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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  September 4, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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we begin with breaking news this morning. two bodies found inside a home in the crescentville section of the city. skyforce 10 live over crescent street. so far we don't know the circumstances. we have a crew on the way to the scene. we're gathering information. we'll bring you more information as soon as it comes into nbc 10. more breaking news. a car crash in bensalem. police say they were following the black car you see here that was involved in two hit-and-runs just minutes earlier. that ended up crashing. police took the driver of has
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car into custody. earlier skyforce 10 caught one of the two hit-and-run scenes. one woman was injured, taken to the hospital. the driver of the car was taken into custody and also checked out for injury. let's get the latest from nbc 10 doug shimel who can bring us up to date. >> reporter: i was chatting with one of the officers here. they got a call at 567, a on allen grove street. when they went inside, they found two male victims on the ground floor. one on the front of the unit, one on the back. both deceased they say. one from a gunshot wound, the other hit with a hammer. unclear if the second may have been a gunshot wound as well. right now detective assessing the scene and collecting evidence. live in north philadelphia, i'm
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nbc 10 news. happening now dilworth park in center city. grand opening ceremony about to begin. the heart of center city has a brand-new look. renovated dilworth park officially renovated as we speak. live in center city to give us a look, sounds like it's just starting, monique? >> reporter: renee, the music is under way. look at the hundreds gathered here on what will officially, in a few moments, be called dilworth park. in the last hour we've watched people arrive, hundreds walking through. police guarding this space here. right now listening to black pearl orchestra, at noon they take the stage. minutes ago mayor nutter and other city officials will officially cut the ribbon
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opening dilworth park. this new phase and interest to septa train was two years in the making. every time a train passes underground, lights will turn on, a mist will rise. there's also a flatware surface that will evolve into a skating rink this winter. the project cost about $55 million according to center city district. they are looking on stage now. we're showing you mayor nutter has arrived. they are going to cut a ribbon and officially open this park that hundreds of people all around me are waiting to see. live now from center city, coming up in about a half hour, we're going to tell you if you can rent this space for a wedding or reception and how much it may cost you. that's coming your way at 11:30. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. thank you, monique. also new this morning, a new name for another center city landmark. the markete station will be
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known as jefferson station. it's part of a new partnership with the jefferson health system. >> the naming of the agreement is just the beginning of what i am sure to be a long and rewarding relationship between two of greater philadelphia's region's most recognizable institutions. the name change goes into effect immediately. onto other news, a firefighter suffers injuries fighting overnight. 52nd in philadelphia. we're hearing there were squatters inside the house at the time. no official cause. we are told there was an illegal electrical hookup on that property. >> announcer: now, you're nbc 10 first alert weather. >> got to like this. the humidity taking a bit of a break today. pretty comfortable cancer as we take a live look at the skyline of center city, philadelphia. fantastic look at the shore. a live look at cape may where
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you see plenty of people soaking in the sun. still clouds down at the shore. nbc's first alert meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz here with the forecast. hey, glenn. >> renee, a nice looking day and feeling day for most of us. you can see all the blue in the sky from the philadelphia area up to the poconos, out to the shore and everywhere in between. so it is a dry, sunny day. there's no significant moisture anywhere nearby. we have to go pretty far back to the west near chicago before we find any kind of significant moisture. so it's going to take a while before anything changes significantly. as we go through the afternoon, it's dry. we're not seeing significant cloud cover here. into tomorrow morning. then we start to change as far as the clouds are concerned. still not the rain but the atmosphere getting more and more moist. it's 81 right now, philadelphia
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82 in northeast philly. 81 in georgetown, wildwood and also in millville. it's going to get warmer than it was at this time yesterday. it is going to be a little bit less humid but still not real low humidity like we have seen sometimes in the last month. but getting up to about 88 degrees. tolerable humidity today. things are really going to heat up and steam up and get stormy around here, too, as we go into the weekend. the timing on that with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> thanks, glenn. philadelphia police are examining evidence from two crime scenes after a man was found dead inside a burning car. a black mitsubishi gallant went up in flames near fifth and warren street in olney. three hours earlier witnesses say they saw a man shot in the head in the same car some three blocks away. police haven't identified the victor cause of death. they are looking for the man who ran from the scene and got into a red car. today the woman accused of kidnapping and raping a
