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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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of course, this is of course, well, this is the destruction of the idea of ​​olympism, this is an infringement of the interests of athletes, olympians, of course, this is absolutely contrary to the entire ideology of the olympic movement.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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everyone in the application or on the website, hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our name says it all. we are talking about that
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territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya, with the help of a careful look at history, we let's try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that's what we'll talk about today: presidential elections in new regions? voting under martial law. what did these elections mean for novorossiya? conversation with a program expert. polar explorer from the shores of the azov sea. georgy sedov and the city named after him. the first presidential elections in history were held in new russian regions. more than 4.5 million were able to take part in them.
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voters who are registered here. most of them are in the donetsk people's republic republic, almost 2 million, even more than one and a half million in lugansk people's republic. in zaporozhye and kherson regions there are approximately 470 thousand people each with the right to vote. turnout in the elections turned out to be high, with the national average of 77%; in the republics it was above 87, in the zaporozhye region more than 85, in khersonka. region almost 84. vladimir putin was voted almost unanimously in donetsk and lugansk. in zaporozhye, about 93% are in favor, in kherson - more than 88. elections in novorossiya were held under special conditions. from october 19 , 2022, by decree of the president of the russian federation, martial law is in effect there. to organize voting , a special central decision was made.
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election commission after consultation with the ministry of defense, the fsb and the heads of the relevant regions. everything took place in strict accordance with russian laws. the main condition is ensuring the security of elections. early voting was opened for this purpose. in most regions, it began in early march. the cec deliberately did not publish data on the number of voters, addresses of polling stations and commissions. when threats to the lives of voters, voting time was reduced. it is impossible to do without such measures. the ssu purposefully carried out shelling of polling stations and commissions. in novorossiya , not only residents of new regions voted, but also thousands of military personnel, doctors, builders, all those who are there to protect the restoration of normal life for people. the elections were not only confirmation of the deepening
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integration of novorossiya into the all-russian legal and political space. voting for the president is further evidence of the irreversibility of change. men in new regions had been waiting for this for so long that they were willing to take risks to get a result that would determine the fate of their children, grandchildren and future generations. participation in the all-russian presidential elections is another confirmation for the residents of novorossiya that they live according to the laws of russia and enjoy all the rights of its citizens. about how it was, in the story of anna efimova. military helicopters, off-road frontline zone members of the election commission of the kherson region are escorted to settlements near the line of combat contact by employees rosgvardia. this is like a separate special operation within a special military
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operation itself, to reach everyone who is ready to give their vote to determine the future of the country. donbass and novorossiya are still impressed by the past. we feel some excitement and responsibility no longer for our republic, but for the big country. to ensure that everyone could safely cast their vote during hostilities, early voting was held in new regions, including for those who
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are now on the front line. it's somewhere started at the end of february, somewhere it was carried out from the first days of march, right up to the start of polling stations. in conditions when you are being bombed. gathering a significant number of people in one place at a polling station every day is a thankless and extremely unsafe task, so extended voting, early voting, three-day voting at the final stage allows you to avoid this concentration of people. dear citizens, early mobile voting for the presidential election is underway. russian federation, take your passports, go downstairs. for safety and warning purposes. in the upcoming early voting, it was also done at the very last moment; the route of each team of the precinct election commission was thought out carefully, but kept secret, so that the enemy would not have the opportunity to plan the targets of the attacks. unfortunately, there is rarely a day here without exploding shells or being attacked
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by drones. unfortunately, already in the petrovsky district, and the enemy has already distinguished himself, unfortunately, there are casualties, there are dead, unfortunately, especially children, that’s who we’re dealing with and from whom we were essentially protecting ourselves, with whom we don’t want to have nothing in common, this is the current ukrainian regime, which is why the turnout in new regions, despite the ongoing hostilities the threat of arrivals is so high, more than 80%. the last vote is not just the choice of the president of one large country, it is the choice of the vector of its further development and another confirmation of the results of all previous expressions of the popular will of donbass. including referendums on joining russia, which many experts from the so-called international community called illegitimate, the ballot box is empty, the presidential elections are written on it, we are sealing them, the ballot box
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is sealed, it is empty, there are no violations, there are no foreign objects either, members of the commission will go to the polling station and it will begin. elections and voters will cast their ballots here, international observers monitored each stage of the voting, they came from chile, germany, mexico, the usa, italy, serbia.
