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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  December 16, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. on this wednesday, december 16th. i'm robin roberts. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. breaking news this morning. iran announces it has test-fired its longest-range missile. hard to shoot down. and strong enough to hit israel and europe. health bill haggling. has there been too much compromise? why a leading democrat thinks the new bill is so watersdown, it should be thrown out. george talks to howard dean this morning. and the espn reporter faces her stalker in court. why this may help others avoid a similar attack. where is tiger? new pictures of his wife, elin, stepping out in public. many are asking, is she getting ready to leave the house for good?
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that's as close to broadway as we're going to get. thanks for starting your day with us. a lot of news to get to, including the breaking news overnight, that iran has tested its longest-range, surface-to-surface missile. we're going to have details straight ahead. also, they just keep falling. a new poll shows the president's approval ratings are down to new lows. plus, reaction to the obama administration's decision to move some of the guantanamo bay terror suspects to american soil. our brian ross has a look at the lives of some of the convicted terrorists already living in american prisons. but we begin with the breaking news. iran firing that long-rang missile. our senior foreign correspondent, jim sciutto, joins us from london this morning. >> reporter: this is the test of -- israel and the west will see this as a move of
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aggression. a couple things significant about this missile. one, its range. more than 1,200 miles, which puts it in the range of israel, southeastern europe, as well as u.s. bases in the persian gulf. but it's also more advanced. it can be fired more quickly. more accurately. and since it goes to a higher altitude, it can avoid radar detection. the british prime minister, gordon brown, expressed serious concern to the test. and also significantly says that this test makes the case for sanctions against iran. certainly a sign of defiance by the iranian regime, at a time when the west is applying more pressure on iran's nuclear program. but it's also meant, george, to some degree, for domestic consumption. iran is in a severe political crisis at home. and it is taking any chae to divert that political crisis to a perceived threat from abroad. >> cracking down at home. that's right. but an act of defiance, as president obama has set the year-end deadline for iran to
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suspend its nuclear problems for face consequences. thanks very much. robin? going to move on now, george, to our new abc news/"washington post" poll. it shows president obama with his lowest approval rating yet. 50% approve of his job in office. that's a deep drop from february, when his approval stood at 68%. jake tapper is going to dig further into the numbers for us. >> reporter: that's right. if you delve into this poll, looking at issue-by-issue, there's more bad news for the president. for the first time, majorities of the american people, according to the abc news/"washington post" poll, disapprove of the president's performance on health care reform. 53% disapprove. and 51% oppose the health care reform bill, as described to them that democrats are pushing in congress. those are majorities for the first time. also, a bad news majority for the first time on the economy. 52% of the american people disapprove of president obama's
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handling of the economy. one possible reason for that, 86% say the recession is not over for them, despite what white house economists might say. robin? >> jake, i think some will be surprised to know there is a bit of good news. and it comes, concerning afghanistan. >> reporter: that's exactly right. 54% approve of president obama's performance as commander in chief. this was a real area of weakness for him during the campaign. but now, it's the best performance in seven issues that we tested in this poll. americans approving of him as commander in chief. one possible reason for that, 58% of the american people polled approve of his decision to surge 30,000 new troops to afghanistan. and 52% say the afghanistan war isorth figing. that is a real surge. that's up eight points, just in the last month. robin? >> some will find that surprising. all right, jake. thanks for looking into the numbers deeper for us. >> a bright spot for the
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president on afghanistan. the health care numbers are tough. we're going to get to the showdown of health care reform. for the second time in two weeks, president obama brought senate democrats down to the white house to plead with them to pass his bill by ristmas. now, the chairman of the democratic national committee, says the bill should be scrapped. jonathan karl at citol hill with the latest. >> reporter: the president likes the compromise on health care. he is making it clear he wants congress to pass it and pass it now. the president firmly told democrats, the time for bickering is over. >> we simply cannot allow differences over individual elements of this plan to prevent us from meeting our responsibility to solve a long standing and urgent problem for the american people. they are waiting for us to act. >> reporter: but liberals are unhappy. saying the bill has been gutted to please independent democrat, joe lieberman, who demanded no government-run insurance program or public option. and no expansion of medicare.
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former democratic chairman, howard dean, said democrats should kill the senate bill and start over. >> this is essentially the collapse of health care reform in the united states senate. >> reporter: but democratic leaders say the bill will still cover millions of americans with no insurance. and is worth passing. >> i disagree with howard dean. howard dean is a medical doctor. he has to know what it means when 30 million americans are finally going to have health insurance. >> reporter: now, all eyes are on senator ben nelson, who has demanded tighter limits on abortion coverage. democratic leaders are counting on his support. but he still won't say how he'll vote. there's one thing they can't count on, and that's any republican support. even moderate, maine republican, olympia snowe, who has been working for months with democrats on health care, told abc news, she doesn't like the latest compromise. and she's poised to vote no. >> jon karl, thanks. we turn now, to howard dean washington. good morning, governor. >> good morning, george.
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>> you call this the collapse of health care reform. you callhis united opposition. the president's poll numbers at new lows. and a lot of leading democrats believe if this bill goes down, it will cripple the obama presidency. are you prepared to do that? >> of course, not. that's one of the problems. we've gotten to the stage, george, you know this better than most, in washington, where passing any bill is a victory. and that's the pblem. decisions are made about the long-term future of this country for short-term political reasons. and that's never a good sign. there are some good things in this bill. the problem is, we're now committed to a solution using the private insurance companies. and you will be forced to buy insurance. if you don't, you'll pay a fine. and 27% of the money you put in will not go to your health care. it will go to ceos, who make $20 million a year. this is a bigger bailout for the insurance industry than aig. and not one person -- excuse me. a very small number of people will get any insurance at all
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until 2014, if the bill works. >> excuse me. the president says this is going to cover about 30 million americans. and a lot of your fellow progressives and liberals are onboard. listen to senator tom harkin. >> i plead with all of my progressive friends, now is the time to get over this hurdle. if this bill were so bad, why are 40 republicans on the hill going after it day after day after day and trying to kill it? >>ou say this is a big bailout for the insurance companies. you see senator harkin is for it. others are for it. are you saying they're all selling out? >> of course, i'm not saying they're selling out. these are wonderful people. and there's good things in the bill. but the problem is, there has to be a line beyond which you think the bill's bad for the country. i think at this point, the bill does more harm than good. i don't believe there's going to be the money around in five years for -- because the insurance companies are charging so much. the pre-existing conditions piece, which -- has disappeared
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essentially. the fine print in this bill allows that insurance companies charge you three-times as much if you're older than they do if you're younger. this is an insurance company's dream this, bill. and i think it's gone too far. it's a shame. but bad decisions were made along the way. now, we're in the last week of this. and this is the washington scramble. and i think it's ill-advised. >> except, as you say, if you look at the fine print of the bill, older americans are going to pay more. but the americans association for retired people supports the bill. the president has pointed out it does cover 30 million americans. it has a patients bill of rights for those that have insurance. and it begins to control cost. look what it's doing to control health care costs. the tax on the cadillac health insurance plans. new incentives for doctors and hospitals to focus on quality. and new medicare panels to get the costs under control. you said time and time again, that's the key to controlling costs.
