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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military eliminated the accumulation of equipment in the rear of the ukrainian armed forces. an accurate strike was delivered by the combat crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer. drone operators helped with fire adjustments. the eu summit did not approve the decision to seize proceeds from frozen russian assets for military assistance to zelensky. moreover, the leaders of the eu countries called for new sanctions against our country and said that they would speed up the supply of weapons. kyiv regime. a large fire
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occurred at night in saratov, a residential building caught fire five-story building, the fire engulfed about 800 square meters of the roof. three people were injured, residents were evacuated, and the fire was extinguished for several hours. a friendly football match between russia and serbia took place at the dynamo stadium in moscow. our team won 4:0. the meeting took place with a sold-out crowd of more than 23.00 fans from both countries. the russian military liquidated an important facility in iisu; the combat crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer struck with a precision strike on equipment that the enemy had hidden deep in the rear. the artillerymen were helped by scouts, they adjusted fire from the air through drone cameras. our war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you how it happened. we go on foot through the forest belt to the forward positions of the artillerymen of the vostok group. any car can be detected by a reconnaissance drone, line. the front is very close.
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the msta self-propelled howitzer leaves for another combat mission; the crew has received a new target, a hangar with equipment hidden deep behind enemy lines. the first salvo is sighting, after that there is a quick reload. the drone operator adjusts the target coordinates. a couple of minutes later there was another shot. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that the shell hit the target. the mechanic turns the car around at maximum speed and drives back to the shelter, in this mode the artillery works around the clock. we carry out the following fire missions - this is the destruction of enemy manpower, fire weapons, strong points, we also work on technology, the enemy is active, but not as before, he rarely snaps, the machine is reliable, indeed, there are moments, of course, but we eliminate everything on the spot back in battle, howitzers keep the enemy in constant tension, they do not allow them to transfer...
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these protective nets were installed on each gun, the soldiers also call them barbecues, of course it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, but in fact it is a very useful thing, since these barbecues protect the crew from drones. this installation came under return fire many times, but not a single kamikaze drone was able to disable it. the drone was flying right in the center of the car, we hit it with small arms, and it partially damaged the grille, but significant. no, that is, the vehicle is in service , yes, in service, msta howitzers can fire at a distance of about 30 km, crews usually work from closed firing positions, but if necessary, they can fire with direct fire, as a rule, high-explosive shells are used, which can hit, including concrete protective structures. the enemy was significantly weakened, their ability to carry out contour-battery combat was reduced, and thus they began to carry out tasks more efficiently. artillery directly
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from motorcycle units at the front now there are fierce battles, artillery plays a vital role here: long-range howitzers help the infantry to open powerful fortified areas in the ssu. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. over the zaporozhye and kherson regions, russian air defense has created a layered defense; it covers troops, as well as civilian industrial facilities, and the tor anti-aircraft missile battery. and the latest beech m3 work together to protect the sky from aircraft, ballistic missiles, drones and rocket fire systems, apu. on distant on the approaches, air defense is provided by s-300 complexes; they shoot down targets at a distance of up to 200 km. pantsir s anti-aircraft systems operate at close range. one of the divisions of these systems helped repel a massive attack of enemy drones on targets in the crimea, and also shot down 12 zaporozhsky targets with precise salvos. they put on combat duty, and then
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they discovered air targets, it was massive, that is, a massive accumulation of air targets. by all available means and anti-aircraft guided missiles and anti-aircraft guns worked on air targets, which was promptly reported by 12 anti-aircraft guided missiles, 12 targets were hit, plus more targets were hit by anti-aircraft guns. the united states threatened kiev with a refusal to support in the event of negotiations with russia, said the american journalist seymour hersh, he wrote about this in his blog, according to the publicist, the dialogue on resolving the russian-ukrainian conflict... could have begun several months ago, but washington put the regime on zelensky's ultimatum. if ukraine comes to the negotiating table, the us government will stop allocating money for non-military needs. at the same time, hersh writes, western leaders understand that ukraine has little chance of success in this conflict. the european union called for
