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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  May 22, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight, breaking developments, president trump in the holy land. making history at the western wall. with the president also making news after what he said today about his meeting in the oval office with the russians. also breaking tonight, retired general michael flynn, this evening we learn he will plea the fifth in the russia investigation and did he mislead the pentagon when he applied for top-secret clearance, what our team has learned. new video coming in of the police chief killed outside the nursing home. several workers targeted as residents were rushed to safety. what the video shows. the murder on campus, police say this second lieutenant in the army was stabbed in front of his friends. what the suspect allegedly said right before the stabbing. the major development tonight, o.j. simpson and pale
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and our interview with fred goldman. and tonight, authorities who now say that moment with the sea lion was the parents' fault. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. good evening. it's great to have you with us here on monday night. we begin with the breaking developments involving retired general michael flynn now planning to take the fifth it comes as president trump makes his first foreign trip to holy land. today, he visited the western wall, the first sitting president to do so. he also motioned to reporters right here and had something to say to them about his meetings with the russians and the classified intelligence he allegedly shared with them. abc's jonathan karl traveling with the president. >> reporter: donald trump couldn't have asked for a warmer welcome in the holy land. coming off air force one to an elaborate red carpet ceremony, and a greeting from the prime
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remarked that the netanyahus and the trumps have something in common. >> the majority of the people in israel, unlike the media, they love us so we tell them how you are great and they love you. >> reporter: trump then became the first sitting american president to visit one of jerusalem's most sacred sites, placing his hand on the western wall and following jewish tradition, leaving a written prayer. with him, his wife melania and daughter ivanka. white house hopes this trip will turn the page from the russia investigation back home, but today it was the president himself who spoke about the controversy. as an event with netanyahu was wrapping up, trump told reporters to stay. he had something to say about that infamous oval office meeting with russian officials, about those reports that he passed on highly classified intelligence given to the united states by the israelis. >> folks, folks, folks, folks, folks.
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just so you understand, just so you understand, i never mentioned the word or the name israel, never mentioned it during that conversation, they were all saying i did, so you had another story wrong. never mentioned the word israel. >> intelligence cooperation is terrific and it's never been better. >> reporter: but nobody has ever reported that trump told the russians that israel was the source of the information. still, today, he seemed to confirm it himself. the president's ambitious first journey abroad, started with an even more lavish welcome in saudi arabia. trump did not say the words radical islamic terrorism. >> this is a battle between good and evil. >> reporter: the president hopes he can take steps toward closing what he called the ultimate deal. peace between the israelis and the palestinians. >> it's
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toughest deals of all. but i have a feeling that we're going to get there eventually. i hope. >> jon karl with us from jerusalem. jon, we heard the president there saying achieving mideast peace is one of the toughest deals. in the middle of all this, he was willing to go there on sharing classified information with the russians. >> trust me, david that wasn't part of the plan. in fact the white house believes there's a unique opportunity right now to get the peace process going. because israel and its arab neighbors now have a common enemy in iran, now believe there's more support for middle east peace and more support for israel in that proamong its arab neighbors. as i mentioned there's also breaking news this evening on retired general michael flynn, forced to resign after just 24 days on the job. tonight, here, we have now
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learned he'll plea the fifth in the russian investigation. key congressman tonight says he has everyday that flynn lied to the pentagon. abc's mary bruce on the hill. >> reporter: tonight, the top democrat on the house oversight committee says he has evidence that former nsa michael flynn. in 2015, flynn was paid $45,000 by the russians to attend this moscow gala, that's him shaking hands with vladimir putin. obtained documents appear that general flynn lied to the feint gone. saying he's not received any benefit from a foreign country. as a result, flynn's security clearance was not renewed. he plans to plead the fifth and not
