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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  September 15, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight, breaking news. the scare here in new york city a short time ago involving police officers. the suspect with a meat cleavesn officers injured. guns fired. and we a scene. also breaking, the massive recall just in tonight. the smartphones now officially recalled because of fire and the concern over those phones on planes and subways. hillary clinton, back on the trail, and what she says tonight about her absence. and taking aim at donald trump, church, when the pastor stops him. meanwhile, trump tonight, and the full interview with dr. oz. what trump now reveals. police investigating a possible serial killer, and tonight here, the 911 call.
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the suspect inside, too. and the stunning scene. workers running for cover as a team of bandits smashes through everything. millions gone in seconds. good evening. and we begin tonight with those breaking developmentdevelopment alarming scene playing out during rush hour, right here in new york city. police spotting the suspect, a man with a meat cleaver. as they respond, it turns dangerous. gun fire erupting. authorities saying at leawo and we are just now hearing from eyewitness. abc's gee jeon bio benitez lead. >> reporter: david, very much an active crime scene here in midtown manhattan. and you said it, that unusual weapon tonight, a meat cleaver. tonight, that terrifying scene in the heart of new york city's tourist midtown area, leaving two officers injured. police swarmg to this area
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sirens blazing, as that suspect, armed with a meat cleaver, was seen on 32ndstreet, just blocks from penn station. officers tling a m to drop a weapon. what some witnesses described as a meat cleaver. when he didn't, the officers opened fire. shots ringing out. the suspect struck. the images now surfacing of the tenseoments afterwards the police surrounding this ambulance and placing someone on a stretcher. the aerials show a usually bustling street brought to a tota tourists stopped by police barricades on all sides while officers investigate. >> six to eight officers behind me were screaming, get down, get down, put the weapon down. >> let's get back live to gio benitez livin new york. and we're learning more about the suspect's record? >> rorr: that's right, david. we know that he's been arrested ateast a dozen times, but no doubt, this is just the start of this investigation, david. >> all right, gio benitez leading us off with the breaking news in midtown manhattan.
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police. to the other breaking headline late today, growing concerns over smartphones, and their bat rips catching fire. tonight, we have now learned samsung is giving in. there is now officially a recall. nearly 100 reports of galaxy not 7s overheating. authorities say the problem has been traced to its battery. so, what now, if you have one of those phones? and the concern for everyone else if those phones are brought on planes or the subway, if people ignore the recall? here's a >> rteorr: tonight, after nearly 100 exploding or burning phones in the u.s. alone -- >> it sounded like it burst and then there was smoke everywhere. >> reporter: -- samsung, which for two weeks ieto handle the problem on its own, made a deal with the u.s. government. >> today, we are announcing the official recall. >> reporter: nearly a million phones in the u.s. are affected, after 92 reports of overheatin 26 people burned, 55 pieces of property damages, including cars
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a refund, after first offering only an exchange. only 130,000 of the note 7s in the u.s. have been exchanged, which means there are more than 800,000 still in circulation. and tonight, the federal government, worried about dangerous lithium batteries on aircraft, says that the only way one can be taken aboard is if it is shutoff, disconnected from a charger. but airlines could decide to ban them entirely, and subway them, too. samsung says it was only the note 7 with a defective battery, but reports of other galaxy phones overheating, smoking and burning will now be investigated, too. but the company was adamant that the batteries are only in the note 7. >> we'll see. i hope they're right, but we'll see. >> reporter: the south korean company apologized in major newspapers earlier this week in south korea. tonight, the american subsidiary provided a prepared statement. >> we did not meet the standard
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and deserve. for that, we apologize. >> reporter: samsung also providing pictures of it shipping new phones, which it says will be available in stores next wednesday. >> david kerley has been covering this from the start, and david, the big change today, consumers now have a choice, instead of waiting for a replacement, they can now get a refund? >> reporter: that was key for the consumer product safety commission, that people could go in, you could take one of these old notes in tonight, get a refund, get your money back, wait until the new one shows up and go by it if you want >> david kerley on the case again tonight. david, thank you. we turn now to the race for president. hillary clinton, back on the campaign trail, coming out to the james brown song "i feel good." clinton taking the stage in north carolina, and what she revealed today about what she's not good at. and clinton knows full-well, this race in recent days has tightened dramatically. a new nationaloll out just as we come on tonight showing clinton up by jt one point, 41% to 40%.
