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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  January 9, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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brush with death a bungee jumper plunges 300 ft. croc infested waters what happened next. wgn news @ 9 residents of north chicago it from police chief tonight brought in to take over widespread complaints of police brutality in a new complaint does not come from just anyone top story around the country tonight locked outside north chicago police headquarters story only tonight >> city council meeting still going on does not come from just anyone alleges the victim says
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afraid to come forward for the past 18 months personal and political reasons the daughter of the north chicago alderman. mother is north chicago alderman says by the plea arrested purchasing food and convenience store all of the charges were thrown out surveillance video seized by police and has not been resurfaced luck with chronic pain along with persistent fear. complaint the same date residents introduced to interim chief of police current on paid leave because of the many recent allegations police brutality.
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batt but will not even investigated internally allegations of people being taken into custody unless they have a formal complaint we filed a formal complaint today. >> complaint is so receptive to be fair no time to review the mayor's own admission of no fewer than 88 use of force arrest in the last four years including a 45 year oldrin hanna who died one week after taken into custody independent investigation into activities of police department here still underway. >> president obama says surprise chicago bill daley stepping down white house chief of staff called a news conference to announce the resignation bill daley position this time last year says he would stay until the end of the first term wants
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to spend more time with his family the president praised leadership and claim to reluctant to let him go >> no question i am going to deeply miss having bill daley by my side at the white house. as you will soon find out chicago only a telephone call away and using that telephone number quite a bit >> bill daley placed by budget director of jack lew at the end of this month and that bill daley co-chair of the president's reelection campaign of former mayor daley says proud of my brother's ongoing commitments to public service at the people of the great country. naperville family trip to explore groups in india and did in a deadly car crash. iqbal habib and his wife cannot wait to show their native lands to their children killed friday on a road trip in india. naperville with more on the tragic story. >> family iqbal habib expected to be back naperville january
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15th after a one month visiting friends and family in india. entire family of four mother father 10 year old daughter at six year old sot coming back to chicago unfortunately to be buried. a 45 year-old iqbal habib the 39 year old wife taken kids to india for the first time a picture of the four of them take it at the taj mahal taken this past thursday friday morning to the entire family killed in a car crash. family hired a car and driver to avoid having to maneuver dangerous in be in the streets themselves news reports indicated driver lost control. iqbal habib to chicago 30 years ago his wife in the 1990's this was the first trip back to india with their children family was excited. >> she was up every night 30-40 pictures little things she would see and find interesting should
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like to share with all of us everybody is shocked and sat very sad and very very sad. >> mr. of iqbal habib to several fast-food restaurants in the chicago area his wife a mortgage consultant. both children went to elementary school according to the tribune counselors on hand to help the kids deal with the news also planning on coming up with a memorial for the family. live in naperville back to >> investigators say during it down and campbell's electrical equipment may have started lake shore drive apartment fire biggest problem might have been a door left ajar so pets could escape. quickly spread into a hallway because of that. going up the elevator doors opened smoke and fire filled the elevator. killing her instantly.
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smoke was too unbearable to go into the hall white closed the doors wet towels in front of the door and called 911. >> no sprinklers and but what none were required some residents say they are outraged does not have sensors to detect a fire to alert residents by 2015 older buildings will be required to have some sort of fire suppression devices. >> a string of car arsons leaving residents on edge. live tonight from plainfield with more. >> there have been of five arson fires in two weeks all happening on this one block plainfield residents are terrified and the police say they are hoping to make progress in the case soon. about 230 sunday morning sandra reinhart awoke to screams and a fire quickly spread into her home. 15,000 block of he's a would drive plainfield
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>> fire on the front seat of the car when i came outside >> left the garage door opened and someone went inside and set the car on fire. at the same time sandra reinhart house in both and lamps more emergency calls started coming and that just down the block to other vehicles parked in driveways set on fire. >> a loss for words cannot believe this happened >> plainfield police and fire officials investigating a total of 5 arsons since christmas day all on this one block hazelwood to drive all fires started in cars and all are believed to be the work of the same hand. >> investigation we are moving forward leads and evidence we
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have recovered >> but until police close the case and neighbors are nervous. >> people are on edge and to nobody can sleep the family sleeping at a hotel says they have lost pretty much everything >> going to pick up the pieces and move on and as investigators pieced together clues in the case asking residents to make sure they keep their grosz doors closed and the vehicles blocked police also stepping up patrols in the area. >> 60 year-old chicago woman one of two people killed in a botched crash icy interstate in montana 8 bus crash, fatimah amatullah up shore neighborhood on her way to visit family in seattle rimrock trailways bus hit black ice and skidded off of all i'd 90 sunday morning in southwestern montana and tested is checking the black box to see a driver going too fast. people
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pinned under the bus all 32 on board were injured $44 million homeland security poured whips' of millions squandering post 9- 11 security project now investigators what the investigation also a new longer day for 40 chicago public schools and going upscale at walgreen's drugstore chain shows off its store of the future in the loop and how about one more day of 50 degree temperatures? jim ramsey says we are going to get that tomorrow. wgn news @ 9
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whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the new geico app today. whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. [ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter.
