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tv   Inaugural Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  January 9, 2023 10:00am-4:01pm PST

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good morning and welcome to the inaugust ral meeting at the san francisco board of supervisors
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today january 9, 2023. the roll call order for attendance and votes will begin at the top of the alphabet. i will call the roll. >> supervisor connie chan. >> present. >> supervisor matt dorsey. >> present. >> supervisor joel engardio. >> present. >> supervisor rafael mandelman. >> present. >> supervisor melgar. >> present. >> supervisor peskin. >> present. >> supervisor preston. >> present. >> supervisor hillary ronen. >> present. >> supervisor safai. >> present. >> supervisor catherine stefani. >> present. >> and supervisor walton. >> present. >> we have a quorum.
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all please join me in the pledge of aliege[pledge of allegiance] now to the communication of the credentials i have 4 to report. first from the director of elections the candidates elected to the office member of the board of supervisors. who received majority votes cast at the election. held on november 8, 2022. who therefore declared elected to that office. namely and in district order. the member representing district 2. catherine stefani. district 4. joel engardio. >> district 6, matt dorsey. >> district 8 mandelman. the member representing district
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10. walton. >> congratulations. [applause]. >> second we are in receipt of the city controller filing or renewing the surety bond that requirement to met for the new electd and reelected members of the board. >> third charter section 2.116, on the eighth day of january in odd numbered years the board of supervisors shall elect a member as president of the board. if january 8 fallos a holiday or sunday as it did yesterday the rules control requiring that the board should schedule the organization and presidential election at 10 a.m. the following business day and here we are. >> i want to thank the members for patience and inconveniences and scheduling their own
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swearing in's over the weekend. i would like to report in the fourth communication that as of 12 noon yesterday. january 8, there were no vacancies in the district offices as all members newly electd and reelected members, were sworn in. and assumed duties in service to the charter and our residents. >> now to the oathed of office am on this day we feature unity of the 3 branches of government of the lessons from school house rock taught us that each branch is responsible for different duties. that all 3 branchs must work together n. a moment we will have the presence of our honorable laurel london breed representing the executive branch. you will witness the legislative branch electing a board president then representing the
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judicial branch it is my honor to introduce the presides judge of the superior court of california for county of san francisco who will present the ceremonyial oath of office to -- our newly electd and reelected members of the board. presiding judge ma zulo thank you, the floor is yours. [applause]. good morning and happy new year. >> public now let publish know we will prepare to take the oath of office. supervisors state their names i invite all newly elected and reelected members of the board of supervisors to stand and
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raise their hand. i, state your name >> i'm walton, mandelman, stefani, [inaudible]. [inaudible]. do wear or affirm. that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states , and the constitution of the state of california. against all enemies foreign and domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of
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california. that i take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter. and during this time, as i hold the office of the commissioner of san francisco >> yes. >> county transportation authority. >> [laughter]. >> member of the board of supervisors, of the city and county of san francisco. and the county commissioner.
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on the county transportation. county transportation authority. >> joel. >> [laughter]. >> all right. >> all right. congratulations. [applause] [applause] thank you, your honor we appreciate your presence and your assistance this morning. without further adieu, we will move to item 2, this is nominations. the nominations for the president of the board. i will read the principles for nominations. first i will check the roster and ask supervisor ronen, did you need to address the body. >> no. >> okay. >>mented make a nomination. >> once i declare nominations open that is when if is the right time to add your name to
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the roster. thank you. >> so i will read the principles first. after nominations general discussion is welcomed but we would go to public comment. during public comment that is the opportunity for the public to address the board both on the nominations and on general matters that are within the board's subject matter jurisdiction. there are 5 principles. the first, members nominate one person themselves or another. nominees state on the record if they accept the nomination and nominees stay in the chamber. nominees may with draw without a second at any time. >> a completion of nominations the nominations will be closed. members may vote for themselves. the board may adopt a motion to reopen nominations with the majority vote. when nom naifications are reopened the member who is have
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yet to nominate may or a member may with draw and nominate a different member. i'm happy to take questions from the members. on the upon principles. why all right. seeing no questions. i will then gavel down and declare nominations open. supervisor ronen. it is my true honor to nominate president walton to serve another term as our board president. president walten distinguished himself the past 2 year in a number of ways. first and most importantly in my 6 years on the board of supervisors i have never seen a group of colleague who is work together across difference to do
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right by san francisco. despite our political differences we respect one another as good people who care about our job and constituents that tone was set by our board president. he sets the example for us in his conduct but councils us in that direction during challenges. second, board meeting vs not run as smoothly under any other president. that is extremely important. during the pandemic when we shifted remote meetings president walton with the clerk's office made sure we never skipped a beat when there were disruptions of our meetings president walton intervened and protected us. that did not happen other previous leadership i say that i never felt safer in board meetings than other president walton's leadership. president walton and his team
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are easy and straightforward to work watch his office never plays games. if we need a procedural exception or have creative ideas he is open to listen and the process is simple. and in addition to being a topnotch board president and leadership and roles on the board. president walton's presidency inspirational to many of the vulnerable members of our community. the poor, disabled, people of color and homelessness, young people of ins cars raresed, immigrants they see him and know they are seen and they are heard. i can't tell you how many community events i have been to where president walton is speaking and i look in the faces of the audience and i see their pride and i see their hope. something that is in short supply these days. and president walton is a leader
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that cease the connection between groups struggling for respect. dignity and he to meet basic needs. he does in the just fight with all of his power for the black community in san francisco. he is equally passionate in fight for immigrants, communes of color and any community that gets the short end of the stick. i know each of my colleagues know this as i do, walton is a man. his word. also votes for had he thinks is right regardless of political consequence for himself. this more than anything makes him an extraordinary leader. for all the reasons, colleagues i hope you join me in supporting president walton for another term as board president. >> thank you. >> thank you supervisor ronen. ronen nominated supervisor waltonful supervisor melgar. >> thank you, madam clerk. i would like to nominate my
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friend and west side colleague and fellow immigrant mom, connie chan. i am very grateful to her leadership of president walton the past 2 year its has been an unprecedented time for our city we gonellow a pandemic andup heaval of everything that makes our city run. our tourism industry and hospitality industry is ailing. we have lost a lot of the office sector workers who have come in to our city to provide the vibrancy of downtown. we are facing unprecedented challenges how we will deal with the change we have seen unpresidented political change. gone through a year where there have been recalls. colleagues lost a seat that has been something that has not
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happen in history in san francisco. i do believe that we are experiencing something the rest the country is experiencing as well. polarization of beliefs and inability to see each other's points of view. i think that for the next couple years i would like to see us at work together. i have worked with connie chan for the past 2 years and we have not always agreed on everything but every time i walk through her door she has been open and transparent and eager to adopt my point of vow to her legislation. it has come to the point where we agree to disagree and that's okay. that's what i want to see in our city. i want to see us thrive and move forward on issues of homelessness of affordable housing, housing production. i want to see us adopt a housing element that works for all
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districts for the west side. i want us to be able to take care of the [inaudible] and still be a place where we thrive for immigrants like me and my family who came to this city and were able to chart a path and set roots and have families. we can only do that by listening to all in the community. and being able to be fair. and able to make sure that we hear the voices of the most affected. im grant communities. those who don't speak english. moms. people who were left upon behind. i do any that colleague who is most qualified do that now is connie chan. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. melgar for chan. supervisor stefani. >> thank you, madam clerk, i, too, want to thank president
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walton for his service. i absolutely agree that president walton is someone you can disagree with agreeablely. he has never any time when we
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have been on opposite sides done anything to me that one should not. i appreciate he leads like that it h he has been in a leadership position as the chair of the san francisco transportation authority in he is enthusiastic about that. and has done extremely well in that role including building a strong coalition of groups that don't always agree to pass a necessary proposition that was prop well. i want to thank him for doing that. the
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wanted to say, i accept the nomination and want to thank you, supervisor ronen for that wonderful nomination. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor walton. >> supervisor mandelman.
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>> >> i want to thank supervisor walton for leadership he provide for the city in a difficult time and concur with colleagues issues we agreed, this is always has been not personal. >> i am want to thank supervisor stefani for the nomination i will accept. you know i think we have been through a difficult time the last 4 years in the city. we have been through a difficult time the last 2 and the next few will be hard. and i know that there are members of the board who believe that it is very important that this body see itself as a check on the power of the executive. i believe that there are certainly times when we need to stand up where we disagree where
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they are going in the wrong direction we are a coequal branch that is the magic of our charter. it makes things hard. no other count in california that tries to run a public health, jail system and all the other systems that are county government has to run with divide authority in the way we do. i think that it is important at the difficult time that we do everything we can to find common ground where we can on the board. between the board and the mir to lead the city forward. we are facing budget challenges related changes in the economy. we mode to respond to this in a way had brings the city together to pay the bills to dot work that san francisco needs done. we have a housing afford at crisis. changed demanded by the state and have to figure out how to get through the next through
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years making changes to allow more housing production and protecting communities and protecting the things we love about our neighborhoods. i think there is w we can do together. i like to help lead this work and we need to be appropriated to as i said hold the executives accordable and exercise oversight and pull the city together and get us to a better place. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. supervisor chan? >> thank you. madam clerk temperature is a pleasure to be nominated but it is along with my fellow nominees i appreciate president walton's leadership in the last 2 years for a new supervisor i'm grateful to his leadership. and at this moment, that leads me to also be grateful to supervisor melgar for her support and her nomination. let me say that as a mellow
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immigrant, a woman of color, i so appreciate the fact that she sees me cease the potential in me and giving me this opportunity to be able to step to the plate. to have these opportunity to possible lead the board. and let me say also that if it was not because of this opportunity given i probably would have always thought about myself as just part of the team but not as a leadership role at this moment. but i also have thought about that as supervisor melgar and i understand as immigrant woman of color this we understand that when we step up to the plate for an opportunity for ourselves it is in the just for us. it is also for the people we represent and the upon community we represent. we bring their hope, we bring
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their dreams with you. because that is had immigrant women do. in united states. but also in this great city of san francisco. and that brings me to say that you know i am not here with was not because of the woman and the woman of color before me like my supervisor maxwelhad brought mow to this space. first as a legislative aid and you in vice president harris and former supervisor low flower and mabletang who was 30 years ago the first immigrant woman elected in the chamber on the board of supervisors. and with that, with these great women when they taught me and through them as an aid, what taught me is that what it means
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to be board president. in the chamber. i served as legislative aid for numerous board presidents the perspective i'm bringing, if i may say. we all have our strengths even though we have different pregnancy the role i see as a board president is to serve and support each member. . because individual members assess is our success. collectively. as a board employees this is not about ego or personal ambition but collectively success board of surprise supervisors our success means the success of san francisco. and that is how i see this mission and that's how i see this duty. and for that i'm grateful to have this opportunity to earn your consideration i know that we have many ideas today on this
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floor and i ask that you consider my leadership and i'm grateful for that. and i really hope no matter how this come about. at the end. day we will as we have in the past especially the left 2 years we will continue move forward with new member and reelected members together that we will move forward as a board of supervisors for the sake of the city we are face being an unprecedented time and we need to work together to get us through because san francisco is counting on us. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. with this stage of the discussion concluded, and nominations closed. not public we will move on to item 3 which is public comment. i want to make it a point to say this will be the only opportunity to comment on
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notchinations even if after general public public we reopen nominations. item 3 is general public opportunity to address the board to nominations on those other matters that might be within the jurisdiction of the board. the board will prioritize hearing from individuals in the chamber first. we will also try to have if there are members of public in the will hallway come in the chamber so we have a smooth sort of a line of member who is want to speak before we go to the remote system. and so -- i will say while individuals in chambers lineup on their right side near curtains i will indicate this meeting is aired live on channel 26. you may view the live stream at the number is on the agenda. it is streams on your screen.
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press pound after you entered the meeting information. press star 3 that will add yourself to the speakerer's queue. you will hear the system state that you have been unmuted. begin speak your comments. we are joined by our partners from the office of civic of immigrant affairs and will each interpreter introduce yourself for chinese agnusly. spanish david and filipino raymond. >> [instructions in chinese].
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[instructions in spanish]
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>> thank you for being with us this afternoon and we do once you hear a speaker in language assist right away. >> back to the in person, if you would come forward to the podium. we ask you adjust the it microphone. >> so we can hear. yes. look to the podium count down clock am all will have 2 minutes to structure comments. the first softer bell says 30
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seconds left the second bell concludes your tile i apologize fiinterrupt commentings once the timer bell chimes. welcome. why good morning board citizen of san francisco our department heads. good to see you here this morning. i respect the 3 nominees they are all wonderful people i wish we could have all 3 as president. but we can't. you know 15 years ago when i was homeless down the street i did not have money to go to the theatre or the comedy shows i come to the board of supervisors. that was the most entertaining event you could go to for free. fight and cussing it was greatest will under president walton term we don't have that it is boring now when i come
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down here you actually taking care of town business. that's what it is about. the most important functions of this recommend is to get along with room 200 that can be very difficult sometimes. you know a board, a body of any place is dictated by the leader. so the leaders the glue that holds this room together. and i think our president, president has done a wonderful job in doing that. i will make it very clear in case well is confusion. i'm not here has a black man supporting a black man i'm here as a business owner in san 41 supporting a great leader we had. no more no less. il leave you with if it ain't broke don't fix it. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. are there other speakers in the chamber when would like to address the board on this issue
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the name in nomination or general public xheent. seeing no one and my operation deputy says there are no individuals in the hallway or the over flow room. go to our remote system. mr. lamb from the clerk's office you are checking to see if we have remote attendees. let's welcome our first caller. >> good morning, supervisor this is is paulita fayer. i support rafael mandelman for the board presidency. supervisor mandelman works across the aisle over all he is rational and professional. the last term on the board of supervisors by the way, received the most [inaudible] of 80 number supervisors last election i believe he will do a good job and serve my district and the
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city well. please consider his nomination, thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> good morning. everyone. i'm william resident of district 8. rafael mandelman has great experience. he is admired and respected and stay in how much with constituent and hoe and staff are responsive to calls to office and meets with drentsz and merchant and listens to needs i admire that. he represents the public. not just tenants and landlord and housed and unhoused, everybody that is not easy and i admire that about rafael. he has a balanced perspective
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about the role of law enforcement. a great supervisor and regarded by the reds debts and merchant in district 8 and will make an excellent president. of the board of supervisors. let's bring the work as the next president of the board of supervisors. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. hear from our next speaker, please. welcome. caller. >> mr. lamb that is unattended? going to the next caller. welcome, caller. >> turn your sound down. you might have to go to the next caller the echo will not work
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this morning. all right. welcome. >> yes. yes. good morning. i'm >> landa williams i represent the office of [inaudible]. i want to support and recommend you continue to allow walton to serve as the president of the board of supervisors. he personally has expertise regarding the housing deficiencies and shown ability to collaborate with all of the various city agencies across the board. and he is serves and representatived all minorities. he is not shown bias to one culture opposed to another. i find him to be a uniter a positive role model, which is needed for our minority communities at this point. i do appreciate the fact this when there was a problem with
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the juvenile justice system. he was the first people to stand up and get the ball rolling in order to help better services and the experiences this young people are having and youth are our future he is the voice of the future and believe he is the right man in the right job at the right time. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments we have 15 callers listening and 7 in the queue. if you are one of the 15 and like to provide comment make sure you press star 3. otherwise we might take this group to the very ends. >> welcome the next caller, please. >> hello. >> welcome.