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five-year-old girl will be back on the stand after a dramatic day in the courtroom yesterday. christina regusters is accused of taking a five-year-old girl from her school last year. her cousin testified regusters abused her daughters. during the testimony regusters screamed out, i never touched your child. she's lying and tried to leave the court. regusters took the stand as well without the jury in the courtroom. she didn't address the charges against her. but the statement she made on the night of her arrest are not admissible in court because an officer failed to read her her miranda rights. fast-food rallying, calling for higher wages. as you see they are marching to broad and arch discreet where they plan to arrive in 45 minutes. taking a live look at the scene as skyforce 10 pulls out. these folks as they march, they are asking for a wage increase to $15 an hour. they also want the right to form a union. now, just this week president obama and vice president biden
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called for an increase in the minimum wage. later today philadelphia housing authority will hold an upcoming meeting on implosion of the highrise. the meeting at 6:00 at new mariah baptist church. it will make room for new low rise public housing. school is back in session. audubon camden county. strunts arriving for their first day of class. they will have a chance to ease into things. they only have a half day of school today. it's back to classrooms where teachers in the philadelphia school district. this year there are more cuts to work around. that's making some teachers apprehensive about the upcoming year. nbc 10 katy zachry talked to some teachers about their biggest worries. >> teachers i spoke with say they are worried about security. it was a concern last year when there were fewer adults in the school buildings. this year there are fewer police officers. >> we were really lucky last
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year we didn't have any severe injuries. >> phys ed and health teacher describes the struggle philadelphia teachers dealt with last year when the district cut staff and resources. >> every year i've worked in the district, we've gotten less and less. >> this year is no exception. >> no. this year is quite less. >> fewer aides, fewer security guards, and fewer supplies. just some of the problems the new school year presents for teachers in philadelphia. >> i think it's stressful for all the teachers who i think over the summer everybody is thinking, what are we going to do? how are we going to proceed. >> second year we talked to math teacher about the growing responsibilities of teachers in the state's largest school district. philadelphia is starting off in the red. an $81 million deficit means vacant police officer position won't be filled among other things. >> i'm apprehensive about not having as many adult bodies in the building. >> they both teach at the magnet school but buildings are several blocks away in kensington.
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with fewer aides, police officers, teachers are planning to walk the kids to and from the building, one of several new roles they will take on this year. >> helping out in hallways, making sure children are safe, transition one place to another, buying materials, things the district isn't supplying. >> this year the district making cuts to sanitation services. some teachers are asking their students to bring cleaning supplies with them the first day of school. reporting from broad street, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. >> you can get all the back to school information you need on our website, check out special section of tips and trends as well as news for the upcoming school year. superstorm, staying put, keeping seaside in the shore town. this is a photo of the town. they reportedly agreed to swap ocean front property in exchange for the town taking care of the
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carousel. it's been there since 1932. veterans will recuperate at one delaware beach. vets and families are staying for free in condos and houses all week long. it's part of a second annual warrior beach week. veterans can apply for the program through the wounded warrior project. wide ranging investigation. the justice department is now taking a closer look at the history of the ferguson, missouri, police department. why this is being launched on top of an already ongoing investigation into the shooting death of michael brown. >> completely out of the water, flipped her over. my kayak completely over. >> kayak attack. two women out in the water have a run-in with a great white shark. what they say was even scarier than that face-to-face encounter. >> sunshine and comfortable temperatures today. but don't get too comfortable about that, because i'm tracking
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the return of the steamy and stormy weather. it's going to last through the weekend. that's just ahead.
