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tv   NBC10 News Today at 430am  NBC  March 6, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EST

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delivery man shot. a worker is picking up the pieces. and sinkhole right outside a home and neighbors are blaming a pipeline project. >> announcer: nbc10 news starts now. good morning. this is "nbc 10 news today." first look at 4:00, i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikahema. we have team coverage tracking the storm which is set to bring heavy snow to the area. let's get to brittney shipp with the most accurate forecast in town. >> we have a first alert going tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. and going to continue all the way into thursday. it's basically going to affect the entire area, with the extension right along the shore. just because the shore is not expected to see a lot of accumulating snow, we're still going to get strong wind speeds. and the entire system is going to move through early wednesday into thursday, around 7:00 a.m. we'll start to see light rain tonight. but the accumulating snow is not set to hit the area until overnight hours.
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it will turn heavy into the wednesday evening commute. and we're expecting gusty wind speeds. we're talking gusts up to 40 miles per hour. that could bring down more tree limbs and add to power outages. this is what we're watching closely. we've already seen so much rain and snow. it's not going to take a lot to bring down trees. the main part of the system is going to track to the east. it's going to interact with another system that's going to develop off the coast of the carolinas and move into the region. right now, it will stay dry for most of the day. then as we get into later on tonight, that's when light rain showers are going to move through. through wednesday morning, wednesday until 2:00, we'll see a lot of that rain switching over to snow. we'll see a better breakdown of your neighborhood with meteorologist krystal klei coming up in just a bit. right now, we'll check in with jessica with a look at traffic. good morning.
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something that we can at least mansfield township, right plain being blocked there. and also still watching previous storm damage. r radnor township there's a downed pole blocking the road. back to you. this morning, crews are watching to clear streets and restore power as another storm edges closer into the area. >> nbc10's matt delucia is live. matt, there's a scramble to get everyone prepared. >> reporter: thank you, vai. we have two big efforts right now. first is the effort to repair roads and the power lines damaged from the last storm. and now you have an effort under way between cities and towns and counties to get ready for the next storm. right here, you have penndot salt trucks out there in the
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background. you can expect to see more of those on the road in the next couple of days with prep and plows. there's still a lot of damage in places like havertown. a down eed tree has been down f several days. it knocked out power and plenty are still wondering when their electricity is coming on. nor now, they're keeping the flashlights on and depending on those who do have power. >> if we can get power, a storm is not a problem, as long as we have power. >> very, very upsetting we feel frustrated and powerless, list really. >> reporter: if you're watching this on your phone and you know someone who still does not have power, delaware county community college will be operating warming centers at their campuses from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. we're told they're back out again this morning. for now i'm live in media, matt
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delucia, nbc10 news. the storm cleanup is a nonstop task in around around philadelphia. nbc10 on lincoln drive at wayne after overnight. crews were clearing away limbs from falling trees so traffic could get by safely and smoothly. thousands of people up north are still without power after a storm walloped new england. a storm surge breached a sea wall protecting a town there. one woman worked to save what she could from her mother's beach cottage. utilities are racing to restore electricity before the next storm hits later this week. and with the amount of storm damage around, the companies that handle automatic so insurance are seeing a jump in plays. >> aaa says lienability insuran covers an accident with two or more cars. comprehensive insurance covers limbs and tree limbs damage. experts say take pictures of any damage to your cars as soon as
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possible. and turning to nbc10 app to track the storm as it gets closer. get alerts for your neighborhood and see the conditions hour by hour. it's 4:35 right now. police are trying to track down the men who shot a pizza delivery driver. they ambushed the victim in north philadelphia, just doing his job. nbc10's katy zachry joins us from temple hospital. what are you learning about the condition? >> reporter: not long ago, we got an upset at temple university hospital. they say the victim brought here is still listed in critical condition. police tell us he was lured to the location in north philadelphia by his attackers so they could rob him. take a look at the video we got from the scene not long along. police say it was a false call that led the 57-year-old domino's pizza driver to this block at taggart street. two men approached him. they had a gun. at some point during the
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exchange, the gun went offshooting the delivery driver in the neck. what's strange about the case, when police first arrived on scene didn't know he was shot because the victim wasn't aware of it either. >> unusual thing about the shooting when police first arrived on location. the victim told police he wasn't shot. the victim told police he was shot at. he appeared to be in shock. >> reporter: and he couldn't even tell police his name or age. when medics arrived soon after that, they found that a victim had a bullet lodged in his neck. coming up in the next half hour. we're learning more about the pizza delivery driver shot and as well the people they're looking for at this hour. new overnight in montgomery county, fire ripped through this home in lower potsroy. just before midnight. they got the flames under control. about 90 minutes later, no one
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was hurt. the sergeant in philadelphia's department is accused of preying on a woman. he faces charges of exposure and assault. the woman said she had to fight postelle off. she also said postelle assaulted her another time in the office. he's currently suspended and will be fired. >> best at the oscars. wait until you hear this story. how one man was trying to make off with the top prize. and sinkhole scare. a family blames a pipeline project and one lawmaker's solution to the problem. sharing their voices. now a new show is helping students shine right on the stage.
