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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  October 29, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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skyforce 10 over a house fire in camden county. this happened on crestmont terrace in collingswood. fire crews had to battle heavy smoke. we learned the fire has been put out. there are no reports on how the fire could have started. a major drug sweep takes dozen of suspects, drugs and guns off the streets of south jersey. >> along the suspects, a local police officer. the camden-based drug operation reached across camden, gloucester, atlantic, burlington and ocean counties. cydney long was there as investigators laid out their case. >> reporter: tell us what role the officer is accused of having in this operation. >> renee and jim, she's accused of using her powers and resources as a police officer to directly access sensitive information from inside the administration building and
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place it directly in the hands of drug dealers. we're talking about major suppliers of heroin, pot and crack cocaine to lower level dealers across south jersey. the female rookie officer married to the brother of one of the main ring leaders, she had a lesser role but faces more serious penalties. 28-year-old ashley bailey took an oath to fight crime. >> no, she was not immediately taken off the street. >> reporter: instead, police say bailey, the rookie metro cop married to edward ingram worked with ingram and his brother in a drug trafficking scheme that stretched from camden city to the suburbs at the shore. >> she faces up to 30 years imprisonment while the leaders of the network face at least 20 years inç prison. >> reporter: this in a drug buyer and seller network that resulted in 40 arrests tuesday. police caught wind of the ring after a series of gun-related crimes in april. >> the way they were terrorizing centerville, they became priority number one for us to root out. >> the $100,000 a month netted
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$1.2 million in proceeds. another ring leader faces attempted murder charges. chief thompson says bailey accessed sensitive police records. >> could be of maybe a vehicle that they thought was either an undercover car or it could be of a competitor. we don't know. but there's very strict guidelines on when we can access our systems for information and when we cannot. >> she was closely watched and investigated, not immediately taken off the street. >> it was not a matter in which we had allegations of wrongdoing that were brought to us that would have put the public or any other officer in harm's way. >> and police tell me right now they're still trying to determine if officer bailey's service revolver was use or not in connection with this drug organization. we can tell you she is charged with official misconduct as well as possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose and conspiracy.
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she has been suspended from the force without pay pending further investigation and being terminated. live in camden, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. it was a multimillion dollar flop that lit up the night sky, caused panic and broke some local hearts. as investigators figure out what went wrong with the launch of this unmanned rocket off the virginia coast we're getting reaction. >> we just knew something was wrong and i couldn't believe it. >> some local teens from our area witnessed it firsthand. this new video from the scene daylight showing charred remains, some people have been taking to take pieces of the rocket wreckage as souvenirs. that wreckage could be hazardous. they're being warned to leave this alone. some students from ocean city literally had a lot riding on that mission. >> specifically a science project that was supposed to
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take that ride into space. ted greenberg met with those students who were right there in virginia. when the mission went wrong. >> first the exhilaration of liftoff. >> we just knew something was wrong. >> reporter: then devastation and fear from the explosion. >> i was terrified. i was so scared. i thought -- i didn't know what i thought. i was in shock. >> reporter: mercy griffith and five of her fellow ocean city high school seniors had this vantage point when the rocket destined for the international space station blew up over coastal virginia last night, along with a science experiment the students had on board. >> i was bawling my eyes out, all of us were crying and it was just horrible. >> reporter: no one was hurt but the teens say the fiery mishap left them badly shaken. >> i couldn't talk for the past two minutes after seeing that whole launch. >> reporter: the experiment one of 19 on the unmanned rocket was
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designed to measure the attachment rate of e. coli bacteria to lettuce cells in space. it had been in the works for a year. >> we're so disappointed. we know how much work went into this. >> reporter: duplicating the experiment shouldn't be difficult and they've been told multiple rockets will be going up in the next several months. >> there will be space for us aboard a future mission up to the iss. while this is a setback, we're hopeful it will continue. >> a big letdown but hopefully it will be able to redo this again at some other time. >> reporter: a mission that ended in catastrophe and for these students, a surprise lesson in the unpredictability of science.ç ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. >> just hours after the cargo run to the international space station ended in flames, a russian supply ship arrived at the station with a load of fresh supplies. the ship launched from kazakhstan and arrived six hours