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officials at a juvenile detention center in tennessee say they will review policies on locking dorm doors after a disturbance last night. more than 25 teens left their rooms, went into the courtyard and refused to go back in their dorms. they threw objects at officers
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injuring two. teens stay in dorms locked from the outside but they can push the doors open. this is the same facility where more than 30 teens escaped after kicking out metal panels and sneaking through the perimeter fence. that happened earlier this week. the justice department is expected to launch investigation in ferguson, missouri. the government is already conducting an investigation into last month's deadly shooting of an unarmed teen by a police officer. michael brown's death touched off several days of sometimes violent protests. the new investigation will examine conduct of the police department over the past several years. it will also look at the practices of the county police department. a man who says he wanted to join isis is set to be arraigned in north carolina. donald ray morgan is set to appear before a federal judge in greensboro on a charge of being a convicted felon in possession of a weapon. he was arrested after he arrived on a flight from germany. government prosecutors say he
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poses a threat. police officer in new york shot and killed in the line of duty during a shoutout with the spend. this happened in rochester. police were trying to arrest the suspect around 9:30 last night when the gunfire rang out. it's not clear what the suspect was wanted for. that suspect was also shot as was an innocent bystander. the bystander is expected to be okay. the name of the fallen officer will be released later this morning. we should know later today whether a body found near an arizona neighborhood is that of a missing eight-year-old girl. authorities have been searching for isabella every since her family reported her missing early tuesday morning. search-and-rescue teams discovered a body in an open dirt patch. family members say the girl was abducted as she slept in her room. >> announcer: now, you're nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> i have another day of
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sunshine, not even cumulous clouds. heat and humidity returning though. it will feel like summer, also storms coming in on saturday. we'll show you the timing on that the question is will it all be out of here in time for the eagles game. it's been pretty warm, if not hot. 93 on tuesday. 85 yesterday, 88 today. around 91 today and tomorrow. right now we're seeing the temperature of 81 degrees. that's 4 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday. humidity is not too high. it feels like temperature is 83. it was like 98 a couple days ago. right now the temperatures are in the upper 70s to low 80s. 78 in pottstown, one of the cooler spots. 78 in clayton and 79 in trenton. see how the shore is doing, a little bit cooler than inland
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areas. not a big difference today. we have dry conditions all up and down the east coast. we've said that a lot over the last month. we can actually use some rain in parts of the area. here is the nearest significant showers around chicago. that's a long way away. so nothing is coming in today or into tonight. the clouds will be increasing tomorrow morning as we get a southerly wind. humidity just really goes up. that may help trigger a few showers around during the afternoon tomorrow. that's not the main threat, but that's just a preview. as we go into saturday, if you want dry weather on saturday, go do your thing in the morning. 9:00 a.m., things are dry. by afternoon, showers, even some thunderstorms developing. look at that. it could even be a line of strong storms going through the area between 5:00 and 8:00. right around dinnertime.
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then the drier air starts to come in. it's not clearing out completely here by 5:00 a.m. sunday. it's a general trend as we go through sunday will be more more sunshine later in the day than in the morning. but the humidity is going to be way down. the temperature is going to be way down. quite a different type of day on sunday than what we're going to see saturday. sunny and warm today. mid to upper 80s. humidity kind of tolerable. tomorrow less tolerable. high humidity, and a little hotter, a couple of showers developing in the afternoon. saturday hot and humid with those thunderstorms especially in the afternoon and evening. some of them could be pretty heavy. we're drying out and cooling downon sunday. look how much cooler saturday. plus low humidity. fairly comfortable weather for the beginning of next week. >> thanks, glenn.
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flu shot warning. the new government recommendations about how to protect your child from getting sick. and the best vaccinations to get for your little one. danger at 30,000 feet. why your flight crew is at a higher risk for developing a potentially deadly disease.
