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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 20, 2011 12:00am-1:05am EDT

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a lockout, they won't be allowed to play in china. the feud continues. have a great weekend, everybody. >> dicky: up next on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: donald trump told cnn yesterday he may consider getting back in the presidential race. he said he's got to mull it over and then comb it over. and he'll go from there. >> dicky: jessica alba. >> jimmy: who did this to you? >> dicky: steve martorano. and music from luke bryan. >> jimmy: why did you do this to me?
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jessica alba. cooking with steve martorano. and music from luke bryan. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" and nono check this out. here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. hi, everyone, i'm jimmy, i'm the
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host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. i want to extend a special welcome to those of you who got your tickets on groupon. 20% off is not bad. this has been a rough week for the economy. as you probably know, our national credit rating got downgraded on friday which caused a nose-dive on wall street yesterday. the dow had its sixth biggest point drop ever. let me tell you something, if i had any understanding of any of this, i'd be very nervous right now, i really would. fortunately though i don't. today the market bounced back and gained 430 points. soso guess we're rich again? congratulations, everybody. [ applause ] we're number one again. this is interesting. speaker of the house john boehner and minority leader nancy pelosi made an join statement, not about the economy, but to announce that the house of representatives is ending its page program. the house page program gave high school kids the opportunity to work and learn in congress, but apparently it was teaching them
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bad habits, so they've got rid of them. the program -- this program has been around for 200 years. pelosi and boehner said they decided to end it when they realized that due to an oversight, congress was doing something good, and -- [ laughter ] so, sorry, high schoolers. it looks like you'll have to go somewhere else to be grope and sexted. in other political news, six recall elections were held for republican seats in the wisconsin state senate tonight. the reverend sharpton was filling in as host on msnbc and hehead some very strong opinions on something. i'm not exactly sure what. >> tonight is the measure of whether the country begins in the state of wisconsin a national drive to push back or whether we have more to go to build a movement of resistance. but resist, we much -- we must and we will much about that be committed.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's -- [ applause ] i think that's what they call much-see tv. [ laughter ] he may be ready to become the next miss teen south carolina. meanwhile, former vice president al gore is making news, thanan to his speech about global warming he gave in aspen last week. global warming is a topic al gore is very passionate about. he got angry during the speech. he got so angry during the speech, he almost woke a couple of people in the audience up. [ laughter ] scary. he went on a tirade about the scientists who get paid to tell us we have nothing to worry about. he used the "f" word. the "b" word. the "s" word. he didn't use the "n" word. that's good. but t e other words seemed very out of character. all a sudden he's joe pesci with a thermometer. unfortunately there weren't any cameras around, but there is an audio tape. we took the real audio and we
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combined it with video from "frosty the snowman." well, here it is. al gore, the snowman. >> they pay pseudo scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message this climate thing, it's nonsense. m manmade co-2 doesn't trap heat. [ bleep ]. it may be volcanoes. [ bleep ] and when you go and talk to any audience about climate, you hear them washing back at you the same crap over and over and over again. there's no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate, even though the very existence of our civilization is threatened. people have no idea. it's [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: all right, well, hopefully evaporated into a storm clouand rained on some fair-trade crop. [ applause ] it's kind of fun to hear al gore get crazy. he could use a little dash of mel gibson in his life.
