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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  October 15, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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westward and there have been several hours worth of rain in those areas. everything moving south to north. our futurecast shows by 5:00, a couple of clusters, one well north and west and that other one in parts of new jersey and around the philadelphia area. even at 6:00 tonight, the heaviest continues to be north and west. this is not just going to race through here and then that's the end of the rain. we still have showers around for much of the night and there are some computer models that actually increase the rainfall after midnight and some areas getting some heavy showers and storms even 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 a.m. before it finally starts to move out of here by tomorrow morning's rush. we'll be back more to talk about big changes in the weather pattern after we get through this. count on nbc 10 and first alert wedge for the latest on these storms. sheena parveen will have updates throughout the offnoafternoon hn
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the noon. follow sheena on twitter and get weather on the go using the free nbc 10 weather apps. 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with the latest developments in the growing ebola concern. in the past 30 minutes, we learned the second nurse diagnosed was a nurse that treated thomas eric duncan in texas. a flight she made on a frontier airlines plane should have never happened. she flew from dallas to cleveland. >> right now, federal health workers are alerting passengers on board that monday flight from cleveland to dallas-ft. worth as this news came out, airline stock tumbled on fears that the virus could hurt air travel. and president obama has canceled a scheduled trip to north jersey today so he could huddle with his cabinet to address the growing ebola concerns. for the next two hours plus, we're going to be checking in with medical workers, airport
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officials and leaders in our area to see how they're preparing for the threat of ebola. >> nbc 10 has dispatched crews to dallas to cover this developing story for you. now to that second health care worker two tested positive for ebola in texas. she lives alone. she does not have any pets and we're told she was placed into isolation within 90 minutes of her temperature being taken. >> nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong is live this afternoon at new castle airport in delaware. >> tim, frontier flies into and out of that airport. although there's no confirmed ebola case linked to planes or passengers there, what is the airline saying? >> we're doing our best, be patient with us. that's essentially what they're saying. basically this health care worker who dealt with the ebola patient hadn't shown any signs of the symptoms when she flew to cleveland and back from cleveland to dallas on monday. but since then, obviously that situation has changed quite a bit. now the cdcç and frontier airlines talking about getting in touch with all the passengers who were on those planes.
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of course, calming the fears of all the people flying frontier, everywhere else around the country at airports all over, including this one in new castle, delaware. we now know the second health care worker boarded a frontier airline jet in and out of cleveland. >> she flew into cleveland, she prepared for her wedding, she came in to visit her mother. >> reporter: once the cdc notified frontier airlines about the ebola patient, airline officials say they thoroughly cleaned the jet like they do at the end of every day. lots of people flew in and out on frontier jets, many passengers not yet heard the news. to be safe, the cdc does want to speak with everyone on that flight from cleveland to dallas on monday. this case, though, now starting to hit a little too close to home for some people. >> we need to take drastic steps, you know. don't wait till the last minute. catch it now while we can more or less manage it, send all our resources to do it now. >> reporter: health officials in cleveland say that 29-year-old
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is amber vinson. cdc officials say having worked with that ebola patient who died, they say she should have never gotten on to a commercial plane. t live in new castle, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. let's check in with nbc 10 national correspondent jay gray who's following developments in this new ebola case. >> jay joins us live from dallas, texas. what's the latest, jay? >> hi there, ladies. we know a lot about this new patient, amber vinson, a 29-year-old nurse who helped to treat thomas eric duncan before his death. we are told she inserted cathet catheters, drew blood, dealt with his bodily fluids. now she's gone from caregiver to patient. she'll be transferred to emory university hospital in atlanta this afternoon. she'll make that trip because they want to keep bed space here. there is concern even more health givers could be tested positive for the disease. that's the latest here in dallas, i'm jay gray, denise,