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later. on board were three tons of food, fuel and other items. 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with new video police hope can help catch suspects. the 36-year-old man approached by a man and a woman, the woman hit him and when he tried to run, the other suspect shot him in the leg. the suspects were last seen running toward front street. the victim says before he was shot, the woman hit him with a baseball bat and the pair said to him, quote, you know what you did. if you have any information on this case, you're asked to call police. some students on the way to school saw something they should not have seen on their bus ride. police in morristown, burlington county are looking for a man who they say exposed himself to the children on a school bus. it happened yesterday morning at burton landing and westfield road. moving one step closer toward a merger. leaders of jefferson abington
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health plan to integrate the two companies, creating one system that would operate out of philadelphia and montgomery county. officials from both health systems signed a letter of intent today. they said they thoroughly studied a model that would combine the two organizations for the benefit of patient care, wellness and health and medical education. >> we believe we will increase patient quality and access. we will decrease costs and we will have significantly improved patient satisfaction in a way that includes innovation, flexibility and creativity. >> if this merger goes through, the health system would contain five hospitals in philadelphia and montgomery county. happening now, both sides trying to work out their issues and avoid a threatened septa strike. today nbc 10 is analyzing the impact the work stoppage would have on philadelphia as well as the entire area. nbc 10's rosemary connors live -- rosemary, tell us how bad a strike would be. >> reporter: we're talking about more than 900,000 daily riders
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who would be impacted. all week long we've been talking to a lot of commuters. today we decided to check in with hospitals and colleges in philadelphia to find out how they're preparing. i learned that places like temple hospital, temple university and penn also posted travel advisories and contingency plans. in the meantime, hospital workers and students are trying to come up with their own plan "b" ahead of a possible strike that could happen as early as next week. >> it's going to be crazy. come monday it's going to be crazy. >> reporter: right now it's an easy trip tore tijuana brown to get to her job at jefferson hospital. if the buses, subways and trolleys stop running next week she'll be forced to drive to center city from her home in the northeast and it won't be cheap. >> it's going to be hard to find a garage to park. because everybody will drive to work. mostly everybody commutes back and forth here at the hospital. >> what are we going to do, car pool or take a cab. >> too expensive for a cab,
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girl. >> we have to be here. there's no excuses. we have to be at work. >> reporter: stella and diane roberts who work together in hospital housekeeping tell me a strike would be a major inconvenience and not just for them. college students like those at temple university who rely on the broad street line will also have trouble getting to and from campus. >> most people don't have cars, so that's kind of the way to get around. >> i would have to take a cab. that would be a lot of money. >> reporter: regional rail will still run if there's a strike and there is a stop at temple but it may not suit everyone. >> i don't have a plan just yet. i have to figure it out. >> i can take ct car or he can drive me to the train station. >> reporter: tijuana brown is making plans for her and her teenage son who rides septa to go to school. taking the car is not ideal. >> he's a new driver, so, you know, driving -- >> reporter: you're not wild about giving him your car? >> no, i'm not. that's why i hope septa don't go on strike. >> reporter: some colleges and hospitals will have special
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shuttle services. so, for example, temple hospital, temple university will have a loop that runs through south philly, west philly, north philly. i did reach out to the other major hospitals and colleges in the city but haven't heard back from everybody. your best bet is to check their websites over the next few days. in the meantime, the negotiations continue here at the wyndham hotel between septa and the union. as soon as there is an update, we will bring it to you. reporting live in old city, rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. in the event of a strike, there are transportation options out there. we've assembled a list list of alternatives to mass transit. find it at nbc 10 is your station for decision 2014 election coverage. new numbers from franklin and marshall college now show governor tom corbett with 40% of the vote. studies sites the boost in numbers from the governor's increased approval among
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republican voters. tom wolf still maintains a double digit lead with 53%. today where the candidates stand when it comes to funding education in our area. you'll hear their plans. nbc 10's keith jones reports tonight at 5:00. today marks exactly two years since superstorm sandy slammed into the jersey shore and caused problems all over our area. these are some of the images we captured just as that storm made landfall. we had continuous coverage as the storm moved through. here's a look at superstorm sandy at a glance. the storm is the costliest in u.s. history. sandy killed more than 280 people in the u.s. and the caribbean. 179,000 households in new jersey and new york have received federal fema payments all in the wake of the superstorm. a new report criticizes the american red cross for its responses to sandy and hurricane isaac in 2012. the study from the nonprofit