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maybe more people would listen. in fact, if he ever makes a sequel to "an inconvenient like this.would suggest he do it >> many people ask me, what is global warming? it's a [ bleep ] disaster is what it is, you [ bleep ] it's [ bleep ] our glaciers, our animals, our ocean, our oxygen, our plant life. you're all just sitting there like a bunch of [ bleep ] hes. it's [ bleep ]. you're [ bleep ]. we all [ bleep ] this place up. [ bleep ] you. i'm al gore and i'm sick of this [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: well -- [ cheers and applause e i don't know. i think somebody might -- [ applause ] i think somebody's mom needs to wash somebody's mouth out with biodegradable soap. hey, here's some good news. donald trump told cnn yesterday he may consider getting back in the presidential race. he said he's got to mull it over and then comb it over and he'll go from there. he said if the economy continues to go the way it's going and if
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republicans pick the wrong candidate, i would certainly consider it. which i don't know, he's in, he's out, he's in. he's not entering the sex with it. race, he's having trump would apparently run as an independent if he did run. his quote was,s, "i think it's maybe time for that." i like that. that should be his campaign slogan. i think it's maybe time for that. that's the kind of half-hearted enthusiasm this country needs right now. [ applause ] congratulations, i want to say, to another potential presidential candidate, sarah palin had a grandchild over the weekend. she's a young grandmother. she's only 47 years old. this is her second grandkid. think how many grandkids she'd have if the palins didn't actice abstinence. it would be a mob scene. sarah's oldest son track and his wife britta had the baby on sunday. let's say if we can guess her name together. b, harpoon dogsled palin.
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c, r rald remington reagan palin. or, d, grizzly frances moosehead palin. the answer is -- it's d, grizzly frances moosehead palin. [ applause ] actually, no, the kid's name is -- is kyla, k-y-l-a. she was named the same way all the palin children are named. by throwing a handful of scrabble tiles down a flight of stairs. the proud parents released video today of the birth. and watch it, because there really is right off the bat no doubt that this kid is a palin. >> oh, my god, it's coming. don't look, get out. >> you're doing great. just keep -- push. and breathe. and push. gun! [ gunfire ] >> ahhh! >> oh, my god! [ gunfire ] >> get down! >> oh, my god, what's happening down there?
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>> drop the guns! she's reloading. twins! twins! [ gunfire ] >> grenade! [ applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. that's obama cararfor you right there. there have been major riots in london for the past four days. apparently they realize this was the last harry potter movie and went nuts. here's what's going on over there. groups of young people have been setting buildings, vehicles and police stations on fire. they've been looting story stores and attacking local authorities. they're behaving quite frankly like canadians. no one seems to know exactly why they're rioting. but i'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that all thehe sandwiches have cucumbers in them. if the riots get worse, the
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queen has threatened to deploy her knights. which, unfortunately, her knights are paul mccartney and sir elton john. unless they're going to sing to them, we've got a problem. [ applause ] here's what england needs right now. there's a documentary on hbo last night called "superheroes." there are a number of regular people around the country who dress up in costumes to fight crime. one of them is a guy who calls himself the vigilante spider. he was kind enough to take us through the average day for a superhero. >> my name is vigilante spider. i started out in las vegas, nevada. i now patrol most of north county just like any other day. walk downstairs. you have breakfast. you say hello to your girlfriend. you go to work. you say hi to your friends at work. and then you go home. after all that is done, you sleep. >> so you have a girlfriend? >> i was just metaphorically speaking. >> jimmy: metaphorically, he
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gets tons of women metaphorically. tons. they should call him the lonely spider. and one more thing, jessica alba is here with us tonight. and she's very pregnant. [ applause ] she's become impregnated with a baby, with a child. she's been going to birthing classes. this is how you prepare for a child. you go to a teacher who teaches you how to have the baby and how not to kill the baby after you have the baby. it's amazing service. i went along with her. well, here's a sneak peek at what we're going to see a little later on. >> so, is it possible to do, like, self-examination, like, say you want to labor at home for a little while? >> yeah. >> how do you check, you know? >> yeah, how would i do that? >> jimmy: the thing is, i think i just made her more comfortable by being there than anything. so we'll have that for you a little bit. we have a good show for you tonight. we're going to make pizza steaks with steve martorano.
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we have music from luke bryan. and we'll be right back with jessica alba, so stick around. music(lyrics): ♪ whatever i have i'll share it. i'd love to give it to you. i can surely make do with less than two.♪ vo: bk minis are easy to share, ♪ and that's how sharing works.♪ vo: but that doesn't mean they're easy to share. ♪and that's how sharing works. get yours at burger king,
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before someone else does. bad news: men use soap that can really dry their skin. fear not, dove men plus care is here. it's the bar with one quarter moisturizing cream, so it cleans and leaves skin feeling moisturized. dove men + care. but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. now i'm trying to make it in music. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] the new hp touchpad starting at $399.99. ♪
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keeps 'em focused. discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. vo: get a free ice tray.lege. in four weeks. or -- buy a pc for college. get a free xbox 360®. get yours at buy a futon for college. get an allen wrench. or -- buy a pc for college. get an xbox 360®. get yoururat while supplies last.
