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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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it will be possible to get these during interrogations, well , i don’t even know what to call them, of course, they definitely can’t be called people. there is still little information about the identities of the terrorists; the media report that two of them lived in a hostel in the north of moscow, another worked as a hairdresser in the city of teykovo, ivanovo region. who exactly brought them together and organized the attack on the people in crocus cityhole will probably become clear later. according to experts, no matter who now takes responsibility for this terrorist attack, the point is that these... sleeper cells are one of the most difficult to identify mechanics when organizing terrorist activities , unfortunately , not a single state here can completely insure against their existence and their actions; for the usual purposes , it will be to identify the financiers and those who helped keep them. weapons, those who helped
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train the militants, because they handled weapons extremely professionally, experts note that the terrorists’ weapons are not only machine guns, explosives, they benefit from fear and panic, while the investigation is underway, it is important to preserve calm down and trust only official sources of information. one of the main goals of terrorists is panic, so the theoretical answer should be no panic, but... be careful about the information storm that we are now seeing, there are a huge number of fake messages, and some of these fake messages are made by accomplices of terrorists, and some of them are produced simply because of the desire to hype up this topic, now security forces are working with the detainees, in the near future terrorists should be given a preventive measure from the employees.
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go around the clock until all the authorities catch a huge amount of work that will be involved in the monstrous terrorist attack. andrey romanov, sultan zeganov, ekaterina likhomanova, olga mazurak, victoria khairulina, alexander polivka, timofey falileev. news: duty department. on other topics of the week, theft of a billion without the sound of dust, st. petersburg police officers restrained a local thief who had robbed a local bank of a record amount, as he did in which modest home the criminal hid the stolen wealth. only our film crew the group managed to get into the storage facility, where bags with seized billions are now located. report by dmitry akimov. petrogradskaya. the department of the st. petersburg
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department of internal affairs temporarily became a kind of branch of a small bank; money seized in a high-profile case of a record theft from a financial institution in the northern capital is stored here. this is what a billion rubles looks like to the police - this is, of course , not money, but material evidence. three bags, each sealed like this, but through the burlap you can touch the bundles of money. let's try to lift this bag, well, it's quite heavy, maybe 5 kilograms and this is the smallest of them. the money here, of course, is in different currencies, these are rubles, dollars and euros. in addition, this box is also kept here, with watches and jewelry in it. the total weight of these bags is several tens of kilograms. the criminal took money from the safe deposit boxes of the depository, there is a sign on the building. proudly announces that the safe here
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is being monitored by a robot. the depository is located in the very center of st. petersburg, in the petrogradsky district. this is such an inconspicuous sign. rosdorbank. this is the route the attacker followed. here he attached a magnetic card, swiped it calmly and went inside. to enter the institution, the defendant used the details of other people's bank cards. using pin codes, he entered the depository and opened it. cells with special electronic keys, the actions of the criminal were recorded by numerous surveillance cameras, here he calmly goes inside with a small backpack and bag, we try to follow his same route, here you can insert a card, go into this room and then you can get things or money from your cell. bank employees do not really want to discuss the large-scale theft, they assure that the situation is in no way... this is operational footage
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of a possible thief at the entrance to the bank, accompanied by police officers. the face of the detainee is hidden by computer retouching in the interests of the investigation; the alleged kidnapper is taken inside a financial institution so that he talks about all the details of his criminal visits. one of the clients of the depository first reported the loss of valuables to the police, then two more victims appeared. now the number of people robbed is growing in proportion to the awareness of this story. left the limits of st. petersburg. headed to the moscow region, he rented two apartments there, lived in one himself, hid the stolen goods in the second, stacks of dollars and euros occupied almost the entire room, the floor was covered with money, on the table were stacks of five thousand ruble
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bills, folded in three rows, some of the stacks of cash are carelessly thrown in a cheap plastic bag, on a large double bed, jewelry, rings, bracelets, unique pendants, and also a collection of expensive watches. we found those same apartments, in this multi-storey building in lyubertsy, moscow region. the new building is sparsely populated, there are almost no neighbors. an ideal place to hide something secret and lie low. however, the billion dollar thief did not stay here for long. a native of sochi flew home to his mother, where he was detained by police. he returned to st. petersburg in a different jacket and in handcuffs. investigators are confident that the criminal’s accomplices remain at large. and it is not excluded that among them there may be people related to the bank where the money was kept. if it so happens that the valuables of the safe are missing, then
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with a very high probability a bank employee is involved. now the police are identifying everyone who may be involved in the billion-dollar theft. but already from the moscow region. the money was brought back here to the petrograd side of st. petersburg at the police station, and here it will obviously be safer. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, lead the duty department. this week , photos and videos appeared on the internet, made during a search of the house of the minister of health of the samara region, armen binyan. in the past, he was involved in a multimillion-dollar bribery and fraud case. state duma deputy alexander khinshtein published material about his telegram channel. as it appears. mr. benyayan lives comfortably, a two-story mansion with an attic, filled with expensive furniture and utensils, and has his own swimming pool on the property. security forces visited benyaan's country cottage in august last year, by which time his deputy had already been in custody for several months.
