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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  October 24, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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our newsroom moments ago. it's shedding more light on who that shooter was. we'll show you what's been happening on the west coast. police are telling us that the shooter was -- sorry about that, police are now telling us that the -- let's get the microphone set up here. sorry about that, folks. he was a freshman and a member of the football and wrestling teams. the shooter suddenly shood up, pulled out a pistol and with a blank stare on his face opened fire in the cafeteria. investigators say he shot three others before shooting himself. police tell us two people, including the shooter are dead. hospital officials say two others are in very critical condition. another patient is at a different hospital being treated for less serious injuries. a student who was there spoke on the phone with our seattle affiliate, king tv. >> the shooter stood up and
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started shooting and my friend ducked under the table because he was awn wear of the shots. he looked over and it looked like the shooter was reloading his weapon. at this point my friend booked it out. >> we are still waiting to hear from police as to why they say the student shot his classmates and then turned the gun on himself. reporting live from the digital operations center, harry hairston, nbc 10 news. more breaking news now, this time out of virginia. authorities there say remains in a rural area are that of university of virginia student hannah graham. graham disappeared september 13th after a nature out with friends. her remains were found more than a month later, about 12 miles from campus. the man that graham was last seen with is also charged in her abduction. his name is jesse matthew. he's also suspected in several other killings. new developments right now at 5:00 for ebola patients in the u.s. the latest victim of the virus
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remains in stable condition in a new york city hospital. while two nurses treated for the disease are now considered ebola-free. in a city where millions crowd into subways, buses and buildings, there are nerves, people are fearful. >> health officials are trying to keep new yorkers calm. they're releasing new details about dr. craig spencer. he visited a bowling alley and went for a jog all before going to the hospital yesterday. spencer had been treating patients in west africa for doctors without borders. nbc 10's ted greenberg is live at bellevue with more on what's being done in new york. >> ted, what's the mood where you are? >> reporter: renee and keith, it depends. definitely mixed feelings among new yorkers we've been talking to here outside bellevue where craig spencer is in isolation. this as city leaders try to
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assure residents there's noç reason to change their daily routine. >> it is the sentiment new york city leaders are hoping to hear as they continue to urge millions of residents not to panic about ebola's arrival in the big apple. >> new yorkers that have not been exposed to an infected person's bodily fluids are simply not at risk. >> reporter: craig spencer remains in an isolation ward at bellevue hospital. he's in stable condition, at times even talking with family members by cell phone. >> so far, so good. he's not really much sicker really than he was when he came in yesterday. >> we want to find every person with whom he may have been in contact. >> reporter: as health officials prepare to confiscate anything potentially contaminated from spencer's sealed off apartment within some neighbors haven't stuck around, including this man's cousins. >> my family members left, packed up and left. they were panicking. >> reporter: so-called disease detectives continue to retrace spencer's steps before he felt
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sick which included a visit to a bowling alley and rides on the subway. >> i've been traveling the same path he's been traveling on the one tree in williamsburg brack ly -- brooklyn. when i heard it, i sort of freaked out. >> we are not going to end it in america until we end it in africa. >> reporter: how is this being handled differently than what we saw in dallas? >> it's totally, utterly different, it's very unlikely we'll see some of the horrendous mistakes. >> reporter: now, sponsor's fiance and two friends remain under quarantine, though they have not shown any symptoms of ebola. live tonight in new york, i'm ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. thank you, ted. coming up at 5:30, what pennsylvania is doing right now to watch for possible ebola cases. we're checking with local health
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departments about how they're monitoring travelers. deanna durante is learning new information. she'll bring it to us live at 5:30. nurse nina pham is free of ebola and will go home to texas. pham joined the doctors who cared for her. she was the first nurse diagnosed with the ebola virus after caring for thomas duncan at texas health presbyterian in dallas. she says she feels fortunate and blessed to be healthy and is excited to go home to her dog, bentley. >> i hope that people understand that this illness and this whole experience has been very stressful and. >> challenging for me and my family. although i no longer have ebola, i know it may be a while before i have my strength back. >> pham and her family met with president obama at the white house this afternoon before headed home. texas nurse amber vinson is making good progress in her treatment for the ebola virus infection.
