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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  October 13, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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them to a hospital so they are supplied with personal protection gear and they've practiced, moving the patient to a negative pressure room. >> the patient would arrive with the medics in protective gear and further, the patient would have a mask on and and in most cases have an impermeable sheet over them to allow all fluids to stay contained within the patient. >> nurses, doctors and other appropriate personnel are training and retraining and going through exercises again, making sure they're ready. we understand they had a couple of false alarms here so they really got to practice. live at the medical center, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. and now to the latest nationally on the ebola outbreak. president obama met with senior administration officials to get updated on the government's response to the health care worker contracting the virus. in canada, an experimental ebola vaccine is showing promise and
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will begin trials on people in the u.s. and doctors in spain treating a nurse with ebola say they're hopeful she will recover. recent tests on her show lower levels of the virus. >> and this from philadelphia international airport, where they're following cdc guidelines to deal with the ebola outbreak. philly international is not among the five u.s. airports that are screening for ebola since there are no direct flights from west africa into philadelphia. so what doesç that mean? airport personnel at philadelphia will monitor all international travelers entering the u.s. for symptoms of ebola. that includes asking them questions and if they suspect a traveler has ebola or ebola-like symptoms, they'll coordinate with the cdc and local health departments. now, tomorrow at this time, delaware county leaders will spell out their ebola and infectious disease task force. it includes communicating to first responders and the public important information about safeguards and protocols when it comes to handling the outbreak. delaware county leaders will hold a news conference tomorrow
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and count on nbc 10 news to cover it all and let you know what happens. all new at 4:30, suiting up for potential threats. how local health care workers are bracing for the possibility of ebola cases reaching our region, all new this afternoon on nbc 10 news at 4:30. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with the weather and a gloomy week ahead. nbc 10 found a gray day in wilmington. and now a live look outside at the philadelphia skyline showing light rain falling off and on today. let's see how long these conditions will last. >> can hardly see the top of the buildings. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is tracking that along with other changes in the first alert weather center. sheena? >> you can see from the image that the clouds are lowering, some of us are starting to deal with fog forming across the area. so that will be an issue come tomorrow morning and late tonight. in the meantime, we have a couple showers on the radar. this is light rain, mostly in
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parts of south jersey through salem, cumberland counties, up into parts of the philadelphia area, also around camden and the shore near atlantic city and in parts of dell did elle. this is mostly light rain, nothing heavy right now. we really don't expect anything heavy as we go through tonight. the clouds will be here, the fog will continue to form. you can see we're just stuck in the cloudy, wet pattern this will be staying around for a few days. visibility is dropping in lancaster, 1 1/4 mile, reading 2 miles, 2 1/2 miles all the way to atlantic city.ç it will be creigh creasing as we go through tonight. pretty cool out by 8:00 tonight, clouds and drizzle. temperatures in the low 60s. fog will continue to form across the area. and especially by 10:00 tonight, we'll see more fog. temperatures still in the low 60s. coming up, i'll show you how low the visibility will drop in the morning and our next chance for thunderstorms. that's straight ahead.
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>> thanks, sheena. this just in, the union representing locomotive engineers entrainment has reached an agreement with septa. both sides reached a tentative agreement. this comes on a day workers could have approved the strike. the tentative agreement is expected to cover workers through july of next year. philadelphia police are trying to figure out who shot a man six times in broad daylight. someone shot the man on lawrence street in north philadelphia around 10:20 this morning. police have not released any details about a possible motive or suspect in the shooting. one driver is dead after three-truck crash on the new jersey turnpike earlier this morning. according to state police, the person behind the wheel of a utility truck died when he slammed into a truck that overturned after being rear-ended by a pickup. this is near exit 2. the driver of the pickup truck suffered minor injuries. a second crash on the new jersey turnpike caused long delays this
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morning. skyforce 10 in mt. laurel at the scene of an overturned dump truck loaded with paper. the accident led to a six-mile long delay while heavy duty wreckers cleaned up the lost load. the driver was taken to the hospital with what police say is a minor injury and no other cars were involved. skyforce 10 in action after two police cars were involved in this crash. this is in center city philadelphia. it happened at 21st and spruce streets. it appears you see the black pickup there also involved in this accident. two people were hurt and taken to the hospital with minor injuries. one of those people was an officer. no word yet on what caused this accident. nbc 10 news is there for day 31 in the mountain search for an accused cop killer. federal, state and localç agen have logged thousands of hours in the manhunt for eric frein and spent millions trying to track him down. doug shimell has spent most of the last month in the poconos. >> doug, based on what people
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told you there today, eric frein appears to be a moving target? >> exactly. that's been a big part of the problem, a big reason why we are entering our fifth week of this manhunt. there has not been a live sighting of eric frein by law enforcement or anybody else in a week. at the abandon alpine ski lodge, police no doubt concerned that fugitive sniper eric frein might come back to properties already searched. it's now more than a month since frein's jeep was found in a blooming grove township retention pond not far from where he's accused of ambushing and killing state police corporal bryon dickson and wounding trooper alex douglass. by midafternoon, a convoy left the police headquarters at the old closed barrett school, heading to another c.e.r.t. zone.