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>> i'm disappointed. we're going to be looking into that and i think the committee is going to pursue all its options. >> reporter: flynn's lawyer said he has more than a reasonable apprehension that any testimony he provides could be used against him. tonight, members of the committee are considering their options. >> we have to get to the facts. >> reporter: during the campaign, both flynn and trump blasted hillary clinton's aides when they took the fifth. >> fifth amendment. fifth amendment. horrible. you see the mob takes the fifth. if you're innocent why are you taking the fifth amendment? >> reporter: the man who once ran the trump transition team said he tried to warn the president about michael flynn. >> reporter: while flynn stays silent, former fbi director james comey is getting ready to
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open hearing before the committee in the coming weeks. according to "the new york times" less than 24 hours after firing comey, president trump boasted about his decision to top russian officials in the oval office. telling them, comey was crazy, a real nutjob. >> so let's get to mary bruce live on the hill tonight. mary, the bottom line, retired general michael flynn now planning to plea the fifth but fbi director james comey said he'll testify. >> no word on when comey will testify. he wants to consult with that new special counsel robert mueller before he goes public. he wants to know how much he can say before he speaks out here on the hill. we turn next here this evening to the murder on campus and this evening, the fbi is now investigating whether this is a hate crime. authorities say the suspect walked up to this
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collins ii, tonight what the suspect allegedly said to him before stabbing him in front of his friends. abc's adrienne bankert in maryland. >> reporter: tonight, 22-year-old sean urbanski appearing before a judge to face first and second degree murder charges in what the fbi says could possibly be a hate crime. police say the attack on richard collins was unprovoked. >> we need answers on why he was killed. >> the 23-year-old rotc student was standing with friends at this university of maryland bus stop at 3:00am saturday morning when urbanski approached them, screaming. witnesses say he told collins to "step left if you know what's good for you." collins was puzzled and said no, witnesses say that's when urbanski stabbed him in the chest. police say urbanski is a member of a facebook group called alt-reich nation that posts raci
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>> it shows extreme bias against women, latinos, members of the jewish faith and especially african-americans. >> reporter: abc news has learned the suspect has no criminal record. his attorney says he was drunk and incoherent that night. collins, who was set to graduate from nearby bowie state university tomorrow, had been recently commissioned as a second lieutenant in the army. >> he had dreams of going and doing great things. serving this country, loving his family and loving people. and he loved god. >> reporter: police say surveillance video at that bus stop. they're gathering evidence saying it's far too early to call this a hate crime. >> adrienne bankert tonight. new video emerging after a deadly attack at a nursing home in ohio. we reported on the police chief who was killed. residents were raced to safety. abc's gio benitez with what the video shows tonight.
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>> the suspect is going to be in front of the nursing home, firing shots. >> you're looking at newly released dashcam video of officers rushing to the scene of a nursing home shooting. >> officer down! officer down! >> reporter: deputies in kirkersville, ohio, rushing to the scene, frightened people in the community, pointing them in the right direction. those officers finding their chief among the victims, but it was too late. eric disario, new to the job, a father of six, a seventh child on the way. >> it's a real hard day. it's a hard day for all of us. >> reporter: inside the nursing home the shooter, thomas hartless, had taken two employees hostage. his ex, and her co-worker, killing them both before turning the gun on himself. just days ago, a solemn procession for the fallen chief, just three weeks on the job. the video released today showing how hard his deputies worked just moments after the shooting. and it turns out, the shooter thomas hartless, had been released from jail just 30 days before the attack. the judge said that a mistake and says he will go to his grave regretting the shooter's release. >> david.
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tonight, the supreme court has struck down two of the north carolina's congressional districts after they were redesigned. the high court decided too many african-americans ended up in that district diluting their influence in other districts. we turn next to that harrowing piece of video, the sea lion that jumped from the water and snatched a little girl from the dock. well, tonight, authorities are now saying it was the parents' fault. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: the moment is as sudden as it is terrifying. the now viral video shows tourists in british columbia marveling at the sea lion's size, and teasing it with food. but when the girl sits down for just a second she's pulled under. >> oh, my god. oh, my god.