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clinton tonight about a race where she had the lead, now a dead heat. ? i feel good ? >> reporter: her first appearance back on the campaign trail, and hillary clinton walked out to that new song. ? i feel good ? >> reporter: james brown's "i feel good." just about every move she made today -- >> good morning! >> reporter: designed to show just how good she's feeling. before she boarded her plane bound for north carolina -- >> thank you! >> reporter: a smile and a thumb's up. onboard? >> hey, guys. hi. welcome back to stronger together. >> reporter: in north carolina, clinton telling supporters, she's glad to be back. >> it turns out, having a few days to myself was actually a gift. i did some thinking. you know, the campaign trail doesn't really encourage
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>> reporter: the race clinton returns to, tighter than ever. when you were home reflecting over the last three days, i wonder if you did any soul searching about the new poll numbers that show this race tightening. >> i've always said that this was going to be a tight race. i feel like we are in a strong position going into these last weeks. what matters is who registers to vote and who is motivated and mobilized to turn out to vote. >> reporter: she never mentioned donald trump by name. she didn't have to. >> my opponen down, saying we're weak, a disaster, an embarrassment. >> reporter: but she admits, campaigning is not her strength. >> when it comes to public service, i'm better at the service part than the public part. now, i confess, i'll never be the showman my opponent is. and that's okay with me. >> cecilia vega with us tonight from north carolina. and cecilia, we all know that important first debate, the crucial debate just 11 days now, we heard you ask clinton about
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her down time preparing for that debate? >> reporter: she did. she's honing that message for the debate, david, and her aides say that she is not looking to go into that debate ready to provoke donald trump, she wants the rest of this campaign to be less about him, less about fighting. david? >> all right, cecilia vega, we'll see. 11 d from now. hillary clinton saying in her words today, as you heard there, she is not a showman like donald trump, taking aim at trump's appearance on "dr. oz trumptoday in that tvment? and trump with words tonight abthat flint, michigan, pastor who stoed h in the an a clinton. here's abc's tom llamas. >> reporter: today, we're learning new details about donald trump's health, something he turned into a made for tv moment. trump's campaign releasing a one-page letter with the results of his latest physical. dr. harold bornstein, who once described trump's health as
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this time, describing trump's health as, quote, "normal." but according to lab results trump is overweight. >> do your doctors or family ever give you a hard time about your weight? >> yeah. i think i could lose a little weight. i've always been a little bit this way. you know? i've sort of always been that. >> reporter: his primary exercise? >> well, it's a lot of work when i'm speaking in front of 15,000, 20,000 people, i'm up there using a lot of motion, a lot of times these rooms are very hot, like saunas, and i guess that's a form of exercise. >> reporter: and trump says when he looks in the mirror, he doesn't feel 70. >> i would say i see a person that's 35 years old. i feel the same. tom brady is a friend of mine, we play golf. and i'm with him, i feel the same age as him. it's crazy. >> reporter: trump's positive talk show checkup, a stark contrast to his reception at a church in flint, michigan. the candidate put in a political time-out by reverend
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>> everything she touched didn't work out. nothing. now hillary clinton -- >> mr. trump, i invited you here to thank us for what we've done in flint, not give a political speech. >> okay. that's good. then i'm going to go back onto flint, okay. >> reporter: today, trump lashing out at the reverend. >> she was so nervous. she was like a nervous mess. >> reporter: the republican nominee describes walking into a trap. >> something was up. when she got up to introduce me, shaking. i said, "wow, this is sort of strange." and then, she came up. so, she had that in mind. no question about it. >> reporter: on facebook, reverend green-timmons posting this message -- "had he stuck to what his camp claimed he came to do, we would not have had a problem." tonight, clinton sounding off. >> reverend faith green-timmons is not a nervous mess, she is a rock for her community in trying times. >> reporter: and tonight, another trump under fire.