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that was not based on a live sighting but what they call a grid search. back to you. >> you mentioned that convoy heading out on another search. >> any indication of what they might be chasing? >> they obviously hope it's a live sighting. what they do as a matter of course, each day, pick a grid and move into that area. they establish a perimeter and then begin to search any buildings, abandoned properties in there. but the report at the end of that search was they did not find anything or anyone. >> doug shimell reporting again from monroe county. a prosthetic leg stolen from a vet an after last night's eagles game has been recovered. police say they're looking for three women who are suspected in this crime. injured street performer sonny forest jr. now has his leg back.
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it was recovered on a subway train. he took the prosthetic leg off while he was singing for fans sunday night. he's become a fixture at phillies and eagles games. the singer tells nbc 10 as he was sitting on a scooter, a young woman grabbed the leg and took off with two other women. he believes the woman was probably drunk. >> it just happened. i thought, oh, my leg is gone. >> unbelievable. police reviewing subway surveillance video to identify the trio of women suspects. it all happened outside the game but inside the stadium, controversy about the apparent celebration by eagles fans over the injury of a giants player. comcast sports net's john clark examines what really happened here and looks back at other
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infamous moments in eagles fans history. all tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00. new information on a story we first brought you this morning on nbc 10 news today authorities say a fire at a local dance studio was deliberately set. it happened early this morning at the dance center in bensalem. a police officer saw smoke pouring from the building and several fire departments came to put it out. there's also a home inside the building. no one was inside at the time. the future of football in a new jersey high school rocked by a hazing scandal now up in the air. seven students from sayreville high school all facing criminal charges that include aggravated sexual assault. they've been suspended, so has the football program. the school superintendent says he's waiting for more information from the middlesex county prosecutor's office before making a decision on football's return. >> as soon as we go get the green light from the middlesex county prosecutor to begin to investigate the football program we will and will begin with
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interviews of our coaches. >> it isn't known whether coaches at sayreville knew about the eeged abuse or suspected it was going on. 20-year-old student now charged for allegedly making an online terroristic threat at penn state university. penn state police say the student admitted to posting a message saying there would be a shooting at noon today on the main campus. the student, jong seong shim, claimed it was a prank. the threat appeared saturday on the social media site yikyak. police added security on campus today. now, these two brothers from delaware are accused of stealing from a delaware police construction site of all places. investigators arrested and charged bruce and carlton logan. they are accused of stealing several pieces of cast iron piping and steel plates, among other things. this all happened thursday morning. police say the theft happened at a construction site on south state street. both are charged with theft. over $1,500 and other charges. training exercises this week
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for the u.s. navy will prevent boaters from using parts of the delaware bay. here's a live look at the area that will be affected from our camera in cape may, new jersey. the coast guard will set up three safety encoursement zones after cape may in the delaware bay and atlantic ocean. the annual training exercises include the navy, coast guard and canadian military. part of the training will include how to board and investigate suspicious boats. the areas will be off limits to boaters from thursday through october 24th. another child has died after getting diagnosed with enterovirus d68. this time, it's a little girl from michigan. it all comes just a few weeks after 4-year-old eli waller of hamilton township, mercer county, died from the virus. as nbc's erica edwards reports, enterovirus d68 has infected hundreds across the country, primarily children. >> reporter: michigan toddler madeline reed died friday in her parents' arms.
