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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 530a  NBC  October 30, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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grab a jacket, give yourself extra time as you head out the door this morning. it's about 5:30. good morning, welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm chris cato. we're heading towards the coolest weekend we've seen in a long time. let's go to bill henley with the "first alert" forecast. >> we are getting a preview of cold for sure. the temperatures drop and as a result we're now seeing fog. much the area has seen really thick fog. for example, that's a view from king of prussia this morning. thickest fog areas north and west, coatesville, visibility is down to zero. pottstown, allentown, doylestown into new jersey for mt. holly. wilmington down to half a mile. but dense fog in dover, millville. atlantic city seeing some improvement, but there are some scattered showers at the shore. we've got rain drops to deal with at least to start with. 49 at pottstown. the 40s for the rest of the area. we're running up to 25 degrees
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colder than yesterday morning. but we will get some sunshine. the fog will ease. we'll see some breaks of sunshine at 9:00. 49 degrees and nice and sunny at lunchtime 55. we'll go through it neighborhood by neighborhood when i come back in less than ten minutes. "first alert" traffic reporter jillian mele has lots of fog to look at. >> good morning, bill. this is a live look in lumberton, route 38, that bypass, you see thick fog but no accidents to report and no delays. we are starting to see some volume out there on 95 southbound as drivers pass girard and head into center city philadelphia. no delays according to the drive times, as you can see, still waiting about 14 minutes both ways between vine and woodhaven road. we have an accident at blue bell dekalb pike at morris road. and as if you're waking up in new jersey we are seeing fog as i mentioned in lumberton, hamilton township, 295, pretty thick fog there. with the 42 freeway, it doesn't seem to be impacting the drive times.
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you can see average speeds across the board at 42 and the mid-50s. and another on your side this morning, looking at the foggy weather, nbc10's monique braxton and photojournalist dave is driving through the area. monique, where are you and what are you seeing now? >> reporter: good morning, chris. we're route on 309. we just passed through satterton. it's not too foggy here. throughout the morning, we've been going north on 309 and we've run into patches of dense fog. at tiles, my photographer, dave palmer, has had to slow down as he's approached foggy areas. we're seeing more cars out now. but definitely a morning to take it slow because you never know when you're going to hit that patch of fog. live for now, monique braxton, "nbc10 news." new from overnight, police are investigating a crash that's happened in the oxford circle
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section of the philadelphia. nbc10 was on scene when one accident overturned and collided with another vehicle. one woman in the overturned car was taken to the hospital. a campaign controversy is brewing this morning and it's all because of this video. take a look at it. it appears to show the husband of a delaware state senator stealing campaign signs off the side of the road. a warrant is now out for his arrest. nbc10's katy zachry is live in middleton where that man is expected to turn himself in this morning. katy, what's happening with this. >> reporter: hi, tracy, delaware gop members recorded the video. it happened around this time yesterday morning. not far from where we're standing here at the police department. >> what are you doing this for? >> hey, don't stop me. >> those aren't your signs, bud. >> reporter: the man in this video stealing signs is dana long according to middletown
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police. he is the husband of democratic state senator bethany hall-long. republican members caught long stealing signs overnight near middletown odessa road. >> they know better than to engage in this sort of illegal activity. it really is disgusting. >> reporter: senator hall-long is running for re-election and issued a statement saying sadly this race has become sufficient and personal. my husband is my high school sweet heart and loves me very much. i was not aware that he allowed the frustration of the campaign attacks to get the better of him. of course, i'm disappointed and wish it never happened. sources say that senator hall-long should remove herself from this year's race in light of the video. again, police have issued a warrant for her husband's arrest. we are expecting him to turn himself in later this morning. reporting live outside of milltown police.