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renee, back to you now. >> thank you, jay. now to nbc 10's lu ann cahn outside mercy fitzgerald hospital in darby. >> lu ann, the hospital has devised a plan to deal with potential patients who come come from the liberian community in nearby southwest philadelphia who may have ebola symptoms. >> reporter: right. again, this hospital sits in the middle of a large native west african community. and so they say they are prepared and hypervigilant for any symptoms of ebola that walk through the door. they say they can screen keane isolate in just minutes and in fact have done so in one case that turned out to be malaria. meanwhile, west african church leaders from this community say they feel much better after they met behind closed doors with community health leaders with the health community last night. reverend moses dennis is part of the newly formed ebola response
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commission of the delaware valley. his church is over 40 in our area that serves a large native west african population. they're shipping much-needed medical supplies back to their homeland. >> we are telling them, be on the preventive side. stay home for 21 days, check your temperature twice a day and if there's anything that makes you feel that something is not right, check yourself out medically. >> reporter: that's on the advice received from philadelphia health and cdc officials last night. they were also reminded you can't only contract ebola if you come in contact with someone who has symptoms of the virus.ç they're making phone calls to make sure they're community is informed. >> we're doing a great job to disseminate and calm down the fe fear. >> reporter: the philadelphia fire department started asking patients who call for an ambulance questions about fever and if they've been in west african countries. at a hearing tomorrow at city
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hall, the firefighters union says it will be recommending two specialized units be assigned to handle all potential ebola cases. there will be an ebola preparation hearing at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow and then we understand from the city health department that there will be more information released from the city about preparations friday afternoon. live in darby, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. the cdc says nbc news chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman did not put the public at risk when she broke a voluntary isolation agreement after she was exposed to ebola. snyderman admitted that some members of her crew left to pick up food at a restaurant in the princeton. they were reporting in liberia alongside a cameraman who tested positive for the deadly disease. today nbc 10 is investigating claims of student athletes from west africa who are living in our area was taunted during a soccer game. we'll have reaction to that.
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it's all new at 4:30. and the ebola halloween costume that's now on the market. we'll show you that this afternoon at 4:30 as well. right now, nbc 10 has two reporters traveling to dallas to cover the ebola story there. chris cato and christine madella will provide live coverage starting tonight at 11:00 and on our website, 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with this. found alive. a south jersey man is okay after beginning out on a personal watercraft yesterday and disappearing until a breakthrough this morning. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg picks up the story from there, live this afternoon from middle township, cape may county. ted? >> reporter: well, denise, luckily it wasn't too cold overnight but thomas graham said he still had to deal with a constant wind out here on the bay, averaged with just his t-shirts, shorts and three bottles of water. >> the battery went dead and i
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couldn't get it started. >> reporter: with that, thomas graham's wave runner stopped working launching what would become a 17-hour stranding on the back bay near avalon. >> i knew i had to pace myself. i didn't want to panic. >> reporter: the wave runner broke down soon after he left from his middle township home around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. 68-year-old navy veteran stayed on the craft as it drifted to are miles with no way to call for help. >> no phone, nothing in my pockets. >> it was a nightmare, total panic and unsure of what to do. >> reporter: graham's wife reported him missing when he didn't come back, prompting a massive search by the coast guard along with state and local authorities. >> at some point i could see all the searching going on, and they couldn't find me. >> reporter: he ended up stuck on a marshy island and stayed there the entire night sitting on the waverunner. >> i did doze off and suddenly jolt awake and your hand would
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reach for the steering wheel and, you know, save you from plunging into the water. >> reporter: this morning, the search ramg ramped up again. >> he was waving something back and forth. >> reporter: it was graham's shirt that james spotted from a coast guard helicopter around 8:30 a.m. >> the best thing he did was stay with the jet ski. it gives you more of a target. >> that was my big moment of relief. >> reporter: moments later, a grateful thomas graham was rescue, çtired, yes but physically okay. >> they tried to take me to the hospital. i told them all i need is a cup of coffee and a hot shower. i'm fine. >> reporter: graham's wife believes it's a miracle he's still alive. he tells me never again will he go out on that wave runner without his phone. live in middle township, i'm ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. to decision 2014 with less than three weeks until the election, the democrats brought star power to philadelphia today.