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the president says this bill does it. >> you named a whole bunch of bureaucracies and promises. i see little cost control in this bill at all. i really don't. i want health care reform. but the choices have been taken away for the american people. the special interests, basically, made a lot of demands on the people passing this bill. and everybody has to decide for themselves. i think jay rockefeller and dick durbin are fantastic human beings. i think they're wonderful people. in washington, you get into this crunch where bad -- good money gets thrown after bad and bad money gets thrown after bad policy. and at this point, the bill is not worth passing in its present form. one of the things you could do is take some of the things in this bill, community health center money, wellness and prevention money, the exchanges, which are a good way -- which was done in massachusetts, to help people buy health insurance. but the fundamental part of this bill that's been decided is, we will only do health insurance
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through the private sector for the future. and you will not have a choice as an american, to get into other kinds of systems which work better. and i think that's a mistake. and it always happens in the last week where people go too far, water down things too much. give too much to the special interests. that's where we are with this bill today. >> final question. any chance you can succeed here? can you convince your fellow vermonter, bernie sanders, to vote now? >> i think this thing will pass the senate and go to the house. the problem is, there's not a lot of room to fix it in the house because the four senators who balked on this, who represent the insurance industry, are not to support the conference commiee my job is not to convince senators.- what i think is right. all along. i've, u know, put up with a lot of stuff i didn't like e da what was good about the bill outweighed what was bad the bill. i don't believe that anymore.
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>> thanks, george. now, to another controversy. the one raging over president obama's order to relocate suspected terrorists in guantanamo bay, cuba, to a prison in illinois. brian ross joins us th more on that. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the federal bureau of prison holds some 240 people it says connected to international acts of terrorism. and while they lead a life circumscribed by severe conditions, in two case, convicted terrorists have been able to cause a lot of trouble. the most dangerous of the al qaeda-connected terrorists are held at what's known as the supermax prison in florence, colorado. the 20th hijacker. the shoe bomber, richard reed. the first world trade center bomber, ramzi yusef. the dirty bomber, jose padilla, have disappeared in the colorado facility. if they behave, they get up to 60 channels of television. special meals for muslims. and an occasional hour outside alone. >> it's a bleak and brutal existence that's defined by an eight by ten rectangle.
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the isolation is damaging. >> reporter: they're supposed to be cut off from the outside world. but as seen on this surveillance tape, the man called the blind sheik, used his lawyer to pass messages to his follows in egypt. but the white house said americans have nothing to fear from the guantanamo detainees to be transferred to a prison in illinois. >> it will pose no danger to the community. and we'll take all steps necessary to maintain the security of the people. >> reporter: but even a warning from the fbi to officials at this new york prison wasn't enough to stop one al qaeda terrorist from making a bloody escape attempt in the year 2000. his victim was prison guard louis pepe, who he blinded with hot sauce, stored up in honey bottles he hid in his cell. hen, he stabbed pepe in the eye
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with a sharpened comb, that went deep into his brain, causing permanent damage. >> that's why i look a little crazy. or officer pepe's sister says, she and her brother think it's a huge mistake for more al qaeda prisoners to be brought to u.s. prisons. as for officer pepe's attacker, saleem, he is spending the rest of his life at the supermax prison in colorado. and, robin, the blind sheik, as for him, he, because of medical can conditions, are at the north carolina prison, the same prison that holds convicted con man, bernie madoff. >> thanks for your investigation, brian. now, juju chang has the other major news. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news from the u.n. climate summit in copenhagen. hundreds of protesters are clashing with police, who are using tear gas and batons to disperse the crowd. they've taken more than 200 people into custody for trying to break into the conference.
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delegates inside have nearly completed a landmark agreement to conserve the world's forests. well, on oregon's mt. hood, the search for two climbers missing since friday, is all but over the ongoing storm and risk of avalanche will make it too dangerous to search in the coming days. there's little hope the missing pair are still alive. and this morning, oral roberts is being remembered as one of the most influential preachers ever. roberts died tuesday from complications of a pneumonia. he spent decades spreading the message of divine healing, laid the foundation for prosperity teaching and founded the world's first pentecostal university. roberts was 91. after years of delays, boeing's new 787, is finally taking off. the company hopes to deliver the first one to the airlines by the end of next year, following tuesday's test flight. boeing says it's 20% more fuel-efficient, with a quieter cabin, featuring better air quality and larger windows.
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turning, now, to the tiger woods scandal. there are reports this morning that the golf star's wife is in the process of moving out of their florida home. our john berman has been foowing the developments. and is just back from florida. >> reporter: good morning, juju. we have seen a flurry of activity around their florida home. much more of elin we've seen since this all began more than two weeks ago. the paparazzi snapped these photos of elin with thr children. and there's plenty of buzz about the fact that she doesn't seem to be wearing a wedding ring. cameras caught up with her as she was leaving a nearby thai restaurant. and this has people talking. there were work trucks or perhaps even moving vans outside the house. that elin is headed back to ng sweden for the holidays, with the children and without tiger. as for tiger, we don't know where he is. it does not appear he's on his boat. i spoke to someone who saw the boat. they say, no sign of tiger
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there. one more development. his agent is lashing out at "the new york times," for a report linking woods to a canadian doctor being investigated for giving human growth hormone to athletes. the agent said, to suggest that tiger is connected with illegality, is irresponsible. juju? >> thank you, john. if you hen't started your holiday shopping, you are not alone. a survey out this morning finds that as of last weekend, 19% of americans hadn't even started their shopping. this year, many are waiting for the right bargain. that's the news at 7:17. i don't know about you guys. i'm a journalist. i respond to deadline pressure. >> i feel a little better now. >> misery loves company. >> what about you, sam? >> not one. today, maybe, i'll start. >> you say that every day, though. >> maybe tomorrow. let's get to the boards. we're going to start with pictures out of new orleans this morning, while we talk about the t facts of that area. flooding in the lake charles parish area. 1987 when they built the airport
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in kenner. and this is the wettest month since then. new orleans has handwritten records since 1881. we have two inches to go until we beat those records. it is likely to go on. there's an impulse of low pressure off the texas coast that keeps that wet. later on tonight, though you have a dry day today, from baton rouge to new orleans, there will be rain that we begin to pick up for the day tomorrow, as well. it's a little dry break in here. here's colder temperatures getting into the northeast. it's a start of a cold push in that direction.
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and a very good morning, outside across the city not 1 ounce of fog. it is downright cold and the temperatures this morning are in the 30's. the wind is anywhere from 15-20 miles per hour. even as the sun comes up, it feels like in the 20's. the forecast today shows the colder air building in for the it's just about right. a big push in the nation of cold air just before christmas. and we'll talk about that in the next half hour. robin? george? have you seen the "picture of the morning"? >> i have not. >> you know how we accuse you of being a deer in headlights? we have a deer in christmas lights. this deer was walking around a colorado springs neighborhood.
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and got too close to the christmas decorations. and neighbors tried their best to get to him and try to help him out. but they couldn't catch him. wildlife experts say they shed their antlers in the winter. so, the problem will solve itself. >> it will look like the guy who had too much punch at the christmas party. >> that's true. they tried their best. coming up, we have an emotional day in court for espn reporter, erin, andrews. plus, is texng taking a toll on your eyesight? nearsightedness is up dramatically. could the problem be right at your fingertips? oh, and this is when i got a two-wheeler. pretty awesome. i used to have one of these. there's a new one. "for lucy, to get her started. love, grandma." look lucy, this one's for you. ( gasps ) hallmark keepsake ornaments. at your hallmark gold crown store. one of many ways to find meaning inside.
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excuse me? may i see it? - i'm afraid i can't do that. female announcer: jared has five times the selection - oh, dave, you shouldn't have./ what makes a hershey's bar pure? pure togetherness. ["melt with you" playing] pure friendship. pure delicious chocolate. pure hershey's.