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doctors say she'd been battling enterovirus d68 when her heart failed. >> her symptoms started like they do for all children with enterovirus d68 with symptoms that look like a common cold. >> lab tests will have to confirm theç enterovirus was directly responsible. >> those investigations are still under way but i must say, at the top of the list of possibilities is that this enterovirus may have produced those illnesses. >> reporter: it's also linked to small clusters of cases in colorado and massachusetts in which children developed weakness or paralysis in their arms or legs. nearly 700 people, mostly kids, have been infected with enterovirus d68 in 46 states. it's likely that many more are sick but with minor coughing and sneezing that look like the common cold. >> the few children who have difficulty are those who have more difficulty breathing and
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some who have wheezing, which can result in an asthma attack. >> reporter: good hand washing is key to keeping kids healthy and doctors recommend keeping them home from school when they're sick. erica edwards, nbc news. you can learn more about the symptoms of enterovirus d68 and what you can do to protect your child from this illness. go to for a complete resource guide to the virus. testimony started in south africa today to determine if oscar pistorius will be sentenced to jail time or more lenient sentence for killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he was convicted of culpable homicide in the death of steenka steenkamp. he can get anywhere from 15 years behind bars to no jail time at all. today a social worker recommended that pistorius be given house arrest. the hearing should last about a week. bishops meeting at the vatican are showing an unprecedented openness to accepting the lives of gay
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catholics. a vatican official today said the church must respect the dignity of gay people. the bishop said today that gays have gifts and qualities to offer. the catholic church is in the middle of a two-week meeting. it focuses on family issues and how the church should address them moving forward. topics of discussion include the use of birth control, communion for divorced and remarried church members andç attitudes toward people in the gay community. jesuit author james martin said this is a stunning change in the way the catholic church speaks of gay people. they repeated that gay marriage was off the table but acknowledged that gay partnerships do have merit. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> gray and gloomy across the region today. nbc 10 in philadelphia's franklin square park before the sprinkle started. you will watch your umbrella later on this week. you'll need it in some areas
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tonight. but through the middle of the week, i think everyone will need their umbrella. thunderstorms are coming in the forecast but before we get there, we're dealing with fog tonight. some areas already have the fog developing. we have drizzle or light showers around but warmer temperatures as we go into the start of this week. so the first half of the week, sundays could be near 80 degrees but this will all ab head of thunderstorms. mainly the middle of the week. by wednesday night, we'll be watching a line of storms approaching. here's a live look out center city from the adventure aquarium. the clouds are getting lower than they were earlier today. visibility is dropping and this will continue into tomorrow morning. so in philadelphia right now, 63 degrees, visibility down to about 3 miles, light rain around. west of philadelphia, this is where we've seen most of the visibility dropping. in lancaster, 1 1/4 mile, reading 2 1/2 mile visibility, pottstown under 2 miles, northeast philly, 1 1/2 mile
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visibility. much of south jersey is dropping to 2 1/2 mile visibility. we continue with the dropping of the visibility as we go through tonight. more fog starting to move in. here is future visibility showing us where the fog will be early tomorrow morning. we'll continue to see these numbers dropping down. for your morning commute, there is fog in the forecast. 8:00 in the morning, you'll be deal be with fog in the morning hours. some of the low clouds linger through the afternoon. still, a cloudy day tomorrow. currently we do have the rain on the radar, south jersey seeing the showers, mainly light in parts of atlantic county. also cumberland county, millville seeing a goodç light shower. in parts of new jersey, kent county, scattered, light rain here. nothing heavy as we go through tonight. we don't expect heavy rain until later on this week. right now it's back off to our west, moving into parts of tennessee, chicago, this is a big cold front. as it approaches by the middle of the week, thunderstorms move in with it and our temperatures will drop down going into the weekend. here's future weather.