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yea, right over here. look at 'em all. what about a black frontier with utilitrack? absolutely. oh, great, that's awesome. what about a platinum graphite rogue with touch-screen na bluetooth,
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and...a moonroof? with or without leather? we got 'em both. [ sighs ] i gotta get back. [ male announcer ] the most innovative cars are also the most available cars. nissan. innovation for all. >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back.
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tonight on the show, we're going to make genuine philadelphia pizza cheesesteaks with the author of this new book called "yo cuz! my life, my food, my way." steve martorano is here. i have to say, my biggest complaint about philly cheesestachees cheesesteaks is there's not enough pizza in it, so now we'll -- and then, we'll hear music from this album, it came out today. it's called "tailgates and tanlines." the samsung at&t summer krush concert series continues with luke bryan from the grand ole opry theater in nashville, tennessee. tomorrow night we'll be joined and have music from incubus.ger, so, please join us for that, too. it's hard to imagine anyone movie-go eers would enjoy in 3d than our first guest tonight. and she ratchets it up to 4d in the new movie "spy kids: all the time in the world." it opens august 19th. please say hello to jessica alba.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you got your phone with you? >> yeah, because i want to take a picture and put it on twitter. >> jimmy: that will be fun. who did this to you? [ laughter ] >> my husband. >> jimmy: he did. again? >> he did it again. >> jimmy: he did it once a and then you let him do it again. >> i know. what was i thinking? >> jimmy: is it better the second time being pregnant? is it easier? >> it's -- no, it's kind of harder, because i have a 3-year-old who wants me, you know, to pick her up and do everything and it kind of hurts. >> jimmy: does she know what's going on? >> i have like sciatic pain now. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> and all these different things. >> jimmy: there's prprably a little jealousy. >> yeah, she used to smack my belly but now she kisses it. >> jimmy: that's nice. making progress. >> i was like, don't smack my belly anymore, it hurts. >> jimmy: that's no good. have you been having cravings like people do?
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>> i -- yeah. with my first pregnancy, i k kd of just wanted citrus fruit. but i think -- cash covered all my cravings. >> jimmy: your husband cash? he went and got everything you needed? >> well, he had cravings himself, so he, like, ate everything. and so every morning we'd have a half a pack of bacon and he could have, you know, desserts, like, we had, like, five desserts with every meal, like, no matter what, so -- >> jimmy: he's having sympathy cravings? >> he did. and he lost the weight way later than i did. >> jimmy: really? wow. >> with this one, i am -- like i will die, i will kill, i will kill for watermelon. >> jimmy: for watermelon? >> i wake up at 2:00 in the morning and i'm, like, i need watermelon so bad. and, like -- i've sent cash, only twice he's had to do a late-night run. >> jimmy: he has to go to the store in the middle of the night and get watermelon? >> i do that, i'm pregnant, i can't change what's happening here.
