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tv   News 7 at 11  ABC  December 12, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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michelle: breaking news from new york, where an airplane landed at jfk after a problem. the flight was diverted to new york when someone called saying there was a bomb on the plane. in the past 10 minutes, people have been allowed to get off the plane, but it is still being searched. stay with abc 7
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on the story. jonathan: the other top story we are following tonight come a suspected drunk driver plowed into parked cars and then try to run away. michelle: the whole thing playing out at 3 a.m. sunday morning in falls church. that is where jay korff joins us with the investigation, that you will see only on 7. jay? jay: michelle, you are looking at one of the four vehicles that was hit in the chain reaction crash. we will carefully walked to the front of this vehicle, and look at this. is wedged under the front of the victim's. ,his is the front right tire sheared off the suspect's car. the police say that hector claimed that he fell asleep driving down sleepy hollow road in falls church sunday morning, causing him to slam into four parked cars. >> my first thought was i could not believe i witnesd
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what he called a spectacular crash. thehe speed was such that rear of his car was elevated up off the road by the force of the impact. he was leaving a trail of sparks off the road. i had not yet noticed at that time that he did not have a front right tire. jay: he suspects that the sparks were from the impact of the crash shearing one of the tires off the car. that tire is now wedged under one of the damaged vehicles. the suspect left the scene and was captured a short time later by officers. they say he admitted to causing the accident and said he fell asleep at the wheel. he also told the police he had a few shots of rum that night as well. out, we justs found this on the side of the road, a headlight assembly for what we believe to be the
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and could face additional charges. the owner of one of these vehicles tells me he is grateful nobody was hurt. jay korff, abc 7 news. michelle: a deadly crash under investigation in loudoun county. sky track 7 flew over the scene during rush hour. westbound route seven in round hill was shut down for several hours. the cause of the crash is not yet known, but a box truck and another vehicle caught fire. the condition of the driver has not been released. jonathan: the justice department is filing a lawsuit against culpeper county. they say the county try to block the construction of a new mosque. tim barber joins us from the live desk with the latebreaking details. tim? tim: the federal complaint says this is all about religion. one county official says it is not.
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lawsuit against culpeper county, claiming county leaders violated federal law by blocking the islamic center in culpeper from building a mosque. community feels this is an act of discrimination. tim: according to the lawsuit, they refused to grant the construction permit, saying that was discrimination. since 1992tion sat and never denied a permit for commercial or religious you since then. >> we think the reason they voted against them was the religion. tim: why are you so sure of that? >> we have seen cases nationwide. tim: the board of representative said the vote had nothing to do with religion. >> it's not fair to the neighbors and it's not fair to the roadways. tim: they say they deny the permit for other churches on the vacant property.
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a piece of ground like that. the justice department said that the county violated the religious land use act. official was the only who returned our phone call and spoke out. tim barber, abc 7 news. jonathan: breaking news from fairfax county. that is where the chief of police was injured in a crash. the chief was hit as he was stopped at a traffic light in centreville before 9 p.m. the driver involved in the crash has been charged with driving while intoxicated. the chief's injuries are serious. stay with abc seven for updates. steve: the temperatures right now are in the 30's and 40's. a cooler day ahead tomorrow. be prepared for that. today we actually made it into the middle 50's. 34 to
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degrees in the morning, recess in the lower 40's. about 45 degrees at about 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. along with attic clouds come a chance of a few showers. a strong cold front is on the way wednesday, bringing windchill factors into the single-digit's. we are talking about a wintry mix for parts of the weekend. more on that coming up. theelle: developing now, police believe that a man was shot to death by a passenger in his car. the man was killed last night on 32nd street. that is in the chevy chase section of d.c. tonight, several questions, including whether the shooting was tied to a carjacking a few hours before. the victims parents are pleading for justice. >> we pray that we find this sick, unloved dog. there is no sus
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animal cruelty in greenbelt. somebody tied up a kitten with an electrical cord and left him in a storage room to die. tom roussey joins us with the search for whoever did this. tom? tom: jonathan, this poor kitten was not just left in the storage room of the basement of this apartment building, but a storage room with open windows, so the kitten was exposed to the elements in the corner. diedobably would have if a neighbor had not heard it. saysbelt animal control that it's remarkable how will this kitten is doing considering. >> there was a lot of feces, covered in urine. that the kidieve survived up to six days in this greenbelt storage room. they don't believe she would have survived another freezing night for cap fortunately when natalie williams left her apartment friday morng