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a million times better in every way, let somewhere, something is still a little unfinished, but
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it will be even better and better and better, for our children, grandchildren, everyone, what order could you give to the president for this six-year term, and also to further develop support for children, youth, creativity , here is help to encourage mothers to give birth, to go to this hard work, responsibility, but... all of them, perhaps, these voices are heard where shares of no distinction are just a stone's throw away, they sound from people who, over the years of hostilities, are accustomed to hiding in basements , quickly, i only pray to god, it would be over quickly, so that fewer casualties on the ukrainian side are also guys, those who don’t want to fight, these are the nazis who are so ardent, bastards, and the people who are ukrainians are simple, hard workers, they understand everything, everything that these nationalists have sown, well... it should end, the election results are directly proportional to the hopes and aspirations of these people, the hopes for creation
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that donbass has always lived for. anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. read more about how important the presidential elections of the russian federation were for novorossiya and its residents. what were they wearing? features of these elections? we will talk with our regular expert from... the regions played their own role in this, so to speak, and their voters supported
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the last two presidents, although, for example, if you remember the elections, that means poroshenko, and in 1914, then in the same melitopol there was a turnout very low, yes, that is, people boycotted these elections because they understood that after the coup d’etat they were illegitimate, yes, that ’s a fact. yes, that is, the army of mova vir, and the army on first place, this means war, yes,
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otherwise, of course, once again the voter voted for peace, yes, and once again did not receive any peace, and in general, if we look a little more broadly at these election processes in ukraine, yes, to which donbass also took part in previous years, then this trick, it applies not only to poroshenko and zelensky, yes, but simply in softer forms, yes, then the speech... of those presidents who promised them an orientation toward russia, each president simply deceived these people in the kherson region , in the zaporozhye region, so this will never happen to them again, their president, whom they will vote for, will not deceive them, because in these elections, yes, voters got the opportunity to vote for those candidates
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who represented the forces , which , for example, in ukraine simply turned out to be thrown out of the political struggle, but there was a candidate from the communist party, yes, we know that in ukraine it was actually banned, destroyed, although it traditionally collected a lot of votes, and in these regions. elections under martial law are absolutely not an easy matter, why did you go to overcome these difficulties, what is the political meaning of the elections that have now taken place in new territories? this was essentially a kind of repetition of the referendum, and in general...
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the legitimacy of the current zelensky regime. is this true in the political crisis of ukraine? yes, here, in fact, vore’s hat is on fire, because zelensky, even before the presidential elections in russia, began to disperse this thesis that doubts about his only agents of moscow and agents of the kremlin can gain legitimacy, he
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spoke about this so often that it became clear that, strictly speaking, the fear is based on what. his power after the expiration of his term, they first of all excite kiev precisely the ukrainian elites, perhaps the ukrainian security forces, yes, because well , being the supreme commander in chief, any president, he gives orders, sends people into battle, chops off people to death in ukraine, yes that this is state coercion, it must be legitimate, in in kiev, in a certain way, we see that these procedures are not followed, that... ukrainian legislation, yes, which is the constitution there, they endlessly spit on, starting there in 2004, and such an attitude towards state institutions, it always goes sideways, it provokes these crises, wars and so on and so on , of course, it is clear that there is a front line, yes, that’s it, but everything beyond it is a political process, we know that ukraine,
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well, actually cannot exist without external support, primarily support usa, in the usa. now such a, so to speak, confident group of ukrainian skeptics has already formed , who are asking the same question , why they say that during the second world war, it means that elections could be held in the united states, suddenly, that means ukraine cannot, yes, and, after all, but in the usa, for the domestic audience, this is sold as a defense of democracy, and accordingly, this absence in the elections affects not only zelensky’s legitimacy, but this entire structure. in the united states itself, and for ukraine it will be in itself extremely painful. thank you very much for a very detailed and interesting story. on the azov coast of novorosiya there is a small resort village of sidova. it is located on the shore of the taganrok bay, in the yugodonetsk
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people's republic, 15 km from the border with the rostov region. grevaya spit, that’s what this place was called back in the late 18th century, when the don cossacks settled here. shallow and predictable sea, wide sandy beaches , special air saturated with iodine and bromine. and of course, exciting fishing for the azov bull. since 2014, the village of sidovo has been the only summer vacation spot for residents of the two republics. there are more resorts today, but this one is still the most popular. new russia the settlement received its current name in 1941 in honor of the polar explorer and hydrographer georgy sidov, who was born here. and it was he who was the inspirer and organizer of the first domestic expedition to the north pole in 1912.