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a new report finds more than 800,000 people around the world commit suicide each year. the world health organization finds 75% of suicides happen in poor nations. suicide rates are highest in people over 70. the report called for improved prevention plans like identifying people with mental illness and follow-up care for health workers for those at risk of suicide. consumer product safety commission may ban tiny magnets that each year kill children. annika, 19-month-old last august when she swallowed seven small magnetic balls from a necklace her brothers brought home from school. the magnets became attached to one another which then perforated her bowel. bucky balls last july, magnets recalled only if they were large enough not to fit through a cylinder used to test
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choking hazards. voted on later this month. flight crews have a certain risk of skin cancer. melanoma rates are twice as high among flight-based workers. exposure to uv radiation. a bad night's sleep may actually shrink your brain. that's according to a new study in the journal of neurology. it found sleep difficulty may be linked to a faster decline in brain volume. results also show the decline was more evident in those over the age of 60. as kids head back to school this year, there are new flu shot recommendations for the center for disease control. main recommendation children recommending two to eight, they get the nasal spray. experts say that's because we catch the flu through the lining of our nose or mouth.
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>> give the vaccine to the children of the thought is that is more protective for the child. the immune response will be right there on the face. flu shots are typically available most places in october. but some pharmacies are getting an early start. no flu season is ever the same, of course. but doctors say they see a spike in cases usually around january. science project gone awry. the routine experiment that was anything but for children visiting a museum out west. plus -- >> opened up the stomach and kept removing sock after sock of all different shapes, colors and sizes. you wonder what happens to all those socks missing from your clothes drier. well, the pooch who apparently doesn't have a taste for the finer things in life. look at that.
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rafe an update now on the breaking news we're following in the city's crescentville section. two bodies found. doug live on the scene. what have you learned? >> apparently the owner of 367 or 567, a on allen grove road that called police at 10:00 a.m. when they got here they found two men dead on the bottom floor, one shot to death the other bludgeoned to death with a hammer. what police tells us, apparently a woman, a former tenant, squatting there for months. neighbors tell us they have been complaining about drug activity at that unit. they were afraid something like this might happen. what happened this morning confirmed their worst fears. neighbors telling them it was a known drug house. they claim they had not gotten any complaints from the neighborhood and wish they had.
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live in the neighborhood, nbc 10 news. it's a new day in center city and a new look for the plaza in front of city hall. nbc 10's monique braxton live in center city to give us a look at the park. hey, monique. >> in the past hour the ceremony has gotten under way. several elected officials on the stage including the governor here to launch opening of $55 million project what a beautiful day to do so. two years in the making. every time the train passes, lights will come onna mist also rises. there's also a flat worry surface to evolve into a skating rink this september. we spoke with the center city district offices about what you have to do if you want to rent part of this beautiful space for a wedding or reception. what i was told, it cost about
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$6,000 to rent the grassy area which can hold 450 people. if you want the area for a special occasion it cost about $9,000. but it's available. they do have some reservations into next year. coming up at 12:00, gay men's chorus from philadelphia will take the stage after the ribbon is cut. live for now from city hall, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> what a beautiful late summer day outside today. taking a live look outside at philadelphia's boathouse row. sun is shining, humidity is low. let's check in with nbc 10 first alert glenn "hurricane" schwartz. glenn, what are we doingence on a day like today. >> that's right. especially when we compare this to the next couple of days when the humidity is going to be so high and the temperature is going to be even higher than today. a lot of blue in that sky right
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now. the atmosphere overall very dry, kind of clean. no pollution issues today. and we don't see any moisture very close by, do we? it's way back by chicago. that's the nearest rain. so the future cast shows us the dry conditions throughout the afternoon. and into tonight. we'll watch what happened with the clouds as we go into the morning hours with southerly wind and rapid increase in humidity. expecting more clouds to break out and eventually showers tomorr tomorrow. nothing like saturday. temperatures upper 70s, low 80s. right now the humidity not all that high. so it's relatively comfortable, especially compared who what we're going to see tomorrow and saturday. high temperatures 88 degrees. later on this afternoon, nothing