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it has customizable workouts, six new exercises, twelve new balance games. rhythm kung fu is my absolute favorite game. you do a right punch. lift your leg up. do a big group "hi-yah!" on bird's eye bulls eye you're like, flapping your arms. you have to try the obstacle course. you can run really fast -- oh, wait, balance! when you're done with one of the games, you have worked out. if you already own wii fit, upgrade to wii fit plus for only twenty bucks. it is so much fun to not only play but watch. rated "e" for everyone. >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. i am doug mckelway. 7:22 on this wednesday and time for a look at traffic. >> there has been a complicated accident who normally take route 7, leesburg pike. we will tell you not to do that. we'll take you live to
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newschopper7. they are flying over an accident with more than one vehicle that rolled over. a vehicle crossed over the median and hit somebody had on and has rolled over. at least one or two vehicles rolled over. this is before colviin run mill. eastbound traffic is forced to do a big u-turn. this is a terrible record on route 7 near colvin run mill. we love weather after this. a very good morning, outside this morning temperatures are up to 30 degrees. the winds continued to blow and it feels even colder.
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in the low 40's this afternoon with plenty of sunshine but gusty breezes and cool for the end of the week. there may be flurries by sunday. we will be right back.
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by putting an end to paper medical records, we have ushered health into the digital age. saving lives, sometimes when seconds count. managing chronic conditions. making amazing new discoveries. and, oh yes, saving a lot of trees. kaiser permanente. thrive. and armed robbery suspect who escaped police is now back in custody. he was arrested last night after you rob a gaithersburg gas station. hours later, officers took him to the shady grove hospital after he deliberately slammed his head against a table at a police station. he ran off and was caught about two hours later at a nearby
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shopping center. d.c. police officer is now accused of breaking a law in a big way, helping friends in a bad robbery that resulted in a murder. matt brock has more. >> that officer is charged with felony murder. he will be arraigned here later today at d.c. superior court pretty tame -- it happened back on september 1 with an armed carjacking in a gunbattle between two suspected drug dealers. police picked up one of their own while he was at work tuesday night, charged in connection with the murder of the 40-year- old. >> the worst thing ia police officer can do is betrayed a public trust. >> a gun battle between rival drug crews broke out along the 4300 block of fourth street se. >> this case originally was a double shooting that appear to be a robbery, possibly a carjacking that had gone bad.
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>> after police made the first address, they discovered that the officer had served as a lookout for one of the cruise. the shooter is the dead man's son. he accidentally killed his father. they do not believe the officer filed any shot that night but they insist he played a role. >> he is a six-year veteran of the police department's. . the secret service is having to expla anoer white house mix up. two weeks before the state dinner was crash, a georgia couple ended up in an invitational veterans day breakfast for edition cans with the president. they mixed up their data but they had already had their background checked. we'll have another news update
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for you at 7:56. for continuous news coverage
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2,000 text messages a month. that's how many the average teen is sending right now. 2,000 a month. but is all that staring at tiny screens taking a toll on their eyesight? nearsightedness has increased 66% since the 1970s. this morning, we're going to have some tip on how to protect your vision. >> good morning, america. i'm george stephanopoulos, squinting at the teleprompter. >> i'm robin roberts. also this morning, one mom's incredible sacrifice for her autistic son. she spent ten hours a day for years to help him overcome his symptoms. and she says it worked. can her story help millions of others? she will join us. her son will join us live. and our dr. richard besser will weigh in on this, as well.
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first this half hour, the man who talked and illicitly recorded erin andrews pleaded guilty in a courtroom on tuesday. michael barrett admitted to secretly taping andrews while she undressed in what she thought were private hotel rooms. he then put those private moments online for all to see. here's abc's andrea canning. >> reporter: after facing a crush of media, erin andrews and her stalke michael barrett, came face-to-face in a l.a. courtroom. >> i lost it for the first couple minutes. i couldn't really keep it together. i wanted to go in right away. i wanted to get it over with and see him. >> reporter: she told the judge, barrett is a sexual predator, who has had a devastating impact on her life and her family. >> i'm still embarrassed. i'm still huliated. like i say, i live in hotels. i'm scared. i worry that he's going to be in my house. >> we cried a lot. we talked a lot.
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there haven't been a lot of good times in the last several months. >> reporter: the espn sportscaster says she lives with nightmares and backlash from football fans. >> the hard part is the stuff that follows afterwards. when youeave the stadiums and you hear what people yell. i feel bad for those people. >> reporter: andrews who was filmed in the nude by the former insurance executive, after he tampered with peepholes in three of her hotel rooms in three, different states, is now turning her experience into a call for change. >> i want to bring a lot of awareness to single women that travel on the road. i now have a responsibility to other women that this has happened to, to the other women he did this to. >> reporter: michael barrett's attorney released a statement on his behalf. saying, he deeply regrets any pain he has caused to ms. andrews. at this time, mr. barrett looks forward to the future and any opportunity to make positive change in his life. a future that now includes up to five years in prison. >> i want him to stay in jail as
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long as possible. he is a threat to women everywhere. he's done this to other women. and i felt like it was my duty to come here and tell this judge what he has done to me because, you know, i don't want this -- i don't want another family to be ripped apart by this. i don't want somebody else's career to be ruined because of this. >> reporter: for "good morning america," andrea canning, abc news. and joining us live for an exclusive interview on tuesday's hearing and what lies ahead for erin and her stalker, is erin andrews' attorney, marshal grossman. marshal, thanks for joining us this morning. she was so poised and so strong. she did not have to address the court yesterday. she wanted to. what did she hope to accomplish, marshal? >> this has been a difcult chapter for erin and her family. she wanted to make it clear that, while she's going to continue to have to deal with this for the rest of her life, she wants to make sure that others don't suffer the same experience. she'd like to see the hotel
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industry finally use this as a wake-up call and get its act in order so at least it takes some minimal protection in order to help secure the safety and privacy of its -- of their guests. thus far, the industry has been rather lax in doing that. >> i know she was going to advocate for improving hotel security. and i know that you -- we heard erin refer to barrett as a sexual predator. and you have received a lot of e-mails a lot of contact from women who says this has happened to them. you don't believe that this is an isolated crime with erin? >> this was not an isolated crime. we have credible, determined evidence, that mr. barrett did the same thing, not just with erin. not just with a few others. but with 17 other women. most, if not all, of the rest of
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them, have no idea that their images were taken. they were filmed in the privacy of their rooms. and that was put up on the internet, as well. so, erin is not alone. and there may be countless others who have, not only been filmed by mr. barrett. but filmed by hers. >> right now, no -- >> i should add, robin. >> yes? >> i should add, robin, there's over 40 video clips of these women, which he, mr. barrett, posted on the internet, along with those of miss andrews. >> right now, no charges, no additional charges have been placed against mr. barrett. i want to go back to hotel security because i know that is your mission. that is erin's mission right now. and we have a picture of the peephole that barrett looked through. and you said there are clues here that can help others when they're checking into a hotel. you say it's clear to see it has been tampered with? >> yeah. if you look closely at that picture, you can make out two
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gouge marks around that peephole. mr. barrett used an instrument. it may have been as simple as a file or any other simple tool, to just pop that peephole out. but there's some gouges there. and if people will look at the peepholes on their doors when they check in, they can see whether or not they've been tampered with. and it's easy enough just to pop those out. for safety's sake, it's probably prudent now to put a simple band-aid or a piece of wet tissue over the peephole to make sure nobody else is looking in at you. >> i know you all want to have cameras installed in hotel hallways. you want the employees trained so they don't give out personal information. what are some other things? i know this is very important to you. very important to erin, to get information out. so this doesn't happen to other people. what are some other things that can be done? >> well, first of all, the
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hotels have got to simply train their employees. no employee of any hotel should ever give out the room number of a guest. and for god sakes, no one should ever permit a third-party stranger to request a hotel room next to a guest, without getting that guest's prior consent. it boggles the mind. for now, most guests are vulnerable. and the industry's just got to clean its act up. >> are you planning legal action against the hotels? >> well, we haven't focused on that thus far. the focus has been on the criminal issue. but it should seem quite obvious to all that this is an issue that we're going to look at. while at the same time, we're going to try to work with the industry in order to toughen the laws. right now, the criminal laws are wholly inadequate. they go back to the days of peeping toms. and in most states, the laws provide for a slap on the wrist and a misdemeanor charge.
