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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  February 23, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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some rain is coming our way. when will it arrive? the news starts in 30 seconds. >> the jackson family is push for justice. >> michael jackson's oldest sister speaks with abc 7. what she is doing weeks before her got her -- her brother's doctor goes on trial. thousands in taxpayer dollars. >> you may want to ask the chief about that. >> the real life modern family. white is more common than you think. -- why it is more common than you think. captioned by the national captioning institute we begin tonight with
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chilling comments about why she says her brother michael was murdered. she spoke with abc 7 news. michael jackson's physician is charged with involuntary manslaughter. the comments, just weeks before he goes to trial. >> she has shied away from the media attention over the years, but she sat down for a rare interview. she believes it is clear that dr. murray took michael jackson's life. >> the eldest of 10 siblings, she visibly remembers a call from her sister, janet, that michael was dead. >> she said, he is gone. i was so mentally lost. >> she and her family it were well aware that michael
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struggled with the pressures of the spotlight. >> i know that there was a disconnect. >> several siblings had tried to reach out, but to no avail. >> i personally started blaming michael for not doing -- myself for not doing more than i could have done. the only person in responsible for michael's death is his doctor. she has attended several of his court appearances, but tries not to dwell on the past. >> i'll look forward to see him again in the new order. that is what i am focusing on. >> she is connected to her brothers with her music. >> in the 1980's, but michael broke her hit song "centerpiece."
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>> what does this song mean to you now? >> very precious to me because if i am not mistaken, the last song he did for a family member. >> she now plans to release that song as a single. she is performing here in d.c. on friday at the duke ellington theatre. her hope is to raise awareness about mental health. an emotional showdown in frederick over apparent cancer cluster and the potential link to fort dietrich. >> we have been investigating the situation in our series of reports. john gonzales is live outside the meeting tonight. what have you found out? >> the army recently completed a 52 million-dollar cleanup here in frederick. they tested 24 residences water
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wells enclaves it found no traces of agent orange. residents were briefed in this hotel behind. the meeting was closed to the press. they were diagnosed four years ago. breast cancer for her, colon cancer for him. >> in a mile radius, there is 830 cases of cancer. >> many others have already died. tonight, that has not changed. dozens of local veterans and residents who believe they have directly been affected by the mysterious chemical are demanding action tonight from the county and state. >> it is the first response that fort dietrich has had that i know of. >> it is an active u.s. army installation where chemical testing was quite common. the army now admits that it tested agent orange.
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testis from a spray tower and from my hands break bread almost all the testing occurred in controlled greenhouses. >> we want to care for the families. >> the group argues otherwise. private investigators inside disclaim trace amounts have been found in the air and soil. >> the state health department does not know. our county health department does not know. >> the army claims tonight that the only tested 17 pounds of this chemical shortly after world war ii. the u.s. department of veterans affairs is paying disability claims. turning now to our weather, conditions to nights are cool and dry, but we wonder if some changes are on the way. bob ryan is here with a first
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look at our forecast. >> it is a c temperatures made o the mid 40's. 46 was our high temperature, a bit below average. that sunshine is getting stronger and stronger. but look at tonight. to the jurors are in the 20's. the next storm coming our way will be a rain producer. it will be a rainy day, not. i will show you all the details and a few minutes. we could use it, too. the pressures on the muammar gaddafi appeared to be ratcheted up tonight. president obama appeared on national television. we are live in a satellite center with the latest on the worldwide push for democracy.
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>> gaddafi vows vengeance against his opponents. the latest images from libya shoat jubilant anti-government demonstrators moving freely through the nation's seconds largest city. but tripoli, the streets are reportedly quiet. >> the weather cooperates with foreign -- the colors and bold execution. >> the italian foreign ministry estimates that as many as 1000 people have died since lydia erupted in violence earlier this month. people are fleeing the north african nation. >> they opened fire on us and we saw the death of their own eyes. >> it is not simply a concern for the united states. the entire world is watching. >> the president spoke publicly for the first time about the at
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people. hundreds of americans have boarded a ferry in tripoli. >> the suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable. so are threats and orders to shoot peaceful protesters. >> he said he is considering a full range of options in response to his crackdown. secretary clinton travels to geneva monday to talk with international counterparts. a d.c. man admits to killing his brother. the 21-year-old pleaded guilty of voluntary manslaughter. he fatally stabbed his brother in adams morgan earlier this month. the two were drinking and got into an argument. he is now facing up to 30 years in jail. a virginia man is convicted of two lesser charges stemming from a road rage incident. the 26-year-old was sentenced to
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13 days in jail and five dozen dollar fine. a jury found him guilty of -- after the truck struck his job or twice. he was acquitted on to attempted murder charges and police said the incident began after he was cut off wall trying to merge onto i-95. in maryland, drivers tried all the new enter county connector. the first section of the toll road opened this morning. transportation officials say nearly 25,000 vehicles have traveled on the road by 5:00 this evening. >> is going to be a lot more than that. coming up, if you're tired -- rain is making its way back into the region. >> the real modern family is ever-changing.
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the number of same-sex male couples with children is on the rise in d.c. >> of hansard questions swirl round the controversy about
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[ male announcer ] from maryland to dhe mall and beyond, it's easy to spot a capital one bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ the most branches and atms in the dc area. one near you. [ all ] what's in your wallet?
