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tv   Nightline  ABC  August 4, 2017 12:37am-1:07am EDT

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we're really sorry. "nightline" is next. good night! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ // this is "nightline." r>>p >> tonight, stepsi cir city city in need r>>p >> tonight, stepsi cir city ty in need of . >> we are making music with our bodies. >> stepping out from lifetime of hardship and giving it all for their craft and one another. >> they can make it through life. >> plus, breaking bieber. the superstar, i'm the one singer unexpectedly canceling his tour. why he says this is the best move for his career. meanwhile, kanye west in a battle over his missed shows. could he really
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millions? and tonight the daring rescue. a terrifying 30 minutes after a bungi jump ride malfunctions, how this thrill seeker finally touched down. first here are the "nightline" five. >> when coughing keeps your family awake, breathe easier. soothing cough rebelieve starts working instantly. >> it's grain free, it's so healthy. good chicken. here come the accents blooflt berry and pumpkin. and spinach. >> and number one is coming up in fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network.
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you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to >> jimmy: good evening.
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the art of step. a combination of dance and percussion is rallying some young women at an inner city charter school. helping they will find focus, confidence and family. now bringing hope to an entire city. here's 90 "nightline" co-anchor. >> this is the sweet sound of swagger and substance. >> you're out there screaming and yelling. we are making music with our bodies. >> that's what i'm talking about! >> the sound of dreams no longer deferred. >> i like it because it's empowering. >> every step. >> i can express myself in different ways during step. >> step taught me how to be courageous, how to be a leader, how to be precise. >> a much needed life line for this 18-year-old, growing up in baltimore in an often troubled city. >> i know it's tough. we're baltimore
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come home the no lights. not having food in the refrigerator. not having a refrigerator at all. when they come to step practice, all of those things are erased out of their minds. so that's why they can succeed. they can make it through step practice. they can make it through life. >> audacity with an edge. their story now chronicled in a new documentary called step. >> this is way bigger than stepping. it is about not excuses. making sacrifices. having a positive attitude. >> the film follows the lives of three seniors as a baltimore leadership school for young women. preparing for national competition, prepping for come. >> are these grades your best? why does the step team get your best and i don't? >> school is what got me out of brooklyn. college is what will get you out of baltimore. >> i their sirens outside. i grew up in ball. you hear a lot of sirens in baltimore.
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culture. it makes us twice as strong. >> life for these girls nts darkest moments would crush the average soul. but blessing, founder and cabinet of the team, is far from average. >> what was it like being that vulnerab vulnerable. you talk about being hungry sometimes. >> but sometimes the hardest things have the best results. i felt like why not open up? this is what people will relate to. this is what people need to hear and see. >> blessing and the team caught the violent storm that made national headlines. >> protesters angry -- >> the death of freddy gray would send the city into chaos. violence. looting like no one had seen here since the '60s. >> this is one of our darkest days as a city. >> the spring of 2015 left the community desperate for heroes. ♪
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>> that summer, i went back to baltimore with the mission of finding some. after all, it is the city where i grew up. my beloved home town. for the girls of baltimore leadership school for young women -- >> we have to protest for our rights. >> what happened those fateful days would set the tone for the school year. >> when you all heard about freddy gray, where were you? >> we were at school. >> did you all get a text? >> it was a lot of stuff on social media. >> i received tweets, instagram, alerts on snap chat. >> saying what? >> come and riot. we want to burn this down or burn down. when you wear the uniform, it stood for something. so our teachers and our principals wanted to let us know what we were going into before we left the building. because we're downtown. right in the heart of the city. >> but the lessons hard learned
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incorporated into the step routine. >> if step brings you so much joy, the audience so much joy, why go heavy with freddy gray and black lives matter? >> we see injustices every day. that was not the first or the last. this is our opportunity to speak on it and show people youth do pay attention and we know what's going on and we want to get involved. >> sometimes stomping and the clapping, that allows them to let out frustration and stress and anger. >> as the school's guidance counsellor, paul knows the obstacles these girls face growing up in baltimore. >> this is not just about being accepted to college, which we guarantee that hands down. it is about them having a success plan. >> in a city where one in four live in poverty, less than three quarters of the students finish high school. >> my mission is to make sure each and everyone of you graduate from college. >> here it takes pushing, patience, and as we see in the film, downright pleading when