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but sunshine today. we do expect thunderstorms for part of the weekend. the timing on that hour by hour with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> thanks, glenn. president obama is in wales this morning for nato summit where he's hoping to get support for ukraine and possible military action in syria. tracie potts is monitoring meetings from washington, d.c. officially the number one issue on nato's agenda is stopping russia's push into ukraine. >> article five is crystal clear. an attack on one is an attack on all. >> u.s. seeking support for possible airstrike against isis terrorists in syria. vice president biden put it bluntly. >> they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. >> i do believe the international community as a whole has been obligation to stop islamic states from
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advancing further. >> but the delay in going after isis in syria has some lawmakers frustrated. >> the president is measured. he should be measured. >> a strong president would stand up and use our air superiority to take them out, to prevent them from murdering innocent americans. >> like journalist stephen sotloff. his alma mater held a vigil last night. >> he merely wanted to give voice to those that had none. >> u.s. terror experts said isis has 10,000 fighters and better than any other terror group at spreading its message. >> left unchecked they will seek to core out attacks closer to home. >> president obama needs authority from congress to carry out airstrikes. lawmakers sayel get it. nato meeting with europeans, middle eastern allies and other nations to get their support. also president obama and prime minister cameron have an article in today's london times where they referred to isis as barbaric killers. in washington, tracie potts, nbc
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news. the taliban attacked a government compound in eastern afghanistan today, killing at least a dozen people. two suicide bombs detonated. taliban fighters began a gunbattle with policeman and security forces at the compound. officials say 200 people may have been hurt here. this comes as world leaders at the nato summit set to drawn down the mission in afghanistan. dutch authorities say they will publish a preliminary report next week about the crash of the malaysian airlines jet over eastern ukraine. the dutch safety board said it relies on information from satellite, radar, black box recorders. all 298 passengers on board were
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killed. in india, at least 18 people have died over the past two days as the region is seeing the worst flooding in 22 years. you're looking at video of people being rescued from streets that are covered in floodwaters. fifty wedding guests missing after the bus was swept away into a stream. only three people made it off the bus. experimental ebola treatments, nearly 200 health experts around the world are debating things like who should get these ebola vaccines and how much of the supply should be saved for clinical studies p the meeting follows an earlier discussion where world health decided use of experimental treatments was justified due to the seriousness of that outbreak in west africa. fast-food workers are rallying in philadelphia calling for higher wages. right now they are marching to broad and arch streets. we showed you that march earlier in the show. they are asking for a wage increase to $15 an hour. they also want the right to form
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a union. just this week, the president and vice president called for increase in minimum wage. fast-food workers striking today. more than 150 cities. they are seeking $15 hourly wage. in detroit more than 100 protesters marched through the parking lot of a mcdonald's. police made several arrests, people who staged a sit-in on a busy road. workers walked off to demand higher wage. they wanted to form unions without retaliation. mcdonald's issued a statement saying, we respect everyone's rights to peacefully protest. mcdonald's and our independent franchises support paying our valued employees fair wages aligned with a competitive marketplace. we believe that any minimum wage increase should be implemented over time so that the impact on owners of small and medium-sized businesses like the ones who own and operate the majority of our restaurants is manageable. new jersey governor chris
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christie continues his three-day trade mission to mexico today. the governor arrived yesterday. he's expected to meet with the mexican government. christie will meet with business leaders as he tries to capitalize on trade ties with the country. christie is not expected to cross paths with hillary clinton who is in mex. she's attending an event for the clinton foundation. the event will honor scholarship students supported by the foundation. public defender will handle ray nagin's appeal, his conviction on bribery and money laundering charges. federal judge signed off on the charge yesterday. a jury in february convicted nagin on 20 counts including bribery, wire fraud and money laundering. he'll start serving a 10-year sentence on monday. a demonstration did not go as planned at a museum in nevada. the museum was trying to show people the science of tornadoes.