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welcome black.
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meteorologist krystal klei here. we're taking a look at the hour-by-hour model and now focusing on the i-95 corridor. stretching from wilmington, into philadelphia and then trenton. south, all the way into parts of our south jersey neighborhoods as well. this is starting at 6:00 tonight. notice, we start dry. so the evening commute in this area is going to be a dry one, possibly a few like sprinkles out there at best. but temperatures much too warm for anything other than rain. and that really starts to pick up around 8:00 this evening. light rain showering. we get that mixing farther north. again, tonight, we're not worried about that commute. then we start to see overnight, that change increasing and wobbling against philadelphia, trenton and it's going to continue to wobble right against this corridor through the morning on oncwednesday. that's why we're saying that the morning commute can be a bit messy. take a look here.
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the temperatures right above freezing. that's the borderline you need for sleet mixing across the area through 10:00 a.m. by noon and later, that's when everything starts to change over to snow. and that colder air starts to wrap in. so, now, we're looking at snow that will start to stick along the roadways. and this continues from afternoon until about 5:00, 6:00 p.m., 6:00, 8:00, 9:00, everything starts to move out. we're cold and now that snow has stuck and we have seen the accumulations. let's talk about the road impacts for philadelphia, south jersey and north delaware. for tuesday evening, we're try. tuesday night, we have mostly rain falling. wednesday morning, it's starting to occur with the highest impact wednesday afternoon/evening. heavy 84 snow falling accumulating sticking to the ground. by wednesday, the snow is slight. remember the roadways, side streets may be messy. that light blue notice how quickly from wilmington to
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kennett square we you have from from 5 to 9 inch range. you get into parts of lower merion township. and now you see we're not 5 to 9, but philly, 2 to 6 inches. trenton includes in that 5 to 9-inch range. hey, good morning, everyone, jessica boyington with you right now. checking on the roads we're starting off in the lehigh valley. street. schuylkill expressway right around 30th street and headed eastbound. seeing any delays proposing the everything is still green. moving and getting out of the also the blue bell, downed trees
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and cables blocking the roads between blue bell pike and marsh road. back to you, tracy, vai. and taking action, why the family of a murdered young man are suing the suspect's family. hidden under the water. thanks to a storm.
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neighbors in one chester county community are blaming sinkholes on a controversial natural gas pipeline. >> two new holes formed over the weekend and forced one waem from their home in west whiteland township. video shows crews from state and sunoco working to cover up the holes. one neighbor says the sinkholes plus one opened last fall are directly linked to the sunoco pipelines. >> they did the 24-hour drill. they did that until 3:30 in the morning. they actually stopped -- i come to find out they hadn't stopped because another hole.