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national public radio says the national red cross was more focused on p.r. and helping storm victims was not their first priority. the report sites internal documents and interviews with current and former red cross staffers. in response to the report, the red cross said it delivered 17 million meals and snacks to victims. made 74,000 overnight stays in shelters possible. and delivered more than 7 million relief items to victims. like blankets and flashlights. so what's changed in new jersey two years after sandy? homes have been fixed and elevated. the state is buying out homes and widening its beaches by the end of 2016. also, there are now five evacuation shelters across the state. the gas stations on major toll roads are all now equipped with generators. we put together a slide show of photos from across the area before and after superstorm sandy struck. you can click through those
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photos right now on our website it is day 47 in the search for one of america's most wanted in the dense woods of the pennsylvania mountains and today pennsylvania state police say these surveillance balloons on loan from the state of ohio did not help in the search for eric frein as they had hoped so. they've been returned to ohio. now that the search is in its seventh week, police are wondering is eric frein getting help in his efforts to avoid being detected. >> doug shimelle is live in the poconos. what theories do state police have on that? >> reporter: well, officially investigators will only say that the frein family has been cooperating since the outset of this investigation. but unofficially, the neighbors say the house is under surveillance. is it really possible for one man to keep hundreds of law enforcers guessing for this long? >> it's taken so long to find him. somebody's got to be hiding him or helping him hide.
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>> reporter: searchers have nearly a dozen alleged sightings of fugitive sniper eric frein and have seized food and supplies he supposedly hid. >> for seven weeks, you would think by now somebody's got to be giving him some sort of resources to go without food or clothing. >> reporter: neighbors remember the quote in the police affidavit from frein's father, michael, that eric was a better shooter than he and eric doesn't miss. >> supposedly they have police stationed out at his house all the time. i don't really know if it's the family helping or friends but he has somebody helping him. >> please get off our property. >> reporter: locals know that eric's sister tiffany did speak out briefly but only to defend our brother. >> we haven't heard much from his family even in town, locally, them coming forward and pleading for him to turn himself in. >> reporter: either eric frein is getting help or he's just a better survivalist than anyone thought. >> if he is getting help from
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somebody else, then those people should be liable just as him and face penalty for that. >> reporter: it has been raining here most of the day. and usually in this weather, the police chopper doesn't go up for very long. the searches on the ground don't go very far. eventually in another seven to eight weeks, all of this rain will be turning to snow and what will that do to the investigation? we examine that coming up in just a short while. live in mountain home, doug shimell, nbc 10 news. happening now, delaware's governor and other health leaders are meeting to discuss ebola readiness. they're going to get briefed on efforts in the first state. there are no known cases of ebola in delaware. the risk of an outbreak is low. state leaders are preparing for the possible impact of a case there. delaware's attorney general meanwhile is warning the public about possible scams related to ebola. the national better business bureau reports that this month fraudulent websites have popped up claiming to be collecting
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money for charities to help ebola victims. investors should be wary of any ebola related website that has these words in the title, fund, invest, stock or futures. new rules are being put in place for members of the military who are being sent to help ebola-stricken regions. defense secretary chuck hagel signed an order all u.s. military returning from west africa be kept in supervised isolation for 21 days this move goes beyond precautions recommended by the obama administration for civilians. just over 1,000 u.s. troops are in liberia and senegal supporting efforts to combat the virus. meantime, the nurse quarantined in a ten the t in new jersey sa the restractiictions placed on by maine are not lifted, she will go to court. >> i don't plan on sticking to the guidelines. i remain appalled by these home
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quarantine policies that have been forced upon me, even though i am in perfectly good health and feeling strong and have been this entire time, completely symptom-free. >> hickox you'll recall was put in involuntary quarantine after treating ebola patients in sierra leone. moments ago at the white house, president obama met with health care workers fighting to contain ebola. among the guests at the white house today, dr. kent brantly who;háu)vived the disease. the president says he wants to encourage workers and make sure u.s. policies are based on science. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> say good buy to that warm weather at least for a while. we have a cold front that's moved through. we have rain with it. we're tracking those showers on the radar. we have more rain coming on saturday as another nor'easter develops. and it's going to help bring in a cold blast that we're all going to be feeling. well, we have the rain drops now
