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tv   News 7 at 11  ABC  December 23, 2017 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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kellye: breaking right now come a shooting spree targeting officers in pennsylvania declared an act of terror. an explosive report regarding president trump
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ticking to gets the last-minute shopping. the christmas crunch is happening in our area. >> from abc 7 news, this is a breaking news alert. kellye: the department of homeland security calling last night's shooting your pennsylvania state capital a terror attack. authorities say that officers were targeted after a former rain was charged for a terror plot in san francisco was foiled. q mccray has the very latest developments. q: officials say the shooter in pennsylvania came to the u.s. on an extended saudi-based visa. terror investigations are going on right now on both coasts, in pennsylvania and california. authorities are investigating two terror plots. in harrisburg,
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police determine a string of shootings targeting law enforcement was an act of terror. the police say the 51-year-old attacked the police in three places, first opening fire at a police officer in his police car, later shooting and hitting a state trooper before sparking a shootout with the police that ended when he died. to engagenot afraid law enforcement. twohey say the father of was a u.s. citizen. he had just returned from a trip to the middle east in mid-october. investigators are looking at what he has been doing since he returned to pennsylvania. in alleged arrested isis sympathizer in california. jameson, a emmitt tow truck
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at one ofan an attack san francisco's most popular spots, fisherman's wharf. his father is in shock. >> that is not how he was raised. q: investigators are asking for the public's help to find out more information about the terror suspects as security is being ramped up across the country. q mccray, abc 7 news. w developments, a federal judge in seattle partially lifting the trump administration ban on certain refugees, saying that it prevents mostly people living in muslim countries from entering the u.s. government lawyer say it is needed for national security. the judge said the previous vetting system is already throw enough. the rain is moving out, but while it was here it d
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minute christmas shopping. meteorologist brian van de graaff is in the weather center with what we can expect christmas eve. brian: we had some pretty heavy downpours that move through across the dmv. most of that moved out. we have cleared out. the bigger story is the wind. today we got to 65. currently sitting at 48 in the city, 39 cumberland. it is a cool and breezy evening, the wind out of the north, northwest at 12 to 14 through the evening, assuring in a cooler day. the last-minute shopping tomorrow, breezy at times, clouds increase in the afternoon, and there is a chance of a shower late tomorrow evening. that, theuch on travel planner come and looking ahead and just a few minutes. kellye: tonight, the clock is ticking to christmas. last-minute shoppers filling stores.
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in falls church where people have been going all night long. amy? shoppers are like me, going in for a simple item like tape. others have come out with shopping carts packed. from tysons corner to falls church -- >> i think everybody is under pressure. amy: shoppers out in full force saturday. >> we are still here. amy: she calls the last-minute shopping trip a thrill. >> it is just a pattern every year. amy: a hustle that lasted two hours saturday night. >> you realize he did not have as much as heard, as much as him. amy: mall shoppers dodging a steady downpour.
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be longer on the last saturday before christmas. >> i'm sure tomorrow will be crazier. amy: what would you tell people waiting until tomorrow? >> get a chance. amy: workers say the target is open until midnight. amy aubert, abc 7 news. kellye: last minute christmas shopping in other parts of the country got dicey because of the weather. fromter storm stretch texas to maine making travel over the holidays difficult. icy conditions in massachusetts and vermont, heavy snow in i, and the same system causing flooding in arkansas and tennessee. for many americans, these weather systems have a silver lining. that is a white christmas.
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the holidays, download the free abc 7 news app for the latest forecast and travel conditions. boy isar-old lorton charged with the double murder of a reston couple. family members said that buckley fricker and scott fricker asked him to stay away from their daughter. their daughter let him into the house yesterday morning and when the couple confronted him, he shot them. we heard a noise or sensed something was wrong. who could ever foresee something this horrible. kellye: the teenager then turned the gun on himself after the shooting and is in the hospital right now. authorities are investigating what caused this massive fire. flames ripped through a three-story home in southeast early this morning. nine people have been displaced.
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two neighboring homes were damaged. the family is being helped by neighbors and the red cross. several families homeless after a massive apartment fire in prince george's county received a big christmas surprise. they were given bags of toys, suitland,t cards in all because of the firefighters, the red cross, and toys for tots. the explosive report making waves, a new york times story describing potentially derogatory remarks president trump reportedly made about andgrants from haiti nigeria, eventually made during a meeting inside the oval office. the startling claims about the derogatory comments president trump allegedly made in the oval office about immigrants. >> the most sacred duty of government is to protect the lives of its citizens. that includes securing our borders and enforcing our immigration
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in took place the president reportedly stormed into the oval office in raged to learn how many foreigners had been given visas to enter the u.s. since he took office. according to one source and another who was briefed later, trump complained the 15,000 from haiti all have aids. during the campaign, trump had pledged to support haitian americans. >> i will be your champion. kellye: in the meeting, trump once 40,000 from nigeria had seen the united states they would never "go back to their hut." widelymade remarks perceived as insensitive to immigrants in the past. >> we are going to get the bad ones out. we are throwing them out of the country fast. kellye:
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tempers flared with the secretary of state rex tillerson , then homeland security chief john kelly, and advisor stephen miller. several people were present at the time but did not recall the president using those words. the white house press secretary strongly denies trump made the remarks, telling abc news in a is both sad and telling the new york times would spread the lies from a norm -- from anonymous sources. trump remained silent on the report. coming up, the controversy rocking the miss america organization. the email scandal behind the pageant. and 7 on your side with possible package delays. surprisents get a big days before christmas, and they have their teacher to thank.
