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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  January 1, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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>> the fiscal cliff bill passes in the house. hundreds pray for captioned by the national captioning institute >> live and in hd, this is abc7 breaking news. >> breaking tonight, first at 11:00, it appears a deal has been done, at least for now, in the showdown over the fiscal cliff. the house passed a bill that
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stays off tax hikes and spending cuts. this deal comes after one year of procrastination and infighting between democrats and republicans at the white house and on capitol hill. live in the newsroom with the late breaking developments. >> they have been debating for about the last hour. since the bill has passed the house, it is headed to president obama's desk, who has said that he will sign into law. we are expected to hear from some of the house members in minutes and possibly see president obama make a statement. >> as soon as the fiscal cliff fix hit the house floor resistance from republicans was in place. >> because of what we are not doing, i cannot believe that this tax cut will be followed with spending cuts to offset any part of the $4 trillion we are putting on the backs of future generations. i thank all of you will vote for it. i cannot bring myself to.
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>> in the early -- in the early morning hours, the bill went through the senate and house members were called in for a vote. >> i believe we will come together with a strong vote. >> it has been republicans without spending cuts. if only raises taxes on individuals raising taxes more than $400,000. the lack of spending cuts left republicans irate. >> we have to somewhat address spending. we are always kicking the can down the road. >> it fails to address the threat facing our country. >> house republicans declined to pass an amendment that would have taken off $300 billion in spending cuts. the bill was brought to the floor. with the passage tonight several republicans did sign on and vote in favor of the bill. it was not just republicans who were in favor, but democrats.
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jim rand said we would look back on this night and regret it because it will create three more fiscal cliffs and the sequester, all three of which will hit in the next coming months. >> it is important to reiterate that even if this bill passes, taxes are on their way up for millions of americans. a 2% cut in the payroll tax expired last night. the bill also stems unemployment benefits for about 2 million americans. it blocks increase in fees for doctors to create -- who treat medicare prices. and you will see a spike in milk prices. go to our web site for instant updates about the fiscal cliff. plus, the very latest tomorrow morning on "good morning washington." we are monitoring a developing story out of prince george's
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county. a large home went up in flames. this happened in the 8200 block in quentin. a neighbor shared his cellphone video with us. no one was in the home at the time. it was still in the process of being built so no one was living in it yet. a heartbreaking night in prince william county. 24 hours after a police officer loses his life in the line of duty. hundreds came together to honor the life of chris yung, a motorcycle officer who was struck and killed. it happened at the intersection of nokesville road and piper lane. live at with the emotional reaction. >> the size of the crowd at thisuite remarkable. it served as a testament to how closely it this police department is, how caring this community is, and how remarkable
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this police officer was. >> as i pulled in, people were coming from left to right. people coming in from everywhere. >> mournful police officers, the crestfallen citizens they served and the victim's family, gathered to grieve over the loss of a motorcycle officer beloved for his generous spirit and broad smile. >> he also had a very signature laugh. >> the scene from this vigil in bristow. a minivan pulled in front of officer chris yung who was responding to a separate accident. the fire killed the 35-year-old husband and father of three. >> he laid his life down. >> there is one prince william county police officer whose hurt resonates the deepest. chris yung was officer dale
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yung's younger brother his mentor, and so much more. >> he was my best friend. >> they raised their candles for a public servant who had a servants heart. officer dale yung and his brother brian also wrote on the cross that asks chris to watch over dale each shift. you get the sense that he already is. >> as for the crash investigation, charges are possible, but at this point have not been filed against the minivan driver. >> what a heartbreaking story. thank you. there is a new twist in the sex abuse scandal with penn state. hours ago the penn state governor said he plans to sue the n.c.a.a. over the sanctions
