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tv   NBC 10 News at 11p  NBC  October 28, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> announcer: nbc 10 breaking news. >> and we have liftoff. >> and we begin with a catastrophic mission for nasa tonight. about six seconds after liftoff, this unmanned rocket exploded. witnesses watching in horror as a fire ball lit up the night sky. and, tonight, local students' hard work also went up in flames. no one was hurt on the ground, but debris-littered area beaches in virginia. the rocket carrying supplies to the international space station. but it also had a local connection. six students had experiments on board.
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and they witnessed the crash. the students watched the liftoff. the rocket had 5,000 pounds of cargo, including the students' experiments on microgravity. nbc 10 has been talking to some of the parents. live from the high school tonight, denise? >> reporter: jim, parnents say the students were rattled by the explosion and, obviously, disappointed. the principal asked them not to speak to the media and that the superintendent would be making comment tomorrow. >> and we have liftoff. it's third crs mission to the i.s.s. >> an unmanned rocket exploded into a ball of fire seconds after liftoff at 6:22 to be the. >> a disapointment that we were not able to fulfill our obligation to the international space program. the people that were counting on
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the various hardware around componenand components going to the station. >> a letdown for the students in virginia. their family tells me they were on a side road about a mile and a half from the launch pad with a clear view. the rock et cet carried supplie the space station as well as the science project they had worked on for a year. i spoke to two parents over the phone. one student expressed grat tud that no one was hurt and described the rocket explosion as the biggest fire she'd ever seen. it was followed by phone calls with students talking about being a shock to the witness to the explosion and the disappointment that their experiment was gone. the school community received an automated message about 8:45 tonight saying that
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school and the students and staff were safe. no one was injured and nasa says that the damage was limited mainly to the launch pad and to the rocket. reporting live from ocean city, i'm denise nicano, nbc 10 news. >> and stay with nbc 10 for continuing coverage of the rocket explosion. we have viewer video of the liftoff and explosion online. other news tonight, an amber alert has now been cancelled after police nound them along with their mother, safe in delaware. tina marie valenswalo drove off the bridge. coaches, players and parents turned out tonight as we learned new details about the hazing allegations in a bucks county high school. the final two games of the season were called off. nbc 10 has the latest from doylestown. >> now it's tarnished by, again,
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a rush to judgemented by an administration wanting to cover their butts. >> reporter: ed shields whose two sons play football at the school say school officials overreacted. tonight marked the first meeting since the school cancelled the remainder of the school's football season. >> it's just a tragedy that all of this happening. >> for more than an hour, a administrators finally disclosed what triggered the suspension of the season. >> initiation activity. >> superintendent told parents what happened. it involved waterer boarding where players were put in showers with towels over their head. another active tiff called sugar cooking where they spray water on the rookies and put powder on them. the district says it learned about the hazing two weeks ago
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when a player was eventually punched by a team mate. tonight, the team's coaches spoke for the first time. they refuted claims made by the district that they were suspe suspended because they didn't properly supervise activities. in fact, all of the asis tant coaches stood up and defepded themselves. they noeted that henzel wasn't with the team that august day because he had a prior family kmitmented. >> we can't ask for anything more than the support we got in that room tonight. >> here's what former head coach mike petton said tonight. from my view, it appears the school district gave little forethought regarding the ramifications of their over-zealous reaction when confronted with the hot but ton topic of hazing. >> the department of homeland security has announced tonight security will be increased at some photograph buildings in washington, d.c. and other major facilities across the country.