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and he's like, okay, babe, sure, no problem. >> jimmy: hehe got to. >> you get like a little psycho when you're pregnant sometimes. >> jimmy: yeah, well s se. >> most of the time, i'm really nice. >> jimmy: do you eat every day watermelon? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: watermelon's good. there's almost nothing in it, right? >> i mean, it's like -- i don't know what it is. i dream about it. >> jimmy: i hope the baby doesn't come out covered with -- red and covered with seeds. you know, that would be a little bit weird. >> if it's a healthy baby, that's all -- >> jimmy: do you know what you're going to name the baby? >> i don't. we were actually talking about it this morning, funny enough. it's hard to follow a name likik honor because honor's such a -- >> jimmy: honor's your daughter's name. >> it's a good name. >> jimmy: yeah, that's a solid name. but you can't cheat on anything in school or anything when your name's honor. there's a whole system named after you that you have to abide by. >> well, yeah, i mean -- a lot of pressure for the kid. and, you know, so cash and i were talking and, you know, he came up with this name and i was
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like, but you know, we want to let our kid, you know, be able to be a rocket scientist or a painter or, you know, you want be able to, like, allow your kid to kind of do anything with the name and even though his name is like a gangster rapper name, cash, he went to yale and he had a poly-sci major -- he beat the odds. >> jimmy: me a my ex-wife named our daughter katherine. because we figured if it was very serious, she'll go by katherine.e. she turned out to be katie. and by the way, jimmy is a beautiful name for a boy or a girl. just something to think about. [ applause ] >> i like -- yeah. >> jimmy: might be a good idea, let honor name the baby. let your 3-year-old pick the name. >> yes. yes. she -- she keeps calling -- she says you have a boy, i have a
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brother named sophie. >> jimmy: she wants to name baby sophie? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and wants it to be a boy. >> yes. she wants a girl too. she wants both. she doesn't really care about the girl's name. she just wants the brother to be named sophie. >> jimmy: she wants a brother who will get beat up every day atatchool. >> yeah, basically. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you were very nice to ask me to do something that i was honored to do, which is -- cash could not make it for some reason, maybe he was out running getting watermelon, i don't know. was unable to make it to your birthing class. so i went along with you. >> you went. >> jimmy: and, well, we brought along some cameras because we thought it might be educational for the people at home who have also been impregnateimpregnated. take a look. >> welcome, everyone. my name's elaine. i'm a certified childbirth educator. >> jimmy: how are babies made? >> well -- i think you know. anyway, we are at -- >> jimmy: sometimes i just like to hear it.
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>> this is a cross section -- >> jimmy: ugh, that's disgusting. >> -- nonpregnant woman. what do you call this? >> uterus. >> what's the opening of the uterus called? >> jimmy: the vagina. >> no, actually -- >> cervix. >> exactly. and what's the -- >> jimmy: vagina. >> thank you. okay. >> is that your favorite word? >> i just knew i'd get it eventually. >> we call it the birth canal. thank you. >> jimmy: okay. >> here is your uterus when you're not pregnant. >> jimmy: that looks like a pear to me. >> it's a simulated uterus. >> jimmy: because my grandfather used to eat a lot of uteruses if that's the case. or is it uteri? >>ure. now, at full term, this is what your uterus looks like. about this size -- >> jimmy: can you put a hole in it and fill it with vodka? >> i wouldn't recommend that. how much weight should a pregnant woman gain? >> between 25 and 30 pounds? >> jimmy: nothing, right, no pounds. >> thank you, suzy.
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25 to 35 pounds. i have an empathy belly hehereor the dads. jimmy, would you like to -- >> jimmy: yeah, i'll put it on. i already have one of my own but i'll wear this for a while. >> slip it on like this. >> jimmy: this isn't bad at all. i don't know what your ladies are complaining about. >> thank you for sharing. so, you need your cervix to open up how many centimeters? >> ten centimeters. >> got it. >> jimmy: how do you know everything? >> i study a lot. >> jimmy: huh. is that because you're asian? she said ask questions. >> stupid ones. >> and then you also have your -- >> vagina. >> thank you. or birth canal. >> jimmy: is that like a uterus cozy you have there? >> no, this is -- >> jimmy: no, but go on, you were talking about your vagina. >> now you're in stage two. >> jimmy: i don't know what's going on.
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>> your vagina needs to open up -- well, it's technically -- >> jimmy: i have trouble getting my vagina open. >> well, you don't have trouble getting your mouth open. >> jimmy: that's true. i'll try to think of it as my face vagina. >> let's go to the moment of birth. you may find that your doctor or your midwife decides to assist you with the birth by doing perineal massage. take a little oil, pour it, which is the area between the birth canal and the anus. >> jimmy: for real? >> yes, it's that skin, that tissue. >> it's between the two holes. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. that's a bad neighborhood. >> some couples decide to do the massage. >> jimmy: are any of you guys doing that? no. >> i didn't know you could do that. >> jimmy: yeah, you can, you can do that. you just need olive oil. and an anus. [ laughter ] >> all right. now we'd like everyone to experience a mock birth.