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facing criticism for this attack on the media. >> they've let her slide on every indiscrepancy, on every lie, on every dnc game trying to get bernie sanders out of this thing. if republicans were doing that, they'd be warming up the gas chamber right now. >> and tom llamas live tonight from outside trump tower. those comments right there making headlines, tom? >> reporter: david, the ant anti-defamation league tweeting to donald trump jr., writing, we hope you understand the sensitiv holocaust jokes. tonight, the trump campaign responding, saying trump was not talking about the holocaust, he was clearly referring to capital punishment. david? >> tom llamas with us again tonight. tom, thanks. race for president.adline in the tonight, republican house speaker paul ryan putting pressure of his own on donald trump to release his taxes. ryan was asked about it today, answering, he released his taxes, adding, he thinks trump should, too. but speaker ryan did say, he knows trump is being audited.
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release is up to trump. next, to that desperate call for help from a woman being held captive. she had managed to untile herself, and then call 911 as her captor slept beside her. police arrested her abductor, but found the bodies of two other women. pocere now investigating whether they have a serial killer on their hands. abc's mara schiavocampo with the chilling call for help. >> reporter: tonight, a cry for help -- >> i've been abducted. >> reporte >> are you tied up now? >> yeah, but i kind of freed myself. >> reporter: an ohio woman calling 911, saying she's been kidnapped by this man, 40-year-old shawn grate, a possible serial killer. and was trapped in an abandoned home, whispering so she wouldn't wake her captor, who was in the same room, sleeping. >> does he have a weapon? >> he's got a taser. >> reporter: too terrified to make a move until officers arrive.
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you need to get out. >> not unless they were right here. he would hear me, catch me and he's strong. >> reporter: when officers arrive, they rescue the woman. >> where is he? >> that's him sleeping. >> he's stl sleepi >> reporter: pice discovered two bodies in the house. one identified as 43-year-old steyacstanley. >> this guy that did this to her, and to these other women -- he's a monster. >> reporter: grate was taken in custody and officials say he later led them to a third home. now, grate is charged with kidnapping and murder. officials say that more charges could be added as the investigation unfolds. david? >> thank you, mara. and in columbus, ohio, tonight, police responding to a reported armed robbery, confronting three teens, one of them reportedly drawing what looked like a gun. an officer firing his own weapon and killing him. the boy was 13, and his weapon, according to the police chief now, turned out to be a bb gun.
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columbus, ohio, growing questions surrounding the police shooting death of 13-year-old tyre king. it all started with a 911 call for an armed justad this white dude on the street. >> reporter: when officers respond, the suspects, including the 13-year-old, police say, take off. >> they may be trying to cut through one of the side street, which would be oak street. >> reporter: with police on the chase, authorities say the teenager pulled a gun from his waistband. that's when officer bryan mason fired his weapon, killing him. >> oh, he's shootingim. oep, m oh, god. >> reporter: afterwards, police discovering the weapon the teen was carrying was a bb gun like this, with a laser sight. >> as you can see, it looks like a firearm that could kilyo >> reporter: here's what police say king was carrying. the case, similar to the incident two years ago, when an officer at this cleveland park shot and killed 12-year-old tamir rice, seconds after
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rice was carrying a realistic looking pellet gun. and david, back here in columbus the officer involved in the shooting has been placed on administrative leave. none of the responding officers that chased the 13-year-old boy down this alley were wearing body cameras. attorneys for the boy's family now calling for an independent investigation. david? >> alex perez, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. the school bus and the tractor trailer, and the stunning road rage. the bus driver trying to pass the tractor trailer here, both drivers, authorities say, then engaging with one another. what's now happened tonight, and the outrage. you'll see the pictures coming up. also, the workers running for cover when a team of bandits smashes its way through this mall store, making off with millions in just seconds. and later tonight, we needed this tonight. america strong. the outpouring from so many of you at home after the story we reported on earlier this week. what's now happened with that ice pop vendor who has made
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? before it became a medicine, at-if." so sciensts went to work. they examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. there were thousands of patient volunteers d thns. and so after it became a medicine, someone who couldn't be cured, could be. me. ? max and i just discovered this dog treat called dentalife.