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in center city. rain had started. it's going to it be a steady rain probably for a couple hours now. the temperature down 10 degrees in the last couple of hours. wind northwest now at 21. so the front has come through. we're 16 degrees colder than we were at this time yesterday. in the poconos, it has been raining for the last hour or two. and it will continue to rain for another hour or two. and then start to dry out and everybody's getting cold. 48 in mt. pocono, 52 in pottstown, dropped to 57 in philadelphia, just like that. 66 degrees, atlantic city international. now, the wind direction gives you an idea of the front, northwest wind even at the shore. the front has moved offshore. look how light the winds are now behind the front. we get that gusty wind that drops the temperature and things calm down. that's why we're not getting the coldest of the air coming in tonight. in this area of rain continues
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to shrink and weaken a little bit, especially in the southern parts of delaware, it's not going to get as much rain as the pennsylvania areas have gotten. you can see the rain now in the philadelphia area but also drying out now in berks county. it's about to dry out in western chester county. it's moving through. it was not moving quickly earlier today. and finally, it is starting to move through. as you can see over the next couple of hours, the band moves to the east. this computer model may be overdoing the rain the way the trend is going. it also has the trend of it moving offshore by about 11:00 tonight and then we dry out. and then we're dry for a little while. the front goes through. the cold air comes in but not the real cold air that we're talking about. so here's tomorrow and we have a lot of sunshine with the northwest wind. then here comes that coastal storm developed. it's going to combine with one off to the west.
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that's going to bring the rain back in from the ocean on saturday. just in time for the weekend. so for tonight, showers, then colder. 46 for a low in philadelphia. 39 north and west. at least the wind will diminish. mostly sunny tomorrow, kohler, high temperature in the upper 50s. and the seven-day forecast, well, you can see it's cold on friday as well. and with the trick or treating, i think it's going to be dry, a little on the chilly side but not much wind. and then the wind really increases over the weekend. the temperatures are down. the rain mostly on saturday and then it's just windy and cold sunday before the warmup. >> all right. we just heard glenn, the cold weather is on its way. >> for many, that is reason to worry. >> frostbite can get so severe where they come in with essentially a black limb. >> today the brand new option in our area that's putting a roof over the heads of those who
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otherwise have no place to call home. also, sales that go sour. people post something for sale online, then become victims of a crime. today nbc 10 shows you where you can now sell safely. and a scandal over skimpy outfits? local casino workers took a stan after one gaming hall changed its dress code. the new developments in the case before 5:00.
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revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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an empty lot in camden county where a shopping center once stood will be the site of more than 200 new town homes. the borough of clementon. there will be walking and jogging trails as well as retail space. >> we have the opportunity to develop a 30-acre site in a way that is environmentally friendly, that is walkable, that is green, that is something
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different. >> and students at bensalem high school in bucks county pitched in for a new project that will transform the way the school operates after months of delays, construction began today on the 23,000 square-foot addition. this project will reconfigure the high school into four academies. >> the building itself will be an educationalç environment. the new curriculum will support that, vice versa as well. these kids will be good to go in four years. >> the school's academy will include ninth grade science, technology, mathematics and engineering. first there was fear and uncertainty. >> relief and optimism for local students who witnessed a mission to space blow up right before their eyes. >> man. >> the students from ocean city high school were in virginia when this unmanned rocket exploded with their year-long science projects on board.
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today they're hopeful they can re-create their projects for future missions. plus this -- >> they have nowhere to go. they do need shelter and somewhere to go. >> just in time as temperatures head south, many in our area are finding a new alternative to keep warm. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> those temperatures are going down. i'll have the outlook for halloween, plus, another threat of rain in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, smoking banned battle. where it's now against the law to light up outdoors and why the ban almost didn't happen.