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in the wake of the jerry sandusky child sexual abuse scandal. he is set to talk about the case at a news conference tomorrow. sanctions included a $60 million fine that would be used nationally to fund a child abuse prevention grant. they have objection to the money being spent outside pennsylvania. 2 men accused of the severe beating of a d.c. man are scheduled to head back to court tomorrow. both are accused in the attack of maslin. he was beaten in august of last year over a robbery of his cell phone. both are being held without bond. sad news from george washington university. school officials say dr. lloyd elliott, president for 23 years died today. he led gwu from 1965-1988 and is known from helping the university grow from a commuter school to a residential
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university. he was 94 years old. several famous couples are spending their first evening as a married couple. the first same-sex couple to apply for a marriage license in prince george's county. today, they're welcome friends in to their home for a legal wedding. just after midnight, seven other same-sex couples tied the knot at city hall. >> we want to be treated like anybody else. we are celebrating with everybody tonight. >> same-sex marriage is now legal in nine states and the district. at least 40 states ban the practice. turning our attention to the forecast, we are wrapping up a calm first day of the year weather-wise. are changes on the way as many of you head back to work? the first look of what we can expect. >> not only work, but back to school. it is going to be a chilly start in the morning with temperatures
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in the 20's. temperatures outside slowly falling. 41 degrees at reagan national. down to fredericksburg looking at 43 degrees. satellite and radar, pressure being able to build across the mid-atlantic. it definitely will be brighter compared to what we had today the first day of 2013. looking at our camera right now, mostly cloudy skies. coming up, we will look at the forecast and talk about what to expect from the upcoming weekend. >> talk to you soon. tonight, passengers deal with a close call. the accident that caused this train to suffer serious damage. >> coming up, the big redskins playoff game. how much would you pay for a ticket? >> and waiting for president
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>> you are watching abc7 news at 11:00, on your side. >> fire investigators searching for the cause of a church fire in prince george's county. fire crews rest -- rushed to the wesleyan church of oxon hill. the building is now gutted. the fire is not considered suspicious. they're looking for a place to hold next sunday service. a plane ride made for a bumpy landing. authorities at fort lauderdale airport say an airline jet clipped this u.s. airways plane as it came into the gate. look at the damage to the undercarriage. it was sitting in the overnight parking area. investigators are looking at -- looking into why one plane came into contact with another.
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to the story that has captivated the region. the redskins' pushed to the super bowl. already, the region is counting down to sunday and fans are paying big bucks to get their hands on playoff tickets. more on the staggering numbers. >> officially, the game is sold out. we did find some tickets online. some are as cheap as $138 not that bad when you consider some were as much as $5,000 a ticket. a lot of folks are asking that. there are a whole lot of prices in between. how much would you pay to go to the game? that summer is grill and sports club in arlington tonight's focus has been college football but normally -- the manager says it is all about the skins. it sure will be this sunday. >> we have a group of friends getting together to watch it. >> let's say you want to go to the game but do not have a ticket.
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let's see how much it will cost you. some tickets are as cheap as $137, but you have to stand the whole game. not only will you be standing, but you will be standing here at the very top and here at the very top, not exactly the best view of the field. >> would you pay that if you had to stand the whole game? >> of course i would. >> i do not mind. >> if you do not want to stand a ticket will run you about $150. >> that is a good price. >> plenty of people asking for well over $1,000 for a ticket. >> that is totally out of the question. >> a lot of the seats are for this yellow area. if you want a seat here, it will run you over $500. >> would you pay that? >> i have a plan b. i am going to call my friend and see if i can get in free.
