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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  October 27, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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captioned by the national captioning institute >> we are on storm watch because of the concern over what you are seeing right there. in the last 36 hours, snow has been coming down in several states. it looks like the big weather maker is coming in our direction. we will tell you what is coming and we are tracking the potential trouble for us. "it is hard to believe that we are at the end of october and i think that there will be areas within our viewing area that will be looking at some wet snow and enough to white in the ground as we get into saturday. this is the cold front that has come through. there are some left over clouds
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and with the clouds clearing for folks across maryland that, it will be patchy. this is the end of the growing season. if you look at three dimensions it will be cold air coming in as we go through saturday. the snow, which will be falling for you in the -- will likely be melting before it hits washington. right here from washington, very likely that we will see all rain. there could be somewhat snowflakes even in downtown washington and the possibility of what we might call a snowstorm. up to a 20% possibility of an honest to goodness snowstorm. i will tell you more about the details. this will probably be a
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memorable storm for some folks on saturday. >> bob and doug hill will be watching every movement. just click on the weather tab when you go to >> every day store items used as weapons. photos to graphic for television. what brittany norwood told investigators. >> this was yet another day in the court room. with the testimony, a emotional images. this is the state's job to catalog at a crime scene and documents the event.
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this was a scene rife with violence. blood was found in just about every section of the shop. also presented as evidence in court, the victims purs, sneakers a jacket, and a clump of her hair lost during a struggle that ended with her death. we heard the suspected killers first interview. brittany norwood claimed that she and jayna murray had been beaten and sexually assaulted. she said that she was drugged by her hair. "i was praying that someone would see us and helped." investigators concluded that her story was staged to cover-up a gruesome crime. her legal team insists that she
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lost it during a mutual fight. she was not planning to kill her co-worker. the prosecutors suspect that norwood attacked marie with various items. -- attacked murray with various items. the evidence that loved ones saw, both sides the defendant's family and the victim's family some of the words they heard or too overwhelming. we expect more explosive testimony on friday. >> thank you. we will have every development in the murder trial. for instant updates you can log on to our website. >> metro makes some surprising comments about a kinetic situation that happened at a metro stop.
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-- about a dramatic situation that happened at a metro stop. the escalators at the station stopped operating and that caused a major mass and a host of major emergencies happened. why some are outraged. >> a stark contrast to what it looked like here, especially with the escalators. you can see all four are working. to the surprise of many commuters, the general manager said that his staff did a good job this night. it was a catholic evening that many would not soon forget. -- a chaotic evening that many would not soon forget. >> some were overcome by the scene. >> it was not handled well. >> after conducting a standard
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review, they looked at every kind of situation. >> this was handled as well as a could have been given the circumstances. >> they outlined a timeline of the circumstances. 4:52 a man is struck. it was not until 5:55 started heading to rosalyn to assist with the crowds. then they make a request to stop unloading trains. >> as more trains came in, people were so close to the line. >> officials said that there was a delay confirming that the power was down. >> an overwhelming majority said that had they known how severe the delays for going to be, they would have done something else.
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>> many passengers were surveyed. among the concerns, escalators being down, the lack of direction from personnel. >> there was no information being given. >> it is insufficient buses was another complaint. metro would like to remind customers that the shot off was intentional. they said that communicating would be another big factor this time around. >> new at 11:00, the final stretch of the interim county connector will be opening next month. the road will open in november 22nd. the new stretch will connect to montgomery county with interstate 95 and prince george's county. highway officials have not release the exact toll rate. >> we are monitoring the developing stories coming out of turkey.
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the rescuers just a short time ago found a 14-year-old boy alive in the rubble after being buried for four days. the teenager was wearing a neck brace. he appeared to be conscious sending a 7.2 magnitude quake in turkey. -- he appeared to be conscious. a 7.2 magnitude quake in turkey. hundreds of volunteers are searching for robbie would. they believe that he vanished while out on a walk with family. family friends, and searchers came together in hopes of finding robert allies. -- alive. >> we have on important alert. in our fast high tech society for some cellphone towers, and
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wi-fi are making people sick. >> and this woman spent years writing books on her computer. the journalists are starting to notice something strange. >> i started getting systems which were directly related to exposure to magnetic fields. >> she felt pain when she was around her computer, lights. >> when i turned it off the pain went away. when i with which it on, the pain came back. >> she moved to west virginia. >> someone told me about a greenback. >> this is home to the largest radio telescope in the world. this is near a quiet zone. sell phones are forbidden. people who have electromagnetic
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hypersensitivity are moving to the area. dr. deborah davis is a toxicologist epidemiologists and former white house appointee. she has discovered the steady to the effect of a cell phones. >> most studies have not been very successful. -- she has studied the effect of cellphone tower is. >> we just tell people to move away from the area. >> the move has drastically improved her health. >> i could be outdoors. >> after living in this modified vehicle for seven years, they have a house and yard that she can enjoy. what about the telescope? it doesn't send any transmission and the signal is trying to get to outer space and this is comparable to a single
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snowflake in the ground. >> very interesting. right now, we invite you to go to our facebook page because we are hosting a life chat about health related problems caused by technology. >> coming up the explain why these website to the tip of the iceberg. >> a family pet is stolen. a community where you might want to keep a closer eye on your dog. >> a 12-year-old girl saves people from a fire.
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>> new at 11, fire ripped through a local apartment building but the fast action of a young hero may save lives. the 12-year-old girl was talking about the sequence of events. >> this all happened when the
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fire broke out. we are live there now with the dramatic story. stephen. >> the fire broke out at about 2:00 this afternoon in the second-floor apartment. it trapped three people on the third floor. with the help of a 911 operator, a girl was able to save them. >> this sent smoke into the stairwell. the searing heat and two women and a child on a balcony above. >> can you help me? someone please call 911. if>> while the fire continued to burn, the women trapped on the balcony or close to jumping but the little girl below kept them calm. >> i was telling them to not go into the building, don't try to go back into the building.
