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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then , then, i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope. call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed. it's easy to make a deep fake. we let's expose everyone. fakes.
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well, just a few minutes ago we received a message on the news agency’s feeds, a link to the russian ministry of emergency situations, that rescuers had completed clearing the rubble in crocus city hall. so, on the fifth day after the terrorist attack in crocus, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations completely eliminated the consequences of the fire and finished clearing out the rubble. further work will be carried out mechanically using engineering equipment, the ministry of emergency situations noted. well, in total , rescuers dismantled and removed more than 900 cubic meters of those structures which were collapsed, they examined the zabals with the help of specialized fishery complexes; in total , thousands of people and over 300 pieces of equipment were involved in the work. the head of the investigative committee demanded to identify everyone involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. today, according to the press service, the department held an operational meeting. bastrykin emphasized that
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investigators must check all the information that comes from citizens and pay attention to every detail, and a few hours ago the basmanny court of moscow arrested the eighth person involved in the case from tera. all the details of boris ivanin, he is in direct contact with our colleague, the studio correspondent, fight, yes, hello, what details are already known, what is happening in the hall, in the courtroom, because that is where we now find out everything the main details that are important about those people who are already in custody, yes georgy, natalya, welcome, the court hearing is here in the basmanny court of the capital. ended, before may 22 , the eighth person involved in this high-profile case, alisher kasimov, was arrested, according to the materials criminal case, provided the terrorists with an apartment in the village of putilkova, krasnogorsk district of the moscow region. it was in this apartment that they organized the base for preparing for the attack, for the monstrous
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attack on the crocus city hall concert hall. alisher kasimov himself, however, stated at the meeting that he knew nothing about the impending terrorist attack and was not previously familiar with the terrorists. according to him, i just met through avito, posted an ad that he wanted to rent out an apartment on the internet, they responded to it, well, in fact, this apartment was rented by one of the direct perpetrators of the monstrous terrorist attack, shamsidin friduni, who, let me remind you, has already been detained and arrested, but alisher kasimov does not admit his guilt, he says that the terrorists did not arouse any suspicion, and besides, they offered good rent money, and kasimov just needed the money in order to extinguish and... kasimov for 2 months. select the accused kasimov alisher khatamovich for punishment in the form of detention.
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term detention for one month, 27 days, until may 22, twenty- four. to the satisfaction of the accused , the defense side refused to choose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest. i will also add that kasimov is married, he has three small children, they are 1, 2 and 3 years old, respectively, he is a private entrepreneur, runs a cafe, or rather cheyhanu, during the election of the preventive measure here in the corridors of the court, alisher kasimov’s mother was also present, she flew to moscow, as soon as it became known about the detention of her son, she cried and, of course, assured everyone that her son not guilty, i’ll add that earlier... on monday, here in the capital’s basmanny court , three more defendants in this criminal case were also arrested for 2 months, these are the brothers omenchon and delovar islomov, as well as their father israil, they are all accused of complicity to the terrorists, according to the materials of the criminal case, it was they who supplied the militants with money and a car
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, one of the delovar brothers, the former owner of the same white renault in which the terrorists first arrived at the crocus, and then tried to escape from the place on it tragedy, shortly before this attack, the businessman... sold the car to shumsudin fariduni, and it was he, according to the investigation, who involved the brothers in an organized criminal group. fariduni, as well as three other direct perpetrators of this miraculous terrorist attack, as i already said, were detained and arrested on sunday evening, they all admitted their guilt, they are accused under article 205 of the criminal code of russia, this participation in a terrorist act is complete. groups of persons and the maximum punishment under this article is life imprisonment, all of them also gave detailed testimony that sheds light on the customers and organizers of this terrorist attack, here are the latest statements by fsb director alexander bortnikov, he told
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some details of this high-profile case to journalists following a meeting of the board of the general prosecutor's office of russia, which stood today in moscow, russia, according to bortnikov, sees who organized this terrorist attack. who recruited the terrorists will do everything to identify the organizers who are behind the froguhall terrorist attack, according to bortnikov, apparently the united states, britain and ukraine , there are certain developments in favor of this version, the terrorist attack itself was needed in order to shake up the situation in our society, create panic in russia, this is of course beneficial for western intelligence services and ukraine, since, by the way, it was in the direction of ukraine that the terrorists moved after of how they were shot in nothing... bryansk region not far from the ukrainian border, where they were expected, as the special services said, where a window was ready for them and where they were supposed to be met. here's what else the fsb director said. this group went to ukraine, and this is a fact that we
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received as a result of working with the detainee. we believe that the action was prepared by both the radicals and islamists themselves, and naturally, it was facilitated by western intelligence services. and the ukrainian special services themselves are directly related to this. searches have already been carried out and evidence has been found there that can confirm the involvement of all those detained in this terrorist attack. in total , those detained, let me remind you, are 11 people; who the remaining three are, the investigation has not yet revealed, as the director also noted...