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so i'd like to have one of our moms volunteer. >> jimmy: i'll do it. >> should i play the dad? >> yes, please. >> jimmy: good idea. >> jessica's going to be the one to catch the baby. that baby's just going to come right on out. >> breathe in. >> jimmy: i feel the baby coming. >> okay, let's do this. breathe in and push. push. you got this. you got this. push. >> jimmy: why did you do this to me? >> you asked for it. push! oh, you tore. there's blood. lots of blood. push! >> jimmy: oh, it's coming out. i see its head. >> come on, push!
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there we go. [ applause ] >> jimmy: can i hold it? i want to name it pippa middleton. >> okay. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i think we had quite an experience. by the way, i got you something. i got you some olive oil for the house. >> thank you. >> jimmy: "spy kids: all the time in the world" opens in theatres august 19th in 4d. we'll be right back with jessica alba, everyone. vo: buy a fridge for college. get a free ice tray. or -- buy a pc for college. get a free xbox 360®. get yours at buy a futon for college. get an allen wrench. or -- buy a pc for college. get an xbox 360®.
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get yoururat while supplies last. this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. build your better breakfast today. ♪ [ female announcer ] new 100% natural lipton iced tea. you are what you tea.
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okay, tick tock. oh, man. >> don't understand estimate her. >> i think my water just broke. i hope that was my water. >> clean her clock. >> i'm having a contraction. oh! >> jimmy: hey, we're back! [ cheers and applause ] "spy kids: all the time in the world" in 4d is jessica alba's new movie. your third movie with robert rodriguez? that's a lot of movies with him. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what goes -- how does that work? is it one of those deals where you work well together and you're like, let's do every movie together? >> i mean -- kind of. >> jimmy: kind of, yeah? >> we like each other. >> jimmy: i can see why he likes you. i don't know him but -- >> he's awesome.
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he's incredibly talented. he inspires me. yeah, he's a good friend. >> jimmy: that's nice. that's nice to have. especially when you have to spend a lot of time with somebody. >> that's true. >> jimmy: he doesn't go to birthing classes with you. >> no. he's nototuite the friend you are. >> jimmy: that's right. he doesn't come over to your house and teach you how to make pizza. >> that's true. he didn't leave me truffles either. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that's right. i did leave you truffles. >> i can't throw away the truffle rice, by the way. >> jimmy: the rice is no good. >> i just can't throw it away though. it's still in the fridge. >> jimmy: you should make some kind of a mash out of it and feed it to our baby. is it wrong to think of it as our baby? >> yeah, it's not our baby. >> jimmy: okay. i meant the three of us, not just the two of us. >> it's weird. >> jimmy: now, this movie is in 4d. what does that mean? >>it's a fun extra aroma element. >> jimmy: you can smell the movie? >> so, like, the eight times during the movie, there's a number that pops up and they
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give you a card when you come into the theater and you can scratch and sniff and sort of, like, experience what the actors are experiencing in the movie. >> jimmy: people can actually smell you during the movie. >> i don't know if they're smelling me. >> jimmy: yes, they are going to smell you. wow. there are going to be hoards of perverts coming into the film. i used to love that scratch and sniff when i was a kid. >> exactly. it's a kid's movie. it's a kid's thing. >> jimmy: kids will get a kick out of that. >> yeah, totally. >> jimmy: so, it's a card that everybody gets. >> yeah, and then a number pops up and you scratch and sniff that number. and it coincides with what's happening on the screen. >> jimmy: as one of the stars of the film, do you get to approve the various scents? >> no. >> jimmy: you do not. ll, sounds like fun. i like that when they have a clever extra thing there. >> yeah, it's cute. >> jimmy: people will get the cards -- >> it's like -- it's definitely a kid thing. the kids are going to love it. >> jimmy: you put on glasses, you have a card. there's a lot of work to do during this movie. >> well, it's interactive. >> jimmy: almost like being at
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the racetrack. you got your spy glasses, you've got your bedding card -- >> i don't spend a lot of time at the track. >> jimmy: you should. you really should. gambling is a good thing to teach the children. it's great to see you as always. i wish you the best of luck, number one, with the baby, number two with the movie. "spy kids: all the time in the world" opens in theatres august 19th in 4d. jessica alba, everyone. we'll be right back. ♪ hey, uh what's up with your naked toilet paper? yeeaah, i noticed that, man. inappropriate. naked toilet paper? i don't know what you're... your cottonelle roll just sittin' out? seriously... it's primitive, man. yeah, you're taking it for granted. just cover it up. huh. a roll cover...fancy. that stuff will make your day.