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i'm joannea hernandez i'm here to speak on support of mr. walton. where mr. walton represents san francisco being there and accessible to everyone the latino community stands behind him he has been a championion of issues. and upon stands with the young people of my daughter who is 25 years old had first hand experience in working side by side with mr. walton on issues of young people. he is really someone we need in office he relates to true community not just one group. works with everybody. he [inaudible] sudden fran issues of housing. he make its a point to visit the people who have been displaced like myself. i hope this we can continue to have mr. walton as board president. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments.
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do we have another caller? >> good morning, supervisors joe here a viewer. i will reminds everyone the board president is not to be opera singer or [inaudible] not to build homes [inaudible]. not to do [inaudible] but to [inaudible] support the clerk in this [inaudible] the body to the executive branch and necessary [inaudible]. [hard to understand]. i will back supervisor mandelman i think frankly, i [inaudible] we have a crisis in our [inaudible] out in [inaudible]. we had very inappropriate comments made toward certain
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supervisors including mine [inaudible] supervisor stefani i congratulate. but quite frankly, we need stability in the chamber when i turn on sfgovtv it is listen to the great supervisors and the insightful public comments and that is the focus i will go with supervisor mandelman. i will endorse supervisor chan if i had to. [inaudible]. but i think we need more aggression in public comment. i [inaudible] [interference] i want to thank you for your service and my [inaudible]. the one had grabbed 120 guns off san francisco. the one who speaks up for every family and protects our family from bun violence. [inaudible]. thank you for taking my call.
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thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. >> lamb. next caller, please. >> good morning, congratulations on the opening of a new year this is [inaudible] calling, i am calling to support and add my voice to catherine stefani nomination of supervisor mandelman. to be the next board president. i believe that supervisor mandelman of the 3 persons who have been nominated is the most representative of the direction of our city and the attempts to positively change what is happening now. in our city. and as we see from the past year of elections.
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2022 elections were changed and indicated people are paying attention and are interested in having per governors and not a bunch of identity politics and posturg. what has been done in the past 10 years has not worked. and we need a change. and i think that now the supervisor mandelman represents -- an upon balanced interest and rational perspective to bring to their on board and so i support his enemyination to thank you. >> thank you for your comments. mr. lamb. next caller, please. >> good morning i'm [inaudible] and i am calling as a lifelong residents of san francisco and engaged citizen and full support
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of mr. walton remaining president. i want to thank supervisor robe sxen you will echo her sentiment as supervisor walton shown outstanding leadership and proven that he collaborates with his colleagues and stand with the entire city and past issues diplomatic and fearless which are need when you are participating in san francisco's complicated politics. he has delivered for all of san francisco and i state my support and ask this committee to vote in favor of mr. walton for the seat of president, thank you and yield my time. >> thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb i think we have 4 more callers in the queue. hear from the next caller. please. welcome, caller.
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hello. >> i'm sorry. >> good morning. i'm anna bell and i'm an educator and i the furthermorer political director wushgs nighted educators of san francisco. i'm calling in full support and urge the board to stand behind supervisor walton for to continue being our president of the board of supervisors. supervisor walton has not only demonstrated his true leadership but he actually has shown an action what a true leader needs to do in the city of san francisco. he has the ability to bring people together. we seen that when the,s are controversial. he is beyond the call of duty. when san francisco the city to reopen schools supervisor walton took the leadership to bring my
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union and the district to open schools safely. it was supervisor walton who met that fight i commends him. he need someone like him who understands the issues in his district that he gets what happens at the city level. i urge all of you to support supervisor walton as our next president, thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb, next speaker, please. welcome. caller. still unattended. next caller. >> hi. can you hear me? >> yes, welcome. >> yes. i'm cheryl drivers. i'm 40 year resident of district
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8 and i want to tell you that rafael is the best person to be the president of the board. he is moderate. he can bring people together. i worked with him on numerous projects about the homeless. the safe -- streets tent, et cetera . i strong low support him as president of the board. >> thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb. next speaker, please. hello, caller? >> hello. yes. i'm jefferad i'm a residents of district 8. and i. do want to support the
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nomination of rafael mandelman to president of the board of supervisors. he has done an outstanding job in our district and dealing with issues and dealing with the variety of perspectives that my encounters in the district. i yield my time i do support rafael mandelman. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb, next speaker, please. >> hello i'm steven ran definitely a residents of the excelsior district. this morning i was reading in the bible about how government needs to promote the cause of the poor and needy that would go well with us. it occurs to me this is a shortcoming of san francisco. as a city we spent lots of money every year on homelessness and
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drug addiction but evidence shows that what we need is housing first. there are not enough homes. no matter how much money we 3 we will not serve the poor and needy without more homes. had it miss to the construction of housing when i heard in past terms of the board is that we need to honor the due process. and this is process that is not due in any other jurisdiction on earth precisely it creates a housing crisis that exacerbates other problems. the new term of the board of supervisors begins i hope that he would work to make housing an actual thing. ideally a new afford okay housing project can be proposed and completed before the next term of the board of supervisors. i think that is good best practices to work toward. thank you.
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thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb, next speaker, please. >> caller? are you with us? next speaker, please. >> good morning. >> welcome. >> thank you. good morning, executive director of [inaudible] for health and wellness and the chair of the implementation of mental health sf working group and a resident of san francisco. i would like to support upon the on going presidency of supervisor walton. i feel that he has and know he has done a tremendous job of uniting the city and speaking for all communities.
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and not playing identity politics but actually speaking for the black, indigenous, native, latin x and asian and white communes. i feel he has been tremendous in listen to all of us. and keeping equity at the forefront. i support fully and wholeheartedly his candidacy and not that he is the right person for the job. thank you very much. and i yield the rest of my time. >> thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb. next speaker, please. will >> good morning. everyone. i'm [inaudible] and i'm calling in support of supervisor walton remaining as board president. i'm a long time resident of san
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francisco in district 9. and i witnessed a lot of the amazing work that supervisor walton has done not only supervisor but as board president. the board of supervisors. he demonstrated outstanding leadership. upon stands up for social justice issue and ensure hag hearing all the communities across the board. i thank you for your service and hope to continue working with you supervisor walton and thank you everyone for your time. i yield my time. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb i think we have about 7 more callers in the queue. hear from the next caller, please. >> hello, i'm brenda barrels and i'm an employee and union
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activist here in san francisco. and i would like to support mr. walton to continue on the board of supervisors. i know mandelman i know the thing this is he has done. but i think for all of san francisco to me represented correctly to be mr. walton so he can continue on the good work he has been doing the past couple years. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> good morning i'm fred, long time residents in district 8. and i realliment to shout out and support supervisor mandelman. initial low when he ran i did in the vote for him. because of some of the things
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that i saw as a leader. i felt he was not the personful after living under his jurisdiction, and seeing him supportive of so many of the things that the city really needs, i firm low support rafael mandelman for the seat. he aaccept belled a responsive staff. and that i think could work for the city itself. the city really needs a leadership not that walton has done a bad job, we need to address more critical issues in a way that brings the board together. the board is changing and we need to change the leadership. please, do support rafael mandelman as president of the board. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> good morning. in th is gloria bar fredistrict 10. i don't have a planned speech but want to tap in although i do appreciate supervisor mandelman he knows i feel strongly about his beliefs in increasing mental health service in san francisco and hope he will spends his time focusing on making that happen. however i think it is is best to continue on with supervisor walton as president because supervisor walton has proven he is in the a one issue type supervisor and he diverse communities you name it he is there he is deebb fendzing folks and speaks up when a community is wronged we need not just the
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imagery but that type of relatable person. i'm concerned about reparations moving forward. the last body all unanimously passed resolution in support of the reparation committee. and i believe this we need a president that will make that happen and in the community to know what the people need. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please >> hello i'mala in district 7 grew up in d 10. i thank supervisor walton for his work and the other supervisors i foal like the san francisco is look for example a
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new direction. and so i'm called it to support supervisor mandelman. there are many important issues which have not been addressd and i foal that supervisor mandelman would lead us in the direction and unite the board. and i feel like it might be time for a change. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. >> i wanted to say i'm calling to support supervisor mandelman. i don't support walton being our president again. but city is going in the wrong direction and we have a chance of a change to get a couple of
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new supervisors and i cannot get over walton calling another person, i don't care what color you are when they used, n, word approximate get, way with it. that is not right. he is a bad example and should be removed. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. can you hear me. >> welcome. >> thank you. [inaudible] i'm with the [inaudible] in pacific islander organization inspect san francisco i'm in favor of support of president walton. staying as president. he has done so much for the community. he provided hope and a space so we do program and also provide resources to the pacific islanders in san francisco and primary in district 10. also i would like to say support
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of mr. walton. not only is he full of the people but with the people. he is always in the streets. always in the community. always surrounded by the community. that speaks he is not with all the politicians. but he puts monwe his mouth is and makes things happen for the people and of all the culture. i'm in full supportful keep him at the seat because he not only gives the pacific islanders hope. there is a diverse group that is always around him when he is on the streets and in communities doing the work. keep him in the presidency. thank you. >> thank you for your comments this morning. next speaker, please. >> hello, can you hear me? >> yes.
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>> i'm [inaudible] i'm from the [inaudible] and pacific i landser resource first ever in history. i'm calling to support mr. walton to continue in leadership. this is the first time there is emphasis on islander issues have ever been raised and addressed. and that's who -- i will, it is fact that i never seen a politician come out and really be for community or with community as mr. walton. you know that does speak vol unanimous. it is good to have somebody that is more human and listening. and everything to what our needs are. when we talk about equity and he equality that is something mr. walton has not just talked about but put action, too, not just words. we are seeing that within not
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just our community butt whole entire city. you know it is great leadership and i support him. support his presidency. thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb, next speaker, please. >> good morning. hello? i'm in support of mr. walton. he is a dienemyic leader reached across the board. to work with all communities. and that's important in san francisco especially given covid because a lot of people are under represented or not represented. and so i witnessed how he has reach said across the board to
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all people in san francisco and i think that is really important given the economy and everything that is happening due to covid. i like i am also a labor member and i like the work that supervisor mandelman is doing but i think at this time we need a leader like president walton to lead san francisco. on the board. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb? next speaker, please. >> hello i'm alexander grainer i'm an attorney in san francisco. i'm calling to express support for current supervisor walton. and the upon point i would like to bring to the table is this homelessness in san francisco is
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the pressing issues. that we are dealing with and we will continue to. and ralph yea mandelman has if used words that express distain for our homeless population. speaking about the court decision from the northern district by judge rio. with held that before there was a homeless encampment the city must provide shelter. he said that ruling was absurd. he does not believe we should follow the constitution and provide housing for our homeless population. i don't trust rafael mandelman to do what is right for a significant portion of our community and for this reason i and -- many others i am voting
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express support for supervisor walton. >> thank you for sharing your comments. mr. lamb. do we have another caller? there are no more caller >> thank you for your assistance. i will now seeing no other callers on the remote system. remote public comment is closed we will go back to the chamber in person. sir? welcome to the podium. flower is yours. 2 minutes. >> i do like mandelman but i'm here to advocate for mr. walton. i feel like people were talking about change, change, change. and -- in 10-20 years we may not have a black or latino community. i like with mr. walton representing diversity in the
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city. you look at his office and represented diversity. we need member that can keep on mendzing relationships and bring relationships together and bringing people together. in the city. and we need to heel the city and really live on the diversity we claim to say our city are. i think if it is not broke don't fix t. removing mr. walton would damage progress that we all are all right making. >> continue in that direction. people are talking about homeless knows. look. hospitality houses the oldest shelter in the city. homelessness is a problem in san francisco ever since i was alive. my mom is mother brown. i know. i would say work together. i think homeless and places that
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deal with homelessness need to talk more. we need leaders like mr. walton in place. thank you for allowing comment. thank you for sharing your comments. are is there other speakers for public comment in the room or in the hallway? all right. see being none we'll declare in person public comment and remote public comment closed. >> so. picking up, members, item 4 is the election to fill the office for the president of the board. i will are i will state that if there are further discussion this needs to occur on the nom nagszs now is the tune to do that and pause for a moment to see if nameings appear on the roster. if not. then i will move to share the principles for the election. here we go. supervisor engardio. >> hi.
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i wanted to talk about my support of supervisor mandelman. i will vote for board president. i feel like on issues that i know sunset residents care about education and public safety. supervisor mandelman saying thing in alignment with my views and constituents i feel heel be a good person to lead our board and bring us together on the core issues that the residents of san francisco want us to address as a board of supervisors. >> thank you. supervisor engardio. other members like to discuss? all right. the principles then for the election. voting will occur in alphabetical order. no abstentions or passes. members vote by stating the name from among the nominees. in nominations. i will state when called upon the first to receive a majority vote will be the president.
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member with the least number is not obligated to with draw nor automatically with drawn from the ballot. if no nominee receiveings the majority we will proceed to next round. a motion may be made to reopen nominations if the motion to reopen fails, voting will continue with the names previously in nominations. if not nominations are reopened a member yet to nominate may do so a member nominated may with draw and nominate another member. are there questions? >> okay. >> all right. >> so, are there is there final discussion on the nominations? no names on the roster we'll move to the first ballot for the election to the office of board president. the names in nomination are supervisor walton. supervisor chan.
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and supervisor mandelman. i will start at the top of the alphabet. supervisor chan on the question? >> chan for chan. >> supervisor dorsey? [inaudible]. dorsey for mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman, mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> supervisor chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan has 2, supervisor mandelman has 4. and supervisor walton has 5 votes. no member of the board has
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reached the threshold required hold the office of board president. without reopening nominations or a member with drawing if further discussion is needed we can do that or go to the second round of balloting. >> the second round of balloting. >> round 2. the names in nomination are supervisor walton, supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. on the question. supervisor chan? >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton.