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tonight we do stay cloudy, a few areas of drizzle. tomorrow morning we wake up with the clouds around. fog for much of the area. through the afternoon we're dry mainly. we'll still see the clouds lingering. wednesday, more clouds moving in. it stays warm. you start to see the line of thunderstorms setting up to our west wednesday night. this will be a late event, late wednesday into early thursday. for tonight, though, cloudy with drizzle around. fog develops late tonight. 58 in philadelphia, 55 north and west. more fog moving in for the area late tonight. then tomorrow we'll see morning fog with the drizzle around, cloudy through the day. temperatures warmer than today. about the mid to upper 70s. as we go into wednesday, that's when we'll have the late thunderstorms moving in. scattered showers for thursday. we really don't start to clear up too much until about friday. so far, the weekend look goods with cooler temperatures. people in norristown honored christopher columbus today in elmwood park. ♪ and the rockets red glare
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>> today's event began with music and the montgomery county park is the site of the christopher columbus monument. it was put in the park more than 20 years ago. today's keynote speaker was montgomery county sheriff. after the event people continued the celebration with a large italian lunch. philadelphia police. >> reporter: outnumbered today at belmont plateau in fairmont park but for a very good cause. more than 200 kids from across the city took part in a flag football tournament with members of the police athletic league. check it out. there were some nice passes being caught on the field today. it's a good way to get kids who are off for the columbus day holiday a safe and positive way to spend the day. >>"w are fwoling breaking news from wall street where the dow has closed down more than 220 points. >> the s&p 500 and nasdaq also fell today. the losses extend steep drops from last week which gave
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financial indexes their worst weekly performance in more than two years. >> seat belt concerns have an automaker raising a red flag. >> today, the potential danger inside your car as the temperature outside drops. also, swastikas for sale. a symbol of hate offered for sale sas trendy jewelry, all frm a well-known retailer. cell phones with one of the most taxed things in the country. >> tax turmoil. nbc 10 with new analysis of how much you're paying in taxes for your wireless service. and where that money is going. and falling fuel prices. nbc 10 with the brand new figures to promise to make a noticeable difference in your budget.
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this is noich news. this is nbc 10 news. >> no matter where you live in
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the airy, you probably notice gas prices are on their way down.ç over the weekend, gas prices dropped in all three states. prices are down to 4 cents to $3.29 in the five-county area around philadelphia. in south jersey, prices dropped 3 cents to an average of 2.99. if you fill up in delaware you'll pay an average of 3 another 06, down 5 cents over the weekend. according to the lundberg survey, this is the 16th straight week gas prices have dropped. a slow, global economic growth has hurt the oil market but it's been good news for refiners buying the crude oil. experts say gas prices could drop another 10 cents in the near future. an nbc 10 producer spotted this price for gloucester county, gas going for $2.89 a gallon for regular unleaded. we took a tour from state to state to state. woodbury, we found gas for
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$2.87. drivers are excited with the savings. >> i'm commuting every day. and it's really awesome. >> i just put 40 in which would usually be 60. it's $20 different for me that's given me almost a full tank. i'm loving it. >> now to blue bell, montgomery county, pennsylvania prices aren't below $3 yet but much better than we've seen in recent months. here on this skippack pike, we found people filling up for $3.25 a gallon. to delaware, people are reaping the benefits of lower gas prices here as well. we spotted gas for $3.09 in wilmington. think ebola. that's the message from federal health experts to hospitals all across the u.s. it is our top story on nbc 10 news at 4:00. the message coming from the cdc, after a texas nurse tested positive for ebola. she was exposed to an african man who died from the virus at that hospital where the man was being treated.
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and new at 4:30, suiting up for the scare. how local health care workers are training to keep the boil virus from spreading if it reaches our area. sheena parveen? >> i'm tracking a fallç warmup plus more chances for rain and autumn thunderstorms in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. then coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, it's a comfy place to curl up but experts say this is no place for a baby. the one place they say you should not put your little one to sleep.
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this is nbc 10 news. right now at 4:30, nbc 10 news is there as local health care workers layer up with protective gear, preparing for the potential of an ebola patient coming into their facility. the heightened awareness comes on the same day as the cdc advise hospitals across the u.s. to think ebola. >> concerned health care providers are thinking seriously. lu ann cahn is with us. >>ç despite the precautions, i seems we shouldn't understatement the dangers of ebola and how it can spread. >> right. that is why the main line health system, lankenau medical center is taking every precaution. health care workers are training and going through exercises to make sure they know how to properly put on protective gear in case an ebola patient walks in this door. >> it is so critical to protecting the health worker and others that every person must
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have a partner with them as they cover up from the floor up, double layers of footwear, fluid impenetrable cover-ups and face gear. perhaps the time of most risk is when the health worker takes off all that gear. it must be done in a specific way to protect everyone in the emergency room area. >> the first thing he's going to do is get rid of his first pair of gloves, then he's going to shed his gown. the top down. and dispose of that in a proper biohazard bag, which is designated by the biohazard mark. >> only handle it by the inside. >> by the inside only. >> then he's going to remove his boots.