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tests no longer detect the virus in her blood. vinson will remain at emory for takened care. no word yet when she'll be discharged. vinson contracted the virus after treating the first patient to die of ebola in the u.s. on capitol hill, republicans slammed president obama's ebola plan. they say airport screenings are failing. nurses claim they lack training and protective gear. >> millions of dollars and we aren't prepared. >> all we ask from president obama and congress is not one more infected nurse. >> president obama is reportedly considering a plan to require 21-day quarantine of health workers coming back to the u.s., people like dr. craig spencer. count on nbc 10 online and on air to bring you any and all new information on ebola. we'll be live in new york cit[ç throughout this weekend. and you can read more about the virus and how difficult it is to spread by going to
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a live look at casino workers protesting in atlantic city. they are trying to save their jobs as the trump taj mahal looks to be the next casino to close. today billionaire investor carl icahn sent a scathing letter to union members he says he's trying to help save the casino, quote, the taj mahal is at the brink of closing, the union could be helping right now. they could be helping taj management with the city and state. instead, they're rallying you to stand up and fight. but fight who and for what? are they sacrificing you to save the union's cherished health care plans at the other union hotels that survive partially as a result of the taj mahal closing? is the union your friend or your foe? nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter is live at the protest. what do protesters have to say about icahn's letter? >> i can tell you, number one,
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they aren't buying it. carl icahn says he's the only investor willing to put $100 million in to save the trump taj mahal casino. employees were out here as we speak. they do plan to picket until about 7:00 tonight they say icon is the very reason that trump entertainment is in financial disarray, holding signs, take a look, that read "need not greed." they say they will not work for pennies on the dollar and without benefits. they will not be degraded by a billionaire or anywhere else. they're angry about a court ruling thattive pad the way for trump entertainment to not pay for their union worker, health care and pension funds. union president told me a few minutes ago that icahn managed to hike the interest rate on the loan to 12%, costing the casino millions in principal and interest payments, that was the
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way icahn siphoned off that money. he wants to act like he's res e rescuing the casino all while asking the city and state to subsidize his investment. the workers say they are passionate about finding way to keep the casinos open and to save their benefits plan. i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. breaking news now out of new jersey. you point shall able to gamble on pro sports in the garden state this weekend. a federal judge granted a request from the four major u.s. professional sports leagues and the ncaa. they had asked the judge to temporarily new jersey from allowing legalized sports betting. governor christie signed a law earlier this morning that effectively repealed the state's ban on sports wagering. bucks county football team will not get to play its homecoming game tonight or the
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rest of its season because of hazing allegations. we first told you this as breaking news yesterday at 5:00. it's happening at central bucks high school west in doylestown. allegations include towels being placed over the heads of rookie teammates and then sending them into the shower. the school superintendent suspend all of the team's football coaches. nbc 10 spoke with students as they arrived to school this morning. >> given the fact they suspended the football season, i guess something bad must have happened for them to feel that need to suspend the season. >> i think it's unfortunate what happened to thgç football team. both teams put in a lot of work for this and hazing had to ruin it. >> in a statement to parents, the superintendent called the allegations humiliating. he plans to address the school board next week. a local catholic priest is in jail accused of exchanging
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child pornography over the internet. reverend mark haines is charged with posting and sharing pictures of underage girls on instagram. the 55-year-old has been a priest at saint simon and jude parish since september of last year. haines acknowledged receiving about 100 pictures and sending about 50 to others. police say haines told them he posted the 16-year-old girl on a dating site about four years ago. as a result he says he received lewd videos from someone he believed to be a 14-year-old girl. the archdiocese of philadelphia is calling the charges, quote, serious and disturbing. haines is being held on $200,000 in bail. ready for winter. it's too early to see these guys on the road but delaware, you know what, has already began preparing for the winter. let's tell you where the salt supply stands later on nbc 10 news at 5:00. and a frightening attack on the nypd after a man goes after
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police with a hatchet. what we're learning about the suspect. plus, a young man with a life-saving story. he's sharing it with others and becoming a role model to young kids. how you can help make a difference. that's next. what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest.