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wgn news @ 9 48 chicago public schools new chapter today adopting a longer school day. new year brought in robert school day mayor rahm emmanuel and the school ceo jean claude brizard on hand for the kickoff. schools and 90 minutes of class time over objections from the teachers union. >> when you have the shortest day you shortchange or kids. with a full day you measure up to the full potential of your children that much to push a longer school day is really more of a political demand about
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putting teachers and the union and a box going into contract negotiations back on what parents tell excited about extending education time and keeping kids in school longer to keep them safe. negotiations still going on zion-benton high school district teachers walked out last thursday class is cancelled for the third day in a row today both sides returned to the table this afternoon last session ran up more than 16 hours teachers in the district working without a contract since july. length of time it takes employees to reach top pay scales didn't get to chicago public library today you were out of luck not a holiday first monday of the library closures plant due to budget problems. dispute with mayor emmanuel and library employees' union. original plan mayor rahm emmanuel to close libraries monday and friday morning to
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keep open six days a week/five days a week but union representatives would not approve the plan. illinois politicians of both sides of the isle plant whistle on tens of millions of dollars spent on new cameras to improve public safety project shield post 9-11 plan to protect cook county residents. mismanagement and malfunctioning equipment may have doomed it from the start. >> program may have been >> millions of dollars wasted in cook county high tech police cameras did not work to deliver live time video to county emergency monitors of natural disasters and more all part of $45 million project shield paid for with federal tax dollars >> appears that at least $20 million wasted may be more >> senator mark kirk and counterpart mike quigley today called on the fbi to look for possible criminal wrongdoing
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cook county board president toni preckwinkle inherited project shield from predecessor todd stroger thinks seemed fishy she called for an audit missing funds and equipment and more >> in the manner in which the in a car cameras and computers documents stations installed posed a potential problem >> blocking the vehicle airbag county has since pulled the plug on the program and now a federal home security report underlines the millions lost blaming in part to improper oversight for cook county up to speed up the federal emergency management agency project shield police cameras at $65,000 a pop decide to also help fight terrorism. to lose millions of dollars on this project bigger implications. >> this puts our citizens at risk. it cannot be allowed to continue >> think of the added police
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officers and fbi agents could have hired for a $45 billion. $45 million. >> millions of dollars missing should be investigated >> one woman we talked to found humor >> isn't that comment?on it is what happens all of the time >> and things like this happen we can talk to let the cost lost to taxpayers but i will assure you the greatest cost is the deficit of trust. >> who voters in new hampshire heading to the polls and a matter of hours next a surprise challenger mitt romney? and depressing news about quit smoking aids and see this to believe that maraca the story of survival after a bungee cord snaps.
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one woman, one powerful savings tool, one chance to hunt down the right insurance at the right price. the "name your price" tool only from progressive. ready, aim, save! grrr! ooh, i forgot my phone! the "name your price" tool. now available on your phone. get a free quote today.
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less than 24 hours to go before voters begin voting in new hampshire primary mitt romney hold onto big lead in the polls the rest scrambling for second place rally brought out a bunch of occupy protesters candidates a blanket and the stage making a last-minute effort to bring the undecided to their corner.