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[ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, , ffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba >> jimmy: thank you, fellas. our next guest was born and raised in south philly. he has very successful restaurants in south florida and
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las vegas and a new book called "yo cuz! my life, my food, my way." please welcome steve martorano. how are you, steve? >> it's good to see you. >> jimmy: i'm excited about this. the book is fantastic. because it's not just a cookbook, it's stories from your life -- >> what's that mean? >> jimmy: a memoir. >> autobiogrgraphy. with recipes. did you read the book? >> jimmy: i did. how is a pizza steak different from a cheese steak? >> anywhere you go, if you get a pizza steak, they use marinara. in philly we say marinara. but this time we're going to take it to the next level. we're going to use jersey tomatoes. have you ever had a jersey tomato? >> jimmy: i have not, no. >> cuz, when i tell you, this is going to be the best tomato in the world. it only comes out once a year. july, august, a little bit of september. i had a a iend of mine, mikey's produce in south philly, sent them today. >> jimmy: nice. >> i got them this morning. great tomato.
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>> jimmy: they call them a jersey tomato because they look like snooki or because -- >> i'm going to -- all right, let's -- that's a good one, that's a good one. >> jimmy: all right. >> you tell me, you tell me. what do you want to do first? >> jimmy: you tell me. we got some onions going here. >> what i did -- italian-american cooking is simple. just simple food. a lot of people take it to the next level. it's too complicated. when i watch stuff on tv today, i look at it and i go, i can't make that. my style of cooking is just really simple ingredients, simple products in a simple style. so, we took some white onions and we simmered it in lightly salted butter. real simple. did that for about 20 minutes. >> jimmy: no olive oil? >> just lightly salted butter. >> jimmy: okay. >> me, i like butter -- >> jimmy: yeah, you made that for me. my mother used to make it when i was a little kid. >> this guy, when i was here the last time, he made me go to his house and cook.
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he keep saying, do this, do that. no, jim, i'm here as a guest. i still got to cook. but -- >> jimmy: i'm generous in that way. >> i made about 30 things. >> jimmy: you did. >> but the butter was so simple that he -- >> jimmy: i went crazy for it. >> loved it. >> jimmy: i haven't had it since i was a a kid. that's what's in the book. things if you're italian your mom would make, your grandma would make. >> just taking it to the next level with quality ingredients. like we're going to do here. >> jimmy: all right. >> you want to get your pan hot. extra virgin olive oil. pour a little bit in here. >> jimmy: how much is a little bit? >> right there's good. >> jimmy: okay. >> let it get a little hot. what happens in recipes, you ever see when people have two cloves of garlic? >> jimmy: yeah. >> or two tablespoons, three tablespoons. i go, what's the difference? you put two gloves of garlic or four, what's the difference? just do it until you learn how to do it, right? >> jimmy: okay. >> there's some cheese -- some meat --
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>> jimmy: this is just beef? >> that's the top of the round. it's like having carpaccio, right? >> jimmy: that is good. >> put it in the pan. >> jimmy: gently or -- >> just throw it in, don't be nervous. >> jimmy: how do you get the beef sliced this thin? >> you got to stick it in the freezer. go to your butcher or supermarket and by two pounds. tell them to put it in the freezer. pay for it. come back the next day and tell them to slice it on the slicer. >> jimmy: nice. pay for it, huh? interesting. in philly -- >> jimmy: if i was you, i'd just take it. >> in philly, you see the way these pieces are? that's how you get a cheese steak in philly. right? they turn it over. me, what my mother does, we chop it up. and as we chop it up, we add the cheese and the onions and it makes it a little bit more robust. >> jimmy: it's easier to eat like that too. >> keep putting it in. you're to slow. we only got so much time here. >> jimmy: all right, all right, i'm trying to be neat about it. i'm not a professional. >> okay. we got this. you want to take these.