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mower brere breaking news.
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a quarantine has been issued with people with ebola contact. governor chris christie agreeing to this, a 21-day quarantine for any health care worker coming from africa. that's the latest after the doctor came back and is in treatment for the ebola virus. first a police chase and gunfire and a crash. right now we're getting new information on the deadly police chase in the lehigh valley. this is a story we've been following since early this morning. it all started in palmer township in northampton county. came to an end in easton at 1:00 this morning. nbc 10 randy gillian hall got new details on what happened from the prosecutor. randy, how did this all unfold? >> reporter: this all began when police tried to pull over a pickup truck that was driving the wrong way. that suspect fled, almost
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hitting a pedestrian and crashing his car in the city of easton after a brief confrontation with police, two officers opened fire. hours after the crash, utility crews worked to repair the power pole that was destroyed during this police chase. early this morning, a pickup truck crashed in this easton intersection after a 20-minute pursuit. >> i heard the crash. >> reporter: matt woke up to the noise, looked outside, police surrounding the truck, yelling at the driver. >> i heard the cop say, get out of the car, get on the ground. i heard a couple shootings. i ran upstairs to make sure everyone was okay. >> reporter: according to state police who were conducting the investigation, at least two local police officers fired at that suspect. he's been identified as richard sherman, 39 years old. shorts say after the crash he tried to ram into police cruisers. >> he tried to, you know, move
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forward and then backwards, forwards and backwards again, slamming into the police cars. >> reporter: neighbors waking up to the gunfire heard at least five shots. >> it sounded like vietnam. it did. you heard multiple gunshots. >> reporter: the autopsy does not indicate, at least right now, whether he was killed by that police gunfire or by injury sustained by the crash. authorities tell me he had a self-inflicted wound on his neck. they did find a knife inside his pickup truck. a hatch eight tack on four rookie officers was a terrorist act by what is described as a home grown radical. right now, police are searching the computer of zale thompson for yesterday's assault. thompson was shot and killed. they did find rants about injustices, american society and
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oppression abroad. the four rookie police officers were on routine foot patrol then we were attacked. we're learning more about what items were lost in a fire earlier this month. the national parksç service sa more than 300 photos, and 25 items linked to the passenger and crew were destroyed. the october 3rd fire destroyed three buildings. it is anepidemic and the victims are xher are children. we're talking about type i diabetes. >> a local man knows very well, there's a lot of support for kids living with this disease. >> reporter: you can imagine his terror when as a little boy a doctor told him what he'd have to do to manage his newly
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diagnosed disease. >> for a 6-year-old who's in kindergarten, telling him he has to take injections every day and trick your finger for your blood sugar is scary. >> reporter: he eventually got an insulin pump. >> how do i explain to my friends i'm diabetic. >> reporter: his life changed again at age 8 when his mother forced him to go to camp freedom. >> i cried all the way there because i didn't want to go. i cried all the way home because i didn't want to leave. >> reporter: he found himself surrounded by kids with type i diabetes. he's been to camp every year since 2001 and is now a head counselor. that's just his summer job. >> let me get to the website. >> reporter: he was recruited to work for the american die seats association. he coordinates special eventdz
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like the one coming up november 1st, step out, walk to stop diabetes. philadelphia is the largest in the country. this year with the help of 6,000 walkers this be they hope to be the first to raise a million dollars. money that will fund programs like camp freedom and more importantly says nate, search to find a cure. >> not only for me but my friends and campers. >> five years after nate was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, so was his brother at age 13. step out, walk to stop diabet diabetes. it's this saturday, november 1st. next saturday kicks off at the philadelphia museum of art. registration begins at 8:00. you can sign up to walk with team nbc 10. it's your chance to donate to a good cause and get great exercise at the same time.