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>> reporter: to doctors it is clear there are so many opportunities to possibly make a mistake and they acknowledge if that is true and that is why they are training and exercising as much as possible. live at lankenau medical center, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. time is running out for voters in new jersey hoping to exercise their rights as part of decision 2014. tomorrow is the deadline to register for the november general election. people can register at county clerks offices until tomorrow night. and voters in new jersey have some big decisions including the u.s. senate race between democrat corey booker and republican challenger jeff bellç all 12 of the state's congressional seats are also up for grabs. there are also two ballot questions including one to overhaul the state's bail system. another would dedicate business tax revenues to open space. today nbc 10 is taking a look at one of the congressional races in new jersey. the race for the first district.
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it covers camden and gloucester counties. congressman rob andrews resigned from the post after more than two decades. democratic state senator donald n norcross and a republican candidate are vie for that open seat. nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter cydney long is live in cherry hill. >> what do the candidates consider the most vital yeshs s in -- issues in this election? >> reporter: one of them is creating jobs, attracting companies to do business here in south jersey and they say that is where they will both hit the ground running if elected to congress in november. >> it's about jobs in the economy. >> reporter: state senator donald norcross considers himself a champion of the middle class and says he can and will attract companies to plant roots in south jersey, creating jobs. >> having atlantic city as an
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anchor is not helping the issue but more importantly, i think what we're seeing is the first positive signs of the economic opportunity act. >> i do want a strong economy. i do want fiscal order. >> reporter: former philadelphia eagle turned sportscaster gary cobb agrees south jersey is devastated by unemployment but in part, the solution must be making higher education more affordable. >> science, technology, engineering and math. that's where the growth is, in the technology sector. we should try to appeal to companies in that area. there are a lot of companies that have avoided coming to south jersey because they don't want to get caught up into the pay-to-play schemes that the democrats have had. >> reaction to them talking about, it's a pay-to-play mentality. >> we often hear about the machine, it's the machine. that's why i've been re-elected nine times. people have the right and the obligation to vote on november 4th that's wa we're asking them to do.
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>> now, both cobb and norcross agree there needs to be more bipartisan and solution-based conversations in washington, d.c. they also say there needs to be more change to the affordable health care act. also coming up at 6:00, how they also agree on second chances for violent offenders. what will that mean for the local economy? we'll explain when we see you at 6:00. live in cherry hill tonight, cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> look forward to seeing you then. thank you. here are some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 news at 4:00. day 31 in the hunt for the accused killer of a pennsylvania state trooper, federal, state and local agents are still trying to find eric frein. he's accused of ambushing and killing state police corporal bryon dickson and wounding alex dougla douglass. an unusual theft investigation is happening in philadelphia today. investigators are looking for a woman accused of stealing a man's prosthetic leg. the man who performs outside
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phillies and eagles games says a young woman took his leg after he removed it to sing for fans. the leg was later recovered on a septa train. investigators are look for surveillance video in hopes of tracking down a suspect. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> prepare for a damp and dreary week. we will see wet weather and fog could be an issue. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is tracking rain. >> plus, some other changes as well. sheena, give us your updated first alert evening planner. >> first we'll be tracking the fog across the area but before we see most areas seeing fog, we're also starting with showers. radar showing the lighter showers, mainly in parts of cumberland county, moving towards atlantic county and closer to the shore. this is mostly light rain. up around the philadelphia area, we have a live view. areas of drizzle are out there right now in very low clouds. this is center city from the aq. you can see the clouds lowering.
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fog will be building into the morning hours and now in delaware, we have very light showers along the beaches in parts of kent county. we are watching these showers closely but nothing very heavy as we go through tonight or even tomorrow. it's not going to come until wednesday night. big weather system in the middle of the country. this will be giving us a chance for thunderstorms later this week. the fog is going to be one of the main issues. visibility about a mile, in lancaster, three miles in philadelphia. 2 1/2 in atlantic city. for tonight, the fog, the clouds and drizzle stay in the forecast. but coming up, we have warmer temperatures ahead. thunderstorms, i'll show you the timing, next. location, location, location. those are words that realtors live by. >> it could be the words some women die from. we'll explain the new science. and the price you pay, nbc 10 news analyzes the tax impact of being a cell phone owner and where every penny goes.
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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now it a car recall you should know about.