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those laws have to be changed and brought into this century. >> yes, they do. >> today, they're not. >> marshall grossman, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> thank you, robin. >> and your perspective. and give our best to erin. she was so strong, so poised yesterday, as she always is. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> we were talking about the steps right now you can make your hotel safer. you can go to our website and see our hotel safety tips at >> a creepy story. >> all the way around. the fact she's taking action. he doesn't want it to happen to anybody else. >> good idea. what's up? >> we're going to talk about the cold air moving into the northeast today. it's catching up. had a rgeous day in a lot of areas yesterday. pictures out of boston. cvb is the station we ve in boston. you might as well leave your tv dark if you're not getting news from them. pictures of charles river this
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morning. you're going to get into the 30s today. but you are going to drop, just like a lot of the northeast. this cold air moves out of the great lakes and settles into this area. watch these numbers come down to 29 degrees for highs in boston. new york, later on. we're 39 today. 33 on thursday. even washington, d.c. feels the chill. folks are already complaining on the twitter. just wait. you're going to get even cooler over the next couple of days. here's the thing. we were starting to feel sorry. here's the thing -- here's the thing. we were starting to feel sorry for the folks in l.a. they has i feel your pain. we are in the low 30's this morning but when you factor in the wind, it feels like the teens. the brs will make a
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you know, just going over my christmas list with robin. >> i know. >> all that weather report was brought to you by the amazon kindle, robin? >> that's the hint for me. you are apt to text me rather than call me. >> yep. >> you a big texter? >> yep. >> a look at the dramatic increase in vision problems ahead. brian is going to show us how easy it is to build up his savings account.
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we are going, now, to a new study that shows myopia, or nearsightedness, has grown since the 1970s. could our use of computers and cell phones be to blame? dr. richard besser takes a closer look. >> reporter: when it comes to americans and vision, the num r numbers don't look good.
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the rate of nearsightedness has increased. from 25% in the '70s, to a staggering 41% this decade. >> it was good to confirm this was going on. although myopia was easily treated. when 30 million or 40 million people have myopia, it costs the u.s. $2 billion to $3 billion annually. >> reporter: the current study isn't examine possible causes. but experts say factors include genetics. or perhaps the lack of outdoor light. another possible reason? an increase in near-work, such as reading, surfing the web, and texting. >> near-work can affect the development of young eyes. it's equally important to be outside, playing, stimulating your far vision. >> reporter: while more research is still needed, this study is helping shed light on the importance of regular eye exams. >> the one thing i would like
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people to do is make sure they get regular eye exams with an eye care provider. to receive treatment if they need it. >> and dr. richard besser joins us again this morning. good to see you. and you sathis study does not look at the causes of this nearsightedness. >> that's right. >> there's something in the paper this morning that's astonishing. in the last year, there were 110 billion text messages. double the year before that. so, we see these trends happening at the same time. what do you think of the theory there's a connection? >> well, the first thing, george, this is a really well-done study. so, i believe that the increase in nearsightedness is real. the other good news is, is that the national eye institute is putting $10 million into addressing what is the cause of this? there's things we know. genetics. if your parents were nearsighted, there's a chance you'll develop nearsightedness. but the theories of near-work are really intriguing and need to be investigated.
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our lifestyle is all evolving around these near activities. >> there's no question these things will be investigated now because there's a lot of money and risk. >> that's right. but i thk you have to be careful about what is causal and what can be just an association. i was very nearsighted as a child. maybe that's why i spent more time inside, reading and doing indoor activities. and maybe it wasn't that i was -- my nearsightedness was caused by that. but the fact you tend to go to those things that play to your strengths. >> bottom line, what should parents take away from the study? >> two things. get regular eye exams. but there's so many reasons why children should be outside playing, in terms of obesity and their lifestyle. if this is another reason, it protects their eyes, get them outside and playing. >> turn off the tv and computer. get them outside. >> that's right. >> you can read more on how to keep your kids' eyes healthy at our website, next, the top youtube videos
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of 2009. ♪ - can you help me? - of course! what do you want? some of these and some of these and some of these... what are you going to make? you should make a gift for papa. i'm going to put it right here. that's for daddy. mine is done now! look it! look it! look it! whoa, whoa, whoa! this... can i have another one? yes! is what memories are made of. rice krispies®. childhood is calling. ♪
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childhood is calling. ou find a way to eat right at work... grab it. 100% natural white meat chicken and no msg added. with egg noodles soup. harvest chicken/ m'm! m'! good! @ work. bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you.
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what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover. [sound of starter pistol] the race is on. who's going to win? the health insurance companies or us?
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we need lower costs, choice and real competition. but the insurance industry is spending millions to stop reform and protect their profits. remember, if the insurance companies win, we lose. tell congress we need good health care we can afford with the manfred mann's -- "around the watercooler" this morning. we look back at the year, 2009, we start making lists of those things that we talk about from now until the end of the year. youtube's most three watched videos of the year came in. let's see if you remember any of them. third place went to, remember, the wedding dance. we had jill and kevin on. >> they were all into it.
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right? you have to have total buy-in. total commitment. otherwise, it's not as fun. >> and there is total buy-in, right there. >> 33 million viewers of this. this was truly what people were talking about "around the watercooler" at one point. >> and it changed weddings, i think. >> it's going to cause a lot of anxiety. >> that was number three. >> number two, david -- i've never seen this. this will be a surprise to me. this 5-year-old boy. just got from the dentist. can't see anything. a little disoriented. i don't get the appeal here. maybe it's just -- >> stay in your seat. >> that's just normal life. >> i don't feel tired. >> 37 million hits, really? okay. but number one, and i think everybody will know this. let's just roll it. number one.
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♪ i dreamed a dream of time gone by ♪ >> yes. susan boyle. gets you every time. >> every time. >> that was like a drug to me. i would watch it and get goosepimples and smile. and my husband would say, you're watching it again? >> can't get enough. number one, susan boyle. blueberry muffin. yeh, a little family reunion. ( blowing, shouting ) what now? we're ceeal here! what? just cooing it down., - enough said. - gotcha. yeah, safety first. whoo hoo! atch the whole grain. try kellogg's froste mini-wheats hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot, new way... to keep your kids full and focused all morning. oops! dude, your eight layers ar showing. mini-wheats hot. keeps 'em full, eeps 'em focused.
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(announcer) here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ho, ho, ho! (announcer) get an exceptional offer on the mercedes benz you've always wanted at the winter event going on now. but hurry - the offer ends january 4th.
