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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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for this purpose, judging by the footage, they were going to use nails. the head of the russian ministry of defense checked the progress of the state defense order at enterprises in the altai territory. so sergei shaigu visited the plant where. in some
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areas, according to the minister, there are questions regarding the organization of work. the country has allocated a huge amount of money so that you can produce here what we need, there will be a lot of money, everyone is straining, everyone is doing everything to ensure that it comes here, and you only have so much. it costs three adjusters why are you here? are setting up, you have to plow in three shifts, we are in yours, here, they should have a buffet here, the head of the enterprise reported to sergei shaig about the growth in production volumes , according to him, in 2 years they have increased by 3 and a half times , are actively developing their production base, launching new sites, the number of employees has doubled, and the level of salaries has increased by a third on average. recently, it opened its own training center, where
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they plan to train at least 200 specialists by december. a new one is currently being built complex of production and storage of products. the minister instructed to speed up the work. following the trip, sergei shaigu held a working meeting with the participation of representatives of the ministry of defense and the ministry of industry and trade of russia, relevant military authorities and directors of the enterprise. this also applies to technology. there is a large-scale reconstruction, technical refurbishment, and machine tools are arriving here. i would like to point out the following. first, the funds have been allocated in full, and no questions arise regarding financing, then the decision of the president, which was adopted in july last year, it is being implemented, second, under this decision , all the equipment that we need to carry out technical redevelopment here has been purchased, third , construction materials have been purchased for all objects, we have only one point left that
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prevents us from being on time as planned in order to complete the tasks that confront us, these are issues related to design, those who missed our deadlines for almost six months, these organizations must answer for such failures, i will immediately note, that in general technodynamics is fulfilling, and in some cases exceeding the program of the twenty-fourth year, with all its responsibilities, the joint-stock company technodynamics is coping with its responsibilities... spring flooding has been recorded in eighteen russian regions, the difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, rivers are coming out of banks, bridges and roads are blocked, a high alert regime has been introduced in dozens of municipalities due to the flood, our correspondent vyacheslav kampe is monitoring the situation, he is in direct contact with us. vyacheslav, i greet you, tell me, what is the situation with flooding in the region by this time? tatyana, indeed
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, the arenus region is experiencing a complex flood; in twenty-three districts, due to the disaster , a high alert regime has been introduced, despite sub-zero temperatures; for the second day , the water level in the rivers of the region is growing rapidly, in at least two cases the situation is already difficult. it is reported that in the east of the region the or river has overflowed its banks and is approaching populated areas. in the belyaevsky district, the urta-burtya river has already flooded the village of zhanatal. sunk there were residential buildings, schools and two farms . the situation in orenburg itself. already difficult. the muddy waters turn city streets into rivers. community rescue services work around the clock. the most critical situation is now in the berdy microdistrict. there, melt water flooded two snts, requiring the evacuation of twenty-six people. according to the latest data, water is already being pumped out in this microdistrict. and according to experts, this year’s flood could be one of the most powerful in the last 30 years. remain for today 29 bridges and 23 sections are closed to traffic.
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brodsky and composer glinka. they were recognized as a threat to national security and outlawed. this is the decision of the local institute of national memory. according to his experts, the author of the master and margarita despised the ukrainians for their desire for independence. and the composer glinka allegedly introduced the idea of ​​a common culture between ukrainians and russians. the decembrists also made claims. we accused them of believing that ukraine should exist as part of the russian state. and now. the independents are calling dismantle monuments and rename geographical objects symbols, quote of russian imperial policy. russia remembers the victims of the terrorist attack in kroku sitholya. today is the ninth day since the tragedy. according to church tradition, this is a special day to
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pray for the dead. meanwhile, people continue to carry flowers and candles to the memorial at the city hall building. a funeral service will be held there today. march 22 group. the perpetrators and alleged accomplices of the terrorists have been detained and are giving evidence; they are looking for those who ordered them. the day before, the investigative committee stated that evidence has been obtained of the murderers' connection with ukraine. and after a short commercial, watch an interview with former democratic us senator tubart. iraq and a major in the american national guard took an anti-war position. how is the current us administration undermining the rule of law and civil liberties? find out more about this in our joint
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magazine covers, she represented the future of the democratic party, it was 2013. fast forward 11 years. in early 2024, the same person is now the headliner at the conservative political action committee's sipg conference, she not only spoke, but became perhaps the most popular speaker there. v this year 11 years later, here is part of her speech: our democracy is under attack, behind the attack on it are those who are destroying it in the name of saving our democracy. i do not say these words lightly, each of us who love our country and cherish peace and freedom should be very alarmed by those who are driven and insatiable by the lust for power. are actively undermining everything we stand for, almost every single day, if you pay
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attention to the news headlines, they are under more and more attacks. now the democratic elite and swamp creatures are in washington they are doing everything they can to deprive us, the american people, of a very simple thing: the freedom to choose who we want to be the next president. and it is clear from their actions that they do not respect us and do not respect our fundamental rights as citizens of this democratic republic. they are so afraid that we, the people, might make the wrong choice in their opinion, that in the name of protecting democracy and saving us from ourselves, they are actually destroying our democracy and taking away our freedom. it's easy to understand why she became the most popular speaker at sik this year, but then again 11 years from vice-chair
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of the national committee to headliner at cip, some are wondering, wait a minute, that's awfully fast, there's something wrong here, she must be secretly a leftist or an agent cia, well , we don't know for sure, but if it were, she would probably have something out of it, she would be very rich, but no, tolsi gabbart is probably the least rich, famous person in the united states, she's not... swimming in money, quite the contrary, she suffered greatly due to a change in sympathy. so, what was the process that made congress woman a democrat 11 years ago, the headliner of sirek this year. this is a very interesting story, she described it in a just published book, out of love for the country. why i left the democratic party, she joins us to talk about it. tolsi gabart knows now. yes, thank you very much and congratulations on the release of your book. i have to say the first thing that caught my eye was the tulle.