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>> if we truly want to finish what we started, then we need to elect tom wolf as governor of pennsylvania. we need people like him in office. >> first lady michelle obama was in cedarbrook this morning, speaking at an event supporting democratic gubernatorial candidate tom wolf. the first lady told the crowd to come out big on election day to support the first-time candidate. to a large degree, the election will be won or lost in philadelphia. today the first lady touted wolf's accomplishments saying he will stand up for the children of pennsylvania. >> he refuses to accept crumbling classrooms. he refuses to accept teacher shortages. because he believes that every child in this state should have a chance to fulfill their god-given potential, no matter where they live or how much money their families have. >> mrs. obama also said wolf would align with her husband's
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priorities in fighting for an increase in the minimum wage and improving pay for women. the president will also travel to philadelphia before election day. he's planning a major campaign push in seven governor's races across the country where democratic prospects are looking up. president obama is scheduled to appear at events in michigan, wisconsin, maine, connecticut and maryland. as we mentioned earlier, the president planned to visit new jersey this evening to speak at a fund-raiser for did senate democrats. he canceled the trip along with one to connecticut. instead, the president will meet with cabinet officials coordinating the government's response to ebola. we checked with governor tom corbett's campaign as well .governor was in harrisburg this morning, then he headed to pittsburgh for the remainder of the day. there are precious few days left on the campaign trail. voters will make their decisions in just 20 days, election day is tuesday, november 4th. >> skyforce 10 over a crash in
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summerdale, camden county around 11:00 this morning, a car smashed into cooper's auto service shop on south white horse pike. you can see the hole left in the side of the business. the driver was in shock but seemed to be okay. philadelphia police are look for two men wanted for shooting two others overnight in olney. the shooting happened around 12:30 this morning on west wellens avenue near 3rd. police say the gunman fired at least 20 shots, one victim was shot in the head, the other was grazed in the chest. >> we found four parked, unattended vehicles in the 200 block of west wellens struck by gunfire. we found three private res dens all occupied that were struck gunfire. however, police checked on the well-being of all these residences and no one inside of these properties were injured. >> reporter: police say witnesses on the scene told them the shooting happened after an argument. both victims are in stable condition. a philadelphia man will go
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to trial in connection with a deadly hit and run in east m arie. 21-year-old deon hunter is charged with involuntary manslaughter, homicide by vehicle and other offenses. police say he was speeding and ran a stop sign, hitting another car, then he left the scene. it happened last month.ç 73-year-old david wilson was killed in that crash. his 13-year-old grandson suffered fractured ribs. the manhunt for accused cop killer eric frein is now in its 33rd day. the operation having a major financial impact on local communities there. nbc 10's doug shimell is covering the frein search for us again today in the poconos. >> doug, you've learned that safety comes at a steep price. >> it really does. and the cost of this manhunt to the state, let alone the state, is running now in the millions of dollars. in fact, this rain may actually be helping to cut costs because the helicopters can't fly today. one aspect of the whole cost calculation that is often overlooked is the cost of the
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small towns and their police departments. >> this isn't our norm. it's uprooted the community for a while. >> reporter: he's the part of the eric frein manhunt you haven't heard about. chief steven williams, barrett township police department is smack in the middle of the manhunt search zone. >> we're responding to a lot of trespassing people, suspicious complaints. when people don't feel something's right, obviously they are more apt to call us now. >> reporter: with nearly 1,000 law enforcers pushing through dense woods in barrett and price townships -- >> it's an important public safety component. >> reporter: -- and state lawmakers like wilkes-barre's lisa baker looking at the cost of the manhunt, chief williams says he has his own costs keeping his town safe. >> our guys were out there doing long shifts, procuring overtime, stuff like that. the big expenses, the overtime issue and the municipality has
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purchased us hard body armor. >> reporter: william says public support has been great for his department and others. r and he and the other law enforcers hope the financial support holds up as well. the support for police and the search actually is coming in many different shapes and sizes. but just what exactly is a leo potty? that story coming up in just a bit. i'm doug shimell, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> well, we've had the first alert today because we do expect more showers and thunderstorms. it's going to be a stormy night, possibility of some locally damaging winds and some flooding. we're already seeing some evidence of that. look at all of the rain on the radar. it's not just light. it's moving south to north. it's not the type that's moving west to east. it's going to clear out of here.
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this is going to be around for a while. and this is the live radar showing a band of heavy rain moving into northeast philly now. it's in gloucester county. also in parts of montgomery county and bucks county. some of this is on the heavy side and the worst of it has been in berks county because it's been hour after hour, everything moving from south to north. it just issued a flood advisory there. there's more coming up from the south. this band, this is what is coming to the northeast. that's the one we'll be watching most closely as we go through the evening hours. the flood advisory is now just been extended into western berks county and also western lehigh county until 10:00 tonight. because futurecast is showing more of that activity continuing. there's the stuff down in maryland. see what happens to all of it. it breaks up a little bit, so it's not real well organized. and so it's not widespread
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flooding or widespread severe weather. just some isolated pockets but some of this is very heavy. the atmosphere isç extremely moist for october. it's not usually this humid out there. and so the rain is going to continue off and on throughout the night. there may be even some more heavy showers or thunderstorms moving through in the middle of the night here. especially in parts of new jersey. there's 4:00 a.m. and the latest computer model, some pretty heavy showers and storms over the area. it's barely getting out of here by the morning rush tomorrow. by 8:00 a.m., things do look like they're improving quite a bit. >> the temperature was in the upper 70s. right now the rain has knocked it down. low 70s, even 60s north and west. it's very humid. there's also a hurricane out there in the atlantic. normally we'd be talking a lot more about this. this is a category 4 hurricane, major hurricane gonzalo.
