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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  December 18, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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>> if you sought in a movie you think it was too unbelievable but its real two inmates squeeze out of a 15th floor hole in a downtown prison, they scaled the walls on a rope made of bed sheets. we are live at the metropolitan center where it all happened. >> of arrest warrants have been issued for the two prisoners now charged with escaping from the metropolitan correctional center using bed sheets to climb down from the 15th floor.
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called one of chicago's most prolific bank robbers the secondhand bandits seen here in action on surveillance tape committed just last week after a bizarre trial being held at the metropolitan correctional center at the loop at 7:00 this morning employees arriving for work found this makeshift rope dangling out of a window on the south side of the building joseph banks into his cell mate have pulled off a brazen escape the window was no more than 4 in. wide and resources tell us that the inmates knocked out cinderblocks to create a hole large enough to squeeze through then they rappelled down the side of the building from the 15th floor on tied together bed sheets. the escape sparked an intense manhunt investigators going into a home where it's believed a relative of conley
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lived some nearby schools when into locked down as the search continued. the fbi are the ones who told me to stay inside. security has been beefed up for the judge rebecca who presided over bankses trial he acted as his own attorney and at one point had to be restrained in the court room when the guilty verdict was read he told the judge that he would be seeking retribution as well as damages investigators that you should consider them both armed and dangerous this is the first time that the inmates escaped from the federal detention facility, in 1985 to men punched a hole in a sixth floor wall and shimmied down an electrical cord, outside the building today passers-by couldn't resist the urge to stop until their heads back and to spare. it's crazy they were motivated you have to give them
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credit for their ingenuity but i hope they catch them soon. joseph banks was convicted last week of two robberies where he made off with nearly $600,000, the fbi says that less than 60,000 of that has been recovered so does he have a secret stash of cash? are they getting help from the outside? all questions that remain to be answered tonight as the two men remain on the run. if you have the information you are asked to call chicago fbi. >> tomorrow, newtown connecticut faces more funerals, the community scarred by the school massacre that claimed 26 lives today most didn't return to school except for most who attended sandy hook elementary school. >> that community really eager to move forward in all of this but it's going to take months
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maybe even years to get anywhere close to that today funerals for 26 year-old as the debate for gun control keeps up. >> buses back on the streets of newtown connecticut students returned to class in attempts to return to something normal even as funerals are held for two of the victims six year-old jessica rekos loved horses. hundreds of kids try to cope with what happened. a lot of them to know what's going on. the entire country is mourning the lives lost and investigators try to piece together what happened without causing further damage to survivors. we cannot and will not damage to these children in any further ways
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everyone questioning what triggered the gunman but the answers are not clear yet 20 year-old adam lances computer was smashed to pieces so much so that the fbi's lab hasn't been able to retrieve anything what we are learning is more about the shooter's personality he played video games through his school's tech club. he has the stereotypical nerd look, khaki pants, built in the tucked in shirty even had a briefcase instead of a back pack like anyone else he even had a pocket protector that he had penned in. although we don't know much else about what led him to the deadly rampage the shooting has reignited a debate over guns. we are here because we know that as a nation we are better than this we are here from tucson, from colorado, from columbine
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steel beach, virginia tech and newtown connecticut names that have become iconic in america is bizarre and shameful epidemic of gun violence. the company says they are doing it in response to what happened in a new town. students at sandy hook where the newtown. supplies and equipment from sandy hook are being moved to a neighboring school. the school is expected to remain closed for some time and rightfully so. in the wake of the connecticut school shootings president barack obama showed his support behind their renewal of the ban on assault weapons. he has actively supported senator feinstein's
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intend to revive a piece of legislation that would reinstate the assault weapons ban. he said that president barack obama also wants to ban or limit to the sale of high capacity ammunition clips and closed the gun show loophole, the nra has broken its silence of the sandy hook massacre in a statement they said out of respect for families and as a matter of common decency... they plan to hold a news conference friday in washington. president preckwinkle saying that the board is standing by its assault rifle ban asking the state to do the same we have a band here in cook county which is under court challenge so we proceeded to defend the ban and we would hope that the state of illinois as
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well would defend assault weapons the names of all victims were read at the meeting today. board members also expressed concern that the victims should not be forgotten and action should be taken. so many people still suffering without heat or homes after the hurricane, how chicago police are still lending a hand for the holidays. we check in with another group that helped so many during sandy. he can't even spell the word hero yet but tonight he sure is being called one a story you will not want to miss is coming up.