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>> a lot of times to the prices go up online. kind of a scary thought considering how high they are already. >> we invite you to join us for the redskins playoff special as the redskins get ready to face the seattle seahawks. tim brant will host it right here on abc7. before today's roseville football game, there was a distinct rose parade. a kidney donor was joined on the donate life flowed by his brother, a former major league player, david eckstein. hannah storm returned to television after she was seriously burned in a accident at her home. her hand is still banished. the first new year's babies made their arrivals within seconds of each other. >> they placed the baby on me. i saw she was healthy and i was
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happy. >> this baby weighs 7 pounds, 6 ounces, born at holy cross hospital at the stroke of midnight. five seconds later 6 pounds, 10 ounces, arrived at met star washington hospital. both are doing fine tonight. good news there. >> and the good news with our weather if you like it mild and a little bit of sunshine. we have that coming our way. >> a good start to the new year. >> absolutely. mostly cloudy skies, not going to last long in terms of the cloud cover. when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will find a good deal of sunshine. temperature right now, 41 degrees with wins out of the north at 12 miles per hour. giving us a bit of a wind chill factor at 34 degrees. that is what it feels like outside at this hour. today, up to 45 degrees at reagan national airport. the record was 69 degrees in 2005 not too long ago.
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the record was 14 below. it is 36 degrees in silver spring. the final stop takes us to centerville. temperatures outside slowly cooling down. we will eventually drop into the 20's across much of the area. the real cold air off to the north and west of us. look at minneapolis, 19 degrees. burlington and caribou are in the single digits. cooler air will settle in for the day tomorrow with daytime highs around 35-40 degrees. satellite and radar, let's see what we have right now. moister developing to the south of us. a little bit of moisture today but the atmosphere was so dry none of it could make it to the ground. no need to worry about rain or snow. the doppler radar is quiet and dry. south of weather spurred in
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central virginia, that is where you are finding a little bit of showers right now. once again, those are going to end within the next hour or two. here is the futurecast, calling for skies to clear. temperatures still well below average. on thursday, another chilly day with a warm-up on the way for the weekend heading into early next week. here is the forecast, what happened during the early morning hours 324 degrees with wins out of the north. it will be cool tomorrow afternoon. sunday, that is a big day. that is the redskins'' day. a welcome change, will not have to deal with the wind chill factor. near 50 degrees as we head into early next week. no signs of any major rain or snow storms, at least not for the next seven days. >> that is great, especially for
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the redskins game. we are waiting on president obama to speak about the fiscal cliff deal. if it happens, we will bring it to you live. speaking of redskins, the cowboys will focus on another team from texas. >> we do not talk much about basketball for obvious reasons lately. the wizards were at work. another dallas showdown in dc. another big day for one local quarterback.
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>> tonight, we have done that thanks to the votes of democrats and republicans in congress. i will sign a law that raises taxes on the wealthiest 2% of americans while preventing a middle-class tax hike that could have sent the economy back into recession and had a severe impact on families across america. i want to thank all of the leaders of the house and the senate. in particular, i want to thank the work was done by my extraordinary vice president, joe biden, as well as leader harry reid, speaker boehner nancy pelosi, and mitch mcconnell. everybody worked very hard on this. i appreciate it. once again, i want to thank you for your great work. under this law more than 98% of americans and 97% of small businesses will not see their income taxes go up. millions of families will continue to receive tax breaks to help raise their kids and
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send them to college. companies will continue to receive tax credits for the resources that they use, the investments that they make, and the clean energy they create. for those americans out there looking for work, they will continue to receive unemployment benefits as long as they are actively looking for a job. but i think we all recognize this law is one step in the broader effort to strengthen our economy and a broader effort for everybody. the fact is, the deficit is still too high. we're still investing too little in the things we need for the economy to grow as fast as it should. that is what speaker boehner and i originally tried to negotiate a larger agreement that would put this country on a path while putting americans back to work, rebuilding roads and bridges and providing investments in
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areas like education and job- training. unfortunately, there was just not enough support or time for that kind of large agreement in a lame-duck session of congress. that failure comes with a cost. the process has made business more uncertain and consumers less confident. but we are continuing to chip away at this problem, step by step. last year, i signed into law $1.70 trillion in deficit reduction. tonight's agreement further reduces the deficit are raising $640 billion in revenue from the wealthiest households in america. there will be more deficit reduction as congress decides to do -- what to do with the automatic spending cuts. i want to make this point. as i have demonstrated, i am very open to compromise. i agreed with democrats and republicans that the aging
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population and the rising cost of health care makes medicare the biggest contributor to our deficit. i believe we have got to find ways to reform that program without hurting seniors, who count on it to survive. i believe there is further unnecessary spending in government that we can eliminate. but we cannot simply cut our way to prosperity. cutting spending has to go hand- in-hand with further reforms to our tax code so that the wealthiest corporations and individuals cannot take advantage of loopholes and deductions that are not available to most americans. we cannot keep cutting things like basic research in new technology and still expect to succeed in a 21st century economy. we are going to have to continue to move forward in deficit reduction. we have to do it in a balanced way, making sure we are growing even as we get a handle on our spending.