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. it is 7:56. i am doug mckelway with your local update. >> we have an unfortunate accident this morning. a vehicle crossed over the median on route 7 a, east of colvin run mill. here is traffic still and a horrible tide of an eastbound 7 is closed after that. we'll show you a close-up of more than one vehicle that rolled over in this car wreck. we will give you a live picture of one of the alternate routes which is traffic on the dulles
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toll road, eastbound on the right side of the screen, the sun is not helping great avoid rte. 7. you will find that the dulles toll road delays are before reston and the georgetown pike is in a backup coming out of dranesvile. >> temperatures are downright chilly right now. we are in the 20's in certain areas. when you factor in the wind, it feels like 20 degrees. here is look at our forecast today. sunshine today but it will be called and the winds will come down by later in the week. 43 for the afternoon high but it will feel colder. metro is about to get help for the federal government. president obama is expected to sign a bill that includes the
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first $150 million installment of federal funding for virginia, maryland, d.c. who have pledged to match that amount. will another news update at 8:25. for continuous news coverage, tune in to our sister station, news channel 8.
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this morning, we have a mother's fight to help her son overcome autism. she quit her job to spend hours a day working with him. and now, she says, his autism is gone. she has a message of hope for other parents. good morning, america. i'm george stephanopoulos. >> look at that crowd. look at the one just shaking his head. we can't wait to go downstairs and see everybody. i'm robin roberts. humpday. humpday. it is wednesday, december 16th. also in this half hour, what a story of survival. the model that was swept away by the tsunami in thailand, who clung to a tree before she was rescued.
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almost five years later, she talks about her life today and how she's helping others heal from that terrible nightmare. and we're also going to have tips on how to choose a good doctor. does the medical school he or she attended really matter? we'll tell you how to make the wisest and healthiest choice. you loved him in hootie & the blowfish, back in the day. the cma artist of the year, darius rucker. that's why we have a crowd downstairs. we'll hear from darius in our final half hour. we'll go to juju with the news. did i say choo choo? >> it will happen again, robin. don't worry. >> it's just three days in. >> good morning, everyone. iran has test-fired its most long-range missile yet. it could reach europe or u.s. bases in the persian gulf. the launch is a clear defiance to the west, which demanded iran rein in its nuclear program.
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the bickering continues over health care reform. former party chairman, howard dean, wants to scrap the bill, because joe lieberman scrapped the public insurance option. meanwhile, ben nelson is holding out for more limited abortion coverage. and a new poll shows, for the first time, a majority of americans oppose how president obama is handling the health care issue. his overall approval rating has slid to 50%, down from 68% in february. there's new questions surrounding the husband of a utah woman missing since december 7th. police are unable to verify joshua powell's story of a camping trip. lisa fletcher has the latest. >> reporter: the investigation into 28-year-old susan powell's disappearance is being delayed. and police say her husband, joshua, is responsible. police say powell didn't show up for a scheduled interview. and they were having to negotiate to talk to him. >> he's one of the people that
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probably has more information than most. since, by his own statement, he was the last one to see susan at the house before they went camping. >> reporter: this is where joshua powell says he took his 2-year-old and 4-year-old sons camping, the night his wife disappeared. now, keep in mind, we drove here in the middle of the day, in good weather. and it took us more than two hours. powell says he came in the middle of the night. that night, weather reports say it was below 25 degrees and snowing. and you have to drive on this gravel road for more than 15 miles to get here. more than two dozen police detectives came to the area, looking for signs that powell actually camped here. they tell us, they couldn't find any evidence to verify his claims. fewer than 20 people visit this remote campsite each winter. susan powell's best friend wants to believe joshua powell. but says his story doesn't add up. >> every time i see him, he's so upset and he's crying. i really don't know what to
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think. >> reporter: police tell me they're going to recanvas the powells' neighborhood here, asking the same questions over again, hoping something might come up that they haven't heard in the past. also, they did very specific forensic tests on the house behind me. it could be two or three weeks before they get the results back. juju? >> thanks, lisa. also, "time" magazine has named its person of the year. and the honor goes to federal reserve chairman ben bernanke. that's the news at 8:04. now, to the weather with sam champion. when i asked you who it would bewho did you guess? >> i guessed geithner. juju and i play a game in the morning, where she makes me guess a news headline. and we hum the theme to "jeopardy." and i make you guess a temperature. >> i think you should write a strongly-worded letter to the editors of "time" magazine. i think your guess was good, too. >> no one has knowledge of who was going to win.
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let's get to the weather, quickly. we're going to start with the twitter picture. we've been asking for your holiday pictures. i don't know how you sleep inside that house at night, it's so lit up. justin burger sent from ft. wayne, indiana. we'll watch the low impulse of pressure off the texas coast. new orleans gets more rain out of this tonight. so does southern georgia. southern alabama. does this become a storm system that curves up the coastline and >> look at our shot. the camera is looking out to the the spirit is gorgeous this morning. you see the twinkle of whites. one thing you did not see is fog. 31 right now in bethesda. here is the forecast. temperatures will be in the low to mid 40's. wind chill factors will be big. we will be near the freezing
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mark. more weather from times square in the next half hour. now, robin, sometimes we have i want to introduce you to nick. his real name, is it st. nick? >> just nick. just nick today. >> your expression, priceless, sam. thank you. and st. nick. we have now the remarkable story of one mom who gave up so much to help her son overcome autism. she dedicated her life to bringing her special, little boy out of his closed world into hers. and says his transformation is nothing short of a miracle. you're going to meet roman. we're going to talk to roman. we're going to find out how she did it. and what other parents can learn from her son's remarkable journey. >> i could literally start seeing the symptoms overtaking
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him. and he was beginning to slip away right before my eyes. >> reporter: in the first few months of life, elizabeth scott's baby boy started exhibiting strange symptoms. >> he couldn't eat without chucking out food. he began fixating at ceiling fans, flags and ligh. he didn't want to touched, except by me. and he was afraid to touch a lot of normal objects. >> repter: at 18 months, she finally had a name for her son's behaviors. pervasive developmental disorder, a form of autism that delays development and socialization. >> i knew when they said the "a" word, we were in so much trouble. my heart was broken. i was just so devastated. >> reporter: but instead of retreating into fear, elizabeth took things into her own hands. she quit her job as a teacher and spent ten hours a day, every day for three year, trying to lure roman out of his symptoms.
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>> i applied the techniques that the therapist taught me. and began working on things with him that he could not do or was afraid to do. >> reporter: elizabeth says together, she and roman did 78 different drills methodically throughout the day tbuild his confidence. never a moment wasted. they worked from bedtime to bath time. >> i would take handfuls of water and sprinkle it over his head while he was in the bathtub. i progressed to a cup of water. in two months, he could tolerate the water coming on his face. >> reporter: she turned the family room into a workplace for puzzles. then, glimmers of hope. >> after four months, i started seeing a couple of the symptoms go away. wow. he's not rolling his hands anymore. >> reporter: by age 4, roman no longer tested on the autism spectrum. while there's cases of overcoming autism in medical literature, it is still rare.
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and while there's no cure for autism, roman's pediatrician is impressed. >> over the course of the past six year, he has improved dramatically. i'm not sure what happened in his brain. but i do know, had she not done what she did then, that he would not be at the point where he is today. >> this must be what it's like for an olympic athlete to win the gold. this was the gold for my child's life. i said, wow. i did it. >> and elizabeth scott wrote a book about roman's incredible transformation and how she helped him. and it's called "rain drops on roman." elizabeth and roman are in the studio with us. dr. besser is here with us, as well. i see we're wearing the same colors, roman. >> good morning, robin. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you, too. >> he is so special. you're blessed, you're
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rtunate, that you had the support of your husband, roman's father, who would help out, as well. but three years, ten hours a day? >> yes. >> what was the most difficult aspect? >> the whole thing was difficult because i was afraid. i was terrified of losing my son to autism. i would pray every night. and ask god to heal him o and show me what to do to help him. i would say god, please don't take him from me. and i went to work. i said, show me what i need to do. help me to do it. and we'd just tackle each and every one of those symptoms. but i was truly, truly devastated. >> there were numerous symptoms. give us, again. we saw just moments ago, some of the examples. but give us examples of what was going on and how you broke it down. >> well, he couldn't talk, for example. so, we did a lot of language drills with him. every, single day. i read picture books to him. i would name objects on the page and make him repeat them.