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interesting twist jon huntsman pulled best among on declared voters. political analyst paul lisneck joining us. no. 2 you are watching most closely for the next step momentum south carolina? >> exactly mitt romney is going to win this thing tomorrow everybody knows that looking at the number to the question how much of the bead will a bit romney get out of this? 20-30 points a strong showing but if there is a strong showing by conservative wing in the form of a brick santorum looking at south carolina to see how it plays but for me also ron paul is pulling second but a strong candidate never going to be the republican nominee sort of there as a factor. other question and i on jon huntsman because he is
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the other immoderate and the brace all of his hands in the basket in new hampshire and he cannot come out of this with any momentum pretty much done. >> did not mention it newt gingrich we dealt not the second runner-up pressure against mitt romney in the debate last night >> can we drop the pie as baloney the fact is you brand and 1994 and lost now back running consistently for years and years the idea that suddenly citizenship showed up in your mind just level with the american people. >> i was criticized last night by governor mitt romney or putting my country first. >> that was powerful that is what we are talking about john huntsman best performance in the entire season. we seek applause servant country democratic president a very powerful so what, newt gingrich going punches newt gingrich got the
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support of somebody it but who cares, for me what impact smit rahm date whether he is doing it to himself. last moments and today his last moment including a sentence >> i want to individuals to have insurance that means insurance company will have incentive to keep you healthy. also if you do not like what they do you can fire them. i like being able to fire people >> you just do not want to say that. first of all an attack on hand firing people and everything and at his company but he said it you could see on his face cannot stop himself wished he could backtrack. >> 30 seconds to go washington post interesting analysis 2008 helleri clinton crime section of the day the poll came out at her weight behind president obama
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and she became perhaps because the tears similar thing happened to mitt romney on the date of just before the primary foot in his mouth >> hard to say the tearing up hillary clinton gave her new hampshire but that being said if it was a that was a factor could be a bit romney factor could be the john huntsman factor a powerful >> still to come out with you like to head over to walgreen's for sushi? add a manicure and pedicure? the ball back and the new way cta servers can track the trend and medical watch managing adhd out the use of drugs.
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tonight's medical watch better behavior doctors it possible for children with attention to the said hyperactivity disorder. information from various studies reveals the impact of food on it adhd. researchers point out type of restrictive diets of limited and food additives adding supplements does not help but altering the diet does. high sugar and high fat foods can make symptoms worse on board those polled for
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a low-fat-fiber diet. better diet mind games and exercise can all help ward off dementia doctors say to start young memory loss begins in the 40's patients to not seek treatment until much older causes a challenge for researchers trying to stave off diseases like alzheimer's by 45 reasoning and comprehension skills to carry it by 3.6%. doctors said medications impairment best started at the first sign of trouble by age 70 decline in and close to 10% and women 7.4%. women and men who made new year's resolution to quit smoking might also want to quit nicotine patches and gum. study shows they do not work any better than quit cold turkey patients on nicotine replacement therapy relapsed and started smoking just as often and as quickly as those who try to go alone. and when people used
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nicotine without a doctor's guidance relapsed twice as fast as those who did not use nicotine. prior studies showed a beneficial effect for nicotine replacement therapy scientists looked at studies and said research was flawed back to you. >> after a one year of servicing smart phones cta train tracker moving on to less high tech devices like flip phones. cta expand to all cellphones tracking bertrand 143 chicago stations users can't text the station code number to cta and get estimated wait times before could only be used with computers or internet service smart phones. if you want to have your nails done eat sushi purchase of annawan and get subscriptions and get prescriptions upscale walgreen's state and randolph b. first deadline opening tomorrow morning bold new move for the company. >> we have done a lot of work
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around the world what should drugstore's the ball to? >> certainly not a traditional drugstore new state street store quite a bit different from 1926 store that used to stand right here at the corner of randolph and state you can get pampered at the nail bar pick-up a $500 bottle of wine if you just won the lottery pick up australian share for a special occasion a sandwich to go even get sushi here. at this black ships for all of this is geared for more of the upscale crowd but late hours to accommodate theatergoers at tourists that come visit chicago's famous peachtree. walgreen's trying to tailor each sport to the surrounding community a strategy that has helped train reached edible sales of over $60 billion. reached annual sales
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over $60 billion >> a lot of business opportunity >> certainly and the evolution of their drug store in this store tailored to the needs of this community but other stores a lot of publicity first lady michelle obama coming to chicago ribbon cutting of the health and daily living stores on the south side of chicago in so-called food deserts' in the new strategy by the drug store chain it tried to tell each and every store to the surrounding communities. that should be interesting. looks like that at least one more 50 degree day this january but winter appears to be looking round the corner jim ramsey talking high temperatures and low temperatures. and later rahm
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emmanuel response to a claim he at first lady michelle obama did not see eye to eye. [ coughs ] what is this shorty? uh, tissues sir, i'm sick. you don't cough you don't show defeat. give me your war face! raaah! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop.
