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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  September 9, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: an urgent phone message. the government tells owners of samsung's galaxy note 7 to shut them off immediately. they could explode. >> it was very surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. >> pelley: also sends shockwaves around the world. the south says the dictator is spiralg out of control. 15 years later, 9/11 first responders face new health problems. >> my short-term memory is almost gone. >> pelley: and steve hartman, when the man being stalked by a relentless lover. >> reporter: like you can't get away from her really.
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this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: not since alexander graham bell invented the telephone has anyone received a call like this. a call from the federal government to stop using the phone because it could explode. that warning went out today from the consumer product safety commission to 2.5 million owners of the new samsung note 7. here's don weeks since samsung released the galaxy note 7 phone, there have been at least 35 reports around the world of the lithium ion batteries exploding. >> it was very surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. >> reporter: nathan's jeep caught on fire. >> that's the last thought in my head is a brand new device, something as simple as a phone, is going to burn down my car. >> reporter: earlier this week, some airlines urged passengers to avoid charging
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on board. and last friday, samsung issued a voluntary recall for all 2.5 million phones. lithium ion batteries have been touted as the future but they have also overheated in everything from popular hover board toys to e-cigarettes. in 2014, boeing was forced to groundits dreamliners for three months because of problems with their lithium batterys. jay whitaker is a professor of at carn ge melon university. >> what's interesting aboutlicateiom ion batteries is they're full of flammable material. >> reporter: samsung estimates approximately 1 of every 42,000 phones have a faulty battery but is not taking any chances. matt novak writes for the tech web site gizmotto. >> samsung will obviously recover but i think it's obviously bad press.
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hit with this one because it doesn't look good. >> reporter: samsung release aid statement saying it is cooperating with the recall and has stopped a shipment of those devices. scott, consumers can trade their phones in for a different version. >> pelley: don dahler for us tonight. don, thank you. well, we told you last night about massive fraud at wells fargo bank. today, we wondered whether customers lost money when bank employees opened bogus accounts in the customers' names. they did. john blackstone ys bank may be seeing withdrawals of public trust. >> reporter: at wells fargo in marina delray, california, ken wallman met a banker to open a business checking account. >> he had me sign a lot of papers, one after another after another after another, sign here, sign here. and that was it. i thought i had one my account. >> reporter: but then monthly statements began arrivallings. >> they started stacking up and i took time to open them all i
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with a variety of names and fees. >> a couple of the accounts were some kind of market savings account that were $40 a month. i think i had four of those. >> reporter: walden was not alone. federal regulators say around 1.5 million bank account asks some 565,000 credit card accounts were secretly opened by wells fargo employees in the names of unsuspecting customers. los angeles city attorney mike fewer launched an investigation into the bank. >> there was on its employees to continue to churn more and more accounts as a way of getting additional compensation. >> reporter: roughly 5300 employees, including managers who did that, have been fired. in a statement, wells fargo says it takes responsibility for any instances where customers have received a product that they did not request. the bank says it has refunded $2.6 million to affected customers. >> we've had people complain to us, wells customers, that they
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go to debt collection because they weren't aware that there were fees due on an account they didn't know they had. >> reporter: after closing his 16 unwanted accounts, ken wallman got some fees refunded but not all. >> i don't know the exact amount. we never really got to the bottom of it. >> reporter: wells fargo could end up refunding as much as $5 million to consumers. the bank says the average refund is $25, and, scott, wells fargo customers are being advised to check all their accounts carefully. >> pelley: san francisco this evening. john, thank you. north korea has tested its fifth nuclear weapon. it was the strongest one yet, but as these things go, it was a small bomb, less power than the one that destroyed hiroshima in world war ii. still, the north korean nuclear program is accelerating and getting closer to fitting a exact warhead on a missile.
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celebrated as a success. it was the country's most powerful explosion yet. and another sign of progress for its nuclear program. president obama, just back from a week-long trip to asia, called the test provocative and destabilizing. china, north korea's most reliable partner, urged all relevant countries to act carefully. in new york, an emergency session of the united nations security council was called. u.s. ambassador samant perfect its nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles so they can hold the region and the world hostage under threat of nuclear strike. >> reporter: this is north korea's second nuclear test this year, and the latest in a string of recent provocations. leader kim jong-un has also ramped up the country's
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during the g-20 summit in china. the fear is that with each test comes better capabilities. jamie metzle is a senior fellow at the atlantic council. >> if north korea continues on on the path that it's on, it is likely that within a decade, they will have a deliverable nuclear weapon able to hit the continental united states. >> reporter: north korea's already one of the most heavily sanctioned countries in the world. and this latest nuclear test is sure to add more it make a difference? >> pelley: adriana diaz, thanks. today, hillary clinton called for tougher sanctions fancy the norkoreans, though she admitted that hasn't worked so far. she also told our nancy cordes, if electedly president, she will insist on getting the chinese to use their leverage to bring the north koreans in line. donald trump's running mate, mike pence, released 10 years of tax returns today.
