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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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has the right to simply come to the kitchen, however, javadov is charged only with hooliganism and causing moderate harm to health after he shot at the owner of the establishment. the blogger does not agree with the verdict; according to the script of his own reality show, it was a scene of self-defense. the state prosecutor demanded that the blogger be sentenced to 8 years in prison, but the court chose a milder punishment. as a result, javadov received 5 years in prison. in addition, he will have to pay moral compensation. to the victim, but there is a high probability that this is far from the end stories, because other entrepreneurs who have lost client profits after the blogger’s scandalous videos may also go to court. ekaterina likhomanova, dmitry faralov, lead: duty unit. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. subscribe. also our investigation and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. she. our episode is now complete,
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maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. how exactly did the west want to exchange navalny? what biden and scholz were whispering about - leaked in the american press. and why does a posthumous cartoon about an extremist look like a drug addict’s dream? ukrainian armed forces militants are hiding the bodies of the dead in fields and forests. footage taken by russian intelligence officers in the kherson direction. why do ukrainians get rid of dead brothers like this? of the foreign mercenaries in ukraine, only half-baked scum remained. how those who have not found it fight for the akiev regime places in peaceful life in their homeland. and why is the west persecuting them? noob, now it’s clear
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where this chilling composure comes from? according to the base, the terrorists who attacked crocus could have taken a certain psychotropic that disables fear, but not consciousness, and isn’t that how the stimulants they pump the militants into in su work? they have disowned russia, but continue to make money from ours. well, agent lev from bi2 still complains, there is almost no money, it ends with... most of the cards are in putin’s hands. this is how it begins a resonant article by the wall street journal, which actually confirms that certain forces in the west really wanted to achieve the exchange of navalny for the russian citizen krasikov, imprisoned in a german prison. let me remind you that earlier the president of russia himself spoke about this in general terms, but his press secretary dmitry peskov recently clarified that the idea was discussed, but
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the matter did not come to specific negotiations on the merits, and today he added, they say, moscow, in principle, prefers absolute silence in relevant matters, since quote: breaking the seal only creates problems and hinders the achievement of results. however, europe and the united states seem to have a different opinion about the publicity of such topics, so now the same wall street journal is making a thriller out of the failed exchange for a wide audience, where both joe biden and olaf appear.
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gathered, that’s how much they needed the extremist navalny, well, because he was their agent, it was their expensive project, mind you, they spent huge amounts of money on it for decades, allocated them through various gaskets, created an entire structure for it, which was also fed, that is, it was actually their expensive project, which they simply did not want to lose, plus they needed it for further provocations against russia, to pump through some new russophobic programs, another intrigue is that
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yulia navalnaya unofficially asked the german authorities to facilitate the exchange of her husband, but the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lena berbak, was against it, and scholz was ultimately in favor of the chancellor. still talked to biden, but no official proposal regarding the exchange of krasikov for navalny , the white house did not send it to moscow; according to an american newspaper, vladimir putin received it through an intermediary a few days before navalny’s death. this is what the president himself said at a press conference on march 18. a few days before mr. navalny left his life, some colleagues told me, and not just administration employees, some people there said that... that there is an idea to exchange mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me had not yet finished the sentence, but i said, i agree, but unfortunately, what happened happened
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, only on one condition, that we change it so that he doesn’t come back, let him sit there, that’s all. but this happens, nothing can be done about it, navalny’s death became known on february 16, this is a week later, according to the americans, after the meeting between biden and scholz. negotiations of course stopped, that’s why america, germany, in general, the collective west needed the extremist navalny, not a word about this in the article. there are reasons, most likely not so much in navalny, but just americans so many times in recent years. abandoned their own, their allies, anyone, that they needed some kind of media, this is, in my opinion, a victory from their point of view, politically he was dead, alexei navalny, in the event of an exchange, he would have to abandon the russian
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citizenship and actually recognize himself as an agent of influence of western intelligence services, the extremist in bc has outlived its usefulness, how much money don’t pour it in, navalny’s collapse in... knocked the ground out from under the feet of even the most stubborn foreign agents. and a posthumous cartoon: the brushes of fans, the imprisoned colony of the polar wolf, those same runners from russia hammering a nail into the coffin of the one liquidated in bc, because the picture of the beautiful russia of the future, which was promised to everyone by the extremist navalny, made in all seriousness, is, of course, the end. firstly, the russian, so to speak, dragon has been defeated by the ukrainian pigeons. instead of the fsb at lubyanka.
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and the prostitutes who showed this clip, i i’m not insulting anyone, i’m just stating the facts, we should be happy that such an opposition, the first case when iq showed a negative result, was perpetuated, so perpetuated, you know, it’s interesting that foreign agents, extremists and other russophobes threaten or offer this cartoon epitaph to russians instead of reality there is a western lgbt mirage, and so this exchange fell through, first the svo, for sure, and the extremist?