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now to the possible septa strike. the union president said last night that a decision will likely be made tomorrow as to whether their workers will walk off the job. nbc10 was there as t.w. local 234 left a captain's strike carrying on-strike signs that they may decide to use. the work stoppage could be at soon as monday. we'll be following it closely and let you know what happens. in the event of a strike there are several other transportation options for people in this strike, buses and trolleys and subways would be affected. now, we've assembled a list of alternatives to mass transit. you can find those right now on you can count on nbc 10 bring you up to the minute news. >> here are three things we're following for you today. this morning, we're telling you about a new program in new castle to keep students safe in case of a shooter. the colonial school district has a new program that involves
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portable white board. we have a crew in monroe county to follow the developments in the search for alleged cop killer eric frein. yesterday, we found that balloon search for frein wasn't much help. investigators hoped to find frein from the air but tree cover and rough terrain made that difficult. city council of philadelphia is looking to pass a bill that would make a hate offense a crime. we'll tell you of the city council vote at 11:00 a.m. this morning. >> it's a move to prevent the spread of deadly diseases on college campuses. the just approved drug that experts say can keep some form of meningitis from spreading. we'll tell you who should be getting that. and help for the homeless, just in time for this weekend's cold spell. the shelter in this area that's now open and ready to provide a warm space for winter.
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bill? >> it's chilly outside and foggy, too. this is just one of the many views of the dense fog we have this morning. right now, it's 46 degrees at 5:37.
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>> announcer: now your nbc10 "first alert" weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> yesterday's rain cleared out. it cooled down overnight. and now we've got fog. not here at nbc10. the wind is light, though, not only here at the station but the rest of the area so we're seeing some widespread fog this morning. 47 degrees at philadelphia international. and look at i-95 in langhorne bucks county. it's going to take hours to disappear. right now, it's going nowhere for reading. wilmington has seen improvement but not dover and millville. they're both at quarter-mile visibility and quarter-mile visibility at mt. holly. there you see it on the satellite imagery. the clouds that came through
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from the rain showers yesterday afternoon. we'll wind up with sunshine, the fog clears and the temperatures will climb. look for slow-going to start with widespread dense fog. but as we go through the morning and afternoon, we'll see sunny skies high temperatures in upper 50s to near 60 degrees today. and tomorrow, we'll start with sunshine which means another chilly start in the morning. a high of 58 in the afternoon. there there be clouds coming in friday evening. here comes the wind, the rain, the cold for saturday. 48 degrees will be the high temperature. during the day saturday, the wind will be strong enough but the wind chills will be in the upper 30s and low 40s. a colder morning on sunday. the rain will be done. 37 degrees, 50 and windy sunday afternoon. and lots of sunshine after a cold start on monday. 58 into the 60s tuesday and wednesday. wow, a bad weekend. >> bill really knows how to set us up there, doesn't he? >> at least it's nice for trick or treating tomorrow night,
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right? >> that's good. a lot of tricks on the road in the form of dense fog, right? >> nbc10's trask reporter jillian mele continues to follow that. >> we have that fog rolling in on some cameras and rolling out on others. some fog out there in bucks county, route 1 near route 32. we do have a few accidents that we're following this morning including one in limerick. this is bridge pike. and watch out at that enter section. this is one that i've been following for an hour. drivers in blue bell listen up if you travel dekalb pike at morris road there's an accident at that intersection. leave yourself extra time to get around that scene. it's so thick in some spots. coming up in a few minutes, i'll check out drive times. fewer financial options for college students. the rules being introduced today that will keep some schools from getting student aid money from the federal government.
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and no more crossing breakneck road. the tunnel opening that will give students a safe way to get to the other side of busy streets.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania. it is 5:44. and this is a live view here from our car that is currently carrying photojournalist dave
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palmer and monique braxton you can see they're on route 63 heading away from quakertown. they can driving around to give a street-level view of the fog. not too bad on route 63. we're seeing dense fog in parts of the area, you definitely don't know when it's going to be thick. give yourself extra time. meteorologist bill henley is back in a moment with a look at when the fog will lift. the pakistani teenager who was awarded a nobel peace prize and the liberty medal here in phil has won another award. malala yousafzai has won a world children's prize for the right for the child. she will rebuild schools in gaza. as you know she was shot by the taliban in pakistan for speaking out against girls who wanted to get education. >> thanks our network of reporters and photographers, vai sikahema is monitoring feeds in our digital operations center.