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>> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan has 2, supervisor mandelman has 4. and supervisor walton has 5 votes again no member reached the threshold necessary to be board president. so seeing no names on the roster. i will go to round 3 of the balloting. all right. the name in nomination walton, supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor chan on the question? >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey? >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin.
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>> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no member again reached the threshold to be the president. chan, 2, mandelman 4 and walton has 5 votes. menames on the roster. the forced ballot is imnan there are 3 in nomination with supervisors walton, chan and mandelman. in nominations. on the question for the fourth round. supervisor chan.
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>> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. yeoman man. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan has 2, supervisor mandelman 4 and supervisor walton has 5 votes. no member reached the threshold to hold the office of president. no names on the roster the fifth ballot. we have the same names in
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nomination. with supervisor walton, supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. autofifth ballot. supervisor chan on the question. >> chan. supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. >> and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no member reached the threshold chan 2 votes, supervisor mandelman 4 votes and supervisor walton has 5 votes.
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supervisor engardio. i think weure in an empass may be we should talk. where discussion would be in order. supervisor. i think mandelman is great. he was progressive. he was -- he never mandelman never supported me and i think you know he is was an is a progressive we are all progressives buhman man has been showing that he is head in the a direction where the residents of the city want to go. that's why i'm supporting him. i think we all as a body want to go in a direction the residents were demanding us to go. i implore folks to consider mandelman. he has been around. got a good rep fagz.
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good progressive. >> thank you supervisor engardio. supervisor peskin. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i think here are the bodies options. the bodies options and i think i have been in this rodeo once before in 2003 a 3 way race that went 6 rounds before somebody this somebody me with drew leaving 2 candidates and somebody gets the majority on that round. or the other alternative is if one of the 3 does not wish to with draw is reopen nominations those other alternatives we have proven to one another and the public that everybody is resolute in the 5 rounds of voting we had thus far. we are short of the 15 rounds of voting that exhibited themselves in the house of representatives.
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of our country. thank you, madam clerk >> thank you, supervisor peskin. >> supervisor melgar did you have your name on the roster? >> i did. you know i the disagree a bit with my clothes from district 4. in this what i'm looking for in the president is in the somebody who will be a moderate or a progressive. i count myself in the middle. i want upon somebody who is going to be able to bring all of us together. and we are polarized, colleagues. i want member hol represent communities who have felt unsafe. not guilty past couple years. i do believe that supervisor chan does natural most important low i want member who will be able to listen. with her heart, and with her mind.
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to the different things we have to say. if you already have i can't you know will stick to it. this is what i'm not looking forward. i want us to be able to get out of this pandemic to recover as a city. and to do it with kindness and also strategy. that's what i'm looking for. so. i hope that we can move forward. and -- i guess we will do another round. >> thank you, supervisor melgar. seeing no other names on the roster. i will go slowly. the 6 ballot. the 3 names supervisor walton, chan and supervisor mandelman. supervisor chan.
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>> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman and supervisor walton. >> walton. supervisor chan has 2 votes, supervisor mandelman 4 and walton 5 votes. no member reached the threshold. for the office of board president. so the 7th ballot is eminnocent 3 names in nominations.
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supervisor walton, chan and mandelman. supervisor chan for the 7th ballot on the question. >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. yeoman man. >> supervisor engardio. mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> entires preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. and supervisor walton. >> walton. no member reached the threshold with chan receiving 2, mandelman
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4 and walton 5 votes. i'm prepping my ballot. the eighth ballot i turn the page i'm pausing in case members want to place their name on the roster. without a member with drawing we'll move to the eighth will ballot. all right. the eighth supervisor chan. >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. yeoman man. >> mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> ronen.
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>> walton >> supervisor safai. why walton >> supervisor stefani. mandelman. >> walton. >> walton >> chan 2 votes, mandelman 4 votes and supervisor walton 5 votes. no member reached the threshold to be board president. i will prep the ninth ballot. seeing no names for the ninth we have 3 name in nomination. walton, supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. supervisor chan? >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. supervisor engardio. mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman.
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yeoman man. >> melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan, 2, supervisor mandelman, 4 and supervisor walton 5 votes. the threshold has not been reached. to declare a new board president. i prepped the 10th bell on the. no names on the roster we will head to the 10th ballot. 3 names supervisor walton,
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supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. supervisor chan? >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. yeoman man. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. where supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan has 2, supervisor mandelman, 4 votes and supervisor walton has 5 votes the threshold not met and no names on the roster, i will
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prep the 11th ballot. the upon 11th ballot. supervisor chan we have 3 names. walton, chan and mandelman on the question, please. >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai.
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>> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. >> supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan, 2, supervisor mandelman 4 and supervisor walton has 5 votes. the threshold not met i will prep the 12th ballot there are no names on the roster. without a member with drawing or another member to reopen nominations we have 3 names in nomination. walton, chan and mandelman. supervisor chan on the question. >> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio.
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yeoman man. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> supervisor connie chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no number reached with supervisor chan 2, supervisor mandelman getting 4 and supervisor walton getting 5 ballots. no names on the roster i will prep the 13th ballot. is there a name on the roster? >> supervisor chan. i apologize. >> thank you, before we head to
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the unlucky 13 number of the 13 ballot i wanted to suggest this perhaps i will entertain a motion to reopen nomination. that is where i stand and of course that we must agree to reopen the nomination in majority. if not can walk us through should i make the motion if we require a second? >> supervisor chan made a motion to reopen nominations is there a second? >> seconded. >> supervisor peskin seconded that. member i have the regular roll call of vote sheet with me. we will start at the top. this is the -- reopen nominations supervisor chan? >> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> no. >> supervisor engardio. >> no >> supervisor mandelman.
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>> aye. supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> and supervisor walton. >> aye. >> there are 9 aye's and 2 no's with supervisors dorse and he engardio in the decent. >> nominations have been reopened. a member who puts their name on the officer cert able to be called on to make a nomination if than i have not previously or change their nomination if than i like to. or to with draw a nomination. and renominate another.
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supervisor peskin. this is not on my list of things to do today. but i don't want to get to that magic 15 and i will do something i have not done in 20 years and nominate myself in an attempt to break this log jam and bring 15 of the last 2 years of experience to this body. and i -- did not plan to do that but that is hai have justice done. >> supervisor peskin has nominated supervisor peskin to be in nominations. to be voted on for office of board president. i will reminds you we still have
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supervisor ronen's nomination of supervisor walton. we have supervisor steph no's nomination of supervisor mandelman and we have supervisor melgar's nomination of supervisor chan. supervisor mandelman. >> i was going to ask for a 5 minute bathroom break. >> my colleagues are down. >> can we take recess for 5 minutes. we will return -- take 10. do 10. why 10 minutes. thank you. >> 11:43 we shall return.
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welcome back the upon san francisco board of supervisors all are presents in the chamber we last left off on the election for the office of board president. supervisor peskin had made a nomination to add his name. we now have supervisors walton, chan, mandelman and peskin in nominations. we are about to head to the 13th round of balloting. i wanted gift members an opportunity in case they wanted place their name on the roster for a quick discussion. names are supervisor walton, chan, mandelman and peskin. supervisor chan on the question?
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>> chan. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> chan. >> supervisor peskin. >> walton. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. >> supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no number reached the threshold to the board president. with supervisor peskin not having ballots. supervisor chan having 2, supervisor mandelman having 4 and supervisor walton 5. no names on the roster i will put the 14th ballot.
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the 14th bat on the 4 names supervisor walton, chan, mandelman and peskin. for the 14th bell on the supervisor chan. >> pardon me. supervisor chan. >> thank you, as we head to the 14 round and i think i want to speak on where we are at this moment and i look forward to casting my next ballot and will be doing so shortly. but i wanted to have a remindser for all of us with the 4 on the
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floor i hope that and i look forward that we come to consensus, soon. and thank you for all the families and friends of the new low elect exclude reelected members in our legislative aids and definitely our clerk office for sticking with us, with us and i'm surety public is watching so i ask colleagues that we let's think this through and thank you. >> thank you. supervisor chan. no names on the roster. >> supervisor chan? on the question? >> peskin. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. yeoman man. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> peskin. >> supervisor peskin. >> peskin.
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>> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. >> and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no member reached the threshold to be board president. supervisor peskin has 3 votes. mandelman has 4 and supervisor walton has 4 votes. i'm pausing to prep the 15th round. no name on the roster. for the 15th rounds -- 4 names supervisor walton, chan, mandelman and peskin.
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>> supervisor chan? >> peskin. >> supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> mandelman. >> supervisor melgar. >> peskin. >> supervisor peskin. >> peskin. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walt walth. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman and supervisor waltock. >> walton. >> no measure reached the threshold with peskin getting 3, supervisor mandelman receiving 4 votes and supervisor walton receiving 4 votes.
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il prep the 16th ballot. >> no name on the roster. to the 16th ballot there are 4 names supervisor walton, chan, mandelman and peskin. supervisor chan? peskin. why supervisor dorsey. >> mandelman. >> supervisor engardio. >> mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman. >> peskin. >> supervisor melgar. >> peskin. >> supervisor peskin. >> peskin. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai.
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>> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> mandelman. >> supervisor walton. >> walton. >> no member received the majorities required to be the board president mandelman be 3 votes peskin receiving 4 and supervisor walton receiving 4 votes. >> supervisor chan's name is in nomination and not received votes. supervisor ronen your name is on the roster. can we recess again for 5 minutes. >> a motion by supervisor ronen to recess for 10-15 minutes. 10 minutes is there a second? >> second. >> seconded by supervisor chan. on the motion to recess for 10 minutes. supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye. zo supervisor engardio.
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>> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston. >> aye. zo supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> supervisor stefani e. >> aye. >> and supervisor walton. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. this meeting will be in recess for 10 minutes we shall return at 12:07.
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>> welcome back from our 10 minute recess. this is the january 9, meeting 2023 of the san francisco board of supervisors. we conclude a recess and where we left off prepping the 17th round there are for you anymore in nomination. supervisor walton, supervisor chan, mandelman and supervisor peskin. we have supervisor dorsey on the roster. >> thank you. madam clerk. colleagues almost 16 years to the day then mayor newsome stood
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here and complimented board bunkham aaron peskin on his reelection as president and that would president peskin had remarkable ability to bring this board together. and i believe aaron peskin still has this ability and proud to support him for president and urge my colleagues to do so. thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor engardio. i think the residents of san francisco need us to finish this job and move forward we have so many important things to work on. a massive budget deficit and a lot of hard work and we are wasting time with this silly spinning the wheels. my candidate was true i said mandelman will be a great choice he was a uniier and but we need to come to a consensus.
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i will support supervisor peskin because the colleague or the someone i know and trust well former supervisor tang sat in his seat and worked well with supervisor peskin on the budget. i care about the budget i look forward to working with someone seasoned and as experienced as supervisor peskin is on the budget the most important thing we work on this year. so -- if we can't have supervisor mandelman and if supervisor peskin is willing to take this role it will be wise to have him lead us for this cycle. >> thank you, supervisor engardio. >> any other members like to comment? for the upon 17th up rounds we do still have 4 name in nomination. supervisor walton, supervisor chan, supervisor mandelman and
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supervisor peskin. all right. to the ballot. supervisor chan on the question? >> peskin. >> supervisor dorsey. >> peskin. >> supervisor engardio. >> peskin. >> sprierdz mandelman. >> peskin. >> supervisor melgar. >> peskin. >> supervisor peskin. >> peskin. >> supervisor preston. >> walton. >> supervisor ronen. >> walton. >> supervisor safai. >> walton. >> supervisor stefani. >> peskin. >> and supervisor walton. >> walton. >> supervisor chan has no ballots. supervisor mandelman has no ballots. supervisor walton has 4 ballots and supervisor peskin has 7 ballots. congratulations supervisor peskin you have reached the threshold to be elected as the
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board president. you may ask several members to take tout dias. >> thank you. madam clerk. thank you to everybody gathered in the chambers. this auspicious day and thank you to my colleagues on the board of supervisors. and if i could ask my prez seszor president walton my colleagues supervisor connie chan and colleague supervisor mandelman all of whom will work together in concert and in the 2 i don't knows to come to escort mow to the president's seat. [applause]. [applause] i'm unappropriated
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for this moment. but thankfully the clerk of the san francisco board of supervisors aided by her rable staff angela has prepared who ever was going to be board president. i will -- begin by acknowledging the indigenous population of this san francisco peninsula the ramaytush ohlone community. and i think that is rable low important and as i say that as
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member who has spent the last 30 years working with the tribe of native american indians in the state of nevada. the san francisco board of supervisors acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral home land of the ramaytush ohlone the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards and with their tradition, the ramaytush ohlone never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as care takers of this place as well as for all people hos reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize we benefit from living and wing on their traditional home land. we wish to pay respects the ramaytush ohlone know community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first people.
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>> madam clerk. can you please call item number 5. >> item 5 this is the part of the agenda we will receive remarks from the mayor honorable mayor breed president -- remarks from the mayor. mr. president. madam mayor appear nothing person or remote? >> thank you, mr. president. the mayor's office the mayor schedule changed she is not able to appear at this time for the board. >> all right. with that! [laughter] amazing. so let me make a few brief remarks. as the president of the board of supervisors.
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and i think most personal low we want to hear from our newly elected and reelected even numbered supervisor districts. welcome to the people's chamber of the city and county of san francisco. i want to say much is made in the media about the alleged toxicity in this body. and i have to say that has not been my experience. we have differences but i have found this each and every one of my colleagues are upon even in the heat of debate a pleasure to work with and i consider you all to be my friends look forward to working with you in a balanced way. i was listening to the words of supervisor mandelman as to the coequal nature of the board of supervisors relative to the executive branch. and it is always more difficult
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to be in a body. and we repticon state wents. i think we represent them exactly as they intended to district 5 supervisor represents that constituency as that constituency wants to be represented the same with d10 and d 8 supervisor. that is the fundaments of what we are here to do. we are not just a check special billions. we are also a body that when working together negotiates with the chief executive and executive branch of government and at our best when we negotiate well and together. that is something i would like to do in the next 2 years. you, colleagues, have my commitment and the people of san francisco have my commitment that we will make each other be the best that we can be on behalf of the people of the city and county of san francisco.