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further sanctions against russia, this was stated in a statement following the first day of the eu leaders' summit. politicians called for preparing new restrictions against our country, and also. belarus, north korea and iran. this will be the fourteenth sanctions package for moscow. read more about how the meeting of the heads of the european union went, olik komarov. zelensky demands ammunition and russian billions. the german press is full of such headlines today. journalists note that the head of the kiev regime talks to western politicians as if they were his pawns. however, he still doesn’t get what he wants in response. instead of specifics, there are only vague formulations about membership in the european union. recently, all our negotiations on ukraine have been extremely productive, so i sincerely hope that our first intergovernmental meeting between the eec authorities and ukraine will take place during the belgian presidency before the end of june. we we will stand shoulder to shoulder with ukraine until the very end. however, no one approved in writing the timing of the start of these negotiations, they only
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stated: “kiev’s progress is welcomed, continue the reforms. europe is still busy, they think russian money can be taken away. ursulov reported on the progress in this matter.” i am glad to have such tremendous support in the matter of using profits from confiscated russian assets. this step will ensure new supplies of military equipment for ukraine. as far as i know, we now expect to collect in this way about 3 billion euros in 2024, similar amounts in subsequent years. however, in the end , the eec summit did not make the scandalous decision to seize income from russian assets. the document has been sent for revision. but kiev will receive a new loan from the international monetary fund of $880 million. the head of the imf noted that despite the huge economic costs of ukraine, kiev’s competent policy - quote, helped maintain economic stability for the country. however, even washington does not agree with this. leader of the democratic
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minorities in congress said: ukraine is dying without american funding. the only viable option at this time is approval. bill proposed by the senate of the us congress, either speaker mike johnson will vote tomorrow on a bipartisan bill proposed by the senate, or after the recess in april , congressmen will have to consider all available options, but by this point the situation in ukraine will have changed radically, and all the progress we have achieved joint efforts will be lost. at the same time, the pentagon is officially talking about a retreat to the armed forces of ukraine. the american department of defense called it. strategic decisions to withdraw from certain territories, while the head of the department openly stated: kiev is rapidly losing ground while the russian army has actually made a breakthrough. alika komarova, lead. at least 11 palestinians were killed as a result of israeli airstrikes
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in the southern gaza strip, al jazeera tv channel reported. eight people were killed after an attack on a residential building in rafahi. three more during bombing of a neighborhood in khanyunis. doctors set up a field hospital. us secretary of state antony blinken made a statement at a press conference in egypt. a major military operation in rafah would be a mistake, we are not. we support, this will not affect hamas in any way, it is simply not necessary. next week we will have the opportunity to share this perspective in detail with our israeli colleagues and outline our views on how the problem can be addressed differently. meanwhile, the israeli army announced the detention of more than 500 fighters
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hamas movement during a military operation at the ashifa hospital in gaza. fighting is reported to still be taking place inside the building and hospital. amiftsada. a crowd of migrants broke through the barbed wire on the southern border of the united states, broke through the cordon of the texas national guard, but then another obstacle awaited them, an insurmountable fence. let me remind you that the biden administration is demanding the dismantling of this particular fence along the border with mexico. texas officials are actively opposing this decision out of fear. invasion of migrants. rescuers in the amur region
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day and night they make a passage to the miners stuck under the rubble. there are 13 people in the collapsed mine. two installations are drilling wells at once to reach people. a third of the way has already been completed. the latest information from my colleague alexey cherbakov, he is in direct contact with the studio. alexey, greetings, what is known at this moment and what is happening to the relatives of the miners who arrived at the scene of the accident. yes, roman, welcome. there are currently four people in the zelsky district, these are two families, five more families are planning to come, their will be placed in hotels in the district center, psychologists are working with arriving relatives , round-the-clock duty of doctors has been organized, a decision has also been made to inform relatives about the progress of the rescue operation itself, at least once a day, and a few words about the rescue, rescue and search operation itself, fourth day went since the emergency. at the pioneer mine in the zeya district, for more than 80 hours without a break, specialists are doing everything possible to
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rescue 13 people from stone captivity. the work is being carried out by emercom employees in two directions, one of them is drilling exploration wells. to do this, the walls are detonated in those places where water flows out, for this it is necessary so that the rescuers who work there and the equipment that works there are trapped if behind them... this again during the night today, a specialized design institute calculated the thickness of the walls and the corresponding reinforcement that needs to be carried out to guarantee the safety of work, well, we just listened to the comments of the head of our region vasily orlov about clearing the mine itself, well , i’ll add a few words about the progress of drilling, now the first drilling rig has completed 8 8 m out of 262 required to the expected location of the victims, work has begun