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just like an interception, i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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this is nbc 10 news. right now at 4:30, parts of our area are seeing a wet wednesday. first alert weather tracking showers. let's see where the rain activity is right now. >> nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz back now following that for us from the weather center. glenn? >> it's a band of rain, a solid band of rain which means you get a steady rain for maybe an hour or two and then it's going to end. you can see this band actually shrinking over the last couple of hours. so it is weakening somewhat as it comes right through the philadelphia i-95 corridor right now. as you can see, it's already ended in much of berks county, ending now in upper montgomery and western chester county. but it's raining everywhere over philadelphia and the rest of montgomery county, bucks county getting in through mercer county now into new jersey and the temperatures are really dropping. 54 in philadelphia, 55 in reading, 52 in pottstown. it was 70 degrees just a couple hours ago, that's how fast that
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temperature has dropped. now, it may level off a little bit, once the showers end. by 8:00, they'll be south and east of the i-95 corridor. temperatures level off a little bit. but they're going to get much colder over the weekend along with more rain. the timing on all of that in the seven-day in a few minutes zblrch with the cold weather coming there's a new place to turn for those who really are going to feel the chill. people in the northern parts of our viewing area. >> randy gyllenhall takes us inside the new homeless facility. >> reporter: the soup kitchen at st. paul's church is packed every afternoon. come winter, their makeshift shelter overflows. the demand for a warm bed is so high here -- >> to help get them off the street -- >> reporter: the city of allentown announced a brand new facility at the alliance hall gymnasium. >> not just to provide a place
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for homeless to go during the dead of winter but also to get them on the road to finding permanent shelter. that is our goal here. >> reporter: for years, there was no formal shelter, many homeless slept on the streets or in church basements. in 2010 at least four died from exposure. this new shelter gives them a bed but also access to counselors. >> 138 over 80. >> reporter: and volunteer doctors. >> very good. >> they have different health issues that's not being addressed generally because they don't have insurance or anything like that. >> reporter: larry mcfarland was homeless for a few months last year. >> this will take them off the street, give them some type of inspiration to go further and maybe try something different in their life. >> reporter: and doctors say the shelter is opening just in time. this weekend we'll see temperatures dip into freezing territory. >> frostbite can get so severe where they come in with essentially a black limb, that can either require immediate
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amputation. imagine trying to go for a job interview without showering for a few weeks or shaving for a few weeks. you can't get off your feet like that. >> reporter: in allentown, randy gyllenhall, nbc 10 news. more crime concerns on the campus of rutgers university this afternoon after another studp't was robbed, this time at gun point. the latest victim told police the suspect approached him just before 6:30 last night on main street near union street in new brunswick, middlesex county. this is the second time in less than ten days that a student has been robbed on the campus. the last month happened when two men assaulted and robbed a victim outside an administration building. university police just released these photos to nbc 10 of the suspects in that first attack. police e-mailed students about both robberies after they happened. they've increased patrols in the area. a local restaurant manager is charged with stealing from the business where he worked.
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police say kasey sheehan would re-open the receipts of customers at the red fire grill and steakhouse. they say he would void or comp the dinner bills and then take the value of the receipts in cash. he's accused of taking more than $13,000. sheehan is free on $11,000 bond. three generous gifts to the tune of more than $1 million will help the delaware art museum preserve a special collection. the money makes up the museum's first endowed curator position. the curator will oversee the bancroft collection of art. official say these positions help museums attract and retain the most talented scholars in the profession. new information this afternoon on a lawsuit over skimpy uniforms at an atlantic city casino. 40 women who work at the resorts casino hotel settled the discrimination case. the women claimed the casino's roaring '20s theme three years ago forced them in dress in
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short, skin revealing black dresses and fishnet stockings. it was based on the popular series "boardwalk empire." no one commented on the terms of the agreement. find out if your car is affected by the recalls today. and what moms are more likely to read than dads. first, here's what we're working on for you today at 5:00. a south jersey drug ring busted and a police officer accused of running interference. who she allegedly was trying to protect from her own force. septa buses, trolleys and trains, all affected by the looming strike. now we're looking into how students will get to class without transportation. winter weather is headed our way as the temperatures get ready to plummet 40 degrees. count on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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ford is recalling more than 240,000 vehicles because of rusty fuel tamplgs. this recall involves ford edge and lincoln mkx vehicles from model years 2007 to 2008. ford says it doesn't know of any crashes or injuries because of this problem. dealers will inspect the tanks and repair or replace them at no cost. fiat chrysler is recalling trucks and suvs. the largest recall involves ram
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2,500 and 3500 pickups and ram 4500 and 5500 chassis cabs from model years 2010 through 2014. the company says a corrosion problem on a fuel heater terminal can cause overheating. fuel leaks and fires. the second recall involves more than 184,000 jeep grand cherokees and dodge durangos in the 2014 models. a new study finds moms are more likely than dads to check nutrition labels for sugar. researchers at the university of michigan found less than half of moms and just one-third of dads said nutrition labels always or very often influence purchases. 16% of moms and 10% of dads said they never look at labels at all. nutrition labels are required for most foods sold in the u.s. and proposed changes will make them easier to understand. >> sometimes it can be
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surprising what you find out on those labels. murder, rape and robbery. >> you could be a victim of any one of those crimes if you're not careful when selling your stuff online. that's the kind of violence that played out on this surveillance video. today nbc 10 steers you to a place where you can sell safely. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. well, it's raining over the area now. we're going to get another shot as we head toward the weekend. plus, temperatures are tumbling. get all the details in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. all new tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, details on a study that's uncovered new insights into what causes autism. this is nbc 10 news.