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this comes after the canadian prime minister has labeled a terrorist attack. we reached out to the f.b.i. office to find out if any buildings in our area have been affected. but we were told the government would not release that information. the search is on tonight for the driver of an suv who took off after hitting a 71-year-old woman just walking in delaware county fontd. it happened along conchester highway. surveil enls video there a nearby store shows the suv. the woman who was hit is in critical condition. >> for the first alert forecast now, a cool and clear night in center city. but tomorrow morning could be a different story. first alert meteorologist is talking some fog. >> well, jim, we don't have the fogout yet, but, early tomorrow morning, we will have areas of fog for your morning kmut. locally, we're seeing the clouds increasing across the area and another thing will be in-store
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tomorrow is the rain. so now it's moving through parts of central p.a. it's all part of a cold front. we will have showers in the forecast tomorrow, mainly in the afternoon hours. and once the rain moves through, we have some big changes taking place. colder air will move in. the rain has to get through first and then it will cool down by the end of the week. wait until you see 2the week eb forecast, though. areas of fog will be around 60 degrees. pretty mild. you won't really need a thick jacket. by 10:00 in the morning, mid 60s. and by noon tomorrow, we'll have a chance for some showers with temperatures still around the mid 60s. we have much colder air moving in and some of us could see a chance of snow. i'll show you the details on that coming up. >> elementary school to middle school, developing tonight a controversial change for students in ne shamny is moving forward. the school board just voted to
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send fifth graders into middle school next year. parents r e argue that the plan would what sn e? harm children's development? >> jim, many parents worried that fifth graders simply are not ready for the modern middle0
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it's going to be tough on them. >> you don't think they're ready? >> no, not at all. >> the change comes as neshaminy considers other figure rations, too. critics say it's all a move in the wrong direction. >> i'm here to support my school and to have my voice heard. i think it's a done deal. >> but supporters of the five-day middle school plan insist the change would save money by yut liezing the district's classroom space more efficiently and allow foreign language study and more extracurriculars. a district study found no empirical research that supports the assertion that moving fifth graders to a middle school grade level has detrimental effects on them. many in this crowd disput that. but now they're faced with a more pressing concern. readying current nine and ten-year-olds from middle school earlier than planned. >> i know there's going to be tears. i won't bring it out until the
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weekend because i know i'm going to need a couple days to get her set up. >> it is important to note even though fifth graders will be attending class in middle schools, they will have their own sections in the buildings. supporters say they have seen this same set up work well in other districts. live tonight in neshaminy, george e george spencer, nbc 10 news. >> the second nurse affected by a dying ebola patient is in the hospital to want. amber vincent hugged her doctors and nurses before she walked out of an atlanta hospital today. she was diagnosed after she cared for a lie beer ye lie bee man. tonight, health officials say three pennsylvanians who were on that flight with vincent are showing no signs of ebola. the three are still being monitored along with about a hundred other people who spent time in west africa before
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arriving in pennsylvania. today, president obama pledged his support for ebola workers on the front lines. >> the bottom line is health care workers from all countries have what they need to get the job done. >> the president did not drer directly address kasi hickox. she volunteered in wegs africa. she had become the first person forced into new jersey's mandatory 21 day kwarnl teen for medical workers returning there the region. it is day 46 in the man huntd for eric frein. today, we learned of another possible sieting of him. a resident reported seeing him near route 44. frein is accused of opening fire outside the bloominggrove state police barracks back on september 12th, killing one trooper and wounding another.
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last week, two possible frein siet i sitings led to the discovery. human remains found as they were digging to build a backyard swimming pool in rifington yesterday. investigators spent today sifting through the dirt. a forensic anthropologist must now determine who, when and how the person died. >> we continue to follow breaking news. plus, tonight, a local girl gets to say thank you to the men and blue after rescuing her from a pitbull attack. >> and some fog and rain in the forecast for tomorrow. colder temperatures after that and even some wintery precipitation for some of you over the weekend. i'll show you the details on that coming up.
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon.
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tom corbett. desperate and dishonest.
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we continue to bring you updates on that unmanned rocket explosion tonight. it happened seconds after liftoff. flames could be seen shooting from the sky afterwards. the director of the flight facility say crews are letting the fire burn out now and they've set a perimeter to contain it. nasa says its top priority will be to repair the launch pad. fortunately, no one was hurt in this incident. the rocket was filled with 5,000 pounds of gear for six people living on the international space station, along with experiments of six students from a high school. right now on our web site, you'll find a slide show with photos along with viewer video of the incident. and we'll have up dates all night long and on nbc 10 news today starting at 4:00 a.m. >> negotiations aimed at heading off a septa strike resume in the morning. leaders telling nbc 10 today
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they will not make a decision about a walkout until friday. but if there is a strike, it will most likely start monday, they say. the strike would halt buss, trolleys and subways, but regional rail will not be affected. tonight, we get the first look at richard plotz. today, he waived his right to a preliminary hearing. nbc 10's christine madella questioned him as he left court. >> reporter: why did you shoot your caseworker, richard? anything you want to say? >> he said ask lee silverman, that's a plot psychiatrist. he's accused of wounding him and killing him. police say dr. silverman pulled out his own gun during the attack. tomorrow marks two years since hurricane sandy ravel anxioused the east coast. but many homeowners are still trying to rebuild. it was wiped out by the storm
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all the insurance and grant money wasn't enough to fix it. so, today, volunteers launched a 29 hour construction blitz that should have allowed him to move back in december. nearly 500 homes are still in some state of disrepair from sandy. a delaware girl whose arm was severed by a pit bull has been reunited with the police officers who saved her. this is a photo of emily tonight with the men she full-timely got to thank tonight. the 8-year-old attacked by the pitbull. her family temporarily taken into the newark home. surge johns were able to reattach her arm. she described the attack that almost killed her. >> first, he bit me on the hip to knock me down. and then he grabbed my arm. but he was going for the back of my neck. >> emily's sister fought off the doggen e until police arrived and shot it.