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on drilling the second hole, two more, two more rigs are on the way , and i will also add that more than 200 people are now doing everything possible to detect and save people at the pioneer mine, these are rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations from the amur region, khabarovsk, primorsky territories, yakutia, as well as kuzbass, at this moment, this is all the information that we have... at the moment we continue to monitor the development of the situation. roman, you have the floor. thank you, rescue operation at a collapsed mine in the amur region, said our correspondent alexey cherbakov. in the center of saratov this night they extinguished a large fire in a five-story residential building. the fire broke out on the roof of the building, burning 800 m2. residents were evacuated. three people were reportedly injured, one of them suffered severe carbon monoxide poisoning and was sent to the hospital. to put out the flames, firefighters it took more. economic news,
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konstantin chyurikov joins me, konstantin, good morning, the central bank will decide on the key rate today, what are the forecasts? hello roman, well, no one expects a rate increase, although a decrease is also unlikely. so, the bank of russia will make a decision on the key rate today. market participants agree that the regulator will keep it at 16% for the second time in a row. experts do not see any prerequisites for further tightening of monetary policy. inflation according to the central bank's methodology slowed down, the population's inflation expectations have decreased, but on the other hand, the dynamics of consumer prices is 3.5% ahead of the bank of russia's target, so the chances of a rate cut are essentially zero, analysts say. is it possible that the regulator will pause any actions in the near future? from the upcoming meeting of the bank of russia we expect that the bank of russia. the key rate is at the current level of 16%. the reason for this is inflation, in our country it
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is still not decreasing, it seems to have stopped in march at the level about 7.7% per annum, we also see that there is a decrease in inflation expectations, but to say that now we have signs that inflation is steadily going down is still premature, so for now the regulator does not have such compelling reasons for in order to return to lower rates. the main topic of the second day of the eu summit, just today, is grain, russian, belarusian and ukrainian. the european commission has conceived a brilliant, or there is no other way to put it, combination. first: introduce protective duties on grain from russia and belarus in the amount of 95 euros per ton. step two is to create an artificial shortage in domestic markets. step three: the authorities of european states will have to independently suppress the protests of their farmers and meekly buy ukrainian grain. but the problem is that in riot-ridden eu countries this is causing concern,
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including in belgium itself. to ensure that the russian economy cannot destabilize ours, but another priority is to ensure that those who need grain continue to have access to it, balancing this will be very difficult. and about the fragile balance: western countries are still buying hundreds of millions of dollars of russian titanium, lamented the washington post, the mouthpiece of the us party. according to the newspaper, the volume of exports of this metal from russia in the twenty-second year amounted to 370 million. dollars, and, despite all the pressure, the figure last year decreased slightly by 25 million to 345. titanium is indispensable in the aircraft industry; russia supplies approximately a third of the world's volume of high-quality metal, so even large western business did not hesitate to make bold, rational statements, for example, the head of airbus stated in the summer of twenty-two
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that sanctions against russia in this area would become sanctions against themselves. well, at the end of the issue about currency. usa, the pentagon announced this. the american congress has still not agreed on a new request for the transfer of funds to the kiev regime. new victims of israeli strikes on gas, 11 palestinians were killed in the south of the strip. eu leaders talk about the need for a ceasefire, they called israel did not carry out a ground operation in rafah;
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bashington also called the upcoming offensive a mistake. friendly atmosphere (huge, how the friendly match between the national teams of russia and serbia went, we’ll tell you in the sports news right after the advertisement, hurray , we’ve finally arrived, how you’ve grown, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, keep it , where does all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there? every month, and the service notifications are free forever, which is why the
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the information feed, agencies kharikov is actually completely de-energized after at least 15 explosions occurred in the city, the news agency reports this with reference to the head of the regional administration , according to him, explosions occurred at energy facilities, one of the facilities was damaged. critical infrastructure. sports news, in the studio ilya kazakov. ilya good morning. the russian football union is exploring the possibility of organizing a tournament with the participation of three teams, including the national teams of russia and belarus. when can he pass? roman, good morning, the tournament may take place this summer. on june 7, russia will play against the belarusian national team and there is also a window for one more match. the friendly atmosphere among the fans is a real show on the field in moscow. a friendly match between the national teams of russia and serbia took place at the dynamo stadium. all tickets for the game were sold out at in the stands of more than 23 thousand people, the score on the scoreboard pleased the russian fans.