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[ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold & flu. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. [ coughs ] ♪ ♪ [ giggles ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ another city tomorrow another chilly >> another 50 >> when might in fact that another still on wednesday but
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might get one tomorrow not been outside get blocked outside and get lost showing you the full load. a beautiful blue and out theremoon january full moon a shot a veteran storm chaser. beautiful moon out there tonight clear skies time lapse pictures today odds this morning repressing temperatures for awhile this morning but about 2:00 in the afternoon skies cleared. temperature shot up to 46 degrees today. it was windy and the wind made the air feel about chillier dealing with which numbers but tonight temperatures still mild for january. normal high temperature 31 degrees and 40 degrees at o'hare airport. if you spots to the west temperatures in the thirties
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about the wind still breezy up their between 8-16 mi. per hour that will continue during the overnight hours. for some reason if you have to venture into the night be prepared heels chile now look at the winter chill values we danks in the twenties at some spots across chicago. the wind chill will be a problem what can we expect? look at this trough of low pressure center itself through parts of the great plains big canadian high. movement through the next week notice the middle of next week back into mild air. it couple of warm days followed by cold once looked at these midwest temperatures. fairly consistent upper thirties or low 40's at the moment. look at that radar
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satellite composite big storms parts of louisiana. nothing to report in chicago area of the forecast for tonight skies will continue mostly cleared looking at gusty wind 26-34 degrees for tomorrow partly cloudy soaring temperatures look at that 20 degrees above normal 50-55 degrees southwesterly wind expected and for tuesday night scattered clouds low temperature appointees-low 30's across the area and wednesday a chance 50 degree temperatures and a few spots clouds on the increase and by wednesday evening at some light rainfall development changing over to snowfall at
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midnight questions how much snow? at the moment looks like about one-tenth of an inch not a big system. but the wind by thursday could produce by friday morning wind chill values at or maybe slightly below zero at times. the wind is still kicking out there and still feels chile. >> thank you that what you are welcome >> stomach to do one of the 7 natural wonders of the world horrifying ordeal how to survive this accident. at cafe problem mathematics problem be racist some parents say yes. why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... ♪ get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste,
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more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. so which one tasted better? [ shark 1 ] uh, steve. [ shark 2 ] yeah, the guy. with steve i tasted peanut butter and uh snickers. yeah, that's it! steve had just eaten snickers peanut butter squared. ohhhhh! steve was delicious. [ male announcer ] if you like peanut butter and chocolate, you'll love peanut butter and snickers. try snickers peanut butter squared. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops
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you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. [ male announcer ] capri sun has 25% less sugar than leading regular juice drinks. because less sugar is a better way to fly. ♪ ♪ just
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not literally. capri sun. respect what's in the pouch. wgn news @ 9 able meant surviving a failed bungee jump and zimbabwe falling head first into a crocodile infested river. erin langworth by default battled the rapids
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tracking her under water and try to free herself loosen the bungee cord from rocks. >> they put me on my back at all of the water i and held i cannot breathe, mesdames roby onto my side rushing out water and blood >> remarkable erin langworth injuries not life-threatening. zimbabwe plans to investigate why and the rope broke. british police identified human remains found on one queen elizabeth country estate dna tests show the body 17 year old girl from latvia went missing in august. alisa dmitrijeva remains found on new year's day by a dog walker in wooded area of the estate part of the royal family country estate public british royal family commenting publicly. friction between mayor
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rahm emmanuel and first lady michelle obama made in the new book called the obamas claims distant hot relationships defending relationship mayor rahm emmanuel today >> first of all i have it relationship with the president and the first lady and i continue to have a close relationship and i know what i know which is the truth and very proud to have worked with the president and first lady and very proud to call them friends. the book also says first lady office isolated from the rest of the white house and the reluctant for her husband to run for president. reading and writing and racism southern georgia parents say outraged over mathematics problems referencing slavery in the old south. complaints of gross norcross georgia elementary school mathematics problems dealing with slippery one problem said each tree at 56 oranges if 8 slaves pick them
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equally how much would each slave pick? another asked if frederick got two beatings today how many beatings did he get in one week or two weeks? >> how to explain to my 8 year old why slavery is in a math problem that hurt spam but it blew me away >> you cannot put that into the homework of any one >> school officials admit a misguided attempt at crossing curriculums mix in mathematics and history called a mistake because the questions lacked context. mystery solved up next explanation for why tiger woods' ex-wife tore down a gigantic mansion right before everybody's eyes. and later in sports a former northwestern illinois star napoleon harris and post playing career pizza-politics.