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now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> by november 1st it should be getting chilly again. sunny and windy, that's what we saw today. and tomorrow, pretty much the same. a little bit less wind. going to be a nice weekend. a lot of sunshine. even windier on sunday. we do have 70s in the seven day. the average high for this time of the year is 64. to be in the mid-70s, that's pretty warm. we have high clouds, no threat of any kind of rain. 14 miles an hour is the wind. we're 11 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. we did get up to 71 in northeast philly today. 59 in mt. pocono. the sustained winds, you can see the discretion out of the
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northwest. generally a drier direction at 10 to 15 miles an hour. not quite as strong as ç yesterday. we're seeing fewer and fewer gusts reported. mt. pocono 28 miles an hour. in philadelphia we're not seeing any at all. that ocean storm continues to move away that pound parts of young. they got over 6 inches of rain and flooding. there's this little patch, high clouds coming through. on the other side of that, it's perfectly clear. look at the low temperatures, 49 philadelphia, according to our futurecast. 42 in allentown and reading. 48 in dover till it will be a cooler night. tru the day tomorrow, we warm up into the you arer 60s. not quite as windy but with a lot of sunshine. as we go into sunday, not quite as warm. plus, it's windier.
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definitely a warmer feeling day is going to be tomorrow until we get into next week as you'll see. mostly clear tonight, cooler, 47 for the low in philadelphia. 40 north and west. those high clouds will be around for a little while and moving out. highs in the upper 60s. the wind 10 to 20 miles an hour. the seven-day forecast, increasing winds, should be gusts over 30 miles an hour on sunday. and the temperature down a little bit from what we see on saturday. wind dies down. by friday, trick or treat time, it's going to be pretty chilly. >> holiday hiring. 'tis the season to find a new job. one company is planning to have tens of thousands of new employees. details ahead.
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and what do you do with this? a suspect steals an unusual item. see what one guy drove away with. that's coming up.
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police today announced the arrest of a murder suspect in norristown, montgomery county. 28-year-old chad wilcox is accused of calling 36-year-old manuel last month. wilcox met the man through
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craigslist. they say his plan was to offer him sex and rob him. wilcox stole the victim's wallet and car. he turned up in north carolina. tonight he's in a pennsylvania prison. where do you hide a stolen school bus? that's what police in daytona beach, florida want to know. they say this man stole a full-size school bus sunday night. the video shows the thief driving the bus through a locked fence. police are still looking for the suspect along with the stolen bus. i hate to say it, getting ready forever winter. >> i hate to hear. delaware prepares to a return of the cold. a long-time project on the new jersey tornado pike finally finished. what you can expect when you hit the roads. that's coming up. i'm deanna durante in fairmont park. one congressman is asking for answers and claire ficks from
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the cdc in the wake of this latest ebola outbreak in new york city.
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we are following big breaking developments nationally and closer to home right now at 5:00. first we want to get you updated on what's happening in washington state. that's where police are still on the scene of a school shooting. two people, including the gunman are dead, four others are hurt. investigators still working to find a motive for the shooting.
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breaking news connected to the ongoing ebola concern. in the past few minutes, new jersey and new york announced they're issuing a mandatory quarantine for anyone who comes into direct contact with the ebola infected patients in west africa. governor chris christie and andrew cuomo said a health care worker who had contact with patients has already been quarantined. she has no symptoms as of yet. that woman landed at newark liberty airport today. this will be the procedure for anyone who encounters ebola patients moving forward. new information continues to emerge by the hour in the case of a doctor with ebola in new york city. >> the health department just released new tails about dr. craig spencer's condition. he had no symptoms when he arrive a week ago. since then he went to the meatball shop, walked along the high line, an area in new york, stopped at a coffee stan.