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approximate balance is remarkablely important. there is a lot of give and take. a lot of negotiation. there is a lot of compromise to get things done and unlike our united states congress, this body and our relationship with executives and i served under a number. i think this is a serve 6 board presidents. including the -- d10 supervisor walton who conducted himself in a lovely and comapproximationate and effective passion and thank him for this. i served now with mr. engardio joining with 41 members of the board. i look forward to bringing that experience to move us all forward. we live in a city income inquality is rife and we have a
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job to do to address that. i bring my progress itch valued and that is that -- at the top of that list we have an obligation to take care of our most vulnerable and needy. i will do this with maturity. dedication and love and care. i am purn if over not clerk to hear from the honorable members of the board of supervisors. item 6. remarks made by the board. mr. president you were called new on newly electd and reelectd and continuing members if they would loo toik offer comment. supervisor. >> thank you. i'm honored to have been elected
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to serve as supervisor of district 4. many of my guests in the family section today are residents of district 4 of the sunset. i was given 10 family tickets. my husband linol is here. and -- i have members of my chosen family, friends i have known for years. there are many definitions of family. that's why i offer my family tickets to sunset residence denials that i know who are doing everything they can so their kids have a future in san francisco. not easy. san francisco needs to be a more family friend low city. that's i didn't ran for supervisor. we mode to do everything we can to attract families not drive them away. our city's future dependsos it. my top priority will be public
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safety and education. we need to fix the pain points that cause families to leave san francisco. we have to stop the open air drug market. we have to put victims first am we need our schools to treat upon parents like partners and put academics first. i'm speak for example a couple minutes about my goals. on saturday i had a longer speech. on my blog. i encourage to you watch it. when i talked about public safety and education on saturday the audience applauded and cheered about the line that got the biggest cheer was not about safety or education it was the budget. and that surprised me i'm glad the 500 in the audience cared about the budget it is important as in board we'll grapple with serious budget deficit this is
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year. il repeat on saturday i got the bandwidth cheer. let's identify and shut down the corrupt or incompetent nonprofits flowing city hall. we need to measure every city fund program for success and pay for haworks. every dollar we waste could have been used to help machine in need. as a board, we must take reports from our city controller very seriously. the controller is finding problems from y where we spends money we need to take action. we will have tough decision this year with the budget in the coming months it would be a shame if we cut things working before first stopping payment on things that don't work. i want to tell the residents of district 4 and sunset my primary job is to listen to your occurrence whether a broken street lighter stop sign or
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place for kids to skate board i will work with all residents even those who did in the vote for me and no matter where they stands on the controversies. my job is to find the compromises we need to get things doneful that's what the people want. i want to thank my stof. they took this job because they love san francisco. i'm luck tow have them and so is the sunset. we do this work because we love our city temperature it is important to remember that there is a lot of joy in san francisco? >> we can create more. i like to support joy the residents of the sunset all they want is a safe and joyful city.
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the affordable housing and mall businesses that's why i'm here and look forward to working with board members the mayor and her standpoint and the report heads to gift residents when they deserve. let's together create our best san francisco. thank you. [applause]. supervisor dorsey? >> thank you madam clerk. and thank you president peskin. colleagues, friends everyone joining us. over 20 years ago i walked the building on my first day on the job on the executive staff of the new elected city attorney dennis herrera. the next 14 years his senior
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advisor i worked close with him on issues. this his office worked on many and most of them included the board of supervisors. as i stand here i'm reminded i could not have imagined i would be a member of the board of supervisors for one reason. i never would imagined i want to be a member of the board of supervisors. >> in a lifetime spent in and around politics, i never felt politics as personally as i have in the last few years. i'm a recovering addict and alcoholic. a member of the substance recovery community and most of my adult life that has been a part of important part of my life. since covid i know i was not alone in the recovery community. as we watched our city do a tremendous job with a public health crisis.
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as a deadly health crisis in drug over dose deaths was playing out. for me as a gay man and hiv positive remembers what it was like to live through the aids crisis. it was emnitsent to me remembering the sfig ma ofs dying masking how many were dying and against back drop of the record shatter crisis and drug deaths in the drug related harms the open air drug scenes the dealing i felt called to seek elected office like never before. i asked for this job first from the mayor and district 6 voters it is the honor of my career to earned supportful i asked for this job in ways that required me to share and too emotionally about my journal and he recovery
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from addiction. heard low a day pass friday the moment i was sworn in without somebody from the recovery community to thank me and share their own triumphs and struggles years in recovery and share hopes and fierce of family and friends who had not found recovery yet and losses of loved whons did not find recovery in time. >> it was at times inspiring or emotional but reminded me every day that what we are doing to trying to accomplish here matters. and matters urgently. meeting whenneds from one end of my district to the other. i heard a let of common themes one of them is public safety is their number one issue. in most of those issues in my district from some issue related to drugs. drug dealing.
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acting out. . people who are acting out too often violently. the ap i senior who is feel threatened and attacked. >> lawless drunk driving events this are almost out of town motorists this endanger neighborhoods and damage intersections i heard was simple from the people i represent. the people are feeling unsafe in neighborhoods and support us to get the w to fix t. >> i heard people mention how much they pay in tax. and it was encourage to me that not one asked for a tax break. all they are asking for is role value for the dollars they are spends nothing taxes. people want good services when i had the occasion to hand my cart out a lot. i be what i sign federal you want to complain call my office.
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we get a lot of calls. i want to thank the district 6 resident hos embraced me and gave me a safe space my campaign manager joe and other friends david burke matthew and deborah walker. my neighbors joining us. chinese community kwon and district 6 business owner ted zun us and harvest market gail not able to be here but means a lot to me fluential when i
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talked to him. he lead the prayer and my swear nothing yesterday meant the wormed to me. carla local from west bay. rudy corp us from united players. and i want to thank my staff. madison was my first hire. she has been with me for my time on the board and with me >> thank you i'm grateful. my second was -- he came recommended the fortunate read the service. the comp lirments about the services from my office because of the work leo was doing. >> a well respected
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communication professional and i tell you as a long time communication professional myself i'm not an easy 21 work with. brian does a great job. manages my time and i rely on him a lot. and my fourth hire found out shortly after i won my bid she secured hearse member of the state behalf california congratulations and she will be developing expertise with mow in drug policy and the things this are so much i think preponder she is going to be head where my heart is. all my fellow board members thank you for welcoming me. i never once felt unwelcomed and echo expressed by president peskin. i hear people talk about
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toxicity but i have not experience today yet. yesterday you are from me or may be it is not true. >> i want to thank the former city attorney, dennis herrera a friends and mentor to me. i mentioned to him he taught me when we do to lead leads our state and nation and around the world. and i saw that on major equality and seen typeset on consumer protection and climate change and many things we have to be aware that as we lead we are also an example to others. let's never forget that my colleagues who from that office swore us in today. judge one of my favorites i don't want to mention that police chief bill scott said reform is in the a check list it it is enduring mind set
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learned a lot in my 2 years in the police department. my honorary cuban map and maggie mueller in her team more than my consultant she was my roommate in the clintson administration. everyone who volunteered on my campaign. chris chang, gloria lee for their work. and the activism they have in the eastern soma. and i wanted to say how grateful i will be to all the members in the recovery community who supportd and encouraged me throughout this public deeply personal endeavour. brothers and sisters along the road a happy destiny, your
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support for me as a human being is something i will never forget dp inspires me every day. i need you along the way. thank you. >> a time in our city's history facing daunting challenges we are called to meet them with solutions to fulfill of the promise of recovery. to better provide the basics on public safety and services and did our part to build housing at all levels and neighborhoods. we have a lot of work to do to be the city of st. francis. let's get to it. thank you. [applause]. >> thank you. now we will hear from the reelected members. supervisor stefani. >> thank you.
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madam clerk. congratulations to board president peskin and welcome to my 2 new colleagues joel engardio fourth time is a charm. congratulations. and matt dorsey we have been working together for a few montes and your story inspires me. share your recovery with us all is brave and people in recovery are my favorite people they are the strongest people i know. thank you. i'm very excited work with you on this board for all things related to substance abuse and recovery. i want to thank angela for being incredible and helping put this together and the clerk's office staff. we could not do this without them. yesterday i had my swear nothing here we all had different swear nothing's. it was interesting, i had people that are not involved in politics my friends and family,
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dance moms from daughter's dance company. and than i said that they were moved and so they felt good seeing politicians getting along, laughing and joking and showing love for one another. they don't see that a lot. they don't see this in the news and not just here locally but nationally as well. and i feel blessed have a lot of incredible people in my life that made yesterday so spchl our state treasurer ma swore me in and say what is is on her mind, which i love. and city add administrator chiou, thank you for being their yesterday and for your remarks. of course, we had state controller cohen there who has been a friends of mine for a long time and my mentor in e merge a democratic program that trains democratic women it run for office. dusty was there and go back with
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him. one of our new school board members and thank supervisor mandelman and safai for being there yesterday as well 2 of my dear friendsos this board. father heely was there and opened with a prayer my favorite thatful st. francis we say that a lot here. st. francis make mow a channel of your piece and i confess to everyone i say that prayer every morning and sometimes i grip her and say make me a channel of your peace because i don't feel peaceful. despite about this a lifely place to work, [laughter] i don't always foal that way! i will be honest. but am you know i dpom strife to conduct myself in a way that does listen rather then and there to be heard to understand rather than understood and i will continue to try to do that. one of the best speakers
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yesterday was my son dominic. and he is 18 years old. ready to go to college it year tell be difficult for me. but he proveed me that you can do this job well and be a mother as well. approximate his remarks just proveed him all the mothers in the room that you can have a career and you can raise good children. so i'm grateful to my children and my family who were there. i don't have family here today. but i do have my friend here and sam bennett former aids. want to thank my campaign team, jill john, mark cam. and my city hall team aids. being an aid for 9 years we cannot do this without them. sam is a former aid now the university of virginia law school. my new chief of staff. sam and gail used to be at the
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da's office. sherman elementary and sacred heart and we have nick who is amazing. come to us from air b & b. i think i got that wrong. i am just blessed have wonderful staff. and to the voters of the district 2. it was nice to run unopposed. so -- i almost forgot i was running at a point. and i just feel when i'm in this room i'm not in this room as stefani i'm representing what my constituents want and need me to do and say. that's what i try to do. one initial stipulate not here today, that was here 4 years ago and i'm grateful for this is my father. sat here, played with this thing all the time he was in the early stafrjs of dem mentia. he still has but now he does not know who i am.
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but got to see me 4 years ago. i am indebted my father because public service runs through my veins because of him and his example. he taught me young this service to others ask the highest distinction and his eighth grate grade year book quote he believed in service to others and so did his father my grandfather. dropped me off in washington when i was 16 and lived at georgetown university. and i lived there inturned for dem credit i have been my life. and i -- was grill that he saw my interest in politics early a lieutenant in vietnam war and it was inspired by jfk's speesh ask not what you can do for your
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count we but what your country can do for you. and you know i told everyone, everyoneness i grew up catholic and had the pope and jfk on the wall. it was not unlike him to be inspired by those words. a young 18 year olds who loved his country and answerd that call, struggles with affects of war and coming to grips with bad decisions made by people in power and government that was rough he held many people to high standardses. he taught me along the way you can love your country and still life your country even though when people are in power making terrible decisions against the best interests and decisions that are harm figure others. you don't give up on the ideals that make our country special from life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that all people are
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created equal and strife near because we have not got close the fact we continue to strife is something worth fighting for. kaua'i are not portrade well in the news even international rules bad decision made along the way sometimes made things worse. but we know had san francisco stands for everyone knows. and that is love, tolerance, acceptance a place of refuge and place where people come to feel loved and social justice is born. a place where as we say, what happen in san francisco goes to california and the rest of the nation. i efficiented my sister's
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wedding last may to her wife because of san francisco. we don't give up on san francisco upon even when bad things might be happening in city gentleman. we keep fighting for values we stand for and over the past foryears seen challenges covid and fentanyl and public safety and homelessness and come together. and a willingness to do things sometimes that are not popular. every time i walk throughout sdpoors here i'm here on behalf of the constituents of district 2. that is my job. those are my bosses i stay true that that had i vote. we refuse to remain silent.
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>> faced hate crimes and violence and when our own was shot in the neighborhood. we marched throughout streets and demanded change and changed and renamed a stair well in district 2 to reminds everyone we will not stop fighting. the first city in the united states to guarantee the right to legal council for domestic violence victims. that created the office of witness rights for victims of crimes not served. sit up for fiscal responsibility. i will not bore you i gave this speech are much television yesterday. we sit up for housing which is
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important. we approve the greatest infusion of affordable house negligent community history with 186 new home for low income seniors 1,000 new homes across district 2 and that entitled housing in the pipeline and do everything we can to remove barriers prefrom being built. stoodz and up with those in recovery from substance abuse. platform for recovery summit working grouch alcoholics and addicts incoverserate who had told us policy makers what work for them had they said is more space is need instead city. we listend and with my colleagues supervisor safai we made sure there was funding for positive directions and will continue to do more. i want to thank my colleagues supervisor safai and supervisor dorse and he supervisor
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mandelman as well for having an eye on that. we stood up for small businesses and accountability and challenged the former school boards and misguided actions and brought common sense back. and confronted corruption passing 3 piece of legislation this reformed how the city awards billions worth of contracts and grants. and i have to say, welcome again to joel engardio and matt dorse and he for the much of my first term, i love owner this board. and i love this job. but it did feel at times we were in the fight alone. everyone remark 10-1 vote you bet money on that a no from catherine stefani and in 2022, san francisco showed up to the poles 4 times and made their
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voice heard and could not have been clearer and said they don't want excuses from us. they want result and want us it work together. i am prepared do that. i believe that we deserve a city that is not 500 police officers short. that does not lose 2 people to droug over dozes every day. does not have tents dotting the sidewalks humans are suffering in the cold. where kids want to afford to grow families here. i believe that san francisco is within reach. and i believe we have to move past the things we have seen in san francisco politics not always working together. which is putting ourselves in different camps and labelos us.
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i think we share the same love of the city the same love forment to improve things for others and i irrelevant do believe if we listen rather than heard we focus on rus. that san francisco is within reach. it will require resolve and fortitude and i want to let everyone know that i'm here for it. and willing and red for another 4 years special thank you so much i'm humbled and grateful to serve the residents of district 2 for another 4 years in the city that i love, san francisco. thank you. [applause]. thank you supervisor stefani. and now we will hear from the member representing district 8. supervisor mandelman. [applause].