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it's headed right toward bermuda, 130 mile-an-hour winds right now. hurricane watch is in effect. it is not going to come toward the east coast of the united states. not even close. but showers and thunderstorms around here tonight with some heavy rain, some locally gusty winds. perhaps a gust of 40 miles an hour out of the south. 63 for the low in philadelphia. 58 north and west. then for tomorrow, mix of clouds and sun, just a chance of a shower, not a day like today. above average temperatures and a beautiful day coming on friday. 74 degrees with sunshine. not a bad day on saturday for our shredder event but look how much colder it gets sunday. then it stays cold. the average high 67, 10 to 15 degrees below normal much of next week. >> when we're not on the air, the first alert weather team is always preparing updated weather forecasts that you can access anytime with our mobile apps.
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nbc 10 continues to monitor the ebola scare sweeping across the globe. >> as well as the local impact that it's having. >> they said that he had ebola and our coach yelled at them. >> new at 4:30 today, bad behavior on the field, how the most feared virus in the world is sparking controversy on the local high school sports scene. also confrontation at the capitol. the pennsylvania lawmaker who became the target of a would-be robber outside the statehouse. and why that suspect may have regretted the target he chose. top honors for a philadelphia trailblazer. the trophy case for the world's most famous little leaguer, mo'ne davis, is about to get more crowded.
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we have all seen new york's famous ice rank at 30 rock. they're not the only ones, philadelphia now is about to get a brand new place to skate. the rossman institute ice rank
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will open friday, november 14th outside philadelphia city hall. right now the park has an 11,600 square-foot programmable fountain. when the weather gets cold, that fountain will be shut down and replaced with an ice rink. >> this rink is going to be very affordable for everyone. admission will be just $3 for children ages 10 and under, $4 for adults with an $8 skate rental for people who don't have their own ice skates. >> if you don't know how to ice skate, not to worry. lessons will be available. the rink will also be available for parties. for the first time in four decades, the city of camden has a bran new supermarket. the price rite opened its doors this morning. it's a 43,000 square-foot state-of-the-art sto
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state-of-the-art store. the city's last grocery store closed down last year, leaving the entire town a food desert. they had to travel to neighboring towns to get groceries which was an added expense many could not afford. the corner store is too high. >> prices are great, fresh products. they have a variety of stock. they have vegetables, fruit, you name it, they have it. and the prices are not bad. >> the opening of the store brought 80 full and part-time jobs to the city and the owners plan to open a second store in 2015. stormy weather on the radar this wednesday. >> that is our top story on nbc 10 news at 4:00.ç nbc 10 news, a live look outside our weather window. this is how things look during the afternoon rush along market street in center city. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is tracking the storm for us. glenn? >> it's been a pretty wet afternoon. heavy rains could produce local
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flooding. i'll let you know which areas are most at risk with my exclusive nbc 10 first alert storm forecast. plus this. >> pennsylvania high school teach is out of a job. next i'm looking into what was said to an opposing player from west africa that may have cost them their position. then coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, three easy numbers. 911. so easy your cell phone can often dial it accidentally. wait until you hear how many pocket dials go to emergency call centers and what the feds want to do to stop it.
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♪ with the card accepted by 90% of doctors in the philadelphia region you have the freedom to relish right now. independence blue cross. live fearless.
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. nbc 10 first alert weather breaking news.