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you're going to do this. you want to play with it. you want to chop it like this. take it apart. simple. >> jimmy: tell us why shaq gave you an nba championship ring. >> see, he really likes the way i cook. the first time shaq came to me. he ordered dessert. fettucini alfredo. >> jimmy: for dessert? >> true story. so, he calls me on the phone and he says he's coming in for dinner. he's going to come in. he comes in. he grabs me. hugs me, kisses me and he says, i got a present for you. said, what's that? said, i'm going to give you a championship ring. so, i said, give me a little time, but you'll get one. i go to vegas. you know who eddie jones is, right? >> jimmy: yep. >> great ball player, right? he comes over -- you can clap, that's good. he comes in, right, we're talking. i say, cuz, guess what? shaq is giving me a ring. he said, he told you that same story? he's lying. he tells everybody that story. so now i'm mad, right?
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i don't get no ring. two weeks later, guess who comes in? >> jimmy: shaq. >> i tell him to leave. you got to get out. what do you mean? i didn't get no ring. anyway, he came back a week later and he gave me this ring. >> jimmy: and now you're engaged to shaquille o'neal. >> my guy. my guy. >> jimmy: that's pretty great. you see how simple he's -- we're not hammering it. we're just taking our time. >> jimmy: charles barkley played in the nba for 16 years, he has no ring. you got one. >> i got one. charles, i didn't say that. now you're going to take some salt. >> jimmy: all right. >> a little bit of kosher salt. i'll do this and you do the granulated garlic. that's a south philly thing. >> jimmy: how much? i used to steal this from the pizza place when i was a kid. get a bag of it and take it home. >> that's perfect. get a little fresh black pepper. wait for that. okay, that's good. that's good.
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what we're going to do -- there's two ways of eating cheese steak. with or without. you know what that means? >> jimmy: no. >> if you walk up to a joint in philly, you ask for a cheese steak, you got to say with, with means with onions, or without. how do you like it, with or without? >> jimmy: i like it with. >> okay. yoyore going to take a little bit of onions. put them inside here. as much as you like, cuz. when you cook food, italian food -- >> jimmy: do what you like? >> yeah. when my mother taught me, nobody had recipes. a little bit of this, a little bit of that. all over here. you know what i'm saying? take your time. you taste it -- >> jimmy: that's probably not the best thing to tell people who you want to buy a cookbook from you. >> yeah, but see, cuz, no, listen, no, i swear on my mother, listen. my book is not a paint by numbers. that's how you sell recipes. >> jimmy: it's not exact. >> right. you're going to do it, you mess up, you do it again. that's what cooking's all about, having fun. >> jimmy: there you go. all right. all right. we got to finish this up. >> you got this.
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take a couple of the jersey tomatoes. >> jimmy: beautiful jersey tomatoes. they go right in there, huh? nice. >> you can use your hands. that's why god gave you hands. as long as they're clean. >> jimmy: mine aren't even clean. >> put a little oregano. just a little bit. not a lot. >> jimmy: little bit. what is this? >> sicilian. the best. >> now, ththroll. basil in italian. when i was growing up and i had no money, i couldn't afford cologne, i swear to god, i go like this. they follow you everywhere, i swear to god. >> jimmy: makes a nice corsage. >> put a piece all around. there you go. just for flavor. get some american cheese. throw it everywhere you want. jimmy: it's white. >> they got yellow and white. i only use the white. i don't like to use the yellow. >> jimmy: american cheese, all right. >> now you're going to make this melt. put it on italian bread. and we're going to eat it.