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♪ this holiday when kmart shop your way members check out, they can win... ... a trip to universal orlando resort during our 30 days of surprise sweepstakes. you could have a despicably good time. fly with harry. or win lots of other great prizes. for more chances to win visit shop your way .com only at kmart.
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-having her was amazing. -we made a miracle. and we got onesies. sometimes miracles get messy. so we use tide free. no perfumes or dyes for her delicate skin. brad. not it. not it. just kidding. that's our tide. what's yours? south suburban lynwood honored a hero tonight they were just wrapping up an award ceremony tonight. >> good evening, to people honored here tonight, one is a
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young man into the other one is his very proud mother. at the fire house in south suburban lynwood heroes honored tonight. the four year-old. and his dead brandon. my family is alive and i am alive. on saturday morning after a local homeat a local home the little one woke up to the sound of smoke and fire and ran to tell his parents. i roll over in dicey the hallway in the gulf in flames. i took off towards the back and i couldn't get past the furnace because it was so hot. the daughter was in the room just adjacent to the furnace where the fire apparently started. the assistant fire chief one of the first on scene saturday morning. it was only a matter of time... how fast this
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fire could have been doubly, all four of them got out alive.deadly all four of them got out alive. both father and son got a hero's award. those are the birds on your back? and what are people saying? >> they look like an angel wings. angel wings. >> he is amazing and i don't know what i would do without him. in addition to that award the family also got some christmas gifts donated by the
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people here in town that heard about the fire of their christmas gifts were lost in the fire their home of course is a complete loss for now they're staying with their family. >> helping themselves by helping others, next volunteers with one veteran group find healing for service and calls for a federal investigation after a man dies in police custody.
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don't judge me! whatever it takes, get to sears last minute gift sale. get 50% off sleepwear for her, and more with pass. save up to 70% off all diamonds and up to 30% off all small kitchen appliances. this is how to gift. this is sears. it's a tragedy unfolding inside
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the u.s. military for every soldier killed on the battlefield 25 died by their own hands. the number suddenly hit home. we spend time with the group during a hurricane relief operation on the east coast. the move with military precision because they are military. we have a mission and our mission is not combat it is about recovery. they get their marching orders and they move out. team rubicon a volunteer group made up mostly of veterans lauded for its worst on the east coast after the devastation of hurricane sandy. they are used to this, living in austere conditions while working in parts of the major city, new york still without heat and
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power weeks after the storm. we need help desperately. desperately. there are american soldiers repurchased. wii purposerepurposed. fults i couldn't imagine that network of brotherhood reaching as far as it does to meet people from as far as the west coast and everywhere in between to want to help us for what they know us to be it touches the heart deep to the court. from the storm damage that is pretty obvious what is less easy to discern is how much of this relief operation is doing to help some of the volunteers. i'm just a person
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who has memories that most people wouldn't want to have. diagnosed with p t s d after coming home from iraq a, an issue with terrifying implications.a common issue. when william told me that i assumed he was mistaken. the number sounded impossibly high. it wasn't. in fact our veterans are killing themselves at a rate of one every 80 minutes, 18 de 6500 a year.18 per day and 6500 per year last year one was an ex-marine who had been diagnosed with pt sd that seemed to be improving until march of 2011 when he took his own life. it deeply affected his friends jake and william the
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organization's leaders who noticed the positive impact this relief work is having on other soldiers. they picked up the pace. improving veteran lives is our priority and we just happen to be good as first responders. this is part of that solution to give those guys a purpose so we can walk them off of that alleged. is it working? i have my brothers and sisters arms around me, everybody on the streets walked ushow the dust and called us angelsput signs thehugged us, called us
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angels on signs in the window saying thank you and i have never felt more safe in my life. this new sense of purpose certainly seems to be helping so far to rubicon is doing that well volunteering in the disaster zone and using no government money at all to do it. chicago police also adding to the city's support with the men in blue listening to the big man in red, they have been collecting debts for children for years santa claus is heading to new jersey to give gifts to the families of atlantic's city affected by itthe storm. they have been handing out toys for 20 years into this is the most they have ever collected. a stunner
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at the african clinic that we have focused on in months past. their mission to bring health care to sell many comes to a sad end. then social media you posted, they said they own post it, they said they own it.