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once he learned how to say one word, i progressed to three and four-word sentences. or when he fixated on objects, i would replace the negative behaviors to something meaningful. learning activities and meaningful play. like puzzles and board books and play-doh. wead to redirect anything negative to something positive. that's how we were able to overcome each symptom. >> roman, what are some things you like to do? >> i like to take apart computers and put them back together again. and i like to build houses on my blocks. >> i understand you're a little athlete, too. you play sports? >> yes, i do. >> basketball? >> and soccer. >> and soccer. all right. a fine, little athlete. i love the computer part. not many of us can do that. rich, we've heard from elizabeth's doctor. you're a pediatrician. >> that's right. >> and how do you explain this? >> i mean, it's just a wonderful story. when you talk about autism,
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you're not talking about one thing. you're talking about a wide spectrum. and there's more and more literature now that says early diagnosis and early, intensive treatment, can lead to improvements. and the way that autism is diagnosed, it's not a blood test. it's a checklist of symptoms. what elizabeth was talking about is going through each symptom and working to improve that. he reached a point where he no longer met the diagnosis of autism. >> of course, there's a lot of parents who would like to have a similar outcome as elizabeth. but they're not able to leave their jobs. they can't give it ten hours a day, working as she so diligently did with roman. what can they do? >> a couple things. all children will not respond the same way. this is just a wonderful story. the key is picking it up early. and so, looking for those signs. a child who is not making good eye contact with their mother. a child who is not speaking a couple words at a year or putting words together at two years. and a child who has repetitive
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movements. those are science you should get to your doctor to get it picked up early and get the treatment. >> elizabeth, your message to parents watching this morning? >> we wrote a book. and we detailed everything we did to overcome his symptoms. and i co-authored it with an occupational therapist. so, in detail, this will give them hope. if they want to know how i did it. that's exactly how we did it. >> we'll link them to our website. roman, very nice to meet you. >> very nice to meet you. >> we're going to keep talking. >> very nice to meet you. >> we're going to keep talking. we'll be right back. - of course! me? what do you want? some of these and some of these and some of these... what are you going to make? you should make a gift for papa. i'm going to p it right here. that's for daddy. mine is done now! look it! look it! look it! whoa, whoa, whoa! this... can i have another one? yes! is what memories are made of. rice krispies®. childhood is calling.
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♪ and i'm here to tell a story. my parents all smoked. my grandparents smoked. i've been a long-time smoker. i'm a guy who had given up quitting.
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what caused me to be interested was, chantix is not a nicotine product and that intrigued me. the doctor said while you're taking it you can continue to smoke during the first week. (announcer) chantix is proven to reduce the urge to smoke. in studies, 44% of chantix users were quit during weeks 9 to 12 of treatment, compared to 18% on sug pill. today i see myself as a jolly old man, (laughing) who doesn't have to smoke. (announcer) herb quit smoking with chantix and support. talk to your doctor about chantix and a support plan that's right for you. some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away.
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talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which can get worse while taking chantix. some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to chantix, some of which can be life threatening. if you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away. tell your doctor which medicines you are taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. the most common side effect is nausea. patients also reported trouble sleeping and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. until you know how chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. chantix should not be taken with other quit smoking products. the urges weren't like they used to be, and that help me quit. (announcer) talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you. by changing her medicare prescription plan. all we had to do was go to and use the free savings calculator. we learned that changing your medicare part d plan could save an average of $612.
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woman: we just entered my prescriptions, and it compared plans for us. it was easy to find the right plan for the prescriptions i need. your cvs pharmacist can help, too. come in today, or go to before december 31st to find the best plan for you -- at cvs/pharmacy. you may remember the story of petra kova, who was kept away in the tsunami five years ago. her life was changed. >> incredible five years, right, george? so many broken bones she had. and she has repaired them, and thousands of other lives, too. her story of survival, inspired many around the world, in the days and weeks after the
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tsunami. the model was on va kigs when the tsunami struck. with broken bones and limbs, she held on to a tree for eight hours, until rescuers arrived. her sister flew to thailand to be by her side in the hospital. five years later, she sits across from us. her smile intact. her physical injuries long ago healed. and now, she's healing others. >> right after the tsunami, there was a new chapter. >> reporter: when you think a back to the young woman who was photographed and seen all over the world, how are you different today from that young woman that we saw? >> really, honestly, what i'm doing now, being able to improve and better lives of children, that's what i always wanted to do. >> reporter: she will never forget her first trip back to the tsunami zonefour months after the disaster. the faces of the children. >> they lost their parents or their brothers and sisters.
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they didn't have any where to go. they didn't have any stability. and when you look at those children, they didn't actually look at you. they looked through you. and it was this look without hope. >> reporter: and so, she set out to give them hope. starting the happy hearts fund, raising money to rebuild schools and young lives. five years later, her team has provided help all over the world, to children who suffered from natural disasters. they built eight primary schools. 33 kindergartens. more than 12,000 children back to school. >> inside, we put a computer lab. and next to it, we established a business, which sustains the school. >> reporter: you go in, help set it up? >> yes. >> reporter: and your hope is to be able to leave. >> yes. >> reporter: as the anniversary of the tsunami approaches. petra is out to remind us all of the less er-known disasters, th children we don't see.
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>> to help children rebuild their lives after natural disasters. >> reporter: another push to keep the fund going strong. at 30, petra has shown remarkable strength of her own. she lost her boyfriend in the tsunami. but told me she didn't want to talk about him on camera, fearful it would reopen wounds for his family. but that family is proud of her work with happy hearts, knowing it's helped to repair her heart, too. have they told you what they thought of all the work that you've done since then? >> yes. and they're a big part of it. they support with the ideas, with fund-raising in many different ways. and they're very happy. and they're proud. >> reporter: so, you brought them along with you? >> yes. >> reporter: on the outside, she appears resilient. and she is the first one to tell you, on the inside, she's stronger, too. people remember the pictures of you in the hospital. and the tremendous healing that's happened. as you sit across from me, it's
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remarkable. >> often people say, by healing others, you heal yourself. >> reporter: do you think that some of the children have helped to heal you? >> every time when i think of them, they put their huge smile on my face. they make me really happy. thinking of them and thinking of their strength. >> reporter: gives you strength? >> gives me strength, yes. yes. >> reporter: a lot of strength. petra was at the u.n. this week, marking five years on her newest push to help children around the world this anniversary. tremendous effort. >> that's a great story. thank you, david. we're going to be right back. to eat right at work...
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grab it. 100% natural white meat chicken and no msg added. with egg noodles soup. harvest chicken/ m'm! m'! good@ work.
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instead, make your own special dinner for less with ragu pasta sauce and wish-bone salad dressing from walmart. have a delicious meal at home once a month and save over $490 a year. save money. live better. walmart.
8:24 am
you can blow your nose but nothing comes out! advil cold & sinus knows that the real problem isn't always mucus. it's often swelling caused by inflammation in your nasal passages. the right medicine for the real problem is advil cold & sinus with a strong decongestant that reduces swelling to relieve sinus pressure plus the power of advil for the pain. advil cold & sinus. the right medicine for the real problem. ask for the red box at the pharmacy counter.
