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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is no way to respect them, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry. they seem to keep
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all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they would commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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building, imin agalarov spoke about the economic consequences of the building in an interview with our tv channel, the owner’s son spoke about the economic consequences from maria slobodyanskaya. employees left unemployed after the terrorist attacks in the kroku city hall will be employed at other facilities. in an interview with our tv channel , the president of agalarov development, the son of the owner of crocus group arraz agalarov, emin agalarov, stated this. he also said that the building was pledged to the bank, as well. no insurance will cover the amount of damage. the kroku city hall building with an area of ​​38 m2 was built in 2009. then, according to agalarov, the project cost about $70 million. at the same time, the amount of damage is not yet clear, but insurance will cover only a few percent of this figure. according to the leaders of development, there are no problems with the documentation of the concert hall. every year 250-300 concerts for 6-7 people were held at kroku city hall. therefore, checks of all systems.
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were carried out regularly, the building was insured in ingvustrakh, the insurance amount, i think it is 1.3, maybe one fortieth of the amount of damage, so we are really obviously a very injured party here, krukstekhol, this is our house, terrorists came in, shot our guests, in an interview with our tv channel, emin agalarov also confirmed that the concert hall is pledged to gazprombank, after the tragic events the building turned out to be almost completely destroyed, so it is likely that the company will have to provide credit institutions and other assets to compensate for the fall in the collateral value. by according to media reports , the crocus expo exhibition center, crocus city shopping mall and vegas city hall are also pledged. the loan agreement has a term of more than 10 years. according to experts, the cost of collateral for the surviving buildings of city hall can be estimated at 1/5 of the original price of the concert hall. however, much will depend on the future fate of the building, a decision has not yet been made.
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russian performers of different generations recorded a collection of songs by muslim magamaev in memory of those killed during the terrorist attack in crocus. the concert hall there was named after the famous baritone, an album of 12 compositions appeared today on all music streaming services in russia, the title “ my voice is heard.” magamaev's songs were performed by the group
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lyub, polina gagarina, valeria, stas mikhailov, vanya dmitrienko, lyusya chebotina and a number of others. they tried to treat all the works with care, while using the entire palette of arrangements from.
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this is footage from moldova; the parliament meeting in chisinau began with a minute of silence for those killed in the sitijo crocus. meanwhile, the world continues to analyze.
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this is where the us embassy and the british embassy in moscow issued a warning to all american british travelers on march 7th. be careful, there will be a terrorist attack within 48 hours. it didn't happen, but that was my job. this was part of my job when i worked in the counter-terrorism department. such warnings are only issued if you have specific, reliable information. they are discussing an attack in ankara. and dalu emphasizes that for. the isis organization banned in russia attacks precisely those countries that are fighting the us for economic or regional dominance. as an example, the publication's journalists cited attacks in russia, turkey and iran. the moscow attack, which should be seen as part of a global struggle, also concerns countries
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challenging or trying to form an alternative to the economic order created by the us-great britain duo after world war ii. on the home page.
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china, india, turkey, syria and many other countries, this list can actually be continued for a very long time, a huge number public organizations and ordinary citizens around the world staged actions in support of our country and the victims of the terrorist attack. declare that they are doing this supposedly for faith, and not for money, and the people who were
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there directly said for what money, why, how, what amounts were and so on, then we understand that, as a rule, terrorists, here these pseudo-islamic isis, they don’t run away somewhere, but they either shoot to the end or organize explosions, now economic news, briefly: foreign companies have lost more than 107 billion dollars from... leaving the russian market, this amount takes into account lost income and written-off assets, writes reuters. over the past 2 years, about a thousand companies have left our country, while hundreds of others have remained and are not going to leave, the agency notes. a criminal case was opened in germany due to illegal searches of businessman alishir usmanov. according to bilt, a case was opened against two prosecutors in frankwart am main after usmanov claimed that his rights had been violated. now these employees are suspected of...
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stopped working in russia in march of twenty- two. and in russia , ice cream production increased by 13%. at the end of the year , the enterprises produced a record 524. ton. this is the data from the rating of the largest ice cream makers in russia. among the main producers are icebury, ren and inmark, they account for a third of all volumes. in that.