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acura is recalling 43,000 vehicles due to a problem with the seat belt. the belts my not release in temperatures below zero degrees. so far, no one has been hurt. it includesç the 2014 rlx mode and 2014 and 2015 mdx models. acura will mail a notice if you own one of the vehicles involved. the number of incidents believed to be connected to the defective general motors car ignitions is growing. an attorney now says 27 people have died and at least 25 have been seriously hurt in crashes involving the switches. other claims have been made and are under review. gm knew about the faulty ignitions on some of its cars but did not recall them until february. living near a busy road could hurt your heart, especially if you're a woman. a new study by the american heart association finds living near a major highway ups the risk of sudden cardiac death of
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up to 40%. doctors say the risk is as important for women as smoking and obesity and the risk goes up the closer a house is to a highway. researchers say air pollution is the likely culprit. just about everybody has one. >> that's right. the phone fees you're paying just to stay connected. nbc 10 breaks down the taxes on your monthly cell phone bill and who's getting your hard-earned money. also ahead, the jewelry line that's leaving the wrong impression and has one major retailer in damage control mode. sheena parveen. it's going to feel almost summer-like over the next few days. keep the umbrella handy, too. i'm tracking rain and even the chance of thunderstorms this week. get the details in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast.
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now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist
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sheena parveen. >> well, for now we have fog forming across the area. so kind of early for the evening hours to see that fog forming. as we go through tonight, more fog will be in the forecast for the area. warmer temperatures ahead, too. so if we go into tomorrow, we could be close to 80 degrees. even as we go into parts of wednesday. also for wednesday, thunderstorms will be in the forecast, mainly later wednesday night. it will start to carry over into thursday and then we'll cool down again. in the meantime, we are only at about the mid-to-low 60s. 63 in philadelphia, 60 in trenton, some areas are seeing drizzle along with this, too, along with the cloud cover. 63 in millville, 64 degrees in dover. i mentioned some of us are starting to see the fog forming. lancaster, only about 1 1/4 mile visibility, reading 2 1/2 miles visibility, philadelphia only 3. the poconos a quarter mile because of the higher elevation. it continues to the shore, atlantic city only seeing 3 mile
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visibility. we'll continue with the lowering of the clouds and increasing fog overnight tonight. most of the area is fairly dry. with the fog forming it could be misty or drizzly out there. millville, cape may county along the shore, parts of atlantic county, moving towards atlantic city and just very light showers through parts of kent county, making their way offshore along the beaches. no heavy rain. it's the fog we're watching big weather system moving through the mid of the country, very strong storms in this system. and byç wednesday, we'll see getting a lot closer. by wednesday, too, we have the chance of thunderstorms as it starts to move in. here's future weather. a few sprinkles around for the rest of the evening. clouds hang around overnight. fog settles in tomorrow morning. we expect fog for the morning commute. take it slower on the roadways. through the afternoon, the clouds will still be here but we'll stay dry.
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wednesday morning, we're mainly dry to start off the day but to our west, we start to see rain and thunderstorms approaching. late wednesday night will be the time line for a lot of these storms moving in. this is 10:00 p.m. wednesday. that's when we see the storms moving into the area and they will be lasting overnight into thursday. for tonight, cloudy with drizzle and fog developing late tonight. mid-50s areas north and west. tomorrow, we'll see the fog in the morning, drizzle through the day and even in the morning with the fog. clouds hang around. the temperatures will be warmer than today. 76 to 79 degrees. is will be a much warmer day tomorrow. even on wednesday, we could be near 80 degrees with the late thunderstorms moving in. then as we go into thursday, we could see the clouds lingering once again with scattered showers around, especially in the morning hours thursday. that will be the best time for that. then it will clear out as we go into the end of week. by friday, temperatures will be
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at the low 70s going into the weekend, we're even cooler than that. we'll be at about the mid-60s. it will start to get chilly again. >> like the sound of that. >> i like that 80. >> for one day. >> 80s with an umbrella. don't forget the umbrella. >> thanks, sheena. get your old documents ready. nbc 10 and telemundo 62 are preparing for the return of the great shredder event. it's happening in south philadelphia this weekend. we're teaming up with allstate to shred your documents free of charge. you can bring up to five boxes. mark your kallcalendars from 9: a.m. to noon at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia, rain or shine. hope to see you there. you could call it aç jewel jolt. >> nbc 10 with a trend that wasn't. >> we've all seen shocking fashions come and go. but this takes it to a whole new level. the major local retailer who got called out for selling
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nazi-themed rings. and bracing for ebola. but that's not the only illness local health officials are looking out for. you should be on alert, too, the warning signs to look out for if you start to feel under the weather this fall.