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earned about $113,000. he paid just over $14,000 in state and federal taxes. his tax rate was 12.4%. and pence donated about $9,000 to charity. and there is breaking news tonight, word of a cease-fire in syria's civil war. worked out in marathon negotiations between the u.s. and russia. syria will stop bombing rebel factions starting sunday, and will allow humanitarian aid into civilian neighborhoods. secretary of state john kerry says the agreement could change the nature of the conflict, which has taken hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions from their homes. if things had gone differently, we might be telling you tonight about another terror attack in paris. but police broke it up.
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were acting under direct orders from isis in syria. we have more now from charlie d'agata. >> reporter: six gas canisters intended to be a crude car bomb discovered just blocks away from the notre dame cathedral. police said the suspects ran off after failing to set it ablaze. yesterday, they arrested three women, including a 19-year-old, who was shot in the leg after she stabbed an officer with a knife. the arrest marked the first time that an up the main operatives in a suspected terror plot. today, the french prosecutor said they were taking orders directly from isis command in syria and that the militant group intends to mobilize female followers to wage attacks in europe. the women were already on the radar of security services for wanting to join isis on the battle field in syria. instead, they decided to take
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connections to terror networks. and although this attack failed, it's further evidence that france remains the number one european target for isis and its followers. in a sear of attacks in the last year and a half that have taken the lives of more than 230 people. and here in britain, scott, intelligence officials tell us police arrested two suspects who were trying to obtain chemical weapons in what they descr planned attacks in the capital. >> pelley: charlie d'agata in our london newsroom tonight. charlie, thank you. a new report just out today has disturbing new details about the san bernardino terror attack last december that left 14 people dead and 24 wounded. the report is from the justice department and the police foundation. here's danielle nottingham.
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fired 500 round. three victims rushed them but couldn't stop them. investigatorses said, "if someone moved or made a sound the shooterses fired one or multiple shots in her body. a woman who was shot in the head asked a wounded cowork to call her mother to say gone. the coworker tried to comfort her and asked if she was okay. the victim said, "i'm not. i'm bleeding from the mouth," and then she closed her eyes for good. >> the subject is still inside the business in building number three, possible active shooter. >> reporter: six min charged inside. soon, swarms of police arrived but were overwhelmed. it was complete and total chaos when i got there," the san san bernardino chief said. officers searched the building having to ignore the dead and wound. one sergeant said, "some people were quiet, hiding, others were scream orgdying, grabbing at your legs because they wanted us to get them out. that was the hardest part,
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>> reporter: meanwhile, a police analyst discovered that a black s.u.v. similar to the one seen leaving the scene was registeredded in farook's name. police spotted the car near his home. farook opened fire. he was hit 26 times, his wife 15 times. the couple died six hours after the shooting. police found a black bag holding three pipe bombs in the conference room. scott, authorities suspect those explosives had been meant to go off after first >> pelley: danielle nottingham in our los angeles newsroom. danielle, thank you. still ahead on the cbs evening news. a new airbag recall affecting millions of g.m. vehicles. also tonight. >> reporter: i'm mark strassmann. for chimps like genesis and latishia, a respite at this seasoningary is also a break
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>> pelley: to mark 15 years since the september 11 attacks, new york city police led a memorial procession today. 2,sixth 6 people were killed at the world trade center alone, including 343 firefighters, 60 cops, and eight paramedics. today, many survivors suffer respiratory illnesses and cancers. but dr. jon lapook has found loss. >> reporter: as part of the n.y.p.d.positive highway patrol, anthony flammia, then 38, was one of the thousands of responders who descended on the world trade center. >> i saw the horror of people jumping out of the building. the smoke, i remember smelling the smoke and the jet fuel. >> reporter: in 2007, symptoms of post-traumatic stret disorder or p.t.s.d., emerged when he responded to a house fire. >> i remember pulling up in
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from that point on, i don't remember what happened. >> reporter: what do you think happened? >> i blacked out. >> reporter: flammia's police career was over. the p.t.s.d. triggered blackwrowtz he lost track of time. often just smelling smoke caused flash backs. >> i couldn't eat barbecue for quite some time. >> reporter: because? >> because of the burning on the barbecue, if you burned something on the barbecue. >> reporter: and reminded you, the smell-- >> reminded me of 9/11. >> reporter: he also started to have memory problems. what is it you can't d that you could do before 9/11. >> my short-term memory is almost gone. >> reporter: really? >> i can't even remember phone numbers. i can't remember sometimes my kid's birthday or my wife's birthday. >> reporter: in a study of more than 800 first responders, more than 12% had cognitive impairment. responders like flammia, with a diagnosis of p.t.s.d. with flashbacks were three times as likely to have impairment. the average agent was group was
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professor sean clouston of stone brook hospital led the study. >> it's a progressive disease so what you can expect is people who have it now and have the progressive forms will experience worse outcomes. >> reporter: i asked flammia up front if he was comfortable talking about 9/11 and he said absolutely that sharing the memories was so important for thiz therapy that he hoped to help others, too.