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i'm not going to read my speech i will thifrng a few people. being district supervisor has been the best job of my life and i'm grateful every single day to the voters of district 8 for giving me the opportunity back in 2018 and signing up again had upon 2022 i'm grateful to the campaign team that got me there. responsible for 91 of my political views at all. but that republican a fantastic come pain in 2018. we [inaudible] and i think kyle will tell thank you we got more votes than any campaign then out on thank you, kyle for that. and then in 2022, jack the one man band in the audience got me
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reelected. thank you for that and thank you to michael and erika walters and then to all of the folks who have been this my office at various points including kyle and tom. and including the folks back in my office now ross and jackie and adam who is here today. thank you so very much. dave burke is not in our office but with our sfpd liaison and important member of the team if you are watch thanksgiving is for you. thank you so much for this. and then to our clerk and the amazing clerk staff, you know you are -- you all are amazing. thank you. to president walton for the leadership you and your team provided. tracie! good and you have been amazing and walton i disagree about everything that divide this is
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board that is a small chunk of the thing and is supported him in 2018 and again this year for reelection and you supported me and i think are i 8 great represent for district 10 and grateful for your supportful thank you and to all my colleagues even those of you who anotice me at times i'm struck every day that supervisor peskin said we all represent our districts and the views of san francisco who deserve to have voices heard. one of the things i think too few understands not everybody agrees with them when we come in here we clash because san francisco disagree about stuff. but that is what we do and work through it and glad that i have another 4 years. with the crew. there are folk in audience. i want to acknowledge charlie who is the cochair of our successful effort to refew our prop well sales tax and the
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most valuable player. brought in i think more than half a million dollars for that. for this effort and was solid and i wanted to make sure i don't know what you got out of being here but thank you for showing up. and thank you for all that you do for san francisco. and all the operating engineers do for us. and then the other folks i want to acknowledge who are here are gary is in the my guest out going cochair of the [inaudible] club and the continuing cochair and maly who unless someone saves him today will step in as the in coming cochair i believe. and the club was started 51 years ago and called the club because queer people did not want to put gay in the name. and so -- today, it it is amaze to me and i'm such a weepy human
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i can't say it. but to have matt dorsey and joe i went for my first term in office the only elected gay queer person not just in on the san francisco board of supervisors but any board in the 9 county bay area. and i am i think that you know the people who somewhat in hiding got the club started 51 years ago you know i think would be stunned and amaze period that what is the measure conservative districts is represented by a gay man an out proud, hiv positive gay man in recovery representing district 6. i'm over joyed have you joining. and so i'm grateful to the voters for that as well. and i want to thank the city
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staff. not just the clerk's office. the police, firefighters the planning department and economic and workforce development, public works all the departments every day working so hard for the city attorney's office. who are working every day to deliver for san francisco, i think that we have system in this city. that don't make sense. we have a lot of very hard working people trying to deliver for san francisco and we are on the board grateful and our charge special i know that president peskin take this is seriously is support the people in trying to dot w they are supposed to do and make the systems make more sense for them and the residents. i want us to work on ending homelessness and an accomplice for any unhoused person willing to take it. i want to redouble my commitment with supervisor ronen and others to having beds not well and need an accomplice to be and get
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care. we need to make good on commitments to treatment on demandful support people who come through treatment. i know supervisor dorsey will make that his main projects going forward. i want to support you in that. i think we can expand opportunity for house nothing this city but protect our existing neighborhoods temperature is tricky but our job to do it and i think that we can. i think that we can respondent everresponds to the voters demand for public safety and work with colleagueos getting the mrofshs that we need. i think the voters did speak in 20s 22. they spoke and want change. they did not go to the right. we don't want to abandon our progressive values butment a government that works and i was like i said in my speech a longer speech i'm not subjecting you all to on friday of my swear nothing san francisco is an
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idea. and it it is the shining city on the hill. for people who love liberty and creativity and when san francisco succeeds we provide hope to folks around the world. who want that liberal city to succeed had we fail we let folks down. far from fuchls we need rae commit to making san francisco a model of progressive governors and i'm hopeful we can work together. i see nodding and i think we will. i help we do because people are counting on us. thanks for this opportunity and let's go! [applause]. >> thank you supervisor mandelman and now we will hear from the member representing district 10 and former president of this board of supervisors
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supervisor walton. [applause]. >> thank you, madam clerk and thank everyone for being here. i will start off with a big surprise for everyone. a quote. you >> i always knelt way i said it before it is amazing what someone can do and what we can do together if nobody cares about the credit. we'll continue to lead in this manner and lead in that way because i 100% care about this city and care about my constituents and look forward to our work together. i want to congratulate supervisor engardio, supervisor dorse and he stefani and mandelman on your elections and reelections. looking forward to our work together. one thing i always said continue to say, the only thing i can promise is that we will disagree
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at times and will do everything we can to work through that i want to congratulate president peskin on your election serving as president. and you have big shows to fill. [laughter]. and -- now i can make the out bursts. why [laughter] i look forward to that. i want to thank you supervisor ronen for that just tremendous nomination, appreciate you. love working with and you thank you for that. to my family and wife was here earlier she had to get to work we know how that guess. of course to the district 10 dream team of natalie, tracie and percy appreciate the work you do for our office and constate wents. you know nothing changes -- as we move forward for the next 4 year in terms of when we will continue to fight for. we will fight in justice in the city. we'll fight racism.
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we'll fight for the voiceless in the people who are disenfranchised and isolated that will never change we'll be focusod making sure we continue to do that work and so i'm excite body continuing to serve district 10 in the city for the next 4 years. i want to thank the clerk's office, your team for what you continue to do daily and he looking forward for our continued work together overnight next 4 years special the all of my colleagues, aids and the rest of the city good to see everyone here the one thing we have seen the last few days with all the swear nothing's and new elections is city family coming together and seeing folk who is don't agree all the time in the same room consistent low want specialing the leaders of the city. that's the city we are we will have battle but we have to come to resolutions so we get things done for the people of san
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francisco. again, looking forward to serve and thank you madam clerk and president peskin. >> [applause]. >> thank you. supervisor walton. and now are there members who are continuing members withhold like to address the body at this time. supervisor ronen. >> thank you i know we are exhaustd and especially people who are not used to long meetingsment to go home. i wanted to welcome supervisor engardio to the board. it is nice to be serving with you and supervisor dorsey who is officially now elected as the member of the board. i -- i -- want to tell you that i know we don't always see the solutions to problems being the same but identify the problems
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the same. safety, and define safety and the broad sense and you know the state of our public education system. are near to all 3 of our hearts i want to say how excited i am to find all the points of remember unity and agreement between us. you know have the pleasure to know you over the last couple weeks. supervisor engardio and i want to public low say i'm excited to be working with you. supervisor dorsey, i known you more but not closely and i have been inspired. not only by your story but how open you have been in the public with your story. i think that openness already does some of the hard work that we need to do. to address this addiction and drug epidemic fentanyl crisis in our city that it is something that is near to our hearts every
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time you speak about your story i get chills. it gets me excited work together. welcome you both and tell you how excited i am to work with both of you. thank you, supervisor ronen. [applause]. >> supervisor chan? >> thank you. first i want to congratulate our new elected board president peskin. i want to let you know this minot be the first time you are at that seat you are leading in my opinion a historic board. and let me say i'm proud to have 3 openly gay colleagues joins us today in this chamber. i think your prez seszor marshy milk will be proud of you today. and i want to say that you are leading a board that has majority of working parents
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fathers, mothers and even grand upon parent it is amazing. i am sole grateful to be serving with all of you. if i may take this personal privilege to also welcome all the legislative aids former returning and the new aids like new aids. i have been there. i understand. so i want to take this opportunity to introduce to you my team our new aid ben and robin burke and francis and kelly grove. i say that because sometimes people pronounce her left name wrong and to say that sometimes you minot be in this chamber but we see you. we are grateful to your work we know that we all 11 of us could not be here if not for and you your hard work. i hope you will get back from break and lunch break and so
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don't forget to take them. we also have the best trees in the hallway on the floor. come by. oh , supervisor melgar wants to put in a competition for that. that is good. and so -- while, yes, at times you will see us have the rigorous debate we have policy differences, sometimes it looks like we are go b to go at it i urge all of us including the legislative aids do come together. together we serve san francisco and we should all be proud of the work we do together collectively not just the upon 11 supervisors but our teams as well. for that i'm grateful to all of you and madam clerk and your team and definitely everyone that sitting around all of us and all the city officials. want to thank you and look forward to tomorrow's meeting and go at it then.
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thank you. [laughter]. [applause]. thank you supervisor chan. supervisor melgar. >> thank you i know we want to go home i will be brooefr. but i want to reminds you we did not get this. when we got elected it was the height of the pandemic. we never were able to get golden tickets to family and do this. supervisor preston by that time [inaudible] did not get it, either with his i'm sorry about that. here we are i hope you say a few words. i will say that it hen a pleasure serving here the last couple years. it does get heated sometimes. i have been able to work with all of you closely and i'm excited about the new board. surprise dorsey, you have been a pleasure to work with. so thoughtful. so kind and generous with your
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time and i'm looking forward to the next couple year serving with you. supervisor engardio, i welcome you. i worked with supervisor mar the most close low as anyone on the board we have a long border in lots of issues that are similar. i think that for my west side colleagues, i expect we work together closely because the west side is different. we have unique challenges. and you know we are seeing what we are doing with the housing element the next 10 years we'll change. where we are and i expect we'll work close low together. former president walton, you did a fantastic j.w. as president. i'm grateful for your leadership and you representation. and president peskin, thank you for taking on this challenge. as we go in the next couple of
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years, coming oust pandemic and all of the political struggles in the past year it is not going to be an easy task and your experience and leadership will be important and i believe you can do it for us. thank you. and let's get on work! thank you supervisor melgar. >> madam clerk? [applause]. before we hear from the next supervisor i would like to call out of order this has been an out of order type of day item 5. >> yes. item 5 is remarks from the mayor the honorable london breed. >> i like to welcome the 45th mayor of san francisco, former president of this board of supervisors and my former colleague london nicole breed. [applause].
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>> great. >> thank you bunkham peskin. and congratulations on being elected president of this esteemed board of supervisor says. i want to congratulate those who have been reelected to the board and including supervisor mandelman, supervisor walton on your elections as well as some of the members and supervisor catherine stefani. as well as congratulate supervisor dorsey on his election. he has been a tremendous asset to the body and i'm sure many of you appreciated working with him the past couple months and look forward to the great work he will do. i want to welcome supervisor engardio and congratulate you on being a part of this body in the work you all will do for the city of san francisco. it is definitely has been a challenging few years.
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and i think i have not been back in the chamber in the past couple years because of the pandemic it is grit to be here and welcome the guests and family members of members of the board of supervisors. our stay is an amazing city. and at the end of the day, the people here the leaders of the city represent the very best san francisco from all aspects and i think that as we move forward with the important w that we will have to do my hope is that this gives us an opportunity to come together like never before to work together. to think about the decisions that we make to put the people of the city before a lot of the petty politic this is get in the way of real progress and so many great things we want to see in our city. we want to for the most part people to thrive in san francisco we want to address the challenge s and challenges we
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have ahead. the housing leadership will test us like never before. our city is expected the next 8 years to produce over 80,000 units. passing the housing element is one thing. but doing the work that requires changes to policies to make sure we build housing aggressively in san francisco is going to be critical to address being the affordability crisis but to dealing with the challenges around homelessnesses that plagued our streets for far too long we seen more peal people die from over doses than we seen people who lost lives to covid. what does this tell you? something is not right we will need to make hard decisions to deal with the challenges of people who suffer from addiction but also the challenges that exist especially in communities like the tenderloin where families are being held hostage because of the open air drug
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dealing and violence that plagued that community for too long. we need to focus on making sure that as we deal with our economic recovery, we are facing a 728 million dollars budget deficit. where do we think that money will come from in tell in the fall out of the sky. we have to be responsible not only about how we generate resources to hymn deal with many of the challenge this is we all care about, but what are we going to do to make sure that the places that generate that money for us to spend are doing limp downtown recovery is critical to the success of future and small businesses and critical to the success of our future and important decisions are going to have to be made as we move forward this year. i think that 20s 23 feels hopeful to me. it feels exciting.
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i feel something different in the air. my hope is that we can really take this as an opportunity to start fresh. to start a new. to develop relationships that may not have once been there. so we can focus on what is in the best interests of the people. i think that this past election the voters of san francisco upon cent a strong message they want us to work together and deliver on the basics. they want clean streets. they want safety, they want to see us delivering for them every day and i'm committed to continuing to work with the board of supervisors to make sure that i'm available to work with your president to work with each one of you to try to find common ground to negotiate and figure out way in which we find solutions and not be at a stand still. that is what the people of san francisco elected us to do and i think we have an opportunity starting from today to do it. i look forward to working with each of you to make san
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francisco better and brighter than it has been before. here is an opportunity, let's make san francisco shine and thank you for having me here today. mruz mrauz. we look forward to working with you as well. with that, madam clerk i believe we have supervisor safai on the roster for item 6. >> thank you. first and foremost congratulations mr. president. also to the newly elected members. i know from being in your shoes how hard it is to get elected. each you deserves to be in this chair. each of you put in the work. we saw it out in the field and the voters responded. congratulations to you.
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to your family and friendses that endured. the campaigns with you. and i mean that truly endured you know what i'm talking about. you never did it alone you always do it with a team. do you it with your family and friends you do it with your core supporters. fellows you call and say when is on your mind. and they will help you. so look to those people as youor this board. i would say and also congratulations to my returning elected members. supervisor walton, supervisor mandelman and stefani. all of you it has been a pleasure to serve on this board. i think that in the 6 and a half years i served one thing i know to be true is we have to be able to compromise.
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i saw some people say look at the disfunction. no. that was an hour's worth of conversation. we took a couple recesses and in the upon ends we chose our leader. that's democracy. that is okay. people compromised i don't think anyone walked may be one or 2 might have knowing who was going to be the board president. but may be not. in the end, this is who we ended up with you know what? the body will move forward and we will work together. i will tell you from this left election, one of the things i learned on the ballot and all the measures that were there, when people say they are ready to work together and that includes room 200 and the mayor, it really means rollingum slows and working together. it does not mean we will have multiple competing ballot. does nomean we will not get our way and walk away from the table
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and force people to spends upon millions. you want to talk about a housing crisis and a homelessness crisis. up want to talk about clean streets it means you have to come in the room and work together. some of that is to the new members but it it is to all of us. i know and i saw it. i saw with prop g. we made magic. i saw it with -- correct be the decisions that were made about the d. public works. i saw it with our retirement board. i saw it is with stow many different things on this ballot and in this room the legislation that can get done. we have to truly commit to working together. that is my only wish. other than that let's get to work. thank you supervisor.