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members just jumped in right away, like a second after, so everything was good. >> reporter: the port commander placing the blame squarely on the parents. >> to let their little girl sit on the edge of the dock with her dress hanging over and her back to it, was really mindless behavior. >> reporter: sea lions are notoriously curious creatures, and while they look cute, they can weigh up to half a ton, move like lightning under water, and can be aggressive, as this diver found out. while disturbing wildlife is a federal offense in canada, officials say they don't plan to press charges. >> we want people to look at this video and to look at these news clip and realize they shouldn't be doing this. >> reporter: tonight officials in british columbia are posting more warning signs and urging the family to come forward so she can be examined for any injuries or infections, david? >> kayna whitworth, thank you. to the economy now and a shakeup at ford. a week
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the new leader jim hackett. ford is attempting a makeover from a traditional automaker to more mobility, in an effort to compete with tesla and uber from pittsburgh tonight, jury selection in bill cosby's sexual assault case under way. cosby was there. three men and two women chosen. the panel will be sequestered for two weeks. he's charged with molesting a woman at his home near philadelphia. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" -- breaking developments about o.j. simpson and parole. a chance to walk out of prison, how soon could he be set free? and our interview with fred goldman tonight. the american doctor and father of two killed climbing mt. everest. and the
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showing a group of people running from the scene. authorities want your help. more than 2,000 acres burned and the arson investigation now well under way. ♪ julie is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor- positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ♪ ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. and ibrance plus letrozole shrunk tumors in over half of these patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections
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lly for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. next tonight the new headline about o.j. simpson tonight, a new list of con victims who will have a chance of parole in july. could he go free before the end of the year? here's matt gutman tonight. >> reporter: tonight, o.j. simpson could soon become the world's most famous parolee. the nevada parole board announcing today that simpson will have a hearing in july and could be eligible for release in october. he was convicted by a las vegas jury 2008 on robbery and kidnapping charges, sentenced to 13 years. in 1995, simpson was famously acquitted of murdering nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. goldman's father and sister recently told me, the sense of justice they felt after the
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vegas conviction would evaporate. >> there is a chance that he could get paroled this year, in 2017. >> october, yeah. >> reporter: what will that picture look like to you? >> disgust. >> he committed a horrible heinous crime, and i have no feeling except rot in hell. >> but 20 years after that slow speed bronco chase and the dizzying array of evidence -- there's been a recent cascade of o.j.-related projects like the espn documentary "made in america." >> reporter: sources tell us simpson has been a model prisoner the past decade, but often parole is more about showing remorse and responsibility than one's behavior behind bars. david. >> matt gutman, thanks. when we come back tonight -- the new health warning about fruit juice and your children. the arson investigation. the group of people spotted from a major wildfire. news tonight about that unruly passenger forcing
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emergency landing in l.a. what he's been charged with and why they took his laptop.
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ask your doctor about cialis. to the index of other news tonight, the major wildfire being investigated as possible arson. authorities say video posted online appears to show this group of people possibly starting the fire in san diego and then running from the scene. flames quickly spreading. about ten acres in size when firefighters first arrived. the fire now mostly contained. overseas and the deadly climb for an american doctor on mt. everest. the doctor from alabama, one of four climbers killed this weekend. the father of two daughters, died near the summit in bad weather. it was his second attempt to scale the world's highest peak. six climbers have died on everest this season. new developments in fa mid-air scare on a flight from l.a. to honolulu. a turkish student charged with interfering with the crew.
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the captain then declaring an emergency. fighter jets escorting the plane. there's new health alert tonight for parents. new recommendations for giving fruit juice to children over concerns about obesity and cavities. doctors saying babies younger than 1 years old should not consume fruit juice at all. toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3 should be limited to 4 ounces of fruit juice per day. more on our website tonight. and the king's private jet. the last jet owned by elvis presley going up for auction this saturday. sitting on a runway in new mexico for 30 years. it includes red velvet seats. it's expected to sell for $3.5 million, bring your own engine. when we come back tonight -- the final bow. the show that has
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ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. finally tonight here the end of an american tradition. the final act for the greatest show on earth. after 146 years, ringling brothers now taking one last bow. here, tonight, abc's david wright. >> reporter: in uniondale, new york, last night, on
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performance complete with acrobats, lion tamers, and even a human cannonball. >> welcome to the greatest show on earth! >> reporter: but for children of all ages, this was a swansong. >> the young, and the young at heart, as ever throng new york city's madison square garden for the an yale appearance of the ringling bros. and barnum and bailey circus. >> reporter: for 146 years, they called it the greatest show on earth. but changing times, a slump in ticket sales, and concern for the welfare of those animals, frankly, now means that the show will go on no more. >> it was really fun. >> it's sad. i'm so glad that we were able to come. i saw it when i was a little girl. >> reporter: the three-ring circus will still be a metaphor. for death-defying feats, and unbelievably crazy stunts. where else can you find stars like the late great
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>> thank you for welcoming us into your cities, into your towns and accepting our brand of joy in this world. >> reporter: tradition has it that circus performers never say good-bye. they always say "we'll see you down the road." david wright, abc news, new york. >> 146 years and thank you for watching here on a monday night. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow and for all of us here at abc news, good night. on the front lines of health care, there are always new challenges and opportunities. at unitedhealth group, we're built to help with both. providing employers with data and insights
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