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>> jimmy: let's see how it comes out. >> and this -- this is how it co comes. >> jimmy: come up here, guillermo. >> now, wait, wait, wait. the south philly lean. when you eat a cheese steak in philly, you got to go like this, cuz. because all that comes out, goes all over. when i would come down at nighttime -- on, forget about it, let's eat. >> jimmy: i'm hungry. try that, guillermo. lean. [ applause ] really good. beautiful. steve martorano, everybody. here's the book. "yo cuz! my life, my food, my way." we'll be right back with luke bryan. [ agent ] so your policy looks good, is there anything else?
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why did you buy my husband a falcon? thanks for the falcon. i didn't buy anyone a falcon. sure, you did. you saved us a lot of money on auto insurance. i used that money to buy a falcon. ergo, you bought me a falcon. i should've got a falcon. most people who switch tstate farm save on average about $480. what they do with it, well, that's their business.
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oh, that explains a lot, actually. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] another reason people switch to state farm. aw, i could've gotten a falcon. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. [ falcon screeches ]
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>> jimmy: this is his new album, it came out today. 's called "tailgates a a tanlines." from the samsung at&t summer krush concert series at the grand ole opry theater in nashville, tennessee, the song
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is calalle"countryry gl l shaket for me." luke bryan! ♪ country girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ >> where my country girls at? come on! ♪ got a little boom ♪ in my big truck ♪ gonna open up the doors and turn it up ♪ ♪ gonna stomp my boots in the georgia mud gonna watch you make me fall in love ♪ ♪ get up on the hood of my daddy's tractor up on the tool box it don't matter ♪ ♪ down on the tailgate girl i can't wait to watch you do your thing ♪ ♪ shake it for the young bucks sittin
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in the honkytonks ♪ ' til the break of dawn ♪ for the rednecks rockin' til the break of dawn the dj spinnin' that cououry song ♪ ♪ c'mon, c'mon, c'mon ♪ shake it for the birds shake it for the bees shake it for the catfish swimmin' ♪ ♪ down deep in the creek for the crickets and the critters and the squirrels ♪ ♪ shake it to the moon shake it for me girl ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ somebody's sweet little farmer's child with a gattle in her blood to get a little wild ♪ ♪ ponytail and a pretty smile rope me in from a country mile ♪ ♪ so come on over here and get in my arms spin me around this big ole barn ♪ ♪ tangle me up like grandma's yarn yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ shake it for the young bucks sittin' in the honkytonks ♪ ♪ for the rednecks rockin' til the break of dawn the dj spinnin' that country song ♪ ♪ c'mon c'mon c'mon
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♪ shake it for the birds shake it for the bees shake it for the catfish swimmin' ♪ ♪ down deep in the creek for the crickets and the critters and the squirrels ♪ ♪ shake it to the moon shake it for me girl ♪ ♪ country girl shshe it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ya'll look pretty good shakin' it. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ now dance like a dandelion in the wind on the hill underneath the pines yeah ♪ ♪ move like the river flows feel the kick drum down deep in your toes ♪ ♪ all i wanna do is get to holdin' you and get to knowin' you and get
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to showin' you ♪ ♪ and get to lovin' you fore the night is through baby you know what to do ♪ ♪ shake it for the young bucks sittin' in the honkytonks ♪ ♪ for the rednecks rockin' til the break of dawn the dj spinnin' that country song ♪ ♪ c'mon c'mon c'mon ♪ shake it for the birds shake it for the bees shake it for the catfish swimmin' ♪ ♪ down deep in the creek for the crickets and the critters and the squirrels ♪ ♪ shake it to the moon shake it for me girl ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl ake it for me girl shake it for me girlrlhake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪ ♪ country girl shake it for me girl shake it for me girl shake it for me ♪


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