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unconvincing argument, but the supposedly purely historical nature of this issue. trying to cover up, to put it mildly, the situation in kosovo and how it is being implemented, or rather not being implemented, the security council resolution on
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the un security council confirms kosovo as part of a sovereign state, a member of the un, serbia. colleagues, i want to ask you, can this already be considered a past thing that the un security council has not stopped discussing? or are these decisions of the council of europe, contrary to the resolution of the un security council, which is a direct continuation of the monstrous destructive one. the lines of the west in the balkans became, in your understanding, part of history as soon as they were accepted. exactly the same way nato ignored the un security council in 1999, launching illegitimate aggression against sovereign yugoslavia. today, members of the alliance go to any lengths to prevent the truth about their crimes from being heard in the security council hall. i would like to separately ask the permanent representative of france about palestine.
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subjective classification that you stubbornly impose on the council, an issue on its agenda becomes a thing of the past, or you demand that any inconvenient for france and its allies be automatically recognized as obsolete nato plot? behind all this lies the real reason for your concern, because none of the leadership of the alliance members was ever brought to justice for that aggression, and now you are simply afraid that this issue will again arise in full force. are engaged in verbal and procedural balancing act to prevent its discussion in the un security council. and
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today is just a good reason to recall the responsibility of politicians of nato states, because exactly 25 years ago, on march 28 , 1999, the us president, after a meeting with the leadership of great britain, france, germany and italy, confirmed permission to intensify military attacks on yugoslavia. this was followed by more than two more months of bombing. we have already explained more than once our position regarding the fact that the japanese chairmanship put the wrong issue to the procedural vote on march 25, which constitutes the essence of the disagreement; we regret that the chairmanship acts in this way.
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i would also like to note that on march 25, france, great britain, and the united states challenged our choice of the traditional, directly related to the mandate council agenda item: threats to international security. today, as far as i understand, you are putting to a vote another item we proposed: maintaining international peace and security. meetings of the un security council. well, we continue. they froze endlessly in the trench,
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starved and cursed the fsu commanders, and at the same time the political leadership of the kiev regime. this is a very dramatic video discovered by our military on the smartphone of one of the ukrainian soldiers. his detachment occupied a position in donetsk for some time front line, but now the area is under the control of russian fighters. and they also handed over the video for publication to the wargonza project, whose authors are literally shocked by the inhuman conditions in which. the bitch won’t give us any communications, here’s a bitch walkie-talkie without a battery, it’s already been a fucking day for a week. the further fate of the author of this monologue is unknown, but considering that he is no longer the owner of his phone, there are perhaps few options, either he managed to surrender, that is , according to his superiors , he turned out to be a prisoner, or he became a two hundred, in this
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in general, it will most likely be consigned to oblivion, since the junta still refuses to acknowledge the scale of losses. and to lower them they are ready to resort to any meanness, evgenia nipot will confirm. the whole chain is clear, in quotes, of vysu’s humane attitude towards his own military. the two wounded are picked up by an evacuation vehicle. on the way , ukrainians become three-hundredths and two-hundredths. and then the brigade that came to help simply takes the pickup off the road and throws the bodies into the forest along the strip. freed from unnecessary cargo, the suv drives away. these footage taken with... russian intelligence officers was published by riya news journalists. it is reported that the incident was filmed in the kherson direction, shortly after russian fighters destroyed one of the ukrainian armed forces’ facilities. one of the versions of the reasons for what is happening is precisely the attempt of the ukrainian armed forces to hide its losses. if they are not taken away, then they do not need to be registered as dead. thus, a really dead person can
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be listed by the ukrainian armed forces for a long time as alive or, in extreme cases, as missing. at the same time, themselves. ksushniki believe that this is being done by them command not only to correct the statistics of losses, but also in order not to pay compensation to the relatives of the victims. moreover, some suspect that compensation is not only not paid to relatives, but according to some gray, murky corruption schemes, it is appropriated by the staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the attitude towards the dead and the living of the armed forces of ukraine is approximately the same, this is the ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle too. came to evacuate the wounded, but after greetings from the russian military, the crew of the car decided to give in, almost running over of his own 300th, almost turning him into one of these guys, over whom the yellow-blakite ensigns are developing, who died for the zelensky regime, which is taking more and more ukrainian lives, and in order to prevent the flow of souls from being cut off, they are working all over ukraine hunters, act on a grand scale and, of course, with
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animal predilection, because now the military commissars are mainly those who returned from the front, the bank calculated. trying with all their might to bring down their own authority, like don juan, the head of one of the territorial procurement centers, then
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there are military registration and enlistment offices in the rivne region, while the ukrainians sent to the front by his grace are dying and losing their health, he is in his office... love joys with colleagues, first with one, then with the other, the military leaders hastened to declare the video almost anti-ukrainian, but all- they started checking, in the ukrainian segment of the network they announced a vote on this matter, saying which of these ladies is better, against the backdrop of these videos with the cruelty of military commissars, complaints from the trenches , scandals around shopping center, the desire of ukrainians to serve, of course, strives for zero in poltava... draft dodgers, in ivano-frankivsk there are almost 40,000, while the figure is growing exponentially, the general information background from the state mouthpiece emanating from ukraine is a war to the bitter end, this is some kind of threat of some kind of genocide of ukrainians from
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russia, like they call the aggressor, in these conditions, in general, any direct resistance to the ruling regime in ukraine will be equated to high treason. zelensky’s office has come up with an alternative to the tsk, which should attract new blood to the armed forces of ukraine without the violence of abductions, so-called recruiting centers where civilians work. but even in a laudatory article commissioned by zelensky’s office for a foreign audience, officials blurt out that the kiev regime will go to the last ukrainian and those who die will be abandoned... in the forest belt, most likely recognized as missing, but in fact abandoned and forgotten, and it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about, the living or the dead.