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right now at 4:30, nbc 10 has eyes on first alert weather technology and on the skies as storms rumble through the region. >> the rain is falling in wayne, delaware county. most people carrying their umbrellas there. count on the first alert weather team to keep you informed. >> nbc 10 chief meteorologist gabriel pilotti has you covered hour by hour. let's begin with sheena parveen who's pinpointing the exact locations of the storms right now. sheena? >> some of these storms are dropping heavy rainfall through parts of the area. this is something we'll be watching as we go through tonight. most of the storms and heavy rain north of the philadelphia area, they're moving pretty quickly, moving to the north around 40 miles an hour. so around palmyra, 95, moving towards lower bucks county into the trenton area, willingboro, all these showers will continue sliding into parts of berks county, richboro starting to see that heavier rain as well. as we look now to parts of
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montgomery county, upper montgomery county, we still see that heavy rain falling here. some rainfall rates have been close to about an inch or more per hour. we'll continue to watch this as we go through tonight. we do expect more heavy rain. there you see it moving from south to north and through parts of chester county, west vincent along 76 seeing the heavy rain, berks county still seeing that rainfall, all moving in from the south. even atlantic city seeing that heavy rainfall now as well along the shore. we do have more heavy rain that will move in later on tonight. we have more rain in maryland. that will move up and this will last overnight tonight. again, like i mention, heavy rain with us, causing localized flooding concerns. let's move over to glenn "hurricane" schwartz with a closer look at that. glenn? >> we've had reports of up to 2 inches of rain already at the reading airport in berks county. that's why there is a flood advisory in much of berks county and western lehigh county, until 10:00 tonight. some localized areas of flooding, especially to the
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north and west where we've seen wave after wave of rain during the day today. we've had other areas of rain, philadelphia area, even into delaware and new jersey. but it just hasn't been as consistently heavy as it has north and west. but watch as we go through the night tonight. it doesn't really go away. not only that, it increases again after midnight. and our latest computer models show pretty heavy rain coming, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning and doesn't dry out until about 7:00 o or 8:00 in the morning. more on the weather and seven-day forecast. big changes coming by the weekend. >> as these storms roll through the area, stay one step ahead with the nbc 10 first alert weather app. you'll get important updates and weather alerts delivered to your phone or tablet. download the app by going to new very manies in the ebola outbragg, the second texas nurse
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diagnosed with the virus was on board a frontier airlines yet after being exposed to the disease. the head of the centers for disease control says risk to other passengers is low. 29-year-old amber vinson will be transferred to emory university hospital in atlanta for treatment. the first nurse being treated iç improving, according to doctors. she's also at emory. meantime, president obama canceled a trip to north jersey and connecticut today so he could meet with his cabinet about the ebola outbreak. now, concerns over ebola strikes a nerve on a local soccer field of all places. >> while there's no sign of the virus there, some students say there is definitely a strong sign of unsportsman-like conduct. nbc 10 lehigh valley bureau reporter randy gyllenhall explains. >> reporter: students at nazareth high school claim they heard the taunting on the soccer field, directed at one of their own players, who's from west africa. the other team allegedly trash
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talking about ebola. students tell nbc 10 it happened on the soccer pitch nurg northampton versus nazareth. trash talking going way too far. >> i heard them say ebola. they said something about his parents. >> reporter: they claim the northampton's boys varsity team taunted a player who was born in west africa. >> i can assure you the district takes all of these accusations and allegations seriously. >> reporter: the northampton school district says they're conducting an investigation and that two northampton coaches have resigned. but it's unclear exactly why. a meeting was held with those varsity soccer players wednesday morning. >> met with each of our soccer players about the whole situation and about how we value sportsmanship. we're fully aware of what's going on throughout the world in regards to specific issues such as ebola and it's our responsibility, as i said, to
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educate our students. >> reporter: back inside the halls of nazareth, students are upset by what they're hearing, especially since the two schools usually get along great. >> end racism. >> reporter: j.t. freed plays for the nazareth soccer team. he passed out wristbands today to support his friend. >> having the community back him up and be there for him. >> reporter: i did just get off the phone with that west african boy's father. his son is extremely upset by all this. he still has family back in that ebola-stricken region of west africa. he says that the other players told him he was ebola and kept saying that his parents would soon be infected. they are hoping those students face disciplinary action. in nazareth, northampton county, randy gyllenhall, nbc 10 news. and it looks like some are trying to cash in on the ebola outbreak. one website is billing this halloween getup as the most viral costume of the year. it's an ebola containment suit