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something went wrong and there was a chemical flash. nine people were sent to the hospital. eight children were among them. lawyers for south carolina woman cruised of driving her children into the atlantic ocean said she was disoriented because of blood sugar. her blood sugar measured at 44, a normal level between 70 and 100. the judge will discuss this during a hearing tomorrow. the woman is facing attempted murder and other charges. this is quite a story. a great white shark attack. two kayakers off the plymouth, massachusetts coast wednesday evening, the two teens say they were scared to death when the shark attacked their kayak knocking them into the water. nbc's adam harding reports. >> we were just talking and paddling. i look over to talk to her, and it came completely out of the water and got the bottom of the boat and flipped her over and dumped my kayak completely over.
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>> ida parker is still shaking after a close encount we are a great white shark at this plymouth beach. >> i saw at least four feet of its head. four feet of it came up out of the water. >> the shark went after ida and her friend that went out kayaking. >> bit through the boat. >> harvard confirms these bites are from a great white, the second time one was spotted wednesday alone. >> we were sitting in the water. we were sinking. i slipped over holding onto the bottom of the kayak. it was petrifying waiting in that water for the arbor master to come and not knowing if anybody was going to come get us. >> the girls say a neighbor heard them screaming and rushed into the water after calling 911. they were bobbing in the ocean still unsure they would survive. >> the scariest part was sitting in the water waiting, wondering where he was. you didn't know if he was under you or around you. >> it's been a summer full of
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shark sightings on the south shore. remember this massive one down inductionberry? it could very well be the same great white that went after these two girls who know they are lucky to be alive. the state police air wing tried chasing it down wednesday but they could never find it. >> someone wants to fish it out, i'm sure there's great footage. >> amazing footage. >> of us screaming. >> i'm so glad they can smile about that. they are very lucky. that was nbc's adam harding reporting. they say there's no such thing as a free lunch. now some workers are learning the hard way their free meals will cost them. why uncle sam is going after their gratis grub. fans of "frozen" rejoicing. news that will have girls everywhere singing. another in the works and we have the details ahead. >> enjoy the sunny weather while
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it lasts. i'm tracking return of humidity and storms. how it's going to impact your weekend plans just ahead.
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police in new york arrested woody, mini mouse and statue of liberty of the people who dress up as characters face charges after a confrontation with
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tourists. they say they posed for pictures with the family and the family didn't pay them. this comes after incidents where people dressed as characters assaulted families including children. one thing you don't expect to find in the bathroom, members of the opposite sex. in carolina they added 22 new gender neutral bathroom which means men and women can be in there at the same time. >> it's not too big a deal. you still have your privacy because you can lock the doors. >> gender neutral bathrooms are all marked. there are still bathrooms just for men and just for women on that campus. there's another multimillionaire out in california. rick nudson is a father of five and he hit the $180 million mega millions jackpot. doesn't he look happy? he looks rich. he said he just had a strange feeling he needed to buy a
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ticket, so he did. he was the only person to hit that jackpot. good for him. famous perk enjoyed by well paid workers of silicon valley may be subject to stiff taxes from the government. tech companies like google and facebook known for offering free eats to their employees. it appears tax man has taken notice. the free lunch was actually not free. published reports indicate irs is designating meals as taxable fringe benefits. that has been coming after companies whenokyko carrierring0
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may be pretty fortunate with the timing of the game in this particular case. 81 degrees. feels like 83, sunny skies, fairly light wind out there. the temperatures generally in the upper 70s to low 80s. pretty uniform across the area. let's check out the beaches and see how they are doing and how the wind is doing. that's the critical thing at the beach. another on shore wind. that's going to limit how high the temperature is going to go today. at least the ocean is relatively warm. we're about 3 to 7 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. we hit 85 yesterday. so we should be getting into the upper 80s today. a lot of sunshine out there throughout the east coast. nearest significant rain not