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there will be even more accomplices, for the rest, accomplices and all those involved, the circle of these true detainees, the materials here have not yet arrived at the basmanny court of the capital today, this is all the latest information at this moment, colleagues, boris, thank you, together with you we are following the news that is coming in for all the details that are now are revealed in the capital's basman court, boris ivanin was with us, talking about what is happening in the hall of justice, now. with a news agency client with reference to the decree of the president of ukraine. zelensky dismissed danilov from the post of secretary of the national council security and defense of ukraine. well, another message also from lenformagentv, this time with reference to the press service of the russian guard, the number of calls calling for terrorist attacks in russia has increased, they mainly come from the territory of ukraine. this was just reported by the russian national guard: attackers located in ukraine contact
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teenagers and offer them to commit terrorist acts for a monetary reward. and now just about this topic. after the tragedy at crocus cityhole, schoolchildren across the country in russia began report en masse about unknown people who write to them in instant messengers and offer to carry out a terrorist attack for money. they have appeared on social networks over the past couple of days. hundreds of screenshots of such correspondence, fast work , mine a shopping center, we will give out weapons , they offer money as a reward , if they refuse, they simply begin to threaten schoolchildren, most messages from provocateurs come on telegram, similar in content, it all starts with the question, does he know teenager about what happened in crocus cityhole, then an offer to go to crime for money, then threats, many provocateurs don’t even hide... write proposals directly to teenagers directly from ukrainian numbers? firstly, of course,
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no one ever recruits terrorists this way. secondly, please note that each such message contains a mention of the place where the terrorist attack will allegedly be committed; this is done to whip up panic in society. as far as i know, roskomnadzor has already contacted... your account, a message comes, hello, i offer to earn big
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the amount of money that is required from you, meet our people in the vegas shopping center, mine, weapons and ammunition will be delivered to you, of course, i didn’t answer anything there, i just disliked it down, in the end he just cleared this chat completely, also there they wrote to my friends what to do, what experts advise, well, first of all , stay calm, all these attacks are carried out with the aim of intimidating, sowing panic, that is, this is exactly what you shouldn’t do , parents should be in contact with their children, in a trusting relationship. what is called a relationship, if a teenager receives a similar message, you must first block this subscriber, take screenshots, correspondence and numbers, or the number or nickname from which these messages came; experts also advise installing a parental control application on the child’s phone. the first priority is to conduct
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lessons in schools, in all educational organizations, once again, regarding such socio-psychological support, turn on and connect psychological assistance services around the clock, this is work on blocking, including the parties, well, not blocking, but... by viewing phone records there from parents. the public relations center of the fsb of russia called on them to talk to minors about the importance. this is not entering into conversation and correspondence with such subscribers, and it is emphasized that all such cases must be immediately reported to law enforcement. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account and
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arrested the head of the ukrainian security service vasily malyuk in connection with the terrorist attack. the day before, in an interview, he confirmed ukraine’s involvement in the blowing up of the crimean bridge, the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, the murder of the military commander blanc tatarsky, as well as brutal reprisals against the top officials of the new regions of russia. our correspondent evgeniy nipet has details. the interview is more like a timed self-exposure session.
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about these terrorist attacks, that well, our intelligence is so cool, that we didn’t do this, we didn’t do it, but we know everything about him, then it’s as if we were embedded in all these cells that, so to speak, were planned to be carried out. these terrorist attacks, but we have nothing to do with it, well, this is such an oblique confirmation that the cells are ours, but apparently, after all, on this, let’s say, anniversary of this service, i wanted to somehow,
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i don’t know, brag according to freud, this is about talk, of course, malyuk admitted that the sbu was behind the bombing of the crimean bridge in 2022, although initially the kiev regime denied this in every possible way, in order to damage the structure of the object, the ukrainians, according to him, disguised it as rolled greenhouse film 14 tons of hexogen mixture, during that terrorist attack the driver of the truck was killed. and a family from st. petersburg, for which malyuk boasts, his people received praise from western curators. today it became known that one of the georgian citizens involved in that attack, alexander inasaridze, was also arrested in absentia. terrorism, terrorism, as is known, in principle, is a weapon of the weak, it is a priori clear that ukraine, from the point of view of armed forces and armed confrontation , is weaker than russia and therefore what they, in principle, take into service. sabotage acts, terrorist acts - this is natural, accordingly, after they begin to commit such terrorist acts, they become
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a country of terrorists, the country is led by a regime that attracts various extremists to its side, including radical islamists, zelensky greets them personally: salaam alaikum, framing everything as a purely religious event, zelensky and his associates honor those who are recognized in russia as criminals and extremists, including terrorists among the guests. their inhuman operations against russia, but the fact that they enter into alliances with this kind of characters, such as akhmed zakayev, yes, you and i understand perfectly well that the enemy of my enemy