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you are watching abc 7 news at 11:00. this is abc 7 news at 11, on your side. the city of suv and the controversy that will not go away. quasi-brown has returned the second of two suvs that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. the issue may not be resolved. we are live outside the wilson building. >> the district attorney general says the city can cancel leases for the council chairs two lincoln and navigators that some taxpayers think they're still going to get stuck with the bill. the fully loaded $4,000 a month
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lincoln navigators, the second because brown did not like the color scheme, our history. brown said the city provided navigators for his personal use. they are heading back to the dealer. >> the vehicle has been returned. >> brought wants to put the matter behind him. -- brown wants to put the matter behind him. some wonder how the district cannot just cancel leases. >> the lease had a provision in it that allowed the district to terminate a lease. >> the expert on this toyota dealerships says the cancellation clause is unusable to on heard of. -- unusual to unheard of. one person does not seem to particularly troubled. >> you might want to ask the chairman about that.
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>> some taxpayers do not think this is all that funny. >> the taxpayers got into the contracts. it will fall on the taxpayers. >> they may want to move on, but it is, becoming apparent that some questions will have to be answered first. to sisters give licenses were suspended for kidney donation are now helping enough for the surgery. they released in january after serving 16 years in prison for armed robbery. they were pardoned of mississippi governor. doctors now say the women had to lose a combined 160 pounds. hawaii's governor signed a bill allowing sex -- same-sex
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civil unions. it becomes the seventh state to be allowed same-sex marriages. in a growing number of guilt -- date male couples are expanding their families to include children. >> we adopted a baby. >> on modern family, she is being raised by gay fathers. a family model that is on the rise in the u.s. the adopted know what in november of 2009. >> it is something that we have always wanted it is a normal thing between couples. >> they joined crane both families d.c. and the other gay fathers. >> the district is particularly advantageous for things like families. >> senses euro data says -- shows only 4% of same-sex
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couples were raising children in 1990. in 2009, the number jumped to 16%. >> it is not going anywhere. >> their twin sons often have play dates. >> they became a family in october. we became a family in december. we continued our friendship. >> all three couples said their children hang out with all kinds of families. the fathers we spoke with have toddlers and they suggested that they're not read of families will become an even more important resource as their children get older and begin school. we will have some puddles to
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play in. >> nothing to shovel. a lot of sunshine today. a nice day and a nice evening, too. the positive of this train is for folks in our friends out in prince george's county that were in during those terrible fires over the weekend. that rain is really going to be welcome. more than 3 inches, on average. let me show you the last of the snow. this is a great satellites. you can see the adirondacks. here we are in washington. this is 400 miles all. there is northern maryland, there is still snow-covered on the ground this morning. you can see the beautiful bay. this the next storm will be a rain producer and a lot of areas will cds knelt washed away. houston was 82 degrees for the
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first time, humidity is showing up down to our south. as this next storm dips down, that will be a storm moving well to our west. it will drop in a lot of that moisture. it will be a rain producer. here comes that area of storms. it is moving well to our west as we go through late tomorrow and friday. a lot of that moisture is blowing up and over us. that storm is producing some of snow and there are winter storm watches out for a wide area from new york state on to illinois. once again, it will be well to our west. the first train is moving into spots like memphis. -- the first train is moving into spots like memphis. the rain comes in at tomorrow afternoon.
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that is where spots like cumberland may seek well over an engine half of rain. if you are going to be out late, take along the umbrellas. the rain will be coming in later on tomorrow afternoon. temperatures will be near 50 degrees. do not worry about freezing rain. by friday noon time, a west friday morning rush hour. nothing to worry about for winter weather. then we get back into some sunshine for the weekend. maybe an inch of rain. a local firefighter is honored tonight for heroism.
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a volunteer firefighter received a special honor tonight. [applause] he was recognized by his peers for his heroic action when he saved a person from a burning car. it happened last friday and he was off-duty. he did not think twice about it. he just jumped into action. >> we need more people like him. i am planning some hokey out
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here, but skipping out on what a game. they gave us a glimpse of the future and a big win over florida state. and how about the wizards? a surprising trade in the nba. this was big. curtis: welcome back to geico radio, it's savings, on the radio. gecko: caller steve, go right ahead. steve: yeah, um, i just got a free rate quote on,
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saved a ton, and it only took me 5 minutes and 12 seconds! steve: i was wondering, is that some sort of record? gecko: that's a good question. let's have a lok. curtis: mmmm, not quite. someone's got you beat by 8 seconds. gecko: still, i mean, that's... that's quite fasui steve: well, what if i told you i only used one hand? anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car ininsurance.
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the toyota sports desk.
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moving you forward. welcome back to the comcast center. i just announced maryland's 16- point win over florida state. maryland took over eventually. take a look at the highlights. we'll pick it up in the second half. shot moseley was big and this game. he takes it porgy let up. -- it for the layup. maryland had four players in double figures. the senior, who is one of the longtime veterans of this ballclub, the shot clock ticked up and maryland goes on to win it.
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maryland outscored florida state at 40-25 in the second half. it gives md. a big win over a top 50 team. let's go back to the studio. >> blizzard fans, there may be hope on the horizon. the lizards and the atlantic caucus have agreed to a 5 player trade and in it, -- the wizards and the atlanta hawks. they give up leadership of the plant. he was averaging about 11. a game. crawford was the 27th overall pick last year they allowed themselves. they need help bread they were up by 19.
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they crossed the lizards. -- crushed the wizards. georgetown plant some hopes tonight, hosting cincinnati. no word yet on the extent of that injury. they are down a star player and down by 10 and the second half. cincinnati wins it 58-46. to golf, the first round of the center match play, a tiger was a went into extra holes and it was a disaster. george washington beat charlotte 74-57. >> good deal.
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we will be right back. >> good deal. we will be right back. [music playing] america's beverage companies are working together
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to put more information right up front... adding new calorie labels to every single can, bottle, and pack they produce... so you can make the choice that's right for you.
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we start out with some clouds tomorrow. >> looking forward to it. clouds tomorrow. >> looking forward to it. >> have a good one.
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i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 196. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing inesy success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. on the american express open gold card i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. wnen my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees.
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