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>> sunoco released a state saying they took immediate action to fill the holes and that the areas are secure. sunoco will continue to work with bp and the dep worked with them to close down for permit applications. an 18-year-old gymnast is now the first man to publicly accuse former doctor larry nassar of sexual abuse. >> if i can help end the stigma that guys can't be sexually abused, you know, that's a victory for me. >> jacob moore joined more than 200 women who have accused nassar of abusing them under the disguys of medical treatment. you can seal moore's interview on "today" show and then he'll be live on "megyn kelly today." >> it's time to look at news state by state and county by
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county. >> we begin with a new lawsuit filed in a local massacre that made headlines. the families of three young men shot, dismembered and burned on the bucks county farm have sued the family of the confessed killer. the lawsuit said the parents of cosmo didn't do enough to keep guns out of his hands. they found the bodies of those young men this past summer. cosmo confessed to the killing after a three day spree. they opened up after the announcement. >> nobody should ever have to deal with losing their child and not in the way he was taken. >> i never thought i would feel this. he's my son. >> it's devastating to our fami family. >> cosmo denardo confessed to
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avoid the death penalty. his cousin sean kraft is also implicated. a driver is under arrest charged with a hit-and-run death of a gas station attendant. prosecutors say the victim was trying to stop the suspect from driving away. that's when nevis himself was hit and killed. it happened in february at the quick smd quic quickchek gas station. kareem sanders is charged with homicide and a weapons crime. two men died in a shooting at a gas station at airport road last week. one of those men shot sanders. he is expected to be in court on friday. >> new video shows part of the brawl that ignited in a south jersey chuck e. cheese this weekend. this was the scene at dinnertime
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in deptford township. all of this started police say over a pack of cigarettes. up to 20 people got involved and the restaurant's general manager was hurt. powerful waves and churning surf in the major weekend storm helped to reveal a ship wreck along the coast of maine. take a look at this, visitors flocked to beach to catch a it was 160 years ago just before the civil war. and you can see the wooden hull still impact. people taking pictures of it, pretty amazing. >> it's awesome. i don't know how old it is. but it's incredible to see it still in the sand. >> and i've heard people talk about this ship. and it shows up every once in a while. >> how about that. observers predict by the time a few high tides roll in, the ship deck will, once again, disappear back into the water. >> how's that? yeah. 10 before 5:00 right now, let's check on the weather.
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everybody is focused. time to get prepared. >> let's check in with brittney shipp. you're going to give us hour by hour? >> yeah, hour-by-hour breakdown. right in that window you can get prepared for the next system that's go stog staing to start in. we'll see changes by tonight and by tomorrow another nor'easter on our hands. we have another "first alert" which starts tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. we see clouds in the radar but by 7:00, we'll start to see light rain move in. here's pat of the system that brings that snow to chicago. and then another one from the south. the two interact together and it's going to take a while, but we'll start to see cold air wrapping in on the back side of this system as we get into wednesday. and that's what's going to give us the accumulating heavy wet snow. here's the breakdown as we go into 6:00. we'll break it down by commute time. you'll start to see light rain.
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and then light snow after midnight falling into the pocono mountains. more of a rain/snow mix. with wake up tomorrow morning, 6:00 a.m., you're waking up in parts of philadelphia. still looks like a bit of a mix. closer to allentown, accumulating snow where temperatures are cold enough to support it, 32 degrees. and in the suburbs down the shore, still fairly warm. so, we expect to see rain tomorrow for your morning commute. the morning commute is going to be a little easier than what we'll see as we get closer to your lunch hour. take a look at that cold air in place now. so, we have a better chance of accumulating snow by the early afternoon. by the time you get ready to head home from work at 6:00, now we start to see the dark blue. that means heavy snow is coming down for most of the area here. looks like right along the shore, we could be still dealing with rain. parts of the shore not under "first alert," but the rest of the area is.