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he went to a bowling alley called the gutter. oleth officials say he was not contagious at any of those locations. the u.s. says it will monitor everyone, including americans who travel from west africa to the u.s. that monitoring will start in six states. in our area, pennsylvania and new jersey are included. travelers will be observed for 21 days for symptoms. local health experts may call, e-mail or even visit them once they're on u.s. soil. deanna, break this down. what does it mean? >> it means the people will have to check in on a voluntary basis. they'll have to check in with local health departments. we also spoke with congressman patrick meehan who sent a letter
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to the cdc. he says the cdc guidelines are ambiguous and he wants to see more questions answered. >> what's ambiguous are the directions from the cdc. >> reporter: u.s. representative patrick meehan sent this letter for the centers for disease control and prevention asking them to provide answers. he want to know specifically what happens when medical personnel in ebolaç infected regions return to the united states? >> there any kind of quarantine or other? >> he's having those questions after a new york city doctor came back with the disease. >> obviously he went bowling. >> reporter: the philadelphia health department confirms it is checking in on 30 people here in the city. who have no symptoms of the disease but have traveled from those areas. philadelphia international and
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other airports in the state of pennsylvania are not accepting travelers from those regions. but people are still free to travel into the city by other means. that's why the health defendant says it could be monitoring hundreds of others before the outbreak is contained. i have asked local health departments swell the department of health if this is a voluntary procedure, how can you be sure you are getting to all of those travellers? so far, those questions are not been returned. although people in the state are being monitored, there are no reports of any of them having ebola symptoms. fairmont park, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. coming up at 6:00, ted greenberg reports live from new york city. he talks to experts to discover if a 21-period should be long enough. an ebola vaccine trial could
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begin as early as december. researchers are testing two potential vaccines from glaxo smithkline and new link genetics. count on nbc 10 to help ease your concerns about the ebola virus. monday morning we'll have two medical professionals right here at the nbc 10 studios answering your questions. if you have a question, send it right now. logon to the nbc 10 facebook page and look for the ebola q & a section. a philadelphia man will serve prison time for pleading guilty to placing an ad on craigslist for h omosexual sex.
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new information tonight about a local lawmaker accused of using her elected office for political and financial gain. >> he's going to plead guilty to the charges. >> as of now, that's correct, yes. >> that's the attorney for leanna washington confirming to nbc 10's deanna durante that the pennsylvania state senator will plead guilty next week. he wouldn't say what the exact terms of the negotiated plea are. the 69-year-old democrat is facing felony charges for allegedly using her taxpayer paid staff to plan and perform political activities. washington lost her re-election bid in the may primary. an armed robbery at a mom and pop grocery store. police say the woman under that hooded jacket is a woman. a short time later, the police were called to angela's guessry store on chester avenue for a rob i. police say the same woman committed both crimes.
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if you recognize her, take a good look, you're asked to call police. >> now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> let's take a live look outside. it's a beautiful friday evening but will the weather last all weekend? it is the question certainly. >> areç we going to need those jacket. >> yes, renee, you're going to need the jacket most likely but it will not be as windy as it was in the last couple of nights. there's no threat of rain. we do see clouds out there. the main storm is way out in the ocean and moving away so the cloud cover from that is already gone. we just have this little weak system here, this is satellite and radar. there's nothing on the radar anywhere nearby. we're in the mid to upper 60s. way warmer than we were at this time yesterday. some places were as low as 53 degrees.
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15 degrees warmer during the day today. big high school game of the week in haddonfield, new jersey. triton high school at paul vi. the wind diminishing, though. 64 degrees at 6:00. we'll talk more about the rest of the weekend forecast and some 70s in the seven-day in just a few minutes. preparing for winter. >> you feel that chill creeping in? yep. you know it's only going to get worse. coming up, we check on delaware salt files and prewinter facts and figures. we asked, is deldot ready? faulty air bags, coming up, why you may not be able to get the repairs done. breaking at 6:00, a school shooting in washington state. >> nbc 10 has new details about what happened inside class
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rooms. >> plus, the search for eric frein detoured. how one land lied about the alleged gunman's location. count on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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bmw, general motors, ford, mitsubishi and subaru are among the automakers recalling vehicles with takata air bags. car owners under the recall are urged to get the problem fixed as soon as possible. u.p. is is expecting a double digit surge in shipments over the holiday shopping season. to handle the workload it plans to hire up to 95,000 seasonal workers. last year, u.p.s. was caught off guard by the number of people who bought gifts online and shipped them last minute. some deliveries didn't make it as you'll recall until after the holidays. >> changes on the new jersey turnpike. >> it's finally here. the end of the worst bottle neck traffic in new jersey.