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>> i heard the cries when i close the door. i was trying to see where it was coming from. tom: the next-door room was locked. >> when i look through the window, i saw the cat. tom: she noticed the electrical cord wrapped around its neck six or seven times. >> i was confused because when i saw the court, i was thinking, it could not have tangled itself like that. >> it looked like somebody intentionally tied the rope around its neck. tom: the cord one from a pump, around the cap, into a wall outlet. water, andwas near he thinks him what he was trying to kill her by electrocution. they are searching for who did this and also preparing the kitten for a new home. >> she will be up for adoption in about two weeks. at the greenbelt animal shelter will name the kitten later this week. animal control is asking if anybody knows who did
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them a call. live in greenbelt, prince george's county, tom roussey, abc 7 news. michelle: melania trump appeared in the montgomery county courthouse today in rockville. she is suing a maryland-based blogger who claimed mrs. trump once worked as a high-priced escort. the future first lady said she did not need to be in court today for the status hearing, but she went to demonstrate how serious she takes this case. the next hearing will be after the inauguration. jonathan: new developments in a growing rift between the incoming trumpet administration and officials on capitol hill. mcconnell is the latest gop leader to support investigations into russian efforts to try to influence the presidential elections. >> the russians are not our friends. it defies belief that some in the public in the senate are reluctant to
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russian tactics or ignore them. jonathan: the president-elect has dismissed reports that russian hacking helped him win. 10 members of the electron college has asked the director of national intelligence for russian actions before casting their final vote december 19. donald trump plans to announce his choice for secretary of state tomorrow morning. ae president elect tweeted tease about the nomination. officials say it will be rex tillerson. embers of congress have raised concerns about the exxon mobil ceo's close ties to russian president vladimir putin. trump has also postponed his first press conference as president-elect until next month. jonathan: remember the west virginia government worker who referred to the first lady as "an ape in heels"? she is going back to work. we first told u
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taylor, who made the post on facebook. she got a message of support from the local mayor. taylor was put on leave, that she is now being reinstated on the 23rd. as for the mayor, the mayor resigned. michelle: a scam conspiracy weeks before christmas. a scheme to raise prices, and how that is now making spirits brighter for some kids. jonathan: are you feeling lucky? the latest chapter of the "star wars" sunday hits theaters this week. if you call right now, the seventh color wins. 703-528-7334. the screening will be held next wednesday in silver spring.
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er. jonathan: look at your tv.
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upstate new york. neighbors who called the utility company said they smelled gas. hours before the crew was supposed to get there is when the blast happened. the good news, nobody was inside the house. a leaking propane tank likely caused the blast. they say this is an important reminder that if you smell gas, don't call the utility company first, call 911 right away. today mark six months since a gun man killed people inside the pulse nightclub in orlando. today people gather for musical tributes and a reading of the names of those who died. the city of orlando also launched a new program for businesses to list themselves as safe places for the lgbtq community. a bizarre penalty canceled. a brazilian soccer
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in a plane crash will not be fined for missing its final game. the team and its competitors faced nearly $60,000 in fines for canceling the match. superior court justice decided not to level the penalty. your plane was on its way to the championship in colombia when it crashed, killing most of the team. jonathan: millions dealing with the aftermath of dangerous winter storms. peoplee, at least two killed in separate crashes and there were nearly 900 car wrecks in one day across minnesota over the weekend. thousands of flights canceled, many now in the path of arctic temperatures settling in later this week. well over a month, crews have battled wildfires across the southeastern u.s. >> thank you! >> thank you! >> thanks, firefighters! michelle: as a way of showing gratitude,
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communities put together this eight-minute youtube thank you video. firefighters from two dozen states prevented the fires from destroying several towns. withhan: 7 on your side consumer news. did you know today is the third busiest shopping day of the season? they call it green monday, one of the busiest times for online shopping. if you do not take advantage today, don't worry, store is no sot people procrastinate, thousands have signed up to make this friday free shipping friday. fromm alien toys have been confiscated by the government in venezuela -- 4 million toys have been confiscated by the government in venezuela. government officials say the toy company was hiding the products to sell them for
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government will now sell the confiscated toys at under market prices to families and impoverished neighborhoods. michelle: uber is officially laying out a list of do's and don'ts when you get in the car. the most talked about one, no flirting. that goes for all uber, especially when you share a ride with strangers. that has generated a lot of buzz. there are some of the others, fairly standard, no damaging things, no cursing, no vomiting. jonathan: normally with this guy chases you down the field, you are hurt when he is the with you, but today he was putting smiles on people's faces. the redskins celebrated the win this weekend, but one turn his only day off into a way to give back. ryan kerrigan was at the i know for children's hospital -- the anova children's hospital to give gifts. he says he looks forward to this day every year.