8:25 am
>> live d in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. 8:25. >> we have an accident that happened this morning on leesburg pike. route 7, we advise you stay away. this is video from newschopper 7. several vehicles had rolled over. a vehicle. westbound cause this rep. this has traffic backed up from 7100. will take you live to newschopper 7 flying over that crash. the still have the eastbound side block near colvin run mill. we will show you what looks like
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as far as delays. the georgetown pike and the dulles toll road are working as alternate routes. we sticky to whether after this. -- we take you to the weather after this. >> a very good morning. outside, temperatures are in the 30's and 20's. it feels even colder. dress accordingly. it will be a brisk day. the cold air is drawing in. it will make for a breezy, chilly day. temperatures will push to 40. dressed in layers. it will be a cold rest of the week. hang in there. stay with us. hang in there. stay with us.
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unless congress steps in, same-sex couples could begin marrying as early as march. supporters celebrated the final approval of the bill last night.
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mayor fenty is expected to sign the bill by the end of the week. opponents vow to take their fight to capitol hill. there will be 30 days to reject the legislation. the obama administration is confirming a georgia couple mistakenly got into a restricted area of the white house last month. mike conneen has more. >> they said, come on in. >> for the second time, the white house is once again having to explain how uninvited guests manage to take pictures with president obama. >> i told them, i said, i do not think we are supposed to be here. he said, are you a veteran? >> the dardens told us they showed up for their tore a day early. they did not realize that until they got home. because he is a retired veteran, they were waved in by a white house official.
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>> you have gotten this far, go with the flow. go in and get a plate. >> this past sunday, obama said he was angry that the salahis were able to slip past security at the first state dinner. >> i was unhappy with everybody who was involved in the process and so it was a screw. >> now washingtonians are wondering how this can happen not once but twice. >> that was mike conneen reporting. the hirshhorn museum may soon get a new look. plans are in the works to inflate a giant balloon. it was felt the entire florida story atrium. the bubble would be a major attraction and would help with fund raising. it's still needs to get approval. we will be back. for continuous coverage, tune in
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to news channel 8. for continuous coverage, tune in to news channel 8. ♪ more than i am more than i love ♪ ♪ all right all right ♪ ♪ all right i got all i need ♪ ♪ and that's all right by me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] all right by me, too. the cma award winner for new artist of the year. we're talking about darius rucker, ladies and gentlemen. cannot wait to hear from. and the birthday boy in the middle. all right. give him a little love there. usually the drummer's in the middle. but john has to be in the middle because it's his birthday.
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also this morning, supersleuth, sherlock holmes. he can solve any mystery but one. and we have rachel mcadams here today. she plays opposite robert downey jr. >> she got a gden globe nomination, right. our cool factor went up through roof. >> everybody was going, she's right up there? >> right there. >> i'll bring her up with me when i go. okay. first, we have very special folk who stopped by this morning to help us on our warm coats holiday drive. it's the new jersey nets' dancers. sly, the silver fox. they have the coolest boots ever. they're bringing 30 coats to contribute. first, they're going to do what they do best. they're going to tear up the dan dance floor with a little tina turner. ♪ i left a good job
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in the city ♪ ♪ working for the man every night and day ♪ ♪ i never lost a minute of sleep ♪ ♪ worrying about the way things might have been ♪ ♪ rolling, rolling rolling on the river ♪ ♪ do, do, do, do all right ♪ >> wow. >> unbelievable. now, let's go right to sam for the weather. can you check that out? sam, how do you top that, right? they are at it already. they're giving away coats, sam. >> first of all, nothing moves like that. i don't have anything that moves like that. anyway, we're outside. we can bring it outside. we could warm it up. we're bringing in the new numbers. we call times square our front porch. and it is. right above us are the old numbers of the ball that will drop new year's eve. it says 2010.
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obviously, we have to change that. we have the big 10. they're going to l.e.d. lightings from halogens. they're going to save 78% of their energy there. here's one of the great ings. we showed you this last year. you can power these because they're battery-operated. and just up the block here, on broadway, betwn 48th and 46th, you can pedal when you're visiting new york. and you store the power in the batteries for when the light gas up there. when you're sitting at home, you can turn around. looking at a friend. big ball drops and go, i did that. i powered the one or the zero. i'm so concerned about the shorts thing. it's wrong on so manlevels. we have one or two things going on this morning. did we get everything in? everything good? smart. oh, that's right. it'salled the duracell smart power lab on broadway, between 45th and 46th, where everyone powers it up.
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>> is a very good morning. 32 outside a congressional in bethesda. take a look at the forecast. 40 today. it will feel colder because all of that weather was brought to you by "sherlock holmes," which comes out on christmas day. rated pg-13. how's that? robin? well, it just so happens, sam, we have rachel mcadams, the anti-diva. even though she's starring in a movie that's gearing up to be the big christmas blockbuster, who sam was talking about. "sherlock holmes." you're really down to earth. we were going to talk about why you were here earlier this year. this movie, i saw it last night. wow. there's a lot of action going on, isn't there?
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>> there's a lot of action. and guy ritchie does so well. he's so notorious for. he put new twists on it, that i think people will be interested in. a new interpretation of what he does. irene adler, your character. you have this love/hate relationship with sherlock holmes, played by the one and only robert downey jr. that had to be an experience. >> yes, definitely. >> being on screen with him. >> yes. they have a really tumultuous relationship, that's real cat and mouse. not sure if they're going to kiss each other or kill each other. you know, they're always sort of at each other. and very competitive. but in terms of working with robert as an actor, it was just sort of a once-in-a-lifetime thing. i feel like i was really lucky to have that. you know, he's just so creative. and he's always so funny and so playful. and he just comes to work. and he takes the brakes off. you know? and just flies.
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you have to keep up with him. it's great. >> i would imagine you have to be present at every moment because you don't know -- and guy ritchie, as well. he choreographed some of the scenes. but some of it, you went with the flow? >> you sort of go with it. yeah. it's full of surprises. really spontaneous work environment. you kind of, like, you know, dive in. >> well, let's take a look, so people have a better idea of your character. >> okay. >> let's say she's one, tough cookie. and she can take care of herself. >> yeah, okay. >> some flowers for you, sweetheart. i cut you a deal because you're so pretty. >> oh. well, my lucky day. mm. move. and what have we got here? oh. thank you.
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>> that's the one i knew. >> that's the one he knew. it's tricky because you maintain your femininity and your character. but really, you're with the boys out there. >> right. she's definitely a different kind of woman for the late 1800s. she's living in a man's world. she's sort of this real adventurous. but still has to look pretty doing it all. so, the corsets and all, the costumes helped with that. but, yeah. great stunt coordinators and work with the weapons and the knives and all that. had lots of help. >> speaking of knives, didn't you take a knife course? not for this, but for cooking or something i read. that you were taking to learn how to work with knives a little bit. >> i did. i took a knife class, a couple weeks ago, when i was in canada. >> really? >> when i chop salad and stuff, it didn't look nice. i wasn't happy with my tomatoes and peppers. >> i hate when that happens.