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i'll have that story. we've had a windy couple of days. at least the warmer winds are starting to come in. we'll see how warm it will get in the seven-day forecast coming up. >> plus, all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, he's the pride of allentown. andre reed's facebook comments have the school board rethinking plans to name a football field after him. what he's accused of doing online.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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the city of philadelphia encourages smokers to quit with the first tobacco-free pharmacy network in the country. it's called the preferred health network. it encourages them to use pharmacies that don't sell tobacco products. city workers who use otherç pharmacies will be charged an additional $15 more per
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prescription. >> it could positively impact the health of a much broader community and allow the city to manage health care costs. >> city officials say hundreds of independent pharmacy and three retail chains have registered. the changes start january 1st. >> first on, there is plenty of toilet paper at philadelphia schools. the school district claims there is, mayor michael nutter was on twitter last night talking about it. people were tweeting the mayor about a lack of toiletry supplies at city schools. the mayor asks for the names of course of the schools so the issue could be addressed. but he said to his knowledge, there is plenty of toilet paper on hand. rest assured. to read more about the story, head to the clock is ticking on a possible septa strike vote. septa's largest union will vote on whether to authorize a strike. the union says there is no plan at this point for a work stoppage. they say they would release a
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plan for service interruptions before a strike happened, however, meantime, negotiations continue. the big sticking point now is pensions and health care benefits. a scene most of us aren't looking forward to but soon it will be here. this winter officials in delaware want to make sure that they are winter ready. salt was in short supply in some communities last winter. >> this year, delaware leaders don't want a repeat performance. nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong shows us what will be different this year. >> reporter: winter can be fun but when it's your job to keep winter off the roads, not so much. >> it takes a toll on you were here at deldot's presnow season equipment inspection, they're getting 450 pieces of equipment ready for when the roads look like this. >> it would not be good if we run out after salt. that is a concern. >> reporter: last year, delaware didn't run out of salt when
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surrounding states did but it did get iffy. >> we knew we were getting a shipment for four weeks. at that point what we had was going to have to make it until the proverbial ship came in. >> reporter: delaware can store up to 45,000 tons of salt. they have over 43,000 tons of salt spread over 20 locations up and down the state. deldot is responsible for salting 89% of the state's roads. they use 13,000 tons of salt. they will mount go pro cameras high up in the rafter of the barns. administrators will know at any given time exactly how much salt they have and how much they'll need. we couldn't possibly get more snow than we did last year, could we? >> we know it's coming, yes. >> reporter: in lewis, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz.
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>> it's still a little early for my winter forecast. i would say get the salt, at least the way it's looking now. right now we see dry conditions. we finally dried out. the sun came out today. still pretty windy but we have a nice weekend with lots of sunshine and 70s in the seven-day. right now, we see some high clouds, along with sunshine, 68 degrees, the wind is 14 miles an hour and the humidity is farley low. the temperature today officially has gotten to 70 degrees. that just in. that's after 57 yesterday. 69 degrees, pretty closeç to today's temperature tomorrow except with a little bit less wind. a lot of sunshine. that should be a nice day. the current temperatures are generally in the mid to upper 60s, fairly uniform across the area, because of the sunshine and wind. 59 in mt. pocono.
