pot left at the wrong house. how they found the true owner. nancy: caught on video. erratic police car that makes a stop for beer. meet the man who made a citizens arrest coming up at
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nancy: caught on video. a mab watches this person slam into things and he noticed that the man driving the car was not in uniform. when the car stopped and driver went in a liquor store he jumped in action and made a citizen arrest. >> okay. you got me. he was laughing about the whole
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>> the man driving was not a police officer and had stolen the car. a run-in with an unmarked police car landed a man behind bars. franklin was drunk when he rear ended a deputy's car. he was arrested on the spot. michelle: baltimore county plans to sue over the opioid crisis. they say that the doctors were pressured to prescribe opioid for chronic pain. baltimore county reported 187 substance-related deaths in the first six months of 2017. anne arundel county filed a similar lawsuit last week. nancy: still ahead a fallout from a brutal cold snap. pipes bursting and flooding out home. why the problem exploded in the past few days ahead. michelle: the complicated battle the d.c. firefighters face trying to stop a fire fr
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boats to the great emperor trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope. you know who i'm gonna follow? my instincts. as long as gps can still get you lost,
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i'm breeding, man. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you.
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nancy: caught on camera, flames
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the freezing weather and a narrow path to the boats complicating the fight for the d.c. firefighters. the fire ended up destroying two boats and a dock but thankfully no one was hurt. desperate search and rescue efforts are underway off the coast of china as officials warn an oil tanker that collided with a ship could explode and sink. dozens of crew members are missing. experts say the explosion would release poisonous gas. the tanker was sailing from iran to south korea when it crashed over the weekend and carrying $60 million of cargo. michelle: a tweet now that says it all. d.c. police share the images of the nine pounds of pot mailed to the wrong address. police say the man who got the drugs called them immediately and then when someone asked about the pot he set up a meeting to retrieve it. that meeting was actually with the police who quickly made an arrest. nancy: al
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owners in falls church. there are increased coyotes sighting. they are not known to attack humans but they will go after livestock and small pets. a dog was killed in his yard before christmas. michelle: back to the winter weather alert. water rained down inside the buildings in howard university after the pipes burst in cold temperatures. the school was forced to delay the start of classes for most students until next week. several dorms are still without heat. some students returned from break despite e-mails from the school warning them about the issue. >> we are trying to figure out what to do with ourselves. >> are you not in your room? >> it's colder in the room than out here. michelle: wow! what a comparison. the classes did begin today for the professional schools but they were dismissed because of the bad weather. >> all the cold weather hitting the d.m.v. is putting a chill on the water mains and the pipes in the
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the hundred of calls for busted pipes. richard reeve in fort washington is an area hit hard by a big freeze. >> water, water everywhere. except where it should be. >> basements along the road are flooded out after the water main break are mud pits. piled of the soaked possession in the backyards. there you can see it's still dripping. >> rodney simmons is on the third repair job at williams house. >> i got to the bottom level there was water in the bottom. i had to wear duck shoes like i have now. >> indoor piping to the kitchen and the bathroom burst this morning to soak the family room, the front hallway, water leaking everywhere. >> time push water out. the water was running out of my front door. coming near the coat closet. out of my porch. >> plumbing services with
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d.m.v. why now? flowing water like this takes longer to freeze. when it is sitting still in the pipes, look out. >> it doesn't take long for still water to become ice. once it becomes ice it will swell inside the pipe and burst. >> it happened at the alexandria townhouse while the owner was away. the front stoop is iced over. >> we don't know if he was leaving so he turned the heat off or the heat is something that malfunctioned inside. >> experts say leave pipes dripping to prevent this. >> very frustrating. costly. >> williams thankful they are insured and like even hoping for the warmer weather soon. in fort washington, richard reeve, abc7 news. michelle: cautionary tale from baltimore where a person set their home on fire trying to thaw out their pipes. firefighters say the homeowner was using a blow tomorrow. that is a big -- a blow
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that is a big no-no. everyone escaped unharmed but the home had $300,000. bill: never a good use. use a hair drier. nancy: you dealt with this yourself? bill: i did. i caught mine in time. we had an outdoor weather and the water wasn't running. we are new to the house. we got unlogged enough there is no bursts. so you wipe the brow and say it could have been ugly if i didn't discover that in a week. plumbers will be busy now that we are thawing out. good evening. 34 is the temperature outside reagan national. most of you are outside the freezing mark. upper 30's. but around the metro it's 34 in fairfax. dulles is at 32. great falls is 32. bethesda and college park are both at 34. so very few places are actually sub freezing. up north hagers
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frederick at 32. notice fredericksburg at 38. st. peter's basilica -- petersburg at 34. this is the air temperature. not the feels like temperature. this is the air temperature because it will make a difference. we are close enough now for the most part the winter weather concern is not huge. i hate to say gone. i doubt that they will keep it up until 9:00. radar picking up sleet. all the reports we have gotten, by the time it reaches the surface the protected areas it's falling in the form of liquid. not seeing inty -- not seeing sleet. very few places will have a freeze on contact. shaded areas that were metal and never got sunlight today possibly those. in terms of the places you will walk, careful. most should be in the form of the liquid tonight.