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could have taken a certain psychotropic that disables . according to the base, the terrorists who attacked the crocus fear, but not consciousness, but isn’t that so the stimulants that are pumped into the militants in the ssu work. when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on air conditioning and heating. penoplex, effective thermal insulation. let's do this again, and now bastard, there are more ideas, of course, let's count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online,
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job today? there are many vacancies on avito, you will find not just a job, but your place! alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank! this friday, get 50% cashback when paying with any of our cards in yandex food, what if? there is no card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. during the day, the russian military improved the situation along the front line in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation, destroyed up to 95 militants of the ukrainian armed forces, and also took out three tanks to build, including the american abrams, all this is the merit of the center group of troops, whose commander is colonel general. a gold star from the hands of the minister of defense, and also received gratitude for exemplary performance of tasks. details in the material by stanislav bernwald. by decree. president
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of the russian federation, awarded the title of hero of the russian federation, colonel general andrey nikolaevich mordvichev, also colonel general mordvichev was awarded the general's saber. the decree on the award was signed by russian president vladimir putin. the gold star medal was personally presented to the commander of the center group of forces, general mordvichev, by the minister of defense sergei shaigul. a general who knows how to take cities, that’s what the soldiers at the front call him. in the twenty-second year he was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the troops of the southern military district. under his command, the liberation of mariupol took place. he personally took part in the battles outside the city, he was wounded, which is why he had to leave the front line for a while. of course, the country learned the name mordvichev after mariupol was liberated, after this.
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now we are talking about this, superior enemy forces were blocked in mariupol, and were partially destroyed, destroying enemy fortifications, well-fortified enemy positions, ah, the general knows how to do it very well. mordvichev, the chief of the general staff, the minister of defense, and the president of russia are entrusted with the most complex and serious operations offensive, and... in urban areas in march of twenty-two , ukrainian propaganda even managed to bury the general, declaring that he allegedly died during the shelling of the chernobaevka airfield. in the twenty- third year, general mordvichev was appointed to the post of commander of the troops of the central military district. he also led the operation to liberate avdeevka. after the successfully completed combat mission, the president sent a telegram to the general in which he expressed gratitude to
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everyone for the military actions. in 2006, the combined arms academy of the armed forces russian federation, in the sixteenth year - the military academy of the general staff. in 2008 , mordvechev commanded the twenty-eighth motorized rifle division during the georgian-ossetian conflict. from the seventeenth to the nineteenth, mordvechev was chief of staff, first deputy commander of the army of the central military
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district, the title of hero of russia general. ukraine is close to failure, and the russians foresaw everything. a harsh verdict on the kiev regime from the romanian mercenary radu hossu, who coordinates an entire combat group of his compatriots called getika. but in an interview with an agent of radio liberty, he admits that, in general, they have already fought. they say that without constant american assistance, neither the ukrainian armed forces themselves nor foreign soldiers can count on any success, since they are faced with a catastrophic shortage of weapons and ammunition. not to mention
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the personal... after all, just the other day, the above -mentioned getika lost one of its most experienced fighters, and the circumstances of his death were very characteristic: stoyk, avideu, as far as we know, participated in provocations at the borders of the belgorod region, apparently maintained close ties with the vlasov terrorists from the banned legion, but what was to be expected, such friendship did not lead to good, and those who were lucky enough to survive are no longer rushing to the hottest sectors, the front line is increasingly giving way . there is a place of outright garbage, evidence will be provided by boris ivanin. there are fewer and fewer foreigners willing to die for the kiev regime. they are fading, like all western support for ukraine. only the unfinished remain scum for whom there was simply no place in peaceful life in their homeland. at first, it was more or less trained mercenaries who went to the western combat zone, although at that time there were plenty of thugs and neo-nazis.
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now, instead of military experience only. cannibalistic views, like...


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