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emily has more surgeries ahead. doctors are hoping she will eventually gain some function in her arm, but that could take some time. helping the homeless ahead of the holiday season. nbc 10 at the free library in center city this evening where drexel students made and sold cranberry sauce, going to provide job training to those in need. and some halloween fun tonight in camden. dozens of costume kids showed up for the masquerade with metro. the event was organized by camden's police departments. a way for the kids to get to know the officers who patrol their streets every day. >> announcer: now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parvine. >> well, today was nice. temperatures were in the 70s. but, tomorrow, we're still going to be mild, it's just going to be a different day.
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patchy fog starting with the overnight hours tonight, mostly for parts of the morning commute. and then a few showers as we go through the afternoon tomorrow. that's going to be part of a cold front. as the showers leave later in the week, colder air moves in, but it's not going to be as cold as the air moving in this weekend. so i'll show you the forecast in just a minute. mostly the mid to upper 60s. pretty warm at this hour. more clouds moving into the philadelphia area. so here you see it on saturday lite and radar. we're cloudy, but we are dry for the moment. the rain is still back off to the west, so it's moving into parts of western, central p.a. so this is all part of the cold front. locally, we really just have the cloud from this. notice 70s sill to our south. 50s just north and west. this air will be here as we end out the week. but it's really the air npartede parteder north that we have a second shot. and this is what will be giving
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parts of our area for a chance of some rain moving over to snow. that's how cold it would be fsh parts of the area on saturday. early tomorrow morning, clouds around, some showers areas north and west, patchy fog. and then through the middle of the day tomorrow early afternoon, a band of showers moving through. nothing that should be too heavy. clearing as we go wednesday night, but here's a bigger picture of it. that is the cold front, the rain moving through thursday and friday. the cooler air sets up, temperatures in the upper 50s. take a look at what happens to our north and west. another weather system approaches. this one will have rain and snow with it. even colder temperatures will set up to move in for the weekend. so we do have a chance of rain and snow through parts of the area as we go mainland to saturday night. upper 50s in philadelphia, low 50s, areas north and west. by tomorrow, still a mild day.
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especially in the afternoon hours. it's really the weekend that we're watching. thursday, we're colder. friday, for halloween, we're going to be in the upper 50s. it is going to be chilly. by 7:00 p.m., mostly cloudy. mid 50s, 9d krok. but there is that weekend forecast. high tech chmperatures only nea 50s e degrees. john? >> shena, thanks. t eagles, another injury to their offensive line. and how does nick foles feel about the krit schism he's getting? we'll show you the exciting finish and that someone flipping out. that's next.
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hey, i'm john clark. the flyers brutal october schedule. flyers score first and then tie at one with 44 seconds left in the first. how about that, his first goal as a flyer. up 12-1. cleans up the rebound. his first goal against his former team. we're tied at two. braiden steals the show on the break away. >> no goal. the refs wave it off. they review it and sts a good goal. flyers win 3-2.
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they have won four of five against very good teams. >> i guess it makes it a little extra special. we've got to keep this going. we haven't had an easy schedule here to start the year. >> on to the eagles, just as their offensive line is getting brak to being fully healthy, todd haramans has a torn bicep muscle. spot shadow blocking with one arm. look out for j.j. watt. it's looking like he koild be back sunday. it's looking like he could have played in arizona,but he wasn't 100%. so he should be back sunday and brandon boyken sat out
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practice. nick foles was back at work. >> i have to go out there and keep studying film. >> i'm john clark. we're right back after this.
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back with pa little morning fog and then the last of the mild for a while? >> yes, the last of a mild for a while. we right-hand turn saying it won't come back before winter, but it won't come back any time soon. 66 to 70 degrees tomorrow. a few somehow ehowers in the af. we actually cool down thursday. friday, for hall wean, it looks dry. just a little chilly for the kids trick or treating. 58 degrees. and then, on saturday, look at the blast of cold air.
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30s when you wake up in the morning. upper 40s in the afternoon and that's going to be the blood test chance to possibly -- i don't want to say it -- a little rain and snow. >> you said snow. >> i have did. >> thanks for watching. "the tonight show" starring jimmy fallon is next. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
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and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." ♪ tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- daniel radcliffe -- mike tyson -- musical guest, s