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and you won't want to stop for anything else. [ barks ] ho! lease the cla250 for $329 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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kellye: a somber ceremony in california, saying goodbye to a firefighter who died battling a massive wildfire. son was killed fighting the thomas wildfire, the largest in state history. the fire chief called him a hero. he leaves behind a pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter. controversy rocking the miss america organization. top executives residing after alleged emails written by the ceo were published. sent in 2014, they include sexist, crude, and a meaning, it's about former miss america and comments. the 2013 miss america is the subject of multiple exchanges. andave a somebody bully belittle and demean and the grade you in any way is not
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kellye: more than 50 former miss americas signed a petition calling behavior despicable. the ceo said the emails were conveniently edited. people living in northern virginia have complained for years about excessive military helicopter noise. now they will get their chance to voice their concerns. a meeting will be at abington elementary school in arlington. a pentagon study on flight routes will also be talked about. and now a seven on your side consumer alert. if you are expecting a package from fedex it may be delayed. the shipping company says strong winds and storms are causing some flight disruptions. experiencingub is disruptions last night. fedex said package is expected to be delivered today may be delayed across the u.s. brian: not good. kellye: we were waiting for a package, but fortu
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some of the lucky ones. brian: a special hello, specialist coming home from overseas to be with his family. welcome back. thank you for your service. in all the folks who serve our country who are home for christmas, thank you. tonight it is colder. if you are traveling tomorrow, a lot of is doing day trips, let's talk about what is in store. we are in the 40's. that is more typical this time of year. the sad thing was we were 65 earlier today, a little shock to the system. chicago, snow showers and 24 tomorrow, cincinnati snow showers. driving up i-270, passing snow showers to the far north, but around here a mixture of sun and clouds, new york, philadelphia, boston all looking a-ok.
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in the midwest, pretty good. phoenix 71 and sunshine. snow showers possible in seattle. 48 right now at reagan national. the wind out of the north and west at 9. we picked up just under .2 inches of rain. every little bit helps because we are moderately dry. i think we will continue to slip back into the 30's. 32 to 38, partly cloudy, breezy at times. the wind should calm down tomorrow, sunshine at times. there will also be clouds. waves of energy pushing through tomorrow evening. that could squeeze out moisture. the latest futurecast says maybe a sprinkle or full array, but we are well above freezing. a little moisture in the early evening.
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out. does not look like a white christmas. clear skies, plenty of sunshine's. christmas afternoon, a high of about 39. when you factor in the breezes, most of us will feel like 20's to near 30 all day long. , passing snow shower a possibility tomorrow evening. not a big deal. christmas day, the big story is the blustery wind and the cold air. tuesday,ded forecast enjoying the toys and goodies, not a bad day. colder air moves in the back half of the week. right now there is the potential of cold air in place with the system that we could see some winter weather friday and saturday new year's eve weekend. we will keep you posted with a fresh look at the forecast tomorrow morning. kellye: unfortunately we do not have any good news to share about the caps. robert:
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they were in vegas, so there might have been extracurricular activities. that explains everything. just kidding. however, the wizards played well.
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>> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. robert: the wizards had to come back strong tone it after losing to brooklyn by 35. tonight they had the magic, and a much better performance. second quarter, john wall with the dance moves. check this out. season-high 72 first half points. second half, the wizards continue to pour it on. the sweet pass to mike scott who lays it in. they come back strong, winning this one, 130-103.
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early in the first, the caps put the puck on net. vegas with the 1-0 lead. burlesonn knights, finds the back of the net. the caps fall hard, 3-0. still in ahe ravens hunt for a spot in the playoffs. facing the colts tonight. second quarter, 3-0 ravens. , sixlacco fires a strike yard touchdown. the ravens up 10-0. fourth quarter, the ravens up three. flacco finds max williams for the score. in command, the colts cut it to a touchdown. less than two minutes to go, fourth down, deep and ravens territory, the passes broken up by kennedy. thra
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a clinch a playoff berth with a win against the bengals next sunday. the hoyas hosting alabama a&m. a&m had no chance as soon as they stepped on the floor. the hoyas with the lockdown d. steal, rewarding them with the easy slim. 44-21 at the break. town continues to run. wins by 40. knows the real season begins in conference play. coach ewing: we should not be happy with that. we need to stay hungry. nobody expects us to be successful. we have to have a chip on our shoulder about that and continue to grind. at the end of the
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where we lie. robert: g.w. and harvard, second half the colonials with the steal. the past down low, finishing with a slam. the colonials led. later in the second, g.w. increasing their lead. great ball movement, rewarding down low. -- colonials beat princeton they beat harvard 58-40 it. they are doing well. georgetown, it was almost like they were the only ones on the court. was there another team? robert: there was supposed to be but i don't what they showed up. kellye: students getting a firsthand lesson in kindness.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment.
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kellye: a special surprise a bourdais philippines airline flight in south japan. the pilot walked back to greet his parents and let them know he would be home for the holidays. this family has spent the last 17 christmases apart. good for them. a teacher in
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notice that students for school were not dressed for winter, so took matters into his own hands. the special education teacher jeffrey thomas gather donnée donations recruited and made 600 scarves, one for each student. >> the students really welcomed me to the school, showed kindness to me, so i wanted to give that back to the students. we want to keep them warm. kellye: during a school assembly on kindness, he revealed his big surprise and every kid got to pick their own scarf.
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♪ kellye: oh


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