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vai, a new rule could affect stupid aid money in in some colleges. tell us about that. >> indeed, that sis probably good news for students in college who have accrued student debt. but the prk add strak is set to make that announcement on that new rule later today. basically, it requires colleges a graduate's estimated loan payment does not eid 8% of his or her total earnings. it's believed 1400 schools won't qualify and will lose access to federal student -- federal student aid programs. meanwhile, we're getting a first look at the view from the observation deck at one world trade center in new york city. one world trade opens monday when kond da nap moves in. the state observatory is set to move in next year. and on hawaii's big island, lava from kilauea is creeping ever so close to a home near the
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basketball court of a house. couple that lives there, they've evacuated. so far, the lava has burned a shed and veg tachs, luckily no homes. we'll continue to monitor the feeds live as we get them in the digital operations center. vai sikahema. nbc10. vai, thanks. this from the trenton bureau, mercer county prosecutor will distribute about 600 kits containing nra can today narcan is the drug that is for the drug. and the earlier this morning, wilmington city council voted against an outdoor smoking ban, saying the ban was unfair to smokers and infringed on their rights. but the mayor has veto power, handy used it in this case. >> the fda has approved a
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vaccine to belong a strain of meningitis that sometimes causes deadly outbreaks in dorms. the vaccine given to ages 10 to 25, with college students living in communal dorms or housing are at higher risk for contracting meningitis. princeton experienced a prolonged outbreak, you'll remember, of meningitis in the spring of last year. one student died. a vaccine only approved overseas was allowed to be used on princeton campus at that time. ahead of this week's fall chishlgs a city in allentown has a new shelter. located at alliance hall and offers have the cots to families. it will be open every night this winter to men, women and children. during last year's winter, brutal temperatures had the churches overflowing. many were forced to sleep on the floor. others were stuck out in the
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col cold. >> not just to provide a place for homeless to go during the dead of winter, but as to get them on the road to finding permanent shelter. that is our goal here. >> what he's referring to there, in addition to beds, they will offer health and counseling services to the homeless as well. the city says it's a holistic approach to getting the homeless back on their feet. >> speaking of being cold, it's going to be cold this weekend. >> it will. some areas are 25 degrees compared to yesterday morning at this time. that's why we're getting the fog. we had the rain yesterday. with temperatures coming down, look at route 1. dense fog there in delaware there. it's going to be slow to clear the fog. the fog is with the temperatures in the 30s and 40s right now. the coldest spots have dropped into the 40s north and west. not everybody is seeing the fog, for example, the view from philadelphia, from the comcast center, it's clear of any fog.
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but the chill is definitely in the air in the city. it's 14 degrees colder than yesterday this time. look at airport road and lehigh valley, near the allentown area, thick fog there. but traffic is moving along. it's going to be a foggy start for most of the area. coatesville still at zero visibility, that has not changed since we went on the air at 4:00 this morning. if you're looking for fog, that's where you'll find it. allentown has it. pottstown, blue bell, reading. all with quarter-mile visibility. visibility has started to come down in the pocono mountains. mt. pocono not too bad. look at mt. holly and wrightstown, quarter-mile visibility. and dense fog continues in dover and delaware. the temperatures 26 degrees colder than yesterday this time in the pocono mountains. mt. poholly in the 30s and 40s.
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levinettown, langhorne. and chillier at 42. north and west, we see quakertown and kentnersville. it's a foggy, chilly start. the fog will clear slowly. and then bright sunshine this afternoon with temperatures warming up today. and again for halloween, 58 degrees. some clouds coming in late in the day in the evening time. then they take over for saturday, it's going to turn cold and wet and windy. high temperatures in the 40s will feel like 30 its and low 40s thanks to the wind. and the wind will still be blowing on sunday but then a warming trend for next week, monday, tuesday and wednesday, definitely getting milder. 60s for tuesday and wednesday. >> bill always keeps it nice for election day tuesday, did you notice that? >> it's the weekend that we're worried about. >> right now, we have to get you to work and we do have that fog
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across the area. >> nbc10's jillian mele can see it on the traffic cameras, right? >> yes, i can. pretty good fog out there. this is a live look at chester county. the eastbound side, no delays, no accidents to report on the route 30 bypass. this is 76. looking down on 76, right near city avenue, you can see the fog. and traffic is moving along we're not seeing too much volume on 76 just now, it is starting to get some pockets of volume. checking your drive times right now, 76 westbound from the vine to the blue route. it will take you 14 minutes. 14 minutes from 95 southbound from woodhaven to the vine. if you're traveling the blue route, northbound from 95 to 76, that's about an 18-minute trip. i'm just getting word of an accident in bucks county, i'll gather the details and bring you that at 6:00. researchers in this area say they're one step closer to solving a decade's old mystery.