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here are some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 news
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today at 4:00. several ocean city high school students tell nbc 10 they are still shaken up by the explosion of the cargo rocket bound for the international space station. it blew up over coastal virginia last night. the rocket was carrying a science experiment from the students. dozens of people charged in connection with a drug trafficking ring in camden, among them, a camden county police officer. police say the group was distributing heroin, pot and crack cocaine across south jersey. officer ashley bailey was married to the brother of one of the ring leaders. she's charged with misconduct. local colleges are issuing travel advisories in the event of a septa strike. negotiations aimed at heading off a walkout continuing at this hour. septa union leaders say they won't make a decision about a walkout till friday. a strike would halt buses, subways but regional rails would not be affected. as the police manhunt in the poconos continues into a 47th
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day, state police wondering if murder suspect eric frein might be getting çhelp. he's alluded state police despite several sightings. troopers have been unable to capture him. a special halloween celebration in northern liberty. ♪ if you're happy and you know it clap your hands ♪ >> they're getting a chance to celebrate halloween like any other child. there was face painting and snging and dancing. part of the aids memorial quilt was on display in philadelphia today. a 12 by 12-foot section of the quilt was hung at peco headquarters in center city. it honors a former employee who died from the disease in 1991. today's display was part of the celebration of lgbt history month. wednesday nights are pay what you wish wednesday at the philadelphia museum of art. taking a live look at the museum
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there. tonight's events will get your children in the spirit of halloween. the trick or treat addition of night owl read and look begins at 5:30. young children enjoy a prebedtime story, art project and imaginative play. how great is that? and then mr. sketchy's art school. be there as costumes bring your favorite mythology creatures to life. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> after getting up to 70 degrees, the temperature after the showers move through, we continue to track those showers. more rain coming on saturday for much of the area and a weekend cold blast. everybody will be feeling that. not just the cold but the wind. this is the exact same picture we showed you a half hour ago with rain all over the place. now the rain stopped, at least
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for a while in philadelphia. 54 degrees. the wind now is diminished to 5 miles an hour. 20 degrees colder than it was at this time yesterday. look at the low 50s, pottstown and westchester, 61 in mt. holly, 66 atlantic city international. there's quite a variation in temperatures but even at the shore and southern delaware the temperature will drop quickly. you can see this band of rain, again, moving faster and shrinking. that means less duration of rain in philadelphia and delaware and now into new jersey. it's already pretty much over in berks county, western chester, upper montgomery. lehigh valley, poconos clearing out. in philadelphia, it's getting a little bit on the patchy side, move across to new jersey. burlington, gloucester, camden counties, salem county getting
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rain, too. the future cast shows this continued movement to the east, clearing up from the north and west as we go through the night. by 8:00, the most significant rain is down the shore. and then the clearing comes in. so that's a cold front that's moved offshore. we get colder weather toll. that's not the real cold stuff i've been talking about. that's going to take a while. we're going to have a coastal storm develop, this is friday morning. this is another system. upper air system coming down from the north. these two things will combine. this thing as it comes in will pull this storm back. you see there's nothing here for halloween, trick or treating. but then as these storms combine, the rain pulls back and by saturday, look at that, it's a solid area of rain throughout the region. well, for halloween, we're in between those systems. it looks like it will be dry,
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kind of çchilly, not real cold and also not very windy. so it could be a whole lot worse if it was saturday night. showers and cooler weather, 46 for a low in philadelphia. 39 north and west. sunshine tomorrow, colder than today. highs in the mid to upper 50s. the seven-day forecast, there's the cooler weather on friday. saturday we have rain, wind, cold, temple game, likes like it's going to be wet. sunday, remember, we turn our clocks back and the halloween is going to continue to be on the cold side. as we go through the rest of the seven-day forecast, we see temperatures going way up by tuesday and wednesday. and so this cold shot that we're getting is just a brief one, just a couple days. it just so happens to come over the weekend. but remember, sunday before you