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marked urgently with reference to the russian investigative committee, which received evidence of a connection between the crocus terrorists and ukrainian nationalists. and there is also a message from the investigative committee of the russian federation another suspect was detained who participated in a terrorist financing scheme, which... more details from the investigative committee: the first results of the investigation confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions in crocus city hall, careful preparation and financial support. i take into account that data were previously published about how these terrorists were spotted already in the shopping center, at least. and also with reference to the investigative committee of the russian federation, the investigation has confirmed data on the receipt performer. yes, the data continues
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to be updated with reference to the investigative committee, the investigation will seek the arrest of a new person involved in the case of the terrorist attack in crocos city hall. we will monitor the incoming information. sergei shaigu today presented a gold star medal to the commander of the center group of troops, colonel general andrei mordvichev. it was he who led the liberation operation.
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a general who knows how to take cities, that’s what the soldiers at the front call him. in the twenty-second year he was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the troops southern military district. under his command , the liberation of mariupol took place. he personally took part in the battles for the city, was wounded, which is why he had to leave the front line for a while. of course, the country learned the name mordvichev after mariupol was liberated. after is now. this is what we are talking about, superior enemy forces were blocked in mariupol, were partially destroyed, the general knows how to destroy enemy fortifications, well-fortified enemy positions. mordvichev, chief of the general staff, the minister of defense, the president of russia entrust
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the most complex, serious offensive operations, and... in urban areas, in march of the twenty-second year , ukrainian propaganda even managed to bury the general, saying that he allegedly died during the shelling of the chernobaevka airfield. in the twenty- third year, general mordvichev was appointed to the post of commander of the troops of the central military district. he also led the operation to liberate avdeevka. after a successfully completed combat mission, the president sent a telegram to the general, in which expressed gratitude to all those in charge for the military operations. did not betray himself, he also did not strike head-on, he did not storm to no avail, he first struck with missiles , artillery, aviation, only then, as if after the area had been cleared, he introduced
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units there, that is, again he his favorite tactic is to calculate everything and... they already call him a professor. andrei mordvechev was born in the seventy-sixth year in pavlodar, in the ninety-seventh year he graduated from the novosibirsk higher combined arms command school, in 2006 - combined arms academy of the armed forces of the russian federation, in the sixteenth year - military academy of the general staff. in 2008 , mordvechev commanded the twenty-eighth motorized rifle division during the georgian-ossetian conflict. from 1917 to 1919, mordvechev was chief of staff and first deputy army commander. central military district, the title of hero of russia, colonel general, was awarded at the age of 48, this is the highest rank in our country, you certainly deserve it, so the words gratitude not only from me, but naturally from all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all frontiers, doing it with dignity and confidence, which is why the supreme
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commander-in-chief of the country appreciated it. worthless labor. stanislav bernwald, news. israel has no choice but to attack the rovfs, benjamin netanyahu stated this as a member of the american congress. according to the israeli prime minister, victory in gas and the neutralization of hamaz's top leadership in the enclave will come in just a few weeks. as for civilians, after all it was in rafah that refugees from the destroyed cities of the enclave flocked, then their fate is netanyahu, apparently. don't really care, as the leader, the israeli leader, said wednesday at a meeting with the congressional delegation, the displaced palestinians in gaza can quote: just leave rafah and move with their tents. let me remind you that there are now about one and a half million civilians in rafah , including 600,000 children. benjamin netanyahu also told members of the military
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cabinet that the israeli delegation will leave for the united states next week. the key goal of the negotiations will be to discuss the planned. israeli military operation in rafah. previously, netanyahu promised to start it either with or without the support of the white house. and then raitors, citing the office of the prime minister of israel, reported that the israeli leader decided not to send a delegation to the united states after washington did not veto a resolution in the un security council demanding an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector during ramadan. now, netanyahu has reportedly admitted his wrong in this matter. the americans have made it clear that they do not want this offensive now, they believe that it will possibly violate the regime. world will mean further military escalation, and this may, firstly, slightly weaken the administration’s internal political positions now, but
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most importantly, create very great difficulties in the us congress regarding the allocation of military aid to israel. netanyahu is essentially burning all his bridges. arab media write that israel may launch a ground operation. karafahi after completion muslim holiday of breaking the fast of uraza bayram. it starts this year on april 9. according to the al-akhbar newspaper, israeli representatives informed their colleagues that the operation would take four to eight weeks maximum. to achieve the goal - to eliminate the hamas movement and release all hostages. israeli channel 12 has already reported that the idf has launched an operation to evacuate palestinian civilians to rafah. where exactly are palestinians being evacuated? it is not specified in moscow at the victory museum opened the exhibition has its own look, these are dozens of photographs of military correspondents of the russian guard, who daily go on official assignments and combat