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>> it's so disappointing. you put all of the work in chopping. it's labor-intensive. when it doesn't look pretty. anyway, i sharpened up -- no pun intended -- on my -- >> you like the line. yeah, he did. before you go, an upcoming film. we're going to take a little liberty here. you were around a few months ago. you were walking around. like that's rachel mcadams. you were doing a movie. called "morning glory"? >> yeah. >> about a morning show. >> and this was the first place we came to do research. >> did we help at all? >> you did, definitely. the behind the scenes is pretty lively here. i came with the writer and roger michele, the director. we were flies on the wall. we got a little taste of it. and i hope you like it. >> oh. >> our interpretation. >> i can't wait to see it. the control room is buzzing
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about your visit there. >> it was really fun. >> come by anytime. and this is coming out christmas. and it's a must-see. a blockbuster. continued success and blessings in all that you do. you got a little bling on. are you going anywhere? >> a little holiday special. >> i love that. >> just for here. just for the show. >> just for us. just for you. "sherlock holmes" opens christmas day. and tomorrow and friday, rachel's co-stars, robert downey jr. and jude law, i love to drop
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albert einstein once said, we can't solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used creating them. and that sums up the book "super freakonomics." it challenges us to think about society's biggest problems in a whole other way. and joining me now is stephen dubner. let's slay convention at wisdom on medical issues this morning. choosing a doctor. some of the things we think might matter don't matter at all. >> we looked at an emergency room. a big emergency room. we determined there's some things that we think are really important in what makes a doctor good, especially in an e.r. setting. the amount of money spent on procedures, what one would think is important, turns out not to
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be important at all. the ratings by colleagues, turned out not to be relevant on how good somebody was. and doctor report cards. doctors might not treat the patients that are sickest, to have better outcomes. if you try to measure doctor outcomes, money, reportings, ratings by colleagues, wouldn't pay attention to them. >> that you don't necessarily get more? >> you want to get more for less. but it turns out a lot of the money that is spent is really being wasted. >> what does matter? >> these are not surprising. they go to good progms.residenc. and this is in the e.r. setting. >> you said something else. if you go to the emergency room, you'll have better luck if you have a woman doctor. >> maybe not a lot better. but somewhat better. female docs in the e.r. did better. before the feminist revolution,
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more than half of all college-educated women became teachers. the best and the brightests were going into education. when the best and the brightest began to go elsewhere, such as medicine, that's benefited people a lot. turns out that schoolteachers, the talent pool has gotten worse because many of the best and brightest have gone elsewhere. it was bad for schoolchildren on some levels. good for other people. >> and talking about how to create new incentives how to get people back into teaching. >> that's right. >> a problem that's come up in the health care debate, the problem of medical infections. >> yeah. >> nearly 2 million people a year go into hospitals. and 100,000 are dying from infections they get in the hospitals. >> it turns out that doctors, great at so many things, are ofn not as great at washing their hands. to fight bacterial infections, instead of relying on behavior change. we know how hard it is to change behavior.
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sometimes cheap and simple solutions that have nothing to do with behavior change are so important. like a disposable blood pressure cuff. it costs more up front. in the long run, you're saving lives. and you're saving money, too. >> saving lives, living longer. this amaze med. the cream of the crop end up living longer? >> yeah. it turns out, if you win a nobel prize, for instance, scientists who win a nobel prize, live about a year and a half longer, than scientists just like them that didn't win the prize. >> they're so happy about that. >> apparently. baseball hall of famers in baseball. if you make the hall of fame, compared to someone who had stats just like yours, they live longer. we're not going to win a nobel in science, presumably. and we're probably not going to make the baseball hall of fame. but you can buy a an annuity, where you pay up front and it gives you monthly payments. people apparently look forward to getting the monthsly payment. and they live longer. so, "super freakonomics" is all
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the company you keep. darius rucker is having a great, great holiday. he just accepted the cma award for best new artist of -- last month. and now, his debut country album, "learn to live," has dominated the charts. and darius rucker. i'm so happy to see you again. how are you? are you up and awake? >> i'm up. >> you have to be. with the success you had with hootie & the blowfish. then you go away for a while. and you come back to such acclaim in a different arena, are you better able to appreciate what's happening now? >> no doubt about it. like, right now, just really soaking it all in. i made a point to enjoy this. last time, we were on a whirlwind.
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it was so nonstop. this time, the shows are getting bigger. to really soak it in and remember how much fun it is. >> i'm glad you're doing it. you deserve that. you group up in south carolina. >> still live in charleston. love it. >> north carolina in here, too. that's nick. a little bit of everything. used to watch "hee haw." >> still do. i love it. i talk about that all the time. it was like -- it was a religion for me. i mean, it was only three channels. and "hee-haw," every week. charlie rich was on there. >> you can sing, too. everybody album on this album has shot to number one. he's about to sing one that's on its way, too. it's the third release from "learn to live." darius rucker, performing his take.
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♪ don't move, baby don't move ♪ ♪ i look at you i just want to take this in ♪ ♪ the moonlight dancing off your skin ♪ ♪ let's take our time i just want to look ♪ ♪ in your eyes and catch my breath ♪ ♪ 'cause i got a feeling this could be ♪ ♪ o of those memories we want to hold on to ♪ ♪ cling to one we can't forget ♪ ♪ baby this could be our last first kiss ♪ ♪ gone forever what if this was that moment ♪ ♪ a chance worth taking
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history in the making ♪ ♪ inside, baby inside can you feel the ♪ ♪ butterflies moving all around ♪ ♪ i can show feeling now tonight, maybe tonight ♪ ♪ is the start of a beautiful ride that will never end ♪ ♪ and baby i've got a feeling this could be ♪ ♪ one of those memories we want to hold on to ♪ ♪ cling to one we can't forget ♪ ♪ maybe this could be our last first kiss ♪ ♪ the dawn of forever what if this was that moment ♪
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♪ that chance worth taking history in the making ♪ ♪ right here right now ♪ ♪ holding you in my arms ♪ ♪ this could be one of those memories ♪ ♪ we want to hold on to we're going to cling to ♪ ♪ one that we can't forget baby this could be our ♪ ♪ last first kiss the start to forever ♪ ♪ what if this was that moment that chance worth taking ♪ ♪ history in the making
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oh, yeah ♪ ♪ history in the making chance worth taking ♪ [ cheers and applause ] when you're living with bipolar depression...'s easy to feel like you're fading into the background. that's because bipolar depression doesn't just affect you. it can consume you. one option proven effective to treat bipolar depression... is seroquel xr. for many, it's one pill, once a day. here is some important safety information you should be aware of. call your doctor if you have unusual changes in mood, behavior...
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astrazeneca may be able to help. the same front group paid by big tobacco to lie about the science of cigarette addiction, is now paid by big oil to lie about the science of climate change. then big oil's allies repeat the lies. they would keep america dependent on foreign oil. risking our national security... costing us millions of jobs... and polluting the air we breathe. it's time for big oil to stop the lies about climate change. it's time for congress to act.
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our thanks, again, to darius rucker and the boys. juju, are you with us sunday? >> congratulations, darius. you got george stephanopoulos to sway over there. i saw it. >> last time that's going to happen. change of subject now. come back tomorrow. you can see robert downey jr. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. and good morning. i am alison starling. first elected traffic and the
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weather. we start with lisa baden. >> things are slowly improving. the focus has been on the leesburg pike near colvin run mill. we have video from early this morning. this wreck was very severe. it was close up until 10 minutes ago. both sides of route 7 are now open now. we go live to newschopper 7. they have left the scene. they are flying away and things are still backed up on seven from 7100. northbound 95 traffic. delays out of ports and to the 14th street bridge. al lanes from a college park court temporarily blocked from the ikea as police take care of a crash. plan accordingly as to jackets and hats. >> you cannot wear all of the above. we have our new westward-facing a camera. it is shaking because of the
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wind outside. temperatures in the low 30's outside. look at theorecast for the day today. loss of sunshine, breezy, cooler. i think 42 will feel more like freezing. anticipate colder air. tomorrow, near 40 again. 44 friday. cloudy this weekend. >> thank you. streetcars are coming back to d.c. for the first time since 1962. three new street cars arrived over the weekend. two lines are under construction. but will become part of a new streetcar system that could be up and running by 2012. >>
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