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armen benyan was then detained along with his subordinates, but then he was released due to lack of evidence. by the way, more than 3 million rubles found on the minister during the search were for some reason hidden in hiding places. about other notable legal events of the past week in a brief review by dmitry stepanov. on monday , a shooting occurred in the center of st. petersburg and a businessman was killed. according to the investigative committee, a conflict between two business partners broke out in one of the restaurants; one allegedly owed the other a large sum of 7 million rubles. the opponents were unable to reach an agreement, and in front of dozens of visitors, one of them took it. for weapons, the probable killer was quickly detained and then placed under arrest. on tuesday it became known about a criminal case against the vice-mayor of the city of tulun, this is in the irkutsk region, elena abramova was suspected of fraud and abuse of official powers. according to security officials, the official
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came up with a cunning scam; she awarded cloud bonuses to her employees, and then forced them to return part of the reward to her; in the end, the lady was detained directly at work. according to eyewitnesses, the star of the series drank heavily, began to behave cheekily with women, bit the waitress, and then , stripped to the waist, also got into a fight with two restaurant employees, all this was caught on surveillance cameras, he was taken to the police department, and in the end, instead continuation of the banquet, detention in court, seven days of arrest for petty hooliganism, on thursday. the supreme court of tatarstan handed down a life sentence to radik tagirov: the cold-blooded killer has 31 victims, all pensioners. tagirov began his criminal path back in 2011. traveled around cities, looked for lonely women and, introducing himself to utility workers, entered their homes. then tagirov strangled the helpless
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old women and took away all the valuables. he will spend the rest of his days in a special regime colony. on friday, information appeared about the detention of igor khranovsky, director of the socio-economic department. shortly before the visit of law enforcement officers to kharanovsky, it became known about the detention of another respected statesman, the former chairman of the government korachaev cherkesi, and now academician of raan vladimir kaishev. dmitriy stepanov, alina skachkova, lead: duty department. new twist in the terrible accident in the urals. the parents of an ekatenburg student are demanding millions from the former vice-governor of the chelyabinsk region. he caused an accident, left the girl disabled, and now he is depriving her of her due compensation. why. the culprit of the incident remains at large, which is why they refuse to pay money. we talked with
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all the participants in this resonant story from chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg, investigation by olga zhurenkova. timid steps up the steps from the entrance to the wheelchair. twenty-four-year-old anastasia vyatkina from yekaterinburg went for a walk with her parents. the girl cannot move independently. this is how she was in the summer of 2019. this is what she became after a couple of months. anastasia. miraculously survived a terrible accident; the court found former vice-governor of the chelyabinsk region andrei kosilov to be the culprit of the accident. the girl spent 2 months in coma, became completely blind and lost her speech. tired from walking. anastasia, how old are you? communicating with gestures is already great progress, anastasia’s parents say, it is vital for her to continue rehabilitation, but there is no money for it. the culprit of the accident, an influential ural businessman and former vice-governor of the chelyabinsk region, andrei kosilov, refuses to pay for treatment. of course, we can’t handle it financially, we can’t stop, there will be a stop and then you’ll slowly roll back. a terrible
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accident occurred in july 2019. anastasia and her friends were returning home from vacation when suddenly an suv crashed into their car. andrey kasilov. then random eyewitnesses rushed to help and calmed the victims. they helped the ambulance doctors, only the culprit of the accident , andrei kosilov, walked next to his in shorts and a t-shirt.