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she needs. if this girl doesn't get in this program -- >> we understand. >> i don't know. so i'll just asking, please to really, really consider. this is so unprofessional. i'm so sorry. >> when their girls walk through that door, they became my daughters and i mean that. and i would never do anything for them, with them or suggest anything to them or their parents that i didn't think was good enough. >> for paula, it's personal. she was once in their shoes. but she didn't have a step team or a guidance counsellor who cares like she does. so you're able to give what you didn't get. >> and i know what it means to have no one who knows what to do. and it's not that the people around them don't care. they don't know what to do. as long as i have breath in my body, not one girl who will leave this school without what she needs. >> i have a lot of dreams. maybe i dream too much. i'm passionate about
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step and choreographing everything. >> you encourage these kids to dream. >> absolutely. if you don't have a dream, you have nothing. >> isn't there some danger for some of these kids who come from circumstances that suggest they may not make it? >> no. if they go to this school, they're going to make it. >> success is not an option. it is the expectation. for the past two years, the school has had 100% college acceptance rate. >> when i talk on these families in the tenth grade, and i said i'm thinking of making a documentary, the inspiration was to change the conversation about baltimore. >> for the director, the film, a passion project nearly a decade in the making, the girls just in middle school when she met they will, the first class for the new charter school founded by her mother. >> there was a risk in a white woman telling the story of young black girls in a tough urban environm
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>> i've only been scared of it since the film has come out and the world has seen it. i was from baltimore. they were all from baltimore. that was the connection. and then it became much bigger than that. it became about showing a pocket of hope and joy embodied by these young women, by their mothers, by their families, by their schools, by their teachers. >> and it paid off. blessing and the team confidently stepping toward successful on the day the movie premiered in baltimore, feels of pride for themselves, and for their city. >> i feel like it is an accomplishment. not only for me or my step sisters, but it is something baltimore can be proud of. >> i'm putting this everywhere. instagram, facebook. >> even rallying support for one of the women's strongest women, michelle obama tweeting, couldn't be more excited for these phenomenal women i met at signing day. keep up the great work
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congrats on step the movie. each of these girls is going to college. sisters stepping toward dreams, bigger and bolder than their best moves on stage. >> what do you want people to take from this documentary? >> resilence, confidence, confidence and persistence. because if you do those three, you'll be successful, you'll be whatever you want to be, you'll achieve your dreams and the possibilities are endless. >> in baltimore, i'm byron pitts. >> big thanks to byron pitts. and step premiers in theaters tomorrow. next, why the singer of what do you mean justin beeber is bowing out of the public eye for a while. his raw personal post to instagram.
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fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs -
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switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to the biebs explaining why he is stepping out of spotlight for a while. he left millions of fans asking, and sorry for the pun here, where are you now? ♪ where are you now that i need you ♪ >> after he cancelled his worldwide tour last week, he finally ga a
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posting this lengthy letter on instagram saying he needs time the reflect on his life. me taking this time right now is me saying i want to be sustainable. i want my career to be sustainable. i also want my mind, heart and soul to be sustainable. >> there's nothing more trying and intense and needing of stamina that i can think of than being a torn musician. it is just absolutely constant. you're on the road, it seems unsustainable unless you have the right team of people around you. you're really grounded. you have positive influences in your life and you're taking care of yourself. >> with his remix of desposito at number one, bieber already performed in 150 countries but he recently scrammed the final 14 shows at the time citing, unforeseen circumstances. today's post hinting at the spiritual i'm reminded of
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blessed i am to have a voice in this world. >> the he is taking a time out, i think it needs to be to rejuvenate himself emotionally and spiritually. >> a recent tmz report stating it may have had something to do with this man. >> we speak salvation in your house. >> nicknamed the rock star pastor whose hip millennial conversation called hillsong has included kiley and kendall gendera jenner. >> tmz writing the decision came after bieber decided to rededicate his life to christ and after long talks with him, said to be a trusted spiritual adviser. >> we heard from sources that it was because he was exhausted and he just really wanted to focus on himself and was spending time with his church friends and his pastor and focusing on his spirituality. >> bieber appeared to be a true believer during this