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wgn news @ 9
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beyonce and jay-z blue ivy carter a newborn baby. they birth over the weekend. what some are upset. the baby named blue ivy carter one man could not get in to see his newborn baby. tiger woods it former wife. rundown building elin nordegren says not up to current hurricane standards and covered with termites. constructing a new mansion very much like the old one. hello jim ramsey, seven day forecast >> a chance of getting it 50 degrees on wednesday but there will be a change after that. temperatures are around the country at the moment 40 degrees in chicago 37 degrees in omaha and los angeles 50 degrees and
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miami at 57 degrees pitiful temperatures nothing unusual satellite radar warning clouds have left nothing behind it was clear skies may be a cloud patch later in the afternoon tomorrow but not particularly a problem seven day forecast on wednesday night and thursday morning a chance for showers may be changing to snow a very tiny accumulation expected by friday blustery wind morning powerful wind chill and thursday night and friday indiana and north central indiana late to affect snow could put down as much as 6 in. but once we break the warm weather 5 days until out of the cold their back to >> chicago tribune photos of the
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day started with chicago schools launching blogger days. longer days photos of the day.
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our photos as always on our website and the chicago tribune. coming up after a blowout on saturday derrick rose and chicago bulls tried to get on track tonight and top scoring options out for the blackhawks next several weeks sports next. [ indistinct conversations
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] [ hissing ] agents, what did we learn here today? that lint balls are extremely flammable! well, yeah. and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ [ other merv ] welcome back to the cleaning games. [ merv ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra
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power. trying to regroup with the mighty detour to distance intown >> the first of their back-back- back at home richard hamilton and cj watson out at this point in time it would have to lose other guys. luke longely and family derrick rose put on a pretty good show crossover right to the class. carlos boozer it at the stat sheet tonight. add in the fourth quarter out of control defense chicago bulls did it out and then up ahead to derrick rose last physical action of the night 22 points chicago bulls win 92-68 night
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that bounce back after losing in atlanta. >> i like the way we started the game. on both ends. i thought our ball movement to start the game was very good. got us into a rhythm. i also thought carlos boozer played a terrific game >> as if the blackhawks for game losing streak is not enough to drag them down also lost patrick sharp for as long as one month wrist injury happened to some time last night loss to detroit played pretty well last night most guys had morning off optional for the kids like andrew shaw along with ben smith called up today. patrick sharp at the black hawks' second goal yesterday and never returned spotlight on offense and this will not help. >> certainly a good first half complement's we are looking for
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trying to import we have to check better paying attention to detail played tighter you have to commend the kid to come up and play the short amount of time >> nice to have him here with me a great guy and a great hockey player we keep telling each other we want to keep going at it you never know where will be in a few weeks. >> final round of pga tournament of champions not distracted by scenery steve stricker body hits the budget is better that he does setting up a birdie to maintain the lead at three shots clear coming into 18th hole one last putt for birdie at early victory. former ally night starter eighth since 2009 victory most on the port. first time in 10 years tiger woods play pebble beach pro am it was tall famer baseball barry larkin lance briggs and brian urlacher both miss in the pro
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bowl with injuries and in the pc as chip to chip cam alabama leads lsu 15-0 and fourth quarter and finally you likely remember napoleon harris @ borton high-school seven years in the nfl age 32 napoleon harris back, a south suburbs a businessman about to embark on a new career politics running for the vacant illinois senate seat in the 15th district. >> i know what i stand for good morals and values and people that know me and going to get to know me will say in here to do the right thing women and children grow up in these areas i know what it takes to be a productive citizen what it takes to make the area and a better place and make sure best i can do in the right direction.
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>> houbolt * stop suburbs political novice ideas on how to begin to turn the tide napoleon harris more about the brunt forsberg killed sunday night.
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♪ more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive.
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living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against


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