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the expedition did not return until 1938 , when the remains of a russian flag were found on rudolf island in the arctic. sidov dreamed of installing it at the pole. it is still unknown where this brave and purposeful man is buried. on a geographical map of the world. 11 places are named after him. coming from a poor family, the son of an azov fisherman, georgy sedov made a dizzying career at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. at the age of 25, he entered the admiralty of the main hydrographic directorate and became a sea captain. how captain sidov went towards his dream and how his memory is honored in his small homeland. in the story by olga mokhova. a small cossack farm with 150 yards, built in
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scattered locations on the hills due to proximity seas. this is how the crooked braid looked like when the sedov family was there. they came here from the poltava province in search of a better life, but they lived very poorly, and fishing did not bring much income. already from the age of 6-7, georgy knew how to tie sea knots and repair fishing nets. an active assistant to my father in fishing. it was from here, from the azov coast, that he went into the depths of the azov sea to fish; from early childhood he learned all the hardships of this difficult fishing work. persistence and determination, qualities that shaped george’s character sydova. after two years of studying at a parochial school, he began working as an assistant and then as a clerk in a trading store, but his dream of becoming a sea captain forced him without. parents' blessing to run away to rostov-on-don to enroll in sailing classes. afterwards he sailed on merchant ships, then joined the navy. it is from this moment
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that such a sharp leap in his career, in his biography, probably begins. he goes to the city of st. petersburg, er, where, after several months of preparation, he takes external exams for the full course of the naval corps. at the admiralty, he worked on expeditions to the arctic ocean and the caspian sea, explored the mouth of the kolyma and studied the novaya zemlya archipelago. during the russo-japanese war of 1904-5 , he commanded minomoska in the amur bay, a man of honor, a devoted comrade and a responsible worker. this is how sidov’s colleagues knew him, but the most striking episode of his life was, of course, the expedition to the north pole. in 1909 there were already two polar explorers, two americans. declared their rights to reach the north pole, but on the other hand, many scientists of that time believed that this could be a falsification,
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they did not trust it, and let’s say, the russian geographical society was in no hurry to exterminate the winners. amonsen wants, at all costs, to leave the honor of the discovery behind norway and the north pole. he wants to go in 1913, and we will go this year and prove it to the whole world. that the russians were capable of this feat, then nothing could stop him, neither the refusal of state funding, nor the compressed preparation time, an unrented old norwegian schooner, the expedition was raised by donation, and even emperor nicholas ii, as a private individual, contributed 10,000 rubles, but in the end they managed to collect less than half of the required amount. the thaw of ice in 12 was abnormally difficult; due to many delays, saint phocas left arkhangelsk. very late, only at the end of august, on august 27, the ship was covered in ice not where it was planned, but much to the south of another archipelago, the archipelago is a new land, and
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this was preceded by a terrible storm, almost 12 the first winter lasted for months, then there was a second, in total georgy sydov’s expedition spent a year and a half in the polar ice, in difficult conditions, the purchased provisions turned out to be unusable, there was not enough warm clothing, there was so little fuel that sometimes there was snow in the cabins. but sidov and his team during this time collected invaluable information from the new land, compiled detailed maps of some islands, carried out meteorological observations, and they simply spent the winter on this very quiet bay, this is already a huge contribution, then this bay, it became the place where our polar station was created, this is the point where... the experiment itself spent the winter and from where he set out on his last trip.
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chyukov twice visited the site of the supposed burial of georgy syudov on the northernmost island of rudolf, skied the route that he managed to overcome on a sleigh with two sailors at -40 with one hundred percent humidity due to the proximity of the ocean, without maps, having lost 23 kg, sedov demanded do not deviate from the cherished north. the three of us will go on dogs, taking them with us.
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oceanographic researchers. the museum, in his homeland, appeared only in 1990, thanks to purposeful enthusiasts like him. and just like once upon a time, the house of the sedov family, it stands open to the sea waves and winds. on november 27, at the end of last year, there was a very strong, stormy wind, and water, of course, entered our museum premises. i was in the exhibition hall. we removed the water from the exhibits on our own, dried them, and with the help of special machines we freed the museum premises from water. here they dream of a major overhaul, which has not happened since foundations, and about the open -air exhibition, and it’s great that now a modest museum in the dpr can cooperate with large arctic museums throughout russia. they have two nature reserves there, with these stone women, so it’s generally possible here.
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so, borely’s proposal to use russian assets to finance military assistance to kiev leads to the destruction of the foundations of international law. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov to the eu countries, they proposed using 90% of the profits from russian assets for military assistance ukraine. the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on...


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