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more than 3.5 million vehicles in the u.s. because of a software fault that could prevent the airbags from working. it's plaimed for at least one death. the recall covers more than a dozen cars, trucks, and s.u.v. models through the 2014 and 2017 model years. the full list is at
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georgia. they were among hundreds subjected to testing and medical research until last year, when the chimps were classified as endangered. here's mark strassmann. >> reporter: this 2009 undercover video shot by the humane society is painful to watch. at the new ibearia research center, workers yanked terrified chimps from cages and restrained them for biomedical testing. the facility maintains few of the chimps ever experienced invasive research. >> some of them have had really, you know, not great things happen to them. >> reporter: primeatologist jessica hartel leads a nonprofit called project chimps. >> they've been used a tool, as a service for humans, really, and it's completely unnecessary. >> reporter: hartle led the first truckload of chimps from louisiana to north georgia. nine female chimps arrived in
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16 hours with nine chimps sounds like the road trip from hell. how was it? >> well, considering we didn't sleep, it wasn't super easy. but we were all so excited for them. our adrenaline is on high. they're living their life for the first time really. >> reporter: their new home is this converted dpo rilla sanctuary. eventually, all 220 of the louisiana chimps may retire here. sarah bechler davis is the c.e.o. of project chimps. >> this marks th chimpanzees in the u.s. >> reporter: was this the overdue happy ending? >> yeah, this is the happy ending for them. they have 30, 40 years here to just be chimps. >> reporter: this isula tricia on the left, and gracie on the the right. all these chimps will be quarantined for the next month because they're set loose here in the sanctuary. scott, physically, workers say these animals seem to be in good shape but building trust is a
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steve hartman's next with a love-sick goose. allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear.
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>> pelley: we end with a l story, part poetry, part poultry. steve hartman's "on the the road. >> reporter: i've heard of lakes where the fish jump right into your boat, but this was ridiculous. that is a 10-pound canadian goose. it's a little disconcerting. her name is kyle. and she has a huge crush on the owner of this boat, a guy named mike jivanjee. >> no! >> reporter: mike and his stalker goose friend here live
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oregon, where every day, mike tries to tell her it's over, and every day, kyle says, oh, no it's not. kyle first fell for mike two years ago as a gosling after she was abandoned by her mother. >> one of my friends noticedded her drowning in the water, like almost, you know, just desperate, alone. and at any minute she would have been run over by a boat. >> reporter: so mike took her in and took her everywhere. >> i just fig it alive long enough to be an adult and to fend for itself. >> reporter: and then it would just go on the way. >> yeah. >> reporter: and it didn't work out that way? >> no, she never left. i tried to get rid of her. i have driven her miles away and left her and when i come back she's home before me so there's not a lot of i can do. >> reporter: obviously, the goose has imprinted on mike. even when we went into town to a coffee shop, kyle was right on
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a woman. >> when girls come around and she senses they're a threat, she lets them know. and she's smart enough to know who the threats are and who they aren't. >> reporter: so she definitely thinks this is serious between you two. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: and if truth be told, at this point, mike is equally smitten. today their little cat and mouse game is just that, a game. a chance for kyle to get some exercise, and for mike to enjoy an incredibly close encounter with an incredibly trusting kyle really has fallen beak over tail fifthers for this guy. but she's not taking any chances, either. see, unlike humans who believe if you love someone you should let them dp and see if they come back, kyle seems to believe if you love someone, why chance them getting away when you can fly faster. steve hartman "on the road" in lake oswego, oregon. >> pelley: for all of us at cbs news all around the world,
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i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no.
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>> on three, one, two, three! >> here we go, fellas. >> yeah! >> picked off by cyrus jones. >> johnson making his mark tonight. >> affect on three, 1, 2, 3. >> together! >> it is pretty tough watching at home, all four games. i mean, like, i understand one or two, but, like, when you're to play with them." >> come in there with that flipper now, come in there with flipper. the wider he get, the more it's a pass. this is what we need. this is what we need. >> that is the world trade center, and we have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers. >> it was a tuesday morning. i was getting in my car, and i
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