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a big part of your phone bill may not be going to pay for calls. >> a new report finds taxes may be more than you realize. pennsylvania is among the top states where taxes and fees make up nearly a quarter of your phone bill. the average for tax and fees is about 17%. florida residents pay the most at 22%. the average cost to american consumers is 17%. 14.67% in new jersey and
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delaware it's about 12.5%. >> in pennsylvania there's a sales tax of 6%, a state gross receipt tax of 5%, a local sales tax of 1% an a statewide wireless 911 fee of $1 a month. in new jersey, the state sales tax is 7% with the wireless 911 fee of just under a dollar and in delaware, the public utility gross receipt tax is 5% with a 911 fee of 60 cents. >> i think we're finding that a lot of people are very upset. you have a feeling when you look at your cell phone bill that you might be getting taken advantage of. this report shows you by state, just how much the taxes are taken out of your bill. >> in chicago, some people are paying, get this, 35% in taxes on their phone bill. it's a symbol long associated with one of the darkest times in world history. >> now that symbol has resurfaced on jewelry of all places. tim furlong has been looking
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into the swastika jewelry for sale on a sears website. >> the company took action after you started asking questions. >> reporter: sears never sold this ring in actual stores like this one here in delaware but they allow other companies to sell things on their website. third party vendors. a viewer gave me this story on facebook. we made calls, there was social media buzz and now the ring is no longer available for sale. is it good enough now for people who were offended it made it on to the site at all? >> you think sears, most of us think tools, lands end clothes and the auto center. this is probably not something you'd expect to see on the website. she was surprised to see a symbol she considers extremely offensive. >> it's more incredulous.
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>> i was horrified, absolutely horrified to see a swastika. >> she is not at all happy with sears right %ow. i shared with her the statement the company sent me, they tell me the offensive item was listed by independent third parties on sears marketplace violates guide lu lines and was removed as soon as we became aware it was on our site. >> there needs to be an explanation, an polg. i can't imagine in my wildest dreams. i don't know what anyone was thinking when they produced this or marketed it. it's so insensitive. >> reporter: i did try unsuccessfully to contact c.e.t. domain, the manufacturer of the ring. they appear to make all sorts of jewelry for the punk rock crowd. the reception seems to be amazon and ebay facilitate transactions
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online. a lot of people feel sears should be more responsible for what's sold on their website and in their stores. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. nbc 10 news at 5:00 is next. >> jacqueline london and keith jones. next on nbc 10 at 5:00. >> on alert. count on nbc 10 to keep you up to date on the latest warnings on the ebola outbreak. at 5:00, how protocols are being changed to help prevent the spread of the deadly virus. sheena? a few showers around the area. then tonight we have fog setting in and wamer temperatures, too. i'll show you the details on that and the timing of the thunderstorms, coming up. eagles fans should be flying high but instead they're being called out again for what some say is bad behavior. the photo stirring up the controversy. that's next on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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nbc 10 news starts now. think ebola. that is the message federal health authorities are telling the nation's hospitals. this as a texas nurse remains in isolation after testing positive for the virus over the weekend. the nurse was on the team that cared for thomas eric duncan who died from ebola last week. >> the first known case of person-to-person infection in the united states and it's raising a lot of questions. officials today said the cdc is doubling down on ebola training in support for hospitals and health care workers.
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but they still don't know exactly how the nurse was exposed to the virus despite wearing the recommended protective gear. nbc 10 national correspondent chris pallone has the latest on the outbreak from dallas. >> reporter: monday a cleanup crew that specializes in hazardous materials worked to decontaminate a dallas apartment. the woman who lives there is a nurse at texas presbyterian hospital. she was diagnosed with the ebola virus over the weekend. >> i feel awful that a health care worker became infected in the care of an ebola parent. she was there trying to help the first patient survive and now she has become infected. >> reporter: the centers for disease control says a breach of protocol led to the first person-to-person ebola transmission in the united states. and is leading top health officials to examine every aspect of working with ebola patients. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola infection control because even a single infection is un