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costume complete with face shield, mask, goggles and latex gloves. a man reported missing on his personal watercraft has been founded alive in cape may county. the coast guard had been searching for 68-year-old thomas graham since yesterday afternoon. after 17 hours, a helicopter crew spotted him in the water waving a flag. the manhunt for accused trooper killer eric frein now in his 33 day, there are nearly 1,000 law enforcers pushing through dense woods. frein is accused of killing one state trooper and injuring another. they are used to fighting for people in their districts but not for fighting would-be robbers. two pennsylvania lawmakers were targeted near the state capitol building in harrisburg last night by several men. one man in the group pointed a gun at the head of one of the lawmakers. representative marty flynn, a
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democrat from scranton andç former lakawana prison guard. new jersey governor chris christie is continuing his public push against drug addiction. today christie announced more than $12 million in new funding for addiction, treatment and prevention programs. christie has made fighting addiction one of the signature issues as he considers a run for president in 2016. vice president will visit philadelphia tomorrow. joe biden will be in town for an event highlighting the importance of investing in america's infrastructure. and today a test for newborns. >> the new law that will affect new deliveries in our area. here's what the nbc 10 news team is working on right now for nbc 10 news at 5:00. he has no fear. you would think he would run. >> authorities say this man has robbed dozens of homes across three pennsylvania counties. >> new at 5:00, why one
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homeowner says this guy is lucky. nearly $170 million in grants to help americans looking for work. today at 5:00, how new jersey and delaware will use the money to help people find jabs. multiple passengers attacked and stabbed by a man inside this tour bus. that's coming up at 5:00.
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toyota is recalling about 423,000 older model lexus
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vehicles in the u.s. because a gasket could leak fuel and possibly cause a fire. it covers from the ls model from the 2007 to 2010 and 2006 and 2011 gf and if. also affected are the 2010 isc and the 2008 to 2010 isf. the recall is part of a larger recall of 759,000 cars in japan. babies born in pennsylvania will soon undergo new tests to find rare disorders. governor tom corbett signed hannah's law named after a pennsylvania couple whose daughter was diagnosed too late to get a transplant. she's the world's most famous little leaguer. >> today, the new big league honor for philadelphia's young star, mo'ne davis. also history on the move, nbc 10 is there for the end of an error in one local
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neighborhood. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> well, heavy downpours could produce local flooding. i'm using the first alert weather technology to track those storms. one they'll hit your neighborhood and when they'll end in my exclusive first alert forecast. accidental emergencies. you've got to hear how many people's cell phones call 911 by accident, plus, how the federal government wants to stop it.
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another honor for the young girl who became the star of this year's little league world series. 13-year-old mo'ne davis will receive an award for extraordinary character. the musial award will be held in st. louis next month. she'll be recognized for her poise, maturity and sportsmanship. it is the end of an era.
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>> a piece of philadelphia history came down for good. workers removed the international record sound from the music label's building on south broad street. the building is owned by kenny gamble, leon huff and tom bell. the building is scheduled to be demolished next year. in its place, a 47-floor skyscraper. a building damaged in an arson 2010, recording equipment, gold and plut platinum records and priceless memorabilia were all destroyed. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> today continues to be a first alert weather day. we have lots of showers and storms around here. and a stormy night. not just a couple of showers. gusty winds and maybe some localized flooding. you see everything moving south
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to north and that means it's not about to end. the western side not coming in for hours and hours and hours. and when you have this south/north flow you can get training where it keeps raining over the same spot. we've had a lot of rain in chester county. it's finally starting to move up to the north but then part of that is going into berks county which has had plenty of rain. we got a break in philadelphia right now. northeast philly getting a bit of a break but bucks county is loaded with some heavy rain and even some thunderstorms from trivos to richboro and to new hope. now, farther to the south there's not much in delaware, extreme south jersey but look at this mess. much of maryland is just getting blasted with heavy rain and thunderstorms and that is one of the areas that we're going to have to watch as we go into the evening hours. because if this comes right up into berks county, for example,
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they've already had 2 inches of rain and have a flood advisory now. so what's going to happen if you get some of that heavy stuff coming over there? well, there's the flood advisory. goes until 10:00. it's especially the western two-thirds of berks county, the reading area already 2 inches of rain at the airport as of 4:00. and here's more on the çway. there's the chesapeake bay rain that's coming. there's some more coming in through new jersey. and we may get a bit of a break in the middle of the night but a lot of computer models are showing that we get a resurgence well after midnight. look at this, more heavy rain and thunderstorms in the middle of the night on top of what is falling this afternoon and into the evening hours. that could cause some localized flooding as well. and then it finally gets out of here by about 7:00, 8:00 in the morning. you can see even 6:00 a.m., it's