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is my friend, so now it doesn’t matter to them with whom they enter into alliances , especially since if this is manpower, especially since they can be used in ground operations, because you practically don’t feel sorry for someone else’s blood, you don’t feel sorry for someone else’s, maybe that’s why the filming location was furnished with boxes reminiscent of closed coffins, in which, in quotes ...right predators and mercenaries are returning from the front in the hundreds, in which all the terrorists who attacked russia will sooner or later find themselves, including the little one who seems to feel it, because it was not for nothing that he gave an interview in a room without doors and without windows, similar to a bunker, was he really afraid of russian missiles, which are actively working on sbu facilities? evgenia nepotol golvukhin and matvey popov, news. a search and rescue operation is underway in baltimore after a bridge collapsed after a container ship crashed into it. americans have more and more questions about the biden administration. already there were too many man-made disasters in the country a year before his presidency. reasons, including political ones. footage
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of a singaporean ship demolishing the francis scott bridge in kiev in the port of baltimore has already spread throughout the world. after the impact, the spans began to immediately collapse. there were several cars on the bridge at that time, all of them fell into the water. the exact number of victims is still unknown; divers and fbi firefighters are working. the governor of maryland declared a state of emergency: the causes of the accident are being determined based on preliminary data, which the media reported, the ship lost control, the baltimoor authorities signaled this, supposedly they should have been aware. this accident forced the residents of baltimore, and all americans, to recall some decisions of the authorities, both city and federal, that directly or indirectly contributed to what is now called a real infrastructure crisis. in usa. in particular, the reduction under pressure from the blm movement, funding for the baltimore police and city services, as a result of which the city instantly became one of the most crime-prone
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in the country. and also the so-called jobiden infrastructure reform, which cost trillions of dollars and did not bring any results. all the money was simply wasted. but at the moment, according to forbes, almost 50,000 bridges in the united states are in disrepair. city ​​roads are in urgent need of repair. and, of course, one cannot help but recall the american statistics of railway accidents in recent years. in 2023, hundreds of trains left streltsy. there were also really major accidents, like in february, for example, last year, like we remember in pennsylvania and ohio, where toxic substances were released after freight train derailments. in general, the message that another train had an accident in one state or another came literally every week. and, as conservative journalists and observers believe, it ’s not just about outdated infrastructure that hasn’t really been repaired for decades. the point is also in the person who
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is the minister responsible for all this. transport pete buttigieg, once gained fame as the first openly gay person to become mayor, for which, in fact, he was taken to biden’s team; buttigieg, as it were, had no other merits ; naturally, he did not have the experience and knowledge necessary for a ministerial post. criticism of the minister of transport is sounding more and more harshly, but he still retains his place. right now we will continue to discuss this topic, the accident in the baltic sea, direct communication. vesti's own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, comes out with the facts. dmitry, hello. yes, dmitry, welcome. so, what is already known by this hour, well, probably everyone is worried about the question, how in general it became possible that the container cart did not fit into the turn, well, into the opening, everyone saw what they saw, this is, in fact, footage of the bridge collapse, just to put it mildly, impressive, terrifying, shocking, of course, shocking. hello, colleagues, well, we are now just on the banks of the
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potapska river in the city. where a rescue operation has been ongoing for more than 8 hours to search for several dozen people who were allegedly on the bridge at that moment, meaning in cars that were moving along this bridge, the bridge is named after francis scott, at the very moment when the singapore container ship, which is called dali, lost control and crashed into one of the supports after a collision, as we all saw, the central part of the bridge, and the total length of this bridge is 2 from... a kilometer, so the central part broke into several parts, fell into the water, you can see some of the debris now behind me, it is known that at the time of the collision there were possibly more than ten cars on the bridge, as well as several dozens of builders who were carrying out repair work, all this happened at 1:30 a.m., the cars, as we understand, had just collapsed into the water, the water temperature at that moment did not exceed 10°, so the conditions of the people who
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found themselves in the water were really ... not life , death, the state governor declared a state of emergency, a search and rescue operation is now ongoing, involving coast guard ships, local police motorboats, the baltimore fire department and even volunteer divers. there are already the first results, two people were found, they were sent to the hospital, one of them is in critical condition, let's listen to what the baltimore fire chief says. the 911 emergency phone began receiving calls indicating that several people were in the water of the potapska river. the first rescue unit arrived on the scene and reported the complete collapse of the bridge. after this , it became clear that there were people in the water who were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. after a while we managed to pull two from the water man, one of them refused medical help and escaped with fright. doctors
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took the second one to the clinic.
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yes, it is known that the crew consisted mainly of indian citizens, it is now reported that , according to some sources, at the moment of the collision, an explosion occurred on the ship, which is 300 m long, and some of the containers fell into the water, so... it is known that in one of the tractors, cargo tractors, which was transporting and arranging containers, fell into water from the side; it is also known that a hole was found in the ship and it was leaking from it into the water diesel fuel, and now, of course, the main work and the main task is to save people, how many of them are unknown exactly, but it is clear that with every minute more than 8 hours have passed, with every minute the chances of finding...


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