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hongin tonight's medical watch
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tonight we have learned that they aided village clinic in
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africa funded by chicago philanthropist and lurie was closed we profiled it last year but in a world where health care dollars are dwindling it seems that and ann lurie delivered a message that she is ending her financial support and as a result the clinic will close, it started out as a dream for her who relies on a safari in africa that sick children had nowhere to go for care, a mobile trailer grew into this sophisticated hospital pharmacy, a doctor's office and lab funded solely by ann lurie to a tune of $8 million a year she was hopeful that the clinic would become self sustaining into that other donors would join her she explained her passion in an interview in 2011. if you are not healthy he basically can't
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work you can go to school, you you can go toyou can't care of youryou cannot go to school, you cannot take care of your children. you cannot work. she once saw babies died after being born in mud huts but now they were surviving. the people were happy, and by the hundreds every day more and more to care for i spoke with her today who admitted that she was sick about the clinic closings saying we accomplished a great deal... while in africa the minister pointed to his fears that the bird would become too great.
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that is what kept a wary going for so long pouring money into africa all well writing it $100 million check to fund construction of the new children's hospital of chicago where she continues to donate, there was no hint of shuttering the village clinics just 12 months ago only passion to continue the mission of care with plans to build a new maternity ward. one of the primary things on my agenda is that we have to sustain this, we cannot be here, do this and then disappear. she told me today that she hopes the improved government institution in kenya as well as other programs including the president's emergency plan for aids relief and u.s. aid will pick up where she has left a lasting legacy.
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>> thursday could be one of the more interesting weather days. thunderstorms, then snow then 50 degree temperatures to 50 mi. per hour gusts. i would like to say happy holidays to my friends and family in illinois, my wife jennifer and my two sons i love you and miss you guys mary christmas. merry christmas. that was me... the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir® flexpen®.
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flexpen® is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen® is insulin delivery... my way. levemir® (insulin detemir [rdna origin] injection) is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life threatening. ask your healthcare provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, such as body rash trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. with flexpen®... say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir® flexpen®. covered by 90% of insurance plans including medicare.
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it's the calm before the stormthe come before the storm.that, before thelit, before thethe, before the >> a nice shot stephen, thank you for that. what's interesting
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is that was associated with the weather pattern change that brought us our inclement weather low clouds around the area today a couple of raindrops but it was just to the north of us that it was pretty substantial snow this was a little disturbance shot out of the main storm is moving to the east of us tonight so most of the precipitation is gone ready to jump the mountains and plug into gulf moisture. their first wave said down this 800 mile- long corridor of snow with a lot of measurable snow reports here
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is brookfield wisconsin out on the western suburbs we were just cloudy and great as you can see here snows up north were pretty impressive in the corridor. beaver dam wisconsin 2.8 and 3.3 there brown deer had 1.4 in. of snow. the next storm this one will die down over the weekend into the southern plains 1.2 in. is the amount of moisture heading off of the models now a
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huge spread in the amounts of snow indicating a 1 wide gradientwide grady and across the area thisgradient across the area. here is a wider view you can see when you look at oshkosh and green day and areas appear by marquette... here is our stored
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at the surface and this is to curb north were passing to the south of us now that is a dangerous track remember this is still a day and a half away so we will have to watch this track. look at the wind east winds will blow with gusto tomorrow night. these are 50 mi. per hour wind gust blowing all round this giant wind machine. while the weather the day after tomorrow cloudy chilly and rock
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tonight. nothing particularly of info about this. maybe some drizzle ahead of the main rain late tomorrow night. we will wake up thursday. this snow which would stick will probably be late in the afternoon on thursday and thursday night of friday it is all over except for the witness. coming up, surgery
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changed their life forever. even after a major staff reductions word of an overhaul one of chicago's premier cultural institutions.
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the father of the man who killed chicago police last week getting some high-profile support rev. jesse jackson is seeing that officers are held accountable for the death of philip: he was arrested for allegedly beating his mother and was taser it twice by police and he later died. he says officers were out of line in how they handled the call. i wish i could say it's all about one race but it's not it's about arrogance and power. people can do something in front of you and get away with it.