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got heavy rain over mercer county and just starting to clear out in the allentown area. so this is going to take quite a while. the temperature way above average today in the 70s, although it's come down a little bit because of the rain. next week, it's going to be much colder. showers and thunderstorms with some heavy rain, gusty winds, localized flooding tonight. 63 for a low in philadelphia. 58 north and west. gusts could be up to 40 miles an hour. tomorrow, different kind of day. clouds and then some sunshine, just a chance of a shower. another mild day, the average high is 67. this time of the year we'll be way above that on friday. beautiful day on saturday, our shredder event, pretty nice weather there. sunday, windy and chilly. high temperatures in the 50s. and then it gets even colder after that. for monday, tuesday and wednesday, chance of a coastal
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storm adding rain to that chill. what a difference between this week and next week. and it looks like they can't even see the tops of the buildings. nasty day. >> good to get that out of the way. good weather coming our way. thanks, glenn. get your old documents ready. nbc 10 and telemundo 62 are getting ready for the return of the great shredder event. we're teaming up with allstate to shred your documents free of charge. you can bring up to five boxes with you. mark your calendars for the great shredder event at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia, 9:00 a.m. to noon. it's a rain or shine event. we hope to see you out there. an encore court appearance. >> a new jersey reality star goes before a judge again. the second scandal that leaves a blemish on the record of that celebrity from the garden state. all new tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, more fallout from
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the pennsylvania e-mail investigation. the latest state employee to resign plus new information about the fate of the state's supreme court judges.
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a real house wives of new jersey star already headed for federal prison on fraud charges pleaded guilty in an unrelated case today. joe giudice accepted the plea deal on charges he used his brother's identity to get a driver's license while he was suspended. under the deal, giudice will be sentenced to 18 months in prison which will be served con currently with his 41-month federal sentence. his wife teresa was sentenced to 15 months. from our delaware bureau, a
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h historic restaurant is about to be torn down. after a couple changes of ownership, katie's shut down. the good-bye party was bittersweet for people with fond memories of the place. >> it was a real neighborhood spot. i used to go there after school to get french fries. everyone was polite. everyone keep an eye out on everyone and stuff like that. i used to go there to have dinner once in a while. their food was outstanding. >> katie's also had a part in one of vice president's joe biden's more goofups. he mentioned he would go to katie's on union street. katie's was already closed and it isn't on union street. (qyrrñ nbc 10 news at 5:00 is n. >> here are jacqueline london and keith jones. >> we are tracking storms.
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first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is watching the radar. sheena? >> that's right. we're tracking thunderstorms for the rest of this evening overnight tonight. some of the storms will be containing locally heavy rainfall and gusty winds. coming up, i'll tell you where the storms are and the time line through the overnight hours. in the event the deadly ebola virus should strike new jersey, what health care issues are doing to protect, prevent and educate the community. i'm cydney long with that story, next. and dozens of homes burglarized. it's happening across several communities. police think the same criminal is behind them all and what residents are being asked to do. that's next on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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now your nbc 10 first alert weather. right now on nbc 10 news at 5:00, tracking storms. you can see the line right here on first alert radar. parts of the area could see thunderstorms, wind and flooding this evening. >> heavy rain has already hit center city. check out this downpour a short time ago along 18th street. that's a tough situation for people outside just got drenched.ç >> sheena, what is the situation right now? >> we have the heavy showers and thunderstorms moving through, not everybody is seeing them but later on tonight, more will move in. here's a look at the radar, some of the heaviest rain is moving up through the allentown area,
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leaving mercer county. solebury. more heavy rain is expected. some rainfall rain with these heavier showers close to 1 and 1 1/2 inches per hour. the good news is they are moving quickly but the not so good news for some areas, they're seeing them one after the other. this is pretty heavy rainfall across 476 and 76. this is continuing through parts of berks county as well. if we look to the south, we have more rain, this is pretty heavy rain moving through maryland and this is moving in our direction. parts of chester county or lancaster county i should say starting to see that rain approaching. this will all continue to move up. not too long now we'll be seeing more heavy rain moving up through the area. it's all part a big weather system. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is standing by with a look at