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big hug by the staff as well. >> the nurses this morning said he was cute. >> yeah. kerrigan said that his goal is to bring happiness during trying times. many of these families won't be spending the holidays in the hospital. steve: hope that you enjoyed the sunshine this afternoon. temperatures in the 50's. we have big changes on the way. in the morning, you'll want to bundle up. upper 20's, lower 30's throughout the area. may have some glimmers of sunshine, but it will not last long. have a comfortable coat that's also warm because highs will only be in the middle 40's by the afternoon. added clouds through the afternoon. by early evening, cannot rule at a chance of showers, just in time for the rush-hour commute. expect slowdowns. we will keep you updated on abc
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the futurecast, from stormwatch 7, a little bit of sunshine early tomorrow morning, not going to last long. we will stay dry through the midday. kids,r recess for the midday shopping to get ready for the holidays. as we move through the afternoon, early evening, notice the showers dotting radar and a in,le bit of pink mixed which is what snowflakes, but not expecting any accumulation. thewet pavement for rush-hour commute. early wednesday morning we are talking sunshine and a cold front, a very strong cold front bringing huge changes in terms of the temperatures in the windchill. through the day thursday, highs only in the upper 20's, around 30 degrees. this is thursday and friday. , sit downill factors for
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single digits, lower teens, even below zero at the higher elevations to the west. we warm up a little for the weekend, but be careful with kids, the elderly. make sure that the pats have shelter or bring them inside. exercising outside, not really a good idea thursday. the seven day outlook, it will be windy and cold thursday with wind gusts upwards of 30 to 40 miles per hour. the wind will friday, upperer 20's. the chance of a wintry mix saturday, upper 40's. middle 50 sunday with scattered showers. jonathan: talk about a happy kid, his dad built him this in his backyard. it's amazing. you will not believe where he got the supplies to put that together.
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congratulations to the winner of the "rogue one" tickets. the next chance to win is on "good morning washington" tomorrow morning. michelle: lots of "star wars" fans are excited, but this person of the u.k. took it to another level. he built a huge backyard model of an imperial walker. carrier usedeapons in the "star wars" movie. this was a playhouse for his son. look at the attention to detail. and get this -- all of the items used in the playhouse were ordered from ebay. that must be his christmas gift. jonathan: that's a little harder than legos. michelle: that is pretty cool. jonathan: how about sports? are the redskins feeling good? robert: three games left, they have to win them all, pretty much. a couple more tuneups for the
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terps before they start big 10 play. sports is coming up.
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trying to achieve something that was next to impossible the season, a three-game win streak. this was a battle of point guards. john wall had 32. this was a dog fight. a clutch jumper. miami wins 112-101. the wizards are now 9-14. college hoops, the terps hosting jacksonville state in college park. alle-oop. with the melo trimble came out in a big way. he had a game-high 23 points. maryland blows out jacksonville state, 92-66. football, the redskins are banged up. linebacker will compton has a sprain. care
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raven as a shoulder strain, so week to week. monday night football will be against the carolina panthers, which is not a pushover game. a lot at stake. coach gruden: we have a lot of guys banged up, so in next are day of healing will be great. just trying to get ready. it is a huge game for us. carolina is the defending nfc champions, cam newton is an awesome player. we have a lot of work to do. robert: three games left
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s to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. and with your support, they will. make a gift today at michelle: colder temperatures on the way? steve: tomorrow you will feel the difference a little bit. tomorrow will be in the middle 40's. the same wednesday. the cold front comes through wednesday night, the wind increasing. her stay, wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour. jonathan: jimmy kimmel is next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he wears his army hat, he gets awalks aroundliments. with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, "thank you for serving our country" and i'm like, that's my dad.
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that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i'm very proud of him. male vo: comcast.
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from homd, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, jennifer lawrence and music from phantogram. and now, and furthermore -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. i'm very glad you're here. welcome to hollywood.


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