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more drew peterson attorney drama chill brodsky now calls his former defense team rival mentally ill accusing him of leaking documents and also speculates that green burrsgreenberg may be investigated for a high-profile clients. she says she is happy about the surgery. across the
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operation donated by the palestine children's relief fund. she will be placed with the chicago post family where she will recover over the next six weeks and go back to her family where they live in a refugee camp. battered by the recession and a loan to a museum is facing cutbacks, officials say they will trim staff overhaul operations and limit science research. scientists explore rainforests around the globe discovering new plants and animals inching closer to a compromise at the edge of the fiscal cliff next the president changed their baseline numbers moving towards each other in a popular photo sharing side is taking shape. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer
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whatever it takes, get to sears gift sale with all small kitchen appliances on sale. get this kitchen aid stand mixer for $199.99. your choice of these kenmore appliances for $29.99. and your choice of cuisinart for $99.99. this is how to gift. this is sears. two weeks and counting until the tax hikes and spending cuts for
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the fiscal cliff kick in i believe it's important that we protect as many american taxpayers as weekend at the white house says that the tax cuts for millionaires do not pass the senate for people making $250,000 a year or less. >> this is in december and it has been decidedly quiet so far
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the red and purple is the wind field and it's at this point until late thursday that the winds locked in in the afternoon and they will howl. the next storm starts developing in the southern plains and it runs northward into the midwest as well and it could stick around for a while next week and produce some additional snow.
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here is the snow ban that occurs with this. you better do it tomorrow because that's no hits with blizzard strength winds after that. here they are tomorrow morning. no trouble all day tomorrow single-digit wins.
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rain about mid afternoon with some mixed thunderstorms going over to smell the bin rush hour thursday night could be dicey but it looks like that will leave here the weekend is quiet then we have some more snow next week. an almost instant response from instagram the earlier steven says that advertisers could use your photos on instagram without paying you without crediting new without even notifying you appeared the policy goes into effect on january 16th. hours away the morning news drive through toy drive all the toys will be
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donated to jennifer hudson's gift foundation and the first 20 people who donate will get free packages to see the rockettes in rosemont. coming up after one of their worst offensive showings of the season last night the bulls had no trouble putting the ball in the " tonight against the celtics and why northwestern looks old and out of shape as they prepare for their new year's day bowl game. rich king next in sports ♪ get her 1/3rd carat diamond earrings this week only just $29.99. and save 75 to 80% on all fashion diamonds. at kmart. sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back. again?
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9:52 pm
hey buddy, i bet mom would love this, huh? jack? jaaack? jaaack?! jack?! looks good ladies! jack! come on, stop the car. jack! no, no, no, no, no! the only thing more surprising than finding the perfect gifts..
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niice. where you find them. how did you know? i had a little help. this is how to gift. this is sears. >> giving him the triple double
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for the night robinson in the meantime... the bulls win 189 they are now 14 and 10. i thought we showed a lot of toughness i thought we played really hard last week even on a day off some bad news for the bears. out for the year because of a rib injury. college football now the huskies took their practice indoors he took some heat from espn kirk humphrey for squeezing into the pitcher but the fallout is just about over. we plan on having a
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good time but also going out there and playing football games as one of the best in the country. pat fitzgerald is getting his northwestern wildcats ready. they have not won a postseason game since 1949. i have been to four ball games we haven't won a single one and that's the only objective. to spend so many years of noble in, we have to change that. we know about it,
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we have heard all about it for however many years. i feel like our biggest motivation right now is getting things off on a good note. they set the foundation and they set the bar high for us. he did not put on his own linebacker suit. the worst show of athleticism in america today in college football. it was a
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little skewed. smarter than i look commissioner, commissioner. a good coach to. a great guy that is the news for this tuesday night we are happy you shared your time with us. [ female announcer ] over every holiday season your mouth has been sipping, snacking, yellowing. nutcracking, gift stacking yellowing. mistletoe'ing, ho ho ho'ing yellowing. and every holiday season, your teeth have been yellowing. fact is if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over 10 years of stains, and whiten
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hey buddy, i bet mom would love this, huh? jack? jaaack? jaaack?! jack?! looks good ladies! jack! come on, stop the car. jack! no


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