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hillsong denies having a role in his decision making staying recent announcement by justin bieber about his tour does not involve hillsong church. we wish justin the best for his future. bieber has lived a long life in the spotlight, discovered youtube at the age of 12. in 2010, "nightline" went behind the scenes at the budding star at a soldout concert in hollywood. backstage, he shared a quick prayer with his team. his career has been closely managed by his mom patty, cancelling this latest tour may be a lesson learned early on. >> i feel like there's too much pressure on him. we scale back and we cancel some things. take it one day at a time and try to get proper rest. >> now 23 years
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bieber has grown up since that interview, reflecting in instagram, i let my broken relationships dictate the way i acted toward people. i let bitterness, jealousy and fear run my livest now appears to be looking to the future, stating, i want to be the man i want to be, the husband i eventually want to be and the father i want to be. the pressures of fame have been known to take a toll, especially for stars who have grown up in the spotlight. from miley cyrus to demi lovato to britney spears. >> she came on the scene at 16 years old. she was a kid. she became a super star in no time. but we witnessed her breakdown. >> a grueling tour schedule can also take a toll. last year, kanye west after what was described as a debilitating medical condition, cancelled the remaining 21 shows on his s
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>> get ready. the show is over. >> abruptly ending the show after learning mid performance that his wife had been robbed in paris. that was just a few weeks after the rap super star pulled the plug on another show after officially cancelling the tour, he was hospitalized for eight days in a neuro psychiatric hospital. just this week, west sued his insurance company saying they're refusing to pay $10 million in damages from money lost on the cancelled tour. also last year, the pop star selena gomez, his former girlfriend, cancelled. she halted to take care of herself. in an interview for the september issue of in style magazine, gomez talked about her decision saying, quote, last year i cancelled my tour and went away for 90 days and it was the best thing i ever could have done. i had no phone. nothing and i was scared. gomez would spend three months a
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for depression and anxiety. >> i think it is really easy to criticize the celebrities. they seem to have it all. they have tremendous pressure and they've been working since they're children and they work really, really hard. >> the singer has been struggling with lupus and autoimmune disease for several years. she opened up about that battle saying she had stopped undergoing kilo therapy. >> i've been through stuff and i think it has been able to test me as a person. >> she said she wants to tour again. when she's ready, she'll come is that get it. ♪ when you're ready come and get it ♪ >> everybody should take a mental health day and take a time-out in order to take care of themselves. and i think it is really great that some of these celebrities are so vocal and honest about some of the medical difficulties and challenges that they're coping with. because it's not really anyone's business. so this shows that they have a connection and respect
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audience. >> as for bieber, he may not be the one you see in concert this summer. his fans are hoping a better bieber will be back on stage soon enough. ♪ next, when bungi jumping goes wrong. you'll hear from the guy literally left hanging. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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finally, reason number 4517 why i will never go bungi jumping. for many thrill seekers, it is at the top of their bucket list. bungi jumping, the ultimate free fall. but for one adventurer, an exciting moment became terrifying in an instant. a bungi cord malfunctioned and left this 19-year-old, robert rodriguez, dangling 30 feet in the air for
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onlookers watched helplessly. rescuers finally reached rodriguez with a ladder. >> i saw a ladder. >> for this dare devil, no slowing down on his next birthday. he's going parasailing. >> i home his next birthday goes more smoothly. thank you for watching abc news. as always, we're online. and on our facebook page. thank you for watching and good night. >> today, on this stage, one lucky player will begin their journey toward a possible $1 million prize, and you'll be there with them for every second of the drama. this is "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪
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hey, everybody! welcome to the show. are you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] me too. our returning contestant is a stay-at-home mom who is, as it turns out, quite a risk-taker. she just got the question right for $30,000, and now, she's on the cusp of that $50,000 threshold, so let's welcome her back. from las vegas, nevada, here she is, lorena korbel! [cheers and applause] lorena. >> hi, chris. >> welcome back. >> thank you. [cheers and applause] [sighs] >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> we'll talk more about your game in just a little bit, but let's get to know you a little bit more. >> okay. >> um, a stay-at-home mom. but before that, i heard you worked at a jewelry store. >> i did. during college, i worked at a jewelry store in los angeles. we had lots of famous people that came in. and one day, in walks john travolta. >> the john travolta? >> the john travolta. and, um, i kept staring at him. and i just couldn't get over his


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