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>> you were up there for so long. >> livingston state in place until firefighters arrived and got a letter to her little boy and her mother. she is glad that her daughter knows to call 911. "she said, i just saved three lives. i am so proud and happy. >> meanwhile and this woman is glad to have a calm and a young neighbor. >> i am very thankful to her. >> there you can see some of the damage from the fire. several people were displaced but no one got hurt. >> thank you. new at 11:00, police are searching for the suspect who stole a family pet from its own backyard. last night they discovered a
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gray and white pit bull missing from their fenced in yard in manassas. he does not have any i.d. tags. anyone with information is asked to call police. >> facebook and google are among 700 companies hit by an attack earlier this year. security analysts gave the details to congress. this identified hundreds of victims. 90% of the companies are finding out that they got hacked. it is not clear how deeply they infiltrated. >> president obama had dinner in clarendon with a few campaign supporters. they were selected out of a pool of candidates as part of a contest. the only qualification, each had donated $5. >> five books for dinner at the
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liberty tavern. >> and the wine glasses. >> total opportunity. >> they did not even get into the wind. >> i cannot believe this. i put on my facebook, i said that this might be a memorable of that coming. outside today, we had some slick spot. the temperatures have taken a tumble. in washington, 49 degrees, the last time we had measurable snow in october, 1979. october 10th. i don't think we will have that in washington but it will be close. look at the temperature right now in gaithersburg. 42 degrees. there could be some scattered frost well to the north.
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look at the cold air, that is one of the ingredients. hard to believe that this is still october. this is the calendar right now. we have this going to the north. this brought the rain. now, there is some cold air. there are some waves setting up as we get into the weekend. these will be forming to the south and a big wave will be bringing us very close to the cut -- will be bringing it close to the coast. some areas of new england might see some significant snow. during the day, high-pressure comes in. it will be a sunny day with some increase in clouds. here comes some of the moisture as we get into late tomorrow night. there could be some rain showers moving out. as the cold air begins to come
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in, i think that any of that moisture that begins to come into the mountains even the high spots of montgomery county will be in the form of some wet snow. on some of the very wet spots i think there is a probability that there will be accumulating snow may be 20 miles west and north of washington. it will be a sunny morning and generally a very quiet day. temperatures only are around 13 degrees. the storm develops to our south. an 80% chance that we will see rain primarily cold rain in washington. with some light snow flakes mixed in and again west to north. there will be some accumulating snow. it could be one of those memorable events. >> we are not ready for this.
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no not at all. it is football season. >> did we say accumulating? it will be memorable. chris is the talk of the town.
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>> the caps took their record to play badminton. this is a good old-fashioned hockey game. watch carl, he gets into the point and unleashes a wicked slapshot. everything looks great. the oilers will go on the power play. watch the oilers as they pick this up. they are playing extremely well in this game. they now lead to-one. let's talk about the redskins. trent williams is still out. i think that he will play. he's 29 years old, the last couple of years he struggled to stay healthy and he says he is a casualty now.
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>> it is a shame that they did not let players to have surgery stay with people that they trust. i think we could have gone through what i went through in july. "every part of me believes that not only will it continue to play for the washington redskins but i will continue to be an outstanding player at the position i play. >> i don't think there's any question. >> virginia and miami. they are pulling out all of the stops. they are all wide-open. a 37 yard touchdown. they take a lead. the cavaliers held on to win 28-21 over miami. the maryland team take another hit with how we're taking a broken bone in his foot.
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our play of the day comes from high school football. he actually picks this baby right out of the air. look out this is a touchdown against the washington lead. it was almost like it was computer-generated but it was not. this field goal attempt is returned for the touchdown. that is our play of the day. the nba and the players have been in another seven and a half hours of meetings. the commissioner says he did consider it a failure if they did not reach a deal to end the lockout within the next few days. >> which means -- >> which means that there is optimism will get done. >> texas leads late. >> we wi
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[ rock playing ] ♪ and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ all laugh when you walk by ♪ ♪ and the neighbors' kids run and hide ♪ deep inside you, there's a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you. ♪ but you're not ♪ ♪ you're the one ♪ be true to yourself. what's healthier than that?
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>> the murder trial is our top turning story at also the car that nearly crashed into the sports junkie studio. that is all there at a final look at the f
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at bank of america we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call greater washington, d.c. home. from supporting an organization that helps new citizens find their way... to proudly supporting our washington redskins... and partnering with a school that brings academic excellence to thenacostia community. because the more we do in greater washington, d.c. the more we help make opportunity possible.
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>> i will keep you posted on the the coming days. there might be memorable snows. you might remember the veterans day, november 11th. 11 1/2 inches. i don't think that we will see that but i think it will see a at the sleep number store, we hear it all the time: "well, we could sleep in the same bed, but it just doesn't work." she would like a firmer mattress than i would. yeah, nine out of ten couples sagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting represents the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. don't mess with my side because i'm comfortable. i can adjust mine to my liking and she can do the same. go ahead and switch sides so you can feel what the other side feels like.
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you were on his side. how does that feel? it's hard. i like my side better, too. i like my side better. this is too soft. is is too hard. why don't we switch back to where you were. i am so glad to be back. oh, yeah. you can have comfort and you can be in the same bed. there's no debate or no squabble because you can have it your and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our sleep better tegether sale, discover the bed whose unique dual air technology provides total comfort for both of you. and save $400 to $800 on our newest, most innovative bed sets. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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