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go to bed, saturday night, set the clocks back. >> i love it. extra hour of sleep. >> the weekend just looks like a stay in bed kind of weekend, really. >> you get an extra hour for that. >> thanks, glenn. >> first it was fence jumpers, now the white house says it has taken steps to keep people from jumping over an electronic fence. officials haven't said who might be behind the potential hacking or when it happened. the situation was dealt with immediately. but some members of the obama administration lost internet access during that process. colorado man who disappeared during last week's denver broncos football game was found safe and sound. paul kitterman told police he had, quote, his fill of football" and he walked and hitchhiked about 130 miles to the city of pueblo. that's where police found him walking in a store parking lot. he was not aware people were looking for him. he also admitted to police he
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likes to walk and wander. >> guess so. it's a quick way to make some cash. >> selling your unwanted stuff on craigslist. but it can put your life at risk as we see in this surveillance video, when one transaction turned violent. nbc 10 shows sellers from the danger zone to the safe zone. on nbc 10 news at 5:00, the race for governor in pennsylvania, nbc 10 sits down with both candidates to talk about major issue in the state, tonight at 5:00, education, what needs to be changed and how to make it better.
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you've got stuff for sale and a great place to find buyers is craigslist. >> with it comes some risk. the person answering your ad could have criminal intentions.
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as nbc 10's deanna durante shows us now, there's a new way to sell safely. >> june 2014, philadelphia police track a suspected murderer to a willow grove street. investigators say he met his alleged victim on craigslist. and just last week, norristown police make an arrest in a month-old murder. the suspect is wanted for a rape in another state. police say he killed a man he met online. >> reporter: this officer says it's never a good idea to meet up with a stranger and even worse to bring them to your home. if you're making an online transaction and it requires a face-to-face meeting, the conshohocken police department wants i don't you to make ythat meeting place in the parking lot. >> we came up with this idea for the conshohocken police department to be a safeway zone. >> reporter: take a look, there are cameras all around the building and if you get into trouble and you need help, you can call police from outside the
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building. police recommend any face-to-face meeting be during the day. but know with working schedules that's not always realistic and says the building is staffed 24 hours a day. >> it's a secure place. they know for certain it's under sul veilance. >> reporter: in conshohocken, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. wonder if other departments will follow. >> great idea. >> seems like it. nbc 10 news at 5:00 is next. >> here's keith jones. on nbc 10 news at 5:00, n f nearly half of philadelphia students use septa to get to school. what happens if there's a strike? sheena? the showers move through the airy, behind it much colder air. i'll show you the numbers coming up. çplus, frustration boils or on the second anniversary of hurricane sandy. why governor christie told
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someone to shut up during his visit to the recovering jersey shore. that's next on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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nbc 10 news starts now. right now at 5:00, a tracking rain. you can see the showers move across the area on first alert radar. >> here's a look in allentown where the rain has been falling for a while now as people make their way home.
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>> let's talk to nbc 10 meteorologist sheena parveen. what should we expect tonight? >> we should expect the temperatures to drop down. we'll see a big difference come tomorrow than what we've seen for today. that's for sure. especially in the weekend. here's a look at the radar. it's mostly fairly light, moving through parts of cumberland, salem counties, bridgeton. gloucester and camden counties you see across the major interstates, that's where we have light rain falling. moderate rain around cherry hill, and major interstates. this continues up into parts of bucks county. the showers move through as we go through this evening. they'll be clearing later tonight. by 6:00 p.m., we'll still see showers. temperatures continue to drop off, right around the mid-to-low 50s. by so:00 tonight we start toutt more clearing and those numbers keep going down. by tomorrow morning we'll be in the 40s for most of the area and into the weekend, much colder air mes