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next tonight here, millions of dollars in jewels gone in a matter of seconds. matsi masked men smashing their way through a store. employees taking cover. and authorities believe they have struck before. abc's phillip mena is in texas. >> reporter: it happens in an instant. the calm of this houston jeweler store turns to chaos, when thieves dressed in all black with hoodies rush the store, using hammers to shatter the glass cases filled with expensive jewelry.
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robbers work quickly, smashing and swiping, bagging millions worth of diamonds and precious jewelry in just 40 seconds. the employee on the right can only duck, covering his head as glass flies. lily morris was shopping nearby. >> there's glass literally all over the ground. and i see some employees standing outside who looked very shaken up. >> reporter: tonight, those criminals still on the loose. >> i think they've been in there before, i think they had a plan. they were in and out and knew exactly what they were doing and where they were going. >> reporter: authorities suspect these thieves are part of a ring that have pulled off similar smash and grab jobs. david, the thiefs had a getaway car waiting for them. at least one employee was cut by flying glass, but thankfully, nothing more serious. david? >> phillip mena, thank you. and when we come back here, the biggest clue yet coming in now after that doomed passenger jet. and the school bus driver and the fedex truck and a dangerous road rage confrontation. what's happened now, what we've just learned, when we come back. .
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tonight, and a school bus driver now fired after an apparent road rage incident. another driver capturing the moment on dash cam video. a new jersey school bus driver trying to pull around a fedex tractor trailer. the truck driver then forcing the bus to swerve into oncoming traffic. authorities say the two drivers had been taunting one another. there reportedly were no children on the bus. fedex is also investigating tonight. a major new clue in the mystery of malaysia airlines flight 370 tonight. australian officials say this large piece of metal found i tanzania in june is part of the wing flap from that doomed plane. a date stamped on the part linked it to the manufacturing date of that particular boeing 777. mh 370 vanished in march of 2013. america strong tonight. an update about a special ice pop vendor we reported on monday night here. he delivers frozen treats to children in chicago for generations now, inspiring a customer to set up a go fund me drive with a goal of $3,000.
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sanchez and his family, his grandchildren -- more than 360,000 dlz coming in from 16,000 donations. many of our viewers at home. when we come back tonight, america strong, again. the quarterback named homecoming king, and his best pass yet. you have to see this. when i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital. my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam!
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commends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd... after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. finally tonight, america strong. the higschool homecoming king, abdicating his throne. here's david wright. >> reporter: two high school seniors, best friends since fifth grade. >> my favorite quarterback right
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>> reporter: both of them candidates for homecoming king. >> go! >> reporter: max akin is the star quarterback for the high school team, the panthers. k.l. norwood is the popular team manager. he can't play, he has cerebral palsy. homecoming day arrives and the panthers win it, 40-12. but when the time comes to crown the homecoming king? the crown goes to the quarterback, but the new king abdicates. crowning k.l. instead. >> that is so cute! >> it was absolutely, absolutely terrific. >> i think it should have gone to the person who positively uplifts the school and everybody around him, and that person is k.l. for sure. >> reporter: it takes a great quarterback to know when to pass. and a receiver to bring it home. david wright, abc news, new york. >> we salute both of them. that's high school royalty. i'm david muir. i'll see you right back here tomorrow.
7:00 pm
>> kidnapped by a suspected serial killer. >> and he is sleeping right next to her. >> is there any way that you can get out of the building. >> i don't know without waking him and i'm scared. >> and family outrage. did bells. >> we combed this area and rattled his cage with no thanks to these police officers. >> the photo that everyone is talking about. >> heavenly vision or something else. >> it's a worldwide phenomena in the sky above ground zero. plus, here comes the tree. the bride's mad dash after a tree crashes her wedding. then, homes for sale with a terrible secret.


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