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[applause]. supervisor preston. >> thank you, madam clerk and i will keep it very short everyone has we are all waiting for lunch here. i did want to briefly say first off start by really from the bottom of my heart thanking our out going president walton for his leadership on of the board of supervisors with such integrity the last couple years approximate we agreed on a lot. others said you lead this body with integrity and he effectiveness the last 2 years. i want to congratulate president peskin and the board is in very good and experienced handses and looking forward to your leadership of the board. i want to echo the congratulations of colleagues
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returning and newly elected. i will offer a slightly different perspective on something a lot brought up. i think while we always need to be civil i sometimes would ask that we not holdup compromise as a value in of and of itself. sometimes we have to look at the issue we are dealing with. approximate we have to elevate justice, equality and fairness. of sometimes that approximate means not compromising and sometimes that is a different style. a style our office carries i of course -- our district want specials a strong line hard line on things like evictions and worker rights and environmental justice issues. i encourage colleagues to continue to be civil in inneractions and not let the
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critique fabricated narrative of incivility at the board force us to compromise the values we hold. i also not sure what everyone did before they became supervisor. i'm sometimes amuse and confused by the narrative. i was a dkdz's long tenant right activist. will the the.
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just thing that we take for granted which is whether we agree or not we run free and fair elections and i think the folks elected were straight ford over what they stood for. whether i agree or not. thank you making sure our department of elections continues to be and will be running the elections we witnessed and that all of you who are here returning or the first time won. congratulations again. and thank you madam clerk and
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president peskin. >> [applause]. >> thank you. no other names on the roster. mr. president that concludes remarks from the honorable members of the board. >> thank you, colleagues i clearly was discombob layd and jumped the gun and did item 7 and made off the cuff res i wanted use this moment to thank and acknowledge supervisor walton near leadership and presidency and he say that from the moment i met you in supervisor maxwell's living room you have not disappointed everything you represented has continued to be true and you done it with dignity and care and i want to acknowledge and sallow that and tell you that i would like to be friends with
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you long after we are both guarantee from the board of supervisors with that it is my honor to bestow upon you for your term as president of the san francisco board of supervisors this plaque of which i have a couple at my house. >> [applause]. [applause] next i would like to acknowledge the city wide elected officials and department heads. many of whom am stuck all the way through the last 3 hours and
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23 minutes. our recorder johnin torres. our city attorney david chiou. our public defender, our sheriff, our treasurer tax collector jose cisneros. i think he had to go back to the airport in weather. our since 1973 budget analyst harvey rose. our city administrator carmen chiou. our are esteemed controller ben rosenfield and yes supervisor engardio, we share and so00 autofact that fiscal prudence is a progressive value and thank you ben rosenfields for making sure that this city always lives in means. the director of department of emergency management mary ellen
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carol. the department city attorney who serves this board of supervisors amazing when you think there are upon 11 staff and each staff have 4 members. so dot mack you got 55 people hor badgering one person all the time and ann pierson thank you. our fire chief nicholson. jeanine texts us all hours of the night and day to tell us about horrors in our district. thank you for that, chief. the head of our department -- our director of transportation the head of the san front municipal transportation agency who had the honor of presiding over final lite opening of the central subway connecting supervisor walton's district 10 from sunny valley in the heart of china town. thank you jeff row tumlin our
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police chief scott and former city attorney now head of the p uc dennis herrera and anybody i forgot my apologies. and lastly, i want to thank my wife of 33 years nancy for putting up with for the last 22 years. my late father harvey peskin knocked on door after door in district 3. my mother support andim guarantee to the country for their love and support. and then on a personal note i want to ends this supervisor dorse, by thanking all of you and my constituents and people city wide i bumped into after i got in a rough patch for your support i was recovering from alcoholism today my 19th month
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of do sobriety. thank you very much [applause]. and with that, clothes issue members of the public we are adjourned see you tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m.
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[music] san francisco emergency home program is a safety net for sustableable commuters if you bike, walk, take public transit or shares mobility you are eligible for a free and safe roadway home the city will reimburse you up to $150 dlrs in an event of an emergency. to learn more how to submit a reimbursement visit sferh. >> everything we do in the tenderloin, we urban outfit. here, this gives us an
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opportunity to collaborate with other agencies and we become familiar with how other agencies operate and allow us to be more flexible and get better at what we depo in the line of work in this task. >> sometimes you go down and it's hard to get up. so we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up. and so i really believe that when they come here and they've said it, this right here is absolutely needed. you can't ask for nothing better. >> the tenderloin is the stuff that ain't on the list of remedies, liked the spiritual connection to recovery and why would i? why would i recover? what have i got to live for? things like that. and sharing the stories. like i was homeless and just the team. and some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. >> we have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like -- you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary
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care doctor. and so here, that's three rooms down the hall. so if you book them, they get all of their needs taken care of in one go. this is an opportunity for us here in the tenderloin to come together, try out these ideas to see if we can put -- get -- connect people to services in a >> >> >> >> >> my name is bal. born and
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raised in san francisco. cable car equipment, technically i'm a transit operator of 135 and work at the cable car (indiscernible) and been here for 22 years now. i grew up around here when i was a little can i. my mom used to hang in china town with her friends and i would get bored and they would shove me out of the door, go play and find something to do. i ended up wandering down here when i was a kid and found these things. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> fascinated by them and i wanted to be a cable car equipment from the time i was a little kid. i started with the emergency at the end of 1988 and drove a bus for a year and a half and i got lucky with my timing and got here at cable car and at that time, it really took about an average five to maybe
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seven years on a bus before you could build up your seniority to come over here. basically, this is the 1890s verse ever a bus. this is your basic public transportation and at the time at its height, 1893, there were 20 different routes ask this powerhouse, there -- and this powerhouse, there were 15 of them through out the entire city. >> i work at the cable car division and bunch with muni for 25 years and working with cable cars for 23 years. this is called the bar because these things are horses and work hard so they have to have a place to sleep at night. joking. this is called a barn because everything takes place here and the powerhouse is -- that's downstairs so that's the heart and soul of the system and this is where the cable cars sleep or sleep at night so you can put a title there saying the barn.
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since 1873 and back in the day it was driven by a team and now it's electric but it has a good function as being called the barn. yeah. >> i am the superintendent of cable car vehicle maintenance. and we are on the first and a half floor of the cable car barn where you can see the cables are moving at nine and a half miles an hour and that's causing the little extra noise we're hearing now. we have 28 power cars and 12 california cars for a total of 40 revenue cars. then with have two in storage. there's four gear boxes. it's gears of the motor. they weigh close to 20 tons and they had to do a special system to get them out of here because when they put them in here, the barn was opened up. we did the whole barn that year so it's difficult for a first of time project, we
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changed it one at a time and now they are all brand-new. engineer's room have the four monitors that play the speed and she monitors them and in case of an emergency, she can shutdown all four cars if she needs to. that sound you heard there, that's a gentleman building, rebuilding a cable. the cable weighs four hundred pounds each and they lost three days before we have to rebuild them. the cable car grips, the bottom point is underground with the cable. it's a giant buy strip and closes around the kab and they pull it back. the cable car weighs 2,500 people without people so it's heavy, emergency pulling it offer the hill. if it comes offer the hill, it could be one wire but if it unravels, it turns into a ball and they cannot let go of it because it opens that wide and it's a billion pushing the grip which is pushing the whole cable car
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and there's no way to let go so they have to have the code 900 to shutdown in emergencies and the wood brakes last two days and wear out. a lot of maintenance. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> rail was considered to be the old thing. rubber tires, cars,
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buses, that's new. there were definitely faster and cheaper, there's no question about that. here at san francisco, we went through the same thing. the mayor decided we don't need cable cars (indiscernible), blah, blah. we can replace them with buses. they are faster and cheaper and more economical and he was right if you look at the dollars and cents part. he was right. >> back in 1947 when they voted that, i'm surprised base of the technology and the chronicle paper says cable cars out. that was the headline. that was the demise of the cable cars. >> (indiscernible) came along and said, stop. no. no, no, no. she was the first one to say we're going to fight city hall. she got her friends together and they started from a group called the save the cable car community, 1947 and managed to get it on the ballot. are we going to keep the cable cars or not? head turned nationwide and worldwide and city hall was
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completely unprepared for the amount of backlash they got. this is just a bunch -- the city came out and said basically, 3-1, if i'm not mistaken, we want our cars and phil and her group managed to save what we have. and literately if it wasn't for them, there would be no cable cars. people saw something back then that we see today that you can't get rid of a beautiful and it wasn't a historical monument at the time and now it is, and it was part of san francisco. yeah, we had freight back then. we don't have that anymore. this is the number one tourist attraction in san francisco. it's historic and the only national moving monument in the world. >> the city of san francisco did keep the cable car so it's a fascinating feel of having something that is so historic going up and down these hills of san francisco. and obviously, everyone knows san francisco is
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famous for their hills. [laughter] and who would know and who would guess that they were trying to get rid of it, which i guess was a crazy idea at the time because they felt automobiles were taking the place of the cable cars and getting rid of the cable car was the best thing for the city and county of san francisco, but thank god it didn't. >> how soon has the city changed? the diverse of cable cars -- when i first came to cable car, sandy barn was the first cable car. we have three or four being a grip person. fwriping cable cars is the most toughest and challenging job in the entire city. >> i want to thank our women who operate our cable cars because they are a crucial space of the city to the world. we have wonderful women -- come on forward, yes.
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[cheers and applause] these ladies, these ladies, this is what it's about. continuing to empower women. >> my name is willa johnson is and i've been at cable car for 13 years. i came to san francisco when i was five years old. and that is the first time i rode a cable car and i went to see a christmas tree and we rode the cable car with the christmas worker and that was the first time i rode the cable car and didn't ride again until i worked here. i was in the medical field for a while and i wanted a change. some people don't do that but i started with the mta of september of 1999 and came over to cable car in 2008. it was a general sign up and that's when you can go to different divisions and i signed up as a
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conductor and came over here and been here since. there were a few ladies that were over at woods that wanted to come over here and we had decided we wanted to leave woods and come to a different division and cable car was it. i do know there has been only four women that work the cable car in the 150 years and i am the second person to represent the cable car and i also know that during the 19, i think 60s and women were not even allowed to ride on the side of a cable car so it's exciting to know you can go from not riding on the side board of a cable car to actually grip and driving the cable car and it opened the door for a lot of people to have the opportunity to do what they inspire to do.
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>> i have some people say i wouldn't make it as a conductor at woods and i came and made it as i conductor and the best thing i did was to come to this division. it's a good division. and i like ripping cable cars. i do. >> i think she just tapped into the general feeling that san francisco tend to have of, this is ours, it's special, it's unique. economically and you know, a rationale sense, does it make sense? not really. but from here, if you think from here, no, we don't need this but if you think from here, yeah. and it turns out she was right. so.... and i'm grateful to her. very grateful. [laughter] >> three, two, one.
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[multiple voices] [cheers and applause] >> did i -- i did that on purpose so i wouldn't. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> growing up in san francisco has been way safer than growing up other places we we have that bubble, and it's still that bubble that it's okay to be whatever you want to. you can let your free flag fry -- fly here.
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as an adult with autism, i'm here to challenge people's idea of what autism is. my journey is not everyone's journey because every autistic child is different, but there's hope. my background has heavy roots in the bay area. i was born in san diego and adopted out to san francisco when i was about 17 years old. i bounced around a little bit here in high school, but i've always been here in the bay. we are an inclusive preschool, which means that we cater to emp. we don't turn anyone away. we take every child regardless of race, creed, religious or ability. the most common thing i hear in
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my adult life is oh, you don't seem like you have autism. you seem so normal. yeah. that's 26 years of really, really, really hard work and i think thises that i still do. i was one of the first open adoptions for an lgbt couple. they split up when i was about four. one of them is partnered, and one of them is not, and then my biological mother, who is also a lesbian. very queer family. growing up in the 90's with a queer family was odd, i had the bubble to protect me, and here, i felt safe. i was bullied relatively infrequently. but i never really felt isolated or alone. i have known for virtually my entire life i was not suspended, but kindly asked to not ever bring it up again in first grade, my desire to have a sex change.
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the school that i went to really had no idea how to handle one. one of my parents is a little bit gender nonconforming, so they know what it's about, but my parents wanted my life to be safe. when i have all the neurological issues to manage, that was just one more to add to it. i was a weird kid. i had my core group of, like, very tight, like, three friends. when we look at autism, we characterize it by, like, lack of eye contact, what i do now is when i'm looking away from the camera, it's for my own comfort. faces are confusing. it's a lack of mirror neurons in your brain working properly to allow you to experience empathy, to realize where somebody is coming from, or to realize that body language means that. at its core, autism is a social disorder, it's a neurological
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disorder that people are born with, and it's a big, big spectrum. it wasn't until i was a teenager that i heard autism in relation to myself, and i rejected it. i was very loud, i took up a lot of space, and it was because mostly taking up space let everybody else know where i existed in the world. i didn't like to talk to people really, and then, when i did, i overshared. i was very difficult to be around. but the friends that i have are very close. i click with our atypical kiddos than other people do. in experience, i remember when i was five years old and not wanting people to touch me because it hurt. i remember throwing chairs because i could not regulate my own emotions, and it did not mean that i was a bad kid, it
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meant that i couldn't cope. i grew up in a family of behavioral psychologists, and i got development cal -- developmental psychology from all sides. i recognize that my experience is just a very small picture of that, and not everybody's in a position to have a family that's as supportive, but there's also a community that's incredible helpful and wonderful and open and there for you in your moments of need. it was like two or three years of conversations before i was like you know what? i'm just going to do this, and i went out and got my prescription for hormones and started transitioning medically, even though i had already been living as a male. i have a two-year-old. the person who i'm now married to is my husband for about two years, and then started gaining weight and wasn't sure, so i
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went and talked with the doctor at my clinic, and he said well, testosterone is basically birth control, so there's no way you can be pregnant. i found out i was pregnant at 6.5 months. my whole mission is to kind of normalize adults like me. i think i've finally found my calling in early intervention, which is here, kind of what we do. i think the access to care for parents is intentionally confusing. when i did the prospective search for autism for my own child, it was confusing. we have a place where children can be children, but it's very confusing. i always out myself as an adult with autism. i think it's helpful when you know where can your child go. how i'm choosing to help is to
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give children that would normally not be allowed to have children in the same respect, kids that have three times as much work to do as their peers or kids who do odd things, like, beach therapy. how do -- speech therapy. how do you explain that to the rest of their class? i want that to be a normal experience. i was working on a certificate and kind of getting think early childhood credits before i started working here, and we did a section on transgender inclusion, inclusion, which is a big issue here in san francisco because we attract lots of queer families, and the teacher approached me and said i don't really feel comfortable or qualified to talk about this from, like, a cisgendered straight person's perspective, would you mind talking a little bit with your own experience, and i'm like absolutely. so i'm now one of the guest
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speakers in that particular class at city college. i love growing up here. i love what san francisco represents. the idea of leaving has never occurred to me. but it's a place that i need to fight for to bring it back to what it used to be, to allow all of those little kids that come from really unsafe environments to move somewhere safe. what i've done with my life is work to make all of those situations better, to bring a little bit of light to all those kind of issues that we're still having, hoping to expand into a little bit more of a resource center, and this resource center would be more those new parents who have gotten that diagnosis, and we want to be this one centralized place that allows parents to breathe for a second. i would love to empower from the bottom up, from the kid level, and from the top down, from the teacher level. so many things that i would love to do that are all about changing people's minds about certain chunts, like the transgender community or the
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autistic community. i would like my daughter to know there's no wrong way to go through life. everybody experiences pain and grief and sadness, and that all of those things are temporary. >> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get
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through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb.