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looking fine. tomorrow morning i'd be surprised if the schools are delayed due to weather. they may be delayed if there is a burst of line or whatever but i would bank on kids going back to school. i don't expect the snow throughout the day. the temperatures are going back up. i want to show you this. this is the future temperatures. we start tomorrow morn and we run through the day. 12:00 noon we get to 42. region wide say 45 or so by the afternoon. when you look at the big picture some of the colder spots north are relatively warm. this time tomorrow night we are at 39 degrees. the mild upper 40's is headed our direction and the forecast is calling for the warmer conditions. sunshine tomorrow. mid-40s. we start out around 3 degrees at 8:00 in the morning and the abc7 day has us warming further by thursday and
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ahead of weather system to cool us back down. on friday we have 60-degree temperatures with the lows north of freezing mark so we are looking for rain on that. but a little cooldown for sunday and monday and the temperatures will likely bounce back mid-week. michelle: looks good. nancy: big night tonight. >> this is it. georgia-alabama. whoever wins this, take it all home. it comes down. alabama-georgia. for the coaches they know each other very well. who has the upper hand in the national championship game? hear from both
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announcer: now the toyota sports desk brought to you by your toyota dealer. robert: the college championship game tonight. 8:00 p.m. kickoff. but it gets better. which head coach has the upper hand. georgia's kirby smart who used to be on nick saban's staff or the face of college football coaching himself nick saban? either way it will be a fun one to watch. both coaches are ready for war. >> we know what we are up against in these guys. they have tremendous athletes. tremendous seed. they have had injuries to deal with. they have overcome those and created depth. >> we are playing against an outstanding team. kirby and his staff has done a fabulous job at georgia. our players are looking forward to the challenge and the opportunity to playing in the championship
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robert: all right. how about this for heartbreaker. closing seconds of the stanford-yusifiy -- stafford-usc game. they launch up the half-court shot at the buzzer and nothing but net. pandemonium. you look at it again. davis lets it fly. there is the game winner. stanford stuns usc 77-76. davis is the hero. finally the howard hampton basketball game postponedded due to the infrastructure damage caused by the sub zero temperatures. that was amazing! bill: the other team players stand there. michelle: stunner. robert: heartbreak. double time. michelle: warm up on the -- wop on the way. bill: big time. thursday in the 50's. friday in the 60 degree range. it wouldn't surprise me to knock it up to a 63, 64 on friday which will feel very different. nancy: summer.
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tonight, not again. this time, two storms hitting tonight on both coasts. and already, turning deadly. the dangerous commutes. the ice, snow and rain. the pileup on an icy highway. alerts at this hour from d.c. to philly to new york. and in the west tonight, evacuations under way right now. heavy rain, high winds expected. ginger zee with the new track on both storms. the white house tonight. will the special counsel, robert mueller, soon be questioning president trump? what we've learned tonight. growing concern this evening amid the deadly flu outbreak in this country. tents set up in the west. emergency rooms packed across the country. where it's hitting hardest and


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