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party, yes, truly insane, and it is regrettable, regrettable that this party has gone so far from its origins, from the party that glorified freedom, a party that fought for civil liberties, and has now come to the point where the biden-harris administration and the democratic elite in washington are deliberately
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politicizing and weaponizing the tools of our own government.
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what did you see there? i mean, now we are, naturally, very far from there, we are very far, physically from the capital, yes, that’s right, and you would think that in the age of technology distance would not matter so much, but it plays a role, yes, it does, in a row aspects, but soon after winning the primaries i called and said, hey, do you want to speak
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on prime time at the upcoming democratic national convention, i'm like yeah, what were you 31 years old at the time, and i said i 'd like to talk about veterans. i was serving in the hawaii national guard at the time. and i'm still in the us army reserve. i thought, hey, this is an opportunity to talk to millions of people across the country about those closest to my heart, my brothers and sisters. and all this was quite surreal, because i did not strive for this. i didn't know how this machine works, but i find i am getting calls from people. from the dem party, like , "hey, go" and speak at this main event that most people aren't even invited to, and a couple of weeks after i took office, i got a call asking, "hey, what would you say, if you were asked to take the post of vice-chairman of the national party committee,” then literally my answer was: and what does this vice-chairman do, i
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don’t know anything about it, what do you really want from me, what are you asking me to do, ultimately i said: i had no idea that the opportunity to do this would come to me so soon, but it was in august 2013 that president obama, as president, announced that he was going to get congressional authorization for the use, which
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ultimately served as the beginning of the wars for regime change there, and at that time i was a member of the foreign affairs committee. august, most of the members of congress are at home on legislative recess, and i was at home in my district, and i remember yesterday, i arrived at a gas station, and a woman came up to me, and i never met her, it was, it was a local lady, she grabbed my hand and looked at me with such intensity in her eyes, said her son had just come home from cancer, cancer. before that, she was afraid that he would not return, finally he was at home with her, but now the authorities wanted, wanted to send him back to a new war in the country, she.
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"give me all the information, i want to make sure i do my due diligence before i take a position or make a decision on this matter. and finally, to us secretary of state carrie came and gave a briefing, answering very simple questions that i had, like what is our goal? what goal do you set when you want to start a new war in yet another country?" "what do you think their reaction will be? and what will you do then, what will be the effects of the second, third, fourth order, they
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will definitely be, to the question, to my question, what is your goal, i think secretary of state carrie or someone from the state department said, well, we don’t want to decapitate them , but we don’t just want punch, we want it to become... okay, punch in the gut, what do you do when they respond? they, they said, well, we don’t think, we don’t think that there will be an answer. and this is your plan, you don't think there will be a response. if someone came up and punched you in the stomach, you wouldn't react, if they didn't respond, they have some pretty well- armed strongmen. friends, do you think they won’t answer? what if they do not respond to us, but attack our allies in the region in retaliation? these and other questions have been asked, to
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which, well, we just don’t think they are will do. and what will happen next? well, you know, we think this will send a strong signal. and similar political chatter that never means anything and is so out of touch with the reality of the people on the ground who have to. live with the consequences of these decisions, and it really surprised me, maybe i shouldn't have been surprised, but it surprised me that after so many years, seeing a huge mistake in iraq, they could say with such enthusiasm: "oh, we'll just drop a couple of bombs, let's send a signal, that's it, we haven't learned anything, we haven't learned anything, then i wrote an article, published it, and i definitely became the first democrat. opposed president obama's request, a couple of hours after the publication of this article, i received a call from the white house, essentially
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speaking in the spirit of: how dare you, how can you possibly be the first member of congress who dares to go against his president, how dare you go against the president , who grew up in your home state, not for a second in the conversation, not that it even happened.
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for that year, over time i more and more, there was no one reason why i accepted this decision, over time , several things led to this, of course, these were the radical changes that the leadership of the democratic party went through, because of which it became a left-wing, militant party of the elites, but it was also an acknowledgment that i... all possibly trying to change the party from within, i tried myself as vice chair of the dnc, tried to become a presidential candidate
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in... that you're an agent of foreign influence, branded disloyal americans and villains, yeah, i mean, i saw it, that's it, and, you know this such a crazy, crazy accusation, obviously completely without foundation, the media never demanded from hillary clinton proof of this treasonous act of which she accused me as a sitting member of congress and as a soldier wearing the uniform of our country. but you? officer, right? yes,
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that's the problem. it works. and that is why they continue to play this card even now so many years later. russia, russia, she's a russian agent. they said it about you, they said it about donald trump keep coming back to it. can i digress a little, but this is relevant and interesting. you kind of answer the question that's on everyone's mind. who runs the government? obviously, this is not joe biden. yes. do you think hillary clinton? i think it’s not difficult to assume that this is exactly the case if you look at the people in the joe biden administration. these are the same people who worked for president obama's administration for hillary clinton. after all, hillary clinton herself once spoke about this. she said: yes, i'm talking to white house every day. so we should not be surprised by who is behind the
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current policies.
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i think it was pretty clear to a lot of people that it was really all about power, and how little they cared about things like freedom and civil rights and people being able to decide for themselves, and then it just kept
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