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rubles, but excuse me, when the last bill was presented to me for 500,000 a month, i don’t earn that much, anastasia’s family was forced to file a claim for 47 million rubles. kosilov’s lawyer, andrei nikolaevich , called our lawyer and said that andrei nikolaevich is not working now, he has no money, he is not guilty, he will not pay, for this came as a shock to the girl's parents. svetlana works remotely as a manager, vyacheslav is a police officer. their entire salary goes to their sick daughter, they cannot pay for rehabilitation on their own, one course costs half a million a year
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, four of them are needed. the culprit of the high-profile road accident , andrei kosilov, is a well-known personality in the urals; in the nineties he was the chairman of the board of directors of the scandalous check investment fund atlant, and even survived an assassination attempt. chelyabinsk, tsvillinga street, building 38. in the nineties, it was in this building that the check investment fund was located atlanta, it closed soon. lost their funds, journalists then called mr. kasilov one of the richest in the region, he allegedly earned more than two billion rubles from the sale of securities alone. in ninety-six, kosilov sat in the chair of the vice-governor of the chelyabinsk region, overseeing agriculture and information policy. he retired in 2010, until recently he managed the largest agricultural holding in the urals and personally starred in advertising for his poultry farm, for which he was even nicknamed the chicken king. chicken on a bottle taste it. he was shot on the doorstep of the house
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, and then, as local media write, the poultry farm went to andrei kosilov for no price, all this regurgitation of the nineties is still trying to poison the life of our people, the population, therefore we have to resort to cooperative intervention, to clean up the absent reputation of mr. kosilov. power. state duma deputy and television journalist evgeny popov is preparing a corresponding request to the prosecutor general's office. former vice-governor andrei kosilov and davari have repeatedly found themselves in scandals. in 2019, at several of his enterprises at once gross violations of labor protection were identified. in 208, one of the poultry farms discharged production waste into local reservoirs on forest lands. kosilov allegedly saved money on
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the construction of treatment plants. the poultry farm was soon closed. we are looking for andrei kosilov. are you not here? but he doesn’t appear here, no, of course, it’s closed. in 2022, kasilov resigned from the post of general director of the agricultural holding, officially for health reasons, but a number of authoritative ural publications reported that the assets of the enterprise were transferred to nominal owners, and control still remained with the kasilov family. some lawyers say that he can probably declare himself bankrupt, maybe this could happen, yes, he can scatter his assets among his friends, acquaintances, acquaintances, this happens all the time, and the fact that he is bargaining, but this speaks of the character of the person, huckster. there is another version: the chicken king kasilov himself got into trouble, he has a conflict with business partners and other shareholders of the holding, where andrei kasilov is now unknown, not so long ago he allegedly underwent a complex operation abroad, the former an official, a disabled person of the first group , we got through to him on the phone, i am very sick, nastya is also sick, she cannot walk and cannot see,
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the person responsible for the accident did not want to hear about anastasia’s health, we called back, it seems his wife answered the call, why i have to... doctors don’t give prognoses, but they say that there is improvement and the treatment cannot be stopped. denis bezlakovsky, danila kuznetsov, maria bukata, conductor, duty department. the elusive shakro, the release of criminal authority zakhary kalashov may be
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postponed this news appeared on saturday, at the very moment when the colony in the krasnodar region. dozens of journalists waited for his release. colony employees do not comment on the situation. let me remind you that last week the court allowed the release of crime boss zakhary kalashov due to a sharp deterioration in health. my colleague, alexandra mostovaya, was on duty at the correctional facility for more than a day. and here is her report. this week, the influential thief in law zakhary kalashov, also known as shakro the young, turned 71 years old. and perhaps the best birthday present for him... was his release. in recent years, kalashov served his sentence in correctional colony number two in the village of dvubratsky, in the krasnodar territory. nowadays they don’t talk about the crime boss here, and journalists are ignored. residents of the dvubratsky village have heard a lot of news from the colony. the security facility is located a few meters from the private sector, but they don’t want to talk on camera about the convicted people here. as soon as the conversation
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turns to young shakro, a friendly tone changes dramatically. he will tell you everything, but you heard about the fact that zakhary kalashov, also known as shakro the young thief in law, is serving his sentence here, i don’t know, well, that means there’s a reason or for a reason, maybe he was imprisoned, there are several cars in the parking lot near the colony , the relatives of the convicts are waiting for a meeting in the visiting room, they are buying food in a local store, having seen journalists, the seller starts leaking something that we have not heard, goodbye, relatives of the sedel residents... outside the television cameras they said that young shakro was secretly taken out last week. the colony employees do not comment on the situation, they only carefully watch the reporters. the release of young shakro is shrouded in a layer of mystery. our film crew is on duty at the colony for almost 24 hours. now it’s already 12:00 at night, it’s quite calm here, the parking lot is empty, no cars are passing by.