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nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so that we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf.govt/shared spit. >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop & dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help san
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francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so we're will you shop & dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in san francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert i'm the fifth generation of candy in san francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals that's why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art
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we will explain a walk and they can't walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. >> beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is - i really appreciate they love this art. >> from the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you don't have to go far. >> small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not just a big firm.
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>> you don't have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness. >> san francisco has to all >> i am iris long. we are a family business that started in san francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. we source the teas by the harvest season and style of
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crafting and the specific variety. we specialize in premium tea. today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. it is very much like grapes for wine. what we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. growing up in san francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. i went to san francisco state university. i did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. after graduating i worked for an investment bank in hong kong for
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a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. he passed away a few years ago. after taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of san francisco to visit. many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. it is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. they are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. san francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown.
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it is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. this retail location is open daily. we have minimal hours because of our small team during covid. we do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. also, visit us online. we have minimal hours. it is nice to set up viewings of
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>> van ness avenue runs from market street to bay street in san francisco. south vanness runs from south of market to cesar chavez street. originally residential after the 1906 earthquake it was used as a fire break. many car dealerships and businesses exist on vanness today with expansion of bus lanes. originally marlet street was named after james vanness, seventh mayor of san francisco from 1855 to 1856. vanness heavy are streets in santa cruz, los angeles and fresno in his honor. in 1915 streetcars started the opening of the expo. in 1950s it was removed and
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replaced by a tree-lined median. it was part of the central freeway from bayshore to hayes valley. it is part of uses 101. it was damaged during the 1989 earthquake. in 1992 the elevator part of the roadway was removed. it was developed into a surface boulevard. today the vanness bus rapid transit project is to have designated bus lanes service from mission. it will display the history of the city. van ness avenue.
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morning. we're going to go ahead and get started. hi, everyone. welcome welcome. my name is tamika moss and i have the pleasure of serving as your emc for today's program. thank you. it's such a pleasure to see so many familiar faces, and only a special person like joaquin torres would bring us out in the rain to celebrate your inauguration. i'm so
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excited to welcome you all to today's ceremony, actually reflecting the assessor recorders first full term. um and so we're so excited to have you all with us, um i had started all home and organization that's working on homelessness and housing, security and economic security for our regions, most vulnerable neighbors and one of the reasons that i started. that organization was the belief that the status quo was not okay. that it was going to take everyone in our community to double down and figure out how to solve our region's most complex problems that it's gonna take innovation. it's going to take breaking down silos building across sectors. and that is what we have an assessor torres. here's someone who has always been in his public
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service, someone who is not okay with the status quo who is really about building up community, figuring out how to do that creatively and innovatively and bringing our entire community along and so it is such a great honor for me to be here with you today and support my friend. alright. so with that. i would like to bring up our first two speakers. daniel torres, sister of assessor torres, to provide a land acknowledgment and following the landing knowledge mint, the reverend canon deborah low skinner of the episcopal diocese of california will lead us in an invocation to center and unite us in thought and prayer. for the success of assessor torres in this essential role that provides financial stability for our city and county of san francisco.
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thank you. good morning. thank you, tamika. uh today, i'm going to read the land acknowledgment , and this was written by jonathan cordero, who is the founder and executive director of the association of the rama to chalone latouche, the chair of the rama touche aloni people. the city of san francisco, is located in the unseated ancestral homeland of the runway to chalone, who are the original peoples of the san francisco peninsula. we wish to pay our respects to the ancestors, relatives and present members of the roma jewish community and we affirm their sovereign rights as first peoples. we honor the rama to chalone for their enduring commitment to care for the lands in which we now live and work. and we commit to continue the process of dismantling the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.
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we pray to creator god. as we are gathered here with joyful anticipation. what for what the new year will bring. as we turn the pages of our calendars this past weekend on january the first many of us hope that we can get start a new chapter of our lives. get a do over. and with that new opportunities to grow in heart, mind, soul and strength. and to expand the ways we can improve our lives. improve the lives of our loved ones and improve the lives of everyone who lives and works in the city that we love. merciful
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god, we pray we are filled with gratitude for your help in seeing us through all the challenges the city faced this past year. by your grace and help we continued to meet the ongoing challenges of the pandemic by providing public healthcare and distributing vaccines and boosters for covid , 19 and monkey pox. we continued to address ongoing racial tensions and discourage hate crimes. we continue to navigate through the uncertain economic ups and downs in city financial resources due to the war in ukraine and the inflation we continue to compassionately try to find supportive housing and offer care for the many homeless in our midst. and we can congratulate ourselves. yes congratulate ourselves for carrying out successful midterm election despite many divisive
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political rhetoric and false accusations of possible voter fraud. gracious god, we pray we are very glad and blessed by the gifts, experience, passion and vision of elected public servants such as joaquin torres are accessory recorder who is being sworn today. his resume is impressive, as are his contributions towards making this city a place that that serves the public good for both businesses and workers for people of income levels, both high and low and for people who have been historically marginalized by social institutions and systems. he has served as director of the san francisco office of economic and workforce development. as president of the san francisco housing authority. as director
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of the san francisco invest in neighborhoods initiative. and has participated in the first corps cohort as the city's government alliance for racial equity. he has shown and continues to embody someone who can be a leader. a facilitator and a bridge to enable diverse peoples to come together and work for the common good and create the kind of beloved community that dr martin luther king jr talked about, which is a place where everyone is cared for, and the social ills of racial discrimination, poverty. hunger. and hatred can be overcome by loving our neighbor and by working together in community. almighty god, we pray but still upon working taurus mayor london breed and all elected. public. uh city officials. still upon them. your spirit of wisdom, charity and
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justice. remind them to rely on your strength and courage when they are tired and discouraged and downhearted. help them to bear their responsibilities to their fellow san franciscans. such that they may continue to be trustworthy leaders and compassionate service servants who seek to protect the rights and to promote the well being of all persons. dearest god. we are reminded that tomorrow is the 12th night of christmas. feast of the epiphany. when according to the gospel of matthew, the wise men from the east, sought out and followed a star. and they finally arrived and saw the baby jesus christ! who is god incarnate, who was asleep in a lonely manger in bethlehem. let us ever be guided by your light and your wisdom. may we always go out of our way to follow
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where you lead. may we never be so jaded by the cares and concerns of our world that we failed to appreciate the laughter of children and the miracles that you make appear when we least expected. may our offerings which you yourself has given us be acceptable in your sight. that is the gold of our faith. the incense of our prayers and the mirror of our contract hearts. whenever the occasion arises. may we lovingly offer our god given gifts to bless and bring goodwill into any situation. and made the sacrificial love of jesus christ remind us to give up the destructive ways of selfishness and wielding unjust power and by your holy spirit. dear god, may you ever lead us in the waste of peace and in the paths of
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righteousness by becoming a beloved community. amen. thank you, reverend and danielle for those amazing remarks. now i consider it a privilege and an honor to introduce a san francisco native. my birthday twin and california controller elect the honorable malia cohen. happy new year. listen up people. this is a celebration. i'm so excited. that was a heck of an invocation. um reverend lowe skinner. i thought i was in the baptist church for a moment. how you guys doing? it feels good to be here. i'm honored to
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be able to say a few remarks from my good friend joaquin torres, particularly because i'm probably the only person in this room that knows exactly what the assessor's role is. there is responsibilities, so i'm glad to see sherman. i'm glad to see other members of the board of supervisors here because it is an important function that the assessor serves the entire city and county. you see he and his staff, they will all around and they assess property. whether it's a cork whether it's a the microphones, whether they're physical spaces and this assessment brings in revenue and that then goes into your fund when it comes into the budget, so you need these assessor to have all the skills all the resources that he or she may need in order to fully execute their jobs so that you all may be able to deliver. um your promises to this to the constituents of san francisco. so you heard in the remarks. it said elect, uh, control. i'm actually the controller now.
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thank you. just a little bit of history being made here. and when i was getting dressed to come in here this morning, i was so excited because it's like home. it's like coming back home, coming back home to celebrate my own friend and i want to share some thoughts about walking torres because when the appointment was made, um i was halfway consult because i feel like decision was already made. and they just kinda we're checking the box, but it was a phenomenal phenomenal appointment because i could not think of a more dedicated heartfelt man. who is committed to the culture. to the vision of san francisco and, most importantly to her people. joaquin this is not an easy job and you're getting ready to stand up here and take the oath and pledge your commitment to the city and county of san francisco. congratulations on taking that big step. and i'd like to recognize your lovely
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wife. it's wonderful to see you this morning. thank you for being here and thank you for sharing joaquin with us. assessor torres is a gym. we recognize that we affirm that and we love you for it. um, mr torres. sir i have to go to the beginning. it is so good to see you this morning. and to the entire tourist family. thank you for being here and thank you. also for extending, um, this wonderful servant to us as we continue to move forward, one of the things that strikes me the most about mr torres is his love . oftentimes we have a conversation about a conversation a conversation that we had during the budget process. mr torres shows up and he's present. he's done his homework. he knows the ins the outs. he walks the streets. he has the he uses them. he utilizes the services and he partakes in the businesses. and that is what city life and city services about and so it is an extreme honor to be here doing
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this momentous moment to celebrate you. being re elected as the assessor for the city and county of san francisco. so today, ladies and gentlemen, why don't you stand up and just give him a little bit of love? just give them a little bit of love. an assessor torres, i want you to take in this magical moment. ladies and gentlemen, thank you. my name is malia cohen. thank you, controller malia cohen. um it is now my honor to introduce the san francisco bay area theater company led by rodney earl jackson jr to perform home from the wiz.
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hello? hello. hello. yes we are . san francisco bay area theater company s a back. oh i'm rodney earl jackson jr this is jocelyn thompson, jordans and andrew jamieson. and we're going to, um, you know, bless this space. everyone take a deep breath for me real quick. inside out. um we're theater people, so we like to get a little more into it. one more for me all i want to hear you, though. one more time for the for the wedding's happening outside one more time. yes so i saw mr joaquin in the restroom, and i was gonna make a joke, but it feels a little
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crash. i was gonna call him hocking because of what's going on in the world right now, but we were so happy that you're getting sworn in right now. so blessed to have you with us. he he and i serve on the a. c t board of directors american american conservatory theater, his commitment to every system in this community is so apparent so he told me he wanted us to sing something about this great city. so i thought, what better than the song home from the ways like you already said this is our great city. right, miss malia, so let's do it. yeah. and i think of home, i think of a place where they love overflowing. i wish i was home.
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i wish i was back there with things have been nowhere. that makes the tall grass me leaning. suddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaning. sprinkling makes it all. clean. maybe there's a chance for me to go back. now that. some direction. sure would be nice to be back home. love and affection. just maybe i can convince time to slow up. giving
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me enough time in my life to grow up. find me, my friend. let me start kid. suddenly my world's gone in changed his face, but i still know where i'm going away. i have had my mind spun around in space and yet watched grow hard. always you're listening. god don't make it hard to believe the things that we see. tell us should we try to stay? should we run away? be better just to let things be living here is spread. might be
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fantasy. but it's taught me to love. oh, it's real real real to me. and i have learned we must look inside. yeah. world of love. not like you. yours like. pain like. so. thank you. thank you.