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missions together with military personnel of the national guard troops. the exhibition also includes paintings depicting everyday life in combat and the life of the national guard. the victory museum on poklonnaya hill is a symbol of the heroism of our people. in moscow, an overpass was opened across mcd-3 on leningradskoye shosse. the interchange will improve the traffic situation for 600,000 residents
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of zelenograd and the moscow region. details at our correspondent maria valieva. ceremonial passage of special equipment. traffic on kilometers 24 and 25 of leningradskoe highway is open. cars are rushing along the new junction, the first drivers appreciated the trip along the highway, it’s generally super, the road is good, empty , there are no cars, everything is great here, they connected the road that always stands across the bridge, and here the exit is very convenient, our remark, we’re going fast, we are going well, not what it was before, the road is wide and the passage is very good, better than it was before, new construction is underway. the overpass across the mcd-3 tracks began in december 2021 and ended in march twenty-fourth, the project was not easy, the work constantly had to be coordinated with
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the railway company, it was carried out during breaks between train movements. the sliding and lowering of the span was carried out by the technological windows of the railway; in total , 9,700 tons of metal structures of the spans were assembled and installed. in addition , retaining walls and access roads to the overpass were erected. the new section of the road is almost two times longer than the old one, its length is 521 m, and during the construction of this interchange there was no need to restrict traffic. the old overpass was built in the early 1960s, at the moment its condition is assessed as pre-accident, and its dimensions do not correspond to modern ones. the old section will be closed, the road will be gradually
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dismantled, cars will move only along the new junction. a new modern overpass at the intersection of leningradka and mtsd-3, and it is made in such a way that we have a reserve course for the high-speed line moscow, st. petersburg. and here an interchange was made on the highway that goes to sheremetyevo, so we have improved traffic for residents of the moscow region, zelenograd, in total about 600,000 people, and of course, traffic to the leading airport in the capital of sheremetyevo has been improved. the number of lanes on the road has increased from six to eight; due to the optimization of traffic flows , access to large shopping centers, as well as to the moscow central road stations, has become much more convenient. and other important social infrastructure facilities. maria valieva, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry tolstoukhov and anna povetyeva, lead. increasing supplies
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to neighboring countries. such multifaceted topics were discussed at a meeting of the rosselkhoznadzor board. nika yankovaya visited the site. development of scientific research, improvement of digital supervision and attraction of qualified specialists. rosselkhoznadzor also faces such tasks. this year the service marks 20 years since its founding. services for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision for the twenty-third year, the direction of work on the coming years were discussed at a board meeting, which opened with a minute of silence for the victims at crocus cityhole. minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev stated that an important goal for the agricultural industry is to achieve agrarian sovereignty, in particular, the president set the task of increasing
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production volume by a quarter by 2030 and developing exports. rosselkhoznadzor, according to the minister, has chosen the right vector of development. at the same time, we need to continue to improve digital systems, which should be simple and understandable. behind twenty-second and twenty-third years of using rosselkhoznadzor systems made it possible to prevent the release into circulation of low-quality products worth almost 9 billion rubles. and last year, just one module of our mercury system revealed from above. 42,000 cases of falsification, and colleagues, of course, we need to achieve similar efficiency with you in the operation of our other information systems. food from russia is in demand around the world. our country is increasing supplies of various types of goods, for example, by starting the export of fruits and vegetables products in 2018 from 200,000 tons, by 23 the figure increased to 700,000, while russia is now diversifying
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supplies. an increase in supplies to the countries of the near, middle, and far east - these are the things that protein products have always been in demand among them, peas, chickpeas, lentils, that is , an increase in production began right before our eyes, as for livestock farming, because we are like that if look, they began to supply, but to the middle east to many countries, starting there with saudi arabia, the united world...
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however, i can tell you that the quantity that eggs were transported allows us to help reduce prices today. in particular, about 250 million eggs were imported from belarus alone in 3 months, which is important, foreign products from all countries underwent thorough quality testing. in general, the domestic agricultural industry now faces many challenges, including continuing to engage in scientific developments and improving digital
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supervision. we are systematically working on all these issues to strengthen our export positions. nika yankovaya, ruben mirobov, stanislav yalovsky. this is a fact and we continue, another one has been detained ...


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