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an influential thief in law turned out to be a high-ranking general of the investigative committee in a prison colony. it all started with a shootout on ruchilskaya street in moscow in december 2015. kalashov's people extorted money from the owners of the korean restaurant zhanna kim. the bandits opened fire and two people were killed. the operatives then detained the participants in the shootout. among them was shakro’s chief assistant, andrei kochuykov, known as an italian. according to investigators, the crime boss decided to get the italian out of the sezo and, to do this , tried to bribe influential security officials for a million dollars. the secret was revealed in the dock by four high-ranking employees of the investigative committee. soon kalashov himself found himself behind bars. operatives raided his royal mansion. on the world, i won’t say anything in front of the camera, don’t play it here. in 2018, zakhary kalashov was sentenced to 9 years and 10 months in a maximum security colony. he was supposed to be
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released only in 2028, but his health failed. according to media reports, kalashov’s vision deteriorated sharply in the correctional facility. zakhar knyazievich’s condition was steadily deteriorating and had negative dynamics. here. in this connection, the court came to the conclusion that it should. of the criminal code of the russian federation, so release him due to illness. i think the solution court legally justified, as confirmed by relevant papers, about the state of his health. and even though shakro is far from being released at a young age, many experts are sure that he has not lost his authority, they say, the king of the underworld has always been respected and feared. i have no doubt that zakhary galashov. will continue his activities as the leader of russian criminal groups, he will simply resolve things with authority to the best of his
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health. i would not delude myself with the court's decision because he is very ill; he is quite influential, he has connections at all levels. after his release, shakru young will most likely be under the close attention of the intelligence services and is unlikely to trump his status. he was not charged with leadership in an organized criminal community, the very newfangled article under which thieves in law are now imprisoned, because if they wanted to charge him, firstly, they would have already been charged, no one bothered to add this article while he was already behind bars bars, that's what concerns authority in criminal circles, if he was, then he definitely didn’t lose it, because being behind bars only strengthens the criminal authority, as we know, usually in such circles, the more often a person is in prison, the...
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if kalashov decides to take up the old stuff, he risks being charged with occupation highest position in the criminal hierarchy, so while young shakro has every chance of settling down, he’s still not the same age. alexander mostovay, andrey ivlev, alexa kalchuk, alexander kutteladze and maria bukata. news, duty unit from the krasnodar region. crab king oleg kan, dead or not. this week, his lawyers reported that the fugitive businessman had sunk into oblivion and died abroad. rare footage, sakhalin businessman oleg kan having fun in the company of like-minded people, his cornucopia was
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a semi-legal crab mining business, money flowed like a river, according to unofficial data, the income of the businessman’s crab empire reached 25 billion rubles a year, but times have changed, now the businessman is involved in two criminal cases cases of contract murder and criminal leadership community, kan's accounts are blocked, his property is seized. the business of the fugitive far eastern fish merchant oleg kan will be turned into state income, we are talking about hundreds of real estate properties and business enterprises amounting to almost 359 billion rubles. previously , kan was put on the international wanted list and arrested in absentia on charges of murdering his competitor valery phidenok; he was also involved in crab fishing and allegedly greatly interfered with oleg kan’s business. kan himself disappeared without a trace after our colleagues from...
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they doubted the loud appeal and called the death staged. there are many similar cases in legal practice. there is always a defendant against whom a criminal case has been initiated and faces a long sentence, including confiscation of property, for example, and it may be advantageous to create the appearance that he died and went missing or something else happened to him in order for the criminal case was either suspended or terminated due to death. according to lawyers, to prove death, if it occurred. not only documents are needed, but also expert data. experts go out and ask not to bury or cremate the body of the deceased until they can verify for themselves that such and such a person has actually died, the criminal case against him should be terminated in connection with his death. a very large number of criminals who steal billions, millions, hundreds of millions, then can live out their lives in peace under someone else’s name, also for their children and...
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leave an inheritance. the arbitration court of primorsky krai fully satisfied the claims of the prosecutor general's office, the property and objects of oleg kan will be turned into state income, and this is a resounding victory for the supervisory department over semi-criminal businessmen. so is the crab king alive or not, where is the billionaire now who made his fortune by mining the seafood delicacy? what other crimes is he accused of? our colleagues from... telegram channels, conduct the duty department, the entire operational feed in our honest detective, follow the news with us and stay on the russia 24 channel.
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full mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall in the cities.


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