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one last point i want to make -- while i will negotiate over many things, i will not have another debate with this congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they have already racked up. let me repeat -- we cannot not pay bills that we have already incurred. congress refuses to give the united states government the ability to pay these bills on time, the consequences for the entire global economy would be catastrophic. far worse than the impact of a fiscal cliff. people will remember back in 2011, the last time this course of action was threatened, our entire recovery was put at risk. consumer confidence plunged business investment plunged growth dropped. we cannot go down that path again. today's agreement enshrines a principle into law that will remain in place longer than i am
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president. the deficit needs to be reduced in a way that is balanced. everyone pays their fair share everyone does their part. that is how our economy works best. that is how we grow. the sum total of all the budget agreement's we have reached so far proves that there is a mass goal, that it is possible if we focus not on our politics, but on what is right for the country. the one thing that i hope we will focus on in the new year is hoping we can put a package like this together with a little less drama, a little less of brinkmanship, not scare the heck out of focus as much. we can come together as democrats and republicans, cut spending, and raise revenue in a way that reduces our deficit helps our middle-class, provide ladders into the middle class for everyone who is working. we need to grow and compete.
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we can settle this debate not allow it to be so all-consuming all the time that it stops us from other challenges, creating jobs, fixing infrastructure, protecting our planet from the harmful effects of climate change boosting domestic energy production, protecting our kids from wars and gun violence. it is not just possible to do these things, it is an obligation to ourselves and future generations. i look forward to working with every single member of congress to meet this obligation in the new year. i hope that everybody now gets at least a day off for a few days off so that people can refresh themselves. we are going have a lot of work to do in 2013 grid thanks, everybody. happy new year. >> that was president obama speaking about a fiscal cliff
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deal being reached in the final hour. he think house and senate leaders for reaching a compromise that would extend spending cuts for a few
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. we perfected the pastramiandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami pickles, yellow mustard and bubbbbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh.
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>> and now, the toyota sports desk brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> redskins head coach mike
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shanahan took a lot of heat in his first two seasons. it is pretty much all four got now. you cannot forget the haynesworth conditioning test, but his message to the players in the by week sparked a turnaround. that seven-game winning streak is so impressive, there are reports of contract extensions for shanahan very soon in the off-season, whenever that starts. he coached three other great quarterbacks and has led some great teams. this year, he will tell you, is very special. >> it is so rewarding to come in and try to put something together seeing the guys excited and the coaching staff so excited. it is great to work for. seeing a lot of guys making different steps in the offense defense stepping up and accomplishing something, we feel very good about it. >> 99th rose bowl in pasadena.
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the freshmen out of gonzaga 43 yards. hogan shakes off a nasty hit, but he seems ok. next play, stanford gets a 14-0 lead. >> being able to hand the ball to taylor, having a great offensive line and made a great -- made the job easier for me. i cannot say enough about my teammates. we all came together after the loss to notre dame. >> the wizard's lost to the dallas mavericks tonight for the sixth straight time. the final was 103-94. of course, redskins week (vo) they were married for... 53 years. she was his everything. he can't live alone anymore. but we don't have the room. so, we talked to suntrust... looked at our options... remodeled...


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