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these are 10 to 15 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. tomorrow we're not going to see nearly as much of a jump. the sustained winds about 10 to 15 miles an hour. some places drop as low as 5. in mt. holly, we haven't seen a wind as low as that in quite a while. the big ocean storm continues to move away. drier air moves in, a little warm patch of high clouds totally irrelevant. not going to bother anybody. we do have milder air in through the weekend and warm air coming in from the west as we go into tuesday and wednesday of next week. but that is not going to last. as we go toward the end of the week and next weekend, the colder air comes down from central canada and we are in for a chill for not this weekend, next weekend. that's halloween weekend. for tonight, it's going to be
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mostly clear and cooler, temperature down to 47 in philadelphia, 40 north and west with the wind diminishing closer to 5 miles an hour, just about everywhere by morning. a lot of sunshine tomorrow, pleasant day, a little bit on the breezy side. we've been used to that. high temperatures in the upper 60s. for sunday, a windier day, we could see gusts over 30 miles an hour. temperatures down a few degrees. saturday definitely warmer, more comfortable day. monday, the wind goes down and tuesday, the wind brings in the warmer air. 74 degrees and 77 for wednesday before we get some thunderstorms and much cooler weather by halloween night, it looks pretty chilly. >> thanks, glenn. road work. >> big plans to repair broken down pennsylvania bridges. and the changes you'll see on one part of the new jersey turnpike. backups should be a thing of the past. details ahead. plus, coming up on nbc 10 at 6:00, we are following breaking
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news. a deadly school shooting near seattle. we're earth gaing details about what happened out there.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> engineering reports have shown that pennsylvania is home to some of the worst bridges in
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the country. >> penndot has put together a team to replace 558 bridges across the state. plenary walsh restone pakeyston was chosen to complete the project. the compa . >> today we launch this effort to rebuild 558 of our structurally deficient bridges. >> the average cost per bridge is expected to be $1.6 million. the entire construction project plus the 28 years the company will maintain the bridges will cost the $65 million a year. relief for drivers on the new jersey turnpike. >> a construction project finally coming to an end. the work is finishing ahead of schedule and $200 million under budget. 35 miles of the interstate between burlington and middlesex
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counties will go from six lanes to 12 lanes. the northbound lanes will open up this weekend. the southbound lanes open next weekend. brian thompson shows us the changes. from an overpass in cranberry, you can see six newly finished lanes just aching for a load of cars and trucks and separated by a guardrail, bumper to bumper, stop and go traffic wishing they were a few yards over. >> what do i love about the turnpike? >> love it when it splits and there's more lanes. >> reporter: that's one long island motorist. the turnpike is one of the original superhighways dating back to 1951. back then they built underpasses for cows. many improvements later, cows have been replaced by trucks april and then there's the merge where the separated car lanes join the truck lanes. accidents a
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accidents are frequent. it's the frequent backups that make motorists like steve tobin of hartsdale and westchester county want to scream. >> let me out of here. >> reporter: as they cut the ribbon, even governor christie admitted -- >> as aç parent of college students i know the wednesday before thanksgiving what this used to look like. >> when i asked one new york driver who got stuck on this heavily used highway -- >> i lost a lot in my life. >> reporter: there's one last occasional bottle neck. that's from exit 4 to the delaware bridge. i'm told there are no plans to widen that for another 15 to 20 years. in cranberry, brian thompson, nbc 10 news. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, we're following two breaking news stories. >> we're learning new details about the suspected school shooter? washington state. he was just crowned homecoming prince. what else we learned from a news
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conference that just wrapped up. >> plus, new jersey and new york issuing strict new guidelines as ebola is diagnosed in the big apple. details of a mandatory quarantine that's happening right now in new jersey. glenn? >> look at your weekend. also, the first word on what to expect for halloween. don't miss my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast.
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nbc 10 breaking news. police just wrapping up a news conference after that deadly shooting in washington state. the gunman killed one person, injured four others and then turned the gun on himself. >> it happened about 30 miles north of seattle. harry hairston has been gathering new information since this story broke. >> harry's live in the digital operations center. what did you learn, the new details about that suspected shooter. >> the student police say fired those shots before turning the gun on himself was thought of as a nice person, popular football player and he was recently crowned homecoming prince. the shooter reportedly got into an argument with another student recently and was apparently upset about a recent breakup with a girlfriend. investigators confirm two are dead, including the gunman, witnesses say with a blank stare, the freshman student, member of the football and wrestling teams opened fire in
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the high school cafeteria, woundingç oseveral students. the shooting happened around 1:30 eastern time in marysville high school, about 35 miles north of seattle. according to police, witnesses say the shooter without warning stood up and pulled out a small pistol. police describe the weapon as a .40 caliber beretta. the freshman stared at the victims as he shot them. he was calm during the whole thing. one parent talked to our sister station, king tv. >> everybody needs to love everybody a little bit more, make sure as a community we're taking care of everybody, not just one affected family but multiple affected families, talking and getting together and teaching our kids that violence isn't an option. >> other students tell police the shooter seemed perfectly fine the day befor