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until you get back to chicago. that's a long way away. it will take a while, of course, to get here. the clouds are definitely going to be increasing tomorrow morning as the humidity goes up. then a few showers may start to break out during the afternoon. we're not talking about anything widespread. we're not talking about big thunderstorms or severe thunderstorms or nothing compared to saturday. let's take a look at saturday. you start off dry. that's your best chance of staying dry during the day on saturday before noon. look what happens. you start to see showers break up. you can see temple is playing very early afternoon. there's obviously a threat of some rain for that game. then look at this. this could be a line of showers and storms moving through the area right around dinnertime here and then continues to move to the south. clearing, that would be pretty slow as we go into saturday night and sunday morning. there could be lingering clouds
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sunday morning. but later in the day more sunshine. nice and comfortable, though. it's going to be very comfortable on sunday compared to saturday, even compared to today way more comfortable. sunny and warm today, mid to upper 80s. forecast hot and humid on friday, 91. it's going to feel like at least 95 with high humidity. a few showers in the afternoon. the heavier stuff comes on saturday, generally afternoon and evening. not an all day thing, not a washout. on sunday, temperature goes down 10 degrees or more and humidity goes way down. so what a difference in the way that those two weekend days are going to look and feel. then a chance of some showers mainly in southern sections coming up on monday as the comfort returns.
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this just may be the story of the day. ever wonder where all those missing socks go when you lose them. you may want to check out your dog. a three-year-old great dane showed up at an animal hospital
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with 43.5 socks in his belly p they couldn't believe it. >> i've never taken that many socks out of a dog before. >> he's lucky to be alive. he's been doing well since his surgery. so far no more sock removing surgeries. wow. "ellen," tv talent judge simon cowell is ellen's guest. marching band blues. practice turns into a police matter for an award winning band in new jersey. the counter-ers that had these young musicians in hot water. all this afternoon on nbc 10 news at 4:00. all new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, two chester county police officers chase a robbery suspect right into the path of an oncoming train.
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wait until you hear what happened next. plus all new on nbc news at 6:00. police swarm a pennsylvania high school and it's all because of a prank pulled by a nine-year-old child. what the child did and the police communication that had officers fearing the worst. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz back with a check of this great afternoon forecast. i love this weather. >> it looks nice out there. if you think it's comfortable now. wait until you see sunday. the timing of this for the eagles opener is very fortunate. you know how hot and humid it can get at the beginning of football season? that's what we're going to see saturday. temple, penn state suffering in the humidity, too. it is going to be so nice on sunday with the low humidity and lower temperature that that is good timing. but today relatively low humidity, still kind of warm for this time of year. the average high is only 82 now. tomorrow we're up near 90,
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saturday 90. both days very high humidity. most likely time for storms is saturday afternoon and into saturday evening. you can work your plans around all of that. you'll be okay over the weekend. no washout on saturday. >> again, if you're outside on saturday and it's hot and sweaty, you hang in there until sunday if you're headed to see the eagles. you're saying all that humidity is going to move out of the way. >> you're going to be there on saturday and think, oh, my. the football game will be so stief stifling. a front comes through. >> something to look forward to. today is gorgeous out there. thanks for watching at 11:00 a.m. i'm renee chenault-fattah along with glenn "hurricane" schwartz. thanks for watching. we'll see you back today at 4:00.
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11:58 am
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12:00 pm
>> sami: [sighs] [exhales] no, no, no. it can't be. [screams] >> hope: i am so sorry. i still haven't had a chance to talk to sami about abigail. but i promise you, i'm gonna get to it. >> jennifer: well, that's okay. >> hope: this looks amazing. >> jennifer: i think abigail has that situation under control. i mean, for now. >> hope: oh, that's great. so, don't stir the hornets' nest, right?