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how this piece metal could explain what happened to amelia earhart. >> and in the spirit of giving. a campaign to get food for the hungry kicks off today.
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1,000 citizens demanding jobs for camden. that leads off the county-by-county coverage this morning. leading this morning a group called camden organizers for people will stand in front of city hall to allow real results from politicians demanding jobs. he will be hand delivers this document to city and county leaders. it's called contract for camden. it's contained what they call real solutions for unemployment. it's been signed by 1,000 there. to gloucester county, students the clear view regional high school can walk to their athletic fields without having to dodge speeding traffic. it's all thanks to this, a pedestrian tunnel running beneath the aptly named breakneck road. the tunnel cost $500,000 in grant money to build. it officially opens today.
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in lehigh county, they're going ahead with plans to name a football field after football legend andre reed. the field has been renamed from j. bernie crumb stadium. the decision was delayed over a profanity-laced facebook message that the ex-wide receiver sent to an alum who criticized the plan. and a mystery to what happened to amelia earhart. researchers for aircraft recovery in oxford believe they have identified a fragment of her lost plane. this piece of aluminum was found in a coral reef in the western pacific. researchers have proven that the sheet was actually a patch of metal but on earhart's plane. >> we have had a number of breakthroughs in recent years. nothing quite this good.
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this is very exciting. >> earhart disappeared in 1947 in her attempt to fly around the globe. this year, delaware county council is hoping to collect 20,000 pounds of nonperishable food. last year they got close to that amount with more than 18,000 pounds. the items will be dribted to families in need throughout the county. and in new castle county, three generous gifts to the tune of more than $1 million will help the delaware art museum for a special collection. it makes up the moose seem first endowed curator collection. officials say these positions will help museums attract and retain the most talented scholars in the profession. and we will learn more today about a big country music festival set to follow next year's state fair in kent county, delaware. the three-day gathering is expected at the fair grounds august 15th through the 16, that's two days after the state fair.
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livenation, the country's largest promoter is involved. everybody waiting to find out who the head liners are in that festival. tracey, vai. >> i think chris say big country music fan. he'll probably be there. thank you very much, chris, you're watching "nbc10 news." "nbc10 news" at 6:00 a.m. starts right now. >> announcer: "nbc10 news" starts now. stealing signs. a acampaign controversy has the husband of a democratic delaware senator in hot water. the video appears to show the guy stealing republican campaign signs just days before the election. protecting students. some new castle county delaware schools are getting new equipment to help them in the event of a school shooting and it doubles as a teaching tool. and we're getting off to a cool and very foggy start. widespread dense fog hitting the tristate area. good morning, this is "nbc 10 news today," i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm vai sikahema.
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smyrna school district just announce they had have a one-hour delay. let's get to meteorologist bill henley for more on the fog, bill. >> yeah, the fog formed as temperatures plummeted overnight. we're in the 30s and 40s right now. there's a lot of fog, not just delaware, new jersey and pennsylvania as well. look at the fog in this view. the fog is going to be slow to clear. right now, zero visibility and holding in coatesville. quarter-mile visibility for allentown. and pottstown, blue bell quarter-mile visibility. improving in wilmington, seven-mile visibility there. but no improvement for dover. quarter-mile visibility in dover. and half a mile in cumberland county in new jersey. and millville is going to see fog slowly clear. look at the temperatures, 30s for allentown, pottstown, mt. holly, and 47 in some areas. some areas will seeun