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y'all didn't know you were coming to church today, did you? okay? let's just take a pause and let all that in. alright, i'm back. well, now it is my great pleasure. to introduce our hometown. mayor of this incredible city. the honorable london breed. oh, it feels so good to be here right now. thank you so much, tamika for being here to this extraordinary event. thank you to my baby rodney and jasmine. rodney is a product born and
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raised in san francisco and the fillmore community. i've known him. since he was a kid, and i am so proud of him and the work he's doing in theater in san francisco, and it just goes to show you the people that are being highlighted in addition to the first black woman to become the state comptroller for california, malia cohen, it goes to show you that joaquin is the kind of person who loves to recognize and highlight other people and their extraordinary accomplishments. um he's so well rounded, and many of you didn't know he was an actor. in fact, um, although his wife has taken act into the next level, aquinas decided well. i'll go into politics instead. um, but we're so honored to have him here today. and as malia cohen mentioned before she felt like i
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was checking a box and usually when you have to make really hard decisions about people to appoint, um there are a lot of stakeholders a lot of people who you seek out for input to make these very hard decisions because at the end of the day. it's not just about me making the decisions or the people that i talked to. it's about the person who is capable of serving the people of this great city and the reason why it wasn't hard when it came down to that decision to select joaquin torres because of his consistent track record. of serving the city with such. such kindness, such humility and such love you hear it over and over in the themes of what people are saying here today, um joaquin has been really an extraordinary leader in san francisco. um during times when no one was even paying attention. he at one
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point was just really known as senator art torres aside. oh, yeah, i know him. um but then slowly but surely as he worked his way through various mayors, he developed a reputation for going out into the community and really doing extraordinary things. i couldn't believe it when he decided when he had worked for ed lee, and we had to do some reconstruction of the housing us already. and i thought to myself who would ever want to be on that commission in light of the challenges that we're dealing with? and joaquin raised his hand and said, i want to do this work and under his leadership. under his leadership , many of you know the history of the san francisco housing authority. i lived in public housing full of dysfunction, full of challenges and what we were able to do because joaquin , in addition to his full time job with the city and county of
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san francisco, the work that he did to help us get out of debt and to move forward and to make sure people weren't displaced and to help us. get homeless families into empty units. i mean, his work was extraordinary on the ground and as the director of the office of economic and workforce development, he didn't just send his staff out into the community . he went out into the community , especially when it came to some of the hard decisions that constantly had to be made. i remember that very contentious meeting in the fillmore and i couldn't believe that joaquin through it all after being called names and after being, you know, almost chased out of the room. he stayed strong, and he kept a smile on his face, and he stood strong and focused on the fact that it was important that we serve the people of san francisco and when the covid pandemic hit he was a really instrumental leader in helping us focus our resources on small
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businesses in san francisco, knowing that they would be hard hit, working with business leaders and the commission and other folks to provide resources and when this city made a tremendous era and providing the kinds of resources necessary to deal disproportionately with the people impacted the latino community who is impacted. fiercely by the coronavirus. he stepped up and helped us with the programs and the implementation of those programs when he was at office of economic and workforce development. there is a laundry list of things that i can talk about, and why someone like joaquin is so perfect for a role like this. i mean, i shouldn't even have to tell you the fact that we have two former mayors here. frank jordan and art agnes the fact that we have. former fire chief joanne hayes, white and our senator. i mean, i know you're his dad and you have to be here but the fact is he's
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here and so many elected leaders across the aisles here in san francisco community leaders, people from all stretches of life here to support. joaquin has everything to do with the fact that we all understand. that the role of assessor recorder is critical to not just squeezing out every dollar from every property owner in san francisco, but it's also looking at providing a balance and dealing with equity for those families who inherit their homes and don't know what they can do to deal with the city and the challenging tax structure and choosing the cell rather than invest in and provide the support necessary to make sure that they develop generational wealth so that they are able to stay and protect their homes and pass them on from generation to generation. he understands that historic challenges of what existed in the film, war and people who lost their homes
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because of the challenges of dealing with the bureaucracy of this city and the assessed values that oftentimes left some families in a situation where they were forced to sell the first thing that joaquin torres has done has provided classes and outreach and the work that he's done to ensure that the families who own their homes who may not be able to afford these expensive taxes in san francisco , get the support and the resources they need so that their homes are protected just like anyone else in san francisco, the work that joaquin has done and will continue to do as assessor recorder in san francisco. has been transformative will lead to better, more productive lives. and as we come out of this economic recovery his office and the work they're going to need to do to re assess taxes in san francisco is going to be critical because we need our businesses to thrive. we need our city to thrive. we just went through a global pandemic. we're not going to be able to snap our
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fingers and come out of that. it's going to take hard work. it's going to take making hard decisions. it's going to take collaboration, and it's gonna take really strong, talented leadership. of people who genuinely care about focusing on the best interests of the people of this city, and that is no other than joaquin torres, who gives me now the great pleasure to swearing at this moment. all right. ready. the third time. alright so please repeat
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after me. i state your name. joaquin torres, i joaquin torres do solemnly swear, solemnly swear that i will support and defend that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies against all enemies, foreign and domestic, foreign and domestic that i bear true faith and allegiance, but i bear true faith. and allegiance to the same. same that i take this obligation freely, but i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any mental reservation. or purpose of evasion or purpose of evasion, and that i will well and faithfully discharge will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i'm about to enter duties upon which i'm about to enter. and during such time during such time as i serve
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as serve as the assessor recorder recorder for the city and county of san francisco city and county of san francisco, congratulations. thank you. thank you. mayor breed. thank you to my family who are here with me today. to my mom who's listening from down south. to my two dads. my sister and my aunt. my uncle, my cousin. all of you joining us here and online. thank you to my team at kmm celeste walter, the
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presenters today esteemed elected servants of our city and elected officials. to the presenters, my friends. thank you. the constitutions that i've sworn to god my work. i prepared some remarks. in new ways recently established and in practice, his long held in the fair assessment and collection of billions in property tax dollars that are essential to san francisco. security. it's stability, its solvency and its recovery. i lend myself to its demands. tempered by the lessons we've learned from this pandemic. it's ebbs and flows. disciplined by the hard fought openings and reopenings of our economy. most sensitive to the pain it's caused in our diverse communities. and i'm honored. mayor breed. for the confidence you placed in me from the start.
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for the opportunity to serve side by side with you. and with so many in this room in the thick of this pandemic. i'm humbled by you. the voters of this city. for the opportunity. you've given me to continue my responsibilities as assessor recorder of san francisco. because the fundamentals of our government rely on the service we provide. assessing property. assigning value. that value comes to life in the daily work of our city. the emergency services we've seen delivered on our streets just these past few days. homelessness, affordable housing. shelter beds. schools are economic recovery efforts. public and mental health needs are sanitation flows. firefighters. and the wages and benefits that lift up livelihoods. support families sustained dreams that for so many of us we still reach for
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all of them depend on the financial foundation built through the hard work of this office, and that's a responsibility i take seriously. that sense of responsibility is made of many parts. some come from those i've served. some come from those whose footsteps i followed him. from all the mayors. those with us here today , those tending to matters of state and those up above. you're legacies and generosity is have helped form the political character of this still young man who stands before you here today. part comes from the weight of those principles of service that i've sworn to which for the people we serve. has not always seemed to be the concern of government. what is just what is fair? what is equitable? what do we do? when we see that opportunity has been designed for some but not for others. in
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this country. but also in this city that we call home. and quite often in both cases for reasons based on the color of one's skin. as my favorite city profit would say it ain't no mystery when you know your history. and, thankfully, finally more is being done today federally locally at the state. to consistently and publicly revealed this history of discrimination. specifically as relates to my work. the property. and value. and hard and homes hard fought for. holmes kept homes lost. each family has its own stories. immigrant families. indigenous families. black and brown families. more certainly. so for the women who live within them. families like yours. families. like mine. a mexican american
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family. my people. my grandparents when they came, were greeted by sound by signs with post pounded into land whose messages were pretty clear. no mexicans or dogs allowed. the practice of history. perverse exclusive, deeply embedded not only in the private fields of industry but in our own government. for my family. there was no time to dwell on these injustices. not then not now. not from my grandfather, who raised a family on butcher's wages. not from my grandmother. whose home was but with her own seamstress wages. not for my father who could not and would not wait for the arc of justice to reach its final destination of representation in elected politics. not from my mother and broadcasting not from my sister in legal practice, not from my aunt as an educator, a bilingual teacher in calistoga, one of the first of her kind and not from my wife. rebo. whose
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perseverance, passion performance art. continues to realize her success. not only for her but for the community. and the representation it gives to them in the arts. the agency was most important for themselves for their families for their communities for others. it is that reach for representation and opportunity that i bear witness to it's what i carry with me in my quiet place. and something i respect. and for our communities. it is their agency their reach their struggle that they seek for us in government to respect as well. for it has and does make our city strong. as does our care. the bible that i laid my hand to belong to my nana. homemaker. one time restaurant tour. and the best maker of
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flour tortillas that i know. her care came in the form of chorizo burrito. wrapped warm and foil. to sue the chubby young boy. shuttled between two parents. two homes to cities. didn't cost much that care. but a decision made such a difference on me. that simple act told me that i was seen but i was valued. that i was worthy to be served and that memory that feeling and how to pass it on. i carry with me too. i'm very grateful for those lessons from my family, my mexican american family. proud and grateful for them, raising me in an environment defined by resiliency, tenacity possibility. and public service. but i also know that these are the products of luck and the products of privilege. but not all of us are born with it. but
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all of us can close our eyes at night and know that the love and care we know is so important to succeed. will be there for us when we need it. most. it's just awareness together with those values, principles and ethics and still that me that carry me through. it was hardest times. but i speak to bring every day into my practice of public service. i believe people need our care now, more than ever. i believe they need to feel or understanding more than ever. to know that we've contemplated the lives around us. like the faces in the photos that surround us. their dreams. their lived experiences. because it hasn't always been the case that government showed up to care. red lines to prevent the purchase of homes, restrictive covenants to seal the deal, even if those resources could be found. their messages were pretty clear. no blacks, no
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mongrels. no chinese, no mexicans. these are the words not only of the jim crow south, but of a not that long ago san francisco. even today in private practice, we've seen the story in our local news. black communities have found that to seek the wealth that their homes would finally provide. could only be so if they were willing to erase their race. to be bleached to be blended and whitewash their homes. but their ticket to finally realizing their upward mobility would be to give up drops of the milito nin from their skin. to claim it. so i'm proud that we've been able to raise awareness of these issues since i started this work. highlight this history. and change the faces of those who tell it help prevent it. secure that wealth of home can bring for the next generation. because our challenges these
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days are not only economic, they're cultural, too. and so i'm bound to this work. now sworn to it. and the principles of the greatest actors of our time who believe like dr king but i can never be what i ought to be until you are what you ought to be. this principle. of the inescapable network of mutuality. is where the answers for the future of our cities live. for the future of our communities, our families, those chosen those were born into. for us to live up to our greatest potential. these are unsettling times. actuals are unknown. the forecasts are not certain. and when the ground is unsteady, you need a helping hand. and i'm so lucky to have that in the people. i have the privilege of working with in the office of the assessor recorder. people who believe in good government.
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people who get a plus ratings from the board of equalization and our audits. people who believe like i do that those we serve need our care now, more than ever. from each and every act from every corner of our office. that there is matter inaccessibility to records that there is pride in excellent service. that we are to the city as a metronome is to the musician. providing a steady, stable beat that allows our city to invest and do its work. but even with a heavy load, we carry the rising appeals the values to assign and defend fairly and accurately as the law provides. the roles that still must be closed. we conduct our work with integrity. respect for each other and care. i want to thank carmen chu again. for leaving me with such a strong foundation to stand on. for my deputies, juan
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carlos and simone. my front office. holly, tina, abby and karen. megan and every division lead and staff member for joining in service to the communities that have forged my character who have challenged my beliefs and for joining me and my purpose to deliver the best for san francisco. in our care for service liza face. most precious for the trust that we need to serve. that our government and those that lead it here. you that we see you. that the opportunities you seek closed elsewhere or open when you knock at our doors. surprise for many when they receive it. simple acts. and these acts delivered from a goodness people can feel in addition to yes, efficient, effective, transparent, accessible accountable. that is what good government is. we need this
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awareness and these acts, especially today, when frustration and anger and apathy about government reflects the pain that people feel in these challenging times these unsettling times in these sometimes discouraging times. how will we make it? will we make it? have we seen the best of our times? i find inspiration in many places. art. and cedar. and the principles of government that seek such precious states is states of being as liberty freedom. happiness. but most, especially because his answers for these questions cannot be found in the stars. i find inspiration and courage and hope. in all of you. community. because you are the actors of our time. you are the stewards of the future of our city. and
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it's your success that i want to see reflected in the mirrors of our tallest buildings, those symbols of opportunity and possibility and reach. i see my responsibility together with all of you to answer that reach to see your needs and meet them. from the bay view to the sunset. from the film or to the mission. the tenderloin to the excelsior. on our central subway from downtown to chinatown to union square. to see you reflected in the future of our shining city. because i find my courage and you san francisco. in your moral authority. and your formal authority and your real struggles and your deepest dreams. in the fullness of your expressions, your art, your commerce, your politics and love your trades. i always have. we always have found our faith in you. the neighborhood and merchant leaders, the coalitions
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of parody and equity, the trade associations, the public housing, resident councils and cultural districts, because you have always had the courage to care. because when we as a city are at our best when it seems that the center will not hold when the storms hover above us in the sky, we march together. who knowing hand in hand that the sun will set again upon our bay. we are, as a poet say. one equal temper of hawar richart. tested by time and fate and plagues. driving seeking finding never yielding that which we are one place. one home. one san francisco full of heart and it is an honor to serve you. thank you.
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>> we celebrate 45 years of promoting culture in the latino community. >> on this 45th anniversary, we are celebrating the mild stone which is being declared a landmark. this building and organization was founded in 1977 by community activist and artist who are seeking equity. there was no place where people of color could exhibit their art work. and there was a need to create a cultural space where latino artist could promote and show their work. so this is what came out of that effort. we have a historical landmark
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theater, a historic gallery and we have the historic mission graphica, a print shop where much of our history has been documented through art. through the center, we have been able to develop and promote emerging artist that have become amazing established artist. so we have established traditional programming that the community can count on year after year such as the day of the dead, carnival and the solo mujeres show. during this 45th anniversary, we're also faced with challenge, the city has requested that we have a temporary relocation due to seismic retrofit, that is going to be close to a million dollars. and that's a big challenge for us.
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>> the 45th is important not just because of the number of years but it reflects the continuity of the center. and it reflects the fact that we continue to exist and thrive and provide our programming to the community. the challenge going forward, is not only the relocation but it is the diversification of funding so that the center is no longer dependent on single sources of revenue. so going forward one of our efforts and the board particularly is going to concentrate on seek ising alternative funding for the center, so that we don't end up only having one exclusive source, which would be the art commission. >> what we are doing between now and june is having a series of event to raise money, right now, we are asking for the public to support us in our long term sustainability. we need to raise money to
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continue our legacy for another 50 years or more and in order for us to be here for our community and to continue and vessel and promote latino art, we need everyone's support. we're going to have amazing shows by established artist. we are privileged in exhibiting the pa lo buy in collection and that's a huge gift for a community. >> [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish]
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>> we have quality art pieces and quality programming. and we're going to have a few fundraisers under the end of the year and we're asking for the public's support to come out and donate generously and support us in any way you can. we need everyone's help because this is the community's culture center, this is our historical legacy. this is our pride. this is, this is our sole. --soul and we need your help.
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>> my family's starts in mexico in a small town. my parents are from a very, very small town. so small, that my dad's brother is married to one of my mom's sisters. it's that small. a lot of folks from that town are here in the city. like most immigrant families, my
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parents wanted a better life for us. my dad came out here first. i think i was almost two-years-old when he sent for us. my mom and myself came out here. we moved to san francisco early on. in the mission district and moved out to daily city and bounced back to san francisco. we lived across the street from the ups building. for me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. when i was seven-years-old and i'm in charge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get to school. i have to make sure that we do our homework. it's a lot of responsibility for a kid. the weekends were always for family. we used to get together and whether we used to go watch a movie at the new mission theater and then afterwards going to kentucky fried chicken. that was big for us. we get kentucky fried chicken on sunday. whoa! go crazy! so for me, home is having
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something where you are all together. whether it's just together for dinner or whether it's together for breakfast or sharing a special moment at the holidays. whether it's thanksgiving or christmas or birthdays. that is home. being so close to berkley and oakland and san francisco, there's a line. here you don't see a line. even though you see someone that's different from you, they're equal. you've always seen that. a rainbow of colors, a ryan bow of personalities. when you think about it you are supposed to be protecting the kids. they have dreams. they have aspirations. they have goals. and you are take that away from them. right now, the price is a hard fight. they're determined. i mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. their heart is in the right
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place. there's hope. i mean, out here with the things changing everyday, you just hope the next administration makes a change that makes things right. right now there's a lot of changes on a lot of different levels. the only thing you hope for is for the future of these young kids and young folks that are getting into politics to make the right move and for the folks who can't speak. >> dy mind motion. >> even though we have a lot of fighters, there's a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because they're scared.
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>> please respond to the roll call with here or present. >> newhouse, segal. >> here. warren post. >> here. paul woolford. >> present. and commissioner vice chair zoubi has an excused absence. with 3 members present we have quorum for the public