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it's not just the snow coming down but the stronger wind speeds in that evening commute. we're tracking wind speeds at 40 miles per hour as you're trying to get home from work. keep all of this mind as you're making your plans for tomorrow. how much will we see, closer to the philadelphia area, 2 to 6 inches, west of philadelphia, 5 to 9, closer to the lehigh valley, allentown, 7 to 12 inches of snow expected. and not a whole lot right down the shore. if you're getting your foot out the door this morning, temperatures are in the 30s for most of the area. even the 20s, it's a cold start in atlantic city. only 27 degrees. temperatures will post into the high 40s with light rain starting already by the time you get into tuesday night right around 8:00. >> starting tuesday night. then we got wednesday morning. let's talk about the commute because i think people often with a storm like this get confused because they start with the morning commute and they say, oh, it's not that bad.
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but we are planning it, we talked about this, different commutes will have different impacts. tomorrow morning might just be snow in some neighborhoods but by tomorrow afternoon, as brits was showing off, the rain is going to pick up and then that will taper off and then the snow. >> that's tomorrow's commute. this morning's commute, how are we dealing were they? >> jessica boyington has that with a check of 95. >> that means we got to get sleep for tomorrow, right, guys? 95 and cameras around philadelphia, international airport, not too bad. northbound and southbound sides are good. and mansfield township there's emergency construction at route 130 northbound near concordia road. watch for the right lane blocked there. a downed tree and wires on township line road between jolly
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road. a power couple in the music world might be hitting the road again and make a stop in philadelphia. plus, this -- rising to the moment. how a new tv show is bringing joy to local students and a local teacher who inspired all. i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's?
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the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner.
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and it's yours just for calling. so call now. there's a new show that will premiere next week. >> we're excited about this, "ride" premieres next week. in the meantime, there's a school in our area. >> that's the moment students at massey charter shoe maker in west philadelphia found out they got a $10,000 grant for their the near program. it's thanks to nbc's "rise" scholarship named for the new tv show.
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it's one of 50 schools around the country that won the grant. >> i thought i was going to graduate without knowing what it was like to work with cast members and art and singing and everything. once i learned about the grant, it blew my mind. >> "rise" is based on a theater program in bucks county. that school will be also getting a grant. you can watch the special premiere of "rise" next tuesday. it airs after "this is us" on nbc10. if you want to see the show even sooner. ♪ we'll listen to this music. and we'll invite to you the dance screening this sunday. upper darby performing arts center. the show's variety and one of the stars will be there. you can get tickets on just click on comcast. rumors are swirling that hip-hop royalty could be coming to philadelphia this summer.
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♪ >> "people" magazine reporting beyonce and jay z will hit the road again, with a stop at the linc. it was posted on beyonce's facebook page before it was quickly deleted. i think they do that. and there's no date listed for the couple. this man accused of stealing frances mcdormand's oscar at a sunday night after party is charged with theft. they say the suspect grabbed the statue from her table and just ran. reporters say caters stopped the suspect and mcdormand got the oscar back and told security to let the man go. mcdormand won for best actress in "three billboards outside of ebbing, missouri." >> the happiest team on earth is now on tv.
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>> jimmy fallon welcomed members of the women's hockey team to "the tonight show" last night. >> our coach worked on the tireless drills. that's one of the names he came with. he said it again in reverse. that's what will he called it. it's swedish. it's even funnier in a swedish accent. >> jimmy introduced the entire gold medal hockey team even took a framed photo with them. we watched that game through the night. 2:00 in the morning. >> we did. >> we love shoot-outs. now more of the stories we're following for you at 5:00 a.m. gunned down. developing right now, someone shot a pizza delivery driver in north philadelphia. police say he was lured there to be robbed. >> the calm before the storm. today is the day to prepare
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because rain and heavy wet snow in the forecast. additional snow could means days of even more power outages. this morning, tens of thousands of homes and businesses still have no electricity. >> announcer: nbc10 news starts now. a lot of people keep checking with their utilities saying when is it going to be on? hoping it will get moved. you. >> including you. >> including me. i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikahema. we have the "first alert" team ahead of the next storm to prepare. meteorologist krystal klei has the forecast pinpointed to your neighborhood. but let's start with britta brittanyship. >> actually temperatures will post into mid to high 40s. by tonight, rain tonight into the poconos. and rain showers mainly to south of philadelphia. by wednesday morning, we're seeing steadier


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