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danilo mahal tells how it happened. for the first time in 2 and a half years, the russian team will play a match with an opponent from europe. the match against the brotherly national team of serbia opens the third year of performances without international tournaments. the excitement cannot be controlled.
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fans and the russian football union prepared a colorful performance, taking these flags of different colors, the central stand was painted with the russian flag. i really
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liked the surroundings, the warm atmosphere, uh, good support, and was glad to see everyone and return to. the decisive episode was in the middle of the first half, when the referee not only awarded a foul by milan gaich on daniil khlusevich. penalty, but also decided to show a red card, but it really hit me because it prevented me from taking a direct shot, so it was probably a penalty, that is, everything is obvious there, i think yes 100%. the penalty kick was scored by anton miranchuk, in a conversation after the match with lukic, well , of course, it was a friendly game, yes, but probably they could have given a yellow card, i i think, yes, the penalty is good, but i think that the red probably shouldn’t have been given, well , that’s my personal opinion, that’s why. matvey safonov effectively and efficiently helped out in goal.
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well, the quintessence of the brighter, more confident play of the russian national team was the beautiful combination of miranchuk, golovin, pots again mironchuk, only this time alexey. when the team is left with ten men, you usually relax in your head and sometimes you even miss goals and lose the game, so i want to say to give credit to our guys who always remained in the game, focused on game, on the quality of the game, so accordingly, the bars are moved, more than one scoring chance. does not count on a mirror revenge for the defeat several years ago in serbia with a score of 0:5. ivan sergeev put the finishing touch on his cross at the far post. the final score is 4:0. russia's crushing victory over serbia. danial mchalen, dmitry dunaev, nikolay portnykh, alexander stalmashevsky. news. by hockey, motorist beat ska for the third time in a row in the quarter-final series of the khl playoffs. the ekaterinburg team won on thursday
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st. petersburg club is counting. 2:1 in overtime. among the motorists , anatoly goloshev scored goals and curtis volkom scored the victory in the 78th minute; arseniy gritsuk scored against the losers. the score of the series up to four wins became 3:0 in favor of the motorist. the fourth match of the confrontation will take place tomorrow in yekaterinburg. for the first time in khl history, the second stage of the playoffs uses a crossover system, in which teams from the western-eastern conference play each other. spartak reduced the gap to metallurg in the series swimming the red and whites beat the togory team with a score of 5:2 and set an attendance record for home matches among capital clubs. the game was attended by 11,128 spectators. spartak forward ilya kovalchuk took part in the match. he appeared on the ice for the first time this season in two straight playoff games. metallurg leads the series up to four wins with a score of 2:1. artimi panarin's head trick helped the new york rangers beat boston 5:2. this morning
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the russian scored the first two goals. in the second period. at first he dealt with the defense beautifully boston was thrown directly between the goalkeeper's pads, and at the end of the period his cross pass to his partner was sent into his own goal by james debrusk. hatrick panarin scored a minute before the final siren, hitting the opponent's empty goal. the russian updated his personal record for points in the league; he now has 97 points in seventy games of the season. the vtb united league played four matches. ural-masha and samara achieved away victories over ostana and avtodor in the moscow emba derby. runes, in the central game of the week unix on beat zenit on their home floor 91:90. during the meeting, the hosts acted as catchers; three times during the match, unik made up a double-digit gap in the score. a minute before the end, zenit was ahead by a modest two points 988, but 20 seconds before the final siren , thomas ertel from the free throw line could have removed all questions about the winners, but one of the best free throw performers of the current season inexplicably missed both shots. in
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a retaliatory attack. the team was unable to score 5 seconds during this time, thanks to the victory unik secured the first line of the standings, sinits became the last team in group a to lose in the second stage. it was sports news, see you after 7 am.
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